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945 Sentences With "jokes"

How to use jokes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jokes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jokes". Mastering all the usages of "jokes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But what killed me last year were the jokes, because I love jokes—dirty jokes, bad jokes, rude jokes, jokes that cut through bullshit and explode pomposity.
For the haters, the show either isn't their type of humor, or the rape jokes, gay jokes, Jew jokes, disabled jokes, trans jokes, Muslim jokes, or AIDS jokes are often so repulsive that watching can be painful.
The guys, who are godawful lyricists, made gay jokes, trans jokes, fat jokes, and slut jokes.
I am known to make out of line jokes, stupid jokes, sarcastic jokes.
Fat jokes, racial jokes and sex jokes abound; the series requires a high tolerance for raunchiness.
"Just jokes," she says repeatedly, to make the point that jokes about identity are never just jokes.
Jokes with puns, jokes with mock movie trailers and jokes taken from the sides of Popsicle sticks.
Popular joke topics include physical deformity ("Helen Keller jokes"), uncomfortable subjects ("poop jokes") and inappropriate topics ("dirty jokes").
The stand-up segments are fairly generic comedy-club stuff: relationship jokes, technology jokes, jokes about growing up Roman Catholic.
Everyone knows that dad jokes are the worst best jokes.
It tells bad jokes (aka the best kind of jokes).
Jokes and more jokes were deployed with the #LochteGate hashtag.
It is just jokes, but what are jokes these days?
The video shows three people dancing in a circle and having the time of their life, and has been used to make politics jokes, retail jokes, history jokes, and really, really good science jokes.
In a time when bad jokes often mean jokes that offend, dad jokes carve out space to hate comedy for purely aesthetic reasons.
She had an elegant style, a sweetheart grin and an ultrafast patter, with routines full of husband jokes, shopping jokes and kid jokes.
No, it is just jokes, but what are jokes these days?
The suspenseful moments barely register, and the jokes are barely jokes.
He's offered to tell jokes, but Siri can tell jokes, too.
They were in on the jokes, and the jokes were crude.
We're not sure what's funnier, dad jokes, or jokes played on dads.
All jokes aside, he's going to be pretty great at dad jokes.
From Trump jokes to dad jokes, no topic is taboo for Jobrani.
Trump rolled on, making email jokes, WikiLeaks jokes and all-purpose insults.
There are jokes that bomb, and then there are jokes that bomb.
I didn't read the jokes, but if they're jokes, it doesn't matter.
The jokes aren't pot jokes; they're jokes made in a film that takes pot for granted as part of how the comedy is going to work.
The dick jokes, like the gay jokes, are now part of the canon.
His jokes didn't make much sense, either as sentient thoughts or as jokes.
They like to tell me jokes, and sometimes those jokes make me laugh.
There are two main branches of golf humor: dad jokes and dirty jokes.
He liked to tell jokes -- sometimes the same jokes over and over again.
Blake Griffin and Jeff Ross went scorched earth on each other during their 'Roast Battle' over the weekend ... with gay jokes, Kardashian jokes -- and even Clippers jokes.
Aside from the political jokes, Styles made some good old-fashioned dad jokes, too.
This song's got it all: Russia jokes, fresh-ass hooks, and more Russia jokes.
That said, we're also suckers for astrology jokes — and by "jokes" we mean memes.
In Israel, "Holocaust jokes" is the 12th most popular Hebrew-language search for jokes.
Jokes about sisters, jokes about last year's raki — who got sick, who fell over?
Jokes about the theory, even journalists' own jokes, quickly became part of that coverage.
In the weeks leading up to our cross-country trip, I started building a fortress of jokes: physical exertion jokes, jokes about the things white people do for fun.
In short: Hillary Clinton's jokes about running for president in 2020 are just that: Jokes.
Does that mean no more jokes about the Holocaust—or more jokes about the Holocaust?
Those jokes about sequels lined up into the next decade aren't really jokes, are they?
Like Aparna Nancherla probably can transfer a lot of her Twitter jokes to onstage jokes.
I would make jokes about Cliffy B, I would make jokes about John Carmack and various other game developers and things like that but you knew they were just jokes.
It leaves you explaining jokes that can't be explained to employers that don't like jokes anyway.
She was just making jokes—the same kind of jokes we all make every day, everywhere.
Can penis jokes and "this is the devil's work" jokes co-exist in the same space?
Based on what she'd studied before her arrival, at around this point the hard drives that contained the past 22 years of conversations, transcripts, spreadsheets, good memes, bad memes, stolen songs, jokes about her boss, jokes about her assistant manager, jokes about her interns, jokes about her parents, jokes about her president, jokes about her God, mean asides, sick burns, petty rumors, noble defenses, and throwaway goofs of all kinds were being lowered into a pod of nuclear material.
And he's not alone, for a fair number of the speeches on night three of the DNC were either peppered with dad jokes, or engineered to trigger dad jokes about dad jokes.
There were a few too many jokes—and I'm fine with jokes because all the original Star Wars had jokes but in my opinion there were a few too many, you know?
Kimmel wants to make jokes about Mel Gibson—and his Gibson jokes have been most pretty good!
He will not make jokes and jokes will not be made at his expense (in his presence).
They're just taking jokes, and saying that all stereotyped jokes are racist, which I genuinely do not believe.
"It could be Mariah jokes, Kim jokes," Cannon said, referencing Kardashian West and his ex-wife, Mariah Carey.
" In countries with the lowest infant mortality rates, 1 in 180 jokes searches is for "dead baby jokes.
"They think [jokes are] just about being funny, but jokes are actually about getting any reaction," Jackson said.
Many of the jokes fall flat, with the film relying on a few unnecessary fart and butt jokes.
Yeah, that was the kind of material Gronk was workin' with at the Roast of David Ortiz in Boston on Thursday -- where he dropped everything from black jokes to fat jokes to penis jokes.
To the average reasonable person viewing the situation with context, it's easy to understand that Gunn is not a pedophile, and that the jokes were just jokes — not particularly funny ones, but jokes nonetheless.
He manually A/B tests five to 10,000 jokes and skits, and not just the jokes themselves, the timing.
There are jokes there — jokes that are often so deeply bizarre we loose the will to even embed them.
Jokes, even political jokes, aren't about persuasion, but rather psychological comfort in the face of difficult or painful situations.
" In countries with the highest infant mortality rates, about 1 in 1,300 jokes searches is for "dead baby jokes.
The Star Wars cast's jokes Who wrote these jokes, if we stretch the definition of "joke" to its limits?
Before declaring in 2017 that he would stop making Nazi jokes, PewDiePie made a whole lot of Nazi jokes.
" In the same story, the protagonist, attending a party, "improvised on jokes he had read in '1,001 Polish Jokes.
Some will find these jokes funny for the same reason that tired gay-panic jokes have long gotten laughs.
These are all jokes, it must be said, but subtract the laughs, and they seem less like only jokes.
And for the bro-humor hat-trick, the film's main comedic throughline are dick "jokes," which, like the jokes about boybands and breasts, are more people pointing at dicks and/or saying "dick" than actual jokes.
The ICO world is filled with jokes and scams, but so far, many of them are profitable jokes and scams.
She's funny, she loves to tell jokes and play jokes on people," Jennifer gushes of Zoey, adding that she's "sassy.
If I'm going to see a raunch comedy, I want the dick jokes to have their own tangential dick jokes.
I've obviously made jokes about Indians, but I make jokes about all countries, and this is not what I'm about.
But even stuff like "Angry Birds" is totally amusing and there's grown-up jokes and there's good poopoo jokes, too.
She's loud, she's tall, she's shrill, she often giggles through her own jokes — did I mention she makes fart jokes?
Twitter erupted into jokes over Trump's protocol breach — and by jokes, we mean, a gobsmacked combination of shame and astonishment.
At first I made jokes about how doomed we were, but as we grew closer the jokes stopped being funny.
Of course, these weightier storylines are tossed together with some really great jokes, if fewer great jokes than in previous seasons.
The jokes can be the jokes and they come when they come, but it's not like you gotta hit that thing.
There are jokes that land with a boom, and there are jokes that land like an egg falling off the counter.
Ash cites contemporary French Holocaust jokes as offensive comedy worth ignoring, but what about the jokes of actual concentration camp guards?
