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539 Sentences With "loose ends"

How to use loose ends in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "loose ends" and check conjugation/comparative form for "loose ends". Mastering all the usages of "loose ends" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Episode 10 This episode was all about tying up loose ends — so, so many loose ends.
But not until UnReal ties up some loose ends. Ready?
Don't leave loose ends or missed deadlines lingering over you.
Here's to clarity and tying up loose ends in 2019.
This new round sees those loose ends tidied up nicely.
Settle debts that you owe, and tie up loose ends.
Loose Ends The world is a difficult place right now.
She was still in college and was at loose ends.
Ironically, the bombshell piece ties up a few loose ends.
Loose Ends Ms. Harrington is a writer and mother in Vermont.
Bringing in Megan and tying up loose ends, provided a reason.
Pretty Little Liars isn't exactly great at tying up loose ends.
Step 5: Tuck and pin the loose ends into the knot.
Business is slow, leaving him at loose ends at the resort.
Loose Ends My favorite time of the year is finally here!
They were at a bit of loose ends in their lives.
Like many a detective story, this one has some loose ends.
That includes any actions to confront a series of loose ends.
Loose Ends Ms. Counter is a humor writer with a baby.
At loose ends, he launched a small venture fund, Hydrazine Capital.
Loose Ends From: Job Spotter Subject: Thanks for Using Job Spotter!
Atlanta isn't completely unique in its refusal to tie up loose ends.
She tied up loose ends and let colleagues know she was leaving.
My jockeying between travel, art, current events leaves me at loose ends.
I feel personally victimized by how many loose ends were left untied.
With no deal, Britain would still be out but with loose ends.
And we're just tying up loose ends and making last-minute changes.
This remains one of the more troubling loose ends in the report.
It feels like this record was a tying up of loose ends.
"Why would you take so long to clean up these loose ends?"
Loose Ends Ms. Annett is a writer who lives in New York.
"I'm just trying to tie up some loose ends," Mr. Mulvaney wrote.
LOOSE ENDS The signs are all there, right in front of you.
Loose Ends You'll never have to ask "What's the Super Bowl?" again.
Loose Ends Ms. Lissner's first novel, "Carrie Pilby," was turned into a film.
I mean how many Scandal loose ends have taken viewers to Nowhere Town?
The movie ties up the loose ends left by a hastily-cancelled show.
Then the cell's built-in DNA repair machinery patched up the loose ends.
They buy a house overlooking the Atlantic, but Alice is at loose ends.
After Mr. de Hartmann's death in 1956, he found himself at loose ends.
And those loose ends keep the possibility of a more pessimistic explanation alive.
This is a brilliant opportunity to get organized and tie up loose ends.
The new order tied up the remaining loose ends, formally closing the case.
It's dense, sweaty, overdriven, bristling and unkempt, full of live-wire loose ends.
But it's one of the biggest loose ends about what happened in 2016.
But the series' fourth episode, "Sunday," is as good an argument as anything that the series is less about trying to make sense of its many loose ends and more about realizing that you find life amid the loose ends.
The junta is also tidying up loose ends, and putting opponents in their place.
Let's hope they tie up a few more loose ends in the Netflix revival.
Before officially parting ways with the company, Keenan will wrap up some loose ends.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up to say the least.
Lieberman for VP This new book allows McCain to tie up some loose ends.
True to form, not all the loose ends are tied up in the finale.
He stayed in the business just long enough to tie up the loose ends.
Loose Ends Alex, the first night we met, I knew you were the one.
But the movie forgets about them until it's time to tie up loose ends.
Into Nicotine, the house, arrives Penny Baker, a recent college graduate at loose ends.
A person close to the talks said this only involved tying up loose ends.
The last thing you still want to be doing is dealing with loose ends.
How do you continue a story that so pointedly wrapped up its loose ends?
Scorsese then ties up loose ends for the final 40 minutes of the movie.
So I'm glad if he ditches the loose ends and goes into hallucinatory overdrive.
Meanwhile, the elected officials charged with actually drawing up those plans appear at loose ends.
Evans points out that the way this right was created leaves lots of loose ends.
Without a deal Britain would be out of the EU but with many loose ends.
Wednesday's news managed, blessedly, to be mostly loose ends, without anything major shifting the landscape.
The act of tying up loose ends is kind of the whole point of finales.
Here are 25 loose ends and general questions "Game of Thrones" has yet to answer:
There are a lot of loose ends, ends that previous administrations sought to suture down.
"Modern Lovers" hurries to tie up its loose ends, and the interwoven climaxes seem sludgy.
Loose Ends Jiji Lee is a comedian who knows how to enjoy a summer party.
But Centeno said some "loose ends of a legal nature" still had to be clarified.
Watching "Shakespeare Resonance" and "Who Killed My Father," I didn't care about the loose ends.
The Trump administration is snipping away at loose ends — and more cuts could be coming.
Michele is a gigantic pile of psychological loose ends she's never bothered to tie up.
Halle Berry needs to get off the dime and tie up loose ends with Olivier Martinez.
But mathematicians, who don't like loose ends, are more interested in identifying all the rational solutions.
This episode, titled "The Bells," tied up some long-standing loose ends: We finally got Cleganebowl!
The new agreement tidies up loose ends, and involves a few significant concessions from the FARC.
Now, all these years later, Sandra finally has the opportunity to tie up some loose ends.
It ties up loose ends more than most Star Wars films — but it doesn't answer everything.
But, this being a fictional musical, loose ends are supposed to be unrealistically tied up, right?
That ending leaves us with a couple of loose ends we can attempt to tie up.
There were no statements to take, no hangs loose ends to wrap up, only unadulterated shade.
We had an in-person conversation in order to tie up loose ends before I left.
Westworld's first season came to a close, tying together several loops, loose ends and unanswered questions.
Appropriately titled "Loose Ends," the closing event was part funeral, part rebirth and all hedonistic rager.
Amorowat Anysia "Ani" Achola ends the season as a liar who missed a few loose ends.
Some are very obviously at loose ends, no matter what kind of face they put on.
They are neatly constructed and smoothly burnished by Mr. Cobb's production; there are no loose ends.
Gordon has come along in tow, feeling at loose ends in a managerial role at Mutiny.
We don't want to, if we can, go into the playoff with dangling participles — loose ends.
Well, after last week, there is definitely no small number of loose ends to tie up.
LOOSE ENDS A labor union for anyone who wants to feel like part of something bigger.
And as the symphony ends with a lot of loose ends, it was all by design.
The loose ends were then sealed together chemically, forming a completely tied knot with eight crossings.
With one episode left in the season, there are plenty of loose ends to tie up.
Then, tuck the loose ends under your braids to hide the elastic bands and secure with pins.
As is often the case in science, there are still a few loose ends to tie up.
There will be no final scene where the detective explains how all the loose ends fit together.
But this time, creators Matt and Ross Duffer neatly tie up most of the supernatural loose ends.
Then I spend the rest of the afternoon tying up loose ends and straightening up my desk.
I still scrutinize my emotions and behaviors, examining my mind over and over for any loose ends.
Loose Ends A sneak peek at the stories coming soon to a right-wing outlet near you.
"Folks can't tolerate loose ends — they've got to tie up a story," one of her characters says.
They're nifty guys at loose ends, to use Jim Harrison's phrase, of a somewhat moth-eaten variety.
At times, Gregory speeds us through moments that should be lingered over or leaves loose ends untied.
Like any household player at loose ends these days, he received a lucrative approach from China, too.
But his mustache will stay on for a few more weeks to tie up any loose ends.
Loose Ends To paraphrase Tolstoy, all happy workplaces are alike, but each unhappy workplace is uniquely unhappy.
But his mustache will stay on for a few more weeks to tie up any loose ends.
Loose Ends Dear Colleagues, It's that time of year again — time for our Secret Santa Office Party!
The strings may be closed unto themselves or have loose ends; they can vibrate, stretch, join or split.
A schematic of the event in IceCube's stringsGraphic: IceCube/NSFToday's announcement ties all of these loose ends together.
Even Lincoln pondered that the series should consider tying up loose ends and concluding a few months back.
After her body is removed from the diner, Heidi is feeling determined to tie up her loose ends.
The Force Awakens: The movie is doing its level best to scatter loose ends, not tie them up.
From plot holes to cliff hangers, the loose ends left in Westeros after Season 8 are frustratingly numerous.
It seems the newest member to join The Bachelorette club has a few loose ends to tie up.
And this year, Marvel's Secret Empire event will tie up some very divisive loose ends for Captain America.
As usual with supernatural conspiracy breeding, no official explanation resolved many of the loose ends of Lam's death.
Delaney begins to act like a condemned man, tying up loose ends on his last day of freedom.
And I'm not sure the play would holler if some of its loose ends were tied up tighter.
"Tying up a couple loose ends since i will probably be in there for a month," he wrote.
Your third and last chance to tighten up loose ends will be from March 28 through April 16.
