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"jaywalking" Definitions
  1. the act of walking along or across a street illegally or without paying attention to the traffic

194 Sentences With "jaywalking"

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Caption: Depoorter in front of his "Jaywalking" installation's three screens.
China has unleashed its latest weapon against jaywalking — dancing aunties.
Jaywalking is practically encouraged in New York City, I say.
"He is going to be impeached for jaywalking," Caputo said.
"If you're jaywalking, there's probable cause," Justice Sonia Sotomayor said.
Instead, a Black man gets beaten, tased, and choked over jaywalking.
According to the South China Morning Post, devices like the jaywalking facial recognition system will be part of this network to keep track of the number of jaywalking violations and change a person's social credit score accordingly.
As in "Jaywalking," they become an active participant in the surveillance act.
Along with Officer Verino Ruggiero, Hickman questions Rush over the alleged jaywalking.
The city agreed to change some laws, including repealing a jaywalking ordinance.
Blatantly jaywalking to catch one is not only permissible, but practically expected.
Eliminating jaywalking and similar offenses won't lead to anarchy on American roads.
Second, "jaywalking" is not a crime in Florida; it's a noncriminal infraction.
It sounds a lot like the invention of jaywalking in the early 1900s.
Warring between mayors and governors is as natural in New York as jaywalking.
They unblock crosswalks and intersections, deter jaywalking and even help to lessen honking.
To compare the two would be like comparing jaywalking to robbing a bank.
African-Americans are disproportionately arrested for jaywalking and other small-scale offenses nationwide.
The woman appears to be jaywalking as she is not in a crosswalk.
Manafort's case wasn't jaywalking, but it wasn't a drug trafficking case either, Zehnle said.
In San Francisco, they're looking at phones while they're jaywalking with babies in tow.
In the video, the officer accuses Cain of jaywalking and orders him to stop.
"It was like jaywalking," Mr. Taha said of the practice of creating fraudulent accounts.
In the video, the officer accused Cain of jaywalking and ordered him to stop.
Blocking the sidewalk, jaywalking, fare evasion, and even loitering can lower your social credit score.
Jaywalking seemed inadvisable — no one else was doing it, so I wasn't about to, either.
Officers later arrested him for the jaywalking violation and obstruction, according to the police report.
Something as simple as jaywalking can have different ramifications for him compared with his peers.
" But around 1997 or '98, he said, "You could get locked up for stupid shit—jaywalking.
Seeing all of the colors in their strands, strolling, jogging, or jaywalking, the order soothed Margery.
In 2012, a New Jersey town banned texting while walking, giving violators an $85 jaywalking ticket.
"The system design did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians," one of the documents said.
In many cities, people of color are disproportionately arrested for jaywalking, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Ms. Ouyang, the woman ticketed for jaywalking, knew the dangers, but took her complaints public anyway.
It won't actually include the real-time, three-screen jaywalking feed that he's displayed in past shows.
Throw in some jaywalking pedestrians, rule-bending cyclists, and, the most erratic variable of all—other drivers.
Jaywalking is a trivial crime, one that virtually every person has committed multiple times in their life.
The greatest benefit, however, would be to over-policed communities who bear the brunt of jaywalking enforcement.
The term "jaywalking" was coined for the crime of crossing a street where you felt like it.
"The system design did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians," the NTSB's Vehicle Automation Report reads.
Martin Clemons, 28, said he and other black friends had been frisked for jaywalking across the Strip.
Italo Calvino tried it and, caught jaywalking and lacking a passport, was hassled by a humorless cop.
But if pedestrians know they'll never be run over, jaywalking could explode, grinding traffic to a halt.
But if pedestrians know they'll never be run over, jaywalking could explode, grinding traffic to a halt.
Bolen tells Shipman he was jaywalking, and then threatens to arrest him and slap him with a fine.
The price of each print is the fine for jaywalking in the place where the photo was taken.
I don&apost like it when you can get hit for jaywalking or for running a red light.
The 32-year-old was detained on suspicion of jaywalking and potential possession of drugs, Lorain police said.
If you cross the street in Shanghai and get caught jaywalking by a surveillance camera, it goes down.
Sacramento's black residents are five times more likely to receive a jaywalking citation than their non-black neighbors.
The New York Police Department last year issued most of its jaywalking tickets to Latinos and African-Americans.
