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"masochistic" Definitions
  1. getting sexual pleasure from being hurt or controlled by somebody else
  2. (informal) getting pleasure from something that most people would find unpleasant or painful

236 Sentences With "masochistic"

How to use masochistic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "masochistic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "masochistic". Mastering all the usages of "masochistic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He is masochistic to his marrow — not just sexually.
It's hard to pick a highlight for the masochistic viewer.
Rick is soft and masochistic, prone to fits of tears.
This may sound like some sort of masochistic mind experiment.
Putting her body through these ordeals, however, is hardly masochistic.
It was very masochistic, and it's so fucked, I know.
Nevertheless, he explored his masochistic side while he was there.
So I don't regret committing to this masochistic rejection project.
What is being applauded if not their endurance, their masochistic rigor?
A masochistic hookup, with bruises pebbling his body, whom she bites.
All of this data provides a clear picture of your masochistic practises.
Outside the running community, the idea might seem quirky, or even masochistic.
If your flavor of entertainment borders on masochistic, this is for you.
The humbling religious acts of suffering or asceticism are both heavily masochistic.
The detective wonders whether his client takes masochistic pleasure in the humiliation.
She used it, as actors are meant to, in our masochistic craft.
"I am not masochistic, but ours is risky work," Mr. Mille said.
That something is a masochistic propensity to want what you cannot have.
But, you're here for Ben's ripped yoga that eventually becomes masochistic saging, right?
The army I'd seen was hierarchical, tyrannical, masochistic, and violent, it horrified me.
Customers with a masochistic bent order their pork steaks dipped a third time.
What is it about cartoons that might have inspired such startling, masochistic imagery?
You know, like Jackass-level masochistic hooliganism and building halfpipes in their living room.
Unless you're feeling masochistic, you probably won't have to come out to your parents.
Honorable West Germans were appalled and self-critical in a manner bordering on masochistic.
Your school didn't invent masochistic time-killers like The Circle Game or Bloody Knuckles.
Skövde, Sweden Kid, Feral's new Paul-McCartney-gone-masochistic album, Live and Let's Die!
"After answering these questions, I suspect I have some lurking masochistic tendencies," she said.
Steelhead aficionados ratchet that optimism up to a near fanatical — if not masochistic — level.
But this view makes it hard to state the distinguishing features of sado-masochistic sex.
Why do we still idealize such masochistic, obsessive, and—sorry to say it—stupid behavior?
Maybe fatherhood will give BoJack the peace his masochistic, ego-driven lifestyle has never offered.
For Irish wit or Wilkinson, memory is masochistic and tinted with elegy, regret, or unease.
Even more masochistic, the good times with Perry won't stop playing over in her mind.
I can't speak for my possibly masochistic colleagues but, for me, that makes no sense.
What began as a kicky story idea became a masochistic march through voids of meaning.
"Icarus" begins with Mr. Fogel describing his lifelong cycling obsession as a largely masochistic one.
His fellow employee, Audrey (Blanchard), is a masochistic sweetheart who is dating a sadistic dentist.
But not really final, because... Bogut's masochistic relationship to getting dunked on knows no bounds.
For men with masochistic preferences, the desire for denial and humiliation may also lead toward cuckolding.
It feels as much like a natural progression as it does a sort of masochistic calling.
I'd hate to be constantly reminded of current events, but maybe you're more masochistic than me.
Relationships are already hard — was it masochistic to willingly upgrade to the extra-difficult interfaith version?
"Emma and Max" is always fascinating to look at, even if it's in a masochistic way.
It should've stayed a one-season miniseries instead of an ongoing masochistic nightmare disguised as entertainment.
They're best described as punctilious sybarites — "the most masochistic hedonists I'd ever met," as Bosker writes.
But most of the characters are so unlikeable that following the series can be borderline masochistic.
No other Republican has crashed so many times only to be resurrected by masochistic Democrats months later.
Again and again, we become unwitting participants in Moreau's sado-masochistic spectacles, his beatific and brooding reveries.
The policies of the Zuma administration towards several of South Africa's key industries bordered on the masochistic.
He then becomes a masochistic circus clown where the highlight of his act is being repeatedly slapped.
A church report later acknowledged that the priest had admitted to "sado-masochistic" activities with several boys.
Connell struggles with depression, while Marianne has a masochistic streak that verges on a desire for annihilation.
Little surprise that the industry, which has always had a sort of masochistic bent, fell in love.
