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94 Sentences With "large meal"

How to use large meal in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "large meal" and check conjugation/comparative form for "large meal". Mastering all the usages of "large meal" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's more than a large meal for the average American.
Roman societies were really primarily based on one large meal a day.
"It's still a large meal for a child," said registered dietitian Albert Matheny.
Food coma — drowsiness and lethargy after a large meal — is a common experience after Thanksgiving.
But if you're chugging it while eating a large meal, that could lead to some uncomfortable bloating.
Confident from the dinner's success, I ate that peanut butter cup as dessert after a large meal.
But a large meal can take eight to 123 hours, depending on the quantity and fat content.
Perfect for when I'm cooking a large meal and need additional beaters and bowls from my big mixer.
You shouldn&apost exercise right after eating a large meal, as you may feel bloating or muscle cramping.
These simple stretches from Brannigan naturally progress so you can do them safely after a large meal like Thanksgiving.
Also known as "postprandial somnolence," the post-feast sleepies tend to hit around 20 minutes after eating a large meal.
Whether you're prepping a small dish or making a large meal, you'll find it easier if you're using the right cookware.
"The combination of eating a large meal and then not moving for hours may be toxic for the body," Diaz added.
But when it makes sense, such as after eating a large meal or after inflation, I make sure to include it.
But time was a factor, and one year wasn't long enough to plan out a large meal at Manhattan's most elite eateries.
The family gathers as often as work schedules and other responsibilities allow, most often on Sundays, when Ms. Obaidi prepares a large meal.
A food coma (technical term: "postprandial somnolence") is a condition in which you may feel drowsy, lightheaded, or fatigued after eating a large meal.
Chefs said to utilize long lines as opportunities to snack on different foods, and suggested ordering several small dishes instead of one large meal.
If a large enough asteroid were caught in the black hole's gravity, it's possible that it could be the cause of its large meal.
Chewing certainly doesn't burn many calories, and it won't undo the calories you just packed away from, say, a large meal or a Thanksgiving feast.
At the same apartment where the police arrested one of his brothers in 2008, family members had gathered on Tuesday afternoon for a large meal.
They tend to happen after a large meal, drinking alcohol or carbonated beverages, or sudden bout of excitement, but they can also come out of nowhere.
While many responsible adults I know have begun to pop out children, I know many others who are popping buttons on their pants after a large meal.
And neither scenario is likely to leave you feeling rejuvenated, says Ja. "The sleep you experience after a large meal won't necessarily be deep or restful," he says.
Regardless of when it was eaten, the large meal included foods like tuna, whole wheat bread, a tomato and mozzarella salad, skim milk and a small amount of chocolate.
In the end, the diet made me too irritable on my fast days and even the promise of a large meal in the future didn't make me less prone to yelling at everyone.
Women in both groups lost weight after 12 weeks, but those who ate the large meal in the morning lost two and a half times as much as those eating the large dinner.
Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen, and those contractions may result from a large meal, alcoholic or carbonated drinks, or sudden excitement, according to Mayo Clinic.
In the sort-of words of good old Philip Larkin, the widening mouth's slow presence, the piled gold grains, the shining sauce-marked mud, gathers to the surprise of a large meal, before our half-lidded eyes.
It's not all that surprising — Twitter served chicken and it's a thing that's quite easy to scale up to a larger audience for lunch, a good strategy if you're looking to cook a large meal for a lot of people.
"If you have a large meal, the (degree of) gastric distention and hormonal stimulation that occurs will make you sleepier than if you had a bowl of soup," explained Dr. William Orr, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center who has published studies on the topic.
Mosaic of the Last Supper in Monreale Cathedral. A banquet (; ) is a formal large meal or feast,"Banquet." (definition). Accessed August 2011.
Supper is the last meal of the day, with some choosing to eat another large meal. Consumption of ready-made or frozen meals is now common.
Siwi children traditionally also celebrated Ashura by lighting torches, singing, and exchanging sweets.Fakhry 1973:67 Adults' celebration was limited to the preparation of a large meal.
In some cases, the cobra constricts its prey using its muscular body, though this is uncommon. After a large meal, it lives for many months without another one because of its slow metabolic rate.