Apprehending refugees from the Northern Triangle is like arresting someone for jaywalking while she's fleeing a burning building.
The new technology can apparently land you in trouble for anything from jaywalking to traffic violations and far more.
They waited for him to buy beer and then confronted him about the jaywalking, an offence in that state.
And besides, the honking vehicles, jaywalking pedestrians and idling trucks are enough to drive anyone to call a cab.
Singapore, after all, famously banned the import of chewing gum, and levies fines for everything from littering to jaywalking.
I heard it jaywalking once, and actually stopped in the middle of the street, about to faint with disbelief.
Officer Ruggiero then accuses Mr. Rush of jaywalking, and Mr. Rush says that he is trying to go home.
Late last year, a young black man was punched by a county police officer repeatedly during a jaywalking stop.
Jaywalking is sometimes the easiest way to cross a road without sidewalks or where the crosswalk is far away.
Leovy writes that police often harass black people for petty crimes — such as drugs, jaywalking, traffic rules, and loitering.
Nobody is ever prosecuted for that, but if they can find anybody for jaywalking, that&aposs what Mueller would do.
The consequent frustration increased the amount of jaywalking, says Zaher Massaad, formerly a senior traffic engineer for the Lebanese government.
And then you go to New York City, maybe San Francisco, and you see people jaywalking with babies in tow.
Violators would face fines of up to $50, 15 days imprisonment or both, which is the same penalty as jaywalking.
Lawmakers will investigate why black and Latino people in New York City are issued a disproportionate number of jaywalking tickets.
Body camera footage of the incident allegedly shows Hickman chasing Johnnie Jermaine Rush, then 85033, for suspected jaywalking last August.
As he puts it, a simple jaywalking ticket would've been enough for Brinkley to lock him up ... under the law.
In big U.S. cities like Boston and New York, jaywalking is so commonplace that police officers rarely enforce laws against it.
" In response to Republican criticisms that his bill protected criminals, Biden claimed that "we do everything but hang people for jaywalking.
Not that you shouldn't already think twice before jaywalking, but now, you have yet another reason to wait for your light.
On August 9, Wilson was leaving from a previous call when he stopped Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, for jaywalking.
Members of the other — people like me — worry about leaving our hands in our pockets after jaywalking on a cold night.
The footage provides greater insight into the August 2017 arrest of Johnnie Jermaine Rush, the man Asheville police arrested for jaywalking.
Sacramento police issued more than 200 tickets for jaywalking last year in the neighborhoods of North Sacramento and Del Paso Heights.
But the cameras didn't catch Mingzhu jaywalking—they identified a photo of her in a bus ad, South China Morning Post reported.
The new installments come fully equipped with a number of methods meant to deter walkers from committing the unforgivable crime of jaywalking.
Cincinnati police are in the spotlight after a viral video showed a black man being arrested on a city street for jaywalking.
It was a day in March when two Gwinnett County police officers approached the man, John Efford, and cited him for jaywalking.
The text message to offenders will include a warning as well as information about the fine for violating the city's jaywalking rules.
As a country, we have taken a lax approach to immigration enforcement for years, much as we do with jaywalking or speeding.
And what about pedestrians who are jaywalking—should the car crash to avoid them, even though the pedestrians are breaking the law?
The officer, who is white, confronted Nandi Cain Jr., after he had allegedly been jaywalking, a violation in the state of California.
As a colleague remarked, apprehending refugees from the Northern Triangle is like arresting someone for jaywalking while she's fleeing a burning building.
And it's like, how far do you want to take that and once it becomes ... You know, you get deducted for ... Jaywalking.
Still, Bolen issued him a $136 ticket for failing to provide ID, as well as a citation and a $62 fine for jaywalking.
So you can make the severity off the charts — you can do a life sentence for jaywalking — it's not going to stop it.
This demonstration of surveillance-turned-art, titled "Jaywalking," presents the sort of uncomfortably easy privacy invasion that Dries Depoorter has made his trademark.
This week, one facial recognition camera publicly shamed a famous business woman for jaywalking after its systems caught her face crossing an intersection.
Barriers have been installed to stop jaywalking, so pedestrians are often forced to log extra miles just to zig-zag across the street.
Offenses that could impact social credit ratings include failing to pay a fine, jaywalking, loitering, or even not picking up after your dog.
