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"mantissa" Definitions
  1. the part of a logarithm to the right of the decimal point
"mantissa" Synonyms

112 Sentences With "mantissa"

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The FX-702P features a single line dot matrix liquid crystal display with 20 characters. A 10-digit mantissa is displayed (including minus sign) however internal calculations use a 12-digit mantissa.
In 2007, the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has approved a (4+0) BBA programme in collaboration with Paris Graduate School of Management, PGSM for Mantissa to deliver fully in Malaysia. In early 2008, Mantissa is again approved by the MOHE to conduct an International Executive MBA from PGSM. Twice in a year, student exchanges between Mantissa and PGSM are carried out.
Mantissa College is a private college established in 1999 with approval from the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE).
The term significand was introduced by George Forsythe and Cleve Moler in 1967 and is the word used in the IEEE standard. However, in 1946 Arthur Burks used the terms mantissa and characteristic to describe the two parts of a floating-point number (Burks et al.) and that usage remains common among computer scientists today. Mantissa and characteristic have long described the two parts of the logarithm found on tables of common logarithms. While the two meanings of exponent are analogous, the two meanings of mantissa are not equivalent.
If any overflow shifts the result to the right, then map with antilogarithm LUT to obtain the mantissa of the result.
It has a ten-digit (eight digit mantissa, two digit exponent) green vacuum fluorescent display. Image:Main PCB front.jpg Image:Main PCB rear.jpg Image:Power PCB.
SCELBAL used a 32-bit (four byte) floating point format for numeric calculations, with a 23-bit mantissa, 1-bit sign for the mantissa, a 7-bit exponent, and 1-bit sign for the exponent. These were organized in reverse order, with the least significant byte of the mantissa in the first byte, followed by the middle and then most significant byte with the sign in the high bit. The exponent came last, again with the sign in the high bit. The manual provides well-documented assembly code for the entire math package, including entry points and usage notes.
Nowadays, the word mantissa is generally used to describe the fractional part of a floating-point number on computers, though the recommended term is significand. Thus, log tables need only show the fractional part. Tables of common logarithms typically listed the mantissa, to four or five decimal places or more, of each number in a range, e.g., 1000 to 9999.
Dundubia vaginataFabricius JC (1787) Ryngota. Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis synonymis, observationibus, descriptionibus, emendationibus. Hafniae, Impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft. 2: 1-382.
Internationally, Mantissa Diploma courses are articulated with 40 Universities from United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Taiwan (Ming Chuan University) and China (Henan University).
The value of the exponent bits determines the absolute precision of the mantissa bits, and it is this precision that determines the slope of each linear segment.
Clibadium is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family.Linnaeus, Carl von. 1771. Mantissa Plantarum 2: 161, 294Tropicos, Clibadium F. Allam. ex L.Arriagada Mathieu, J.E. 2003.
TI-35 Plus It added hexadecimal and octal calculations and a 10+2 display (i.e. 10 digit mantissa with a 2-digit exponent) with 12-digit internal precision.
Later fictional works include The Ebony Tower, Daniel Martin, Mantissa, and A Maggot. Fowles's books have been translated into many languages, and several have been adapted as films.
Lunaria telekiana is a rare and poorly known species known from Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo.Jávorka, Sándor. 1920. Novitiae Florae Suecicae Mantissa 19: 1. It has been proposed for protection under international treaties on endangered species.
Persoonia acerosa was first formally described in 1827 by Josef August and Julius Hermann Schultes in their book Mantissa in volumen primum [-tertium] :Systematis vegetabilium caroli a Linné from an unpublished description by Franz Sieber.
These tables listed the values of for any number in a certain range, at a certain precision. Base-10 logarithms were universally used for computation, hence the name common logarithm, since numbers that differ by factors of 10 have logarithms that differ by integers. The common logarithm of can be separated into an integer part and a fractional part, known as the characteristic and mantissa. Tables of logarithms need only include the mantissa, as the characteristic can be easily determined by counting digits from the decimal point.
This misspelling was included by Carl Linnaeus in his book Mantissa plantarum II and has become the name of the tree's genus. Since the spelling may be confusing to pronounce, ginkgo is sometimes purposely misspelled as "gingko".
Where SPL differs most noticeably from ALGOL is that its data types are very machine specific, based on the 3000's 16-bit big endian word format. The type is a 16-bit signed type, with 15 bits of value and the least significant bit as the sign. is a 32-bit integer, not a floating-point type. is a 32-bit floating-point value with 22 bits for the mantissa and 9 for the exponent, while is a 64-bit floating-point value with 54 bits of mantissa and 9 bits exponent.
The Mantissa is a series of twenty-five separate pieces of which the opening five deal directly with psychology.Robert B. Todd, (1976), Alexander of Aphrodisias on Stoic physics: a study of the De Mixtione with Preliminary Essays, Text, Translation and Commentary, page 18. BRILL The remaining twenty pieces cover problems in physics and ethics, of which the largest group deals with questions of vision and light, and the final four with fate and providence. The Mantissa was probably not written by Alexander in its current form, but much of the actual material may be his.
For this reason, the use of mantissa for significand is discouraged by some including the creator of the standard, William Kahan and prominent computer programmer and author of The Art of Computer Programming, Donald E. Knuth The confusion is because scientific notation and floating- point representation are log-linear, not logarithmic. To multiply two numbers, given their logarithms, one just adds the characteristic (integer part) and the mantissa (fractional part). By contrast, to multiply two floating-point numbers, one adds the exponent (which is logarithmic) and multiplies the significand (which is linear).
