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153 Sentences With "Masters of the Universe"

How to use Masters of the Universe in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Masters of the Universe" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Masters of the Universe". Mastering all the usages of "Masters of the Universe" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The accountants and bankers are the modern masters of the universe.
The '80s cult classic, Masters of the Universe is turning 30 years old.
"It's condescension from the clever people, the masters of the universe," he said.
The "Masters of the Universe" remake will feature Noah Centineo as He-Man.
Mattel has its own line of Masters of the Universe figures available over on MattyCollector.
BACK IN THE 1980s, Tom Wolfe described Wall Street traders as "masters of the universe".
It's something we forgot in our rush to venerate the new masters of the universe.
Homemade Movies recreated the '80s intro to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
By the mid-1990s the classes on finance were jammed with wannabe masters of the universe.
Then these fiscally conservative masters of the universe go way over budget, leaving me huge tips.
In April, you'll get stuff from Dungeons & Dragons, God of War, Marvel, and Masters of the Universe.
But they are not quite the self-anointed masters of the universe of the pre-crisis era.
The masters of the universe had more colorful words in private — they're deeply pessimistic about health care.
Gonjasufi: Well, I was born in San Diego, from the old-school Masters of the Universe crew.
Despite our pretensions as budding masters of the universe, we remain misshapen cogs in the cosmic machine.
Skeletor, a fictional character from media franchise "Masters of the Universe" is as creepy as he sounds.
As with Hillary Clinton, the liberal Masters of the Universe presumed Mr. Crowley would win his primary (again).
The original show premiered in 1985 as a spin-off to the successful Masters of the Universe series.
Central bankers usurped the titans of Wall Street as the masters of the universe almost a decade ago.
An edge of defiance creeping into her voice, she recalled having dealt with overbearing Masters of the Universe.
Young future Masters of the Universe were standing with phones, monitoring the numbers, saying things, buying and selling.
In addition, Mattel has partnered with Sony to bring a "Masters of the Universe" film to the big screen.
In business, Trump was never accepted in the pantheon of corporate titans and Wall Street masters of the universe.
We may not be masters of the universe, but our astronomers are masterful at taking apart the celestial clocks.
Netflix heartthrob Noah Centineo confirmed he'll be stepping into He-Man's shoes for the announced Masters of the Universe remake.
Mattel is also working with Sony on a Masters of the Universe film about He-Man and his nemesis Skeletor.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe was one of the tent pole cartoons/toy lines of the '80s.
I think Masters of the Universe has always been about the villains as much as it is about the heroes.
Such artifice transforms men into masters of the universe, and paper into the ill-fitting harnesses that govern our globe.
It is also working with Sony (SNE) on a Masters of the Universe film about He-Man and his nemesis Skeletor.
And current national polls would seem to rebut the assumption among the Masters of the Universe that Sanders can't beat Trump.
He's talking about the deer, but for these "Masters of the Universe" types, he could be talking about all living things.
Once "masters of the universe", bankers are now viewed with the same contempt that people reserve for politicians, and even journalists.
That's because they're not criminal masterminds or masters of the universe – just opportunistic leeches feeding off a broken global financial system.
Then you have the media's treatment of CEOs as masters of the universe who are singularly responsible for making companies grow.
Eventually the masters of the universe came in and took their seats around me: Henry Kissinger, Lloyd Blankfein, oligarchs by the dozen.
We apparently had a thing for Godspeed You Black Emperor, seasons 1 and 2 of The Dinosaurs, and Masters of the Universe.
Smith announced the news of "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" this past weekend at Power-Con which was held in Anaheim, California.
We're now witness to an incriminating census of heavyweights, the Masters of the Universe in a perp walk: The list goes on.
Today's masters of the universe, for instance, are donating at a much younger age and taking a much more hands-on approach.
Years before Mr. Wolfe's Masters of the Universe, gangsters like Al Capone wore the pattern to convey bravado and a sense of orderliness.
But I should have done it the Masters Of The Universe way and called it "Groin Grippor," with an –or at the end.