So I had jokes about that, jokes about pissing your efforts away at an art school, and that resonated with people.
As Vulture music critic Craig Jenkins recently tweeted, this cycle of jokes, outrage, jokes, repeat doesn't actually affect Chappelle's bottom line.
I think one of the most interesting things about the internet is how people can sort of build on one another and constantly come up with in-jokes within in-jokes within in-jokes, and so at a certain point, it's sort of impossible to understand unless you've been part of this rich sharing of jokes and internal references.
"He kept tabs on everyone who watched – who got the jokes, who laughed the most, who didn't get the jokes," Thompson added.
Mr. Washington's jokes about the storm received more laughs and applause than most of the other jokes he performed during his set.
The script was a mishmash of autobiography and anger, filled with profanity, drug use, gay jokes, Nazi jokes and weird structural hiccups.
And you can write jokes late, easily ... [but] if elements of a story collapse, it takes all the jokes down with it.
Ms. McGraw has a tendency to punch jokes up past realism, but a lot of those jokes are pretty good (220:2246).
Ms. McGraw has a tendency to punch jokes up past realism, but a lot of those jokes are pretty good (1:45).
The event traditionally features leading politicians telling self-deprecating jokes, and in this case, it featured Paul Ryan telling Trump-deprecating jokes.
Some day, people will learn you can make a very good animated or children&aposs film without fart jokes and butt jokes.
We're turning to adorable animals and silly memes that are basically the equivalent of internet dad jokes — and sometimes are themselves dad jokes.
He had the easel and he would do drawing jokes and he would do guitar jokes—he would add so many different elements.
The apartment he shares with June's best friend Moira (Samira Wiley) is massive, and they make "Blessed are the fruit" jokes there. Jokes!
His new show centers on jokes about jokes as he revisits some of his most — and least — successful stand-up and hosting stints.
The show's presentation — lots of wide shots to let comedic bits play out — enhances its jokes, and those jokes frequently make me chuckle.
I think we settled into a thing of...if we have a hundred jokes per show — well, there's more than a hundred jokes.
More seriously, the environments where rape jokes like this are permissible often go hand in hand with behavior that goes beyond the jokes.
Most of us might judge Gunn's tweets as bad jokes, sure, but they're mostly recognizable as jokes, and jokes in the style of 2000s Gen-X comedians trying like hell to provoke a reaction by being as "edgy" and offensive as possible.
Yes, almost none of the jokes are new, but it's nice to have them compiled as a sort of greatest-hits of Bat-jokes.
One might overlook a few, but the dialogue is jammed with more eating-disorder jokes, gay jokes, plastic-surgery sight gags, and stereotypes galore.
But it's a little too in love with robot jokes and doll jokes, and maybe a little too in love with itself, for that.
And while making politically incorrect jokes that offend people is absolutely not, in itself, a problem, telling regressive rape jokes in 2017 definitely is.
I think three times we had jokes about biscotti being inedible — traditionally all three of those jokes would have to be in one episode.
Audiences were 50 percent people of color sometimes, which meant that when I did jokes about racism, the right people could hear the jokes.
He wrote on his Tumblr in October 2012 that he would no longer making rape jokes, and apologized if his jokes ever hurt anyone.
The incident has reignited debate over whether Kjellberg's frequent, self-proclaimed "jokes" about anti-Semitism, racism, and Nazi leanings are really jokes at all.
The brilliance of Shrill is doubly as sweet because West's book chronicled her own difficulties with comedians — whether because of rape jokes or fat jokes.
We mean this to say: People that are really good at jokes and pranks stay limber by making jokes and doing pranks all day long.
Jokes and jabs are telling Trump critics 'you are not alone' For Trump's detractors, jokes at his expense are validation of their point of view.
He recalls thinking, What if she's funny and she cracks jokes and the other henchmen laugh at her jokes and they don't laugh at Joker's?
Considering his dad is a standup comedian, the poor guy has probably witnessed enough dad jokes to last several lifetimes' worth of bad Easter jokes.
Plates and walnuts and cracker jokes just got on with things because that's all that plates and walnuts and cracker jokes know how to do.
When they think of Mad Magazine with its parodies and jokes, here you have a four-page sequence where there are no jokes at all.
Take away the dating-app jokes, and the humor is, if anything, blander and more predictable, the jokes more obvious, the reaction shots more ubiquitous.
Surfaced in Byte's popular feed were videos with dick jokes and sexual humor, and problematic content including distasteful jokes about child abuse and coronavirus victims.
Joel's jokes read one way on paper, but when he says them aloud, his jokes sounds like something no one else has really thought of.
Nobody really wanted to hear the dick jokes and I don't know that the band enjoyed making them, but there they were, making dick jokes anyway.
This situation is very different though as he made these jokes years before he was working for Disney and also the fact that they were jokes.
In the end, my ambivalence about #MeToo jokes continues, but hopefully more comedians can follow the steps of Mulaney and Kroll when crafting their own jokes.
Not every joke's gonna be for every person, but even if you only get like a fifth of the jokes you get like a hundred jokes.
"I can't promise they were good jokes but they were jokes," said Stiepleman, who wrote the script for the film with input from the justice herself.
One of the show's greatest successes as a comedy is its understanding of Actually Good Fat Jokesjokes for fat people rather than at our expense.
As the characters have matured, the show's sense of purpose has solidified, its jokes are smoother, because the people delivering those jokes are more complete characters.
"A lot of protest signs succumb to dad-level jokes, but the fact is, dads love dad jokes, and I want dads at protests," said Heller.
Ocasio-Cortez also knocked hosts on the network who were "gleefully" cracking jokes about her finances, saying the jokes revealed their thoughts about working-class people.
Berle was known as the "Thief of Bad Jokes" for stealing jokes throughout his entire career—some dating all the way back to the fourth century.
Soon after, jokes stop being jokes, as they did in occupied France in the 1940s, and Céline's rhetorical violence suddenly became the pretext for real killings.
When he first entered the race last year, everyone (myself included) was making snide jokes about his hair, as well as snide jokes about his candidacy.
And for the past several months, he's been in the news mostly for all the wrong reasons: desperate donors, misspent money, jokes that aren't really jokes.
Knock Knock throws art viewers into the weird situation of laughing at the overspecialization of our language in that language, deriding the exclusivity of in-jokes with further in-jokes Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads LONDON — Jokes are about laughter, but they're also about competence.
The cast is granted several opportunities to improvise different jokes, and because said cast features comic experts like Devine and Plaza, said jokes are often ridiculously funny.
While these jokes seem like dark, comedic cries for help in hindsight, it does make you think: What other jokes out there are actually just open secrets?
"In almost every comedy there are good jokes, and then there are jokes that totally fall flat," says Geek's Guide to the Galaxy host David Barr Kirtley.
The majority of the jokes in the movie aren't really jokes per se, as much as acknowledgements that things like dildos, merkins, and anal cavity searches exist.
Bloom meets Best's shock-jock neighbor and scowls at his jokes in his backyard; Bloom meets Best's teenage son and scowls at his jokes in his backyard.
This includes videos featuring dick jokes, sex toys, drugs and jokes about child abuse, despite a 12+ age rating and many users who appear to be children.
We are thrown into the weird situation of laughing at the overspecialization of our language in that language: deriding the exclusivity of in-jokes with further in-jokes.
Deadpool 2 has the same meta jokes (including jokes about the first Deadpool's box office performance), the same zippy action (this time courtesy of director David Leitch, a.k.a.
The newspaper noted that other Marines in Echo Company made what were described as sexist jokes when Hierl arrived, adding that the jokes have subsided as training continued.
Today, he even shies away from making golden showers jokes on his show, figuring that everyone in America has already made those same jokes around their dinner tables.
His jokes about Jenner prompted anger from certain people and a direct response from Jenner herself, to which Gervais has since responded with more jokes on social media.
This unwelcome humor doesn't include things like expletives, death jokes, or dick jokes, but is specifically humor surrounding hazing, sexual harassment and assault, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
On forums like the r/bitcoin subreddit, the most popular posts are jokes about the weak stomachs of newbies and jokes about a 25 percent Christmas sale on bitcoin.
Good storytelling and thoughtful considerations of the world we live in will make the jokes funnier, while having funny jokes will make the political stuff slide by more easily.