The internal floating point number format normally used two 16-bit words for a total of 32-bits, stored least significant bit first. Bit 0 was the sign, 1 through 7 was the exponent stored in excess-64 format, and 8 through 31 the mantissa stored as hexadecimal digits. Numbers could alternately used a double-precision format that extended the mantissa only, adding another 32-bits. That meant the double-precision format did not extend the range of numbers that could be stored, only the accuracy of those numbers.
Relative precision of single (binary32) and double precision (binary64) numbers, compared with decimal representations using a fixed number of significant digits. Relative precision is defined here as ulp(x)/x, where ulp(x) is the unit in the last place in the representation of x, i.e. the gap between x and the next representable number. Precision is defined as the minimum difference between two successive mantissa representations; thus it is a function only in the mantissa; while the gap is defined as the difference between two successive numbers.
Statistics, Date Calculation, Database, Sign Change, Right Shift. It is powered by 1 CR2016 battery. EL-733 is a scaled-down version that does not have the dot matrix line. It displays 8-digit mantissa in scientific display mode.
Orange jasmine was first formally described in 1767 by Carl Linnaeus who gave it the name Chalcas paniculata in Mantissa Plantarum. In 1820, William Jack changed the name to Murraya paniculata in his book Descriptions of Malayan Plants [Malayan Miscellanies].
It was first described and published by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 'Mant. Pl.' (Mantissa Plantarum) on page 92 in 1767. The specific epithet didymum, refers to the Latin term for 'twin' or 'in pairs', referring to the seed capsule.
Mantissa is a novel by British author John Fowles published in 1982. It consists entirely of a presumably imaginary dialogue in a writer's head, between himself and an embodiment of the Muse Erato, after he wakes amnesiac in a hospital bed.
The plant was originally described by Carl Linnaeus on page 280 of the Mantissa Plantarum Altera, October 1771. The genus name Carduus is from the Latin for "a kind of thistle"Carduus. The Jepson eFlora 2013. or "thistlelike plant".Carduus.
A decimal base is usually used for mental or paper-and-pencil estimating. A binary base is more suitable for computer estimates. In estimating, the exponent and mantissa are usually treated separately, as the number would be expressed in scientific notation.
Minifloats are also commonly used in embedded devices, especially on microcontrollers where floating-point will need to be emulated in software anyways. To speed up the computation, the mantissa typically occupies exactly half of the bits, so the register boundary automatically addresses the parts without shifting.
Meg could multiply two integers in about 60 microseconds. The floating-point unit used three words for a 30-bit mantissa, and another as a 10-bit exponent. It could add two floating-point numbers in about 180 microseconds, and multiply them in about 360 μs.
Mantissa in volumen primum systematis vegetabilium Caroli a Linné 1: 69. First description of Acroglochin Wilmot-Dear, C.M., Friis, I., Govaerts, R.H.A. (2014). "Nomenclatural corrections to the taxonomic revision of The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae) by Wilmot-Dear & Friis (2013)". Blumea 59, 95–97.
On PCs with x86 processor, QuickBASIC, prior to version 4, reintroduced the double-precision format using a 55-bit mantissa in a 64-bit (8-byte) format. MBF was abandoned during the move to QuickBASIC 4, which used the standard IEEE 754 format, introduced a few years earlier.
The species is listed in 2: 63 of Rossi's publication Mantissa insectorum. There are no subspecies. It is the rarest species of the genus Eristalinus, and is common but not abundant. The species's flight period is from May to October, and is most plentiful from June to July.
Wadsworth and Starr joined Killing Time in Melbourne in 1989 and 1990 respectively. Together they released two EPS before Wadsworh left in 1991. The band released a single before Starr left in early 1992. Killing Time later changed their name to Mantissa and continued on until disbanding in 1996.
The significand (also mantissa or coefficient, sometimes also argument, or ambiguously fraction or characteristic) is part of a number in scientific notation or a floating-point number, consisting of its significant digits. Depending on the interpretation of the exponent, the significand may represent an integer or a fraction.
Hesychius (fifth century) credits Diogenianus as a source,Barnes, Jonathan, Mantissa (2015), p. 282. "Plainly, Diogenianus was an important source for Hesychius." who in turn used Pamphilus.Francesca Schironi, From Alexandria to Babylon: Near Eastern Languages and Hellenistic Erudition in the Oxyrhynchus Glossary (P.Oxy. 1802 + 4812) (2009), p. 49.
The HP-35 used five chips, and had a been developed by twenty engineers at a cost of a million dollars, leading the Texas Instruments engineers to think that Sinclair's aim to build a scientific calculator around the TMS0805 chip, which could barely handle four-function arithmetic, was impossible. However, by sacrificing some speed and accuracy, Sinclair used clever algorithms to run scientific operations on a chip with room for just 320 instructions. Constants, rather than being stored in the calculator, were printed on the case below the screen. It displays only in scientific notation, with a five digit mantissa and a two digit exponent, although a sixth digit of the mantissa was stored internally.
This first- generation computer had 6200 vacuum tubes and 60,000 semiconductor diodes. Strela's speed was 2000 operations per second. Its floating-point arithmetic was based on 43-bit floating point words, with a signed 35-bit mantissa and a signed 6-bit exponent. Operative Williams tube memory (RAM) was 2048 words.
Two stages are used to compress the image data. The first scales the three floating point values to share a common 8-bit exponent, taken from the brightest of the three. Each value is then truncated to an 8-bit mantissa (fractional part). The result is four bytes, 32 bits, for each pixel.
There are 27 numeric variables, `A` through `Z`, and `θ`. These can hold two types of values, real and complex. All numbers are stored in the RAM as floating-point numbers with 14-digit mantissa, or significand, and an exponent range of -128 to 127. Complex numbers are stored as two consecutive reals.
