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180 Sentences With "Marxists"

How to use Marxists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Marxists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Marxists". Mastering all the usages of "Marxists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It is what in the old days Marxists would call an ideology—until so many Marxists in our own time began pushing college for all.
That does not mean it is a watering hole for Marxists.
Andrei learns that the Marxists originally named themselves September, the idea
Marxists and revisionists was diverted by the Russian and Chinese revolutions.
Are the words of Marx responsible for the actions of Marxists?
Two Marxists in Hollywood features interviews with the two icons, played by boys, set in present-day LA. Friday's screening at the Velaslavasay Panorama — where part of Two Marxists was shot — will include a discussion with Beloff.
The party began as a motley crew of Marxists, ecologists and pacifists.
Marxists of old liked to talk about the fundamental contradictions of capitalism.
"The Marxists aren't just wrong: They're wrong, murderous, and genocidal," he says.
So, what you do is, what the old Marxists called class struggle.
Is that also some scheme of those notorious Marxists, Disney and Sony?
Their political perspectives range from far-left revolutionary Marxists to evangelical social conservatives.
Some of them are Marxists, some are Leninists, some are social democrats or anarchists.
These peculiar Marxists declared themselves in rebellion against history and extolled the heroic individual.
Like the Marxists of old, they can always find an excuse for past failures.
And I'd ask social democrats more widely and Marxists to question it as well.
But then several things happened that profoundly changed what Marxists call the "balance of forces".
Like predicting the apocalypse, Marxists argue that the end is nigh with each new crisis.
Corrupt conservatives — mainstream sellouts — aided and abetted the cultural Marxists in their destruction of America.
Conservative or left-leaning, capitalist or Marxists, sushi-lover or vegan—they're all products of thinking.
Some of his main advisers are Marxists who regard political institutions as instruments of class power.
The only people in a good mood are swivel-eyed Brexiteers and fever-brained neo-Marxists.
Kim Jong Un is not trying to make Trump and his countrymen Korean Marxists or Nationalists.
The Marxists, at least, appeared to have had a handle on "Ms." and its historical meaning.
The pursuit of purity involved vicious factional fights as "real" Marxists drove out renegades, revisionists and heretics.
For example, he mentions "marxists" at least five times, and "antifa" — the boogeyman of the GOP — twice.
Democrats have long shied away from the S-word for fear of being painted as closet Marxists.
The establishment tends to think of Marxists as either dangerous or absurd—as sinister revolutionaries or naïve idealists.
Jews throughout history have been arch capitalists, socialists, neo-cons, neo-liberals, Marxists and every ideology in between.
He also took time to rail against the two "counterstates" ("Marxists" and "Islamists") who want to defeat him.
The longevity rests on his studied neutrality, which has allowed him to be appreciated by both Marxists and capitalists.
The solution, in the moral economists' view, was not to get rid of markets entirely, as Marxists would advocate.
The country has a strong and longstanding commitment to democracy, and Colombian voters have shown no liking for Marxists.
He has launched a string of ideological campaigns aimed at making party members better Marxists and more honest officials.
This week, school officials harassed young Marxists at a half-dozen universities and prevented some from meeting, activists said.
Amid the collapse of the old regimes during World War I, the Marxists attacked the notion of private property.
But the revolutionary gusto of early Marx was too seductive for the doctrinaire Marxists that followed in his footsteps.
The following day young Marxists at a university in Nanjing, an eastern city, said they had also been facing hassles.
Marxists may devote their lives to producing definitions of Marxism; conservatives prefer to get on with the business of government.
Many were Marxists who talked openly about political revolution and wealth redistribution in their mission statement, the Ten-Point Program.
Mill's concerns about the injustices associated with commercial economies are remarkably sympathetic to the Marxists and socialists of his day.
Leftists and Marxists have made their way into universities, into Hollywood, into important cultural and political institutions, without Americans noticing.
When Marxists first started a study group at the university a century ago, those attending included a librarian called Mao Zedong.
Capitalism is not an engine for warmongering exploitation (as Marxists believed), nor a static oligarchy, nor a high road to crisis.