He was the "butt of jokes amongst people who were themselves the butt of jokes", the author says of his ostracised life in a downtrodden part of the country.
They helm the popular segment "Jokes Seth Can't Tell," a series dedicated to the jokes host Seth Meyers is simply too white, too male, and too straight to tell.
Like, I love writing jokes and I love getting laughs from the jokes, but I don't care about the attention that happens as a result of that, you know?
Getting this oversize script to hold an audience's attention meant excising some jokes about cabinet nominees like Steve Mnuchin, and adding jokes, like the sound of tiny knuckles cracking.
I have my own little corny jokes, or dry sense of humor that I throw out there; dad jokes or whatever it may be that people know it's me.
" - Mike, 239 "Still making "but her emails!" jokes.
" - Arielle, 26 "She said I stole her jokes.
All the ways the world is changing for travelers with autism "We were cracking jokes, and after a while, he asked me to quit making dad jokes," Pedraza told KATU.
The write-in, unmoderated naming allowed for a litany of 9/11 jokes, garbage sexual innuendos about your grandmother, and Holocaust jokes to climb to the top of the list.
Gunn was fired last summer for jokes he made on Twitter years prior to becoming the face of the "Guardians" franchise — he had made jokes involving sexual abuse and children.
But mostly Wilder was really, really funny, capable of moving effortlessly from dick jokes to physical comedy to word play and (if Brooks was writing) back to dick jokes again.
As the show amassed a loyal fan base, it could make callbacks to older jokes and characters its audience would remember — and rely on running jokes to get knowing laughs.
If a black comedian wants to tell jokes about black people, he has a bit more of a right to do than a white person telling jokes about black people.
Well, they're more like Family Guy jokes in that you will recall the thing they refer to and that's kind of funny, but they don't actually take the form of jokes.
" Stephen Colbert simply warned, "Get out of there," and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi encouraged Wilmore to "take a page from Donald Trump" and "tell terrific jokes, the most funny jokes.
But jokes are not harmless: studies provide some evidence that hearing sexist jokes does make men more tolerant of rape, which 5 to 10 percent of college men admit to committing.
"In 2011, I told some jokes about our current president at the White House correspondents' dinner, jokes about how he was unqualified to be president," the NBC late-night host said.
"In 2011, I told some jokes about our current president at the White House correspondents dinner, jokes about how he was unqualified to be president," the NBC late-night host said.
When you're 22 — not that it was that long ago, but it's a very different, significant change — all my jokes were very immature, high school, pot,'sMoKinG wEEd' [jokes], you know?
The former contains an anecdote about a fan who sent Chappelle a letter about his heavily-criticized jokes about transgender people, and it leads into more jokes in the same vein.
" Jokes the new mama, "It was like a volcano.
" — then jokes to Tomlin, "Who are you, Megyn Kelly?
Two women made jokes about genitalia — Amber and Tia!
" Gruber continues, "The whole band makes jokes about it.
On Twitter, jokes about Kobe Bryant — the editorial director!
" Richie replies, to which Disick jokes, "And I'm broke.
" Trump then jokes to Brezinski, "Nothing too hard, Mika.
Trump Booed for Clinton Jokes at Charity DinnerDonald Trump was booed by the audience for his jokes about his rival Hillary Clinton at the Alfred E. Smith charity dinner on Thursday night.
We figured the thing that we are providing that's maybe a bit more original is your participation in those jokes and your opportunities to express yourselves in small ways throughout those jokes.
For example, usually in one of the president's White House Correspondents' Dinner monologues, the first couple of jokes and then throughout, we would sprinkle some jokes where he's making fun of himself.
There were jokes, of course, but the jokes serve to underpin a very serious point: no conversation about diversity can take place without inviting a diverse group to the table to speak.
I hope we get to see him more, and more jokes about how scary Scary Tess is, even after warming up to Xo. Because we're going to need a lot of jokes.
Eventually the jokes stopped being jokes and started being the word "HARAMBE" thrown out as a non sequitur to elicit a laugh because it's a funny word and teenagers loves discomfort comedy.
So the internet did what it does best and responded with jokesjokes with varying degrees of criticism, all of which made us laugh, then laugh nervously, and try not to cry.
World War 3 jokes, for example, traded in heavy irony, while memes about the 2014 Ebola outbreak were largely dominated by 4chan users sharing damaging, racist "jokes" about death and conspiracy theories.
Still, it's worth thinking about — especially for someone like me, who enjoys both posting snarky jokes about unfolding news stories and making ambivalent inside jokes because my friends will know what I mean.
But it's notable that this segment didn't work — even though jokes about Asian stereotypes are one of the few racial jokes that are still deemed acceptable by TV producers, though they shouldn't be.
Is it possible to tell jokes that punch up — the comedy term for jokes that make fun of those more powerful than the comedian — when the person delivering the joke is the president?
What he is missing is that people are not searching for "dad jokes" to be happier; they are searching such jokes because they want to relate to the people they share them with.
They loved his jokes because he found really old jokes on the internet and then told them, and they loved them, and then I had to go up and do my actual standup.
Well actually, he may have been laughing at my jokes, and in fact I thought he was laughing at my jokes, because he consistently responded with boisterous HAHAHAs to my humorous text messages.
"In 2011, I told some jokes about our current president at the White House Correspondents Dinner, jokes about how he was unqualified to be president," Meyers said during his opening monologue Sunday night.
Jokes need to be clear and comprehensible, but ones that are too easily understood — where the punchline can be seen coming from a mile away — are often the least funny jokes of all.
" Turning to Orianne, he jokes, "together we make one person.
Most jokes like this depend on some sort of misunderstanding.
"I made a contribution to the White House," he jokes.
Let's hope Melton's previous "jokes" don't reflect his current worldview.
"It brings out the Poppy Hager in me," she jokes.
My boyfriend jokes that I better not bring it home.
"You need a little bit of a ham," he jokes.
PAVLICH: All the little jokes for Dana are pretty funny.
The jokes are obvious and the audience laughter is prolonged.
Bleeding profusely, Helder began making jokes to defuse the tension.
"In Dubai, people are building on the sea," Fuseini jokes.
Jokes aside, putting down moms for their choices isn't cool.
" While Kourtney jokes, "No wonder you gained a few pounds.
He makes jokes like them, he's not polished and prim.
The least we can do is make jokes on the
"Well, I blame her," Lynch jokes about his acting skills.
But jokes aside, Yorke couldn't be happier about the role.
Should I tell some jokes, should I tell some stories?
"He's my wife, even when I'm not pregnant," she jokes.
"She was kind of a witch, my grandmother," she jokes.
But that doesn't mean people weren't ready to make jokes.
These jokes are as stale as Elon Musk's Harambe references.
We bonded over our love of practical jokes and music.
An end that Murphy jokes may be a tragic one.
Just rude comments, how you looked or just inappropriate jokes.
Some of the jokes on the show are genuinely funny.
That, and he isn't useful for much else, he jokes.
"Don't feed me after midnight!" she jokes as she's introduced.
Overall, I just didn't relate to any of the jokes.
His jokes first take deep root and then blossom brilliantly.
Between takes, Colletti cracked jokes with one of the women.
We have our own inside jokes and things like that.
There were those old Jewish waiters who always had jokes.
Spraying hairspray around and cracking jokes, she teases Cher relentlessly.
All your Sessions ... Or your Pence jokes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I've heard funny rape and domestic abuse and race jokes.
Ted and Sam also sported grins and even made jokes.
She can have conversations, make jokes, and express genuine emotion.
The president cracked jokes, spurring repeated laughs from the crowd.
Like a bunch of this is just jokes — it's great!
The show's theme song inspired a whole genre of jokes.
He started lifting weights and making jokes she didn't understand.
Jokes started to fly and there were Wolverine comparisons a'plenty.
"Journalists love to try and identify one event," she jokes,.
"But it's still the butt of everyone's jokes," she said.
He's laughing and making jokes out of everything in sight.
And then it hit me: there were no fat jokes.
Sadly, my daughter also prefers Alexa's jokes over my own.
Certain other transphobic vehicular manslaughter "jokes" didn't fare so well.
THE BIBLE OF DIRTY JOKES By Eileen Pollack 308 pp.
We wail, weep, and tell dirty jokes at the graveside.