The "fast buffer" access time was 0.25 µs. The word size was 52 bits. Floating point numbers used a format with 7 bits of exponent (power of 4) and 45 bits of mantissa. Instructions were either 26 bits or 13 bits long, allowing packing of up to 4 instructions per memory word.
In mathematics, addition and multiplication of real numbers is associative. By contrast, in computer science, the addition and multiplication of floating point numbers is not associative, as rounding errors are introduced when dissimilar-sized values are joined together.Knuth, Donald, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3, section 4.2.2 To illustrate this, consider a floating point representation with a 4-bit mantissa: (1.0002×20 \+ 1.0002×20) + 1.0002×24 = 1.0002×21 \+ 1.0002×24 = 1.002×24 1.0002×20 \+ (1.0002×20 \+ 1.0002×24) = 1.0002×20 \+ 1.002×24 = 1.002×24 Even though most computers compute with a 24 or 53 bits of mantissa, this is an important source of rounding error, and approaches such as the Kahan summation algorithm are ways to minimise the errors.
It was built with the same slimline design as the 1978 TI-30, but with different processor and slightly changed feature set. It used TP0324-4N processor (CMOS variant of TMS1000 family). The display can handle 8 digits (5 digit mantissa with a 2-digit exponent) with 11-digit internal precision. It was manufactured in the USA.
EL-730 series uses the same interface as the EL-500W series, but contains financial functions. EL-735 displays 9-digit mantissa in scientific display mode. There is only 1 memory register. Functions include Cost/Sell Margin, Compound Interest, Amortisation of Payment, Bond Calculation, 360-Day Calendar, Non- Uniform Cash Flow, Constant Calculation, Chain Calculation, 1-Var./2-Var.
Bins which correspond to frequencies in which human hearing is more precise are allocated more bits; bins which correspond to frequencies that humans are less sensitive to are allocated fewer. Anywhere between zero and 16 bits may be allocated for each mantissa; if zero bits are transmitted, a dither function may be optionally applied to generate the frequency coefficient.
Clerodendrum paniculatum,Linnaeus C (1767) Mantissa Plantarum. Generum Editionis vi et Specierum Editionis ii. 90. the pagoda flower, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Clerodendrum and family Lamiaceae. It is native to tropical Asia and Papuasia (southern China including Taiwan, Indochina, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Philippines, Bismarck Archipelago).
Numbers were displayed on the 8-digit LED display (made by National Semiconductor) in scientific format with a 5-digit mantissa and a 2-digit exponent. The Cambridge used light-emitting diodes for its display. On later scientific variants the power draw for the display required a larger PP3 battery, creating a bulge in the lower rear casing of the appliance.
Killing Time supported national tours by Jane's Addiction, Mudhoney, Scatterbrain and Baby Animals. In August 1992 Killing Time changed their name to Mantissa and followed with their debut album, Mossy God, in October on Red Eye Records / Polydor Records, which appeared in the Top 50 ARIA Albums Chart. Their second album, Thirst, appeared in August 1995 and the group disbanded in 1996.
Leuven University Press Alexander contends that the undeveloped reason in man is material (nous hylikos) and inseparable from the body. He argued strongly against the doctrine of the soul's immortality. He identified the active intellect (nous poietikos), through whose agency the potential intellect in man becomes actual, with God. A second book is known as the Supplement to On the Soul (Mantissa).
In Leonard Plukenet's Mantissa, published in that year, he is mentioned as the discoverer, in Tothill Fields, Westminster, of the plant now known as Rumex palustris, and was described (p. 112) as "stirpium indagator diligentissimus ... pharmacopœus Londinensis, et magnæ spei botanicus.' He seems to have paid particular attention to inconspicuous plants, especially in the neighbourhood of London. Thus Samuel Doody records in a manuscript note: "Mr.
An Elektronika B3-34 Elektronika B3-34 (Cyrillic: Электроника Б3-34) was a Soviet programmable calculator. It was released in 1980 and was sold for 85 rubles. B3-34 used reverse Polish notation and had 98 bytes of instruction memory, four stack user registers and 14 addressable registers. Each register could store up to 8 mantissa or Significand digits and two exponent digits in the range to .
Jan Křesadlo purports to be merely the translator of a "chrononaut's" handed down homeric Greek science fiction epic, the Astronautilia. Other postmodern examples of poioumena include Samuel Beckett's trilogy (Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable); Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook; John Fowles's Mantissa; William Golding's The Paper Men; Gilbert Sorrentino's Mulligan Stew; and S. D. Chrostowska's Permission.Fowler, Alastair. The History of English Literature, p.
The ALU can work either in binary or binary-coded decimal (BCD) mode. Variable-length instructions let the programmer treat data in the upper 32 registers as entities between one and eight bytes in length — for example, two eight-byte values (e.g. mantissa of a floating-point number) can be added using a single instruction. This feature reduces the number of loops that need to be programmed.
Mantissa were an Australian hard rock band which formed as Killing Time in 1989. Killing Time included Nina Grant on bass guitar and vocals, Chris Paine on guitar, and Adam Pringle on lead vocals. In February 1991 they issued an extended play, Ruby's Mind, which reached the Top 100 on the ARIA Singles Chart. Their Dream Alone (March 1992) extended play, peaked in the Top 30\.
Pierre Thillet, in his 1984 Budé edition of On Fate, has argued against Moraux's identification (Der Aristotelismus im I. und II. Jahrhundert n. Chr., vol. 2, 1984) of Aristotle of Mytilene as Alexander's teacher, pointing out that the text that has been taken to mean this (On Fate, mantissa, p. 110.4 Bruns, ) could refer instead to Alexander's learning from the texts of Aristotle the Stagirite.