It's just that there were a lot of loose ends to be tied up, because Miramax was sold.
The news from the special counsel probe, in contrast, was along the lines of tying up loose ends.
Even the most attentive reader could have trouble keeping track of the report's loose ends and dropped subplots.
Loose Ends The chairperson called the meeting to order by banging a selfie stick against a rustic drum.
I want a finale to be a good episode, not just a checklist to tie up loose ends.
Many fans are upset about Chambers&apos departure, especially since his character will leave behind many loose ends
A number of loose ends toward the film's close seem potentially designed to provide more heroes or villains.
"That said, we still have a little ways to go to tie up loose ends," the aide said.
If this case had been fictional, its writer would have been crucified for plot holes and loose ends.
"They clearly are tying up loose ends," said a lawyer who has been in contact with the Mueller team.
Tall Boy, known Hiram colluder, so his death is convenient for Hiram since there won't be any loose ends.
In the end, The Tickle King isn't really interested in tying up any loose ends left undone by Tickled.
On the other hand, there are still a lot of loose ends on the domestic end of the story.
We tie up a few loose ends and then spend time reminiscing and making promises to stay in touch.
There are still some loose ends in the scandal that has loomed over Trump's presidency more than any other.
Jamie's best friend since childhood, Julie (Elle Fanning), is 17, at loose ends, and the object of Jamie's affection.
I snack on chips and pesto while working on it and tying up other loose ends for the day.
There are so many loose ends to be tied up, and so many theories that need to be addressed.
So let's do the polite thing and wait until they're back before we wrap up all the loose ends.
Loose Ends I KNOW you're under a lot of pressure with your toddler's birthday party only a week away.
These and other Mueller loose ends need attention because they appear to be in defiance of fact, not law.
That same jogger, still romantically at loose ends, e-mails his Hotmail account a link to workouts on
Loose Ends Congratulations on the purchase of your 2017 Golem Zombie, the world's most technologically advanced self-driving vehicle.
Loose ends Robbie Prepas, a Disaster Medical Assistance Team nurse-midwife, remembers women whose stories mirrored Jefferson's during Katrina.
Ms. Rush is believably disaffected but struggles to anchor a plot lousy with loose ends and lazily drawn relationships.
Do you like an ending that ties up all loose ends or one that still leaves you wanting more?
One person carved, another whittled away the loose ends, another sanded the little statuettes down until they were smooth.
In order to put the past behind him, Jesse has to tie up loose ends, both physical and psychological.
"We still have a few loose ends, but we don't think it's likely to change any findings," he said.
Season 8 should tie up loose ends while answering the big question of who will ultimately win the throne?
The sci-fi fantasy show, created by Pendleton Ward, has spent its most recent episodes tying up loose ends.
Loose Ends I'm a very busy woman looking for a personal assistant to help me with certain important tasks.
It's messy, and a little clunky, but more than that, having loose ends tied up so neatly cheapens the message.
Take one of the loose ends of the scarf that is around the elastic and tuck it in to secure.
Gird your loins, because all the loose ends at play here are about to come together in classic sitcom style.
It was for President Obama a day of thank you calls, farewells, wrapping up loose ends — and business as usual.
The show is starting to tie up its loose ends in satisfying ways, but it can still be plenty cruel.
"Los Angeles" certainly leaves lots of purposefully laid loose ends, just in case Famous is greenlit for a sophomore run.
It's often brash and blunt, defiantly refusing to tie up loose ends or let its characters take easy ways out.
Officials say work on the withdrawal treaty tying up legal loose ends for businesses, budgets and expatriates is nearly done.
An aide to Franken said the senator is tying up loose ends and working on a smooth and speedy transition.
Make tying up loose ends on Sunday more manageable by tackling household chores at a steady pace throughout the week. 
Tupac pioneered a new style for bandannas in rap: fashioned backward, the loose ends like two pigtails above his face.
The end of the book has some loose ends, which I hope mean that Scarlett and company will be returning.
Loose Ends President Trump on Monday removed Anthony Scaramucci, a wealthy New York financier, from his position as communications director.
A few of these comments prompted us to try, with differing degrees of success, to tie up two loose ends.
But nothing can be taken for granted in Knives Out, except a satisfactory conclusion that wraps up the loose ends.
Mr. Priebus thought he would have a week to tie up loose ends before an official announcement of his departure.
If episode 17 spun a tidy web of the narrative, episode 18 spins it backwards; now, there are loose ends again.
But at least one analyst says there are a few loose ends to tie up before moving onto the new plan.
Luckily for us, many of the loose ends are already tying up nicely...if we can believe everything we're being told.
That's what's memorable about season 7 for me — all the callbacks and attempts to tie up loose ends, personal and otherwise.
The 35 minute of Dear White People finale moves swiftly and furiously, tying up loose ends just as it loosens others.
Members spent the weekend at loose ends, occasionally huddling in party conferences on the Hill, waiting on the Senate to act.
On the other side of the Capitol, House Republicans were at loose ends, waiting on the Senate to make a decision.
The fifth season of ABC's Bachelor in Paradise is already over, but there are still some loose ends for one contestant.
"There are many loose ends that police are still working to tie up," the Montgomery Police Department said in a statement.
Currently I am working on tying up some loose ends regarding certain issues so I can hit 2017 full steam ahead.
In being honest, you can move forward in your life without feeling like you left any loose ends in the relationship.
They found that the inertia created by swinging your feet forward whips the loops and loose ends of the laces forward.
It also has a few underdeveloped loose ends, including Alejandro's vague but apparently important relationship with a dead writer named Szerbiak.
I think that if I were still in New York and I just stopped working I would feel at loose ends.
Lin gives us all that and manages to tie up loose ends and provide satisfying plot revelations at the same time.
Crisis is also about accepting the fact that life does not sew up its loose ends like a well-crafted narrative.
But even now, there are intriguing loose ends and charming plot threads not covered in a description of the main action.
"American Honey" is brazenly indifferent to backstories, and prefers to leave loose ends dangling and frayed rather than tie them up.
But he has difficulty in tying up the loose ends of his story, which takes an abrupt melodramatic turn before concluding.
You can use the extra time to tie up any loose ends and train co-workers on how to complete essential tasks.
But in the meantime, we're taking stock of the remaining mysteries and loose ends we have after the Westworld season one finale.
One that ties up loose ends neatly, that gives the lovers a pleasant conclusion to their established romantic ar, and — — juuuuuuust kidding.
In 1999, 25 years after he vanished, Lord Lucan was declared dead by a British judge, but still, there were loose ends.
Embedded in every challenge is an opportunity, and for Apple today, that opportunity is to tie off a lot of loose ends.
Barack Obama felt betwixt and between throughout his adolescence, at loose ends about his racial identity and his place in the world.
The loose ends are neatly tied up, as they are when you seal a bag of garbage — or if you prefer, rubbish.
String theory postulates that fundamental particles aren't particles at all — that they are actually strings, existing in loops or with loose ends.
Sweetener felt like it was made to tie up the loose ends and serve as the beginning of her happily ever after.
Her long flowing hair is down, and she doesn't seem to mind when my oily hands get stuck in the loose ends.
" She added: "Currently I am working on tying up some loose ends regarding certain issues so I can hit 2017 full steam ahead.
When last we left off, there were a whole lot of loose ends featuring those recurring characters: Is Gary choosing to live on?
That means storylines are being consolidated, loose ends are being tied up, journeys are coming full circle ... and characters are coming together again.
Pierce Brosnan isn't leaving any loose ends burning -- just 14 days after he was sued over a house fire ... the lawsuit's been dismissed.
Meanwhile, the moon is waning all week, encouraging us to tie up loose ends before it reaches its "new" phase on the 8th.
Lewis has even brought on a new full-time assistant, Tyler Meyerkorth, to help pick up loose ends alongside diligent employee Megan Weaver.
Loose Ends: Aside from the inevitable Wendy-Bobby love affair plotline, there are some other things to look forward to in season 4.
A Few Loose Ends That I Need To Address — Capheus's campaign seems to be going well, but other Kenyan sensates are not pleased.
Now that Nickelodeon has resurrected the project as a direct-to-TV film, Bartlett has a lot of loose ends to tie up.
And yet, despite these virtues, "Wonderstruck" fails to convince, so intent is Haynes on banishing loose ends and slotting each coincidence into place.
The day we hoped would never come has finally arrived, and with it a tangle of loose ends and a torrent of questions.
Friday begins Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius—a time for you to tie up loose ends and, if you care to, repeatedly correct yourself.
She's very dangerous, threatens Ruby's family, and considers all four of those teens to be loose ends in the whole RollerWorld heist situation.
The final pages of the novel don't tie up all the loose ends and don't offer promises of happily-ever-after for anyone.
And there are a few other legislative loose ends, like negotiating a new five-year farm bill and extending some annual tax breaks.
Women have more to do in the Comedies and Proverbs series, although "doing" in this context is often simply being at loose ends.