"It was very lazy casting on Richard's part," Lincoln jokes.
Jokes aside, Crews is more than just a literal adonis.
Stephen Colbert normally launches into his monologue with some jokes.
" He continued, "Jokes aside, it was a very special Thanksgiving.
Jokes aside, negotiations between Sony and Disney are still happening.
It allows all these jokes about carpet on a laptop.
Maybe this will convince him to lay off the jokes.
Odom: That's not— I don't like jokes like that, Bill.
Jokes on them though, I'd already gotten the perfect photo.
On Twitter, the decision led to a series of jokes.
James Corden's Harvey Weinstein jokes are not to everyone's tastes.
I just stand up and let the jokes trickle down.
The tweet has people cosigning, relating, and making further jokes.
Someone jokes that it feels like a wedding photo shoot.
But the jokes never add up to a coherent statement.
She couldn't say anything when he made racially insensitive jokes.
Even memes — wonderful, shareable, relatable jokes — can make us cruel.
He chose to make jokes instead of publicly condemn him.
That's the first of many incest jokes throughout the series.
For the most part, jokes and puns are never planned.
So don't take lots of my jokes out of context.
"Oh yes, number 2.3, I love her work!" he jokes.
I think subconsciously all our jokes come from that place.
No, most stars save their jokes until April Fool's Day.
I'm scrolling through people's bad takes, jokes, and rambling threads.
In another clip, she jokes about messing up a take.
I bet you guys have a ton of inside jokes.
Without it, he jokes, he wouldn't even have a job.
"I don't have a birthday," she jokes in the issue.
"Tongue in cheek" jokes are what you distribute to employees.
On Twitter Wednesday, critics cracked jokes about the Bornstein letter.
Some things are just too painful and sensitive for jokes.
"Nobody has time to sleep," hairstylist Anh Co Tran jokes.
"I would tell stories and jokes at parties," she says.
His wife thought he should "go to jail," he jokes.
But all jokes aside, the two are getting along great.
JOKES ABOUT Ukraine's newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, come easily.
Others shared GIFs and jokes while nervously laughing to themselves.
And host Anthony Anderson kept the woke jokes rolling in.
My doctor jokes at how low my blood pressure is.
That's one of my jokes — oh, it's a good one.
"Maybe I should ask the English for compensation," he jokes.
"People make jokes but it doesn't discourage me," she said.
Unfortunately, it's not all fun and dick jokes in Emojiland.
Moffat tries his hand at laughing, telling jokes, even dabbing.
Thankfully, you took the jokes down and issued an apology.
You hit it off; she's got all the jokes, right?
"No pressure, right?" jokes Jean, who is a novice dancer.
"Although he doesn t know he's my boyfriend," she jokes.
He's just the same guy, same jokes all the time.
"Listen, at some point, I'm going to age," Lopez jokes.
"I embarrassingly had to define 'taint' on air," she jokes.
Thai junta jokes Yingluck stalked by army because she's pretty.
All jokes aside, Justin Bieber is a piece of shit.
Bennington jokes with reporters after landing in Bangkok on Feb.
To be honest, I don't even care for jokes anymore.
"But I'm never lending anyone my motorbike again," Christian jokes.
Then we break the story beats and think of jokes.
Trans women have been the butt of horrible movie jokes.
Before his arrest, the septuagenarian was still cranking out jokes.
We're not sure this year's crop of "jokes" were justified.
Jokes were as plentiful as tweeted pics of delivered papers.
It's true, many of those old jokes didn't age well.
This, in turn, prompted more jokes at the veep's expense.
Expect lots more explosive action, raunchy jokes, and goofy gadgets.
"He just finds it so vastly disappointing," she jokes. mother!
There were too many "Shot with iPhone" jokes to count.
Pet Symmetry is a band that thrives on inside jokes.
The trial encapsulated six years of jokes and story arcs.
I want to make jokes kids my age will like.
Lots of jokes, and invariably very good ones at that.
"People made jokes about it all the time," Corry said.
I remember thinking there were a lot of boobs jokes.
Or they could just surrender and enjoy the butt jokes.
He knew what year it was and started cracking jokes.
"As one does," the model jokes while flipping her hair.
You were telling really funny jokes, but you were bombing.
"I definitely owe them a drink for that," she jokes.
Its the impact these jokes had on others that matters.
Everyone brought the jokes on April Fools day in 2017.
Everyone appreciates a person that can crack a few jokes.
The jokes were mostly banal: How come anybody uses voicemail?
So I'd say there's about 500 jokes in the show.
Clinton's made similar jokes about aliens on the campaign trail.
" It was, he jokes, "the best moment of my life!
Internet jokes are good and we want them to continue. 
O.J. Simpson jokes — but one didn't really land with attendees.
Also true to form: Bell cried, while Shepard cracked jokes.
"Within minutes of meeting we were cracking jokes," says Brobbey.
Jokes and criticisms immediately flooded Twitter when the trailer hit.
Wonder if Siri knows any more Game of Thrones jokes?
I think those jokes got to a lot of people.
Yes. Does the film appear to have easy, tasteless jokes?
"There's a fine line between neurosis and perfectionism," Pettit jokes.
"Now Jacinta and I have it to ourselves," jokes Jonathan.
All jokes aside tonight's episode will certainly feature some surprises.
Reject nonsense, inside jokes, or anything submitted in capital letters.
Rob Kardashian wants everyone to know that he's got jokes.
I also find myself repeating jokes more and more often.
Best for: simple, fast GIFs for everyday jokes and burns.
The sequel doesn't just deliver on bigger fights and jokes.
The helicopter "makes confetti of $100 bills", jokes Mr Kamstra.
Franken even wrote a book titled The Truth (with jokes).
She has jokes that involve illness and funerals and rape.
Teigen's got #jokes, pretty masterful ones, if you ask us.
Last night's Golden Globes saw a lot of attempted jokes.
He jokes with an associate who clearly finds him intimidating.
"I'll be waiting, under the floor" she jokes to him.
It went something like this: A few jokes, anecdotes. Reprimands.
Wheeler's appearance prompted numerous "he's running" jokes from the interwebs.
Don't make jokes about nobody wanting to be the winner!
Finally, I looked at searches for jokes during traumatic events.
I mentioned that it would criminalize even jokes about santet.
TV comedies love callbacks, running jokes, and hidden Easter eggs.
People get so upset and fearful of jokes like this.
I was not there for jokes or amusing personal stories.
Jokes became a real tool to move his agenda forward.
But, in all "jokes" there is an element of truth.
That's when Pepper decided to fake his own elaborate jokes.
It is not O.K. to make jokes about rape victims.
Even then, Reagan called in to make a few jokes.
At another point, he said that feminists can't take jokes.
It said some jokes weren't appropriate for someone my age.
Trump was the target of several jokes at the Emmys.
But the show is richly funny without jokes or setups.
The jokes were subtler, and they had a different tone.
We were cracking jokes and climbing at our own pace.
Also, its ethnic stereotyping and its rape jokes give pause.
She has a sarcastic streak, and some jokes sound defensive.
Would kids even like performers holding microphones telling jokes onstage?
One thing Lum was good at was telling dirty jokes.
A shattering apocalyptic vision, with a lot of filthy jokes.
It's an opportunity for unfiltered truths, delivered as palatable jokes.
Jokes make the truth go down easier, if you will.
In one, she jokes about Hurricane Sandy delaying her flight.
"I knew it when we compared hairy forearms!" jokes Macfarlane.
Jews are, understandably, sensitive to statements and jokes like these.
His jokes have been insensitive, unfunny, and unoriginal all night.
Not since Futurama have we had such excellent binary jokes.
And, yes, some of those jokes were very sick burns.
Because this is Twitter, there were obviously plenty of jokes.
I think he was finally undone by the sophomoric jokes.
Contact us with scoops, tips, comments, jokes about the Cavs.
What signifies is that tunes abound, as do musical jokes.
Since the point was to write solid jokes, minimize charm.
And one of those jokes isn't sitting right with Glazer.
The notion has spawned both criticism and jokes from Ugandans.
"We Westerners have a hard time with language," Richardson jokes.
He was constantly telling jokes, but he was very charismatic.
Just imagine how many Dirty Dancing jokes that has inspired.
