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112 Sentences With "making excuses for"

How to use making excuses for in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "making excuses for" and check conjugation/comparative form for "making excuses for". Mastering all the usages of "making excuses for" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Anyway, I'm going to stop making excuses for enjoying this.
Women have a long history of making excuses for badly behaved men.
I was making excuses for not wanting to put in the work.
Day 23: Stop making excuses for why you can't take creative risks
It means not making excuses for news coverage that empowered that subversion.
" Meghan McCain fired back, accusing Schlapp of "making excuses for the inexcusable.
Mila Kunis is done making excuses for the sexism she's experienced in Hollywood.
"Nobody is making excuses for the behavior of these young people," he said.
"We have to stop making excuses for not winning in California," Mr. Mayes added.
They have to stop making excuses for Trump's utter abdication of the responsibilities of leadership.
And, frankly, it's just staggering to see "family values" conservatives making excuses for child molestation.
So, why are McConnell and other Republicans making excuses for a bill they don't like?
"Consequences may take time, but this is not behavior we're going to continue making excuses for."
But Melania isn't the only hypocritical woman in the Trump family making excuses for the president.
Making excuses for breaking New Year's resolutions used to be a hell of a lot simpler.
Instead they're preemptively negotiating against themselves with infrastructure promises and making excuses for delay after delay.
I don't know: Homo sapiens is usually at his most inventive when making excuses for himself.
The Wizards passed on making excuses for the deflating loss while recognizing the need for sustained effort.
Granted, the sheer batshitedness of making excuses for sexual predators is not a Lyndsey Lohan problem, though.
Marie found herself making excuses for her husband because she wasn't emotionally able to face the reality.
Wagner is determined to look at her family with the coldest eye, making excuses for no one.
In both cases, making excuses for the abuser fails to identify and dispute the abuser's sense of entitlement.
But we have a president that instead of standing up against them, actually [is] making excuses for them.
Trump has rejected the allegations while accusing Democrats of making excuses for their loss in the presidential election.
I wasn't sure if Lino believed it, or if he was just making excuses for me, but still.
What you're actually dealing with are people who are just making excuses for the ugliest kind of commerce.
Our sources think the couple might be doomed though ... unless Lindsay stops making excuses for Egor's angry outbursts.
The "Rise Above" singer criticized Williams for making excuses for Parks, but not extending that same forgiveness her way.
Actually loving someone, and treating them the way "family" is supposed to suggest, doesn't mean making excuses for them.
While teachers often also want their students to achieve, they aren't as keen on making excuses for misbehaving children.
You have probably known the truth for quite some time but you continued making excuses for their bad behavior.
Trump quite naturally feels entitled to appropriate that strategy in service of making excuses for his own likely defeat.
According to InstallsBuyer, Tessa883 kept making excuses for the shoddy customer service, and for not dealing with the problem.
It keeps farmers holding out hope and making excuses for him, even as his trade war devastates their operations.
I knew the house had problems, but I was making excuses for it like a newbie at Al-Anon.
It is easy to dismiss such accusations as propaganda from a communist regime making excuses for its own blunders.
But at least no one, on that occasion, spent time making excuses for hanging out with an alleged sex trafficker.
Pruitt's team has been furiously making excuses for the air travel, saying they were necessitated by delayed or unavailable public flights.
But this time around, instead of Scaramucci making excuses for him, the president will be at Davos to speak for himself.
Stop making excuses for bad behavior in your friends and co-workers, and tell them what they are doing is wrong.
They don't want some asshole in a suit making excuses for someone's fuckups; they want you to call out the fuckups.
Well, I feel very sorry for people who are trapped in an abusive relationship and keep making excuses for their abuser.
G.O.P. lawmakers who started by making excuses for the president's most repulsive personal traits have now moved on to bedrock principles.
Republicans who started down this road by making excuses for Trump's most repulsive personal traits have moved on to bedrock principles.
Making excuses for violence because the offenders are adherents to your particular political views makes you a partisan apologist and a hypocrite.
The film doesn't insult its audience by making excuses for Naomi, or trying to soften her into something kind, maternal, and misunderstood.
"I never wanted to be a nuisance, or to be half of my abilities or making excuses for my decline," he said.
These Democrats are torqued off by what they saw as an out-of-state hired gun making excuses for losing a winnable race.
Stop making excuses for why your campaigns don't work, stop being okay with mediocre results, and please stop blaming the influencers you hire.
"With what you're saying, you're acknowledging Einstein's racism toward the Chinese and making excuses for him," one person wrote in a blog post.
HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS MEDIA ANALYST: Yes, we can&apost criticize the President for making excuses for a meeting that hasn&apost even begun.
If we grew up making excuses for the people we love, typically our parents, then we end up doing the same for potential partners.
You may think I'm tough on you sometimes, as parents, we do our children no service by coddling them or making excuses for them.
But he has no executive experience, little profile outside Brussels and his native Germany and a reputation for making excuses for Hungary's authoritarian government.