A 29-year-old black man in Georgia was walking to a job interview when local cops tased him three times for jaywalking.
You gotta see the funny part of this though -- Nia escaping a jaywalking ticket, only to get nailed by the parking meter man.
Caption: Belgian artist Dries Depoorter's "Jaywalking" installation automatically catches jaywalkers in webcam footage and gives users the choice to report them to the police.
Mckesson's group, Campaign Zero, has called for an end to the practice of policing offenses such as open alcohol containers, trespassing, jaywalking, and loitering.
Instead, they'd start calling things "suspicious" that they would never have cared about back when crime was high, like jaywalking or loitering at night.
A bonafide capital-G fang-toothed Guitar Solo prowled through the end of the set, a Steadman sketch of Thin Lizzy jaywalking Abbey Road.
Federal investigators discovered that Ferguson police issued 95 percent of jaywalking citations to black residents, who only make up two-thirds of the community.
Uber's autonomous car couldn't detect pedestrians outside crosswalks when it hit and killed a person jaywalking a bicycle across a road in Tempe, Ariz.
If somebody is convicted of speeding or jaywalking, or maybe even on drunk driving, that might not be considered serious enough to justify impeachment.
Aimed to prevent jaywalking, the 3D artwork of a zebra crossing the road was painted on top of an actual pedestrian crossing on Sunday.
Even the local judge was in on it, imposing penalties of $302 for jaywalking and $531 for allowing weeds to grow in one's yard.
In another, a man alleged that an officer twice squeezed his genitals during a frisk last year that followed a street stop for jaywalking.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Bean was allegedly jaywalking in Venice Friday night when he was clipped by one vehicle and then struck by another.
With only two choices, do you hit a large group of homeless people obeying traffic laws or a small child jaywalking against the traffic light?
Rush's arrest highlights the problem with jaywalking laws, which are enforced disproportionately against black Americans, and bolsters the case for reforming or eliminating them entirely.
" Another time, she said, he pulled her across the street, and when she said jaywalking was against the law, he responded, "I am the law.
It's like comparing yourself to a political prisoner when you get arrested for jaywalking Damore intends to sue Google for the way he was fired.
The exact protocol is being guarded, but examples of "punishment-worthy" infractions include jaywalking, smoking in non-smoking areas and even buying too many video games.
Pedestrian shaming has long been a way for cities to prioritize cars over people, from the invention of jaywalking to blaming walkers for their smartphone use.
Seattle police handed out 28 percent of jaywalking citations from 2010 to 2016 to black pedestrians, who only make up 7 percent of the city's population.
Though media coverage soon focused on his alleged role in a convenience store robbery, Ferguson police said that Officer Darren Wilson initially stopped him for jaywalking.
I wrote on Monday about how Rush's case fits a larger pattern of police officers disproportionately using jaywalking laws against black pedestrians, sometimes with tragic results.
Every law-enforcement officer has some leeway in choosing which laws to enforce, which is why it's rare to get a ticket for jaywalking, for example.
Walk this wayThe rise of self-driving cars could eventually make jaywalking legal since the cars would (theoretically) slow down for a person crossing the street.
Jaywalking is one example of these regional differences: In Japan, only 7% of people cross the street against a red light, as opposed to 67% in France.
A white North Carolina cop who beat, choked, and used a Taser on a black man he suspected of jaywalking has resigned and will face assault charges.
Breaking them, no matter how insignificant we believe it to be, is not akin to double parking, spitting on the sidewalk or getting a ticket for jaywalking.
A self-driving Uber vehicle hit and killed a woman who could not recognize that she was jaywalking, according to new National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) documents.
Uber is implicated in the deaths of drivers in Brazil, suicides of taxi and app-based drivers in New York City, and a pedestrian jaywalking in Arizona.
They bark and lord over a scuffle or jaywalking because they are used to hauling the dead back to life and fishing names out of their mouths.
The video shows Hickman and an officer in training stopping Johnnie Jermaine Rush, then 32, for allegedly jaywalking in the early morning hours of August 25, 2017.
To cross, employees had to walk to either end of the block or risk a jaywalking ticket because there was no crosswalk connecting the alleyway and the cafeteria.
But this just seems to me -- Laura, it&aposs like the equivalent of saying, I did the assault, but I&aposm going to fight you over the jaywalking.