The Hodels are apparently masochistic nihilists, causing trouble and wreaking havoc just for fun, at least for now.
While we're all workshopping The Bachelor and its masochistic format, let's chat about Chris Harrison, the franchise's host.
"I'm sure some people love the masochistic side of it," said my coworker, rolling his eyes at me.
The almost masochistic pleasure many took in national self-deprecation was the obverse of earlier and future exceptionalism.
There's also something specific to these runs, and that is the masochistic precision required by the levels themselves.
The sport attracts amateur challenge-seekers, masochistic oddballs and, in recent years, an influx of young elite runners.
The pursuit of pleasure ends in punishment, an outcome that satisfies both our judgmental and our masochistic urges.
What is more, injury isn't just incidental to sado-masochistic sex, but what sets it apart from tame varieties.
So this swim season, why not circumvent the whole masochistic cycle by preventing bikini rash before it sets in?
And staring in a mirror for an entire hour, or slightly more, sounded even more masochistic, given my history.
A few weeks ago, I decided to indulge my masochistic side and sign up for the Ballet Bodies Burn class.
And you'll probably want a Bluetooth controller, unless you have a masochistic love for touch-based third-person shooter controls.
Or, if you're feeling masochistic, you can take on the AI yourself in a limited-time event later this week.
Call us masochistic, but we find the prospect of watching general mediocrity smash itself to bits quite the nose-crinkler.
We didn't care what people in the West thought of us, and we took a masochistic pleasure in not caring.
PCO does some sort of masochistic workout while screaming, while his greasy manager yells at him to keep going harder.
I trust my fingers more than my mind, and it's why I'll spend countless hours with games others see as masochistic.
If you enjoy the slightly masochistic hobby of fantasizing about celebrity apartments you can't afford, have we got something for you.
After all, she knew that part of my job is to test-drive the strangest, most masochistic ways to pursue beauty.
Turns out there are more than a few HK fanatics out there who share in our slightly masochistic reality TV dream.
Waller-Bridge is fantastic as ever, pouring herself into Fleabag's masochistic curiosity and playing an intricate emotional arc to superb effect.
It's a rare salve for the masochistic fanbase that just keeps watching him hurt everyone around him over and over again.
The cult of the founding fathers has become masochistic, as we invoke them to rebuke ourselves for having such petty politicians.
I sometimes torment myself, in my more masochistic moments, by imagining what might have happened had it gone the other way!
Like the Kingda Ka rollercoaster and its record-breaking 418-feet drop, Modern Warfare 2 encourages us to be emotionally masochistic.
It's a contender for best comedic "one-scene wonder" in Bill Murray's gleefully deranged performance as a masochistic dental work enthusiast.
He'd gotten a little lost mid-circuit, and Guterl became the first woman victor in one of running's most epic, masochistic events.
And if you're feeling especially masochistic today, you can watch a video of an entire Trump speech processed by Google's Deep Dream.
To care about and write about the NFL is both my job and my masochistic affliction as a fan of the sport.
A masochistic part of my brain reminds me that I am in this mess because I used a site hosted by AWS.
After all, even the most masochistic among us doesn't want to navigate their way through conversation with a brilliant but cagey artist.
I googled it when I got home, and it was a lot more about masochistic teenage boys and BDSM than I expected.
Some customers stopped in and filled up giant jugs to drink later in what I could only assume was a masochistic challenge.
You can opt out if you prefer not to know or share, but because of masochistic tendencies, I always keep mine on.
I do this willingly and happily, and not as a subconscious rebellion against technology, or out of obligation or some masochistic delight.
Between the 5.5mm-by-2.5mm screen and the esoteric button combinations, playing Tetris with this tool sounds kind of difficult, even masochistic.
He has no political axe to grind, rejecting both the "almost masochistic attitude" of left-wing Americans and "jingoistic works by conservative revisionists".
And for Qual, there has always been a vulgar and masochistic temperament within his music, one that is also dramatic and grotesquely opulent.
"For many of the muscle worshippers, there appears to be a masochistic drive in the desire to be dominated or controlled," she says.
There's a strange, masochistic, self-esteem thing going on with streetwear customers who brave customer service hell to score that limited edition sneaker.
Indiana's magnificent moments in art criticism that stand the test of time include his predatory, masochistic take on the Gilbert and George collaboration.
I'm stepping out on a limb to present fantasies that might be seen as old fashioned, icky, maybe masochistic, or not-so progressive.
