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24 Sentences With "kyphotic"

How to use kyphotic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "kyphotic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "kyphotic". Mastering all the usages of "kyphotic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Familial Scheuermann disease is characterized by kyphotic deformity of the spine that develops in adolescence.
However, without osteonecrosis, any postoperative vertebral height or kyphotic correction is limited to rare cases.
The thoracic and sacral kyphotic curves are termed primary curves, because they are present in the fetus.
The method has been shown to reduce pain and decrease kyphotic angle significantly during an inpatient treatment program.
The spine showed a kyphotic angulation at the level of T5-7, with narrowing of the spinal canal.
In the normal infant it is straight, but in the rachitic it exhibits a kyphotic deformity very soon.
Vertebroplasty makes no attempt to restore height and correct the kyphotic deformity which results from an osteoporotic compression fracture.
However, having said that, I remember reading about whether their doctor would correct the kyphotic curve in addition to the scoliosis.
Even 4 months after the fracture, vertebral height can be significantly improved and major changes of the kyphotic angle are possible.
One year later, he presented with hypesthesia and muscle weakness of his lower limb associated with kyphotic deformity and sphincter symptoms.
Players generally have kyphotic posture, such that their upper bodies are flexed, their scapulae are protracted, and both humeri are internally rotated.
Holmes JA, Damaser MS and Lehman SL Erector spinae activation and movement dynamics about the lumbar spine in lordotic and kyphotic squat-lifting.
Kyphotic deformity develops at the site of the spinal dysraphism as a result of the lateralised erector spinae muscles becoming perverted flexors of the spine.
This curve is described as a lordotic curve. The sacral curve begins at the sacrovertebral articulation, and ends at the point of the coccyx; its concavity is directed downward and forward as a kyphotic curve. The thoracic and sacral kyphotic curves are termed primary curves, because they are present in the fetus. The cervical and lumbar curves are compensatory, or secondary, and are developed after birth.
If asked to lift up both hands, this person will sink into a posterior pelvic tilt and kyphotic seated position, in an attempt to maintain sitting balance.
In this sense, Grabara and Hadzik found that a kyphotic posture tended to be more frequent and the lordotic one less frequent in volleyball players than in untrained subjects.
Surgical treatment can be used in severe cases. In patients with progressive kyphotic deformity due to vertebral collapse, a procedure called a kyphoplasty may arrest the deformity and relieve the pain. Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure, requiring only a small opening in the skin. The main goal is to return the damaged vertebra as close as possible to its original height.
Lordosis is historically defined as an abnormal inward curvature of the lumbar spine. However, the terms lordosis and lordotic are also used to refer to the normal inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of the human spine.Medical Systems: A Body Systems Approach, 2005 Similarly, kyphosis historically refers to abnormal convex curvature of the spine. The normal outward (convex) curvature in the thoracic and sacral regions is also termed kyphosis or kyphotic.
Many with Scheuermann's disease often have an excessive lordotic curve in the lumbar spine; this is the body's natural way to compensate for the kyphotic curve above. Many with Scheuermann's disease have very large lung capacities and males often have broad, barrel chests. Most people have forced vital capacity (FVC) scores above average. It has been proposed that this is the body's natural way to compensate for a loss of breathing depth.
Its most prominent point behind corresponds to the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra. This curve is known as a kyphotic curve. Lateral lumbar X-ray of a 34-year-old male The lumbar curve is more marked in the female than in the male; it begins at the middle of the last thoracic vertebra, and ends at the sacrovertebral angle. It is convex anteriorly, the convexity of the lower three vertebrae being much greater than that of the upper two.
Kyphosis is an abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine as it occurs in the thoracic and sacral regions. Abnormal inward concave lordotic curving of the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine is called lordosis. It can result from degenerative disc disease; developmental abnormalities, most commonly Scheuermann's disease; osteoporosis with compression fractures of the vertebra; multiple myeloma; or trauma. A normal thoracic spine extends from the 1st thoracic to the 12th thoracic vertebra and should have a slight kyphotic angle, ranging from 20° to 45°.
The Russian administration considered Jibrael an unimportant member of the Georgian royal family, for his physical abilities were limited by a pronounced vertebral deformity; his elder brother, Mikhail, even petitioned the tsar to grant a pension to Jibrael on account of his being kyphotic and not suitable for military service. Jibrael still played a role in the confrontation between the new regime and the former royal family. Thus, the Russian general Ivan Lazarev, in a communication to Saint Petersburg, accused the prince of harassing the villagers of Shilda. This Lazarev was soon tasked with overseeing the deportation of Queen Dowager Mariam and her children to Russia proper.
Jack and Topaz encountered the kyphotic Half-Mad before returning to the U.S. and Jack fought the Committee's Behemoth robot and then Ma Mayhem, assisted by werewolf Raymond Coker. Jack joined the newly-mutated Tigra against HYDRA, battled vampires Louis Belski and Liza Pyne, opposed Ma Mayhem and her ally Baron Thunder, and joined Coker against Lou Hackett (a corrupt policeman who could also shapeshift into a werewolf by using a magic ring), who was killed in the struggle. The Werewolf joined the Frankenstein Monster against the Satanic Brotherhood of Baal who had abducted Lissa, then fought the disfigured Atlas and the Jekyll/Hyde-like DePrayve. Jack briefly returned to Transylvania following Topaz's psychic summons and encountered Maria Russoff, who used Gypsy magic to raise zombies to slay the villagers who had driven her off.
Forward head posture iHunch (also called iPosture,Amy Cuddy, iPhone Is Ruining Your Posture — and Your Mood",New York Times Sunday Review, Dec 12, 2015, Retrieved 13 March 2017 forward head posture,Becca Ferguson, & iPosture Issues",Mindfull Alexander Technique, Retrieved 24 January 2017Points in the Suboccipital Muscles and Forward Head Posture in Tension-Type Headache",Headache, , 2006, Retrieved 13 March 2017 poking chin posture,Chin Posture, Dowagers Hump",Woodlands Physiotherapy, Retrieved 13 March 2017 wearsie neck, computer neck,L Smith, Q Louw, L Crous, K Grimmer-Somers,of Neck Pain and Headaches: Impact of Computer Use and Other Associative Factors",Cephalalgia,February 1, 2009, Retrieved 13 March 2017 upper crossed syndrome, text neck, and dowager's hump."Can Bad Posture Give You A Hunchback?" ,IFLScience,2016, Retrieved 13 March 2017of Dowager's hump", Medterms Medical Dictionary, Retrieved 24 January 2017) is the common spinal problem of an excessively kyphotic (hunched) thoracic spine driving neck pain and cervicogenic headache.Teri Robert, Headache – The Basics",American Migraine Foundation, Feb 11, 2012Josie Cochrane, affecting ill-postured student masses",Critic, Issue 10, 2014 It is clinically recognized as a form of repetitive strain injury.

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