This means that a traffic stop for speeding or even a jaywalking citation can become an opportunity for local police to ask Texas residents for proof of citizenship.
Even if an officer observes two persons jaywalking that officer can exercise his discretion to stop only one; nothing in the Constitution requires him to stop the other.
Body-cam footage released earlier this month showed Hickman tasering and beating Johnnie Rush, a 33-year-old black man who was stopped for allegedly jaywalking last August.
In the nine videos released Monday, former officer Christopher Hickman can be heard admonishing Johnnie Rush for jaywalking before a remark by Rush appears to set him off.
Most people, however, would rather spare pedestrians over passengers, as well as lawful people over jaywalkers—except in poorer countries, where drivers are generally more tolerant of jaywalking.
The day before, a version who took a few questions from reporters in Poland seemed to regard the whole matter as the sort of moral equivalent of jaywalking.
The bottom line: Miami's streets can be hectic and confusing, between random lane jogs, construction detours and occasional flash floods not to mention jaywalking tourists and wrong-way bicyclists.
An investigation by The Sacramento Bee later found that the city's black residents are five times more likely to be cited for jaywalking than other members of the community.
Machines can recognize your face so accurately that the Chinese government can punish you for jaywalking in Beijing, using street cameras, and you will never encounter a police officer.
Whenever a crime bill was considered in Congress, I used to joke with my colleagues that any minute, a Republican would offer an amendment proposing the death penalty for jaywalking.
I am not frightened of the Chinese dystopia, or the coming Googlocracy; it is those hordes jaywalking with their faces buried in their phones that scare the data outta me.
What Hickman's video showed Hickman's body camera video begins as he and his partner stop Rush, then 32, for allegedly jaywalking in the early morning hours of August 25, 2017.
It is black and brown people who are more likely to have their days interrupted, and lives turned upside down, by encounters with police over things like jaywalking and driving.
Video footage released by the Asheville, North Carolina, police department on Monday shows an officer repeatedly punching, choking, and using a stun gun on a man after accusing him of jaywalking.
Officer Hickman and an officer he was training had accused Mr. Rush of jaywalking and trespassing while he walked home from his job at a Cracker Barrel restaurant late at night.
That report found a "pattern and practice" of city officials repeatedly targeting black people with tickets for small infractions like jaywalking, and then ratcheting up the fees for partial payment or nonpayment.
A former Asheville, N.C., police officer punched and choked an unarmed black man accused of jaywalking before using a stun gun on him, videos released Monday by the Asheville Police Department reveal.
The NTSB previously disclosed that the Uber vehicle had significant software flaws, noting the software failed to properly identify Herzberg as a pedestrian and did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians.
Q. What are the legal obligations of a driver who encounters a jaywalking pedestrian abruptly stepping into a moving lane of traffic in mid-block, far from an intersection, crosswalk or traffic light?
A police officer in North Carolina resigned and is facing assault charges after body camera footage reportedly revealed him beating and choking an African-American man before tasering him over suspicions of jaywalking.
Those problems seem like jaywalking violations compared with the blatant failure of U.S.A. Gymnastics to protect its young gymnasts from a serial predator like Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, the longtime national team doctor.
The agreement demanded that the municipal court be independent of the Police Department, and called for the repeal of some laws, like a vague jaywalking ordinance that was used almost exclusively against black residents.
" The two-week jail sentence for jaywalking, the statement said, "must have had the effect of discouraging him and others from participating in protest rallies or more generally from engaging actively in opposition politics.
The government can supposedly analyze footage from hundreds of millions of facial-recognition-equipped surveillance cameras in real time, and then dock you points for misbehavior like jaywalking or playing too many video games.
A result is that any offense — including minor ones like loitering, jaywalking or smoking marijuana — can lead to an arrest, which in turn drives up arrest rate statistics, leading to even greater police vigilance.
But it was not impossible: Last week, maintaining a brisk pace and jaywalking, a reporter went from one location, a dollar store, to the other, a liquor store, in five minutes and 48 seconds.
Mistakenly flagging someone for jaywalking because a machine mistook a moving bus ad for an actual three-dimensional human isn't itself that dangerous, but shame billboards are hardly the only facial recognition systems proliferating China.
Instead, he's taking a softer approach, selling framed prints of jaywalkers whom his webcam monitoring software has detected—each one priced at the cost of a jaywalking fine in the place where it was taken.