Its depictions of two equally ridiculous cities, New York (rainy, morose, masochistic) and LA (sunny, shallow, bubble-headed), ring as true as ever.
Scholars have spent the past several decades upending the old myths that the Middle Ages were intellectual stagnant, emotionally repressed, and merely masochistic.
Pouring time and money into something that's expressly designed to make everyone lose in the long run seems, to me, uniquely masochistic. Anyway!
Zweig's book is a first-person account of a woman's heart-wrenching masochistic love for a famous novelist who unknowingly fathers her child.
I also felt like replaying the whole thing would be a masochistic experience, so I put it down and never picked it back up.
When my editor asked me to attempt to live by Reese's book for a full week, I felt both dark horror and masochistic excitement.
First and foremost: How masochistic do you actually have to be to voluntarily say the already soul-destroying hook of Lil Pump's hit song?
Those erroneous assumptions and many more are reflected in the Twitter thread beneath the poll, which I recommend to anyone with a masochistic streak.
Tom SorrellProfessor, Politics and Philosophy, University of WarwickSado-masochistic sex between consenting adult people can involve injury, and the injury can be enjoyed by participants.
Like other similarly masochistic "challenges" before it (the Kylie Jenner lip challenge comes to mind), the full-body face mask is both painful and unnecessary.
But many in our tiny poll admitted that they were masochistic diners — willing to put up with anything, anywhere, to feast in the open air.
Well, if you live in England, it might as part of a masochistic contest that leaves contestants with black mouths and abraded tongues and throats.
And it felt masochistic in a way, like I was setting myself up for pain and humiliation, like a private way of seeing something bad.
Meanwhile, the audience squirms in complicity, taking both masochistic and sadistic pleasure at a game of cat and mouse in which the roles keep shifting.
We've always loved hangovers in storytelling and art because they provide a narrative opportunity for punishment, masochistic justice, and redemption, all rolled into one blurry scene.
The film comes out wide on December 14th, though if you're masochistic enough, there's a one-night-only release of his director's cut on November 28th.
Brooker may have a knack for correctly predicting the worst, but even the most masochistic audiences can only appreciate "I told you so" so many times.
I find this argument compelling, but Bacon's yearning toward sensational 'wounding' seems most concisely explained (if one wishes a convincing explanation) by Bacon's flagrant masochistic ferocity.
Kierkegaard, at his most Protestant-masochistic, says that Christianity's singularity lies in its understanding of sin; if that's true, it was Paul's singularity rather than Jesus'.
He wants to win every quarter, which is completely unreasonable given his roster but also admirable in a masochistic, no-pain, no-gain sort of way.
It's that the game invites you to play it under increasingly masochistic to eventually downright deranged limitations that only the most dedicated of players ever attempt.
"It took a somewhat masochistic architect to go through and get four very specific variances to legalize the disused church to a residence," Mr. Bremer said.
Here are a few screenshots compared with the old ASCII graphics: [gallery ids="1796812,1796815,1796811,1796818,1796814,1796819,1796816,1796817"] Not that you couldn't get graphics in other ways — gamers aren't that masochistic.
Which is also why it would be delightfully masochistic for the show to pull the rug out from under us at the last moment in Season 8.
"I look forward to starting coalition negotiations on Monday," he said, adding his only concern was the "masochistic way" the SPD had of talking down its successes.
You end up with masochistic back-and-forth of striking and grappling, with the loudest pops reserved for the wrestler who takes it and still comes back.
When I spend intimate time with my partner, I want sex to feel rejuvenating and healing, not dramatic and performative, like it did during my masochistic phase.
On a masochistic loop, TV channels played the lowlights from the match, including Italy's many missed chances and the players falling to the ground at the end.
When I first saw "Thom Pain" at the tiny Soho Theater in London in 2004, its masochistic bleakness lingered on my skin afterward like a toxic slime.
The bumbling players who opened at the Polo Grounds in 1962 and their masochistic fans would be dizzied by the Mets' five-game proximity to first place.
As subway ridership climbs into dangerously unsustainable territory, the tram stands as a reminder that getting around a densely urban environment doesn't have to be a masochistic experience.
If you are one of the masochistic few who loves hearing your phone ring 48 times a day every fourth October, you are about to be sorely disappointed.
We'll find out for sure just how gory, masochistic, and/or gut-bustingly wacky Rock's Saw reboot will be when the thing hits theaters on October 23, 2020.
