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19 Sentences With "mental association"

How to use mental association in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "mental association" and check conjugation/comparative form for "mental association". Mastering all the usages of "mental association" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So, too, with Takamasa Yoshizaka's Inter-University Seminar House (22016), an inverted concrete frustum that is at once technically inspiring and ancient-seeming — recalling, if only through dim mental association, the elementary structures of ruins and villages.
When you think of Chili's—or of a rack of sauce-smothered, glistening baby back ribs—it's very, very likely that your first mental association is not of a particular flavor, or even a particular dining experience, but of a song.
Spencer, as suggested before, is the author of this extended view of mental association.
Methods founded chiefly on the so-called laws of association (cf. Mental association) were taught with some success in Germany.A simplified form of Feinaigle's method was published by Aimé Paris (Principes et applications diverses de la mnémonique, 7th ed., Paris, 1834).
The causes and classification of mental illnesses are considered irrelevant in the Recovery method. Recovery members are simply viewed as people who have developed disturbing symptom-reactions leading to ill-controlled behavior. Symptoms are threatening sensations; including feelings, impulses, and obsessive thoughts. The phrase, "symptomatic idiom" describes the mental association of danger with symptoms.
Further, his conception of the laws determining the interaction and flow of mental presentations and representations, when taken in its bare psychological import, was essentially similar to theirs. In Friedrich Eduard Beneke's psychology also and in more recent inquiries conducted mainly by physiologists, mental association has been understood in its wider scope, as a general principle of explanation.
Meas went on to work as a campaign manager for Rady Mom, but the two men later had a falling-out. He challenged Mom unsuccessfully for the 18th Middlesex District seat in the 2018 Massachusetts general election. Outside of politics, Meas has worked at the State Street Corporation and also owns a grocery store in Lynn, Massachusetts. He has served on the board of directors of the North Suffolk Mental Association.
367–372; 4.1.2–4.1.7 These relations included mathematical relations, scientific relations such as co-existence and succession, and the relations of identity and difference. It was left to the Scottish philosopher David Hume to reduce these kinds of mental association to three: "To me there appears to be only three principles of connexion among ideas namely Resemblance, Contiguity in time or place, and Cause or Effect".Hume D. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Cohen R. (ed.) Bantam, London, 1965) p.
Although he probably continued to fear various furry objects for a time, Albert would likely go on to experience extinction later in life, losing the mental association between furry objects and loud noises. Nonetheless, the experiment today would be considered unethical according to the American Psychological Association's ethic code, and legislation has been passed to prevent such potentially harmful experiments.The Belmont Report – Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research — Regulations and Policy; Website (Download and Video available);; US Dept.
Association of ideas, or mental association, is a process by which representations arise in consciousness, and also for a principle put forward by an important historical school of thinkers to account generally for the succession of mental phenomena. The term is now used mostly in the history of philosophy and of psychology. One idea was thought to follow another in consciousness if it were associated by some principle. The three commonly asserted principles of association were similarity, contiguity, and contrast, numerous others had been added by the nineteenth century.
Troisi and Wrigh (2017) claimed that food consumption of food is not only out of hunger, but also for its emotional, cultural and symbolic meanings. To prove that idea, an empirical research was done to analyse how food works in both physical and mental aspects. After the research, they concluded that people's thought, desire and evolution for particular food depend on their mental association and social psychological processes. On other word, both biological and psychological needs affect food choice, implying that comfort food can be applied in psychology.
The political slogan, 'Good Government', was used in English-speaking countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It appears in the Canadian political maxim "Peace, order and good government." Like many other political slogans, its meaning is not literal, but was constructed to express a specific partisan stance, rather than being a common phrase which acquired a more obscure meaning by public mental association. The phrase came into existence by those political groups who abhorred the results of the expansion of the political franchise, and who wanted to get those people out of office.