The same can't be said for that class of scolds who excel in making excuses for the wicked and finding fault with the good.
But Mr. Salvini argues that the mayors and other liberals are simply making excuses for migrants, who they prefer over law-abiding Italian citizens.
"Stop making excuses for bad behavior in your friends and co-workers, and tell them what they are doing is wrong," the last item asks.
This is that Mr Corbyn's long history of making excuses for anti-Western regimes, particularly Russia, make him an unreliable custodian of British national security.
How I wrestled with his explanations and my own reactions, trying to remain nonjudgmental, always questioning whether or not I was making excuses for him.
The president is so checked out that he's not in the loop even on critical decisions and is making excuses for himself after the fact.
Today in Making Excuses for Sexism, NBCU Lifestyle Network president, Frances Berwick, cited everything from "misinformation" to the role of "expertise" as reasons for why E!
Unfortunately, Diamond is too one-sided in his treatment of race, making excuses for black gangs and for the exploitative numbers rackets that plague black neighborhoods.
" A company spokesperson said, while they're not making excuses for the failure to disclose the data breach, the new leadership has taken steps to "respond responsibly.
Those in Republican leadership who have enabled his behavior by standing silent or making excuses for him deserve the reckoning that will eventually come for the GOP.
It's time to shut down those who profess to want justice while making excuses for the inexcusable, for men who prey on and abuse and violate women.
Detroit Lions legend Chris Spielman says he's sick and tired of people making excuses for Ezekiel Elliott -- claiming his shirt-pulling stunt was disgusting and wrong, period.
Sherri Shepherd says Liam Neeson should have NEVER let his "black bastard" revenge story outta Pandora's box ... and Michelle Rodriguez making excuses for Liam is just pathetic.
As more campaigns like these raise awareness — and more men share their experiences — hopefully people will face the reality, stop making excuses for abusers, and take action.
We should think about how to empower people by making them capable of real agency rather than making excuses for people by saying that they're victims of structure.
In fact, they've been making excuses for many days now, as polls showed Lamb leading in a district that Donald Trump carried by 20 percentage points in 2016.
And anyone making excuses for that hatred — who tries, for example, to turn it into a "both sides" story — is, in effect, an apologist for crimes against humanity.
In an exclusive clip from Sunday's Shahs of Sunset, the star sounds off on Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi's drinking – and what she sees as her friends making excuses for her.
Trump just keeps making excuses for Russia and finding ways to undermine what his own intelligence agencies are telling him about the threat posed by Putin and his country.
"After years of making excuses for, and rationalizing Jeffree's inappropriate behavior (including, promoting drug use, racism, and bullying) I can no longer hold my tongue," she wrote on Facebook.
"NBC FAKE NEWS, which is under intense scrutiny over their killing the Harvey Weinstein story, is now fumbling around making excuses for their probably highly unethical conduct," the president wrote.
The fact that no one on the bus comes to her aid is even more unsettling, or maybe it's Aimee downplaying the whole thing by making excuses for the guy.
Even Alex was sort of ... He seemed to be, I don't wanna say making excuses for Mark, but it feels like the worm has turned on Sheryl and everyone's piling on.
The hashtag "#whereisrob" became a popular comment under many of their posts, with Gibby at first making excuses for Zimmerman's absence in captions — couldn't make a family trip, had to work.
Sinbad isn't making excuses for Louis, but insists it's on the audience to let comics know when they've crossed the line -- and ya gotta hear Sinbad's advice for pissed off crowds.
"Those in Republican leadership who have enabled his behavior by standing silent or making excuses for him deserve the reckoning that will eventually come for the GOP," Bradshaw told BuzzFeed News.
Jake Paul isn't making excuses for his big brother, Logan Paul ... telling us YouTube's got every right to drop the hammer, and says his brand hasn't gone unscathed by Logan's antics.
At the same time the examination of economic and social factors behind street crime was considered by increasingly influential conservative politicians and pundits as tantamount to "making excuses" for or "coddling" criminals.
At this moment both the House and Senate are led by Republicans who show no inclination to hold Trump accountable and who in fact are now making excuses for his aberrant behavior.
"Instead of making excuses for why keeping our promises is not possible, Mitch McConnell should make every effort to pass this package," the caucus said in a resolution adopted by its steering committee.
It's not making excuses for people or condoning what their behavior is, but knowing that ultimately underneath it all, everybody is just here and trying to figure out what the fuck to do.
We can speculate on the reasons why, and to what extent his adoption had anything to do with it; we can also speculate whether that's just making excuses for behavior that was clearly abnormal.
But the tight, tinny, careful show broadcast by CBS on Sunday night didn't feel celebratory — it seemed alternately self-satisfied and insecure, as if it felt it had to keep making excuses for itself.
Conley also wasn't making excuses for the loss, but he didn't hide that there was an effect — that in the last day they hadn't just felt like basketball players in the middle of a season.
Sian Berry, chair of the London Assembly housing committee, said the rules will prevent developers making excuses for not building low-cost homes but fall behind the demands that some boroughs already make of developers.
