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"mainstreaming" Definitions
  1. integration of children with special educational problems, as a physical handicap, into conventional classes and school activities.

310 Sentences With "mainstreaming"

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But this is the beginning of the mainstreaming of VCCs.
Even still, a slight vindication for the mainstreaming of modular phones.
Sanders can play a historically important role by mainstreaming these policies.
Wayv is taking a big step toward mainstreaming the cannabis industry.
The army argues that "mainstreaming" such groups will make them less violent.
That said, I know that you can't parse out progress from mainstreaming.
Yet moments like these are aiding in the mainstreaming of lesbian culture.
Anti-Zionism is being used as a vehicle for mainstreaming anti-Semitism.
Patidar consulted with Lyft executives on their program, and supports "mainstreaming" round ups.
Dank meme facebook groups started as a 'prank' against the mainstreaming of memes.
I do think we will continue to see more mainstreaming of sex toys.
The outside group could be a key factor in the mainstreaming of Johnson.
Meanwhile, despite weed's mainstreaming, people of color are often excluded from the spoils.
And alongside that mainstreaming, fandom itself changed and evolved in dramatic, significant ways.
And many of those anti-vice clauses persist, even with the mainstreaming of cannabis.
Not to do so would be to become party to the mainstreaming of bigotry.
I mean, I think it gets very close to that line of mainstreaming hate.
The word "mainstreaming" has been tossed around among those who follow the drone world.
The risks of mainstreaming are just as significant as its benefits it may bring.
Trump is leading a dangerous racist movement that is mainstreaming all sorts of hate.
No, his rise does NOT signify a 'mainstreaming' of bigotry as the author suggests.
As with Green bonds, transparency will remain the focal point in mainstreaming this instrument.
Its founders were instrumental in the mainstreaming of both meme-sharing and streaming video.
Why it matters: This is further mainstreaming of Democrats' leftward shift on drug prices.
One of the most dangerous things about Trump is mainstreaming ideas like this. pic.twitter.
We celebrate the mainstreaming of casual comfort as a retort to the tyranny of tailoring.
But in China, things happen fast, and the mainstreaming of hip-hop was no exception.
MSNBC (where I'm a contributor) doesn't play a remotely similar role in mainstreaming fringe ideas.
He attributed the rise in part to the "mainstreaming" of anti-Semitism on social media.
Speed has been of the main bottlenecks in mainstreaming 3D printing for manufacturing — metal or otherwise.
No doubt, other amazing developments are sure to spin out of the mainstreaming of homomorphic encryption.
Sperry takes issue with the "mainstreaming" of Sanders as a standard-bearer for the Democratic Party.
Even more remarkable than the mainstreaming of extremists is the normalisation of a no-deal Brexit.
In 1992, The New York Times Styles section ran a story on the mainstreaming of grunge.
There was the architect of the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, who spent years mainstreaming white nationalism.
Drudge may have been especially responsible for mainstreaming Jones, but he was pushing on an open door.
" The mainstreaming of drag also reflects subtle but important shifts in how the LGBTQ community defines "acceptance.
"This is the beginning of the mainstreaming of Mykki Blanco, and I'm not anti-that," Mykki says.
Pure Storage, which went public in 2015, has been focused on mainstreaming Flash since its earliest days.
Trump benefited from the acceptance and mainstreaming of reality TV. For one thing, it saved his reputation.
Weezer was mainstreaming memes, and it just didn't feel right, as a young person on the internet.
You've certainly been directly complicit in the mainstreaming of a conspiratorial way of thinking about our politics.
The mainstreaming of incivility and insults will have an impact long after Trump leaves the White House.
The military has argued that it is mainstreaming these groups by bringing them into the electoral process.
Some Muslims worry their children may experience bullying at school because Trump's victory validated the mainstreaming of Islamophobia.
In 2017, expect the momentum to grow with further mainstreaming of cannabis and the cementing of the industry.
That's why she believes the best hope for mainstreaming queerness in Marvel will come down to the MCU.
For Pincus and Hoffman it's not about partisanship, but about mainstreaming the political agenda of the Democratic Party.
Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign was instrumental in mainstreaming Democratic socialism, but Millennials' economic situation also plays a role.
Arthur: I admire your mainstreaming of Bernie, but I continue to maintain that he's mostly a protest vote.
"The main topics of conversation were around mainstreaming social enterprise," said John Montague, who was at the meeting.
It is exceptionally hard to see these critiques as good-faith concern about the mainstreaming of anti-Semitic tropes.
If the mainstreaming of cryptocurrency continues, it'll be no time before simple stickup men get the hang of it.
The mainstreaming of the popular roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons has significantly changed how people address and understand the game.
Finally, we must reject the mainstreaming of extremism by ensuring districts are truly representative of all of their constituents.
Her previous books include "Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States" and "Letters from Nicaragua."
They are reflecting back the reality of trans male and nonbinary lives while mainstreaming long-marginalized characters and narratives.
There's mainstreaming them into public schools, the Special Olympics, TV shows like "Speechless," Down syndrome children in clothing ads.
Samet adds a broader, more abstract concept to that list of solutions: the mainstreaming of addiction treatment in healthcare.
What makes this particularly troubling that is the mainstreaming of false narratives risks muddling people's ability to understand genuine conspiracies.
That is so contrary to all that America stands for What's happening with Donald Trump is the mainstreaming of extremists.
In the present, however, cords still rule, and Apple's big move has given us all dongles to lose, essentially mainstreaming inconvenience.
As the Breakthrough Institute's Trembath argues, the mainstreaming of meatless meat coincided with when the food world turned on the burger.
He went on to appoint Steve Bannon, whose primary professional accomplishment was mainstreaming white nationalism at the helm of Breitbart News.
The Government's most important tool for implementing feminist policy is gender mainstreaming, of which gender-responsive budgeting is an important component.
Since you released Too Bright , the mainstreaming of queer culture has gone in a few separate directions—both positive and negative.
