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128 Sentences With "manifestoes"

How to use manifestoes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "manifestoes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "manifestoes". Mastering all the usages of "manifestoes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Men have apologized, shot back, stepped down, created "decency pledges," written manifestoes, been fired for manifestoes.
"Manifestoes of Surrealism," André Breton Nothing in "Manifestoes of Surrealism" makes sense, but it's endlessly readable nonetheless.
The party manifestoes will be out within a week or two.
But since those local elections, the Labour and Conservative manifestoes changed everything.
But as manifestoes for a political philosophy, I was never really convinced.
The robotic babble emphasizes the youthful autocratic ideology that often propels manifestoes.
"We spent the weekend working out which manifestoes were most dynamic," she said.
The manifestoes aren't meant to stand alone; they are meant to be in dialogue.
Here's how the three main parties' manifestoes compare ahead of the June 8 vote.
I read newspapers and magazines of all sorts, leaflets, ads, political manifestoes, dirty magazines, comics.
After all, manifestoes tend to be the inflammatory issue of angry, autocratic youth, usually male.
In all, these structures enrich the manifestoes, adding resonance, humor and teasing bits of symbolism.
Many of the New Nordic chefs are guided by solemn manifestoes about nature and culture.
Most have little time or patience for attending political rallies, or wading through turgid party manifestoes.
The smart, discursive and yappy Zurich-Dada manifestoes were creative expressions of anger in a safe space.
He has not, however, offered much in the way of detailed policy: No white papers, no prescriptive manifestoes.
I have surrendered my favorite manifestoes about having it all, managing work-life balance and maximizing my potential.
"These manifestoes show that you actually can speak up loudly — if you have something to say," he said.
Each of them — from an anchorwoman to a corporate chief executive to a homeless man — quotes from the manifestoes.
But Dada's more famous association is with punk, and that association comes less from the artworks than the manifestoes.
But the Shadow Brokers continued to post taunting manifestoes and stolen software for months after Mr. Martin was jailed.
It is not a legislature; its deputies neither offer manifestoes nor carry out the ideas they propose to voters.
Ms. Westwood is now 75, a vocal environmental and political activist whose collections are always manifestoes and calls to rally.
Feminist manifestoes led to the birth a few years later of France's Mouvement de Libération des Femmes, the Women's Liberation Movement.
Suspects in mass shootings typically leave long trails of clues to justify their actions, writing manifestoes or posting on social media.
The words the characters recite are drawn from more than 50 manifestoes — most of them artistic declarations from the 133th century.
It would be wonderful if Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit could reliably identify murderous manifestoes as they are posted and alert the authorities.
" In his acknowledgments, Snowden thanks the novelist Joshua Cohen for "helping to transform my rambling reminiscences and capsule manifestoes into a book.
The manifestoes (the film draws from many more than 13 texts; some are merely one-line maxims) are not just read, they're performed.
Mr. Rosefeldt sets his vignettes in contemporary settings with Ms. Blanchett doing all the talking, speaking the manifestoes directly or in voice-over.
They stand mainly as political manifestoes of what the White House hopes to achieve — and would do if it had its own way.
In the German artist Julian Rosefeldt's latest film installation, snippets of manifestoes by 20th-century aesthetic rebels emanate from 13 large, luminous screens.
They include an impressively competent stockbroker reciting Futurist manifestoes with a slight Queens accent; an icy chief executive quoting manifestoes on abstract painting as if announcing the company's latest strategies; and an imperious Russian choreographer who rehearses a troupe of silver-garbed aliens more appropriate to Twyla Tharp, interspersing her impatient corrections with rebellious aphorisms from Fluxus and Performance artists.
"They were manifestoes against a senseless obscene war, a war my sons could have been called up for," she told art historian Deborah Frizzell.
Remember when Paul Ryan posed as the ultimate guardian of fiscal responsibility, releasing manifestoes warning in dire terms of the "crushing burden of debt"?
While I do see the environment on the manifestoes of B.J.P. and the Congress, I'm very skeptical of how much they will actually do.
A cursory look at populist election manifestoes across the Continent reveals pledges that would do away with the European Union in all but name.
The digital footprint and manifestoes of these white nationalist terrorists follow a familiar template — one that each shooter fills in with their own hideous details.
The digital footprint and manifestoes of these white nationalist terrorists follow a familiar template — one that each shooter fills in with their own hideous details.
Jerome Tuccille, who wrote one of the first manifestoes of the American libertarian movement and the first biography of Donald J. Trump, died on Feb.
I also produced manifestoes and gradually worked out how to involve myself in the London art scene and the global mail art network of that time.
Mr. Smith "represents a generation that has assimilated the codes of true freedom, one that is free of manifestoes and questions about gender," Mr. Ghesquière stated.
But I have read Hamilton's pathbreaking economic policy manifestoes, in particular his 1790 "First Report on the Public Credit," a document that remains amazingly relevant today.