" Don Gathers, a local activist and member of the city's new Police Civilian Review Board, told the Daily Progress: "When was the last time you heard people being thrown into a paddy wagon for jaywalking?
He bragged that one Democrat-backed crime bill in 1992 did "everything but hang people for jaywalking"; two years later he would be a principal author of the 1994 crime bill that exacerbated mass incarceration.
Documents released earlier this week suggest that the company's cars were not programmed to react to people jaywalking, and its cars were involved in three dozen crashes prior to the one that caused the fatality.
Last week, a Florida cop stopped a 21-year-old black man for jaywalking, threatened to arrest him, and issued him a $130 ticket for failing to have his license on him, the Miami Herald reports.
In the Chinese city of Xiangyang, police covered busy intersections with face recognition-enabled surveillance cameras and put anyone breaking the rules — speeding or jaywalking — up on a big screen with names and government ID numbers.
In the United States, systemic racism is real and omnipresent, but it works through voter suppression and local private prisons, jaywalking fines and asset forfeiture, housing covenants and employment discrimination and a million other diffused tactics.
In the 10 months to February this year, as many as 13,930 jaywalking offenders were recorded and displayed on the LED screen at one busy intersection in Futian district, the Shenzhen traffic police announced last month.
BRUSSELS — For the first time, a Belgian criminal court has convicted a man of "sexism in the public space," for verbally abusing a female police officer who tried to question him after he was seen jaywalking.
Traffic along the Tamiami Trail had become such a problem that in February, campus police launched a pedestrian safety initiative, which included issuing fines for disobeying traffic signals and jaywalking, among other things, FIU News reported.
MOSCOW — The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday in favor of a Russian man who was detained during a political rally in Moscow in 2012 and later sentenced to two weeks in jail for jaywalking.
Facial recognition technology identifies the individual from a database and displays a photo of the jaywalking offence, the family name of the offender and part of their government identification number on large LED screens above the pavement.
"So you can make the severity off the charts — you can do a life sentence for jaywalking — it's not going to stop it" This is something that even some former supporters of harsh punishments for drugs now acknowledge.
Supporters have said immigrants who do not break the law have nothing to fear, while critics contend it allows police to detain people for up to 48 hours for immigration checks, even for minor infractions such as jaywalking.
Ms. Gupta, who oversaw that investigation, has often cited Ferguson as a cautionary tale in her speeches, describing how fines for minor offenses like jaywalking pulled people into the criminal justice system and made it impossible to escape.
In western North Carolina, assault charges were announced this month against a former police officer, Christopher Hickman, who was captured on body-camera video hitting and using a Taser on a black man suspected last summer of jaywalking.
Its autonomous vehicles were not programmed to react to people who were jaywalking, and the company had been involved in over three dozen crashes prior to the one that killed 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg in March 2018.
Danes today tend to think of Swedes as uptight metrosexuals; Swedes see their neighbors across the Oresund as jaywalking, pot-smoking anarchists; and both agree that Norwegians are dull, backwoods hicks with an annoying amount of oil wealth.
And these kinds of incidents, in which a stop over a minor offense like jaywalking can escalate into officers beating someone, are a major reason that police have lost so much trust and legitimacy within the black community.
The officers are then seen following Rush in their patrol car, where Ruggiero notes that he's still jaywalking, before getting out of the car and telling Rush he broke the law four times, each time he crossed the road.
But it might just be true, if it includes all the students and retirees who will help patrol city streets during the meetings, whether to stop people from littering and jaywalking or simply to give visitors a smiling welcome.
Rice had worked on the "Tonight Show," where one of his responsibilities had been producing the "Jaywalking" segment, in which Jay Leno approached people on the street and embarrassed them with simple general-knowledge questions that they couldn't answer.
The City of Asheville released body camera footage Monday of the violent arrest of Johnnie Rush, a black man who was tased, beaten and put into a chokehold by a police officer on suspicion of jaywalking in August 2017.
He likened the CFPB's actions to a policeman who told a pedestrian that it was legal to cross the street at a certain place before handing that pedestrian a $1,000 ticket for jaywalking when he arrived at the other side.
People who text and walk, for example, are nearly four times as likely to engage in at least one dangerous action, like jaywalking or not looking both ways, and take 18 percent more time to cross a street than undistracted pedestrians.