Both consumption of a large meal just before bedtime, requiring effort to metabolize it all, and hunger have been associated with disrupted sleep; clinicians may recommend eating a light snack before bedtime. Lastly, limiting intake of liquids before bedtime can prevent interruptions due to urinations.
From Andalusian Arabic istawán, traditional Arabic usṭuwān(ah). #zagüía #zaharrón #zahén #zahón #zahora: (Mainly used in Spanish region of La Mancha): Large meal accompanied by dancing or partying. From Arabic Islamic term suhoor. #zahorí #zaida #zaino #zala #zalamelé #zalea/zalear #zalema/zalama #zalmedina: Same meaning and origin as zabalmedina.
Dinner usually refers to a significant and important meal of the day, which can be the noon or the evening meal. However, the term dinner can have many different meanings depending on the culture; it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of the day. Historically, it referred to the first large meal of the day, eaten around noon, and is still sometimes used for a noon- time meal, particularly if it is a large or main meal. For example, Sunday dinner is the name used for a large meal served after the family returned home from the morning's church services, and often based on meat that roasted while the family was out.
When it is looking for a place to feed on the prey of a spider or the like, the proboscis is extended, giving an impression of licking, as shown in the accompanying video. The abdomen is short and broad; it may be impressively distended after a large meal, as shown in the accompanying photographs.
The crop can bulge to the size of a small grapefruit after they've consumed a large meal. In winter, white-tailed eagles often live largely on carrion. Many studies have reflected that the primary foods of white-tailed eagles are fish and water birds. These are the primary food as well for other sea eagle species.
Breakfast typically is small and consists of coffee (or mate) and pastry. In most parts of Argentina, lunch is the largest meal of the day. Excluding the largest cities, such as Buenos Aires, Rosario or Cordoba, most towns close for lunch time. This is when most people return home to enjoy a large meal and siesta.
Mahantango Creek's name comes from the Delaware word mahantongo, which means "where we had plenty to eat". It was apparently named after a group of Native Americans had a large meal on the creek. George Herrold had a tract of land on the creek in 1765. It is unlikely, but possible, that Peter Shaffer settled on the creek around 1765.
5 Nov 2005. Retrieved 16 Sept. 2009 Some swallowers consume a large meal or drink water before performing to give the stomach a more vertical orientation, allowing for easier passage of the sword. Careful focus is required to complete the process without injury, as the sword passes within millimetres of vital body parts such as the aorta, heart and lungs.
Erika confirms that Udo will recover. The next morning, Harry wakes up to find that Sly and Erika had been playing chess all night, and that Udo had ordered another large meal for himself. Harry and Ernst meet Schmidt at a carnival to discuss his part in the heist. Harry meets Prior (Aldo Ray), who is now a prison sergeant at Seigfried prison.
The stomach is more acidic than that of any other vertebrate and contains ridges for gastroliths, which play a role in the mechanical breakdown of food. Digestion takes place more quickly at higher temperatures. Crocodilians have a very low metabolic rate and consequently, low energy requirements. This allows them to survive for many months on a single large meal, digesting the food slowly.
A rarer trigger, observed in some individuals, is the fullness of the stomach immediately after a large meal. This is known as snatiation and is regarded as a medical disorder passed along genetically as an autosomal dominant trait. A study conducted at Stanford University came to the conclusion that a sneeze is the equivalent physiological response as 1/4 a sexual orgasm.
These aromatic ingredients give tentura its distinctive dark orange-red color and its alternative local name (, ). It has an alcohol content of around 25% by volume. It is most often served chilled or over ice in a small glass after a large meal as a digestif. It is also be added to espresso coffee, which is then called espresso corretto.
After a very large meal, Slowpoke announces that he's ready for dessert. An incredulous Speedy makes another raid on the pantry where Sylvester has put up a wire mesh to stop the mice. Speedy runs right through the large holes with Sylvester right behind, stretching the mesh but passing through apparently unharmed. As the chase continues, Sylvester falls to pieces one cube at a time.
In most situations, described above, the increase in ventricular wall thickness is a slow process. However, in some instances hypertrophy may be "dramatic and rapid." In the Burmese python, consumption of a large meal is associated with an increase in metabolic work by a factor of seven and a 40% increase in ventricular mass within 48 hours, both of which return to normal within 28 days.