Drake, meanwhile, knows exactly how to pull off viral jokes.
My wife jokes it's the 5th member of our family.
Jokes and provocations aside, Stratcom has amplified factual errors before.
If it sounds like Bono was making jokes ... he wasn't.
Play Undertale first, or you won't get the dog jokes.
"I was definitely too gay to wrestle competitively," Castañeda jokes.
Its spectacles are absurd, but it doesn't telegraph the jokes.
Okay, now hit me with another one of your jokes.
The jokes try too hard, and the theme feels obligatory.
"Jokes is the actually the wrong idea," he tells me.
I have played Joel though, and he's just terrible. Jokes.
My friends make jokes about my size, and that's fine.
Plates and walnuts and cracker jokes got to enjoy Christmas.
Is it ethical to steal jokes from anywhere without attribution?
Can jokes ever be decontextualized from their potential political impact?
Sport has its jokes, but Powell takes laughing very seriously.
She jokes that she forgets how old she is sometimes.
But still Colbert's jokes appear to be in good fun.
It reduces it to violence, poop jokes, and mafioso cliches.
So that's what makes The BFG's fart jokes so weird.
It could greet you, play games, and even make jokes.
In fact, many of the jokes are exactly the same.
Most related to newspaper cartoons, memes, political sketches, and jokes.
Honestly, we don't have jokes to make about this one.
I just think jokes can be made without offending people.
Killer jokes and bombs landed to the same scattered laughs.
There were alcoholic beverages, jokes and a game of charades.
Jokes about women's appearances were routine, the former employees said.
Think Martha Stewart of the macabre — with puppets and jokes.
And here I am, trading jokes with him by email.
"Those jokes still hold up, and they're genius," she said.
Correct. How many "Red Red Wine" jokes did Twitter make?
Unsurprisingly, this led to quite a barrage of Twitter jokes.
When she retells her story without the jokes, it's bracing.
The jokes were cheap and relied on stupid, offensive stereotypes.
Teachers wear animal costumes and draw signs that make jokes.
Dad jokes are also the training wheels for cringe comedy.
But like all jokes, it has its roots somewhere real.
Chappelle seems to know that the jokes are potentially offensive.
But "it's hard not to write these jokes," he says.
But as memes and jokes flowed, the follower count soared.
Across the internet, the introvert jokes are coming on strong.
Some people on Twitter noted the irony and made jokes.
She would laugh at their jokes and refill their coffees.
And her boyfriend, Max, a scruffy director, was cracking jokes.
Jokes abound in the cellblock when someone coughs or sneezes.
Audiences responded, especially after the team began doing topical jokes.
Fragments of news, gossip, rumors, jokes, bewilderment, on and on.
It's official: Jimmy Fallon's family don't find his jokes funny.
And so they're not just disposable jokes that are zeitgeisty.
So it's fun to see the jokes that I missed.
They were people onstage being themselves — moving, making jokes, screaming.
So roughhouse, crack jokes, watch sports, climb trees, build campfires.
Then again: How are your same 10 jokes still funny?
She jokes comfortably with her husband, Ben, about leaving him.
If it's just more jokes then, yes, do speak up.
In other words, jokes about climate change can be funny.
Thankfully, his jokes here are rare, but they're pretty dark.
As usual, he greeted us with laughter and dirty jokes.
Rape culture is rape memes and jokes on social media.
"You just made jokes in that hospital," she scolds him.
"He sort of makes jokes like that," Mr. Rohrabacher said.
When the news went viral, people started tweeting out jokes.
So how do we take down Trump without gay jokes?
South Park jokes often very pointedly come at someone's expense.
" Turning to Beau, Barris said, "What jokes did you like?
It is often veiled in memes, allusions and insider jokes.
Jenna jokes that I'm a hoarder because I save everything.
If I was white, people wouldn't be making terrorist jokes.
And then I started to turn the jokes on them.
"I was probably wrong to make the jokes," Bloomberg said.
"We're telling jokes and remembering old times," Mr. McAliney said.
My mom jokes that it's the garden of the unwanted.
"Hers is the feminine version, mine the masculine," Almodóvar jokes.
But these are radically different jokes telegraphing entirely different perspectives.
Make sure people don't make jokes out of trans people.
This is the kid who was making all the jokes.
"No wonder that boy ran off to London," Cookie jokes.
Bergoglio talks to gardeners, watches soccer and tells corny jokes.
In the land of Lubitsch, jokes are slipped in subtly.
Moira tries to soften the story with jokes and nonchalance.
All jokes aside, this is worse than a bad idea.
Given recent headlines, some of the jokes practically write themselves.
Jokes, it turn out, are not always a laughing matter.
Tasmanians have heard all the tired jokes from mainland Australians.
"I sort of stole it from Native Americans," he jokes.
Jokes can help an audience hear difficult things more clearly.
Despite all the jokes, it wasn't a wholly good experience.
Most of the jokes referenced pop culture moments and icons.
In that way, most comedians' love lives are, well, jokes.
"It's the riddle of the Spinks," he jokes to Marina.
It's a clever joke for people who love dumb jokes.
Poetry, like jokes, often builds itself out of logic games.
He had also previously apologized for these jokes in 2012.
Above, partygoers inscribe jokes on one another in permanent marker.
And the borscht belt comics did jokes about being Jewish.
But do not expect jokes about running in her routines.
Everyone talks about them and there's lots of drone jokes.
Every page is thicketed with jokes, riffs, theories of language.
I think about half the jokes were over my head.
It wasn't long before memes and jokes appeared on Twitter.
" Auke (44) "I make a lot of jokes with customers.
He had fewer edits to make, fewer jokes to crack.
Things like "Blood & Oil" and "Wicked City" were bad jokes.
How many of them are gimmicks — like Alexa's dumb jokes?
"All that brine has kept me pickled, too," he jokes.
Perhaps, but racist jokes often come out of racists' mouths.
No one made any jokes at his expense at all.
People make good Juicero jokes, but it's actually pretty cool.
Neither of these jokes were necessarily the hosts' best work.
"I'm way more lazy than I am woke," he jokes.
His jokes made the world more dangerous for queer people.
The test is not whether Clinton can tell more jokes.
I spend all day every day writing jokes on Twitter.
You take the jokes out, it's still a good sportscast.
He became interested in jokes when, in 1899, he gave the manuscript of his book, The Interpretation of Dreams, to his friend, Wilhelm Fliess, who complained that the dreams were too full of jokes.
"This is a tough spot for a comedian because it's so hard to make jokes about sexual assault, but it's so easy to make jokes about a guy that looks like this," he said.
But I've always made jokes about the president — we've only had [former president Barack] Obama but I made thousands of jokes — I remember having him on the show and saying, 'Sorry, that's my job.
In a way, Schumer's pussy jokes were dick jokes, aimed at the men (real or internalized) who try to hold women back, or keep women out, by telling them that their collective pussy stinks.
"A lot of times people write me jokes, and I'd go, 'I like these jokes — hire that person,'" he tells CNBC Make It. Leno was never interested in hiring people because of their connections.
In addition to some concerns about the tastefulness of making jokes about the virus, there have also been concerns that some of the jokes about the virus have played into racist tropes against Asian people.
In a world where the need for jokes from diverse perspectives is far outpacing late night's ability to produce them, "Jokes Seth Can't Tell" gives us a vision of what after-midnight comedy could be.
Ben Affleck's Batman cracks jokes — multiple jokes — in its short three-minute runtime, indicating that (finally!) we might be getting a DC movie with moments of levity rather than another 120 minutes of pure gloom.
Planting false information, taking advantage of our willingness to believe the worst, diverting our focus with left-field wordplay, investing everyday details with ominous import, making sick jokes that may not be jokes at all.
While we make a lot of jokes, these jokes attributed to me, whether said in rehearsals or production meetings, are being taken out of context and were not said in the way being presented here.
"Kail is happily falling back in love with herself," Hayter jokes.
" He jokes, "I was like, 'Is anyone keeping this butt plug?
All jokes aside, Crowe says he does feel responsible for her.
Now she's the butt of a great many jokes on Facebook.
In another, Perry's dad jokes that Bloom is the Thanksgiving turkey.
The president's style is to make jokes to lighten the mood.
"This is his space, just this little corner," Bushnell, 26, jokes.