My pitch focused very, very heavily on the characters because that's always been the main course of the Masters of the Universe world.
The 22-year-old is in talks to play He-Man in the upcoming Masters of the Universe movie, according to Entertainment Weekly.
However, there is a part of the industry that is quietly killing it — it's not the "Masters of the Universe" — it's the machines.
Sometimes, reminding the leadership teams that they are neither the masters of the universe nor a losing locker room makes all the difference.
The share prices of most of the big American banks have lagged the stockmarket since 2008—none too impressive for masters of the universe.
God knows what the masters of the universe are thinking this evening as they realize they have a blank check for the foreseeable future.
The masters of the universe who devised it, meanwhile, will likely walk away enriched, and policymakers must reckon with how they enabled the carnage.
The next time the Masters of the Universe come knocking with a buyout proposal, a smart company may want to lock the boardroom door.
This is what we have witnessed in the recent nationalist wave: a reaction by the invisible and marginalized to globalization's masters of the universe.
He'll next appear in the Charlie's Angels reboot, and is currently in talks to play He-Man in an upcoming Masters of the Universe film.
The movie is based on the popular Mattel toy figures that spurned the 80's cartoon show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
The movie is based on the popular Mattel toy figures that spurned the 80's cartoon show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
In short, the new masters of the universe might not understand what makes a modern economy tick and their well-intentioned actions could prove harmful.
Fourteen years later, and perhaps thanks to the influential example of President Trump, the masters of the universe have apparently learned to post to it.
Earlier this year, rumors swirled that Centineo was in talks to portray superhero He-Man in an upcoming reboot of Mattel's Masters of the Universe franchise.
"The owners of the platform giants consider themselves the masters of the universe, but in fact they are slaves to preserving their dominant position," he said.
All this is in stark contrast with the idea of fund managers as "masters of the universe" or the Thatcherite mantra, "You can't buck the markets".
So what brought these wannabe masters of the universe to Cuba, a country that in real life is just now beginning to open to foreign investment?
My clients have always been millionaire-types, "masters of the universe," CEOs, owners of hedge funds, entrepreneurs, partners in law firms, investment bankers, and entertainment executives.
Daleks were like masters of the universe, but according to this questionnaire, I worked out that a Dalek should be entitled to a blue disability badge.
Mr. Arnault took the principles of the masters of the universe — the corporate raiders of New York in the 1980s — and applied them to European luxury.
Care Bears, My Little Pony, Nerf Blasters and the Masters of the Universe action figures, which feature He-Man and She-Ra, round out the list.
In New York, which is teaming with millionaires and billionaires and masters of the universe, Central Park Tower is selling the physical experience of utter domination.
View-Master offers Experience Packs like Batman The Animated Series™ and Masters Of The Universe®, designed for the Deluxe VR Viewer for optimal virtual reality.
The whole thing makes Faso look like a mouthpiece for ultra-wealthy masters of the universe, and Teachout just about calls the super PAC money a bribe.
Mitt Romney was a powder-cocaine Republican, a socially acceptable xenophobe offering a high that made whites feel like masters of the universe: Still in charge here!
And your suggestion is that for these hyperconfident masters of the universe who are VCs, explaining to everyone how they're gonna get to 10x and escape velocity.
Central bankers might have been the masters of the universe of the past decade, but they know well what happened to the previous holders of that title.
Being universal — that is, for the homeless and the masters of the universe alike — the program would be free of the cumbersome assessments required to determine eligibility.
Treasury Secretary Lew tried to calm the gathered masters of the universe about recent turmoil in global markets amid a slowdown in China and plunging oil prices.
" The reaction: Breitbart hyped the op-ed, making it the splash on its homepage with the sell line: "House Majority Leader calls out masters of the universe.
Even the hedge funds, those supposed "masters of the universe", haven't been able to do it; Warren Buffett looks set to win a $20.6m bet on the issue.
These are revealed dramatically in the poll of CEOs released in January 2015 at the Davos conference of "masters of the universe," as the business press describes them.