Thus, Melaleuca leucadendra became the first melaleuca to be formally described. The description was published in 1767 in Mantissa plantarum. It follows that although nearly all melaeucas are found only in Australia, the first type specimen was from Indonesia. The specific epithet (leucadendra) is derived from the Ancient Greek words λευκός (leukós) meaning “white” and δένδρον (déndron) meaning “tree” referring to the white bark of this plant.
Others, as "Anatomia anatomiae Societatis Jesu" (Innsbruck, 1634), "Mantissa Ant-anatomiae Jesuiticae" (Innsbruck, 1635; Cologne, 1635), "Grammaticus Proteus, arcanorum Societatis Jesu Daedalus" (Ingolstadt, 1636), "Appendix ad grammaticum Proteum" (Ingolstadt, 1636), attack the enemies of the Society of Jesus. Two of his works, written for Catholics, "Disputirkunst fur die einfaltigen Catholischen" (Ingolstadt, 1656) and "Leben Jesu Christi" (Dillingen, 1650–1658), were re-edited and republished at Würzburg (1861) and Ratisbon (1856).
An important property of base-10 logarithms, which makes them so useful in calculations, is that the logarithm of numbers greater than 1 that differ by a factor of a power of 10 all have the same fractional part. The fractional part is known as the mantissa.This use of the word mantissa stems from an older, non-numerical, meaning: a minor addition or supplement, e.g., to a text.
Casio fx-3650P II Casio fx-3650P is a programmable scientific calculator manufactured by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. It can store 12 digits for the mantissa and 2 digits for the exponent together with the expression each time when the "EXE" button is pressed. Also, the calculator can use the previous result to do calculations by pressing "Ans".fx-3650P/fx-3950P User's Guide , Casio Computer Co., Lda. Japan.
Caryocar (souari trees) is a genus of flowering plants, in the South American family Caryocaraceae described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1771.Linnaeus, Carl von. 1771. Mantissa Plantarum 2: 154, 247Tropicos, Caryocar L. It is native primarily to South America with a few species extending into Central America and the West Indies.Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Caryocar consists of trees that yield a strong timber.
Graphical representation of integral (1.4.3.−2) minifloats Integral minifloats in 1 byte have a greater range of ±122 880 than two's-complement integer with a range −128 to +127. The greater range is compensated by a poor precision, because there are only 4 mantissa bits, equivalent to slightly more than one decimal place. They also have greater range than half-precision minifloats with range ±65 504, also compensated by lack of fractions and poor precision.
A "fast buffer" was also provided for storage of short loops and intermediate results (similar in concept to what is now called cache). The "fast buffer" access time was 0.25 µs The word size was 52 bits. Floating- point numbers used a format with 7 bits of exponent (power of 4) and 45 bits of mantissa. Instructions were either 26 bits or 13 bits long, allowing packing of up to 4 instructions per memory word.
The genus Murraya was first formally described in 1771 by Carl Linnaeus in Mantissa Plantarum Altera from an unpublished description by Johann Gerhard König. The genus name commemorates the 18th-century German-Swedish herbal doctor Johan Andreas Murray, a student of Linnaeus.Missouri Botanical Garden This genus is in the subfamily Aurantioideae, which also includes genus Citrus. It is in the subtribe Clauseninae, which are known technically as the remote citroid fruit trees.
Floating-point numbers had a one-bit sign, an eight-bit characteristic, and a 27-bit mantissa. Instructions had a six-bit operation code and two 15-bit operand addresses. The 1103A was contemporary with, and a competitor to, the IBM 704, which also employed vacuum-tube logic, magnetic- core memory, and floating-point hardware. A version of this machine was sold to the Lewis Research Center, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) in Cleveland, Ohio.
Mantissa anatomica combines of three of Ent's studies on anatomy – Lophius, Galeus, and Rana. He assembled these as part of an intended broad study of anatomy in the 1650s that never further materialized. From 1637–1655, Ent corresponded with Cassiano dal Pozzo concerning fossil wood. Published in 1687, near the end of Ent’s lifetime, the Opera Omnia Medico-Physica (All Medical-Physical Works) contains a collection of Ent’s works. Ent’s nonscientific works include a range of topics.
The natural logarithm of 10, which has the decimal expansion 2.30258509..., plays a role for example in the computation of natural logarithms of numbers represented in scientific notation, as a mantissa multiplied by a power of 10: : \ln(a\cdot 10^n) = \ln a + n \ln 10. This means that one can effectively calculate the logarithms of numbers with very large or very small magnitude using the logarithms of a relatively small set of decimals in the range [1,10).
Mantissa was Fowles' only novel to receive generally negative reviews. The New York Times called it "a surprisingly tedious novel," asserting that it was little more than Fowles' response to critics that he felt misunderstood his work. The Boston Globe named it "an idiotic story." Time magazine, in a more positive review, asserted that the book consists of a sort of intellectual play between Fowles and the reader, or by Fowles at the expense of all reading.
It was adapted as a feature film in 1981 with a screenplay by the noted British playwright (and later Nobel laureate) Harold Pinter, and starring Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons. Fowles lived the rest of his life in Lyme Regis. His works The Ebony Tower (1974), Daniel Martin (1977), Mantissa (1981), and A Maggot (1985) were all written from Belmont House. Fowles was named by The Times newspaper of UK as one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945.
Programs could be stored on DC-100 cartridge tapes or on external disk/tape units. Despite the comparatively low processor clock frequency, the machines were quite advanced compared to other desktop computers of the time,e.g. Apple II (1977), Tandy TRS-80 (1977), CBM 2001 (1977), Zenith Z89 (1980) in particular regarding software features relevant to technical and scientific use. The standard number representation was a floating point format with a 12-digit (decimal) mantissa and exponents up to ±499.