Singing begins on Tuesday and on Wednesday, the chief joins festivities. He enters on a palanquin accompanied by a parade of people singing and drumming. Each night the people eat a large meal together, culminating in a great feast of the final Sunday. All the food is collectively prepared by the women using the Kundum fire, and they are directed by the elder women.
During Ramadan, the daylight hours will often begin and end with a large meal. After dinner, many Muslims participate in special communal prayers held during Ramadan. The end of Ramadan fasting is celebrated with special prayers, gatherings of family and friends, and specially prepared meals. Muslims may also fast on other special days of the year, and to make up for missed days of fasting.
When purchasing a purebred Mastiff, experts often suggest that the dog undergo tests for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, thyroid, and DNA for PRA. A Mastiff may be kept in an apartment, but care must be taken to give it enough exercise. Mastiffs should be fed 2 or 3 times a day; it is believed that one large meal per day can increase the chance of gastric torsion.
Adolf Frederick died in Stockholm on 12 February 1771 after having consumed a large meal, consisting of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, kippers and champagne, topped off with 14 servings of his favourite dessert: hetvägg, made of semla pastries served in bowls of hot milk.The lowdown on Sweden's best buns The Local, February 2007 Following his death, his son Gustav III seized power in 1772 in a military coup d'état, reinstating absolute rule.
This is a cheap, economic meal, typically with good food. El menú del día is traditionally a three course meal, starting with a primer plato, or "first plate", followed by the segundo plato, or "second plate" and finished with a postre, or dessert. The menú del día is typically a large meal, with a good price considering the amount of food. The cost ranges from 8 to 14 euros.
He helps the Wolf to enter the house where there is a wedding in progress and takes him different kinds of food from the table. Becoming tipsy from the effects of a large meal, alcohol and a warm house, the Wolf starts to howl his "song". He howls and the Dog has to cast the mate away from the house. The Wolf thanks the Dog and the best friends bid farewell.
The eighth day of Av is called Erev Tisha B'Av (the eve of the Ninth of Av). Beginning in the afternoon, observant Jews do not take pleasure walks and prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av, which begins at sunset. It is customary to eat a large meal early in the afternoon, and then to have the Seudah HaMafseket ("cut-off meal") right before sunset. The Seudah HaMafseket resembles the meal of a mourner.
U.S. President George W. Bush visits Iraq to have Thanksgiving dinner with soldiers in 2003 On Thanksgiving Day, families and friends usually gather for a large meal or dinner. Consequently, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is one of the busiest travel periods of the year. Thanksgiving is a four-day or five-day weekend vacation for schools and colleges. Most business and government workers (78% in 2007) are given Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays.
Elmer thinks the kitten has done it by accident because he must be very hungry, and doles out a large meal to him. Next, the kitten plays with a ball of string, but Sylvester has tied the end to a stack of glasses and dishes. Soon, the kitten pulls enough on the string that the entire stack falls and breaks. The kitten quickly tries to glue them back together, but Sylvester breaks every one that is fixed.
Lifecycle is a complete metamorphosis with larvae that are nonparasitic, living in environments such as pools of water, soil, and streams. A complete metamorphosis is illustrated by the photograph of Stomoxys eggs, larvae, and adult (Stomoxys are in suborder Brachycera). Only females feed on blood, taking a large meal to support production of several hundred eggs, followed by several more cycles of blood meal followed by egg laying.Lehane, M.J. (1991) The Biology of Blood-sucking Insects.
They forage underground in burrows. A fold of their skin is able to expand their body when they are breathing, eating a large meal, or when they are carrying eggs. Broad-winged hawks, red-tailed hawks, opossums, coyotes, bob cats, and raccoons are predators of the lizard. Snakes that feed on the lizard include the eastern racer (Coluber constrictor), ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus), prairie kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster), common kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula), and copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix).
It provides a little extra protection against kicks, which are common during cat fights as a cat will try to rake with its rear claws. In wild cats, the ancestors of domesticated felines, this pouch appears to be present to provide extra room in case the animal has the opportunity to eat a large meal and the stomach needs to expand. This stomach pouch also allows the cat to bend and expand, allowing for faster running and higher jumping.