Two of them, Seamus Milne and Andrew Murray, are privately educated Marxists who have a soft spot for the Soviet Union.
Marxists retreated to academic fastnesses, fascists to online message boards, and Western Christianity accepted pluralism and abandoned throne-and-altar dreams.
Americans don't like talk of class warfare; it reminds us of those dreary, failed Marxists who seldom practice what they preach.
In 210, Bismarck designed a plan for retirement, hoping to defuse a threat from Marxists, who were gaining popularity throughout Europe.
Engaging in what Marxists call "heightening the contradictions," Caldwell argues that the oppressive imperialism of civil rights laws is not incidental.
Similarly, Marxists are always alert to how media produced by big corporations can be tilted to serve those corporations' class interests.
FARC formed in 1964 when a group of young Marxists took up arms to fight for land rights and anti-imperialist reforms.
Unlike Marxists, liberals do not see progress in terms of some Utopian telos: their respect for individuals, with their inevitable conflicts, forbids it.
The party is not only afraid of genuine Marxists, but also of Peking University's long history at the forefront of anti-establishment movements.
The CICIG and the judiciary protect the Marxists from prosecution while targeting the opposition, including legitimate authorities, with false witnesses and phony charges.
Anti-fascism, Bray writes, is ideologically diverse; antifa activists can be Marxists, or socialists, or anarchists, or some other left-wing philosophical amalgam.
Around him, the United States-backed military dictatorship hunted Marxists and cracked down on the Catholic clergy for preaching empowerment to peasant farmers.
Birobidzhan, never much more than a glimmer in the eyes of a cluster of Soviet bureaucrats and Jewish Marxists, was left to languish.
Some supporters consider themselves (as Mr. Trump accurately said) anarchists, some Marxists of different stripes; others don't care much what you call them.
Such reveries underestimate the growing power of crony  and finance capital—a social formation that's no longer just a bugaboo of dogmatic Marxists.
What's particularly fascinating about his methods is that he does not, as some Marxists and other radicals do, reject the liberal tradition wholesale.
The Labour Party is led by two Marxists: Mr Corbyn and John McDonnell, his shadow chancellor, who believe in the materialist interpretation of history.
"They will compare themselves to the founding Marxists but those leaders thought about the whole Chinese nation, not just the working class," he added.
But there has been no equivalent gesture by the Orthodox leadership, although plenty of their number endured terrible suffering or death under the Marxists.
More damning, the "Grundrisse", an unfinished manuscript which many neo-Marxists see as a treasure trove of theory, has "defects [in the] core arguments".
The filmmakers may be Marxists, but their aesthetic can be gleaned from their admiration for Cézanne, the subject of two typically oblique short features.
Several students, including self-styled Marxists who travelled to the city to help them, were arrested in August (some are pictured before the police raid).
He honeymooned in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, campaigned for Marxists in the 1980s, and praised the "revolution of values" of Fidel Castro.
They represent the nation's id, or, in the profoundest sense, its underclass, and Marxists and Freudians alike will have years of fun with this movie.
Jonathan Chait says liberalism is working, but he cannot believe he is arguing with Marxists, nor how many idiots there are confounding his good sense.
Part of a circle of intellectuals that prided itself on being nonideological — as distinct from doctrinaire Marxists — he believed in open debate and empirical evidence.
He argues that these philosophers, famous for their skepticism about objective reality and emphasis on the social construction of human society, were actually crypto-Marxists.
Marxists such as Herbert Marcuse were forced to denounce capitalism on the grounds that it produced too much wealth for the workers rather than too little.
Chait has been less successful at interpreting the left, which in his analysis becomes an undifferentiated mass of rabid Marxists, politically correct ideologues, and postmodern academics.
Activists and analysts have pointed out the irony of the socialist Chinese government, led by the theoretically pro-worker Communist Party, cracking down on young Marxists.
Certainly, the show doesn't do much spoon-feeding—it delves deeply into the characters' alliances with German Marxists and Québécois separatists; it shows police torture, graphically.