Congress is in its usual end-of-year scramble mode, looking to wrap up legislative loose ends before heading home for the holidays.
"Atlanta" is, in a lot of ways, a show about detours and loose ends, but the finale brought a lot of strands together.
Partly it underscored the obsessive cleansing rituals that often surface in her work; it was also a way of tying up loose ends.
We're in the mood to reconnect and tie up loose ends, make the most of it by putting your needs in the open.
Not long after the same-dress episode, Mary's father, at loose ends after his retirement, is visiting Mary for dinner at her apartment.
The moon wanes in Scorpio on Sunday until Monday morning, so this is a time for us to start tying up our loose ends.
Having any protagonist tie up their loose ends and see clear skies after a proverbial storm makes for good filmmaking across the color spectrum.
Judge Breyer drove that point home at a conference in San Francisco a day later, warning that the settlement had some notable loose ends.
But to secure a tranche of 7.5 billion euros ($8.40 billion) Greece was required to tie up some loose ends of its bailout programme.
In "The Sweetest Fruits," there is a kind of benign divinity at work, an authorial force that promotes resolution by tying up loose ends.
She doesn't know that he's tying up loose ends before killing himself, and afterward she has to deal with the puzzle of his intentions.
Safe spaces have always provided me with the tools I need to collect my loose ends and reestablish a relationship with my mental stability.
The Moon wanes all day in passionate Scorpio, encouraging us to focus on tying up loose ends and creating a stronger foundation for ourselves. 
Loose Ends Late last week, the summer bucket list of a highly ambitious Pittsburgh teenager was reportedly discovered in an Urban Outfitters dressing room.
He originally called it Loose Ends but later changed the name to False Starts when it was moved to the front of the publication.
Mueller's inclusion of the peace plan effort by Cohen in the early search warrants is intriguing because it is one of the remaining loose ends.
Instead, fans are grumbling on social media about rushed storylines, unexplained loose ends and beloved characters doing things that don't feel true to their nature.
There could be a temptation to leave some loose ends on Ireland to be sorted out in talks on the future EU-UK trade deal.
The signal-jamming backspin began on December 19, and has been turning everyone's attention to tying up loose ends instead of rushing toward new goals.
Among the loose ends, the officials wanted to know how the Barakat organization got the Israeli passports, and whether they were forged or legitimately issued.
The final scenes of the show wrap up the loose ends: Jude tells his parents about his grades, and Cory goes home to his mother.
"We do deal with the loose ends in season 2, and we do deal with some of the internet rage over Barb's death," he said.
Cousins says he and Prince were tight and had an agreement the singer didn't have to pay until all the loose ends were tied up.
Other Loose Ends: Isaac (Jimmy Smits) tells Annalise that he can't be her therapist anymore, though she doesn't appear to take no for an answer.
Having a few loose ends tied up at the end feels much more satisfying, even if 20 years later we're still smarting over Jack's death.
The Deep Dive immersive group that had planned this experience had a firm grasp of story, and I couldn't believe they'd leave unsatisfying loose ends.
As it nears the end, ESA researchers are trying to tie up the loose ends of what they've learned from their trip to the comet.
His ex-girlfriend, Sonja Gashus, testified that she thought he was tying up some loose ends and leaving the business on the night Samson died.
The twenty-two selections of Float seem to be presented as a group because they were unpublished loose ends without any place else to go.
Loose Ends FROM: DIRECTOR TO: WRITER O.K., look, I know I've been out of the country and out of touch for more than a year.
"What critics said: "It is so frustrating to come to the end of its three-season run with so many loose ends and unsatisfying conclusions.
It was canceled after two seasons, but it will tie up loose ends in a movie-length finale, which debuts on HBO on July 23.
Of course there were going to be strange, upsetting ramifications to what just happened, of course there were going to be loose ends left untied.
For adults who celebrate Chinese New Year, it's a time for seeing family and friends, tying up loose ends, and looking towards the year ahead.
Mr. Tully's downbeat, dreamy approach to horror is a welcome one, but this time he leaves us with too many tight lips and loose ends.
And maybe it is, but the show would rather we believe he's being diligent and tying up loose ends that could spell trouble later on.
But the original finale did such a good job of tying up loose ends that "El Camino" often feels as if it lacks a purpose.
But while El Camino is all about Jesse's story post-finale, the actual finale was all about Walter White (Bryan Cranston) tying up loose ends.
This was back in 2004, the era of the online journal, in those precious few years before Facebook soaked up all of those loose ends.
Not one to leave loose ends untied is Amazon, which is rolling out a feature called Answer Update on Alexa devices this week, spotted by Voicebox.
So he decided to tie up loose ends by finishing the arc in the other comics he was writing — namely, Sub-Mariner and The Incredible Hulk.
The penultimate episode Game of Thrones, did not waste any time tying up loose ends — and unsurprisingly, contained several emotional goodbyes and a whole lotta bloodshed.
But while red herrings come with the territory, 121 hours' worth of loose ends can never be tied up; a few will always drag things down.
With just a handful of episodes to go before the series finale of Jane the Virgin, there are a lot of loose ends to tie up.
By that I mean it ties up loose ends, caps off stray plots, and then finally disrupts the tentative status quo with that game-changing ending.
With loose ends being tied up left and right, fans are coming up with their final theories on how the fate of Westeros will be determined.
Sadly, TV Live reports that the reveal of Schmidt's first name could be seen as a case of tying up loose ends before the show ends.
As the Obama presidency winds down, political forces are determined to tie up a flurry of policy loose ends before a new administration comes into office.
Two months until Election Day, and no doubt our readers have been at loose ends without being able to kick off every Tuesday with our conversation.
The episode tied up loose ends, gave fans a joyous moment they had been waiting years for, and included the surprising death of a beloved character.
"He's been in Cincinnati for a while, give him a chance to catch his breath and tie up some loose ends," Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said.
From playful action comedies to grimdark "realist" reimaginings, these superhero franchise installments are vehicles for their own loose ends, locking together like a child's floor puzzle.
Loose Ends "If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say," Donald Trump tweeted on Aug.
Loose Ends This month, Tiffany unveiled its Everyday Collection, featuring everyday objects affordable if you're a member of the Saudi royal family still in good standing.
His future on the show as Jamal Lyon remains somewhat unclear, so it will be interesting to see how the series ties up any loose ends.
One subterranean shaft is a clogged-up jumble of orange and gray cables, some with loose ends, others jammed tightly through a hole in the ceiling.
Work too hard to tie up the loose ends, to weave the enigmas into a cohesive mythos, and you wind up going the way of LOST.
"There's still a lot to find out and expand on, and I will probably leave some loose ends, but there won't be a book eight," she said.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up in the final season — and it's got many of us bracing ourselves for the drama to begin.
Uber is reportedly on track to go public in the first quarter next year, and in the lead up to that, it's sewing up some loose ends.
Working groups focused on three issues: citizens' rights; an EU demand that Britain pay billions of euros to cover ongoing EU budget commitments; and other loose ends.
When it was finished, there was almost no extra work to be done, just a few armpit stitches to graft together and some loose ends to trim.
Learning that his estranged father, Matthew, has killed himself,  Skarsgård's Henry leaves his pregnant wife in their Boston home to tie up loose ends in his hometown.
The new season of The Clone Wars is a good carrot for fans: it'll tie up loose ends that were left hanging when the series was cancelled.
"We're tying up some loose ends, but everything is coming along very smoothly," Camp, 33, told PEOPLE while attending the NXNE Toronto music festival with Courtyard Hotels.
I will be sure to complete my pending projects, tie up any loose ends, and notify other relevant team members of my absence before I head out.
That way, if there are any loose ends or anything you want me to tackle first thing on Monday, you can be sure to let me know.
It feels less like freedom than being at loose ends; it turns out that a popular use for all that extra time is pondering our own superfluousness.
You can see their bodies glowing pink through the thin skins of the wrappers, whose loose ends trail behind the plump, round won tons like comets' tails.
With the Season 1 finale airing Sunday on Showtime, Waithe teased there will be some resolution and a few loose ends to be picked up next season.
Only in the last section does "Rancho Viejo" start to feel a little too tidy, with loose ends being tied into the symmetrical bows associated with sitcoms.
Special counsel Robert Mueller's sprawling, 22-month investigation has ended with a terse four-page letter from the attorney general — and a whole lot of loose ends.
Or, should you get those loose ends out of the way so you can channel your focus on that large assignment once and for all—without getting distracted?
One thing is for sure, they need to tie up the loose ends as far as her relationship with her former college flame before she leaves the show.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel" marks the eighth episode of the second season, which means we only have two more episodes to go until this all the loose ends are tied.
He's at ease — until he sees Thomas' business card by the cash register and decides he needs to stay a few more days to tie up loose ends.
Ferrell has been most dedicated to keeping the comedy faith, and he often seems at loose ends in movies like Holmes or 2017's similarly unscreened The House.