Your favorite record within yourself is always the one you're working on, but I always say to people that it's almost masochistic to listen to your own music.
What they do ranges from fairly innocuous (tango dancing, yodeling, sushi making, and ventriloquism) to borderline masochistic (bull riding, coal walking, sumo wrestling, and something called "bee bearding").
But I inevitably beat myself up about it, feeling guilty about letting my grief subside then arguing with myself for being masochistic or self-indulgent in my sadness.
Browsing Starting with the ancient Babylonians some 160,000 years ago, humans have marked the new year with a masochistic custom: making resolutions they know they will not keep.
Only an enemy of the people would now try to ignore the election and press ahead regardless with the masochistic version of Brexit that Mrs May put to voters.
It is certainly conceivable that injuries inflicted by a BDSM robot at the command of someone who likes sado-masochistic sex would be enjoyed by the person commanding it.
It is more natural to say that sado-masochistic sex often involves injury and that robots commanded to engage in it cannot at the same time obey Asimov's laws.
So for those interested in the more masochistic elements of Nguyen's game design, you just have to progress a little farther than usual to hit the truly hard parts.
Now with a fresh legion of consumers willing to endure the masochistic experience anew, Dark Souls 3 is dropping for console and PC players outside Japan on April 12th.
It is also what makes him exceptional—not his brilliance or his smile or any other quality, but an almost masochistic willingness to risk his life for the camera.
I can almost feel myself doing it to myself, testing the waters to see if I will sink into it again, like a self-sabotaging, masochistic game I play.
I learned much of the construction craft by reading critiques on the crossword blogs, where midweek puzzles are often savaged, so I harbor a masochistic curiosity in them today.
Op-Ed Contributor Houston — THERE'S something about comparing America's school food to the superior meals in other countries' schools that we seem to enjoy, in a masochistic sort of way.
Controlling the trainer is Evelyn Stevens, an Olympic cyclist who, in 2016, set a world record in one of her sport's most celebrated—and most masochistic—events: the hour record.
The hundreds of deaths you'll face aren't masochistic punishment, they're part of the scientific process, helping you to learn by doing until you have the data to better your enemies.
Mr. Geltner catalogs the classes missed because Mr. Crews was on a binge, the students he slept with, the cocaine, the D.U.I.s, the bar fights he lost with masochistic glee.
Caption: In a more masochistic, earlier privacy experiment, Depoorter wrote a piece of software that randomly posted a screenshot from his computer once a day, unpredictably revealing his most private affairs.
The protocol humans use is to have a key word which allows their partner to distinguish between masochistic appeals to stop which can be ignored, and a real request to stop.
Located in emptied-out hotel suites, these rooms feature amenities like a Saint Andrew's cross, mountable benches, and metal armatures—equipment used for flogging, rope bondage, and other blissfully masochistic activities.
But even with Mr Cranston's debonair swagger and bristling moustache, Jay Roach's lacklustre biopic of Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter, won't appeal to anyone except current screenwriters with masochistic tendencies.
The apocalypse has become the preferred narrative setting for masochistic catharsis in fiction, whether in movies (A Quiet Place), shows (Walking Dead), or games (The Last of Us — and countless others).
In the years since, physics-defying bags like Cotopaxi's Allpa 35 ($200) have made an otherwise masochistic carry-on-only rule effortless to live by, even on two-week international vacations.
She floats the suggestion of a bit of dirty talk and tells him that—in the heat of the moment—she has a masochistic streak and likes to be demeaned, verbally.
In a sense, the movie's title is the most unfortunate element of the enterprise: It is not only a little off-putting, but it's also inaccurate, particularly in its masochistic implications.
On "All the Way," she said, she was drawn to love songs — "these pernicious songs," she called them — that, like "The Dark End of the Street," are less celebratory than masochistic.
Despite the fact that The Second Woman sounds exhausting at best, and masochistic at worst, Shawkat is apparently psyched for the show, which will be her first go at live theater.
I knew that if I waited any longer to do it, I'd likely be tempted to check on his location... which would only result in a masochistic cyber-stalking rabbit hole.
If that sounds a bit too masochistic for your liking, rest assured that Ramsay may sometimes throw a compliment or two in there, and that there are easter eggs for certain holidays.
Ultimately, Ley thinks that the cuckold and hotwife relationships he studied may be about many things for men: Bisexuality, an interest in being submissive, wanting control, wanting to cede control, being masochistic.