In computing, Microsoft Binary Format (MBF) is a format for floating-point numbers which was used in Microsoft's BASIC language products, including MBASIC, GW-BASIC and QuickBASIC prior to version 4.00. There are two main versions of the format. The original version was designed for memory- constrained systems and stored numbers in 32 bits (4 bytes), with a 23-bit mantissa, 1-bit sign, and an 8-bit exponent. Extended (12k) BASIC included a double-precision type with 64 bits.
Her work, printed by Simon Stevin, goes well beyond what was provided at the time in calculation manuals. She wrote, Her work introduced two fundamental innovations: the decimal point (today called the virgule in French) to separate the mantissa of the decimal parts, as well as the use of a zero in the decimal part to indicate that a place is absent. In doing this, she gave form to current decimal numbers. She named the zeroes nuls as the Germans were doing.
Some GPUs support a '7e3' format, where a 32bit word encodes 3 10bit floating point color channels, each with 7bits of mantissa and 3 bits of exponent. JPEG XT Part 2 (Dolby JPEG-HDR) and Part 7 Profile A are based on the RGBE format. RGBM is a format with the exponent replaced with a shared multiplier, while RGBD stores a divider instead. These formats lack the dynamic range of RGBE and logLUV, but are more amenable to a naive approach of linear interpolation on each component.
In this case they must obey the (not explicitly written) rules for the frontier between subnormal and normal numbers and must have special patterns for infinity and NaN. Normalized numbers are stored with a biased exponent. The new revision of the standard, IEEE 754-2008, has 16-bit binary minifloats. The Radeon R300 and R420 GPUs used an "fp24" floating-point format with 7 bits of exponent and 16 bits (+1 implicit) of mantissa.. "Full Precision" in Direct3D 9.0 is a proprietary 24-bit floating-point format.
As was normal at the time, memory was not preserved on power-down. A physical slider switch toggled between degrees and radians modes, which was an unusual feature. It had a 12-digit LED display, which was less than the 15 digits of the HP-35. Because of these fewer digits the HP-21 (and similar calculators such as the HP-25) could display 10-digit floating point numbers but only an 8-digit mantissa with a 2-digit exponent when scientific notation was used.
In 2016, Satti released her single "Koupes", an original, contemporary rendition of a traditional Asia Minor song. "Koupes" received widespread attention, reaching more than 22 million views on YouTube, and was included in Ravin & Bob Sinclar's Buddha Bar: 20 Years Anniversary compilation album. In December 2016, Satti voiced the character of Moana in the Greek- language version of the Walt Disney animated picture Moana. Satti's single "Mantissa", released in May 2017, reached the top of the Greek and Bulgarian charts in less than one week.
A Maggot (1985) is a novel by British author John Fowles. It is Fowles' sixth major novel, following The Collector, The Magus, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Daniel Martin, and Mantissa. Its title, as the author explains in the prologue, is taken from the archaic sense of the word that means "whim", "quirk", "obsession", or even a snatch of music (see earworm). Another meaning of the word "maggot" becomes apparent later in the novel, used by a character to describe a white, oblong machine that appears to be a spacecraft.
The album was produced by Peter Blyton (The Radiators, Machinations) and spawned the successful single Sister's Crazy. Virgin Records was eventually bought out by EMI and Candy Harlots were subsequently signed to EMI's US label. Soon afterwards Aiz Lynch was fired from the band, to be replaced by vocalist Hayden Watt (ex-Triple X). In mid-1993, founding drummer Tony Cardinal quit the group along with Peter Masi. However Bowley, Dee and Watt formed a new outfit called Helter Skelter, with the addition of drummer Tubby Wadsworth (ex-Killing Time, Mantissa).
In a normal floating-point value, there are no leading zeros in the significand; rather, leading zeros are removed by adjusting the exponent (for example, the number 0.0123 would be written as ). Denormal numbers are numbers where this representation would result in an exponent that is below the smallest representable exponent (the exponent usually having a limited range). Such numbers are represented using leading zeros in the significand. The significand (or mantissa) of an IEEE floating- point number is the part of a floating-point number that represents the significant digits.
As this may sometimes be problematic for some semi-numerical calculations written to assume double precision for correct operation, to avoid such problems, the x87 can be configured using a special configuration/status register to automatically round to single or double precision after each operation. Since the introduction of SSE2, the x87 instructions are not as essential as they once were, but remain important as a high-precision scalar unit for numerical calculations sensitive to round-off error and requiring the 64-bit mantissa precision and extended range available in the 80-bit format.
To maximize performance, programmers often used the processor exclusively in one mode or the other, deferring the relatively slow switch between them as long as possible. Each 64-bit MMX register corresponds to the mantissa part of an 80-bit x87 register. The upper 16 bits of the x87 registers thus go unused in MMX, and these bits are all set to ones, making them NaNs or infinities in the floating point representation. This can be used by applications to decide whether a particular register's content is intended as floating point or SIMD data.
In 1683 he published a book entitled "Dissertatio de Arthritide: Mantissa Schematica: De Acupunctura: Et Orationes Tres". His treatise on the art of needling which he called acupunctura was the first Western detailed study on that matter. He also wrote An Account of the Cape of Good Hope and the Hottentotes, which describes the lives of the Khoikhoi (then Hottentots) during the early days of Dutch settlement in the Cape as well as a pioneering book on Leprosy in Asia (Dutch: Asiatise Melaatsheid) and a treatise on tea that was published by Jakob Breyne.