Wall Street — the so-called masters of the universe and the underlings who serve them — should be smart enough to know a real deal when they see one.
Maybe don't get too excited: There's always the threat of the same old masters of the universe getting behind the new internet and finding a way to reassert control.
There's a robot that responds to voice commands; a toy model of Castle Grayskull from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe; Transformers strewn around, in ridiculous positions.
It also seemed to be coming from the left, in terms of income inequality and growing recognition that this generation's Masters of the Universe don't work on Wall Street.
If billionaires like Bloomberg aren't masters of the universe, they are at least used to shaping or running their particular corners of the world—companies, whole industries, entire cities.
When business leaders said more foreign workers would help the economy, Mr. Sessions mocked them for playing "masters of the universe" from behind the high fences of their estates.
Chelsea Field is best known for playing the super hot warrior Teela -- opposite Billy Barty as the interdimensional locksmith Gwildor -- in the 1987 He-Man masterpiece 'Masters of the Universe.
And coming up, he's the male lead in Elizabeth Banks' Charlie Angels reboot and headlines his first action film as He-Man in the anticipated Masters of the Universe remake.
It is in this closed ideological loop that we wannabe masters of the universe often struggle to think clearly about the common good or what it takes to achieve it.
A gambler, Bobby watches Billie Jean on TV but hangs with masters of the universe, male cigar chompers and scotch swirlers who think nothing of betting away a Rolls-Royce.
The masters of the universe who work upstairs (and whose families are penthoused nearby) are used to having it all, and Saks seems determined to offer it all to them.
"There are lot of masters of the universe who think he may not be their cup of tea, but he's been a godsend," said Mr. Bremmer of the Eurasia Group.
ATILLA ILKSONWoodstock, New York You said that the first transatlantic cable ran between Liverpool and New York, carrying cotton prices, and was completed in 1866 ("Masters of the universe", October 5th).
Geek's Guide to the Galaxy host David Barr Kirtley blames Conan the Barbarian for popularizing this image, which also shows up in films like Masters of the Universe and The Beastmaster.
They are being accepted by leaders who are perfectly sane, just as the risks of environmental catastrophe are being faced with eyes open, and ignored, by the masters of the universe.
He's currently working on a "Masters of the Universe" series for Netflix and a "Howard the Duck" animated project for Marvel, assuming each project might be his last, but not morbidly so.
If Mad Men was about the hidden frailty of its white-guy masters of the universe, then The Romanoffs is mostly about people trying to speak that language again and failing badly.
The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Deluxe EditionBy Tim and Steve Seeley (Dark Horse Comics) I didn't think this book would be as good as it is.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, warned that artificial intelligence could become "masters of the universe," taking over high-level decision-making at companies, with potentially frightening consequences.
The time of Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America," of Tom Wolfe's Masters of the Universe, of Krystle Carrington and Alexis Colby has been experiencing something of a resurgence in the designer imagination.
"Billions" isn't a exactly comedy, but the psychology it assigns to these two Masters-of-the-Universe types emphasizes the absurd gulf between their intellectual capacity and their raw, bone-stupid masculinity.
A cartoon series, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, propelled the franchise into a pop culture phenomenon, and the first film debuted in 1987, with Dolph Lundgren playing the titular character.
The Cannon Group was already showing cracks in its facade when Over The Top was released, and Superman IV: The Quest For Peace and Masters Of The Universe would soon finish the job.
He does it in every context -- he could be speaking to a convention of laborers or a conference of masters of the universe," said D'Antonio, author of the book "The Truth About Trump.
Yes, the Masters of the Universe can turn to Prada's new custom program for an exquisite suit in fine fabrics (like vicuña or kid mohair) that will set them back a few grand.
Noah Centineo is currently preparing to play He-Man in the upcoming remake of Masters of the Universe, and the the 53-year-old actor is well-aware of the magnitude of his role.
The ruthlessly satirical video shows that Care Bears, Tom & Jerry, Transformers, Superman, Pinnochio, Super Mario, and the Masters of the Universe are all helpless against xenophobia, factory farms, poverty, war, consumerism, corruption, and war.