But it is not obvious why such seemingly masochistic practices are considered, in ways that people cannot quite articulate, so vitally important to the identity of communities, be they cultural or religious.
Over the holiday weekend—one of the biggest movie weekends of the year—the few masochistic people still using MoviePass discovered that the app had randomly gone dark for "updates," CNN reports.
"There's no slot machines past the pearly gates," he screams as the grating guitars intentionally stray from one another causing the kind of discomfort that keeps masochistic listeners coming back for more.
Masochistic managers can continue their self-immolation for The Mission and The Company, but the rest of us and the media do not need to bang the tambourine while they do it.
To add injury to insult, in both of those scenes he ends up unintentionally belting her across the face, a sequence of such awfulness that the very experience of watching it feels masochistic.
Anyone who has ever experimented with adding new email tools into old workflows understands that Gmail and Outlook have tapped into the dark masochistic part of our brain that remains addicted to inefficiency.
Although Barnett is doing better than ever career-wise, a deep-seated malaise still courses through Tell Me How You Really Feel, manifesting in a brutal lyrical honesty that verges on the masochistic.
Despite his garden-variety moans and pleas to go home, let's assume Gudetama is complicit in this process—making him not only Sanrio's most depressed character, but its most masochistic one as well.
The 90s, a time when we collectively decided that fang-inspired clasps were the coolest way to keep our hair out of our faces, could contend for the title of most masochistic decade.
The infectious, sunny ebullience that made Amy Pond a fan favorite during Matt Smith's run on Doctor Who is much more true to her nature than Nebula — a brooding, masochistic, revenge-bent assassin.
READ MORE: Cryptocurrencies Aren't Crypto If you have a similar story and you want to know how much your missed investment is like now, there's a handy and masochistic website called Bitcoin FOMO Calculator.
The opening sequences of the game warned of a narrative that would be unsubtle and awkward, yet there was a masochistic part of me that wanted to see if it'd ever get past that.
In the ever-more masochistic world of wellness-boosting, pound-shedding diets, the latest trend involves putting your body into a controlled state of starvation known as "ketogenesis," by cutting out nearly all carbs.
If you were masochistic enough to forgo the March in favor of studying news coverage on it (as I was), you would've instead just heard a remastered compendium of the antiscientific pundits' greatest hits.
At Callicoon a bench is scattered with more than a dozen of Guibert's books, including French and English editions of "Crazy for Vincent," his 1989 book detailing his doomed, masochistic affair with a teenager.
The trashy, hardcore-lite vibe of e-juice calls to mind some small-batch hot sauce brands, which feature imagery of ghosts, skulls, and devils to match the searing, masochistic heat of whatever pepper's inside.
My adult life doesn't spare as much time for gaming as it used to, so it takes something extra sticky to keep me on board with Mario's masochistic flavor of jump-perfectly-or-die experiences.
Nothing but respect for *my* president, Asa Akira In case you're wondering which agencies will be represented, they've so far mentioned the National Sexurity ASSociation (NSA), the Domination Masochistic Vroomvroom (DMV), and space program ASSA.
It's an enormous mountain to climb, one that has, at times, felt borderline insurmountable, and I've found myself frustrated to a degree I haven't felt since I first brushed aside these games as grossly masochistic.
There's a first-person poem by Baudelaire, not particularly well known, though it's one of his "Flowers of Evil," called "L'Héautontimouroménos" ("The Self-Tormenter") in which he describes the all-consuming masochistic act of writing.
I'd screamed obscenities at the masochistic nuns at my Catholic school, kicked undercover cops in the groin and once threw a chair at my abusive fiancé's head while Allen Ginsberg read poetry in a room below.
As we brace ourselves for the masochistic thought experiment (or vision of our future?) that is another season of The Handmaid's Tale, we're reminded of all the questions we had at the end of season 2.
But as I suffered through Corden's pointless Carpool Karaoke schtick, headline-baiting outfits, and music journalists making snipey jokes on Twitter (great job again this year, pals!), the whole exercise started to feel a bit masochistic.
Or, failing that, they take a sort of masochistic pleasure in being hoodwinked by a savvy marketer; it's the same feeling as being shown a card trick, even if you lose a buck in the bargain.
In "The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles," we follow the fortunes of Athos Fadigati, a gentle, kindly doctor whose homosexuality is tolerated until he embarks on a masochistic and highly public love affair with a vicious local youth.