His latest effort consists of 13 short films whose scripts are stitched together from nearly 103 manifestoes mostly by 20th-century artists, composers, architects and filmmakers.
In fact, some people found that their compact homes and minimalist manifestoes came with different challenges, and that the trade-offs were not always worth it.
But if those statements — known historically as manifestoes — were delivered by the actress Cate Blanchett, playing distinctly different characters, audiences might be more likely to pay attention.
Only Aldo Leopold's "A Sand County Almanac" and Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" equal "Desert Solitaire" in transforming the genre of naturalist studies into manifestoes for social change.
" Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings described Johnson this way late Friday: "This was a mobile shooter that had written manifestoes on how to shoot and move, shoot and move.
You will have fun and learn something, too, not least about the will and myopia required to be an artist — and that some manifestoes age much better than others.
And those of us who speak only Spanish are too often dismissed and worse, targeted — by women pushing shopping carts, by ICE raids, by gunmen with anti-immigrant manifestoes.
MICHELLE KING I was just stumbling over the fact that there are certain companies that have manifestoes online about how proud they are for the number of people they fire.
It spotlights manifestoes he wrote that laid out the arguments for his worldview, and includes videos of him in galleries lecturing people about his philosophy, looking to spread his ideas.
Mr. Castellani participated in the swirl of movements and self-proclaimed groups, some armed with manifestoes, that flourished on both sides of the Atlantic in the late 1950s and '60s.
The journal provided a startling extension of the manifestoes Mr. Roof wrote before he opened fire in the fellowship hall of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17, 2015.
Fliers and posters were the social media of the pre-internet era on the Lower East Side, covering walls and other surfaces with general announcements, political communiqués and personal manifestoes.
It consisted of self-published poems, stories, novels, human rights appeals and political manifestoes that were secretly circulated in typed and mimeographed copies; in many cases, they were also sent abroad.
Adapted from an art installation, the film features Ms. Blanchett reading political and artistic manifestoes from throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, delivered through a rapidly shifting, diverse range of characters.
" In one of the manifestoes he began issuing in 21960, he described it as "an art that re-enacts the obsession with destruction, the pummeling to which individuals and masses are subjected.
She spends most of her nonworking hours rummaging through a mess of worker manifestoes, union laws and pay slips in her tiny apartment, hoping to find a new line of attack against Walmart.
But the opposition is plagued by bitter infighting, and the manifestoes of the B.N.P. and the Awami League are nearly identical, promising vague paths to continued economic growth and better welfare programs. Mrs.
And the San Diego and New Zealand gunmen posted hate-filled online manifestoes that included internet-culture references, such as references to memes and a notorious shout-out to a noteworthy YouTube personality.
Now a handsome, more permanent version has arrived, 2130 essays, poems and artist's statements, one interview and one screenplay, sandwiched between introductions by five writers and curators and two manifestoes by Mr. Pendleton.
When you grow up in an era of social media and manifestoes and mass shootings and narcissism and that sort of evil side of American life, what do you say about something like that?
She has told me that most of the skeptical parents she sees each week aren't raving conspiracy theorists — bug-eyed stereotypes who write manifestoes in crayon, listen to Alex Jones and live off the grid.
Then there's the fact that Pepper's eclectic, allusively titled body of work tells a complicated story, one that imprecisely adhered to the rigid tenets of Minimalism, with its anti-referent stance and self-justifying manifestoes.
She's not the type to fire off manifestoes on the sterility of M.F.A. fiction (not yet, at least); she scarcely knows what to think and envies her classmates the quantity and confidence of their convictions.
Ms. Blanchett's voice-over quotes the most famous sentence from Marx and Engels's 1848 Communist Manifesto — "All that is solid melts into air" — then touches on the extremes of manifestoes from incendiary exhortation to laid-back parody.
In an era when mass shootings are live-streamed, denied by online conspiracy theorists and encouraged by racist manifestoes posted to internet message boards, much of the world is grasping for ways to stem the loathsome tide.
Despite the crassness of his manifestoes, Mr. Yee has drawn the attention of the United Nations special rapporteur on freedom of expression, David Kaye, who has repeatedly criticized the Singaporean government for its treatment of Mr. Yee.
As helicopters hovered overhead, a river of supporters of Spanish unity snaked from Urquinaona Square down Via Laietana and past the city's cathedral to its historic train station, where politicians read manifestoes in favor of a united Spain.
It consists of filmed readings of various artistic and political manifestoes, dating from Marx and Engels's 1848 "Communist Manifesto" and moving through the 20th century to Dada, Fluxus and even Lars von Trier's Dogme 95 rules for filmmaking.
For a hotly anticipated case that was preceded by salacious tabloid coverage, the corruption trial has instead been a methodical parsing of receipts, credit card reports, flight manifestoes, travel vouchers, hotel and resort brochures and numerous other seemingly mundane details.
