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8 Sentences With "jingoists"

How to use jingoists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "jingoists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "jingoists". Mastering all the usages of "jingoists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I shudder to think what rash and foolish chest-thumping actions the jingoists on the Republican stage would have taken had any of them been president during this minor blip of an incident.
Instead of the resolute act of vengeance deep behind enemy lines described by Indian jingoists, it appears that small teams of Indian commandos had slipped across the line to strike at safe houses believed to be used by Islamist guerrillas.
Instead, their exclusion has given Russians the sense of being outcasts and victims — which, in turn, has given credence to embittered jingoists like President Vladimir Putin, who see all the disasters that have befallen the country over the past generation as an American plot to reduce and isolate it.
Not the traditional self-image of certain American and British jingoists who like to think of the United States as the City on the Hill or Britain as the sceptered isle splendidly aloof from the wicked Continent, but another kind of Anglo-American exception: the one shaped by World War II. The defeat of Germany and Japan resulted in a grand alliance, led by the United States, in the West and Asia.
Although the words "vatnik" and "vata" are widely used by Ukrainians and people sympathizing with them to offend Russians, they are sometimes used by Russians themselves. .Обамка, Путлер и укроп. Вышиватник против ватника – "Obamka, Putler and ukrop. Vyshyvatnik against vatnik" (Russian article, comparing opinions of Russian and Ukrainian jingoists) "Vyshyvatnik" is a similar term used as prejorative against jingoistic Ukrainian patriots and can likewise be used by both Ukrainians to criticize the foolhardy nationalism of their compatriots and by outsiders.
Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 110. In 1954 the Department of Defense made it the official tribute to the President.Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 109-110. The 1969 hit anti-Vietnam war single Fortunate Son by rock group Creedence Clearwater Revival specifically named Hail to the Chief when referring to patriots and jingoists.
Many jingoists believed the United States needed to fight for the Cuban rebels and pressured the Grant Administration to take action.Schwartz (October 1998), 1873 One Hundred And Twenty-five Years Ago A privately owned ship, the Virginius, was used to run guns, ammunition, and vital supplies to the Cuban rebels. The captain of the Virginius was Joseph Fry, former officer of the Confederate and Federal Navies. On October 31, 1873, the Virginius was run down in neutral waters by the Spanish warship, the Tornado, off of Morant Bay, Jamaica.
The influence of the war party with the British government was limited. Lord Salisbury, the Prime Minister, despised jingoism and jingoists. He also distrusted the abilities of the British Army. Yet he led Britain into war because he believed the British government had an obligation to British South Africans; because he thought that the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, and the Cape Boers aspired to a Dutch South Africa (the achievement of such a state would damage British imperial prestige); and because of the Boers treatment of black South Africans (Salisbury had referred to the London Convention of 1884, after the British defeat, as an agreement 'really in the interest of slavery').

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