Meynert's work was largely focused on brain anatomy, pathology and histology, including the mapping of its intricate pathways and topography. He made many contributions involving the study of the cellular architecture of the brain and is often considered to be the founder of cerebral cortex cytoarchitectonics. Meynert developed theories in regards to correlations between neuroanatomical and mental processes. He conceptualized that a coupling between one mental association and its temporal successor as a literal contact between cortical nerve cells linked to one other by nerve fibers, and a series of cortical associations could therefore be construed as being a "train of thought".
Purple Rhapsody has a duration of roughly 18 minutes and is composed in one continuous movement. Tower described the origins of the title in the score program notes, writing, "The sound of the viola has always reminded me of the color purple-a deep kind of luscious purple." This mental association was also reflected in her work Wild Purple, her first solo viola composition for Paul Neubauer. When writing for the viola, Tower says she tries to make the instrument "sing", making optimal use of the instruments melodic characteristics, something that is often difficult to achieve.
The Associationist School was composed chiefly of British thinkers, but in France also it had distinguished representatives. Of these it will suffice to mention Condillac, who professed to explain all knowledge from the single principle of association (liaison) of ideas, operating through a previous association with signs, verbal or other. In Germany, before the time of Immanuel Kant, mental association was generally treated in the traditional manner, as by Christian Wolff. Kant's inquiry into the foundations of knowledge, agreeing in its general purport with Locke's, however it differed in its critical procedure, brought him face to face with the newer doctrine that had been grafted on Locke's philosophy.
Bipolar disorder is one of the main mental disorders said to inspire creativity, as the manic episodes are typically characterised by prolonged and elevated periods of energy. In her book Touched with Fire, American clinical psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison wrote that 38% of writers and poets had been treated for a type of mood disorder, and virtually all creative writers and artists (89%) had experienced "intense, highly productive, and creative episodes". These were characterised by "pronounced increases in enthusiasm, energy, self-confidence, speed of mental association, fluency of thought and elevated mood". Although mania is characterized by reckless and possibly self-destructive behavior, in milder forms, the energy and free-flowing thinking of mania can fuel creativity.
Similarly, a non- sponsor may choose to solely sponsor the event's telecast by a broadcaster, but not the event itself. The factual acknowledgment of a non-sponsor's involvement with the participants in an event by, for example, a television host or commentator, can also be considered an incidental form of coattail marketing, as it provides additional unpaid publicity to the brand. Most forms of indirect ambush marketing involve a non-sponsor making use of imagery, themes, and values similar to what the event and campaigns from official sponsors express, either positively or negatively, and without making specific references to the event itself or its trademarks. In essence, the advertiser markets itself using content that evokes a mental association with the event, and as a result, appeals to those who are aware of the event.
The idea behind shape notes is that the parts of a vocal work can be learned more quickly and easily if the music is printed in shapes that match up with the solfège syllables with which the notes of the musical scale are sung. For instance, in the four-shape tradition used in the Sacred Harp and elsewhere, the notes of a C major scale are notated and sung as follows: The C major scale in shape notes A skilled singer experienced in a shape note tradition has developed a fluent triple mental association, which links a note of the scale, a shape, and a syllable. This association can be used to help in reading the music. When a song is first sung by a shape note group, they normally sing the syllables (reading them from the shapes) to solidify their command over the notes.
David Hartley is the thinker most precisely identified with the Associationist School. In his Observations on Man, published in 1749 (11 years after Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature and one year after the better known An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding), opened the path for all the investigations of like nature that have been so characteristic of English psychology. A physician by profession, he sought to combine with an elaborate theory of mental association a minutely detailed hypothesis as to the corresponding action of the nervous system, based upon the suggestion of a vibratory motion within the nerves thrown out by Isaac Newton in the last paragraph of the Principia. So far, however, from promoting the acceptance of the psychological theory, this physical hypothesis proved to have rather the opposite effect, and it began to be dropped by Hartley's followers (as Joseph Priestley, in his abridged edition of the Observations, 1775) before it was seriously impugned from without.

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