Bcom's reportedly working on mainstreaming the conversion technology for regular computer CPUs and is also working on a cloud-based solution.
Like most things involving VR in these early days of mainstreaming the platform, there are upsides and downsides with VR 1803.
Not the appointment of Steve Bannon, who has spent years mainstreaming white nationalism, to a key position in the next administration.
Every time DJI announces a drone these days, the company makes the promise of finally mainstreaming the still relatively emerging technology.
In theory, entering electoral politics can have a moderating influence on terrorist organizations and perhaps even create conditions for mainstreaming them.
Yousafzai and other activists say the military, often referred to in country as the "establishment," is behind this so-called mainstreaming.
" She added, "This slow-and-steady mainstreaming of disinformation-like tactics is normalizing things we would otherwise identify as inauthentic behavior.
It is, however, important for the company to lay claim to the rapidly mainstreaming medium to which it indirectly gave name.
One theory holds that the new air travel, anodyne and hollow, is part of a more general mainstreaming of rare experience.
Alongside all that came the mainstreaming of expanded universes, a concept previously relegated to nerdy niches like comic books and fanfiction.
Former nightclub owner Jakob Turur admonished that clubs "would fall victim to commercialization and mainstreaming" if the law is not changed.
Fillon's victory, in other words, represents the mainstreaming of a far-right platform in yet another of the world's nuclear powers.
While this hyrbid utensil has apparently been on the scene since 2010, Eater just drew our attention to a major mainstreaming moment.
Indeed, an intriguing example of their mainstreaming can be seen in the influence of Californian prison gangs on tattoo culture at large.
"I'm really not sure those views in Fredricksburg would be aired were it not for Trump's 'mainstreaming' of these prejudices," Feldman says.
So the true mainstreaming of EVs, now a tiny market share, will eventually require batteries to power a chunk of this segment.
That worries some SRI purists, who fear that "mainstreaming" will lead some fund managers to put an ethical gloss on conventional investments.
In hindsight, it's easy to pinpoint the mainstreaming of a technology on a single event, like the launch of the first iPhone.
But whatever happens with b-Vibe, it seems likely that the total mainstreaming of anal pleasure is only a matter of time.
This feedback loop can be seen regularly on Tucker Carlson's prime-time show, which has become a major forum for mainstreaming racism.
This is a notable example of taking research breakthroughs to start new product efforts grounded in customer needs and then mainstreaming them.
The Stone Well before the election of Donald J. Trump, the mainstreaming of misogyny during his campaign caused justified outrage and fear.
A few examples: Bannon and the rest of the Breitbart hierarchy didn't oppose the mainstreaming of sexism and racism on their site.
Stretch Armstrong: Clubs were so much more important before their influence was eclipsed by the internet and the mainstreaming of underground culture.
It's important to remember, of course, that part of the mainstreaming of big phones has been the technologies supporting the large screen.
Can art help make sense of this moment—of partisan Twitter armies, so-called "fake news," and the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories?
Jones may have started as a fringe figure, but years of mainstreaming have allowed him to build a real presence among Republican voters.
His performance last night is the beginning of a long process of mainstreaming a more critical view of Israel in the Democratic Party.
The official army spokesman did not comment after queries were sent to his office about the mainstreaming plan and what happened to it.
Why it matters: This is a public market mainstreaming of bitcoin exposure, basically acting as an ETF that will reflect the cryptocurrency's value.
It's irresponsible to participate in the mainstreaming of such extremism, especially when the atmosphere in this country is primed for anti-Muslim violence.
And while the activity has often been shrouded in secrecy, the mainstreaming of marijuana now has college students openly discussing their smoking habits.
Mainstreaming of marijuana is about to get a huge boost Others August 4 is now Barack Obama Day, a state holiday in Illinois.
But thanks in large part to the internet, there's been a relentless mainstreaming of everything niche (food included) that's allowed everyone to participate.
Even though many among the community are faith-based, the key to mainstreaming the movement is to remove the moral associations with the word.
"But I have never seen anything more important than the mainstreaming of environmental issues in the economy as we know it today," she said.
Even as they described their hopes of mainstreaming, many members of these and other groups also voiced the violent tropes that animate the movement.
The past decade has seen two major, and potentially related, trends: the mainstreaming of the internet and an increasing comfortability with talking about sex.
Or, do you think Mr. Trump has "opened the door to assertions of white identity and resentment" that are "mainstreaming hate" in dangerous ways?
On Reddit, an active nootropics community shares tips and research, and its members have watched the mainstreaming of their interest with ambivalence and intrigue.
However, the military did propose "mainstreaming" militant-linked groups into politics in a 2016 National Security meeting, military and government sources have told Reuters.
The reason for this is simple: Trump has normalized authoritarian behavior while mainstreaming tactics that were previously considered out-of-bounds by both parties.
This was a remarkable run of dominance spanning the rise of the internet, three presidencies and the mainstreaming of several more nuanced comedic sensibilities.
And the gradual entry of tattoos into museums began the process of mainstreaming that has made the genre widely popular, but also watered down.
It feels inconceivable that the women of Fox News, of all places, presaged the mainstreaming of the #MeToo movement, but it also makes sense.
Thanks to the mainstreaming of ethnic cuisines, and to the bacon craze sweeping the United States, it has become popular around the world, too.
There has been no leadership statement condemning the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism; in fact, demonizing Soros has long been part of the overall party strategy.
The mainstreaming of the "wholesome meme" is a specific response to a geopolitical era that is unprecedented in recent memory for its turbulence and polarization.
But if the mainstreaming of women's sex toys has taught us anything, it's that the rewards of overcoming those obstacles are more than worth it.
Can she turn the anger of the #MeToo moment into a lasting political movement by mainstreaming an agenda that puts gender equality front and center?
With the mainstreaming of L.G.B.T. people, and the wider variety of people identifying with "queer" issues, who rightfully owns a space once simply called "gay"?
When I first came across inclusion and mainstreaming as educational strategies, I thought they must be lovely for the disabled people whose position was advanced.