Breitbart saw the affair as proof that journalism, properly weaponized, could be used to destroy the institutions that cultural Marxists were using to ruin American society.
So the thinkers featured in these pages frequently disagree with one another — much as do progressives, not to mention Marxists, socialists, fascists, anarchists, libertarians and distributists.
I knew that people who had been perceived as threats to the state—religious leaders, Marxists, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians—were deported, exiled, imprisoned, tortured, or killed.
Holding up "cultural Marxists" as the mastermind of all evil in the world is not original to Higgins, but an old trope on the conspiratorial far right.
There were modernists and postmodernists; liberals, realists, and neoliberals; communitarians and liberation theologians; Jungians and Freudians; Straussians and deconstructionists; feminists and post-feminists; Marxists and democratic socialists.
What united them was a devotion to pragmatic reform; there were no purity tests, no totalizing calls for revolution, as was common among Marxists at the time.
Colombia was struggling with a left-wing insurgency, and he was in favor of using violence against Marxists as the dictator Augusto Pinochet was doing in Chile.
The Frankfurt School consisted mostly of neo-Marxists who hoped for a socialist revolution in Germany but instead got fascism in the form of the Nazi Party.
But if you really think about it, the real takeover of the Marxists, the socialists, the old Soviet Union, is on the Democratic Party and on American universities.
Ocasio-Cortez did denounce capitalism, she uses the lingo of the far left and Marxists, the kind of stuff you hear at Thursday night seminars at a university.
According to a biography of the band, New Order traced its name to a stray phrase from the Situationists, a postwar French art collective of anti-authoritarian Marxists.
Once Ayatollah Khomeini was secure as Supreme Leader, Mr Rafsanjani began eliminating the allies—Marxists, religious nationalists and rival Islamists—who had joined him in toppling the Shah.
That was the insight of the late 19th- and early 20th-century reformers, who kept the Marxists and the agrarian populists at bay by judiciously borrowing from them.
He has vowed to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and he dismisses environmental groups as Marxists and élitists, who have co-opted indigenous leaders to serve international interests.
Suddenly, banks have been left grudgingly weighing the benefits of a party run by neo-Marxists, radical union leaders and lawmakers with a history of supporting communist regimes.
"You start seeing headlines that say environmentalists are the new Marxists," said Aaron M. McCright, a sociologist at Michigan State University, who has studied the politicalization of science.
The big question: It has long been assumed in Western business and policy circles that the Chinese leaders are not really Marxists and this talk of Communism is empty.
Far from criticizing,  as other Marxists might have done, he saw them as the only force that could challenge and overturn coloniality — precisely because they had nothing to lose.
Peterson's framework serves as a justification for dismissing the idea of any kind of privilege — white, male, or otherwise — as a tool used by closet Marxists to manipulate you.
Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, Communists, Socialists, labor-leftists, and Marxists of all stripes characteristically were in the forefront of struggles for racial and gender justice.
Marxists would refer to this as an increase in the rate of exploitation, meaning workers are working longer, harder, and more efficiently but are receiving less and less in return.
He watched American universities, even those of name, fall prey to a rabble of Marxists, feminists, pseudo-historicists and cultural-hegemonists, who forced their own programmes on to English departments.
President Obama's embrace of Marxists in Guatemala has kept that backdoor wide open, and traffic is flowing, including the opioids that President Trump just declared are a public health emergency.
And in panels, research presentations and speeches, what was once mainly a preoccupation of ivory tower Marxists and other players on the margins of the profession is taking center stage.
Ernesto Araújo, Bolsonaro's pick for foreign minister, called global efforts to curb climate change a plot by "Marxists" to hurt the economies of capitalist democracies and boost China's international standing.
But mostly the academy has Marxists but not Falangists, Jacobins but not Jacobites, sexual and economic and ecological utopians but hardly ever a throne-and-altar Joseph de Maistre acolyte.
The other was contemporaneous and geopolitical: In a vain effort to win World War I, Emperor Wilhelm II's high command helped Russian Marxists seize power and make peace with Berlin.