Slow to integrate, and with only male members until seven years ago, the private club is among the most exclusive playgrounds in the country, a haven for masters of the universe and Southern aristocracy.
As a senator, Sessions called business interests that lobby for more liberal immigration laws "masters of the universe" and questioned why the DOJ hadn't pressed charges against the companies that contributed to the financial crisis.
This documentary shows the company's rise as Hollywood bad boys, and fall when they tried to get too big time by making the He-Man movie "Masters of the Universe" and Tobe Hooper's failure "Lifeforce."
I just think that if the people on Sand Hill Road are really sort of the new masters of the universe, the new kingmakers and queenmakers, and this is all they've got, that's pretty lame.
On the surface, fund closures are the norm in a cut-throat industry: every year hundreds of fund managers call it quits, only to be replaced by yet more would-be masters of the universe.
Although surrounded by a fine cast, De Niro's the main draw here, portraying Madoff's varying shades -- able to charm masters of the universe out of millions one moment and callously dismissing his children the next.
His first try at fiction was "The Bonfire of the Vanities" in 1987, which captured the cultural feel of free-wheeling Wall Street "masters of the universe" as well as his non-fiction books did.
In the evenings, masters of the universe will hop from, say, a dinner hosted by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, to a wine party sponsored by Anthony Scaramucci, the financier and former Trump administration official.
Revealed about a week ago, the line features four of the more popular Masters of the Universe characters—He-Man, Skeletor, Mer-Man, and Beastman—as 3.75-inch tall retro figures that include a weapon accessory.
It is Pisthetaerus, the cleverer of this Laurel-and-Hardy-like pair, who convinces Epops and his followers that, with the right strategy, birds could become masters of the universe, replacing even the gods of Olympus.
Yet when the event was later immortalized online, at least one infamous individual was missing from the names of the masters of the universe who had gathered for the evening: the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
But acting as principled guardians confines other creatures to a lower plane—and the idea that humans are the special masters of the universe, charged with administration of who lives and thrives and dies, seems outdated.
After decades in which Wall Street masters of the universe were lionized in the media and popular culture, star investment bankers — rich, usually white men in nice suits — just don't match the popular image of criminals.
Mattel, high on the success of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, spun off the animated series with Filmation, its He-Man animation production partner, to create a show that would appeal to little girls.
"She's tied into a dirty little secret and that is that even moneyed spouses, the so-called masters of the universe, need a lot of help before, during and after the divorce process," said Mr. Clair, 65.
" Some fans speculate the new beard color is for his upcoming role as He-Man in the remake of Masters of the Universe, as one fan responded to the actor on Twitter "Prepping for he-man dude?
Nathan takes the kind of offense that masters of the universe often take when someone from downslope on the power gradient disagrees with them, but for a moment it's as if the movie itself is also taken aback.
Today, Super7 announced its bushel of Masters of the Universe retro exclusives for Comic-Con 2018, and there's some fun stuff—ReAction styled She-Ra, Princess of Power figures, little collectible She-Ra miniatures, and then... oh, and then.
The original series, which launched in 1985 as a companion to the Mattel-backed He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, features a princess named Adora who transforms into the heroine She-Ra to fight the evil Horde.
Granted, an apocalyptic belief in the final, definitive loss of 2613 or so years of economic and cultural supremacy will do that to you—the fall has been long in coming; masters of the universe should've been better prepared.
He wants to take down the masters of the universe, who rule from their closed-off boardrooms, not just because they've built a cruel, exploitative world, but because he believes his sister and friends and imaginary father figure deserve something better.
Speaking with The Guardian in 2016, Ishiguro expressed discomfort at how these innovations, in the hands of "the Silicon Valley masters of the universe," are happening outside of public institutions and away from the public eye, but with implications for everyone.