Rosenstein obliged, with a shallow, poorly reasoned memo that relied heavily on op-ed columns written by former federal prosecutors and read like the manifestoes created by President George W. Bush's legal team to justify torture, warrantless wiretapping and other illegal activity.
Seen with contemporary eyes, the fact that the backbone of the Minimalist ethos is remembered through three manifestoes written by men — Donald Judd's "Specific Objects" (21981), Robert Morris's "Notes on Sculpture" (21967) and Sol LeWitt's "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art"(22004) — feels didactic and historically inaccurate.
And to do so in a world where the Joker's own motivations for what he does manifest every day through "jokes" — like trolling to spread hateful ideologies and shit-posting mimicked in mass-shooter manifestoes — is a way to explain the world we live in.
The Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter used Facebook Live to broadcast the massacre in real time and Twitter to advertise his racist manifestoes; the El Paso shooter posted his anti-immigrant screed on the message board 8chan, a site infamous for promoting virulent misogyny and white supremacy.
Subcomandante Marcos's writings in conjunction with the 1994 Zapatista revolution showed me how lyrical and literary political writing could be, so the anthologies of his manifestoes and essays are up there in my pantheon, along with Rilke's "Duino Elegies," which I go back to again and again with a sense that they're both unfathomable and inexhaustible.
Through manifestoes, artists of all kinds have expressed their views of the meaning of their art: "Abandon love, abandon aestheticism, abandon the baggage of wisdom" (Kazimir Malevich, 1916); "Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination" (Jim Jarmusch, 2002); "A cool early morning wind is blowing around us; he who doesn't want to shiver must stride out" (Bruno Taut, 1920).
There are, as critics outside of Brazil have also noted, works that bore and disappoint in their psychedelic or familiar spiritual attitudes, including two huts, one inhabited by sculptures and manifestoes associated with the idea of "being Brazilian" by Bené Fonteles and another by Pia Lindman that is intended to transmit the healing practices of a Finnish community from the European Middle Ages.
While many midcentury women have become near metonyms for this era, including the experimental choreographer Yvonne Rainer and the critic and curator Lucy Lippard, the filmmaker Chantal Akerman and the medium-defining Chicago, a certain cowboy archetype has persisted: the Great Man as a brawny, blue-jeaned wayfarer, striding into a wide-format horizon equipped with welders, bulldozers and manifestoes.
Drawing on more than 50 "milestones of artist manifestoes from the past century" — charting artistic and political movements in the writings of Tristan Tzara, Jim Jarmusch, Yvonne Rainer and others — Mr. Rosefeldt, a German artist, wrote 13 different monologues for Ms. Blanchett to deliver on screen, using the homeless, corporate executives, media personalities and more as vessels to engage with this radical, important tradition.
He has become known for politically attuned, conceptual multimedia pieces like "Skybox I," in which three LED panels displaying historical texts on oppression, colonialism and class gradually transform into what look like stars in deep space, and "Manifesto 2," an installation that blends atonal music with four revolutionary manifestoes, including ones by Olympe de Gouges and Malcolm X. He has also taught at the influential California Institute of the Arts since 1989.
Manifestoes of Surrealism is a book by André Breton, describing the aims, meaning, and political position of the Surrealist movement.Manifestoes of Surrealism at Google Books Retrieved on 2007-12-09 It was published in 1969 by the University of Michigan press.
Arthur Edward Waite: The real history of the Rosicrucians founded on their own manifestoes, and on facts and documents collected from the writings of initiated brethren. London 1887, S. 410, online. The similarity of the "Philosophical Seal" of the Bacstrom Society of Rosicrucians depicted in Waite (a triangle and square inscribed in a circle) with the emblem used by the Lectorium Rosicrucianum today is also striking.Arthur Edward Waite: The real history of the Rosicrucians founded on their own manifestoes, and on facts and documents collected from the writings of initiated brethren. London 1887, S. 414. Among Bacstrom's circle of associates in London were the physician and astrologer Ebenezer Sibly (1751-ca.1799) and the General Charles Rainsford (1728-1809).
He began to compose new pieces under the influence of earlier manifestoes written by Marinetti and, later, the specific manifestos on Futurist music produced by Francesco Balilla Pratella and Luigi Russolo, variously dated between 1909 and 1914. Early Futurist work by Casavola included: Ranocchi al Chiaro d Luna (Frogs in the Moonlight) by A.G. Bragaglia and La Danza della Scimmie (Dance of the Monkeys) for the Teatro della Sorpresa (Theatre of Surprise). Between 1924 and 1927, Casavola published a series of original essays and manifestoes, dealing with new theories of music and its relationship with theatre and the visual arts, which are listed below. In 1924, Casavola produced no less than eight essays and one novel, Introduction to Madness.
André Breton, Manifestoes of Surrealism, transl. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane (Ann Arbor, 1971), p. 26. Yvan Goll published the Manifeste du surréalisme, 1 October 1924, in his first and only issue of Surréalisme two weeks prior to the release of Breton's Manifeste du surréalisme, published by Éditions du Sagittaire, 15 October 1924.