Yet there is something far deeper at work in the mainstreaming of ASMR: It brings balance to the manic features of our crowded digital economy.
So-called gender mainstreaming in urban planning not only makes public spaces more inclusive, but also has a favourable effect on women's safety and wellbeing.
In a time when virtual reality seems at the tail end of its hype cycle, the $199 device offers the most compelling case for mainstreaming yet.
Go deeper: Rude, red awakening: China's theft of U.S. tech is hard to stop The mainstreaming of Trump's attack on China China's stalling pattern pays off
After navigating this winding pink corridor, visitors break through into a larger room dedicated to Sontag's 1964 essay — a spatial representation of the mainstreaming of camp.
The mainstreaming of conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace was significantly driven by Trump himself, who eagerly embraced rumors in various media appearances throughout the 2012 election.
In rhetoric and in deed, we are witnessing the mainstreaming of a hateful and discriminatory ideology I had hoped my children and grandchildren would never see.
As will Steve Bannon, a media impresario who's spent years mainstreaming white nationalism and who has a poor relationship with elected leaders of the Republican Party.
What better ambassador for the drug rug's mainstreaming than a chart-topping artist who once rolled a joint on the head of her bouncer at Coachella?
The big picture: The involvement of policy, business and economics experts is a sign of the mainstreaming of clean energy that enables the focus on deployment.
Whatever he really wants, the effects of his chosen tactics and causes are predictable and obvious: mainstreaming naked racism, sexism, and various other forms of bigotry.
The Republican Party has denounced and rejected Duke's support, but Duke keeps saying that he sees Trump as mainstreaming his own long-held white supremacist views.
But from saying Mexico is sending rapists north of the border to his embrace of the birther movement, Trump has been mainstreaming bigotry throughout his rise.
New mainland arrivals from the island, are likely, analysts say, to be more interested in mainstreaming, looking for jobs and may be in lower income brackets.
Nonetheless, this change will likely have an erosive effect on homophobia within the church, representing a slow mainstreaming of LGBT inclusion within a highly conservative faith.
The right has built a machine dedicated to mainstreaming nonsense, and the mainstream media has proven woefully inadequate as any kind of serious check or filter.
But to congratulate Trump on mainstreaming bigotry through his No. 2 White House official rather than his No. 1 staff pick sets an appallingly low bar.
And we saw a mainstreaming along of sort of white nationalists into the room in a way we had not seen since George Wallace in the '22020s.
" If it doesn't take queer history into account, the Met's camp theme may end up being part of what Zhang describes as "the mainstreaming of queer culture.
It's been four years since she's released an album — she's been busy out there mainstreaming as an actress in Oscar nominated films like Hidden Figures and Moonlight.
About this time, as they were figuring out how AWS works, another revolutionary technological change was occurring when Docker emerged and began mainstreaming the notion of containerization.
If she loses by a wide margin, you can expect the more outright xenophobes and anti-Semites in the Front to start challenging Le Pen's "mainstreaming" strategy.
Urban Outfitters' new venture — if it succeeds — will represent an even more thorough mainstreaming of the idea that we don't actually want or need to own anything.
"Many white nationalists are celebrating the election because they saw that some of the rhetoric in the election itself as mainstreaming some of its ideas," he said.
"We are in the midst of heightened mainstreaming of divisive and often extremist language, the normalizing of hate," said Oren Segal, director of ADL's center on extremism.
Still, the backing of an organization with the pedigree of the WEF bodes well for the continued process of mainstreaming both cryptocurrency and the underlying blockchain technology.
" He spent years mainstreaming ideas that align with white nationalism and told a Mother Jones reporter in August that Breitbart is "the platform for the alt-right.
The rapid escalation of legalization efforts and the concurrent mainstreaming of the drug have simultaneously been eroding the social patience for the scare tactics of the past.
On one hand, argues Guy Lodge in the Guardian, the mainstreaming of items like harnesses can be seen as evidence that LGBT sexuality is no longer so marginalized.
The conversation also touched upon the regulatory and other technological limitations in mainstreaming drones for various tasks and how the technology is being used to help underserved communities.
But if the emergence of meatless meat a few years ago was hailed unanimously as a good thing, the response to its mainstreaming has been tinged with skepticism.
Simon & Schuster is the home of Threshold Editions, and it is set to make a great deal of money by legitimizing and mainstreaming Milo Yiannopoulos and his hatred.
After the mainstreaming of sushi in the US, fine dining chefs started introducing poke, which sparked the current wave of fast-casual poke joints and roaming food trucks.
Clinton may spout politically popular pro-Israel platitudes, but her track record of strong-arming Israel while embracing and mainstreaming Muslim terrorists speaks far louder than her words.
"Everyday we go to work and we know what we are doing, we are mainstreaming marijuana — we get everything we want if we can mainstream marijuana," Bierman said.
Far from mainstreaming the supposedly simplistic and deranged voices on Twitter, some of the most powerful media organs in this country are publishing diverse opinions on this subject.
"The P.T.M.'s mainstreaming this issue has taken away the narrative of the state," he said, referring to the official version of events in cases like Mr. Mehsud's.
It started mainstreaming conservative talking points and conspiracies, quickly gained a huge (mostly white, mostly old) audience, and, through sheer chutzpah, was accepted as a legitimate news outlet.
Everyone's older, of course, and they're re-entering a culture the show helped change by mainstreaming gay characters in prime time — making itself less distinctive in the process.
But with the rise of white nationalist recruitment online and mainstreaming of hateful language, they're now navigating a more complicated and diffuse threat landscape than in years past.
All this — the mainstreaming of murderous hate — comes at a time of near-incendiary mutation of the foundational principles of India, and to the idea of India herself.
It's also given us all kinds of rather unpleasant gifts — think propping up WiFi truthers and mainstreaming the concept of the "personal brand" — that we'd rather return unopened. 