Canty, who alleges that he's been harassed by police in each of the six states he's lived in, faces charges including jaywalking, trespassing, threats and intimidation, and disorderly conduct in the US. He denies being guilty of any of them.
In that sense they are a little like globetrotting business travellers: it is not unknown for British road warriors, for example, to get nabbed for jaywalking in America and profess to being nonplussed that pedestrians cannot just cross a road wherever they please.
Federal authorities are investigating body camera footage from August that shows two white police officers Tasering and beating a black man whom they accused of jaywalking in Asheville, N.C. The footage, obtained by The Citizen Times, has created an uproar in town.
The safety of Uber's self-driving car program is under intense scrutiny since Elaine Herzberg, 49, was killed last week after an Uber Volvo XC90 SUV operating in autonomous mode struck and killed her while she was jaywalking with her bicycle in Tempe, Arizona.
In an article I wrote about the harms of jaywalking laws last week, I highlighted the case of Nandi Cain Jr., a black man beaten last year by a Sacramento police officer who had stopped him for crossing a street outside of a crosswalk.
In another example this week, a Sacramento police officer, who is white, threw a black man to the ground after stopping him on suspicion of jaywalking, then pinned him there before striking him in the face at least a dozen times, a video showed.
But in experiments like "Seattle Crime Cams" and "Jaywalking," which use real-world data, he admits that he does want to warn his audience about what's possible, and to hint how such perfectly legal and public forms of privacy violation won't always be limited to art.
The track is laced with fun house–style triggers that pop up along the way (including one of a jaywalking pedestrian), which help Uber assess the car's onboard sensors and train vehicle operators to take over the car's autonomy mode when its algorithms don't react quickly enough.
Bloomberg continued and expanded Giuliani's policies, not just through the greater use of stop and frisk but by emphasizing misdemeanor arrests, citing people for low-level offenses like jaywalking and open containers, and deploying more cops in schools, leading to more arrests particularly among students of color.
This latest incident, as well as concerns around Uber's treatment of its drivers and a new NTSB report that found the company's self-driving system design did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians, begs the question of whether the culture has indeed changed for the better?
For example, in the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson, better training may have pushed former police officer Darren Wilson to not stop Brown for a petty crime like jaywalking — and, as a result, avoid the escalating circumstances that led Wilson to shoot Brown to death.
Semyonov says authorities are using "a big database" to exclude people accused of taking part in football-related disorder — including Shprygin, whose ID was canceled two hours before a Confederations Cup game — but also some with convictions dating back 20 years for minor offenses like jaywalking or public drunkenness.
The 64-year-old boss of Gree, the world's biggest maker of air-conditioners, is everywhere: in television ads, on billboards and, last year, in two places at once—jaywalking in the city of Ningbo while at Gree's headquarters in Zhuhai (police cameras mistakenly captured her visage plastered on a bus).
AI Mistakes Bus-Side Ad for Famous CEO, Charges Her With Jaywalking I'm sorry but this is the best story about artificial intelligence and facial recognition of all time: A facial recognition system in the city of Ningbo caught Dong Mingzhu, the chair of appliance-making giant Gree Electric, running a red light.
" One candidate who might have staked a different position was the only Democrat not to show up for an interview: Joseph R. Biden Jr. As the co-author of a strict criminal-justice law in the 1990s, Mr. Biden once joked that he had "made it a death penalty offense for everything but jaywalking.
Read more: White cop to face charges for beating suspected jaywalker: "You're going to get fucked up hardcore" The City of Asheville released body camera footage Monday of the violent arrest of Johnnie Rush, a black man who was tased, beaten and put into a chokehold by a police officer on suspicion of jaywalking in August 2017.
Despite earlier rain and the kind of suffocating heat that would drive a '30s noir heroine to shoot her cheating husband in a tenement apartment, people crammed into the makeshift front row and craned their necks and phones into the runway, flipping their heads to see the next look with the kind of vigilance usually reserved for jaywalking at a chaotic Manhattan intersection.
In a June viral video, a young black man named Devonte Shipman captured his interaction with police officers in Jacksonville, Florida, as they dealt him two tickets with hefty fines: one for jaywalking, and another for walking without an ID. (Which, to be clear, is not an actual law for pedestrians.) It raised the question: How often does this happen?

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