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15 Sentences With "low in numbers"

How to use low in numbers in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "low in numbers" and check conjugation/comparative form for "low in numbers". Mastering all the usages of "low in numbers" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Non-performing loans are low in numbers, and Fitch expects the bank will be able to withstand deteriorations in both its core Swedish market, as well as its other Nordic and Baltic operations.
He said Iran's military is "conventionally weak and asymmetrically strong," meaning that while its formal forces are low in numbers and not advanced, Tehran's strength lies in backing regional non-state allies like Hezbollah and Hamas.
Reproduction can happen without the presence of males (parthenogenesis) and this quality has allowed the species to survive when they are low in numbers.
Five Whiskers males emigrated into the Lazuli kicking out Thundercat who soon joined the Whiskers. The group recently recovered after a low in numbers. Many Whiskers formed or joined other groups. Some males have joined the Whiskers rivals the Lazuli and Commandos.
This ended up in a rivalry between the two teams who boasted stronger squads when compared to the other Third Division teams, thus attracting larger crowds than usual. However attendances remain relatively low in numbers. It is important to note that very few statistics are available.
The French defense was low in numbers and led by the Abbot of Cluny, Androuin de La Roche. That night, the English army made camp outside Chartres in an open plain. A sudden storm materialized and lightning struck, killing several people. The temperature fell dramatically and huge hailstones along with freezing rain, began pelting the soldiers, scattering the horses.
In the 1940s, the prison began to get rid of all of the convicts under age eighteen. Most of them were sent to the reformatory. The main issue with the Kentucky State Penitentiary in this period was the correctional officer force, always low in numbers and low-paid. The electric chair was installed at Eddyville penitentiary September 1910.
Kinsey scale of sexual responses, indicating degrees of sexual orientation. The original scale included a designation of "X", indicating a lack of sexual behavior. Asexuality is not a new aspect of human sexuality, but it is relatively new to public discourse. In comparison to other sexualites, asexuality has received little attention from the scientific community, with quantitative infomation pertaining to the prevalence of asexuality low in numbers.
There are also three thousand Assyrians that live in Armenia. More came after Armenia obtained their independence in 1991, and after most of the secular regimes in the Arab countries and Iran have started to collapse and are becoming replaced with Islamic, Shari'ah based governments, Assyrians have started to migrate to Armenia. Though low in numbers, Assyrians living in Armenia have complete and full rights with citizenship compared to in the Islamic nations.There are many mixed marriages between Armenians and Assyrians.
East of the Aucilla River, the Deptford culture people transition directly into the Fort Walton Culture. The 2001 Letchworth Auger Survey shows no activity at the Letchworth site in Jefferson County, Florida. Sites along the coastal areas are low in numbers where many more recent sites are inland which may be in part related to the rise in sea level that probably inundated many sites. It is estimated that sea level on the Gulf of Mexico coast of northern Florida had risen 2 m (6.5 ft) over the last 2000 years.
Their enforcement has allowed for the fish reserve at Akrotiri to remain well stocked as due to extensive over- fishing much of the fish life in the waters in other areas of the island is low in numbers. SBA Customs liaise with UK military resources and the Republic of Cyprus Government Departments to combat pollution in SBA waters and along the coastline whilst controlling ports and fisheries. The Fiscal Officer is also designated the Queens harbourmaster of the mole in Akrotiri and Dhekelia. The Sovereign Base Areas are shown in red, and are where the SBA Customs operate.
Although originally low in numbers the Roman infantry was extremely tactical and developed some of the most influential battle strategies to date. The early Roman army was based on a compulsory levy from adult male citizens which was held at the start of each campaigning season, in those years that war was declared. There were no standing or professional forces. During the Regal Era (to c. 500 BC), the standard levy was probably of 9,000 men, consisting of 6,000 heavily armed infantry (probably Greek-style hoplites), plus 2,400 light-armed infantry (rorarii, later called velites) and 600 light cavalry (equites celeres).
Major types of vegetation of the North American Arctic include tundras, polar desert and polar semi-deserts with minor ones being coastal salt marshes and grasslands. Flora must try to grow in a harsh environment that experiences continuous sunlight during the summer, and low temperatures, dry winds, heavy snow and frozen ground and soil throughout the year. Freezing and thawing of soil affects vegetation patterns as it results in formations of patterned ground such as circles, nets and stone stripes. Both plant diversity and species are relatively low in numbers due to lack of nutrient availability.
Oxygyrus keraudreni is a shallow-dwelling species that normally occurs in low abundances. In the Indian Ocean was Oxygyrus keraudreni found essentially limited to the upper 100 m of the water column, with 90% between 50 m and the surface. Similarly, off Hawaii was it recorded low in numbers of individuals whose vertical range was limited to the upper 90 m of the water column, with most individuals occurring at night in the upper 45 m. In another study from the same area off Hawaii it was found that Oxygyrus keraudreni was captured in nighttime tows but was either absent or nearly so from comparable daytime ones.
Surrounded by the Abbasids and other hostile powers and low in numbers, Hassan-i Sabbah devised a way to attack the Ismāʿīlī's enemies with minimal losses. Using the method of assassination, he ordered the murders of Sunni scholars and politicians who he felt threatened the Ismāʿīlīs. Knives and daggers were used to kill, and sometimes as a warning, a knife would be placed on the pillow of a Sunni, who understood the message to mean that he was marked for death. When an assassination was actually carried out, the Hashasheen would not be allowed to run away; instead, to strike further fear into the enemy, they would stand near the victim without showing any emotion and departed only when the body was discovered.

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