With this work she accomplished an appropriation-transgression of Maurizio Cattelan's "A Perfect Day" (1999) piece by performing it as an anti-masochistic escape act; arduously working her way free of the self-imposed tape trap.
All Davidson's music is funny, no doubt—a dark and oftentimes masochistic kind of comedy runs through her entire output—but when art is so mired in the thing its satirizing, some brain power is required.
Common at charter schools, would-be superteachers are smart, sometimes masochistic 23-year-olds working 18-hour days to pump up test scores for a few years before moving on to administrative positions, law school, or nervous breakdowns.
"We're acting out this sadistic-masochistic relationship between the institution with all of its financial power, and this program that wants to be political but can't be really because it's being tied up by this institution," Sulkowicz explained.
A director (Mathieu Amalric) thinks he has found the perfect woman (Emmanuelle Seigner) to star in a play about masochistic relationships, in this film adaptation of David Ives's drama directed by Roman Polanski, Ms. Seigner's real-life husband.
Conservative politicians including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are openly critical of what they condemn as unwarranted "apology" diplomacy and a "masochistic" view of history, while liberals advocate repentance and reproach conservatives for downplaying Japanese wartime aggression and atrocities.
But his decision to challenge the total Trumpification of the Republican Party, and his apparent belief that he is the correct person for the job, can at times feel almost masochistic, like some sort of political performance art.
And in the music video for "Grenade," there's a big, heavy piano that he carries around and up a street — like a pop Sisyphus — to symbolize the song's rather graphically masochistic lyrics about taking a bullet to the brain.
There was even a sense of anti-climax in Monday's third round when he dispatched Australia's enfant terrible Nick Kyrgios with ease — after all British fans have a masochistic fascination for drama when it comes to cheering home hopes.
Or it may be that he is fascinated because rape, in the terms of the novel, is an unmistakable way for a man to overcome the masochistic habit of self-subjugation he acquired at school by sadistically asserting himself.
The sequel to the legendary, and legendarily difficult, indie sleeper hit La-Mulana has finally been released, and all gamers with a penchant for retro-style platforming and a broad masochistic streak are encouraged to descend into its depths.
Not even the deliciously masochistic relationship between showrunner Quinn (Constance Zimmer) and star producer Rachel (Shiri Appleby) could save UnReal as it careened toward disaster, resulting in one of the most disappointing sophomore seasons of television I've ever seen.
The Monaco Grand Prix may be the car world's glitziest race, the Indy 500 its most historic, but the 24 Hours of Le Mans wins the award for most masochistic—and therefore the most important to manufacturers and fans alike.
Kroff has a naturally analytical mind, it seems, along with a naturally perverse, sadistic, and masochistic imagination, and all that he claims is plausible enough, as his use of profanities, obscenities, and racially tinged insults in his prose is merely textual.
While other high-level officials, like Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson, had invited doubts about how long they could possibly tolerate working in the administration, Kelly's responsibilities seemed uniquely masochistic: He was the chief disciplinarian in a famously undisciplined White House.
The 167-mile course follows a chewed-up, menacing road under major construction while snaking its way over four mountain passes, three of which stand above 10,000 feet, all in one long, masochistic day with over 15,000 vertical feet of climbing.
Soon, though, the reader grasps that the masochistic Dovaleh is turning his whiplash tongue not so much on taboo topics as on himself—and on a retired judge, an old classmate summoned by the stand-up to the show, who recounts this story.
He quotes Freud's sly observation, "I do not know whether there are many other instances of a people making fun to such a degree of their own character," but he's reluctant to dig too deeply into this masochistic strain in Jewish humor.
In his most masochistic project, he set up his computer to capture a full screenshot at a random time every day and post it to Twitter, and allowed a friend to change his Twitter password so he wouldn't be able to delete any images.
" Gaga also stated that her mental health was so intertwined with her physical health that the symptoms she was experiencing "later morphed into physical chronic pain, fibromyalgia, panic attacks, acute trauma responses, and debilitating mental spirals that have included suicidal ideation and masochistic behavior.
Photo: Getty Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants you to remember a time when you curated your list of favorite movies, showed off your new pair of shoes, shared some good news, and didn't see using Facebook as a pseudo-masochistic act of poor impulse control.
Paolo Sorrentino, the Oscar-winning director, stirred controversy recently when he said it was "useless and masochistic" for Italy to have chosen a documentary, and not a feature film, as its submission for the foreign-language-film Academy Award, however much he admired the work.