All jokes aside, the two are getting along great, she said.
Nobody wants to hear "What's the deal with cheese?" jokes anymore.
Jokes were made, eyes were rolled and astrological signs were debated.
"Yeah, they say, 'Oh, that's our real mother,' " the actress jokes.
The administration's "Infrastructure Week" theme also became the butt of jokes.
It has jokes, some of which are even kind of funny.
"My family laughs at all of my boyfriend's jokes," she wrote.
Others are just tweeting jokes about it, but that's useful too.
How will it interpret jokes, puns and other figures of speech?
The jokes were part of a meme using the hashtag #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown.
Also I don't do stunts and jokes for you like that.
" Jokes Christina, "We're in baby boot camp and children boot camp.
When the prime time speaking engagements began, so did the jokes.
I will miss our inside jokes, us serenading at the piano.
And, you know, the jokes about the new 280 character limit.
There are not that many ways to make jokes on Twitter.
"This is an old technique; it's used for jokes," Weaver says.
There are more terrifying ghosts, more jokes and more Chris Hemsworth.
For Twitter, these types of situations are a time for jokes.
When I get onstage, I do plenty of jokes and talk.
A new year means new emoji... to make dick jokes with.
There's no inside jokes about the games or anything like that.
So join us for commentary, analysis and maybe even some jokes.
People speculates that she's responding to jokes made about him online.
Trump read the jokes like he was reading an eye chart.
It's about time Stone gets to tell her own damn jokes.
"The Lyrids are terrible — they're not the big show," Block jokes.
Bird Box is also a great target for jokes and memes.
"I once gave my wife a beautiful Christmas present," he jokes.
Hijinks, boob jokes, and Priyanka Chopra (in a mysterious role) ensue.
And here's him, looking like he tells dad jokes 24/7.
Maybe now he can stop making pregnancy jokes at Guthrie's expense?
" She jokes, "Anne Hathaway is definitely not a Jeff Sessions fan.
"Nobody should feel pressure to go overboard with mermaids!" he jokes.
"Which is important, because I appreciate my potty time," Stephanie jokes.
He was always smiling, happy, telling jokes and waving to people.
When people were making jokes about u at a rough time.
A despicable stream of Nazi-themed jokes have ensued on Reddit.
Kim Kardashian gets the brunt -- the brunt of so many jokes.
He jokes that he let me win, but I'm not convinced.
As the title would suggest, it's full of Seattle in-jokes.
But all penis jokes aside, would Vinny actually go there — again?
" Rodgers, 27, jokes, "She doesn't want it to be too hot!
"I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable in inappropriate times," Garrett said.
Acknowledging the logical inconsistencies of these images, Bonner's captions crack jokes.
Finally, women can drive, and you know certain jokes about it.
But there were also plenty of Desperate Housewives jokes about Huffman.
GQ just debuted a "comedy" cover with some jokes in it.
She knows what she's doing when she makes these jokes. Now.
Check out some of our favorite Yeezy slide Twitter jokes below.
The emphasis wasn't on jokes, but also telling a larger story.
I know, there were a lot of good nipple jokes today.
There's no need to dumb them down with knock-knock jokes.
Their jokes lack the sharp snap and wicked curve of old.
"Maybe not freaking out at Céline, that's probably it," Hudgens jokes.
Do they get the jokes and the playfulness of the work?
We tried to make as many sex jokes as we could.
"), along with terrible jokes ("Why did the chicken cross the playground?
In fact, we're sick of those sorts of stories and jokes.
He gave warning in advance that there would be no jokes.
The only thing harder than cracking jokes may be translating them.
Another time, Pao overheard straight-up racist jokes at the firm.
The meeting was promptly adjourned with brave jokes about the weather.
"It's easier to feed a clown than an animal," jokes one.
"I don't think you can Venmo 50 grand, dude," he jokes.
It would look, he jokes, a bit like a bacterial disco.
From dad bods to dad jokes, fatherhood is a beautiful thing.
And here she is on SNL, cracking jokes about that possibility.
"She cries at a Hallmark commercial," jokes her husband, Don Kalanick.
" He jokes, "We were allowed to talk after that, I guess.
In 1929, white supremacists were not often the subjects of jokes.
"We've talked about other stuff and teamed up to make jokes."
"I don't like my jokes," she says in her distinctive monotone.
"When God came to Australia, he started playing jokes," he said.
That's about all Elijah jokes about when it comes to basketball.
But the jokes aren't showing any signs of relenting anytime soon.
Suddenly all those South Florida/North Cuba jokes made more sense.
Freud asks what it is that makes us laugh at jokes.
Is it the content or the way that jokes are constructed?
"I've become the butt of many jokes," she told the outlet.
His tweet is actually the most contemporary of jokes: the troll.
But those jokes could feel opportunistic without a good central hub.
Those Trump jokes in the monologues don't write themselves, you know.
"She is riding the dial!" he jokes in the couple's confessional.
And the Goose Game jokes just kept getting funnier and funnier.
He dressed up as Han Solo and made jokes about kegs!
To wit: Don't make pussy jokes in front of Sheryl Sandberg.
"My only advice is to get some sleep now," Colbert jokes.
"I thought after Manchester you wouldn't ask me back," he jokes.
The film never makes jokes at the expense of Mickey's weight.
As fans know, Reynolds is usually the one making the jokes.
One even came up with dick pic jokes of their own.
"Hopefully I'm still going to have a job tomorrow," he jokes.
Jokes aside, Baldwin admitted he gets emotional thinking about his wife.
"All the models that come here get weighed in," Goldstein jokes.
Oh, a couple of my jokes made it into the pilot.
Instead, he answers the guy's phone and makes a couple jokes.
That's why it did take a village to write these jokes.
He liked unsettling jokes, telling them in his best dark voice.
Everything was on the table — jokes, sincerity, admiration, you name it.
Back in 2012, 30 Rock also made similar jokes about Weinstein.
Twitter is aflame with reporters tweeting quotes and idiots telling jokes.
"It might be his favorite show of all time," she jokes.
I've written out the jokes, but it's like writing a song.
Namely, Alba isn't prey to jokes about her weight or age.
He laughs and jokes we shouldn't have bought it — too dangerous.
Of course Hart's jokes can't be taken literally as serious opinions.
"My mother has a womance now with Amy Schumer," Anderson jokes.
LG: Kara is getting so mad at my dad jokes [laughs].
"She laughs at her own jokes, much like myself," she explains.
"He's just a nose picker — just like his daddy!" jokes Tori.
Do you share inside jokes with someone who isn't your partner?
And, of course, made even making more jokes on Hunter's name.
We just didn't want to make jokes about someone's physical appearance.
A few jokes were cracked about how short their flight was.
It's like Sausage Party with cruder animations but less crude jokes.
Eventually, boos began emerging as Trump dropped the jokes almost entirely.
Former writer-producers also pitched jokes for the script, Mullally said.
"We have three seasons full of Kevin Spacey jokes," Klausner continued.
" Jokes Pauly, "The name of this movie is called I Cheated.
Speaking of, why do you think none of your jokes landed?
The problem is that I don't get many of the jokes.
He couldn't participate in the conversation without knowing the in-jokes.
And there might be three too many self-aware Marvel jokes.
I spent a few minutes with her talking and telling jokes.
Plenty of sarcasm, jokes and a few NSFW answers, of course.
It has good jokes, good characters, and a surprising melancholy streak.
I did sit down with a stack of cheesy jokes though.
And they will enjoy the inside jokes scattered throughout the game.
She thinks about the jokes and the hugs and the kisses.
We shared dinners and cracked jokes— anything to lighten the mood.
"Mom enough, enough," Leo jokes, flashing onlookers that classic Leo smile.
I'm not too worried about any jokes going over anyone's head.
Like I do, Robert enjoys the rhythms and musicality of jokes.
Siri remains the butt of innumerable jokes about AI's lacking sophistication.
"Yes, I was a squatter in my own home," he jokes.
Do you wish you could speak entirely in sly inside jokes?
Apatow notably jokes about the comedian Bill Cosby in his standup.
"The more sugar, the less alcohol you can taste," jokes Valladolid.
"I'm like, 'You're 4, you have two memories,' " jokes the star.
For Donahoe, the most successful memes are more than just jokes.