In the first version running by May 1957 on an English Electric DEUCE, all values were stored in binary fixed-point form in a 32-bit word, with 16 binary places. In the second version introduced by 1958, values were held in floating-point form, with one value per word: 22 bits for the mantissa and 10 bits for the exponent. Some form of coding table was needed because the printing equipment of the time provided only 26 letters of the alphabet, a decimal point, plus sign, minus sign, and slash.
1986 edition of TI-35 PLUS TI-36 SOLAR, first edition It can display 10 digits mantissa with 2 digits exponent, and calculates with 12-digit precision internally. TI-36 SOLAR was based on 1985 version of TI-35 PLUS, but incorporates solar cells. It addition to standard features such as trigonometric functions, exponents, logarithm, and intelligent order of operations found in TI-30 and TI-34 series of calculators, it also include base (decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary) calculations, complex values, statistics. Conversions include polar- rectangular coordinates (P←→R), angles.
For a general positive real number, the binary logarithm may be computed in two parts.. First, one computes the integer part, \lfloor\log_2 x\rfloor (called the characteristic of the logarithm). This reduces the problem to one where the argument of the logarithm is in a restricted range, the interval [1, 2), simplifying the second step of computing the fractional part (the mantissa of the logarithm). For any , there exists a unique integer such that , or equivalently . Now the integer part of the logarithm is simply , and the fractional part is .
Marina Satti (Greek: Μαρίνα Σάττι, IPA: [maˈrina 'sati]; 26 December 1986), also known as SATTI, is a Greek singer, songwriter and music producer. Her music combines elements of Greek traditional music with contemporary sounds and fonés rhythms and production. In 2007, her musical talent earned her a scholarship at Berklee College of Music from which she graduated in 2011, majoring in Contemporary Writing & Production. In 2017, her single "Mantissa", inspired by the traditional music of Epirus, went viral on YouTube, reaching over 40 million views to this day.
The B2500 and B3500 computers were announced in 1966. They operated directly on COBOL-68's primary decimal data types: strings of up to 100 digits, with one EBCDIC or ASCII digit character or two 4-bit binary-coded decimal BCD digits per byte. Portable COBOL programs did not use binary integers at all, so the B2500 did not either, not even for memory addresses. Memory was addressed down to the 4-bit digit in big-endian style, using 5-digit decimal addresses. Floating point numbers also used base 10 rather than some binary base, and had up to 100 mantissa digits.
FOCAL's PDP-8 implementation used a floating point representation that represented numbers as four 12-bit words, forty-eight bits in total, with thirty-six bits of mantissa and twelve bits of exponent. This allowed for both significantly higher precision and a significantly wider range of values than most contemporary interpreters, making FOCAL a reasonable choice for serious numerical work. This high precision, and good choices for default decimal output formatting, meant that difficulties with binary-to- decimal rounding were not evident to beginning users. For comparison, Microsoft BASIC initially used a 32-bit format, while later versions expanded this to 40-bits.
Three formats, or exponent strategies, are used; these are known as "D15", "D25", and "D45". In D15, each bin has a unique exponent, while in D25 and D45, delta values correspond to either pairs or quads of frequency bins. Audio blocks other than the first in a syncframe may additionally reuse the prior block's exponent set (this is required for channels that use the Adaptive Hybrid Transform). The decoded exponents, along with a set of metadata parameters, is used to derive the bit allocation pointers (BAPs), which specify the number of bits allocated to each mantissa.
The 1620 was a decimal-digit machine which used discrete transistors, yet it had hardware (that used lookup tables) to perform integer arithmetic on digit strings of a length that could be from two to whatever memory was available. For floating-point arithmetic, the mantissa was restricted to a hundred digits or fewer, and the exponent was restricted to two digits only. The largest memory supplied offered 60 000 digits, however Fortran compilers for the 1620 settled on fixed sizes such as 10, though it could be specified on a control card if the default was not satisfactory.
In addition, a PURB is padded to a constrained set of possible lengths, in order to minimize the amount of information the encrypted data could potentially leak to observers via its total length. Without padding, encrypted objects such as files or bit strings up to M bits in length can leak up to O(\log M) bits of information to an observer - namely the number of bits required to represent the length exactly. A PURB is padded to a length representable in a floating point number whose mantissa is no longer (i.e., contains no more significant bits) than its exponent.
TERNAC is an emulation written in FORTRAN of a ternary computer on another binary machine, a Burroughs B1700. It was implemented in 1973 at State University of New York, Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo). The implementation provided both fixed-point and floating-point capability; fixed-point words were 24 trits in length and the floating-point words had 42 trits for mantissa and 6 trits for exponent. TERNAC was intended primarily to discover if the implementation of a nonbinary structure on a binary computer was feasible, and to ascertain the cost in memory storage and time for such an implementation.
The R4200 is a scalar design with a five-stage classic RISC pipeline. A notable feature is the use of the integer datapath for performing arithmetic operations on the mantissa portion of a floating point number. A separate datapath was used for the exponent. This scheme reduced cost by reducing the number of transistors, the size of the chip, and power consumption. It also impacted floating point performance negatively, but the R4200's intended applications did not require high floating point performance. The R4200 has a 16 KB instruction cache and an 8 KB data cache.
This species was first described in the Mantissa Plantarum Altera by the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1771, who named it Protea pubera. However, he cited Leucadendron oleaefolium (now Leucospermum oleifolium) by Peter Jonas Bergius as a synonym, making P. pubera a superfluous name. In 1809, Joseph Knight published a book titled On the cultivation of the plants belonging to the natural order of Proteeae, that contained an extensive revision of the Proteaceae attributed to Richard Anthony Salisbury. Salisbury assigned four species to his new genus Leucadendrum that are now considered synonymous: L. puberum, L. gnaphaliifolium, L. xeranthemifolium and L. calligerum.