What this suggests, then, is that Sanders isn't very committed to mainstreaming left-wing foreign policy (or that he thinks keeping Zimmerman on would set back that cause).
Yet while the mainstreaming of exploitation cinema is old news, more notionally respectable movies tend to tart up their cheap goods with ponderous self-importance and deep-dish ideas.
They said that Sharif had opposed the "mainstreaming" plan, which senior military figures and some analysts see as a way of steering ultra-religious groups away from violent jihad.
Amid the chaos and uncertainty happening on Christopher Street, it's a moment that's come to be known as the trigger for the modern mainstreaming of the gay rights movement.
In its earliest stages, Google partnered with medical facilities like the Stanford School of Medicine, so a deal with Fitbit should prove a solid step toward mainstreaming its offering.
Conservatives like Continetti have good reason for wanting to whitewash this fact and now they have an ally in Dowd, who is mainstreaming their self-serving version of history.
Of course, much of the mainstreaming of larger phones comes courtesy of a much improved screen to body ratio, another place where Samsung has continued to lead the way.
R3, which opened the first tranches of the company's planned $200 million financing exclusively to members of the consortium, is one standard-bearer for the mainstreaming of blockchain technology.
One evening last week, her 17-year-old autistic son called her to share his news: He was now "mainstreaming" at school and part of regular high school classes.
"It shows the mainstreaming of the culture that there are two zombie movies this year that aren't playing at midnight," said Colin Geddes, the festival's longtime Midnight Madness programmer.
And the K-pop fandom as a whole deserves massive amounts of credit for mainstreaming an entire genre over the decade, based heavily on the strength of their love.
Harnessing these forces in dog whistle slogans such as "We want our country back," the Leave campaign has contributed to the mainstreaming of the anti-immigration far-right rhetoric.
That said, the success of 4K means we'll probably go to 8K at some point, but the mainstreaming if the format is definitely many years away — perhaps over a decade.
And besides, Transparent is first and foremost about the trans experience (just look at its title), and was groundbreaking for highlighting and mainstreaming trans storytelling and notions of gender fluidity.
From Britain's epochal "Brexit" decision to Donald Trump's "America First" election to the political mainstreaming of Marine Le Pen's hard-right nationalism, a chaotic populist wave has rocked Western democracies.
"I'm excited about how I'll play this very interdisciplinary role in uncovering some of the value there and mainstreaming some of those opportunities into what Dyn can become," he said.
"I feel the mainstreaming of Donald Trump, instead of him being treated as an extreme, dangerous candidate, is really the most troubling aspect of American politics right now," she said.
"I think what we really find troubling is the mainstreaming of these really offensive ideas," said Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks hate groups.
M.B.: So the Republican Party which had just lost to Barack Obama, your argument was that it could be the vehicle for the mainstreaming of white nationalism or white supremacy?
And representation, such as with the mainstreaming of trans celebrities, slowly starts to expose the public to the people those women are dating as well, when those men are visible.
When historians write about the mainstreaming of feminism in the early 21st century, they may well begin with "We Should All Be Feminists," a TED talk Adichie gave in 2012.
That all started to change with the rise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe near the end of the Aughts, which kicked the gradual mainstreaming of geek culture into high gear.
It details how German officers released self-exculpatory memoirs, how their colleagues in Allied militaries lent their names and prestige to mainstreaming German commanders like Heinz Guderian and Erich von Manstein.
"The almost torrential criticism of Israel and the mainstreaming of anti-Zionism, including by this paper, ...has become so common that people have been desensitized to its inherent bigotry," he wrote.
At first a seemingly subtle shift, the diminution of the moniker, used to describe the system which started out as ARPANET in 1969, hints at the true mainstreaming of the system.
In April, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told VICE News he would introduce a bill to "decriminalize" marijuana, a testament to the slow-but-steady mainstreaming of the drug in America.
So many of the deeply moving tributes pouring out in memory of Ali have stressed his centrality in mainstreaming black radicalism, in broadening the appeal and reach of black cultural nationalism.
Given this consensus, it stands to reason, then, that a big donor who supported the mainstreaming of Nazism and white nationalism would be a prime example of "dirty money" in politics.
The liberation it urges has largely happened; that "Rocky Horror" is playing in a temple to Shakespeare (it is, after all, the Avon Theater) is prima facie evidence of its mainstreaming.
" It added, "The mainstreaming of terrorist and extremist factions, to the point that we tolerated their large participation in our election process, is what has put us in this situation today.
The mainstreaming of feminism (and online surveillance thereof) has made many women I know — and myself — anxious about conforming to stereotypes, lest we perpetuate the same conditions we find so constraining.
While I'm generally supportive of people's efforts at self-appellation, it is the duty of everyone who objects to white-supremacist ideology to resist this group's efforts at mainstreaming its positions.
Last year Trump even minimized the role white nationalists played in the violence in Charlottesville, saying there was "blame on both sides" and signaling a new era in mainstreaming white supremacy.
"Our clients are facing increasing pressure from the rise in consumer expectations, the mainstreaming of direct-to-consumer brands and new data regulations," Publicis Groupe CEO Arthur Sadoun said in a statement.
First published in beefcake magazines in the late 50s, Tom's drawings are easily among the most recognized gay erotica out there, and were a pioneering influence in the mainstreaming of fetish culture.
"Beyond talk of the 'pornification' of gay culture or the mainstreaming of gay porn, I believe more simply that gay porn has played an historically important part in our community," Brennan says.
"We haven't seen this kind of kind of mainstreaming of intolerance at this level," Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a May interview with the Forward.
Mr. Egan gives the senator credit for mainstreaming progressive ideas like higher taxes on the rich and a more aggressive climate policy, but stresses that socialism is popular only among young people.
The mainstreaming of "owned" has always come with a bit of a wink, an acknowledgment that those most eager to lord their superior knowledge over others often have the biggest blind spots.
Unfortunately, groups like NumbersUSA have found a willing ally in President Trump, who is mainstreaming immigration restriction by including "chain migration" in his tweets, his remarks, and in official White House statements.