An outsider among both mainstream gays (for being a Marxist) and Marxists (for being gay), Weinstein decided to start his own group, which he called the Lavender and Red Union.
And it's not like people were diehard Marxists, they were just responding to something in the air about how you should not want money or success if you're an artist.
This differed from what Marxists, communists, and democratic socialists hoped for — namely, an end to capitalism— as well as what liberals preferred — namely, as free a rein for markets as possible.
Many of the goals of the incrementalist left-wing parties that can be traced back to 1889's Second International, Marxists who favoured the parliamentary process over insurrection, have been met.
He chastises white Marxists (and black capitalists) for failing to acknowledge capitalism's racial character, and for embracing as sufficient an interpretation of history founded on a European vision of class struggle.
Their stories reflect the trajectory of the 52-year war, which began as political violence between liberals and conservatives, then spiraled into the hands of armed Marxists, kidnappers and drug runners.
The ease with which many former Marxists have adapted themselves to post-Cold War market economics raises the question of whether this had been an avoidable conflict in the first place.
But unlike other challenges forced on us by Marxists and fascists, or resulting from a fundamental difference about the humanity of all people, this challenge is entirely of our own making.
Jason Bobbitt It has forced me into the uncomfortable position of siding with conservatives due to liberalism being hijacked by radical Marxists who won't stop throwing tantrums and acting like brownshirts.
They started with the Marxists—Nancy Fraser's Fortunes of Feminism, the Italian feminist Silvia Federici's Revolution at Point Zero—and quickly moved on to Angela Davis and bell hooks and Kate Millett.
Its general secretary, Jamie Patel, used his brief speech to announce that "cultural Marxists have hijacked the country's institutions," and that "any attempt to celebrate British history" is silenced by political correctness.
It turns out that Peterson—a controversial Canadian professor known for his lectures defending the patriarchy and denying the existence of white privilege while decrying "postmodern neo-Marxists,"—did not find NotJordanPeterson.
Marxists were wrong about total state control of the means of production; the old-style liberal trust in totally free markets was excessive, as is the new-style liberal trust in big governments.
I don't know which is bleaker, that the Brotherhood Without Banners, once a merry band of Marxists, have been reduced to extortion, or that the Hound is seeking vengeance for a devout pacifist.
Mr. Bolsonaro's incoming foreign minister, Ernesto Araújo, a career diplomat, has called the movement to reduce global warming a plot by "Marxists" to stifle the economic growth of capitalist democracies while lifting China.
Marxists describe a process called "proletarianization," which occurs when occupations whose workers previously enjoyed some independence, responsibility, status and good income lose their authority and become dependent on layers of officialdom and bureaucracy.
Or to look at it still another way: If colleges are churning out so many Marxists (excluding the now defunct Trump University, of course), why no collective ownership of the means of production?
Campus activism has been bubbling up in the form of #MeToo campaigning against sexual harassment and an attempt by self-described Marxists to help factory workers in southern China establish a free trade union.
Rauschenberg was up against a stigma that dated back to the 1930s, held by artists like Pollock's mentor, Thomas Hart Benton who believed that intellectuals, Marxists, and homosexuals had overtaken the American art scene.
The only abstainers are the few remaining Marxists (mainly in the history department, though we have a few in English and sociology, too) who like to argue that the whole process is fundamentally Stalinist.
"Reading articles by young Polish Marxists, one suspects that they really wish for this period to herald a future which sees the total demise of art and artistry," Milosz observed in a 22004 essay.
He talks about how the education system is overrun by Marxists, which is an idea that has galvanized young conservatives in the United States and inspired the creation of Turning Point USA in 2012.
At Nanjing University in eastern China, several students were assaulted and taken away this month after holding a protest to denounce university officials for blocking them from registering an official group for student Marxists.
At the time, the Soviet Union, buoyed by high oil prices, was supporting Marxists rebels and regimes in South America and Africa, and had invaded Afghanistan, all while engaging in a wide ranging military buildup.