While we're not supposed to completely trust Grace-As-Mary's version of events, as per Sarah Gadon herself, the twist does tie up a number of loose ends.
After watching the credits roll on the second season of 13 Reasons Why, most viewers were satisfied to find that most of the loose ends were officially wrapped.
I have another hour and a half before lunch, so I power through tying up a couple of loose ends on projects before I order something to eat.
The ride-hailing company is probably, most likely going to unveil its S-1 next month and it's tying up some loose ends ahead of its big IPO.
There were a number of tantalizing loose ends: Sheriff Hopper getting into the mysterious car and then, one month later, leaving out treats for Eleven in the woods.
Then the dog pisses on him as Gino and Vic walk off laughing in what someone somewhere must have felt to be a poignant tying of loose ends.
Loose Ends IN "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD," the "zombies" were in fact very much alive, as the studio chose not to go through the Zombie Actors Equity.
"But, to me, her true ancestor could only be David Lynch; her tales are woven out of dread, doubles and confident loose ends," our critic Parul Sehgal writes.
Loose Ends The new series centers on Beth, a thirtysomething woman struggling to balance her work and dating lives while finding a new show or movie to enjoy.
Each case is cut by hand and finished with a fine stitching method — and any loose ends are passed over an open flame to ensure no unraveling occurs.
During the summer between sixth and seventh grade, the girls find themselves at loose ends after Cassie's reckless actions cost them their jobs at the local animal shelter.
And The Night Of is signaling to us that the loose ends from earlier in the season are going to start getting picked up by Stone and Chandra.
The climactic, um, first round playoff game is where half of the film's numerous loose ends are totally forgotten, and the ones that are more meaningful are picked up.
After six beautiful seasons, The Americans comes to a close tonight, and in anticipation, let's take a look at all the loose ends that need to be wrapped up.
He's one of my major influences along with Junie Morrison and Barry White and, you know, Change, Loose Ends, Mtume, Leon Sylvers III, Todd Rundgren, Prefab Sprout, Frank Zappa.
The prospect of a third season is unclear, but the show's second season finale tied up plenty of loose ends for Here's everything that happened on the emotional episode.
And, because this is "Jane the Virgin," there are a lot of loose ends to tie up: Jane's coming wedding, Derek's blackmail attempt on Rafael, Petra's evil twin, etc.
Loose Ends Finding a career that's right for you at your father's software company is one of the more difficult tasks you will encounter as you enter your 30s.
Where Silence Yourself posed pointed questions about internal and external pressure, sexuality, and the nature of freedom, this record is about trying to reconcile some of the loose ends.
First things first, I need a phone so I can sort out one or two bits of business on the outside, just tying up loose ends, you get me?
If it's April, it's time to tie up loose ends at home, kiss the significant other or beloved cat goodbye and wish the kids well on the soccer pitch.
There's plenty there for a sequel to tackle, but if Mr. Lynch just ties up loose ends in the familiar style, is that something that needed to be done?
Loose Ends Pippa Middleton, sister of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (the former Kate Middleton) married James Matthews, a hedge fund manager, on Saturday in lavish style in Berkshire, England.
There are also a host of other loose ends that both sides want to see tied up legally to avoid a chaotic limbo on Brexit Day in March 2019.
Strips of foam and toweling are tied together from rung to rung, with a couple of gravity-defying loose ends standing straight up when they should be hanging straight down.
Other loose ends: Asher (Matt McGorry) has had enough of Michaela's lies, so he gives Laurel a teddy bear as a way of doing the age-old hidden camera routine.
The European Central Bank said on Thursday it would wait until Athens had tied up a number of loose ends in its agreement with international lenders before reinstating the waiver.
I hate going through life leaving loose ends, wondering what if, so I needed to know if he was here to apologize or to offer up more excuses and lies.
The Capitals were not thrilled with squandering a three-goal lead before Nicklas Backstrom's overtime heroics, electing to hold a closed-door, players' only meeting to tie up loose ends.
"A Truck Full of Money" ends on a note of tranquillity — with Mr. English philosophical, the loose ends of his various projects, cockamamie or not, tied up in a bow.
She needs to know that he can tie up these loose ends with Vonda and that he won't run off on her once she's of no use to him anymore.
Consider this just one of the many loose ends tied up in this behemoth episode, which basically crammed an entire season's worth of story lines into an extra-long installment.
When we detailed the brief ascent and prolonged decline of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 saga the other day, we noted that there were still some loose ends to tie up.
Richard, at loose ends since his retirement, has spent the episode driving every single member of his family insane by meddling in their business in his politely, absently judgmental fashion.
While the Democrats' legislation is not yet drafted, Pelosi and Schumer huddled Monday night with the various committee leaders working on it in an effort to tie up loose ends.
As she considered the prospect of divorce, she decided to take a pregnancy test — she wasn't experiencing any symptoms, but she wanted to make sure there were no loose ends.
Beneath his country-lawyer geniality was a serious purpose: to tie all the loose ends together, Perry Mason-style, and reduce the grandeur of the moment to its unseemly essence.
The first, a 34-page analysis of the 28 pages, acts as a prebuttal to the pages' release, claiming any loose ends were subsequently chased down and came up empty.
The loose ends, the ragged edges, the awkward cuts: Here they're like the angry low-fi communication of a postpunk song, desperate in its constricted ability to evoke the ineffable.
This could correspond with several loose ends at the end of Season 1, including the slug that comes out of Will's mouth and the food the sheriff leaves out for Eleven.
Endgame may have a lot of loose ends to tie up, but with this runtime it's got more than enough time to cover everything — right down to the dusty little details.
What I do like are all of the hints that Mr. Robot and Tyrell's plan has all of these little loose ends that need to be cleaned up here and there.
If you want to catch up on all the best theories and loose ends from all the previous seasons, be sure to check out our ongoing Rewatching for the Throne series.
This finale episode isn't the strongest in the Outlander canon — far from it — but it does wrap up many loose ends (*cough* Young Ian), and opens new possibilities for next season.
The season 3 finale of Riverdale tied up several loose ends, including the true identity of the Gargoyle King, but left the fate of one beloved character up in the air.
The FBI will then chase down these leads as long as it needs to — until it feels that all loose ends are tied up, so a case can win in court.
The original series left more questions behind than it did answers, but given the 18-episode order, there's definitely ample time to wrap up some of the show's biggest loose ends.
The third, second-to-last season of the Netflix-original drama "13 Reasons Why" recently aired, opening loose ends and sealing the fate of many lead characters, both beloved and hated.
The movie arrives after "Avengers: Endgame," so it plays a balancing act of giving us the teenage Peter Parker we loved in "Homecoming" and wrapping up some loose ends with "Endgame."
When they published the piece on Ms. Tikhonova's redevelopment project, for example, they did not identify her as Mr. Putin's daughter but let a friendly blogger tie up the loose ends.
The series comes to a satisfying conclusion — well, the first of two (more on that shortly) — by tying up loose ends, circling back to its origins and embracing its unapologetic heart.
But it's not bad as cultish science-fiction curiosities go, with the intellectual suspense balancing the soap-opera mechanics of the returnees tracking down the loose ends of their previous lives.
LIMA, Peru - Trying to tie up loose ends of his foreign policy agenda, President Barack Obama on Saturday instead found world leaders more focused on someone else: President-elect Donald Trump.
Bernie Sanders and establishment Democrats jousted for control of a depleted organization increasingly at loose ends after eight years in the White House and then Hillary Clinton's unexpected loss to Donald Trump.
Obviously, there are a lot of loose ends that could be easily tied up next season, and it would be a bummer if we didn't get to find out what happens next.
Make sure everyone involved knows the plan, too—put everything in writing, and take the time to ensure that there are no loose ends or confusion around payment (or load-in times!).
While we'll have to wait for Season 2 for a resolution to the story's loose ends, we won't have wait for cast reunion — and that's thanks to tonight's MTV Movie & TV Awards.
But there are loose ends to tie up: with Dom (Murray Bartlett), the friend who could be more; Kevin (Russell Tovey), his boss turned beau; and Richie (Raúl Castillo), his barber ex.
In her postscript, rather than tying up loose ends, she describes a visit to a rural strip club, where "bored girls in bikini tops and panties" use antibacterial wipes on the pole.
I have no idea if this interpretation is correct, but the clues are there: straight-faced nostalgia ("Last Runaway"), tying up of loose ends ("Miss You"), and a truly shocking finale ("Golgotha").
He said all Mr. Ullah needed to do to detonate his bomb was touch the loose ends of a wire on the device to a 9-volt battery in his pant pocket.
Despite the fan outcry following the cancellation of Netflix's sci-fi drama series The OA, there reportedly won't be a movie to tie up the loose ends of the season 2 finale.
It's not hard proof that Dempsie has returned to the show, but with only 13 precious episodes left in the entire series, it might be time to tie up some loose ends.