LEDA provides four additional numerical representations alongside those built-in to C++: integer, rational, bigfloat, and real. LEDA's integer type offers an improvement over the built-in int datatype by eliminating the problem of overflow at the cost of unbounded memory usage for increasingly large numbers. It follows that LEDA's rational type has the same resistance to overflow because it is based directly on the mathematical definition of rational as the quotient of two integers. The bigfloat type improves on the C++ floating-point types by allowing for mantissa to be set to an arbitrary level of precision instead of following the IEEE standard.
The 1776 description of Papilio arnaca by Johann Christian Fabricius was based on an unspecified number of specimens from Suriname, in Schulze's collection. Two other Schulze Lepidoptera were species of "Papilio" for which he selected names which had recently been introduced by Pieter Cramer (claudia and iphigenia) for other species in Uitlandsche Kapellen. Thus Schulze's names were invalid primary homonyms. Schulze said that Fabricius had visited him in Hamburg to see his collection, and would be including the new species in the "mantissa" (or supplement) to his Systema entomologiæ (1775) Fabricius duly did so in the 1777 Genera insectorum and Schulze's new names are often credited to Fabricius in error.
An ASCII STL file begins with the line solid name where name is an optional string (though if name is omitted there must still be a space after solid). The file continues with any number of triangles, each represented as follows: facet normal ni nj nk outer loop vertex v1x v1y v1z vertex v2x v2y v2z vertex v3x v3y v3z endloop endfacet where each n or v is a floating-point number in sign-mantissa-"e"-sign- exponent format, e.g., "2.648000e-002". The file concludes with endsolid name An example ASCII STL of a sphericon The structure of the format suggests that other possibilities exist (e.g.
Florida had previously worked with the team building the Manchester Mark 1, and following their lead he designed the DRTE machine with 40-bit words. An instruction was broken down into four 10-bit parts, the instruction and three 10-bit addresses. Integers used 39 bits and one bit for a sign, while floating point numbers had an 8-bit exponent with one bit for the sign and a 32-bit mantissa with one bit for the sign. Florida felt that the three-address instruction format, including the addresses of two parameters and a result, would make programming easier than a register-based system.
Galium kamtschaticum, known as Kamchatka bedstraw or boreal bedstraw, is a plant species in the Rubiaceae, named for the Kamchatka Peninsula on the Pacific Coast of Russia.Schultes, Josef August & Schultes, Julius Hermann. 1827. Mantissa 3: 186 The species is native to northeastern Asia and northern North America: Russia (Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island, and Kuril Islands), northeastern China (Heilongjiang, Jilin), Korea, Japan, Alaska (including the Aleutians), Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick), and the northern part of the contiguous United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Michigan, Washington).Flora of China, v 19 p 132, Galium kamtschaticum Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant FamiliesBiota of North America ProgramWelsh, S. L. 1974.
Rossi's academic career was conducted at the University of Pisa, where he attained a doctorate in philosophy and medicine in 1759. He was then made a professor of logic in 1763, a position he held until 1801, when he finally received the chair for natural history with the special field "insectology", making him the world's first professor of entomology. His publications, particularly Fauna etrusca (1790) and Mantissa insectorum (1792), are considered pioneer achievements of entomology and still possess scientific validity in the fields of taxonomy and biological nomenclature. Parts of his collection were once in the possession of Johann Christian Ludwig Hellwig in Braunschweig; these are now in the Natural History Museum of Berlin.
The System z10 supports the following IBM operating systems: z/OS, z/VSE, z/VM, and z/TPF (and its immediate predecessor, TPF/ESA). Other operating systems available include Linux on System z, OpenSolaris for System z, UTS, and MUSIC/SP (at least in principle). A product in development by Mantissa Corporation, z/VOS, was announced in 2008 to run other operating systems developed for x86 architectures (such as Windows and x86 versions of Linux), later renamed to z86VM and the Linux support is in beta, and "has no plans to support 64 bit", but as of 2019, it has a bug for Windows so not even a beta version for it is available.
Superscalar execution was improved by adding the extra integer unit and modifying the control logic so that two integer instructions, two load-store units, or an integer and a load- store can be issued in one cycle in addition to the existing instruction combinations supported by the PA-7100. A number of modifications were made to circuits derived from the PA-7100LC. Prominently, the floating-point unit multiplier was modified to take up less area by halving the tree of carry-save adders that summed the partial products of the mantissa. This simplification left the latency of single precision multiplies unchanged (two cycles), but increased the latency of double precision multiplies to three cycles.
The song, composed and arranged by Satti, earned her an international deal with Universal Music Berlin and has reached more than 40 million views on YouTube to this day. "Mantissa" drew the attention of the international press with Global Citizen describing it as "the song of the summer" and NPR as "the summer hit that fills a generation with hope". In November 2017, Satti performed at Google's Europe On Stage event at the Bozar Center for Fine Arts in Brussels as part of the "10 most interesting YouTube acts of 2017". In September 2018, she performed with the group fonέs at the United Nations Champion of the Earth Awards in New York.
For highly stationary signals, such as long notes in musical performance, the Adaptive Hybrid Transform (AHT) is used. This tool is unique to Dolby Digital Plus (and unsupported in Dolby Digital), and uses an additional Type II discrete cosine transform (DCT) to combine six adjacent transform blocks (located within a syncframe) into an effectively longer block. In addition to the two-stage transform, a different bit-allocation structure is used, and two ways of representing encoded mantissas are deployed: use of vector quantization, which gives the highest coding gain, and use of gain-adapted quantization (GAQ) when greater signal-fidelity is required. Gain-adaptive quantization may be independently enabled for each frequency bin within a channel, and permits variable-length mantissa encoding.