After a non-stop trek of 36 hours, the trio reached Stromness Bay and were taken to the manager of the whaling station. He was unable to recognise Shackleton, whom he had met during the expedition's stopover on the island nearly two years previously. After a hot bath and a large meal, Worsley set out on a whaler to collect the three men left behind at King Haakon Bay. That night a strong blizzard struck the island.
The insect has five larval stages, with a moult between each. Each larval stage consumes a single large meal of blood, which triggers the moulting process, 12–15 days later. Wigglesworth demonstrated that the moult is started by prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) secreted into the blood in response to hormone release by neurosecretory cells in the brain. Further it was demonstrated that the corpora allata secrete the juvenile hormone which prevents the premature development into an adult.
Stir-fried okra Stews are a fundamental part of Sierra Leone's cuisine, with cassava leaves having been called the country's national dish. Stew is often served simultaneously with jollof rice, white rice or snacks such as plantain, akara, yam or cassava. Groundnut Stew also called Peanut Stew or Peanut Soup, for example often consists of chicken and vegetables that are flavored with ground nuts, such as peanuts. This is often served to families as a large meal.
It took a while for Roy to support him and he was proud of him. Roy is the most dishonest businessman on the island. Examples included forcing a customer who has just ordered a large meal from Helen to board the plane immediately, and then stealing both the meal and the money the customer leaves for Helen. He also established false charities including one for his "late wife" and using the proceeds for fly-fishing trips or to subscribe to the Playboy Channel.
The restaurants' gluten- free menus have received praise from several coeliac restaurant reviewers. On National Fish and Chips Day, the restaurants offer a large meal as part of the "Impossible Fish 'n' Chips Challenge" which is traditionally attempted by local news reporters and restaurant reviewers, to varying degrees of success. In January 2017, The Wetherby Whaler won the National Federation of Fish Friers Fish and Chip Quality Award after an inspection based on hygiene standards, staff training and food quality.
Most species of tortoise spend much of their day inactive, and red-footed tortoises generally spend over 50% of the daylight hours at rest. They may rest for even longer after a large meal, with five- to ten-day stretches being common. One large specimen seems to have stayed in the same position for over a month. Resting tortoises barely move, allowing leaf litter to accumulate on them, and termites have built tunnels on the carapaces of resting red-footed tortoises.
While the number and severity of symptoms vary among individuals, repetitive regurgitation of undigested food (known as rumination) after the start of a meal is always present. In some individuals, the regurgitation is small, occurring over a long period of time following ingestion, and can be rechewed and swallowed. In others, the amount can be bilious and short lasting, and must be expelled. While some only experience symptoms following some meals, most experience episodes following any ingestion, from a single bite to a large meal.
This is a life-threatening condition, requiring immediate veterinary treatment. GDV occurs especially if the dog is fed one large meal a day, eats rapidly, drinks large amounts of water after eating, or exercises vigorously after eating. In GDV, the stomach distends with gas or air and then twists (torsion), so that the dog is unable to rid the excess air in stomach through burping or vomiting. Also, the normal return of blood to the heart is impeded, causing a drop in blood pressure and the dog will go into shock.
After this period, ovulation may not occur immediately, but the female can hold the sperm inside her for up to one year. When the female ovulates, a midbody swell can be noticed that appears similar to the snake having eaten a large meal. The female then sheds two to three weeks after ovulation, in what is known as a post-ovulation shed which lasts another 2–3 weeks, which is longer than a normal shed. The gestation period, which is counted from the postovulation shed, is around 100–120 days.
Though 85% of mini-mart items are categorized as extremely unhealthy, 80% of these meals are considered a truck driver's main meal of the day. Also, most of the foods carried by drivers in their trucks, whether or not stored in a refrigerator, are purchased from truck stops. Research suggests that drivers value quality and taste much more than nutrition when selecting food. Another issue is the pattern of extensive and irregular snacking while on the road and consumption of one large meal at the end of day.