" In the hearing, when Cameron, said: "It seems to me that you were making excuses for high-level folks that had failed to do their job," Maddox answered simply, "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
"At a time when so many companies are wringing their hands and making excuses for all of the obstacles in front of them, look for the winners who seem to thrive on these challenges," Cramer said.
As the story began to unspool, and even with Lochte later saying he had made up crucial parts of this account, Bush seemed loyal to Lochte's version of the story, making excuses for the swimmer's fabrications.
He took aim at NBC in a tweet on Tuesday: NBC FAKE NEWS, which is under intense scrutiny over their killing the Harvey Weinstein story, is now fumbling around making excuses for their probably highly unethical conduct.
Even after the infamous Hollywood Access tape captured Trump saying, "You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy," Trump's supporters continued to back him, making excuses for sexual misconduct and misconstruing the definition of sexual assault.
TEL AVIV/LONDON, LONDON (Reuters) - Hedge funds should stop making excuses for poor performance, the chairman of Lansdowne Partners said on Wednesday against a backdrop of weak average returns that have prompted some to pull their money out.
If you find yourself making excuses for your filthy floors and rugs more often than not, you're in luck, because there's an appliance out there that can do your literal dirty work for you: the humble robot vacuum.
You can choose to continue to abuse your body because it's all you know … You can choose to settle for a half-lived life because you don't even know there's another way … But please, please stop making excuses for the whys.
"Black Lives Matter is pretty much fed up with people making excuses for the blatant anti-black racism practices in this city," Black Lives Matter member Sharon Smith said at a city council meeting, according to the Asheville Citizen-Times.
Robyn, 35, who took a cognitive behavioral therapy course online: I realized a lot of what was making me anxious was making excuses for not doing things and then becoming more anxious because I didn't do the things I know I should.
She made many significant contributions to society over the years, but now, in my opinion, it's time for her to let history be a judge of her record, and not spend her time criticizing President Trump or making excuses for losing the election.
Already ungainly in its mix of social realism and parable — Melinda undergoes a series of overwrought, essentially biblical trials in a city vaguely identified as present-day Pittsburgh — "Acrimony" truly gets muddled once it starts making excuses for its excuse-making antagonist.
Even more believed that she was making excuses for her loss, and that her moment of catastrophic thinking in the face of public defeat and humiliation meant that she was unfit for the sport, as if anyone could have handled such a fall with perfect grace.
"I think it's time for other Democrats in Nancy Pelosi's party to get on board, start doing what they were elected to do, do their jobs and quit trying to focus so much on making excuses for the historic loss that they suffered in 2016," she added.
" Kardashian had previously denied involvement in Thompson and Craig's split last fall, responding to an Instagram user who claimed Thompson "left his pregnant girlfriend to be with you" and accused the reality star of making excuses for a "lousy womanizer" because she's "scared of being alone.
Kennedy's quip doesn't apply quite yet to the race for Pennsylvania's 23th Congressional District, which remains too close to call after Tuesday's special election, but Republicans are already acting as though they have lost the race to Democrat Conor Lamb—and they're making excuses for it.
But a film that argues that Amir (played by the extraordinary actor Yehuda Nahari Halevi) didn't act in a vacuum — that he was a burning fuse that, again and again, friends, family members and rabbis refused to put out — might also appear to be making excuses for his actions.
It's tempting to consider Ginsburg's comments in isolation and adjudicate them based on the simple heuristic that if the parties were reversed—if an iconic conservative justice were criticizing a Democratic Party nominee—Ginsburg's allies would be furious and some of the conservatives who are attacking her now would be making excuses for "their" justice.
Having sat down with gangsters and killers—and I'm not making excuses for them, by the way, some of them were evil fucks—but if you look at where they were born, how much violence they saw or was inflicted on them as a child, it's no surprise they didn't grow up to be astrophysicists.
"It's certainly a very difficult job, so props to Kellyanne for taking it on, but she's still adamantly defending him and making excuses for him [after] the things [Trump has] said about women and how he's treated women, and as a woman campaign manager, I've really lost all respect for her that she isn't speaking up," she said.
That she's not following the playbook of "sexy young thing" looking to transition to "sacrificial pro-life mother" surely enrages the men who only want to hear women talk as long as they want to have sex with them -- or as long as they're making excuses for misogyny while putting a pretty face on brutal policies.
The growing panic among GOP leaders — and panic is not too strong a word — results from the fact that so many high-level Republicans have been enabling Trump, and making excuses for Trump, and offering defenses of Trump, that they have locked themselves into a political embrace that is so tight it has the potential to destroy the GOP majorities in the House and Senate.
Here's what you need to know: Tesla's Model 3 deliveries were awful — but the company still set a sales record for 2017 Tesla just slashed in half its Model 3 production target for the first quarter Wall Street is making excuses for Tesla's Model 3 problem — and it could backfire this year Lastly, Trump's tax overhaul has slowed Manhattan's real estate market even before going into full effect.

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