An anthology of his tracts and manifestos from this period, Severe Joy, was announced by his then publisher but for some reason never actually appeared. A sampling did appear in a bi-lingual, limited edition titled Manifestoes from the Rotterdam- based Cold Turkey Press as well as in the Manchester literary magazine Wordworks in 1975.
The plaza is located at Massachusetts Avenue and Western Avenue in Central Square, Cambridge. In 2019, Boston magazine's Megan Johnson described the plaza as "a place where transient folks often congregate", and noted the presence of a Cambridge Police Department (CPD) reporting station on site. Ritsuko Taho's 1997 sculpture Multicultural Manifestoes "reveals the inner hopes of Cantabrigians of all ages and backgrounds".
Ciarrapico was born in Rome, but grew up in Ciociaria. A supporter of Fascism in his youth, he was the printer for the manifestoes of the Italian neo-Fascist party, MSI, in his printing plant at Cassino. His publishing house also released revisionist books and pamphlets. Later in his life became nearer to Giulio Andreotti's right-wing current within Democrazia Cristiana (then Italy's major centre party).
The text concludes by asserting that Surrealist activity follows no set plan or conventional pattern, and that Surrealists are ultimately nonconformists. The manifesto named the following, among others, as participants in the Surrealist movement: Louis Aragon, André Breton, Robert Desnos, Paul Éluard, Jacques Baron, Jacques-André Boiffard, Jean Carrive, René Crevel and Georges Malkine.'André Breton, Manifestoes of Surrealism, transl. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane (Ann Arbor, 1971), p. 26.
Three decades after his original review, wrote that "Judged by the objectives stated in the original manifestoes, the revolution has not succeeded. Something else may have succeeded, or may eventually succeed, but the goals of the original revolution have been altered and in a sense abandoned." As for LSLT, it would be 17 more years before it saw publication. Syntactic Structures was the fourth book in the Janua Linguarum series.
André Breton, "Manifesto of Surrealism" [1924], in Manifestoes of Surrealism, transl. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1972). In 1940, Breton incorporated him into his Anthology of Black Humour. The title of an object by American artist Man Ray, called L'énigme d'Isidore Ducasse (The Enigma of Isidore Ducasse), created in 1920, contains a reference to a famous line in Canto VI, Chapter 3.
Maciunas moved to the Berkshire Mountains in Western Massachusetts in the late 1970s. Two decades earlier, after collecting paintings, the Boston art collector Jean Brown, and her late husband Leonard Brown, began to shift their focus to Dadaist and Surrealist art, manifestoes and periodicals. In 1971, after Mr. Brown's death, Mrs. Brown moved to Tyringham, and expanded into areas adjacent to Fluxus, including artists' books, concrete poetry, happenings, mail art and performance art.
Understanding the sentiments of the people of Limbuwan, various political parties such as Maoists and others included Federalism in their manifestoes. The United Nations Draft Declaration on the rights of Indigenous People has also brought new hopes of legally achieving the rights that people of Limbuwan lost unfairly. Kirant Yakthung Chumlung, an organisation of Limbu people, has come up with a policy and views on going forward with the Kipat and land issues of Limbuwan.
The writer Joshua Cohen is credited by Snowden for "helping to transform my rambling reminiscences and capsule manifestoes into a book." Upon release, the United States filed a lawsuit against Snowden for alleged violations of non-disclosure agreements with the CIA and NSA. The lawsuit did not aim to restrict the book's content or distribution, but to capture the proceeds Snowden earns from it. In December 2019, U.S. District Judge Liam O'Grady ruled in favor of the U.S. government.
He also contributed an article to the Blaue Reiter Almanac. In December 1912 David Burliuk was co-author and one of the many signatories of the manifesto A Slap in the Face of Public Taste with the other members of Hylaea, one of the major manifestoes of Russian Futurism, a movement of Russian poets and artists who adopted the principles of Filippo Marinetti's "Futurist Manifesto". In 1913 he was expelled from the Art Academy, as well as Mayakovsky.
Their work has been exhibited in New York, Los Angeles, Columbus, Chicago, Michigan, Barcelona, Madrid, Bratislava, Buenos Aires, San Juan, Montevideo, Guadalajara, Zurich, London, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Osaka, Milan, Moscow, Venice, Istanbul, Prague, Helsinki, Paris, Sydney, Melbourne, Lisbon and Porto. Recent curatorial projects include several exhibitions at Intelligentsia Gallery, among them Softcore: Subverted Superstructure and the Systemic Sublime, and the group exhibition about independent magazines and artist's books Paper Manifestoes presented during the 2014 edition of Beijing Design Week.