And, thanks to a little something called the Zeigarnik Effect, once you actually get the ball rolling on those loose ends, you'll feel that much more inspired to push forward and finish them.
With no loose ends to sort out, I spoke with the show's creators, Jim Kouf and David Greenwalt, about how the finale came about, the casts' reactions, and the possibility of a spinoff.
Cons of seeing it with family: In practice, the film doesn't fully serve either audience, and it leaves a ton of loose ends that require a deep knowledge of Potterverse lore to understand.
However, his sudden reappearance is a reminder that the Game of Thrones showrunners have forgotten little, and they're eager to tie up loose ends from earlier seasons as they head toward their finale.
Parker, the author of very good biographies of J. R. Ackerley and Christopher Isherwood, casts a wide net here, and eventually it unravels in a skein of loose ends and Housmanian magpie-pickings.
As can be seen, there are many loose ends still to tie up, but ExxonMobil appears to be making a strong bid for quality assets with its eyes firmly on the long term.
WITHDRAWAL TREATY - What Britain and the EU are negotiating under ARTICLE 227 of the EU's Lisbon treaty, to settle legal loose ends and avoid a CLIFF-EDGE messy exit on March 29, 2019.
When these main leads end up frolicking by the ocean together in the final shot, their joy felt sincere and earned rather than born out of a need to tie off loose ends.
And the meticulousness of the taut and airtight screenplay, written by Shepard with Eric C. Charmelo and Nicole Snyder, means that what first appear to be loose ends are never left dangling long.
Settling scores, wrapping up loose ends and taking a victory lap — the main objects of the game this ostensibly last time around — generate some comic sparks as well as a few honest tears.
They were the only loose ends in the apartment, which was pristine the way a gallery is, despite Mr. Simons's large and hairy dog, a Beauceron named Luka after the Suzanne Vega song.
The many unresolved storylines and loose ends of this divisive episode will ensure that the political significance of his off-the-books diplomatic scheme in Kiev may only become more corrosive with time.
The USDA standards help tie up some of the loose ends left from the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized the cannabis varietal that contains no more than 0.3% of the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Having worked in a two-term administration and a presidential transition, I've seen presidents try to tie up loose ends and lock in their legacies as their second terms come to a close.
These questions are a sign that Roberts believes the case is moot, and that he was looking to tie up any loose ends that could prevent his Court from reaching such a decision.
Ms. Asawa was herself at loose ends at the time; interned with her family from 1942-43, she had studied as a teacher, but anti-Japanese sentiment prevented her from using her training.
By contrast, "Watchmen" delivered a mostly satisfying finish, weaving strands together and sawing off most (not all) of the loose ends, while leaving a few tantalizing possibilities to ponder once the credits rolled.
WITHDRAWAL TREATY - What Britain and the EU are negotiating under ARTICLE 50 of the EU's Lisbon treaty, to settle legal loose ends and avoid a CLIFF-EDGE messy exit on March 29, 2019.
Nearly a decade later, programmer and designer Tommy Refenes is still tying up some loose ends on what many, including yours truly, believe to be one of the greatest platformers of the modern era.
We wanted to launch on our own so that we can test and modify the app and all its related loose ends to gain traction, which is exactly the result we have come to.
There were a lot of loose ends and unanswered questions at the end of last season, and it's hard to imagine that the show could get much darker, but it looks like it will.
Loose Ends were the most commercially successful band connected to the scene, but Rae also mentions Gold in the Shade, Fifth of Heaven, Denise Johnson, Lalah Hathaway, Roberta Gilliam, Soul Family Sensation, and Projection.
In order to tie up these loose ends, his old boxing mentor (Alan Arkin) pairs him with an M.M.A. fighter (Winston Duke) and the two punch, kick and shoot their way to vigilante justice.
The final season and series finale were completely true to those values, offering a fitting sendoff filled with unabashed emotion and romance that neatly tied up the loose ends with a big bright bow.
Their current selection of knotted bangles and rings isn't an attempt to tie up loose ends during a transitional period for the brand, but a way of drawing deeper connections to its recent history.
"Certainly we understand as appropriators that we have to get our work done, and we can finish our work, but with a couple of loose ends by the end of the week," said Lowey.
Reminiscent of a crab more than a mermaid, the latter is an arrangement on the floor of three thick braids of khaki-colored polyester rope, each one with loose ends encircled by pincer-like strands.
Contrary to some of the swipes from his colleagues, Burr's reasons for bringing in Donald Jr. are tied to wrapping up loose ends in a review that's widely been seen as independent and nonpartisan. Sen.
From the brief, crumbling percussion of the title track to the nearly nine minutes of cut up sound of "Welcoming Pyroclastic Eradication," the album displays great variety without feeling like a collection of loose ends.
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi warned that the purpose of the stopgap measure was to tie up loose ends of a deal to provide around $1 trillion in money for the fiscal year ending Sept.
Weird loose ends, like the murder of a major supporting character that takes place on-screen and in graphic detail, then goes virtually uncommented upon for the rest of the movie, start to become distracting.
While the casting of Williams will no doubt be exciting for fans just out of sheer nostalgia, it also potentially offers a solution to some of the emotional loose ends Star Wars finds itself facing.
It still has a lot of loose ends to clean up and it already seems like it's running full-sprint towards the big battles that will erupt between Dany, Cersei, Jon, and Nighty Night King.
For a studio to move beyond the "franchise" and "tentpole" stages to the vastly lucrative "universe," a comic-book movie must at every turn gesture towards sequels and spinoffs, teasing out loose ends, cultivating irresolution.
There is a lot of pressure on showrunners to get things right and tie up all the loose ends — and loyal fans aren't always easy to please when they're bidding adieu their favorite fictional characters.
The deal was one of the few loose ends needed for creditors to sign off on 2.53 billion euros, about $8.5 billion, in bailout money after the approval of fresh austerity measures in recent weeks.
Take some time to tie up your loose ends at home and at work, and you'll feel so much better once you're no longer splitting your time and energy between multiple big-ticket items. 8.
One fifteenth-century Italian poet went so far as to add an extra book to the poem (in Latin verse) tying Virgil's loose ends into a neat bow: Aeneas marries Lavinia and is eventually deified.
In this holy age of binge-friendly dramas, the next-to-next-to-last episode is an opportunity to tie up loose ends, clarify stakes, and put the characters on a path toward meaningful change.
So after Endgame came out in April and wrapped up most of the MCU's loose ends, Far From Home seemed poised to introduce new wrinkles that would push Marvel's films toward their next big storyline.
Going back to those "loose ends" that you need to tie up: The new moon on April 7, which takes place in Fire sign Aries, will trigger a very private, hidden sector of your chart.
I couldn't help wondering what was in the pages that Erdrich cut, and whether, had this book not been brought out so quickly, the loose ends might have come together in a more satisfying way.
Pete and Hannah B. clearly have some loose ends to tie up, as a tearful Brown confesses that she questions her choices at the end of her Bachelorette season — specifically, one assumes, not picking Weber.
Like season eight of Game of Thrones, we're ending this impeachment saga with more loose ends just left untied out there than a rug woven by a precocious but not very talented five-year-old.
Letty and Javier race to tie up loose ends after a couple of murders while her parole officer threatens to send her back to prison if she doesn't show up at her next check-in.
"We have practically tied up many 'loose ends' of that campaign, but small 'ends' still remain," Russian media quoted Ella Pamfilova, head of the central election commission, as telling Putin at a meeting in the Kremlin.
After taking a one year hiatus, the final season had a lot of loose ends to tie up — and many long-time fans feel that Season , especially the season finale did not live up to expectations.
But after the eight to 21 weeks of fun are over, it's important for families to tie up all the loose ends of this short-term employment before resorting back to the normal in-school schedule.
And after Jamal's performance, Lucious' serenade and a commercial flaunting a sneak peak of Jussie Smollet's When Cookie Met Lucious visual album, a really, really random character appears, to tie up more loose ends, of course.
Here are five takeaways: Final testimony Prosecutors tied up the loose ends of their case on Monday, calling the last banker to testify and asking a financial fraud federal agent to return to the witness box.
In its haste to tie up loose ends as efficiently as possible, "Passengers" becomes a banal, formulaic pastiche of dozens of other like-minded space operas in which the human drama gives way to technological awe.
Why it matters: The administration is tying up loose ends from penalties it imposed in March on Russian nationals for election meddling and in August for the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian spy, per Politico.
Not just Giorgio Moroder, not just Chic, not just those cats; it's about other cats like Mtume, Kashif, Slave, One Way, Change, all the way to Loose Ends, even the Boogie stuff from the UK like Freeze.
The logo for the G153 summit hosted in Hamburg was a reef knot—a fastening the purpose of which is to pull together a loose bundle, and which gets tighter the more its loose ends are pulled.
Now, 15 years later, Nora comes back to that famously suffocating house a successful woman trying to tie up a few loose ends — and Metcalf is happy to get the chance to embody her this time around.