Sensory stimulation from high-fat foods is one behavioral mechanism in the diet- induced obesity model—humans’ and rats’ neural proclivity for the texture, smell, and taste of high-fat foods stimulates "selection, consumption, digestion and absorption" of those foods. According to some studies, time, frequency, and quantity of feedings are other behavioral factors in the DIO model. Some research shows that nightly eating, low eating frequency, and large meal size may contribute to diet-induced obesity. Depression and long- term stress are also reported mechanisms contributing to obesity via increased food intake.
Cathay Pacific introduced a Premium Economy Class in March 2012. The seat pitch is 38 inches – six inches more than Economy Class – and the seat itself is wider and have a bigger recline. It has a large meal table, cocktail table, footrest, a 10.6-inch personal television, an in-seat power outlet, a multi-port connector for personal devices, and extra personal stowage space. The Premium Economy Class seat offers a higher level of comfort with more living space in a separate cabin before the Economy Class zone.
One day after lunch, the students sneak away from their homes and journey on foot to go visit Ōishi. They spot her riding in a bus, and she invites them to her house, where they have a large meal; later, the children's parents send Ōishi gifts as thanks for treating them. Because of her injury, Ōishi is transferred from the schoolhouse to the main school, where teachers instruct students in fifth grade and above. By 1933, Ōishi is engaged to a ship engineer, and her original students are now sixth graders.
A large meal is prepared in the courtyard by the servants; instead of saying grace, Pantagruel only praises the vine. Panurge wonders whether he should remarry as he can’t recall his former wife, and asks for counsel from the philosopher Brid'oye, the poet Raminagrobis and the physician Rondibilis. When Ribaude re-enters Panurge tries to flirt with her again, but is spurned by Ribaude who knows that he is married. Colombe sits at Pantagruel’s table and makes confession to Panurge disguised as a monk, of all her transgressions.
Froning does not adhere to the Paleolithic diet nor Zone diet, both of which are popular in the CrossFit community., Muscle & Fitness magazine Live Chat with CrossFit Games Champ Rich Froning He states that he does not adhere to a specific diet plan, and does not count his calorie intake. He eats large amounts of peanut butter and drinks whole milk, both of which are not compliant with Paleo standards. During the day he typically does not eat an excessive amount, instead eating a large meal at night and drinking multiple protein shakes.
The ipu gourd plays a large role in Hawaiian life, more than just an instrument the ipu was used for food, medicine, and a variety of other useful and artistic items. Because of the importance of ipu to basic life and culture, Hawaiians developed an entire ceremony around the planting of the gourd. In Hawaiian customs, the gourd plant should be planted on the night of Hua, during the lunar phase where it was believed to look the most like an egg or a fruit. The gourd should be planted done by a pot-bellied man who has just eaten a large meal.
Passengers were provided with a large meal in a closed-off section of a power-loom shed owned by John Robinson Kay. They listened to several celebratory speeches, before re- embarking the train to head home. The railway was opened to the general public on the following Monday. In November 1846 the company submitted proposals for a new line from Buckley Wells (south of Bury) through Whitefield and Prestwich, to a new terminus at Victoria Station. The plan did not progress any further than the initial planning stages; Whitefield and Prestwich eventually got their own railway stations in 1879.
Virtually all Jewish holidays involve meals, but since Yom Kippur involves fasting, Jewish law requires one to eat a large and festive meal on the afternoon before Yom Kippur, after the Mincha (afternoon) prayer. This meal is meant to make up for the inability to eat a large meal on the day of Yom Kippur instead, due to the prohibition from eating or drinking. Wearing white clothing (or a kittel for Ashkenazi Jews), is traditional to symbolize one's purity on this day. Many Orthodox men immerse themselves in a mikveh on the day before Yom Kippur.
Without immediate medical attention, the dog may die. Some symptoms of GDV are: distended abdomen, excessive salivation, retching without throwing up, restlessness, depression, lethargy, and weakness. Precautions against GVD include: refraining from feeding immediately before or after exercise, feeding several smaller meals throughout the day instead of a single large meal, and avoiding the consumption of large amounts of water with dry food. As with any other hunting dog, contact with game can cause the spread of fungi and bacteria that can easily colonise in the gums or cause infections on open wounds and small cuts from scratching against plants and bushes during a regular hunting session.