"The mainstreaming of anti-Semitism and the violent incidents that are occurring — and it seems at a more rapid pace — I think makes this moment a little different and concerning," Segel said.
A key goal of these campaigns was "mainstreaming" an idea—moving it from the fringe to the mainstream and thus making it appear to be a more widely held than it actually is.
The mainstreaming of January as the month of cleanses — which can actually be bad for you, by the way — when all you truly want is warm comfort food can be straight-up miserable.
By saying that US support for Israel is "all" about money, Omar was essentially mainstreaming ideas that have their roots in anti-Semitism, helping make them more acceptable to voice on the left.
And he's in particular mainstreaming Islamophobia, which is on the rise in recent months, as seen in a recent incident in which a Muslim engineer was harassed at a Fredericksburg, Virginia, civic meeting.
Three government officials and close Sharif confidants with knowledge of the discussions said the military's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) presented proposals for "mainstreaming" some militant groups in a meeting last year.
That gradual transition obviously dovetails with the mainstreaming of EDM—it makes sense that establishment figures are understanding electronic music at the same speed that it's become a hitmaking and festival-headlining enterprise.
The rhetoric of these groups combined a longing for the revival of American "family values" (including traditional gender roles in the face of the mainstreaming of feminism), and blended religious and cultural nostalgia.
The reason is the almost torrential criticism of Israel and the mainstreaming of anti-Zionism, including by this paper, which has become so common that people have been desensitized to its inherent bigotry.
Parham Aarabi (ModiFace), Kirin Sinha (Illumix) and Allison Wood (Camera IQ) agreed that mainstreaming the tech is about three to five years away, with a successful standalone device like a headset somewhere beyond that.
Why it matters: The Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance is a sign of both the mainstreaming of corporate procurement and a recognition that companies face market barriers, even as wind and solar costs have fallen.
CNN has played an important role in mainstreaming and normalizing Trump's misinformation, thanks in large part to the small army of Trump surrogates the network has hired to defend the president during panel debates.
This mainstreaming will not happen overnight, and this next year will be the proving ground to see if Filipino food is just a fad or if people are just going to stick with it.
It was a momentous decision by Burger King, and Sigal does a great job explaining how important one vendor's adoption of meatless meat was to the mainstreaming of plant-based alternatives to factory faring.
Since I started tracking his career, in 2013, I've come to think of Mr. Reilly, whom prosecutors once described as a manipulative "predator," as the purest test of America's commitment to mainstreaming ex-felons.
The Tuesday incident at the Fresh Kitchen in Manhattan spotlighted the mainstreaming of xenophobic and anti-immigrant hostilities, and prompted calls for the New York State Bar Association to review Schlossberg's license to practice law.
In part this is due to a tool-driven change in how manufacturing is done; the accessibility of the new generation of tools like desktop laser, and waterjet, cutters, and the mainstreaming of 3d printing.
I think it started off that way because of more restrictive laws around free speech, but I think what we're seeing is that with the alt-right, the normalization and mainstreaming also appeals to them.
" Huffington Post news website founder Arianna Huffington: "I feel the mainstreaming of Donald Trump, instead of him being treated as an extreme, dangerous candidate is really the most troubling aspect of American politics right now.
A representative of the PML-N, which last month replaced him as prime minister with close ally Shahid Khaqi Abbasi, said the party was "not aware" of any mainstreaming plan being brought to the table.
Provoked by the mainstreaming of North American music festivals in the early 2000s—and the big budget EDM boom shortly thereafter—the last decade of live electronic music has been something of an arms race.
With the mainstreaming of white supremacy and the number of hate groups increased a second year in a row, it makes sense to take solace in the feel-good finale of movies like Hidden Figures.
He hails their subsequent Bitcoin proselytizing as crucial to the mainstreaming of a once-obscure currency, without acknowledging that their pitch might be self-serving, intended to drive up the price of their prized asset.
But in 2013, you wrote a pretty strident essay in Glamour against the ''pornification'' of everything, where you recount using the hashtag #stopactinglikewhores, in regard to the mainstreaming of, say, V-strings and stripper poles.
Tolentino, with the advantage of her experience at Jezebel, places the corporate feminism trend in a greater context; internet memes go mainstream, she argues, due to the celebration, exploitation, and mainstreaming of feminism under capitalism.
" Huffington Post news website founder Arianna Huffington: "I feel the mainstreaming of Donald Trump, instead of him being treated as an extreme, dangerous candidate is really the most troubling aspect of American politics right now.
Meanwhile, Jewish people fear the legitimization of someone like Steve Bannon, the Trump adviser who spent years mainstreaming white nationalism, and who Trump says will serve as "chief strategist and senior counselor" in the administration.
Then-Prime Minister Sharif, however, was strongly against the military's mainstreaming plan, according to Shuaib and the three members of Sharif's inner circle, including one who was in some of the tense meetings over the issue.
Between 2013 and now, we've had the mainstreaming of virtual reality development, a generational leap in computer animation and machine learning tasks, and, if you needed to work in MacOS … the same old trash can computer.
Pretty much one of the only good things about 2017 so far (other than the many protests — have I mentioned the protests enough yet?) has been the slow but steady mainstreaming of plus-size fashion. Finally.
But as Kuttner said, mainstreaming "pocketbook populism" is Warren's great gift, and it's notable that even moderates like Himes—an ally of Wall Street and leader of an overtly moderate congressional caucus—won't count her out.
Suzanne E. Shapiro, the author of "Nails: The Story of the Modern Manicure," said that the mainstreaming of hip-hop and urban fashion, in tandem with Japanese nail technology, has contributed to contemporary nail art aesthetics.
The mainstreaming of geek culture has gradually granted legitimacy to all the other heavily trope-based genres — comics, fantasy, sci-fi, video game narratives, horror — because they appealed to men, and male nerds have been ascendant.
We're already seeing the mainstreaming of streamed pay TV services, with the DirecTV Now launch just the first of a new raft of services, to be joined by Hulu, Amazon and YouTube in the near future.