The first half of the show was sketch comedy; the second half was a mock rock festival, "Woodshuck: Three Days of Peace, Love and Death", a parody of "Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music." "Woodshuck" featured spoofs of Woodstock performers, including Joe Cocker and Joan Baez, as well as parodies of John Denver, Bob Dylan and James Taylor, plus songs performed by fictional groups (e.g., the "Motown Manifestoes" singing "Papa was a Running Dog Lackey of the Bourgeoisie").
Prime Minister David Lloyd George announced the British vision on January 5, while Wilson spelled out his Fourteen Points on January 8. The Wilsonian manifesto had a major impact around the world, and especially on Germany, which by October 1918 had decided to make peace on its terms. The other Allies did not issue postwar plans, for they were focused primarily on cash reparations from Germany and specific territorial gains from Austria and Turkey. The British and American manifestoes overlapped heavily.
In the Dadaist movement, poet Tristan Tzara employed newspaper clippings and experimental typography in his manifestoes. The futurist author F.T. Marinetti espoused a theory of "words in freedom" across the page, exploding the boundaries of both conventional narrative and the layout of the book itself as shown in his "novel" Zang Tumb Tumb. The writers, poets, and artists associated with the surrealist movement employed a range of unusual techniques to evoke mystical and dream-like states in their poems, novels, and prose works.
Donaldson coined a term to describe the unifying phenomenon that he helped to produce, calling it "a 'transAfrican' style or movement". He described this incredible development as it was occurring worldwide, noting that "unrelated groups of artists [around the world]… have issued manifestoes…[defining] the transAfrican style/movement." AfriCOBRA, under Donaldson’s influence, was pivotal in the definition and support of the transAfrican movement by means of the various international and national conferences it both organized and participated in. Donaldson also coined the term "superreal".
The campaign period permitted by law runs from the date of nomination day until polling day. Campaigning amongst opposition parties is often hampered by a lack of access to government- controlled media. Prior to the 1999 general election, opposition parties were given a brief period of airtime on the public Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) radio stations to broadcast their manifestoes. However, the government announced a change of policy in 1999, insisting that as RTM was government- owned, preference would be given to government parties.
When the First World War broke out in 1914, the SRs, like most other European socialist parties, split into those who supported a war of 'national defence' ('Defencists') and those who opposed the war ('Internationalists'). Natanson sided with the 'Internationalists' and attended the international socialist peace conferences such as the Zimmerwald Conference and one at Kienthal in Switzerland, signing the conference's manifestoes on behalf of the SR Internationalists. Natanson returned to Russia in 1917 where he was active in the administration of the SRs.
The spirit of the European avant-gardes would be carried through the post-war generation as well. The poet Isidore Isou formed the Lettrist group, and produced manifestoes, poems, and films that explored the boundaries of the written and spoken word. The OULIPO (in French, Ouvroir de littérature potentielle, or "Workshop of Potential Literature") brought together writers, artists, and mathematicians to explore innovative, combinatoric means of producing texts. Founded by the author Raymond Queneau and mathematician François Le Lionnais, the group included Italo Calvino and Georges Perec.
With the abovementioned book and manifestoes, Annemans confirms his status of ideological trailblazer. He sees Vlaams Belang as a hotbed of new political viewpoints, even as a social avant-garde. This innovative ambitions also resound in his most recent publication "1914–2014: Van loopgraven tot republiek" (1914–2014: From trench to republic). According to Annemans, the book should not be considered as a political testament, but rather as a 'helicopter perspective' of Flanders' past and the challenges the Vlaams Belang ought to deal with in the twenty-first century.
He admired Léon Blum, who he saw as having honestly expressed his own inner turmoil. He was a signatory to three manifestoes by Jacques Maritain published between 1935 and 1937, which called on Christians to refuse to choose between fascism and communism, denounced Italian Fascism while opposing conflict with Italy, and condemned the bombing of Guernica. He cautiously applauded the Munich Agreement of 1938, but soon came to realise it had not succeeded in securing peace. Du Bos' cosmopolitan heritage and his experience of the First World War led him to refuse nationalism and Germanophobia.
André Breton quotes Morise twice in the first Surrealist Manifesto; after saying "We do not have any talent", Breton provides a quote by Vitrac and Paul Éluard, then says "Ask Max Morise" and provides this quote: Later, Breton includes this quote: "The color of a woman's stockings is not necessarily in the likeness of her eyes, which led a philosopher who it is pointless to mention, to say: 'Cephalopods have more reasons to hate progress than do quadrupeds.'"Breton, Andre. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Trans. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane.
Mail & Guardian. Friday, July 2:19.) “[W]ell written....maps an important field of research with intellectual rigour and exemplary fair- mindedness, and negotiates a complicated route through a plethora of contentious artistic manifestoes and critical opinions with sophistication and maturity.” ::Prof. Robert Gordon, Goldsmiths College, University of London “[Experiments in Freedom] shows Krueger's ability to bring an insightful critical perspective not only towards the play texts that he examines, but to theory itself...The style of writing is lucid and avoids obfuscation, the '(mis)management' of syntax and tortured logic, common to some authors writing in a post modernist vein.
