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4 Sentences With "interestedness"

How to use interestedness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "interestedness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "interestedness". Mastering all the usages of "interestedness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It won't do to simply insist on a utopia governed by altruistic philosopher kings, the proper functioning of which would require a refashioning of human nature to erase normal self-interestedness.
On January 1, 1835, the final piece of this campaign was published in the Novascotian, a letter signed "The People".Beck (1974), 31. This letter accused the magistrates of "reprehensible irresponsibility, incompetence, and self-interestedness in the conduct of their responsibilities."Campbell, 80.
Sexual underperception in males is also observed, in cases where men report low levels of their own sexual interest. A person's own level of attraction, rather than their gender, may lead to over or under-perception. The exact mechanism for this is unclear but it is suggested that individuals may project their own level of sexual and commitment interestedness on to their interaction partner, whether they are in a relationship with them or they were strangers before the interaction.
In Love, Technology and Theology, Midson points out that Vacek argues: "those who do not recognize their own self-interestedness are usually involved in broad and profound self-deception." Wong observes of Vacek 1) that God shows preference for Israel in the Old Testament and that thus God's love is preferential. Vacek goes on to say that God's retribution towards to them (again in the OT) is because He is undeceived by them. Preferential love is thus a natural consequence of God's freedom to do what He wants with His creation.

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