The rise of athletic sportswear and the mainstreaming of once marginal street wear labels have given the trend its latest push, propelling it to the catwalks, where it has thrived intermittently for a number of years.
Celebrities like the Kardashians, Bella Hadid and the Real Housewives are credited with the mainstreaming of injectables, which are the most common minimally invasive cosmetic procedure performed, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Many people might be uncomfortable with the mainstreaming of marijuana, but spreading the opportunities and benefits to many, rather than a powerful few, might make it easier for politicians and their constituents to make peace with legalization.
The unprecedented response signified the mainstreaming of the internet, as people realized they had a way to express themselves—even if they went over the top a bit—on the passing of a famous and beloved figure.
"One of the most alarming aspects of all of this is the mainstreaming of dehumanizing language and black and white narratives by politicians like Trump, (Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo) Salvini, or the Australian senator," said Ebner.
Not only are his views (or at least the views that he spent years mainstreaming as publisher of Breitbart) deplorable — to use a word Clinton leveled against Trump's supporters — but he has no experience whatsoever in government.
Directed by a white filmmaker who was not involved in ball culture, the film has been criticized as exploitative and is an example of the difficulties involved in mainstreaming a culture that was born underground out of necessity.
The latter is a nod to advocates who say that despite mainstreaming of solar and other zero-carbon technologies, major new breakthroughs will be needed to achieve the steep emissions cuts needed to avoid high levels of warming.
Which brings us to today, where, as opponents of Trump's candidacy and eventual presidency rally to avoid "normalizing" his ideas and approach, the mainstreaming of conservative fake news is a clear case of the dangers of such normalization.
With Trump and his support from reactionaries, they were worried that we were seeing the mainstreaming of a fringe of the far, far right — and that could have horrible consequences for the Republican Party, America, and the world.
After him, blackness as a point of public pride had also drifted away from American popular culture — or rather it had been absorbed by the gradual mainstreaming of hip-hop and the proliferation of a black middle class.
Many politicians and media personalities have fanned the flames of hatred by mainstreaming antisemitism, promulgating conspiracy theorizing tropes about Jewish people and legitimizing hate groups who target racial and religious minorities and promote acts of violence against them.
Activists fear that the "mainstreaming" of extremists into Pakistani politics will harm its democracy, and lament that members of the two leading parties are now courting some of these fringe players to gain an edge over one another.
I don't know that açai bowls are ever really going to outstrip bacon cheeseburgers as hangover cures, as the chef Gerardo Gonzalez suggests in Christine Muhlke's smart article in The Times today about the mainstreaming of hippie cuisine.
This calculation has allowed the left to weather a populist surge across the continent, but analysts warn that the strategy is short-sighted, and only plays into the far-right's hands by further mainstreaming their anti-immigration agenda.
Speaking in Reno, Nevada, on Thursday, Hillary Clinton laid out in painstaking detail all the ways Donald Trump is mainstreaming racial hatred in the country, and facilitating the white-nationalist right's efforts to supplant the leadership of Republican Party.
Here are 10 key passages from the transcript of Bannon's remarks, which frame a worldview that is already shaping the Trump administration's first executive moves — and what they tell us about the man who spent years mainstreaming white nationalism.
The concern, shared by many Austrians, is that the fraternities' deep roots in the party run the risk of mainstreaming the radical right into national life, giving extremists a powerful soapbox to address their politics to a broader audience.
I think the big surge that we've seen over the last couple of years in right-wing violence, and the popularity of right-wing extremist content, is definitely, to some extent, a product of the mainstreaming of these ideas.
And considering the increasing corporatization and mainstreaming of the UFC and the sudden support for a union from name fighters like Donald Cerrone, this second camp seems poised to become a real movement, even if it's later rather than sooner.
I worried that not speaking up would be inaction that I would regret later in life, after his dangerous ideas had proliferated further, and that performing as planned would be tantamount to helping him build respectability and mainstreaming his ideas.
"Donald Trump's overtaking of the Republican Party -- and his constant escalation of outrageous rhetoric -- is in danger of mainstreaming the kind of hatred that has long been relegated to the fringes of American politics where it belongs," Jennifer Palmieri said.
I ascribe no specific meaning to the number seven, but what's clearly happened is that a combination of forces, most importantly the globalization of attention markets and mainstreaming of internet information technology, has massively opened up the supply of cultural products.
And when it ended with Trump allowing Fallon to mess up his hair in a clip that went viral the following day, further mainstreaming the Republican nominee in the process, the media masses were as apocalyptic as they were with Lauer.
Here are 10 of the key passages from the transcript of Bannon's remarks, framing a worldview that could shape the next four years of a Trump administration — and what they tell us about the man who spent years mainstreaming white nationalism.
Like a puppy that has lived his whole life in a cardboard box in a dark alley and suddenly gets whisked into a mansion with a large, plush puppy bed, the acceptance and mainstreaming is a positive but jarring experience.
He pointed to recent innovations like the mainstreaming of in vitro fertilization and organ donations as examples of once-impossible innovations that have helped people in and out of the medical community to open up to the idea of freezing.
The causes are legion: The advent of right-wing talk radio and Fox News; the influence of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit; and the mainstreaming of conspiracy sites like InfoWars, which had almost five million visitors in the last month.
And those living in and around Los Angeles should get set for trucks driving around the city wrapped in advertising for MedMen, one of the stores "mainstreaming marijuana," and a company that has spent more than $500,000 on marketing already.
Even though the track took on a life of its own and moved further and further away from its original context, the mainstreaming of "Hustlin" doesn't seem to bother Ross in the slightest, who instead expresses pride in its ubiquity.
Some point to the economic disparity between genders in explaining the discrepancy, while others look to the mainstreaming of gay culture, and the fact that queers coming out today have less need for specifically queer spaces than do generations prior.