There were those who would never vote for a friend of the Emperor, and there were those who remembered Morone's troubles with the Inquisition, and the bull of Paul IV which had stated that no one who was arrested, imprisoned, or convicted by the Inquisition could ever vote in a papal election, let alone be elected pope.Hugo Laemmer, Meletmatum Romanorum mantissa (Ratisbon 1875), p. 209-210. In addition, there were those who did not like Morone personally. It is alleged that both Alessandro Farnese and Ippolito d'Este had grudges against Morone due to decisions which he had made while Legate in Bologna.[Gregorio Leti], Conclavi de' pontefici romani Nuova edizione, riveduta, corretta, ed ampliata Volume I (Colonia: Lorenzo Martini, 1691), p. 307.
Tables containing common logarithms (base-10) were extensively used in computations prior to the advent of electronic calculators and computers because logarithms convert problems of multiplication and division into much easier addition and subtraction problems. Base-10 logarithms have an additional property that is unique and useful: The common logarithm of numbers greater than one that differ only by a factor of a power of ten all have the same fractional part, known as the mantissa. Tables of common logarithms typically included only the mantissas; the integer part of the logarithm, known as the characteristic, could easily be determined by counting digits in the original number. A similar principle allows for the quick calculation of logarithms of positive numbers less than 1.
The model HP-25C, introduced in 1976, addressed that shortcoming through the first use of battery-backed CMOS memory in a calculator, termed continuous memory by HP. Like all early HP calculators, the 25 used the Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) for entering calculations, working on a four-level stack (x,y,z,t). Nearly all buttons had two alternative functions, accessed by a blue and yellow prefix key. A small sliding switch was used to change between "run" and "program" mode. The HP-25 used a 10-digit red LED display and was the first calculator to introduce the "engineering" display option, a denormalized mantissa/exponent format where the exponent is always a multiple of 3 to match the common SI prefixes, e.g.
PostScript uses the point as its unit of length. However, unlike some of the other versions of the point, PostScript uses exactly 72 points to the inch. Thus: : For example, in order to draw a vertical line of 4 cm length, it is sufficient to type: 0 0 moveto 0 113.385827 lineto stroke More readably and idiomatically, one might use the following equivalent, which demonstrates a simple procedure definition and the use of the mathematical operators `mul` and `div`: /cm {72 mul 2.54 div} def % 1 inch = 2.54 cm exactly 0 0 moveto 0 4 cm lineto stroke Most implementations of PostScript use single-precision reals (24-bit mantissa), so it is not meaningful to use more than 9 decimal digits to specify a real number, and performing calculations may produce unacceptable round-off errors.
Padding messages to a power of two (or any other fixed base) reduces the maximum amount of information that the message can leak via its length from O(\log M) to O(\log \log M). Padding to a power of two increases message size overhead by up to 100%, however, and padding to powers of larger integer bases increase maximum overhead further. The PADMÉ scheme, proposed for padded uniform random blobs or PURBs, deterministically pads messages to lengths representable as a floating point number whose mantissa is no longer (i.e., contains no more significant bits) than its exponent. This length constraint ensures that a message leaks at most O(\log \log M) bits of information via its length, like padding to a power of two, but incurs much less overhead of at most 12% for tiny messages and decreasing gradually with message size.
This constraint limits the maximum amount of information a PURB's total length can leak to O(\log \log M) bits, a significant asymptotic reduction and the best achievable in general for variable-length encrypted formats whose multiplicative overhead is limited to a constant factor of the unpadded payload size. This asymptotic leakage is the same as one would obtain by padding encrypted objects to a power of some base, such as to a power of two. Allowing some significant mantissa bits in the length's representation rather than just an exponent, however, significantly reduces the overhead of padding. For example, padding to the next power of two can impose up to 100% overhead by nearly doubling the object's size, while a PURB's padding imposes overhead of at most 12% for small strings and decreasing gradually (to 6%, 3%, etc.) as objects get larger.
Mathematical tables containing common logarithms (base-10) were extensively used in computations prior to the advent of computers and calculators, not only because logarithms convert problems of multiplication and division into much easier addition and subtraction problems, but for an additional property that is unique to base-10 and proves useful: Any positive number can be expressed as the product of a number from the interval and an integer power of This can be envisioned as shifting the decimal separator of the given number to the left yielding a positive, and to the right yielding a negative exponent of Only the logarithms of these normalized numbers (approximated by a certain number of digits), which are called mantissas, need to be tabulated in lists to a similar precision (a similar number of digits). These mantissas are all positive and enclosed in the interval . The common logarithm of any given positive number is then obtained by adding its mantissa to the common logarithm of the second factor. This logarithm is called the characteristic of the given number.
The MK-52 has 105 steps of volatile program memory, an internal EEPROM module (with 512 bytes of memory), and 15 7-byte registers. It uses four AA-size battery cells or can be plugged into a power adapter. It has a relatively dim, ten-digit (8 digit mantissa, 2 digit exponent) green vacuum fluorescent display. The MK-52 has an expansion port to which various ROM (Read-only memory) modules could be attached. Its system clock speed is approximately 75 kHz (derived from a phases generator chip), and it weighs approximately 400 grammes. The MK-52 is the first Soviet micro-calculator with non-volatile electrically erasable memory (EEPROM, type KR1601RP1, with a capacity of 4 kilobits, and capable of 10,000 rewrites), ensuring security for programs, and for the clipboard, when the power is turned off. This EEPROM memory is capable of storing up to 512 1-byte program words (or the contents of 72 7-byte registers) and exchanging its contents with the calculator's RAM. The calculator is fully compatible with the second-generation models (B3-34 and MK-54), using the same command system and machine codes.

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