Those images were the first stills from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Stevenson's upcoming Netflix reboot of the 1980s Filmation / Mattel collaboration She-Ra: Princess of Power, a companion show to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
The View-Master Deluxe VR Viewer offers affordably-priced experiences ($9.99-$12.99) that take you on adventures with Batman in Gotham City, He-Man in Masters of the Universe, in the Jurassic era with National Geographic Dinosaurs and so much more.
If, like Donald Trump , you divide the world into winners and losers, into deal-closing masters of the universe and their patsies, then, after the events of recent days, you would surely place Trump himself in the category he reviles.
From there, it moved on to the Pool, the restaurant designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson in the Seagram Building on Park Avenue, itself one of the first modernist skyscrapers, where masters of the universe traditionally lunch.
And the under-a-million listing price ($214,213) gave aspiring masters of the universe — junior agents at William Morris and design-minded directors with a few IMDB credits — the hope that they, too, could bed down under a floating Lautner roof.
This is just genre boilerplate, in a way, but it also confirms that at present the genre's default ideology is a variant of the masters-of-the-universe libertarianism that energizes some of the most vocal sectors of the American ruling class.
After a decade in which hedge fund assets nearly doubled, there are several signs that the golden era for the $215.1 trillion industry may be on the wane, draining the influence of fund managers who once considered themselves masters of the universe.
So while they're not sweating losing gigs to the robots, millennials are just as likely to rule our robot friends like malevolent masters of the universe, ensuring that the robot uprising will be bloody no matter which generation is in charge when it happens.
And Wolfe who called Wall Street traders "Masters of the Universe" in his brilliant novel "Bonfire of the Vanities" which like most of his writing was a fictional look at the rich and poor divide in the Bronx based on actual deep dive reporting.
Photo by Justin Staple San Diego's Sumach Ecks has been releasing music since the early 90s as part of the local scene's Masters of the Universe crew, but it wasn't until 2010's A Sufi and a Killer that Ecks became the experimental luminary known as Gonjasufi.
"Mattel is the owner of one of the strongest catalogues of children and family entertainment in the world, think Barbie, Hotwheels, American Girl, Fisher Price, Masters of the Universe, Thomas the Tank Engine ... Ageless, timeless, generational, iconic brands," Kreiz told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street " on Tuesday.
"Mattel is the owner of one of the strongest catalogs of children and family entertainment in the world — think Barbie, Hot Wheels, American Girl, Fisher-Price, Masters of the Universe, Thomas the Tank Engine ... Ageless, timeless, generational, iconic brands," Kreiz told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street " in October.
There was a real magic to walking along streets that were crowded not just with masters of the universe but also punk-rock youths with mohawks (real ones, not fauxhawks) and cross-dressing hookers outside the Port Authority and Rastafarian guys whispering, "Smoke, smoke," all over the village.
This could be what you see in theaters sometime soon, as Hello Kitty, the movie, has been commissioned by production company New Line, to be written by Lindsay Beer, who penned Masters of the Universe, Transformers: The Last Knight, and also worked on Godzilla Vs. Kong and Star Trek.
Mondo tends to deal primarily in high-end collectibles, and the first two releases in this new Masters of the Universe line reflect that: The He-Man figure is priced at $160 and the Mondo-exclusive He-Man — which includes a bonus, swappable Skeletor head — is priced at $165.
The red tie has, as it happens, become rather omnipresent in the current administration, thanks largely to President Trump, who himself tends to favor a tie of that hue, in part because of its historical associations with the Masters of the Universe as well as with Ronald Reagan.
Kids who were growing up in the 1980s now have kids of their own — and low and behold, things like Care Bears and Masters of the Universe are suddenly enjoying a resurgence as grown-ups want to give their kids the same toys that they grew up with.
At the highest levels of power in the finance and tech industries, there is one gold standard, one unifying symbol that binds together all self-styled masters of the universe, all the titans of industry: the Patagonia Nano Puff vest with an embroidered corporate logo, also know as the Power Vest.
As his fame grew, he became a regular at gatherings of the great and the good, presenting talks at TED (a series of conferences supposed to give novel ideas an airing; his were much better than most) and attending Davos, an annual gathering of the masters of the universe in Switzerland.