The religious ideologues of ISIS and al Qaeda are more typical of the conflicts of this century, while the violent Marxists of the PKK (the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party) are a throwback to the previous one.
He and a ragtag team of peace activists, Democrats, Marxists and anarchists attempted to bring attention to a Central American cause that, after the Sandinistas lost power in a 1990 election, was fading from public view.
Before he executes the professors, the protagonist of Mr. Lind's novel expounds on his theory to their faces: "Classical Marxists, where they obtained power, expropriated the bourgeoisie and gave their property to the state," he says.
If you want a healthy culture of debate, it's not enough to complain that Marxists and postmodernists are out to silence you; you need your own idea of what education and human life itself are for.
The Soviet policy of supporting Marxists and nationalist movements in the Middle East posed a direct threat to both halves of the Saudi government: the monarchs feared leftist revolutionary sentiment while the Wahhabis loathed Soviet secularism.
More than a dozen activists were arrested by police in several Chinese cities in an apparent effort by China's Communist Party to crush a left-wing labour-rights movement led by young people describing themselves as Marxists.
But as they await a $100,000 ransom payment, the salon Marxists try to get Baird to embrace their line of thinking; hell, they even have Herbert Marcuse there with them to lend their "study group" additional gravitas.
Joseph Farah, a 19613-year-old author, had long labored on the fringes of political life, publishing a six-part series claiming that soybeans caused homosexuality and fretting that "cultural Marxists" were plotting to destroy the country.
That they strike us as tasteful testifies to how capable this technology is at transcending ideology and defining the possible: Ardent capitalists and radical Marxists use the same tools to organize, perhaps even over the same craft beer.
Turkish students—an evolving left that included Marxists, Maoists, Leninists, and socialists—began protesting the presence of the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Bosphorus and the Mediterranean, as well as the military bases in Izmir, Adana, and elsewhere.
Radicals — anarchists, Communists and other Marxists — have at critical moments influenced America's development, often for the better, and most of them have despised American socialists as insufficiently revolutionary, ideologically incoherent, hopelessly sentimental and utterly enmeshed in existing society.
I gather some Marxists are perfectly fine with seeing heads roll, and assume that it will only be the right heads that roll next time around and all present-day descendants of Olympe de Gouges will be spared.
Gómez is a kind of pragmatic, nonideological revolutionary; he presciently reflects that the guerrillas must not be seen as Marxists, in order to prevent the blood bath that will ensue if the United States backs the Salvadoran military.
At a crucial debate on the evening of the most consequential day of the Trump presidency, the opposition party needed to show that they were not the crazy Marxists of an election some had framed as socialists vs.
More than a century and a half after Marx and Engels predicted that capitalism would collapse under the weight of its own contradictions, contemporary neo-Marxists maintain a dogged faith in the ephemerality of the modern economic system.
That would make it all too easy for the Brexit extremists to say that it failed because it was not a true Brexit, much as Marxists attribute the demise of a communist regime to it not being true communism.
That fear of outsiders is often directed against immigrants, but it's also aimed at the economic and social structures of Western liberalism: "We see western liberals as the new Marxists," a Fidesz official told The Financial Times in April.
Blessed with natural beauty, fertile land and bountiful seas, Kerala has been dubbed "God's own country" by its people, but the Marxists running the state government reckon it will need $3.57 billion to rebuild over the next two years.
"The ISIS-like effort to erase history and culture should be a crime," the Sons of Confederate Veterans said in a statement, "but when the anarchist [sic] and Marxists control the government then 'New Orleans' is what we get."
In the movie, Breivik announces his beliefs (they're too muddled to rise to the level of ideology, at least here) while he's unloading his guns on Utoya, promising the campers — he calls them Marxists — that they're going to die.
In Ethiopia, once ruled by Marxists whose draconian policies drove the nation into a devastating 1984 famine, all land still belongs to the state and owners are only deemed leaseholders, even if they have been living or farming there for generations.
Thus the empirical research of a Buehler or a Lazarsfeld tended to work with "the crooked timber of humanity", as Immanuel Kant put it, rather than trying to straighten it out, as Marxists, fascists and all systematisers try to do.