The MUA was given 10 days to prove its majority in the Assembly. As the confidence vote approached, D. D. Lapang resigned and the MPA was given the chance to form the Government. The MPA Government headed by Dr. Donkupar Roy was sworn in by Governor Sidhu on 19 March 2008 with the support of 31 members in the 60 member Assembly. The MPA have pledged to provide top priority to ensuring transparency in governance and have prepared a common minimum program that reflects promises made by each of the constituent parties in their respective poll manifestoes.
The book was edited five times, an English translation titled "After Belgium, the orderly split-up" included, and was sold over 6,000 times, a true bestseller to Flemish standards. The fourth print got outlawed in 2012 by the commercial court of Brussels. The judge ruled that the publication would have violated the rights of the British telecommunications provider O2, because the chemical symbol for oxygen (also the company's logo) figures on its cover. Furthermore, the book inspired Annemans to conceive two manifestoes that gave more depth to the Vlaams Belang platform: the Hoofdstad-Manifest on Brussels (spring 2013) and the Europa-Manifest on the EU (autumn 2013).
A brief alliance with their rivals, the Ego-Futurists, did not end very well. Burliuk's colleague Velimir Khlebnikov also developed Zaum, a poetry style. From 1910 he was the member of the group Jack of Diamonds, and from 1910 to 1911 he attended the Art School in Odessa. After 1911 David concentrated on poetry and manifestoes, and at Christmas he made the acquaintance of Benedikt Livshits, a poet. From 1911 to 1913 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (MUZHVZ), and that year participated in the group exhibition of the Blaue Reiter in Munich, which also included his brother Wladimir.
In 2019, he was a presidential aspirant under the platform of the Social Democratic Party. During his campaigns, Hagher urged the EFCC to prosecute presidents with fraudulent manifestoes, citing for example that the incumbent, Muhammadu Buhari, had promised to provide at least 20% of annual budgets for education, but less than 7% of the budget was being allocated to the sector. He also cited Buhari's campaign promise of setting up special courts, accelerating trials and jailing terrorists, kidnappers and other criminals. He lamented that Nigeria had become the most insecure place to be, torn apart along religious and ethnic lines and was gradually becoming a failed state.
The observational mode of documentary developed in the wake of documentarians returning to Vertovian ideals of truth, along with the innovation and evolution of cinematic hardware in the 1960s. In Dziga Vertov's Kino-Eye manifestoes, he declared, "I, a camera, fling myself along…maneuvering in the chaos of movement, recording movement, startling with movements of the most complex combinations." (Michelson, O’Brien, & Vertov 1984) The move to lighter 16mm equipment and shoulder mounted cameras allowed documentarians to leave the anchored point of the tripod. Portable Nagra sync-sound systems and unidirectional microphones, too, freed the documentarian from cumbersome audio equipment. A two-person film crew could now realize Vertov’s vision and sought to bring real truth to the documentary milieu.
For many years, her novels were the most popular works of fiction in aristocratic circles; many of her later publications, however, passed unnoticed as mere religious manifestoes. Ulrich and Gräfin Faustine, both published in 1841, mark the culmination of her power; but Sigismund Forster (1843), Cecil (1844), Sibylle (1846) and Maria Regina (1860) also obtained considerable popularity. For several years, the countess continued to produce novels bearing a certain subjective resemblance to those of George Sand, but less hostile to social institutions, and dealing almost exclusively with aristocratic society. Her collected works, Gesammelte Werke, with an introduction by Otto von Schaching, were published in two series, 45 volumes in all (Regensburg, 1903–1904).
In January 1454, 12 year old Edward rode beside his father when he entered London to attend the Great Council. However, the birth of Henry's son, Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales, in October 1453 created a viable Lancastrian figurehead, and the 1450s was dominated by political conflict between the two factions. By the age of 17, the Earl of March was a political and military leader in his own right; after their defeat at the Battle of Ludford Bridge in 1459, his father and brother Edmund fled to Ireland, while the Earls of March, Salisbury and Warwick made their way to Calais. Edward's name appears alongside those of his father, Warwick and Salisbury in widely circulated manifestoes declaring their quarrel was only with Henry's evil counsellors.
TIE have received the backing of leading Scottish political figures, including Nicola Sturgeon, Patrick Harvie, Kezia Dugdale and Mhairi Black. At their 2016 Spring conference, the Scottish National Party moved a resolution to support the campaign and, during the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, all major parties adopted the group's calls for improved teacher training in their election manifestoes. TIE has the support of the Scottish Parliament, after a majority of MSPs signed the group's campaign pledge and committed to supporting their strategic proposals to advance LGBT inclusive education. In 2017, the Scottish Government formed an LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group with TIE to consider policy recommendations to address the issues the campaign had raised, leading to the adoption of LGBT-inclusive education.