"The two sides underscored that human rights and the dignity of human life are essential, and agreed to continue mainstreaming the human rights agenda in their national programs to promote the welfare of all sectors, including the most vulnerable groups," the statement said.
The fact that The New York Times recently supplied more than one million subscribers with Google Cardboard headsets to access its newly launched VR experiences has further advanced accessibility and mainstreaming of the device, as well as this innovative means of media consumption.
While these new comics and graphic novels have benefitted from the mainstreaming of superheroine narratives, they mostly have independent publishers to thank, who have long been the harbinger of the most progressive work, acting as platforms for projects outside the mainstream to flourish.
Progressive activists propelled Senator Bernie Sanders further in last year's presidential race than most thought possible, thereby mainstreaming democratic socialism, securing the most progressive Democratic platform in party history, and pushing centrist Hillary Clinton to run on an unabashedly left-wing domestic agenda.
The mainstreaming of rail-accessories from special addition for combat to hobbyist novelty is perhaps best reflected in the "tacticool" section at nerd-centric online retailer ThinkGeek, where you can find a tactical laser pointer styled after the ridges of a picatinny rail.
While it's a popular narrative, academics such as Whitney Phillips, Gabriella Coleman, and Jessica Beyer, who have spent years studying online communities, suggest that the mainstreaming and normalization of Trump's message—not his memes—played the most significant role in his electoral success.
Hamid is part of a long line of "pseudo-experts" on Islam, and he represents a much larger problem in which fringe Muslim Americans pushing an anti-Islam agenda are promoted as legitimate experts, thus mainstreaming ideas that are both offensive and incorrect.
All of these anchors draw enormous salaries from the company that is deliberately mainstreaming racist conspiracy theories every day, and all of them serve to maintain the thin pretense that Fox is a serious news organization and not a promotional vehicle for hatred and extremism.
Over the course of the early 20th century, it was a safe haven for New York's LGBTQ community and home to events—including the Stonewall Inn protests—that would become flash points for the mainstreaming of the gay rights movement all across the country.
For decades, Western leaders have pursued lucrative trade deals with authoritarian leaders ranging from former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to the Saudi royals, selling them weapons, automobiles and luxury goods while ignoring U.N. and EU gender mainstreaming mandates.
"We reaffirm the importance of further strengthening scenarios for the participation of women in the country and a real commitment to mainstreaming the gender approach in the implementation of the final accord," the office of the government's high peace commission said in a statement.
He astutely tallies the degradation that Trump's lawless, norm-busting presidency has already inflicted: stuffing the courts, assaulting the Justice Department, demonizing the free press and mainstreaming extremist ideas like mass deportations and the Muslim travel ban — now shamefully validated by a Supreme Court majority.
Unfortunately, in part because it's built upon a very real and dark truth in American history—which is that white supremacy has always been a big part of what this country is—white nationalists were able to start capitalizing on that and mainstreaming that language.
His team can boast a number of accomplishments — a radical new way to finance the modern presidential campaign; the mainstreaming of critical liberal policies; runaway popularity with young voters — but he is now shorn of the the outpouring of energy that powered his campaign for months.
It was the coded message in Trump's slogan 'Make America Great Again' and embodied in his stigmatizing of Hispanics as rapists and Muslims as likely terrorists, his dog whistles to white supremacists, his mainstreaming of blatantly racist language previously confined to the margins of American society.
Inclusion in that roster alone was a sign of an impending rise for any young player, the so-called "house that 'Trane built," was one of the preeminent imprints—along with Blue Note, Columbia, and Riverside—responsible for the mainstreaming of avant-garde jazz in the 1960s.
" Kyoko Hokugo, director of the gender mainstreaming division at Japan's Foreign Ministry, said that registration for the event was high, but "it was unfortunate that there were several people who could not enter the room during the speeches of Prime Minister Abe and Ms. Ivanka Trump.
Trump's campaign has proven the potency of this brand of politics in a way that more conventional, more professional politicians have already noticed — see the mainstreaming of anti-refugee politics even while the GOP primary was under way — and will continue to remember in a post-Trump party.
So far, outrage over the incoming Trump administration has focused on Steve Bannon — who, in the words of my colleague Zack Beauchamp, "spent years mainstreaming white nationalism" as head of Breitbart, and whom Trump has appointed to a "chief strategist" role equal in importance to chief of staff.
As reporter Nidhi Subbaraman wrote in this equally disgusting and depressing story: As Epperly claimed on the group — called Exposing the Lies Candida: Weaponized Fungus Mainstreaming Mutancy — candida attracts parasites, and the only way to health is a severely restricted diet accompanied by large quantities of her signature fermented cabbage juice.
More generally, with the rise of the alt-right and the mainstreaming of groups like the National Front in Europe, the real test will be how the authorities respond in areas where anti-Semitism could take root – and whether they are able to prevent hate crimes from happening to begin with.
Mainstreaming the sexual revolution was slow-going, and Eartha's rise came at a time where African-Americans were still struggling for basic human rights—a time at which it was still illegal for an African American to have sex with a white person in 28 out of 50 American states.
Even big budget romantic comedies that make great strides in mainstreaming queerness, like Love Simon, don't quite get at the exhilaration of fully possessing your sexuality—not simply coyly testing the waters or facing the emotional turmoil of coming out, but actively understanding the power of same-sex seduction and flirtation.
It not only reflects the Hollywood mainstreaming of fantasy fiction, but also combines the basic fantasy set-up (normal boy is spirited away to a parallel world of magic and adventure) with the leaden, self-serious spectacle of the modern fantasy epic (army of good guys fights evil racist despot and his minions).
Now 47, Lawson began his career as an assistant in the mid-1990s to Koons, whose teeming factory of helpers (their ranks have at times swelled to some 120 people) came to symbolize the mainstreaming of manufactured art, producing intricate paintings made by over a dozen workers through a color-by-numbers system.
Opinion Columnist Over the last three years, since Brexit and the Trumpening and the general rise of disreputable forces in Western politics, there has been a steadily boiling elite panic about the power of the paranoid fringe, the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories, the pull of fake news and the danger of alternative realities.