"It was a secret weapon," Suns head coach Igor Kokoškov jokes.
This time with a mix of dad jokes and meta-references.
Avril Lavigne is sick and tired of all the Nickelback jokes.
First you write it and then you had the jokes later.
Siri and Cortana already tell jokes and contain endearing Easter eggs.
So maybe you should be celebrating your dad's worst dad jokes.
Sasse has made cracking jokes about Nickelback his own personal brand.
Memes being memes, these seemed initially like weird, off-color jokes.
Instead, call a friend who loves to crack jokes with you.
The teenager made a few lighthearted jokes before delivering his message.
And we laughed at them, because we knew they were jokes.
But no one was making jokes like that two weeks ago.
CLAYTON: What's the inside jokes, what's the last meme she sent?
"I don't know, I've had a couple run-ins," she jokes.
Whenever I pitch jokes, I usually improv the dialogue in character.
Meanwhile, Fallon has been cracking jokes alongside a number of celebrities.
His most popular jokes took aim at the nation's military leaders.
He jokes about how his music tackles worry over the phone.
"I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable in inappropriate times," he said.
Their cute nicknames, their pet voices, their awful inside jokes, etc.
Instead, he kicked off his keynote with a series of jokes.
"That would be great," jokes Lochhead, "but maybe not just yet!" 
The news was met with jokes on social media and television.
He was constantly asking it to play music and tell jokes.
And these "rape jokes" aren't like the ones you've heard before.
The show could do with a few jokes here and there.
She never demanded comedians or "SNL" stop telling jokes about her.
If there's anyone that's got jokes, it's the Reynold-Lively family.
There are no jokes for this picture of Drake's Best Face.
The jokes just don't seem as funny the second time around.
Ellen DeGeneres isn't afraid to make jokes at her own expense.
All "69" jokes aside, it's not cool to steal public property.
There are monsters in our midst, and they come bearing jokes.
Lends a slightly dark edge to the jokes... but, oh well.
Mainly racist jokes and comments like 'muh misogyny' or 'inb4 feminazis.
The comment immediately led to Russian dressing jokes on Twitter. 3.
Lulz, *insert hand grenade jokes*, but it's been a whole year.
Russian foreign minister jokes about Comey in Washington: 'Was he fired?'
"It was kind of epic, I'm not gonna lie," she jokes.
Their jokes also play a vital role in not normalizing Trump.
Trump was booed by attendees after sharp-edged jokes about Clinton.
But beneath her jokes and flirtations lurked  a very serious reality.
Still, that didn't stop folks from making jokes about the situation.
Jokes aside, a third installment of Legally Blonde could really happen.
Eric jokes that Alex was his first -- and now last -- kiss.
It's very good for slogans and jokes, and for trivial matters.
"Now you know where bees get their buzz from," Macaulay jokes.
We can't help but make jokes to hide our true feelings.
Amazon: We're lowering Whole Foods prices No more whole paycheck jokes!
But it's okay, Stylers, the jokes were all in good fun.
Your tears were called for, and my bad jokes were not.
"I look like a baked potato in a fire," he jokes.
Bickham told a series of jokes that he attributed to Baker.
And Hitler is frequently the butt of jokes on Family Guy.
"Yes, [it's a] small country, running a tad behind," he jokes.
"I used to make a lot of offensive jokes," Gunn wrote.
I was happy that it's not just jokes all the time.
Haddish has jokes about Rachel Dolezal, "ratchet poses," and credit scores.
She even cracked some jokes and made personal, even humble remarks.
He also makes some good — and sometimes not so good — jokes.
However, our conversation isn't all sex, drugs, and smart-ass jokes.
"It's a foolproof way to make moist turkey," my mom jokes.
"It's the equivalent of a snake swallowing an elephant," he jokes.
It's one of the oldest jokes in Washington, and it's true.
HONOLULU Jokes are tricky, as our old friend Freud pointed out.
Shortly after the bombing, searches for "jokes" dropped nearly 123 percent.
The remainder of jokes — 18 percent — directly deal with taboo subjects.
Searches for jokes on uncomfortable topics are also lowest on Mondays.
"We hope people actually do get their GFs tampons," Dauterman jokes.
That's us, personified—us sitting in a room cracking mom jokes.
My jokes have improved, but that's really where it all started.
On Twitter, the news led to jokes and angry comments. Wait.
Warning: Laughing at men's dumb jokes opens many doors for you.
And it goes way beyond not laughing at his dad jokes.
President Donald Trump has a gift for telling deadly serious jokes.
Not all picture books need jokes to win over a child.
"I mean to be fair these are actually jokes," they wrote.
In some scenes, entire jokes are cropped out of the frame.
John KennedyJohn Neely KennedyMORE (La.), also made jokes during the lunch.
When he laughed at all my jokes, the connection was sealed.
"I don't like jokes like that," he said to the mayor.
But why would you tell inappropriate jokes in the first place?
"She really was the worst singer we've ever had," he jokes.
We told her we're contest winners and she jokes, 'You're kidding.
"It truly didn't work out quite as I imagined," she jokes.
"Any teams out there: I'll definitely remember the words!" she jokes.
"We were doing a lot of one-line jokes," Schrager said.
Who knew kids could come up with funnier jokes than adults?
"@NFL all jokes aside please lets make that happen," Mars tweeted.
She jokes, a little nervously, that she should steal the money.
There were jokes, laughing about stuff, that's stuff we all need.
So for #InternationalJokeDay, I decided to tell a few turtle jokes.
The public responded with a modicum of awe and some jokes.
TL;DR: Worth a watch, if only for the internet jokes.
Some of the book's most powerful moments are undercut with jokes.
In true internet fashion, the memes and the jokes soon followed:
So many Appalachian Trail jokes to be had about Mark Sanford.
We don't like corpses or a cappella music or fart jokes.
But Kimmel wasn't the only one cracking jokes during the game.
I learned to just get up there and own my jokes.
"He would make jokes about wanting to kill somebody," Edwards recalled.
Jokes aside, the actress got serious, calling Sprouse her "smartest" friend.
White comedians cannot make black people the butt of their jokes.
But neither should he be solely the butt of jokes either.
" Jokes aside, he went on to add that,"Enough is enough.
EISENBERG Yeah, there's two jokes that never get a laugh here.
This is fair, because Hill is excellent at delivering coitus jokes.
"You could do 18 holes in about 20 minutes," he jokes.
When the president isn't there, jokes about the president sound different.
As the night went on, his jokes often turned very dark.
So yes, the company came ready for your exploding phone jokes.
Great (And Totally Unfair) Expectations Sarah spends her dates cracking jokes.
There are lots of explanations for why the jokes are similar.
Smutty jokes, about Devin Nunes's head up Trump's butt, felt cheap.
That's right, folks: 213 jokes will never be the same again.
As CNN's Greg Krieg wrote in October 2016: He certainly jokes.
" Another vendor jokes, of Cecil, that "we're looking for his brother.
No one in our group is laughing or making jokes anymore.
"We're a bit like a boyband," Xavier jokes, breaking the ice.
I was making jokes, and suddenly everyone wants to get me.
All jokes aside, the concept behind the hosiery is pretty fascinating.
We would advise Baldwin to pay closer attention to dad jokes.
Turns out, Gwyneth loves dick jokes just as much as Tucker.
She jokes about sharing beauty masks with her husband, Justin Theroux.
KS: All jokes aside, Arianna's trying to get Travis to meditate.
Obama did crack jokes about other players ... typical dad humor stuff.
Is audience laughter as much of a performance as telling jokes?
She jokes that she's particularly "brave" in her hips and thighs.
That's probably why she jokes about it any chance she gets.
But Resident Evil 7 lets us find the jokes for ourselves.
Look down, and it's an endless abyss of six-second jokes.
Jokes are an execution—but the speech needs to be ideas.
We can use a bunch of phone jokes that we have.
All I tweet is either bad jokes or information security news.
We were really trying jokes out, and it was still raw.
Anyway, the song is Kanye making a bunch of Kanye jokes.
The showrunners wrote an announcement that they're "phasing out" gay jokes.
" Lane jokes, "I think it's because we're both loud and obnoxious.
And I often get disgusting jokes, which can be pretty disturbing.
The dad jokes never bothered me because they were always harmless.