Deprivation is the time in which an individual does not receive a reinforcer, while satiation occurs when an individual has received a reinforcer to such a degree that it will temporarily have no reinforcing power over them. If we deprive ourselves of a stimulus, the value of that reinforcement increases. For example, if an individual has been deprived of food, they may go to extreme measures to get that food, such as stealing. On the other hand, when we have an exceeding amount of a reinforcer, that reinforcement loses its value; if an individual eats a large meal, they may no longer be enticed by the reinforcement of dessert.
Faithfull's lungs contained a large quantity of sand, which was later interpreted as indicating that she drowned in shallow water near shore, rather than further out to sea. The autopsy revealed that she had eaten a large meal of meat, potatoes, mushrooms and fruit three to four hours before her death, but had not drunk alcohol for 36 hours before her death. Her liver contained a high level of a drug initially identified as the barbiturate Veronal – a sedative that she frequently purchased and used. Before her death, Faithfull had taken a dose large enough to cause stupor or semi-stupor, but not large enough to kill her.
The centerpiece of contemporary Thanksgiving in the United States and in Canada is a large meal, generally centered on a large roasted turkey. It is served with a variety of side dishes which vary from traditional dishes such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, to ones that reflect regional or cultural heritage. The majority of the dishes in the traditional American version of Thanksgiving dinner are made from foods native to the New World, as according to tradition the Pilgrims received these foods, or learned how to grow them, from the Native Americans. Thanksgiving dinner is the largest eating event in the United States; people eat more on Thanksgiving than on any other day of the year.
A Gran Fondo is a type of long-distance road cycling ride originating in Italy in 1970, and roughly translates into English as "Big Ride". Italian Gran Fondos are officially defined and certified by the Italian Cycling Federation as a bicycle event at least long, and are individually chip-timed (start to finish) races with prizes for the fastest riders in each category. The starts are done en masse, and the format allows for riders of every level to participate, much like a marathon, where most participants are competing against the clock instead of other participants. Traditionally a large meal is served to the participants at the end of the event, and roads are shut down.
Mardi Gras is the celebration before Lent – a period in which people of some Christian denominations fast, give up other delicacies, or both – where people traditionally eat a large meal before the fasting period, hence the name translating to "Fat Tuesday." The history of Mardi Gras in the United States started with Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville's defense of the Louisiane territory (modern-day Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and parts Texas.) He and his men settled a camp around 60 miles away from present-day New Orleans on Mardi Gras in 1699. They named it "Pointe du Mardi Gras", (Mardi Gras Point), accordingly. They also held a small gala in celebration, making it the first Mardi Gras in North America.
What does change, over time, is the size of the connection between the stomach and intestine and the ability of the small intestine to hold a greater volume of food. Over time, the functional capacity of the pouch increases; by that time, weight loss has occurred, and the increased capacity should serve to allow maintenance of a lower body weight. When the patient ingests just a small amount of food, the first response is a stretching of the wall of the stomach pouch, stimulating nerves that tell the brain that the stomach is full. The patient feels a sensation of fullness, as if they had just eaten a large meal—but with just a thimble-full of food.
They are known to eat animal cadavers by first ripping out the digestive system, which is the softest part of the anatomy, and they often reside in the resulting cavity while they are eating. On average, devils eat about 15% of their body weight each day, although they can eat up to 40% of their body weight in 30 minutes if the opportunity arises. This means they can become very heavy and lethargic after a large meal; in this state they tend to waddle away slowly and lie down, becoming easy to approach. This has led to a belief that such eating habits became possible due to the lack of a predator to attack such bloated individuals.
The Fox and the Cat illustrated by Carlo Chiostri Pinocchio encounters the two after leaving Mangiafuoco's theatre with five gold coins, whereupon the Fox claims to know Pinocchio's father Mister Geppetto and proposes to Pinocchio to visit the Land of Barn Owls (Paese dei Barbagianni) and thence to a 'Field of Miracles' (Il campo dei Miracoli), where coins can be grown into a money-producing tree. A white blackbird warns Pinocchio against these lies, but is eaten by the Cat. The Fox covers up this action by claiming that the blackbird talks too much. The pair lead Pinocchio to the Red Lobster Inn (Osteria del Gambero Rosso), where they eat a large meal and ask to be awoken at midnight.