Bolder leaders might have commenced far-reaching, no-holds-barred investigations into our financial system well before Obama took office or was even elected, pushing for indictments of those masters of the universe at AIG, Bear Stearns, and Goldman Sachs who did so much to bring down the world economy.
Beating back the world's richest man is an adrenaline shot for activists, lawmakers and ordinary people across the country who are sick of a status quo in which states grovel before the corporate masters of the universe, competing to see who can come up with the most expensive package of goodies for them.
Along with promoting "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" (which opens in select theaters October 15), he's the showrunner on the upcoming Netflix anime series "Masters of the Universe: Revelation," and recently announced he will be making "Clerks 3," which will focus on the franchise's main character, Randal, recovering from a heart attack.
The knowing wink to the idea that the complications of this world boil down to an arcane, impossible-to-understand plot carried out by the secret masters of the universe keeps the film from disappearing into its own ponderousness and allows you to hang with it until the next big action moment.
The scenes in which Wendy counsels Axelrod's gaggle of mini-Gekkos to power down their insecurities and pump up their egos enough to assume their God-given roles as masters of the universe are patently absurd, yet Ms. Siff brings such a placid intensity that they're still some of the best of the show.
Inside his office, you'll see animation cels from "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," a 1980s animated show that achieved cult status, an original comic book page from "Dune," a signed watercolor of the singer George Clinton by Overton Loyd and a thrift store painting of Elvis in various stages in his career.
As Alan Shipnuck recounts, in " The Battle for Augusta National: Hootie, Martha, and the Masters of the Universe ," published in 2004, the club hired a Washington consulting company, WomanTrend, run by Kellyanne Conway, which produced a survey whose finding was that Augusta National's membership policies were not topmost on the list of women's concerns.
Facebook CEO Mark ZuckerbergMark Elliot ZuckerbergFacebook users in lawsuit say company failed to warn them of known risks before 28500 breach Social media never intended to be in the news business — but just wait till AI takes over Facebook exploring deals with media outlets for news section: report MORE's testimonies to Congress last week mark the degradation of the social networks from the masters of the universe to ungovernable Frankenstein monsters.
While Silicon Valley's raison d'être is making platforms, apps and algorithms to create maximum efficiency in life and work (a "friction-free" world, as Bill Gates once put it), when it comes to their own families (and developing their own businesses, too), the new masters of the universe have a different sense of what it takes to learn and innovate — it's a slow, indirect process, meandering not running, allowing for failure and serendipity, even boredom.
T and the Women (7/1)Election (7/1)Embrace of the Serpent (43/20)The Eternal (7/1)Everybody's Fine (393/383)Evolution (373/363)The Fourth War (353/343)Friends with Kids (333/323)Get Real (313/303)The Glass Castle (231/234)Go (237/236)Heart of Nuba (237/2331)The Honeymooners (233/3)House Arrest (232/232)Hustle & Flow (7/1)In a World (7/9)Incident at Loch Ness (7/1)The Indian in the Cupboard (13/1)Into the Blue (7/31)Invaders from Mars (7/1)Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (7/1)Jeepers Creepers (7/1)John Grisham's The Rainmaker (23/1)Just Before I Go (7/1)Killer Klowns from Outer Space (27/26)The Ladies Man (21/27)Ladybugs (26/24)Last Castle (213/220)Leaning into the Wind (21/24)The Legend of Bagger Vance (27/26)Le Ride (21/22)The Lost Wife of Robert Durst (27/213)The Manchurian Candidate (243/27)Masters of the Universe (21/23)Maximum Overdrive (27/21)The Mechanic (21/22)Midnight in Paris (27/21)Mimic (273/27)Monkey Shines: An Experiment in Fear (27/213)The Monster Squad (21/27)Murphy's Law (26/24)Next (25/27)Number One with a Bullet (263/22)One Direction: This is Us (27/28)Oscar Pistorius: Blade Runner Killer (21/27)The Phantom (21/22)P.

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