There is also a bit of tying up loose ends with Cardinal Voiello (Silvio Orlando), as he almost confesses to his young, handicapped friend just what the pope and the cardinals did to Tonino Pettola (Franco Pinelli).
He said there are three tasks that will occupy the time of lobbyists this year: shaping President Obama's legacy, analyzing the presidential election and making an end-of-the-year push to tie up any loose ends.
Usually by this time I'm back online with my laptop in bed, catching up on emails, tying up loose ends, and designing the projects I can never get to in the office because I'm stuck in meetings.
The episode's other loose ends, however, aren't nearly as satisfying Khary Payton's Ezekiel has been a solid scene stealer throughout this season, despite being frequently portrayed as woefully unprepared to deal with the Saviors' hubris and violence.
Even the police boats seemed at loose ends, patrolling for B.U.I. (boating under the influence) violations during this would-be party weekend, and finally idling under a bridge, where the officers checked their cellphones in the shade.
It begins in the late 1960s, when all four Gold children — at loose ends on Manhattan's Lower East Side during a steamy, sticky summer vacation — decide to visit a fortuneteller famous for predicting when people will die.
As fans are left with more loose ends and unanswered questions, showrunner and creator Dan Fogelman tells PEOPLE what's to come with each character and previews the special individualized episodes in the back half of the season.
Braun says in the docs his client will deal with all the loose ends of the fugitive warrant, but he insists on assurance from the judge his client won't serve another day in jail for the rape.
Plus, Mercury retrograde provides you with the chance to tighten up loose ends and get around to tasks on your to-do list that you might have considered flaking on, but now finally have the opportunity to tackle.
Jimmy may be heading down the path of committed amorality, but Kim is still the most interesting character on the show, punching her boyfriend in the car before urging him to make sure there are no loose ends.
Because it was so focused on tying off loose ends, ME3 is easily the worst entry point into Mass Effect, but Andromeda almost swings too far the other way by trying to exhaustively explain everything to new players.
His flight was booked for the first week of January, and he wanted me to come with him just as soon as I'd given my notice at work and tied up the loose ends of my London life.
" She's particularly excited for "the re-publishing of the book Loose Ends #1 by Jason Latour, Chris Brunner, and Rico Renzi... I also bought and read Saga #42, which is remains one of the most amazing books around.
HBO confirmed that the final season will be a six-episode run, though we're hoping that plenty of those clock in over 60 minutes, given how many loose ends there are and the show's propensity to run long.
Mari Carmen Aponte, the acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, led a U.S. delegation to Havana to see her Cuban counterpart, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, in order to tie up loose ends before Trump took office.
I've seen a lot of unnecessary sequels, but this one was necessary — not to continue the plot or tie up loose ends (honestly, I have more questions now), but to tell a story that needed to be told.
It's only after Despicable Me 3's predictable ending, in which all of the movie's loose ends are either purposely pared down or accidentally forgotten, that the franchise as a whole feels like it can truly move forward.
The emotional season two finale of NBC's hit drama tied up loose ends (Congrats, Kate and Toby), while also giving viewers a tease of what's to come that's so juicy it's sure to drive internet speculation for months.
"As new counsel, we have only recently received the entire file, which occupies 13 hard drives, comprised of more than 300,000 documents, and we are still working with prior counsel to tie up some loose ends," Powell wrote.
Many loose ends remain -- the sentencing of Manafort, Michael Flynn and Rick Gates; the trial of Stone; and a "mystery" subpoena battle, to name a few -- which will not cease to exist the moment Mueller packs up shop.
Showrunner Noah Hawley does an excellent job of continuing to run, full speed, until the finish line — such a good job, in fact, that the last episode doesn't feel like something I'm watching to see loose ends tied up.
The discussions underscore how Democrats are trying to navigate the post-impeachment terrain: With some eager to tie up loose ends from their sweeping investigations and others more keen on focusing on domestic issues central to their 2020 agenda.
Ever vigilant for loose ends of any alibi, Gus Fring has masterminded an answer to a question that might cast suspicion onto Nacho: So, whatever happened to the drugs that were stolen from you during the drive-by shooting?
So it is impossible to tell whether the most recent collection of loose ends, like the homeless guy named Henry Bergen who steals Ramon's bike and Hailey's insistence that the treehouse fire was real, are cliffhangers or just oversights.
Between now and early January at the latest, a deal needs to be struck on Brexit between the UK and the European Union which ties up all the loose ends after Britain walks away from 40 years of membership.
Loose Ends As heated debate over the future of the American health care system continues on the Senate floor and on Twitter, we are sending this form letter to notify you of your options should you lose health coverage.
Don't get me wrong, as a Pastor Tim-head, I appreciated the check-in, but it was one of the few moments this season I've felt like The Americans was contorting itself in the name of tying up loose ends.
When something as mild as the nonrevelations regarding Rey's parentage in Star Wars: The Last Jedi could turn out to be wildly divisive, the lyrical loose ends and relationship-driven interludes in Annihilation might as well be a raised middle finger.
It's clear, by now, that the show isn't going to have the rip-snorting climax a lot of people have expected, but let me ask you: Which loose ends do you hope it can tie up in the three hours remaining?
It happens that the bad old Skynet future left behind a few loose ends; to wit, the original Sarah Connor and her old nemesis T-800, who now goes by the name Carl and has a drapery business in Texas.
The main difference is that "Karma's a Bitch" made a lot less sense, whereas this challenge seems to tie up the loose ends and questions you might have after seeing the "Karma's a Bitch" challenge, like what's it for and why.
Outraged at the cancellation news, fans mounted a renewal campaign on social media, and less than a month later, co-showrunner Lana Wachowski announced on Facebook that Netflix had greenlit a two-hour finale to wrap up the show's loose ends.
Now with the final battles on the horizon and a few loose ends left to tie up, it seems like the last chapter of Game of Thrones won't come out quickly enough, leaving GoT-shaped holes in our GoT-shaped hearts.
For a film so devoted to cutting off fan speculation, tying up loose ends, and answering questions, The Last Jedi is surprisingly tight-lipped about the mysterious Knights of Ren, who they are, and what they're up to right now.
Here's everyone else's job, in a nutshell: Pettifer retrieves the whores to be "kidnapped" by Atticus, who shoots Pettifer in the head, probably on orders to tie up loose ends, but I like to think it was revenge for Winter, too.
There are still some loose ends (Lyanna whispered something in Ned's ear that we couldn't make out), but the dramatic smash-cut from a close-up of the baby's face to one of the adult Jon Snow's face was obvious.
The network released the trailer for Looking: The Movie this afternoon, and it puts the show's three main characters in position to tie up all of the loose ends left hanging when the show was canceled after its second season.
The new batch of episodes, which Covell has indicated will be the last, is essentially all resolution, a season-long working out of the original story's loose ends, and while it's as assured in its execution, it's ordinary by comparison.
Greece and its international lenders wrapped up the bulk of reforms needed for badly needed bailout cash in May, but left some loose ends which must be tied up before Athens can receive 10.3 billion euros ($11.48 billion) by September.
It's not clear how many customers Move Loot had in the end, but for those who are affected, Move Loot has listed some details about how to go about removing credits from your account and tying up other loose ends.
Possessed of a golden plot—interracial couple visits white liberal parents upstate, who turn out to be enslaving black people—Peele focused on executing it perfectly, tying up all the loose ends and drawing the movie to a satisfying close.
And the episode races through the years so fast that you wonder whether the show is merely tying up loose ends, or if we're supposed to feel this viscerally as Claire's losing years of her life to the blur of time.
Diane Lane plays Anne, a middle-aged woman who, after 18 years of raising her daughter and looking after her movie-producer husband Michael (Alec Baldwin) while running a dress shop in New York City, is now at rather loose ends.
"You know that, in the homestretch, big battles will be fought, lessons will be learned, the elusive monster will be revealed and other loose ends will be tied up," A.O. Scott wrote in his review for The New York Times.
Steve Rose at The Guardian says it's a fine farewell to the series: But if you're going to do a send-off this huge, there are a lot of goodbyes to say, and a lot of loose ends to tie up.
Ill-fated trips to Tijuana!), all the loose ends from the original series tied up (if inelegantly) in the finale, and there it's difficult to imagine a worthwhile story to follow that will keep the same charm as its original run.
Lindelof somehow managed to wrap up just about all the various loose ends without resorting to long, exposition-heavy scenes, Keene's last monologue aside—and the show even earned that one with that Bob-Benson-in-Doctor-Manhattan-underwear sight gag.
Greece and its lenders wrapped up the bulk of reforms needed to get bailout cash last week, but left some loose ends which must be tied up before Athens gets 10.3 billion euros ($11.48 billion) of sub-tranches by September.
After talking with Galey, I learned that the sign was the only thing on the walls of an AirBnB room she had rented in Queens when she returned to New York in October 2018 to tie up some loose ends.