But in a move that has shocked the hard-core Marxists, the Left Front has now entered an unlikely electoral alliance with an ancient enemy, the Congress Party, once powerful but now the much-diminished national vehicle for the Gandhi clan.
BRASÍLIA — From its earliest days as a scrappy band of Marxists defying Brazil's military rulers, the Workers' Party grew to become one of world's most enduring leftist movements — an electoral powerhouse that dominated the nation's politics for more than a decade.
The actual historical "cultural Marxists" were the Frankfurt School of social thinkers who formed in the 1920s, notably T.W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse (some parallel thinkers like Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs are also sometimes grouped with them).
Though the élite that gets sneered at, by Trumpites and neo-Marxists alike, is composed of philosophers and professors and journalists, the actual élite of modern societies is composed of engineers, mechanics, and artisans—masters of reality, not big thinkers.
David LarsonSenior Fellow, Dispute Resolution Institute and Professor, Mitchell-Hamline School of LawYou think about economic philosophers, and you go back to utopian socialists and Marxists, who would say that capitalism in itself is evil and anybody that participates is therefore evil.
But it would contain a vast ideological spectrum, ranging from quasi-Marxists on the left edge of the green bloc to hardened nationalists like Mr Orban (for now, though he may soon quit or face expulsion) on the right edge of the EPP.
Clarke singles out the Black Lives Matter movement by name to blame for the tragic deaths of his fellow officers, even going so far as to accuse them of being "Marxists," because McCarthyism wasn't embarrassing enough for Wisconsin the first time around.
This proposal also betrays the uniquely regressive labor politics in academia -- which is, ironically, populated with many tenured scholars who call themselves Marxists and teach and write about class consciousness, but ignore the economic exploitation of adjuncts and other non-tenure-track colleagues.
David Dinkins, the former mayor of New York, was a member of D.S.A. There's no question that some members are Marxists in the traditional sense; some want to see the destruction of capitalism and the state ownership of factories, banks, and utilities.
Mr. Lind may have only fantasized about mass death as a comeuppance for cultural Marxists, but others have acted on it: In his 1,500-page manifesto, the Norwegian far-rightist Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011, invoked "cultural Marxism" repeatedly.
They think in terms of social structure and order, and view social classes or races as the units determining the future of society, much as Marxists speak not of individual workers and capitalists but of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie as a whole.
I read the work as part of a counter-cultural troll-op designed to poke fun at so-called "Cultural Marxists," many of whom are often the target of abuse in online forums such as 4chan, usually for the simple, inexcusable act of supporting minorities.
VICE Games: Finally, one last question from Austin Walker: You're on the record stating that the villagers of Untitled Goose Game are Marxists, and that in the game's version of the U.K., the Conservative Party declined after a goose chased Thatcher out of office.
And that question is one of class analysis, which, it would seem, makes Americans on both sides of the accepted political spectrum uncomfortable, uncomfortable because class analysis is the dirty, dangerous domain of Marxists and other marginal quarters of the radical left now in ill repute.
The 20th-century intellectuals and party ideologues who proudly called themselves Marxists typically had a clear sense of their doctrine: Marxism as they conceived it was a theory of society that pulled away the mystifying veil of capitalism to reveal the economic exploitation at its core.
And yet he doesn't seem to take this insight as seriously as he should — merely as an excuse to settle scores with the Surrealists and Existentialists (as well as, in the 1958 introduction, the fellow orthodox Marxists who didn't take him seriously enough the first time around).
Although what most people today understand as Communism is the Marxist program of the abolition of private property, state ownership of the means of production and a planned economy, it was not this program, endorsed by other European Marxists, that recommended Lenin to the German Imperial government.
Donovan and his colleagues were voracious for knowledge: They hired pioneering anthropologists and exiled German Marxists and adventurous filmmakers (the director John Ford, who had already won three Academy Awards by the time America entered the war, was an O.S.S. employee) to help with information campaigns.