Pudding is used to teach kids vocabulary, geography, jokes and more.
Relentlessly optimistic, she jokes that she's excited about breast reconstruction surgery.
For decades, the city had been the butt of bad jokes.
As fart jokes go, the ones in The BFG aren't bad.
Barrett, for instance, made jokes about homophobia and people with disabilities.
Being Bob's friend meant being the victim of endless practical jokes.
All jokes aside, the pair eventually get serious about the cause.
"They must think he has a ton of employees," he jokes.
Eddie and Eddie's jokes were what the audience was responding to.
It's like a lively scene with great jokes but no direction.
Has the internet made people quicker to take offense at jokes?
But above all, it turns out, Twitter is perfect for jokes.
Hundreds of jokes are scrolling through my Twitter feed every hour.
Indeed, rather than run from the jokes, Mr. Richie joins them.
Like the jokes on the file cards, the bill was typed.
Others use the inherent functionality of the CW to make jokes.
Jokes aside, it is difficult to overstate the importance of zoning.
Wesley jokes that not listening to Cezin wasn't really an option.
Even the jokes don't try too hard to make you laugh.
His jokes settled into a new and far more piercing rhythm.
I'll follow you home and I'll shout jokes through your letterbox.
"People are making a lot of jokes about it," she said.
Case in point: Men have been making rape jokes for years.
Whereas you do feel the need to explain jokes to strangers.
You hear a candidate make the same jokes over and over.
Not all the memes are unholy marriages between two different jokes.
Fans immediately begin Photoshopping the lineup poster with their hilarious jokes.
Same goes for "jokes" about armed revolt or assassinating Hillary Clinton.
Just... y'know... with lots of jokes and surreal flights of fancy.
Ansari's strength has never been in the originality of his jokes.
"He often jokes about killing drug dealers," one official reportedly said.
"Writing jokes is hard," she said, commenting on talk show polemics.
So, too, were "Ghostbusters" references, "Transformers" jokes and mentions of superpowers.
I'm not condoning Kevin Hart's old jokes, and he isn't either.
There's the jokes about the blood boys and things like that.
You know all the jokes about that book approaching nonfiction now.
Chris has said he's writing a new script, featuring #OscarsSoWhite jokes.
"No one should make jokes about the dignity of black people."
Bloom might not realize it, but she doesn't actually like jokes.
Their ads have often been lighthearted, though some jokes have misfired.
Of course, I make jokes about Antiques Roadshow, but it's popular.
"The puns and illuminati jokes have been pretty funny," Hoshi said.
Criminally — for such a savagely funny writer — the jokes don't land.
I've heard some of the jokes, and they're not that bad.
You have in jokes that only the both of you get.
He also writes jokes for famous people who aren't ordinarily funny.
Ineffably silly animal jokes remain one of the show's chief pleasures.
The jokes are dated, the behavior tasteless and the setups tired.
Google is canceling its legendary April Fools' Day jokes this year.
At that point we were telling jokes again, talking about it.
Other comics made jokes about her weight, and she did, too.
Racist violence, segregation and voter suppression are not shared historical jokes.
Hasn't he been making jokes about her on "Saturday Night Live"?
"Or I'll go back to '98 for Google Hangout," he jokes.
They're friends sharing jokes and families staying in touch across cities.
Lebanese social media satirists delivered a flurry of memes and jokes.
We drank two glasses of bourbon apiece and made ribald jokes.
His favorite gig, he jokes, was his first: Marine grunt. video
Regina jokes that President Trump has blocked her on the site.
He claims on at least 2 occasions, Steve jacked his jokes.
They egg one another on, and laugh at each other's jokes.
Others joined the chorus on 4chan, interspersing jokes with purported confirmations.
Are there any examples of jokes you weren't able to translate?
They had two certain jokes that they wanted me to do.
The jokes roll until the play takes a sharp dystopian turn.
The scenes keep spilling over and out, mostly via butt jokes.
"My oldest child LOVES Aviation Gin, but he's 42," she jokes.
What wins me over with him is definitely the dad jokes.
Sometimes her jokes make me groan, but in a good way.
Viewers need to be bilingual themselves to get all the jokes.
The jokes run the gamut from purely silly to downright bleak.
"We're like Burning Man boot camp for the disabled," Moore jokes.
It wasn't long before Twitter was filled with Kushner standing jokes.
People I know try to lighten things up and make jokes.
Like most lawyer jokes, it works because it's (sort of) true.
Jokes about the possible fallout of Soleimani's death were instantly everywhere.
The hosts traded jokes about their lives, careers and current events.
"People make jokes about topics that they should not," she said.
Kjellberg maintains they were off-color jokes that went too far.
"I said, 'what the hell is a tiny house,'" jokes Stout.
It was just a couple thousand people just making crass jokes.
But "Dead Darlings" is not all jokes at a writer's expense.
All across Twitter, people reacted to Pence's Facebook Live with jokes.
But the costumes weren't the only running jokes of the pitch.
"I don't remember what they were," he said of those jokes.
I would take my really pitiful jokes to school and fail.
Mulaney jokes about boomer dads and Roman senators stabbing Julius Caesar.
Che: Man, I don't want to make jokes about this coronavirus.
The jokes, the politics, and the denigration of Texas and Houston.
Justin has also cracked sex jokes about Hailey on Instagram before.
They will grow in sophistication, learning to communicate and make jokes.
" He said at the time they were just "Borscht belt jokes.
And don't complain about my repeated jokes about me being hot.
"I'm just trying to 'build content', as they say," she jokes.
He jokes that he was born Jewish but will die Italian.
Writers then commonly tweak jokes and dialogue as filming takes place.
Why has "infrastructure week" become a punch line for political jokes?
Cue the flat jokes, deep ocean dive and awfully long haul.
The jokes Sun tweets are sometimes absurd, sometimes clever, often both.
Sun began responding to their jokes, and then writing his own.
An unsettled Britain needs something more substantial than jokes about beer.
That continued to prompt a flurry of jokes on social media.
It is why relentless attacks and jokes about him will fail.
He's surprisingly reserved and — while often funny — doesn't really crack jokes.
"He … tries to tell jokes that are funny," Emma Kasich said.
He liked to play practical jokes on those close to him.
There were racist and sexist jokes, and some comics seemed drunk.
And yes, people are already making "banana stand" jokes about it.
Tune in to see Kaling stress-crack a few jokes, Sen.
Examples include toxic gossip, jokes and sarcasm at their victim's expense.
Mr. Watts also tells jokes, but they aren't exactly traditional, either.
"I gave up on that a long time ago," Flutie jokes.
But this one especially seemed to bring out the jokes online.
Hart had stepped down after refusing to apologize for homophobic jokes.
"I have jokes written down in my notes app," she said.
Making jokes about that Ed Sheeran appearance on Game of Thrones.
I don't mention armbands, portraits of Himmler and unspeakable racist jokes.
In other words, they laugh at all the same inside jokes.
You know the old rub: Sometime the jokes just write themselves.
His symptoms had become the butt of jokes with his friends.
However, Kanye was all jokes and the wedding guests loved it.
So far, he's scoring big points ("Saturday Night Live" jokes aside).
The jokes flowed until Menegate suddenly shot his buddy a look.
The jokes flowed until Menegate suddenly shot his buddy a look.
We screen our jokes, our laughter, our emotions and our baggage.
Either way the world is old and the jokes are ancient.
Others were forced to tell jokes as they were being assaulted.
In July, you told some crossword puzzle jokes for T Magazine.
His campaign relies on giant statements, pointed jokes, and conspiratorial winking.
They sang a little, told jokes, and danced in several styles.
We even saw a UFC clip in which you tell jokes.
Twitter users have been celebrating with cow-themed items and jokes.
Here's an idea, Congress -- maybe leave the jokes to actual comedians.
And that shift toward jokes and composite images has been global.
Emperor Palpatine jokes aside, your iPhone can't handle that much juice.
"I went from being a slut to a whore," she jokes.
I laugh at my own jokes, even with the terrible ones.
You make funny faces and crack jokes about each other's genitalia.
Drunk men think they're hilarious when they make Star Wars jokes.
I like playing with all of that and adding subtle jokes.
"Oh God, I'm going to miss Ted Cruz jokes," Wilmore added.

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