"Tightening the loose ends" by cutting some nucleotides out of the part of the genome that acts as a gatekeeper leaves it less likely to swap genes with other gut viruses, said Dr. Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay, a polio program officer at the foundation.
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ROGUE ONE, BATMAN V. SUPERMAN, FANTASTIC BEASTS, AND OTHER 2016 FILMS FOLLOW Consider any major genre film from 2016, and almost all of them share the same inability to just tie up loose ends and call it a day.
Meghan has been preparing for the big day, too, getting visits from friends — including her potential maid of honor Jessica Mulroney, who reportedly came to London in the past few days to help Meghan tie up loose ends ahead of the big day.
Loose ends: Manafort has agreed to additional interviews with the Senate Intelligence Committee, per the AP. The Senate Judiciary Committee agreed to subpoena documents from Manafort late September, and may use subpoena power to get him to testify, per The Washington Post.
Many thought the show would end after the last season because it tied up so many loose ends (Jess and Nick, Cece and Schmidt, Winston and his father, etc.), but now a three year time jump means the final plot is anyone's guess.
We could be watching a web series or a spindly indie about four young people (played by Alia Shawkat, Anton Yelchin, Callum Turner and Joe Cole) at loose ends who meet up with a series of rough but also kind of interesting characters.
Making savvy use of period music (most notably U2's "With or Without You"), the episode left certain loose ends untied -- Stan's marriage among them -- but satisfyingly brought the Jennings' back home, returning to a country to which they no longer wholly belonged.
An aide to Franken said that the senator is tying up loose ends and working on a smooth and speedy transition, and while no date is certain for his official resignation, they expect his replacement to be in place in early January.
The Ballesteros lawsuit had set off alarm bells in the medical examiner's office, and staff members at the Bronx morgue were apparently scrambling to tie up any loose ends in the files on other bodies that had been sent carelessly to Einstein.
Modern narrative is a different beast, of course, and what "Thrones," which originated in a series of novels, shares with other canonical examples of the genre is a sense of multiple, branching possibilities, a thick and tangled middle full of intriguing loose ends.
It takes a woman to figure it out: Almost as soon as Lake vanishes from the scene and her case declared closed, Mr. Soderbergh introduces Petra (Jennfer Ferrin), Eric's sister, to tie up loose ends still waving in the Rocky Mountain breeze.
Expectations for Sunday's finale, "The Iron Throne," were simultaneously sky high and terribly low — fans have been largely let down by this season's offerings, but many held out hope that the final installment would bring a satisfying resolution to the various loose ends.
Loose ends proliferate throughout "Frame to Frame," such as a 1949 trip to Shanghai, shown in terms of a short Pathé film documentary, a stage sequence about McLaren finding inspiration from Chinese calligraphy and then a bizarre duet for two Maoist women soldiers.
Fast & Furious 9 director Justin Lin, who has directed previous installments, told Entertainment Weekly that he brought Han back into the franchise because of a special connection he had with the character, and to tie up some loose ends in the story.
Alisak is haunted by the loss of his friends and his homeland and the loose ends of his life, and from his story and that of the other characters, Yoon has stitched an intense meditation on the devastating nature of war and displacement.
Distinct from a digital detox, in which you reduce your use of digital devices, the Data Detox Kit is a step-by-step guide to tidying up your messy digital loose ends so they're less likely to come back and bite you.
While Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu have pulled each other close, dispelling years of friction between Mr. Netanyahu and former President Barack Obama, there are still enough loose ends to make it easier for both leaders to skip the high-profile Aipac meeting.
The DisneyXD animated series resourcefully addressed that in Monday night's 90-minute finale, which left some loose ends but mostly proved an emotionally satisfying payoff to a program that, before Disney ramped up production after acquiring Lucasfilm, staunchly carried the "Star Wars" banner.
It's a slow show that rarely holds the audience's hand, refuses to resolve loose ends, and dropped some threads outright—like whatever happened with Naz's father's cab, and how Stone, obviously not a rich man, is able to buy all those subway ads.
Working groups will focus on three areas: citizens' rights; the EU demand that Britain pays some 22.31 billion euros ($20.1 billion) to cover ongoing EU budget commitments; and other loose ends, such as what happens to British goods in EU shops on Brexit Day.
Trump's trial ended up being less an effort to convince senators of his guilt or innocence - his acquittal by fellow Republicans was always assured - than it was an effort to persuade them to summon additional witnesses like Bolton to tie up the loose ends.
If you need to, schedule time out on your calendar for specific things just to keep yourself on schedule so that when it's time for vacation, you're not wearing yourself out over all the loose ends you need to tie up before you go.
It seemed possible that, with ACA repeal efforts out of the way, Congress could tie up loose ends and secure CHIP's future within weeks, demonstrating a capacity for bipartisanship and giving Republicans a chance to show that they aren't totally ineffective at running Congress.
Here, for example, is a selection from a multi-part GIF series shared on TransQualityGIFs about being trans in church: When you accidentally out yourself to your parents from TransQualityGifs Part 2: Loose Ends from TransQualityGifs So many of the posts are profoundly, darkly comical.
Procrastination helps if you have other loose ends If you're in the middle of a project at work or have a big trip coming up, consider holding off on your job search until after you've cleaned up other time-consuming things in your life.
But instead of decamping to another high-end destination (boutique hotels are currently popular among chefs at loose ends), he is diving into the world of upscale fast food with a quick-serve restaurant, Pasta Flyer, that he hopes to develop into a chain.
Working groups will focus on three areas: citizens' rights; the EU demand that Britain pays some 60 billion euros ($70 billion) to cover ongoing EU budget commitments; and other loose ends, such as what happens to British goods in EU shops on Brexit Day.
The former FBI director has reemerged as a frequent target of Trump's since as federal prosecutors seek to tie up loose ends of the Russia investigation Comey headed before his 2017 firing by Trump — the sentencing of Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The section of the report that discusses this topic is one of the most heavily redacted in the entire 448-page document — making this one of the biggest loose ends remaining in the Mueller probe that's important for understanding what happened during the 2016 campaign.
Season 8 is sure to tie up some of the loose ends many of us have wondered about since the Season 14.993 finale in 2017, and one thing is for sure: As fire and ice finally collide, there is certain to be no shortage of action.
To me, it seems like Ford wants the Hosts to be conscious, so he can become their god, but I'll admit that sounds like a plan with too many loose ends for a guy who seems to dot all his i's and cross all his t's.
The sinister queen is cooking up a storm on the battle fields from the safety of King's Landing and tying up a few loose ends her father, Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance), left unraveled — one of them being a large debt repayment to the Bank of Braavos.
Brent oil was still rising, having surged back towards $49 a barrel after OPEC's secretary general said a deal would be reached as he headed into a meeting of the group in Vienna Top oil producer Saudi Arabia said a deal was close despite some loose ends.
Several loose ends remain in special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerMueller report fades from political conversation Trump calls for probe of Obama book deal Democrats express private disappointment with Mueller testimony MORE's investigation amid signs that it's possible the long probe could be winding down.
Given Game of Thrones is a show known for jumping across continents to check in on its dozens of characters, it certainly felt like a bit of fan service to have all our favorite characters in the same place, trying to rapidly tie up loose ends.
If this is to be the band's last album, maybe some of it's going to involve picking up all the loose ends from a decade and a half that's seen them grow from emo-pop mainstays to a reclusive, creative and gloriously left-of-center rock band.
The musical zips through her early life, settles into the royal romance and marriage, and — except for a quick epilogue tying up loose ends — concludes when that marriage breaks down and a liberated Diana breaks free to find her own voice and her own way forward.
But for businesses, time to tie up loose ends has been occupied by existing staff scrambling to keep ships afloat, leaving those who've been laid off moored at our kitchen tables, suddenly and forcibly isolated from both the world at large, and our individual sources of income.
Bina, a tall, talented, music-loving, guitar-playing black-haired girl of 13, has a longtime best friend, short, blond, unmusical Austin, who is off to soccer camp for a month, leaving Bina at loose ends because in past summers they always played a special game together.
Production budget: $200 millionWorldwide gross: $252 millionRotten Tomatoes critics score: 23%What critics said: "Seeking to tie up loose ends and correct past errors, Dark Phoenix instead comes across as more of a collection of forgettable outtakes, like Pink Floyd's The Endless River LP." — Toronto Star
But it also needs to deal with the fact that a young man in Naz's situation — seemingly an obvious murder suspect, but with enough loose ends to his case to suggest the possibility he won't be convicted — would probably be offered some sort of plea deal.
Marvel has positioned Endgame as the final chapter in the current MCU book that began with Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man in 2008, which means it's going to tie up a lot of loose ends about the current group of Avengers and what happens next for them.
Committees responsible for the health-care bill — led by Ways and Means chair Kevin Brady and Energy and Commerce chair Greg Walden — worked over the weekend with the White House "to tie up loose ends and incorporate technical guidance from the administration," a senior GOP aide tells me.