These political parties came out with their manifestoes to contest the presidency of the Junior Common Room and other associated offices of the Halls student Government. Some of the Political Parties that have been formed in Akuafo Hall over the years include; the Liberal Party, Democratic Party, Socialist Party, Reforming Front Party, Capitalist Party, Imperialist Party, Operation knockout and Operation Victory. Today, individual student campaign on their own ticket for executive positions in the Junior Common Room. The Junior Common Room is govern according to the rules and regulations codified in its own constitution, however the J.C.R constitution is subject to the statues of Akuafo Hall, the statues of the University of Ghana and the Constitution and laws of Ghana.
The Museo del Risorgimento di Mantova was inaugurated on 3 March 1903, the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Belfiore martyrs. It was based in several different locations until in 2005, with no base of its own, its collections were formally merged into that of the City Museum. The weapons, uniforms, newspapers, manifestoes, paintings and stamps in the Risorgimento collection, page 187 date from the Napoleonic era until the Third Italian War of Independence, after which Mantua was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. The display deals with Mantua's part in the Risorgimento and consists of five sections - the Napoleonic era; the Restoration and the Revolutions of 1848; the Belfiore conspiracy; the period between the Second and Third Wars of Independence.
Shterenberg recounted how previous attempts by Russian artists to keep in touch with their western counterparts had been limited to the issuing of proclamations and manifestoes, but that with this exhibition a real step had been made to bring both groups together. The stated aim of the exhibition was to display the full story of the development of Russian art through both war and revolution. He referred to the transformative effect of the October Revolution in opening up art to mass of people, who had thus re- invigorated what had been the dead, official culture of "high art". This dynamic had also opened up new opportunities for Russia's creative forces, as their ideas could then be carried into the public spaces of towns and cities, which were being transformed by the revolution.
The first major event to do with 'landscape urbanism' was the Landscape Urbanism conference sponsored by the Graham Foundation in Chicago in April 1997. Speakers included Charles Waldheim, Mohsen Mostafavi, James Corner of James Corner/Field Operations, Alex Wall, and Adriaan Geuze of the firm West 8, among others. The formative period of Landscape Urbanism can be traced back to RMIT University and University of Pennsylvania in the late 1980s, at a time when Peter Connolly, Richard Weller, James Corner, Mohsen Mostafavi, and others were exploring the artificial boundaries of Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Architecture, searching for better ways to deal with complex urban projects. However, their texts cite and synthesize the ideas of influential modernist methods, programmes and manifestoes that appeared in the early twentieth century.
In January 2014, while judicial pronouncement in the NALSA petition was pending, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment published an Expert Committee Report on issues relating to transgender people, after consultations with transgender people. Tiruchi Siva, of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party, had introduced the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill in 2014, in the Rajya Sabha, which was passed by the house in 2015. It stayed pending in the Lok Sabha, during which the 2016 bill was tabled, and lapsed following the dissolution of the house prior to the 2019 general elections. Parties such as the Indian National Congress and Communist Party of India (Marxist) had promised in their respective electoral manifestoes for the 2019 elections to, respectively, withdraw the 2018 bill — while introducing a new one consulting members of the queer community — and pass one based on the 2014 bill.
Since 2008 WAI Architecture Think Tank founders Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski have been collaborating on the art collective Garcia Frankowski, creating exhibitions, curatorial projects and publications including the book Shapes, Islands, Texts: A Garcia Frankowski Manifesto. Several manifestoes (Architecture and Art manifesto)and essays of WAI Architecture Think Tank have been translated into Spanish, Chinese, German, Arabic and Portuguese. The work of WAI Think Tank has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin, the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art in Manchester and in St. Petersburg, Moscow, New York, Los Angeles, Columbus, Chicago, Michigan, Barcelona, Madrid, Bratislava, Buenos Aires, Zurich, Basel, San Juan, Montevideo, Guadalajara, London, Manchester Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Osaka, Milan, Venice, Istanbul, Prague, Helsinki, Paris, Zurich, Sydney, Melbourne, Lisbon and Porto.Diaz, Carmen: Por Dentro: El Vigor Tiene forma, in: El Nuevo Día Newspaper, 18 Jan.
Andreae was a pious, orthodox Lutheran theologian who probably had nothing at all to do with the two great manifestoes of this so-called "secret" society—the Fama fraternitatis or the Confessio fraternitatis His lifelong commitment appears to have been to found a Societas Christiana or utopian learned brotherhood of those dedicated to a spiritual life, in the hope that they would initiate a second Reformation. His writings and efforts provided a potent stimulus to Protestant intellectuals at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and he appears to have inspired the foundation of The Unio Christiana which was established in Nuremberg during 1628 by a few patricians and churchmen under the impetus of Johannes Saubert the Elder. This utopian society was later revived in Stuttgart in the early 1660s and another utopian brotherhood known as Antilia (a communal society reminiscent of the monastery) developed in the Baltic during the Thirty Years' War. The founders were inspired by both Baconian belief in experimental science and by Andreae's tracts.