These images seem to be taken from something like amateur pornography, slightly sado-masochistic pornography, and the objects are bleeding, so there's something to do with physical materiality, representation of a kind of... not an objectified female form but perhaps emancipated through its objectification.
Gaethje is quite good enough to batter most of the best fighters in the world with his usual masochistic method, but against his two most recent opponents this gluttony for punishment has left him on the end of his only MMA losses, both brutal stoppages.
No. 4," a collection of essays on craft, is a sunny tribute to the gloomy side of the writing life: the insecurity, dread, shame, envy, magical thinking, pointless rituals, financial instability, self-hatred — the whole "masochistic self-inflicted paralysis of a writer's normal routine.
" The priest was arrested, and in an evaluation the church submitted to the court, they acknowledged that priest admitted to "'sado-masochistic" activities with several boys - but the sado-masochism was only 'mild,' and at least the priest was not 'psychotic,'" according to the report.
While he lurked in the MCU as the voice of Jarvis since day one, Bettany was out there being seen on screen in many a where-do-I-know-that-guy-from role (a personal favorite is as the masochistic monk Silas in The Da Vinci Code).
Zhang Huan, who had also created a number of body-numbing, masochistic pieces, such as "13 Square Meters" (21) (not included in the show), was able to wiggle out of incarceration by proving he was still an art student, barely excusing his behavior to the authorities.
Allan Polak, Connecticut As one of those Mets fans whose longtime devotion — this season, at least — has been exceeded only by an otherwise latent masochistic streak, I'd like to thank Devin Gordon for telling the rest of the world what we already knew: The trio is — not arguably!
That's encompassed our own stab at a discounted cash flow valuation, ongoing probes into where the company could conceivably list, and the masochistic experiences of foreign bankers, sentenced to months of Saturday flights to Aramco headquarters in Dhahran for a demanding client with little hope of fat fees.
She takes a certain masochistic relish in trying to alienate with her singular blend of self-obsession and ostentatious vulnerability, and parts of the book appear to be intended as a punishment of everyone who hasn't loved or understood her, from her mother on down to the reader.
By default, The Political Machine suggested I play the game on the easy setting, and undertake a campaign that lasts 21 weeks, though players can choose to play on difficulties as high as "masochistic" (which makes the AI opponent more vicious), and campaigns that are 52 weeks long.
So when Skype announced last week that it can now accommodate 50 people on a video call at once (up from the 25-person groups it previously allowed) I felt compelled, in an extremely fatalistic, masochistic way, to see what would happen in a 50-person Skype clown car.
In the new exhibition, Equilibrium: An Allegory of Rebirth, opening today at The Lodge Gallery in New York City, artist Ange presents a series of self-portraits that are surreal, feminist, psychedelic, and masochistic, creating a visual exploration of the female "emotional calendar cycle" that runs parallel to nature's four seasons.
Since then, our jars have runneth over with dipping options: You can find versions of the tomato-based sauce laced with everything from peaches to pickles to Thai spices, and a range of spice levels all the way up to face-melting for the truly masochistic among your party squad.
And in a series of events that I have personally seen play out too many times in real life, too — one in which privileged people lean into being dragged like a masochistic sport — Dunham emailed Glover afterward to say that she hoped that he didn't feel his part on Girls had "tokenized" him.
Mr. Goerne interwove the Eisler selections with 19th-century songs that traced a lineage going back to the broody Romanticism of Schumann's "The Hermit" and "Loneliness" and the chromatic prickliness of Hugo Wolf's settings of some of the "Harper's Songs" from Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship," with their almost masochistic self pity. Bleak?
Around this time in July — when our ever-shortening spring weather takes a sharp right into the damp, hot depths of summer — coffee drinkers are confronted with a morning-altering decision: switch to iced coffee to combat the oppressive weather, or commit to hot coffee as a kind of bold, unnecessarily masochistic act?
The urban elite backed the construction of armories, like the one in San Francisco's Mission District that's currently used to film kink and sado-masochistic pornography or the one in New York used annually for the high-end contemporary art fair, The Armory Show, to protect their assets and property in the event of labor riots.
Letters To the Editor: Re "No Clear Signs on Who Might Be Radicalized" (front page, March 28): Efforts by researchers and policy makers to pin down how or why people become radicalized and join violent movements have certainly become notoriously frustrating and semi-masochistic; it seems as if anyone and his opposite may be included in at-risk populations.