The main protagonist, Duncan “Dunk” Mall is quickly moved by his unexpected collapse in fortunes to take the next train out of Washington, D.C. He falls asleep in the freight-car of a Chesapeake & Ohio train and wakes up in Ronceverte, West Virginia. After learning of his plight, Bill Brake (the local cook of the diner) gives him a large meal, clothes from a dead man, and a few dollars so he can get started as a man who can possibly make his way in the logging industry. He follows the railroad tracks northeast out of Greenbrier County to a future in Pocahontas County. Duncan soon falls in with the St. Lawrence Boom and Lumber Company, which owns the sawmill in Ronceverte.
Jughead is known for his love of food, especially hamburgers, and his ability to consume absurdly large quantities in a single sitting without getting sick or gaining weight, although he often sports a pot-belly immediately after a particularly large meal. Jughead is a preferred customer of most of Riverdale's food establishments, especially Pop Tate's Chock'lit Shoppe, except when he is behind on paying his usually lengthy tab. In one story, he was given a "Restaurant Club Card" and ate out at high-class restaurants until he found out how much interest the card charged, and Pop Tate loaned him the money on the condition that he eat exclusively at the Chok'lit Shoppe. His ability to eat so much food without gaining weight is attributed to a very rare and implausibly high metabolism.
Their poikilotherm metabolism has very low energy requirements, allowing large reptiles like crocodiles and large constrictors to live from a single large meal for months, digesting it slowly. While modern reptiles are predominantly carnivorous, during the early history of reptiles several groups produced some herbivorous megafauna: in the Paleozoic, the pareiasaurs; and in the Mesozoic several lines of dinosaurs. Today, turtles are the only predominantly herbivorous reptile group, but several lines of agamas and iguanas have evolved to live wholly or partly on plants. Herbivorous reptiles face the same problems of mastication as herbivorous mammals but, lacking the complex teeth of mammals, many species swallow rocks and pebbles (so called gastroliths) to aid in digestion: The rocks are washed around in the stomach, helping to grind up plant matter.
Le Tour de France, Jean-Paul Brouchon, Balland-Jacob-Duvernet, 2000 Jean-Paul Brouchon, leading cycling commentator at the news radio station France-Info, said of the day the forecast was supposed to come true: > During those dark hours, Anquetil refused to leave his room [the race was > having a rest day]. Finally he agreed to go for a short car ride with > Raphaël Géminiani [his team manager] and Janine, to join a party organised > by Radio Andorra. A mixture of Anquetil's fear for the future and his enjoyment of living in the present led to newspaper pictures of the large meal and the wine that he drank that day. Next morning, still worried about the prediction and laden down by partying, he was dropped on the first hairpins of the Port d'Envalira.
In the music timeline, this involves things such as eating an extremely large meal (Hibiya only takes a bite), playing games at the arcade (where he slowly begins to seem to have fun), and trying on clothes and costumes (one of which involves Hibiya crossdressing while wearing a maid dress, as Momo gets him to do so.) The two later sit by the curb, where Hibiya's soda hits him in the eyes in a similar fashion to how Momo's own hit hers in "Kisaragi Attention". Momo continues to drag him along, and they reach a park. Hibiya begins to have flashbacks of Hiyori smiling, petting a cat, as Momo does the same thing, albeit getting scratched by one. As he begins crying again, Momo realizes the situation is desperate, and puts on a "recital" before him, encouraging him as her eyes turn red, drawing his attention.
Goodman also concluded that she did not go overboard from any of the other ships leaving on June 5 or June 6 because, among other things, she would not have had time or inclination to consume her last large meal of meat, vegetables and fruit so soon after eating a light meal of different food with Roberts; her conversation with Roberts indicated that she did not have any barbiturates or any money to obtain them on June 5; and she had been seen intoxicated on both June 4 and June 5, contrary to the autopsy, which found she had consumed no alcohol for 36 hours before death. This suggests that she did not die until June 7 or early on June 8. Neither her silk dress nor silk stockings showed the damage expected from her having been 48 hours in the water, during a time when a storm was affecting the area.Goodman, pp. 251–270.

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