With contributions by artists who a year later would take part in the first Nul exhibition at the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum,'Nul', March 9–26, 1962, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Participating artists were Armando, Bernard Aubertin, Pol Bury, Enrico Castellani, Dadamaino, Piero Dorazio, Lucio Fontana, Hermann Goepfert, Hans Haacke, Jan Henderikse, Oskar Holweck, Yayoi Kusama, Francesco Lo Savio, Heinz Mack, Piero Manzoni, Almir Mavignier, Christian Megert, Henk Peeters, Otto Piene, Uli Pohl, Jan Schoonhoven, Günther Uecker, Jef Verheyen and Herman de Vries. Henk Peeters played a guiding role in the initiation and organization of the exhibition. Although Herman de Vries had not co-signed manifestoes and pamphlets drawn up by Armando and Henk Peeters, nor taken part in the exhibitions under the flag of the Nederlandse Informele Groep, prior to the formation of the Nul Group in 1961, his work was nonetheless an important component of the Dutch presentation in the 1962-exhibition Nul, in a gallery together with Henderikse, Peeters and Schoonhoven.
Dada was initially started at the Cabaret Voltaire, by a group of exiled artists in neutral Switzerland during World War I. Originally influenced by the sound poetry of Wassily Kandinsky, and the Blaue Reiter Almanac that Kandinsky had edited with Marc, artists' books, periodicals, manifestoes and absurdist theatre were central to each of Dada's main incarnations. Berlin Dada in particular, started by Richard Huelsenbeck after leaving Zurich in 1917, would publish a number of incendiary artists' books, such as George Grosz's The Face Of The Dominant Class (1921), a series of politically motivated satirical lithographs about the German bourgeoisie. Whilst concerned mainly with poetry and theory, Surrealism created a number of works that continued in the French tradition of the Livre d'Artiste, whilst simultaneously subverting it. Max Ernst's Une Semaine de Bonté (1934), collaging found images from Victorian books, is a famous example, as is Marcel Duchamp's cover for Le Surréalisme' (1947) featuring a tactile three- dimensional pink breast made of rubber.
Inspired by the criminality of the French novelist Jean Genet, Hijikata wrote manifestoes of his emergent dance form with such as titles as 'To Prison'. His dance would be one of corporeal extremity and transmutation, driven by an obsession with death, and imbued with an implicit repudiation of contemporary society and media power. Many of his early works were inspired by figures of European literature such as the Marquis de Sade and the Comte de Lautréamont, as well as by the French Surrealist movement, which had exerted an immense influence on Japanese art and literature, and had led to the creation of an autonomous and influential Japanese variant of Surrealism, whose most prominent figure was the poet Shuzo Takiguchi, who perceived Ankoku Butoh as a distinctively 'Surrealist' dance-art form. Especially at the end of the 1950s and throughout the 1960s, Hijikata undertook collaborations with filmmakers, photographers, urban architects and visual artists as an essential element of his approach to choreography's intersections with other art forms.
Violence ferocity > regularity pendulum play fatality > '...these weights thicknesses sounds smells molecular whirlwinds chains nets > and channels of analogies concurrences and synchronisms for my Futurist > friends poets painters and musicians zang-tumb-tumb-zang-zang-tuuumb > tatatatatatatata picpacpampacpacpicpampampac uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu > ZANG-TUMB > TUMB-TUMB > TUUUUUM > In keeping with a number of early artist's books,See also Wyndham Lewis' BLAST and Dada works such as Cabaret Voltaire the book also contains essays and manifestoes, including the Manifesto tecnico della letteratura Futurista (technical manifesto of futurist literature) (11 May 1912) 'which was to revolutionize poetic techniques and contemporary prose'Moma Online and includes the lines; > 'We must destroy syntax by placing nouns at random as they are born' > 'We must abolish the adjective so that the naked noun can retain its > essential colour.' The book is an unsigned, unnumbered mass-produced paperback that depends exclusively on industrial typography for its visual impact, making it one of the first artist's books to eschew some form of craftsmanship.V&A; online The book originally cost 3 lire.
The Liberal Party of Sri Lanka ( Libaral Pakshaya; ) began as a think-tank called the Council for Liberal Democracy, founded in 1981 by the late Chanaka Amaratunga, a longstanding member of the United National Party which was then in government. The CLD broke with the UNP in 1982 over the referendum which postponed parliamentary elections for six years and, after four years of trying to promote liberal thinking in Sri Lanka, in particular with regard to constitutional reforms that would promote devolution along with separation and reduction of powers at the center, Dr Amaratunga and several of his associates established the Liberal Party in February 1987. Though the Party never established itself as an electoral success, given the need in Sri Lanka for small parties to ally themselves with larger groupings that tend to swamp their individual identity, it has continued to have an impact as a think-tank. It contributed seminally to the manifestoes put forward by Sirimavo Bandaranaike and Gamini Dissanayake as presidential candidates in 1988 and in 1994.

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