But all it would take is one UFC fighter giving voice to his lifelong dream of being a hip-hop MC or a stand-up comedian and this whole experiment in the mainstreaming of mixed martial arts could explode in all of our faces, sending our sport back into the shadows of shame and infamy.
By participating in a weed-based dinner party of this size, Fretz and Oh—along with Oh's business partner Stephane Bombet of Bombet Hospitality Group, who was also present in the dinner—are ahead of the weed curve, anticipating the mainstreaming of a cultural phenomenon that will surely follow if the measure passes in November.
The number of extremist groups active in the United States rose for the second year in a row last year, propelled in part by the mainstreaming of far-right rhetoric by the Trump campaign, particularly on topics like immigration and Islam, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremism in the United States.
It was the coded message in Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" embodied in his stigmatizing of Hispanics as rapists and Muslims as likely terrorists, his dog whistles to white supremacists, his mainstreaming of blatantly racist language previously confined to the margins of American society and last heard at the national level in George Wallace's segregationist campaign in 1968.
" Sanders also drew a line between Trump's role in mainstreaming the birther movement in 2012 and his presidential campaign in 2016, saying that "I think this is part of his entire campaign of bigotry" and that Trump is "trying to appeal to those extreme, extreme, extreme extremes, who still believe that Obama was not born in America.
I'm so excited to have a cozy alternative to my current solution of performing menstrual sex in a crude, dirt-floored backyard hut made of sticks and animal fur, that I won't even mention we are centuries overdue in mainstreaming this quotidian function of female biology that is literally going on somewhere in your vicinity at all times.
Granted, there's still plenty of good tunes to be found, but Sherburne's argument that "house music [...] has been whitewashed and straightened out in its latest wave of mainstreaming" is one to consider, especially considering the underground's bold strides in representing the cultural communities and socio-political interests that were responsible for birthing house and techno in the first place.
With "reeducation" camps in China, religious disenfranchisement in India, ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, street violence in Sri Lanka, mass shootings in New Zealand, the flourishing of far-right parties across Europe, and the mainstreaming of Islamophobia in America, there's been a global surge in anti-Muslim bigotry — often supported by the full power and might of the state.
There was still tons of new technology, but also glamping, #vanlife, tiny houses, "Cabin Porn," the mainstreaming of the farm-to-table movement, a market for artisanal cast-iron pans and boutique butter churns, a fascination with going back to the land (lived out, for many, via Instagram) — all signs of longing for a simpler life.
Ultimately, moderating the debate was a step toward Kelly's overall mainstreaming; she intentionally took a pay cut to move from Fox to NBC, a new gig that got her out of a toxic workplace plagued by sexual harassment scandals, which also queued her up for more work-life balance — a goal she later said she'd been working towards for a long time.
The mainstreaming of emerging fields such as genomics and artificial intelligence offer much promise and will change the face of medicine for patients and health professionals immeasurably… But my belief in innovation is coupled with an equally strong belief that these advancements must be introduced in a way that respects people's confidentiality and delivers no surprises about how their data is used.
TIME already named Trump Person of the Year back in 2016, for "reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow's political culture by demolishing yesterday's," the magazine's then-head Nancy Gibbs wrote.
After nearly a decade and a smattering of very public ups and downs — including a widely publicized stabbing case in 22017 that left a teenage girl seriously injured, plus some other allegations — both Slender Man and the online community that grew up around him are all but dead, barreled over by other Creepypasta fandoms and the mainstreaming of what was once a popular, albeit niche, piece of horror.
In any case, the flyers don't appear to have been particularly effective, as evidenced by a recent spiral in the membership and organizing ability of neo-Nazi and other racist organizations—one the Guardian attributed to both successful anti-fascist disruptions of their events and the mainstreaming of far-right beliefs in the modern Republican Party, which has swung far enough to the right to provide some racists a more establishment outlet for their energy.
A 1949 Louise Dahl-Wolfe photo shows Standard Oil heiress Millicent Rogers, an advocate for Native American rights and a collector of Native American art and jewelry, with an armful of silver bracelets, a turquoise necklace as thick as a lei and a long, crinkly-pleat "broomstick" skirt, which was likely designed by Martha Reed, whose Martha of Taos label and shop was responsible for mainstreaming — or, well, appropriating — this classic Navajo style.
Though Molly's desire to do some catch-up partying is a more theoretical and less urgent driver than the libidinous motivations of Superbad, it comes from the very contemporary realization that there are other ways of being smart, successful, and even nerdy than just fighting for straight As. The anger and defensiveness this knowledge initially brings out of Molly isn't explicitly tied to longtime gamers or Star Wars fans bristling at the mainstreaming of "their" culture.
At the same time, if Clinton crushes Trump in November, the message will be sent by the American people that the game he played to become the Republican nominee — through mainstreaming bigotry; name-calling; insulting women, the handicapped, Latinos and Muslims; retweeting posts by hate groups; ignorance of the Constitution; and a willingness to lie and make stuff up with an ease and regularity never seen before at the presidential campaign level — should never be tried by anyone again.
You get closer and realize that something about the guy in the distance is not quite right—that he's machine-like, or his teeth are rotting, or he's otherwise ill-at-ease—a deliberately uncanny reflection of the Great American Rock Song that's fitting for an era that feels a whole lot more confusing (what with the robot death strikes, the mainstreaming of conspiracy theorism, and widespread acceptance of political demagoguery) than even the post-Vietnam era that initially birthed these sounds.
In a year that saw Trump's "Muslim ban," and the (re)mainstreaming of racist thought and hatred towards refugees, the breaking of the Weinstein atrocity, and the long overdue illumination of a national culture of sexual harassment and subjugation, the passage of a tax bill that ushered in a flow of wealth to corporations and the richest rich and away from the working class, and the reign of Trump, and the shell-shocked entrance of countless millennials into politics—I shortly realized I should have been paying more attention to the future, not less.

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