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7 Sentences With "junkpile"

How to use junkpile in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "junkpile" and check conjugation/comparative form for "junkpile". Mastering all the usages of "junkpile" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Through every twist and across every robot junkpile of the decade, music was most shaped by the force of the individual artist more than any one single, album, platform, technology, or cultural product.
St.Monica's childcare center St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church has been destroyed by vandalism and neglect.Article. Anonymous. "Church to Junkpile." Long Island Press. 12 AUG. 1975.
It is, on the one hand, hyper-rational; it seeks to extend the purview of mathematical physics throughout the universe. On the other hand, it relegates the world in which the physicist himself dwells, the unique world of humanity and its communities, to the junkpile of the irrational. We who know so much are prohibited from knowing ourselves.The Tragedy of Reason: Toward a Platonic Conception of Logos (Routledge 1991), p. 74.
The Roaring Road is a 1919 American silent action romance film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is taken from the short stories by Byron Morgan; Junkpile Sweepstakes, Undertaker's Handicap, and Roaring Road. This film was so successful that it spawned a sequel, Excuse My Dust, from stories by the same author. This film is available on video and DVD from online sources.
In the alternate universe of Timestorm 2009–2099, the X-Men 2099 are introduced in a one-shot by Brian Reed and Frazer Irving. In this timeline, they are based in a former mutant internment camp in Maryland, and are led by a bald, one-armed future incarnation of Wolverine. The other members are Meanstreak (now a young girl), Krystalin, Junkpile (now a self-replicating Stark android), and Bloodhawk (now female, and with a touch that "can give life, or take it", similar to Xi'an). They are trying to rebuild Baltimore, which was destroyed in a war, and must defend it against an army of mindless Hulks.
He joins the fight, during which his wing is broken by Junkpile, but subsequently healed by Xi'an's recently discovered secondary mutation. He stays with the X-Men for a short while longer, attending the funeral of Serpentine who died during the fight with Synge but then returns to the desert.X-Men 2099 #2-3 Bloodhawk returns to a bunker which he uses as a weapons cache, where he is captured by La Lunatica. She brings him to the Darkroom of the Theatre of Pain, where she uses her mutant ability to make him relive painful memories, which are recorded by her master Controller Thirteen for the Theatre's amoral clientele.
In the meantime, Ghost Rider 2099 drops Logan in a former mutant-internment facility in a desert wasteland, formerly known as Maryland. There, Logan comes face-to-face with his future self, a bald old man with only his right arm, who now leads the new team of X-Men, headquartered at the facility. He also meets a new generation mutant named Henri Huang (code name Meanstreak) and robot bodyguard Junkpile, as well as two other mutants in the facility: Ruth Kristen Porter (Krystalin) and Lemuel (Bloodhawk). Logan later discovers that the entire wasteland has been overrun by Hulks, who have eaten most of its food supplies and leave portions only for some civilizations, allowing others to starve.

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