But while most of these orders may be idle attempts to rile a Christian baker, the blue and pink birthday cake request is a brilliant move that should force the federal courts—perhaps including the Supreme Court—to reckon with loose ends the first Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling let dangle.
WATCH: Chrissy Metz on 'This Is Us', Crying on Set, and Her Body Positivity The show's season 6 finale tied up many loose ends, including having Deschanel's Jess rekindle her on-again, off-again romance with roommate Nick (Jake Johnson) before moving out of the loft they shared.
The campaign opened up an office in the area just two weeks ago to focus on voter outreach in that community, but the Puerto Rican vote is just one of many loose ends Rubio has to tie in a last-ditch attempt to win his home state primary.
As a project that foregrounds a repetitive process, the series is necessarily open-ended, and Hamilton is quick to stress that she is uninterested in establishing boundaries or neatly tying up the loose ends, which is why approaching her work with a question is the most rewarding path.
It's been over a decade since HBO canceled the short-lived western, which basically revolutionized the different ways someone can use the word "fuck" in a sentence, and the rumors of a Deadwood movie to tie up all the show's loose ends have been flying just about ever since.
"I can't be more happy today that we got this killer off the street so nobody else can become a victim, and now we're going to tie some loose ends up and then move forward with going after this guy and prosecuting him for these three murders," he said.
As Nadia, a computer coder on the cusp of 36 and at loose ends in the East Village, Lyonne attends a birthday party in her honor, leaves with a man, gets hit by a cab and then ends up back where she started — over and over and over.
The Walking Dead's laziest writing crutch is using short, shallow scenes as an excuse to check in on characters, where faces most people have long forgotten about or don't much care for are brought back into the fold just to tie up loose ends and remind viewers where ancillary subplots stand.
It took the slow burn of what I would have considered to be a frustrating filler episode in the past and turned it on its head, by wrapping up some emotional loose ends and throwing in a character death I don't think anyone was expecting would happen the way it did.
One of the final loose ends of the NFL offseason was finally tied up this week, with the New York Jets and estranged quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick coming to terms on a one-year, $12 million deal on Wednesday evening, just one day before the team came together to begin training camp.
More importantly, the United States could find itself with no place at the negotiating table, isolated and ignored at a time when its leadership is essential for a unified response to Iran regarding ballistic missiles, Iranian involvement in conflicts throughout the Middle East, and loose ends in the nuclear agreement.
Charlie is rich and married, Matthew poor and at loose ends, obsessively reading his dead father's copy of Pascal's "Pensées," trying to figure out where things went wrong, and so Charlie and his wife, Chloe, invite Matthew to stay for the summer in the guesthouse of their wooded mountainside retreat.
For more spoiler-free goodness on what to expect, read on:  A.O. Scott, The New York Times Settling scores, wrapping up loose ends and taking a victory lap — the main objects of the game this ostensibly last time around — generate some comic sparks as well as a few honest tears.
Rather than writing my to-do list when I first sat down at my desk in the morning, I decided to use that time to tackle loose ends, those things that were taking up precious real estate on my itinerary but could be taken care of with very little thought or time.
Four experts weigh in on how the markets will look in 2019: Colas thinks that although a certain level of uncertainty won't kill a bull market, there are too many loose ends to tie up at once right now, and that could delay a rally in the beginning of the new year.
Last night's episode had to do several things: Set the chessboard, post-Battle of Winterfell, for the final fight with Cersei and her army of giant crossbows; squeeze in some major plot developments, such as the sudden death of Rhaegal mid-flight; and start to tie up the show's numerous loose ends.
Nobody pays closer attention to how Drake is being perceived than Drake, and there's no doubt he's aware of the feeling of saturation, even as he recognizes that he had to do things this way to tie up all the loose ends and leave on as dominant a note as he did.
There are several scenarios for how a delay to Brexit could play into the EU elections, which are shaping into a showdown between eurosceptic nationalists and more mainstream parties: - An extension of Britain's EU membership of six weeks or so to allow for loose ends to be tidied up if May eventually wins parliamentary backing.
During its 10th anniversary panel for the show last year at San Diego Comic-Con, Lucasfilm made the surprise announcement that it was bringing the series back for a seventh season, showing the crowd a trailer that will presumably tie up some loose ends that were left when the series was canceled back in 2013.
The chairman said at a senators-only luncheon last Thursday that the evasions had left the committee no choice but to issue a subpoena on April 8 to give senators a chance to directly question the younger Mr. Trump as they seek to tie up loose ends on their investigation of Russian election interference.
Here are some articles from The Times over the past week, not necessarily related to Canada and perhaps overlooked, that I found interesting: — Paul Shaffer, the bandleader, musician and native son of Thunder Bay, Ontario, found himself at loose ends after David Letterman stepped down as host of the "Late Show" in May 2015.
It's really hard to talk about what ends up linking Ralph Breaks the Internet's many loose ends in a third act that feels as bold and smart a story about what it means to live online as any we've ever come up with, because to do so is to spoil some of the story's biggest twists.
"Try making a list of all the things you want to accomplish this season and then figure out what first steps you'll need to take to get those goals off the ground," Mooney says, adding that this full moon can also give you the boost you need to tie up any loose ends before the summer officially begins.
These nine distinct areas of open questions are hardly encyclopedic—this list doesn't even count unanswered questions about, for instance, the role of the Russian intelligence service FSB in its own attacks on Democratic targets (an operation known as Cozy Bear) or loose ends from previous indictments, like the activities of DC superlobbyists Tony Podesta and Vin Weber.
The natural inclination is to think that this is a cliffhanger, that a "season four" might start to wrap up the loose ends of what, exactly, transpired in a finale that seemed to walk right up to the brink of explaining everything on the show, then made a U-turn to head off toward some other world entirely.
Potentially topless bathing at the local swimming hole and other challenges lead Emily to some poor decisions (she opts to sleep with a man who's a little too much like the Los Angeles dirtbags she's been hooking up with), and some maybe less-poor ones (delivering a few genuine apologies), as she ties up loose ends.
" Clarke -- a master secret keeper between her "Thrones" and Han Solo "Star Wars" prequel duties -- didn't have much she could tease about the upcoming seventh season, which premieres July 16, but offered up this: "It's a really interesting season in terms of some loose ends that have been tied, some really satisfying plot points, some things where you're like, 'Oh, my God.
There was a real sense of finality, of loose ends being tied, to Nathan Drake's story come the climactic cutscene of Uncharted 3, so whatever this follow-up has to add to his tale, beyond the return of a presumed-dead brother, it really needs to be substantial or else the familiar gunplay will pale well prior to the game's final stages.
Much of "The Chase" is set inside the malaria-muddled mind of its protagonist, Chuck Scott (Robert Cummings), who, like many a noir antihero, is a veteran of World War II. Back home and at loose ends, he is introduced standing outside a Miami luncheonette, hungrily watching a cook flip pancakes, when, as if by magic, a wallet materializes at his feet.
This season has had a lot of what's felt to me like Philip and Elizabeth being asked to do pointless busywork and tying off of loose ends, like tracking down the Nazi collaborator in episode 11 and a few other stories, and it felt to me like that was a meta-commentary on how the Soviet Union is starting to crumble at this point in time.
So many threads, so many loose ends: We start with Roswell (the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories), we get a new Deep Throat character, we meet the aforementioned abductee, we peek into Scully's work helping children born without ears, we see the alien vehicle and we make a visit with Mulder to his old office at the F.B.I., seemingly for no other reason then to reintroduce Skinner into the mix.
The script, credited to Arcel and three others (including Akiva Goldsman, also a writer on the comically botched adaptations of Winter's Tale, Insurgent, and The 5th Wave), struggles to establish whose story is important, what tone the film should take, and whether this is meant as a stand-alone story where the loose ends can be neatly wrapped up, or a franchise-launcher meant to draw people into a cinematic universe.
Now that the matter of John's culpability seems to have been dealt with, the show makes some last ditch attempts at tying up the loose ends they've left hanging throughout the series; it turns out that Tommy had a selection of other visitors that ranged from a fitness instructor from Leicester to a student from Essex, and he has now had all his visitation and phone call rights suspended.
A day later, Ryan, Mulvaney, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.), and Ways and Means Chairman Kevin BradyKevin Patrick BradyRepublicans' rendezvous with reality — their plan is to cut Social Security The Social Security 2100 Act is critical for millennials and small business owners House panel releases documents of presidential tax return request before Trump MORE (R-Texas) joined a conference call to tie up any loose ends.
Indeed, it is an unsatisfying story precisely because of the many loose ends and unfinished fights; but the arc of its history is a case study in how movements towards justice that cut out or silence a marginalized minority are doomed to fail — whether that is the National Organization for Women's sidelining of lesbians, the Castro's lack of a home for black gay men, the inability of ACT UP and the Names Project to get along, and the underreported contributions of trans people of color to the ongoing movement.

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