Photo: Alex Brandon (AP)Donald Trump's administration is planning to propose by early December tariffs on "all remaining Chinese imports" if an upcoming summit between the president and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping does not work out, Bloomberg reported on Monday, a move that if enacted would virtually guarantee pain for companies like Apple that have so far evaded Trump's masochistic trade war.
The horrors that unfold are immediate and ubiquitous, from the disarray of the house that everyone thought was abandoned, the violent, masochistic drive of Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas Baker, and the ever-present feeling that at any second, around any corner, behind any door, a disturbing scene or encounter could be lying in wait, tempting you to turn around and give up completely.
For one, it's cathartic to see someone fulfill my personal ambition of actually being good at putt putt, a childhood dream that was continually crushed by many masochistic rounds at Captain Mike's Fun Park in Bridgman, MI. I also appreciate that this kid is getting creative with some simple elements, messing around and making something cool in what appears to be his backyard.
On Mac and PC, the invite-only beta of GeForce Now has proven to be pretty impressive at streaming games over the internet, at least if you've got an excellent Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection and live relatively near a server — I've been beating bosses in the downright masochistic Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice using GeForce Now, syncing progress to Steam as I go.
Maybe we like the idea that the people who "make it" in business are the ones who tell the rest of the world to fuck right off, the masochistic 20-somethings who sleep at the office, who heartlessly swindle their best friends out of money, who—like Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs or David Fincher's Mark Zuckerberg—believe in nothing but their own status as world-changing messiahs.
Rhoades's masochistic misadventure begins when his old colleague Lonnie Watley (Malachi Weir, whose professorial presence is unmistakable) warns him of an impending expose that will harm his chances in the attorney general's race, involving a dropped case against a vape manufacturer whose CEO was a pal of Charles Rhoades, Sr. Chuck tries to stop the story at the source, but the editor rebuffs him.
Some of those books discuss sensitive topics like the mass killings of civilians in South Korea during the Korean War, the persecution of dissidents under dictators like her father and his history of collaboration with the Japanese colonial government that ruled Korea before the end of World War II. Many conservative critics have said that such "masochistic historical views" should be kept out of classrooms.
Though a few recent horror films have brought attention back to our hard-on for hard bods, including the rehab sci-fi horror The Cure for Wellness (2016) and even the youth and physique-obsessed Get Out (2017), we're still yet to see the genre make a major return to highlighting the masochistic ways we build our bodies—not that the idea of the "revenge body" isn't perfect for it.
Tiresome as it was, it was a fun time—in a deranged, masochistic sort of way—with many threats of bodily harm, flag hurling, awkwardly long stare downs, spectators crowning the "winner" of each press conference based on whose verbal abuse seemed less scripted, and the principals redirecting their own gnawing insecurities re: money, fame, likeability, fighting style, and prospects of victory into headline- and video-package-ready sound bites.
But after years of being taken advantage of, like stylists coming in and returning $10k dresses that were ripped or not dry cleaned or just not returning them at all — and at the time, maybe not having it in my contract that I wasn't responsible for lost or stolen clothes, so then you work for five months for free to pay the designer back — it basically becomes a masochistic exercise in how to destroy yourself.
If you prep for the holiday season by accepting yourself for who you are -- perhaps someone who does not enjoy colleague karaoke; who welcomes the extra five pounds that Santa typically delivers (via nog and cookies); or who is more inclined to take a vacation in January than to start a masochistic diet, exercise or personal improvement regimen -- then you can slide on into the New Year feeling good about where you are, instead of dreading how far you have to go.
These plaster casts, created through a preliminary and highly masochistic process of silicon body molding without the benefit of Vaseline, are integrated with a series of generic domestic objects (IKEA bathroom bench, body pillow, shower bar), as well as apparel items that are signifiers within gay culture (Calvin Klein thong, leather moto jacket, black unitard, Timberland boots), and bits of glam, like embedded glitter, a bisected disco ball, and clusters of natural crystals that seem to grow from a neck or chest concavity.
Among them are Judy, née Frank (after Judy Garland, née Frances Gumm), a "sloppy, fat," masochistic trans woman who turns tricks and dreams of "feminine success, which she would have defined as lustful attention"; Judy's regular "date," a sadistic, cynical retired policeman fond of spanking, spewing insults and telling war stories; a flinty barkeep who dispenses mind-altering substances that stoke, inflame and sustain her needy patrons; and a participant-narrator who offers play-by-play commentary and discursive observations on the drama — so much drama!

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