This ideal of separate political and economic realms has been widely criticized, not only by Marxists on the grounds that it provides a cover for class exploitation (liberating the proletariat merely to alienate themselves), but notably also by Karl Polanyi, who argued that it was only ever an illusion.
Jeremy Corbyn—a man who makes Theresa May look like an intellectual—has surrounded himself by hard-line Marxists such as Andrew Murray and Seumas Milne who, with their public-school educations, secular fanaticism and appetite for party infighting, come straight out of the pages of David Caute's "The Fellow-Travellers".
While the Zapatistas have since been defined, by turns, as anarchists, socialists, social anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian Marxists, communists and pretty much every other far-left label under the sun, their motivations for rising against the Mexican government were far more complex than can be rallied under the banner of any conventional ideology.
Albert Camus didn't think much of surrealists or Marxists, and he watched the "frenetic" artists—who wanted "'any sort of revolution,' no matter what as long as it rescued them from the world of shopkeepers and compromise in which they were forced to live"—with disdain as they tried to reconcile themselves to collective politics.
The professional revolutionaries can be seen gathered outside the Conference headquarters every morning: grim-faced men and women who have given their lives to "the movement" and try to make you spend a pound buying a copy of the Morning Star or Red Pages, a compendium of Conference-related comment produced every day by "Labour Party Marxists".
First fascists were nationalists: They believed the nation, rather than individuals (like liberals) or classes (like Marxists), was the key actor in political life; that it existed above or separate from the citizens composing it; and that it had a special mission or "soul" that needed to be nurtured and protected from internal and external enemies.
Chiefly he argued for the literary superiority of the Western giants like Shakespeare, Chaucer and Kafka — all of them white and male, his own critics pointed out — over writers favored by what he called "the School of Resentment," by which he meant multiculturalists, feminists, Marxists, neoconservatives and others whom he saw as betraying literature's essential purpose.
His Radio Maryja station, which reaches millions and is often the sole source of information for many older voters in rural Poland, offers a daily diet of horror stories about a world without faith, where gay people control the political agenda, universities are corrupted by "neo-Marxists," and the Roman Catholic Church is under mortal threat.
You might imagine that this would happen in double-quick time today, too—that Mr Corbyn and John McDonnell, his shadow chancellor and comrade in arms, would be marched out of Labour headquarters in sackcloth and ashes; and that Seamus Milne, chief strategist, and his fellow Marxists would be subjected to a suitably Stalinesque show trial.
His successor to Black Mask, Up Against the Wall ____________ (its full name is unpublishable here), had moved on from condemning the "sterile" programming at Lincoln Center and dumping trash on its steps ("We propose a culture exchange: garbage for garbage") to blazing a notorious swath through the New Left, physically brawling with everyone from the music promoter Bill Graham to doctrinaire Marxists.
Basic income advocates like to talk in effusive terms about the idea's cross-partisan appeal, how it unites radical Marxists like André Gorz and libertarians like Milton Friedman and American heroes like Thomas Paine and Martin Luther King Jr. They speak of its radical potential to remake society, and position it as an inevitable and necessary response to an incoming torrent of technological change.
Kirk emphasized his commitment to free speech ("I believe firmly that when people stop talking, bad things happen") and the organization's commitment to other perspectives ("Even if there are left-wing Marxists in the audience, welcome, truly") while underlining the bravery necessary to stick to those principles ("We're the only conservative duo to speak at UC Berkeley, USC, and UCLA in one semester and lived to tell the tale").
In one of his studies of the Dreyfus Affair, he noticed a peculiar division on the political left in those long-ago times, which led the more-or-less liberal left to line up in defense of Captain Dreyfus against the anti-Semites — and led the orthodox Marxists, out of hatred for bourgeois sentimentality and a monomania of their own doctrine, to line up, as if by mistake, on the other side.
Kracauer is associated with the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxists who attempted to tackle questions of how better to build societies, after finding the various structures proposed in the early 20th century sorely lacking (this is an impossibly brief summary, but if you're interested in the details or just writing and thought in general, you should read more about the Frankfurt School — try the solid history Grand Hotel Abyss by Stuart Jeffries).

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