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"indurated" Definitions
  1. having become firm or hard

92 Sentences With "indurated"

How to use indurated in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "indurated" and check conjugation/comparative form for "indurated". Mastering all the usages of "indurated" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If we believe Phillips' Jerk Theory, he didn't ripen so much as he indurated.
"Is it indurated?" she asks her daughter, showing her a lump on the back of her neck.
The sale's top lot, an Egyptian indurated limestone figure of the scribe Nekht-ankh from the late 12th/13th dynasty, circa 1800–1700 BCE, sold for £1,13,000 (~$2 million).
The sandstone has been indurated, and has assumed a texture approaching to hornstone near the junction.
In 1886, Jesse Peterson, along with Henry G. Cordley, and Charles E. Folger, started the United Indurated Fibre Company. By 1893 the company was incorporated under New Jersey laws, with the factory and general office in Lockport. About 300 hands are employed in the manufacture of household articles from the indurated fibre, the basis of which is wood pulp. In addition to the United Indurated Fibre Company, Jesse Peterson was the President of the Buffalo Warehouse & Distributing Company, Owner of the Cascade Pulp Mills, Director and Vice President of the Lockport Water & Electric CompanyAmerican Electrical Directory.
The corn's center is not soft however, but indurated. The specific diagnostic workup and treatments for corns may differ substantially from other forms of calluses.
Blatt and Tracy (1996), p. 217 The term is today often used to describe indurated marine deposits and lacustrine (lake) sediments which more accurately should be named 'marlstone'. Marlstone is an indurated (resists crumbling or powdering) rock of about the same composition as marl, more correctly called an earthy or impure argillaceous limestone. It has a blocky subconchoidal fracture, and is less fissile than shale.
Hard corns occur on dry, flat surfaces of skin. Soft corns (frequently found between adjacent toes) stay moist, keeping the surrounding skin soft. The corn's center is not soft, however, but indurated.
Also striking are the thousands of human footprints left in the semi-indurated ash by the population fleeing into the Apennines. The remains suggest that Italics were present in Campania since at least the Middle Bronze Age.
After irreversible hardening, it is no longer considered plinthite but is called ironstone. Indurated ironstone materials can be broken or shattered with a spade but cannot be dispersed if one shakes them in water with a dispersing agent.
According to Hansen et al. 2015, powerful storms and changes in sea level rise can explain chevrons, as the study elaborates: The lightly indurated ooid sand ridges are several kilometers long (Bahamas) and appear to have originated from the action of long-period waves from a northeasterly Atlantic source. The chevron ridges contain bands of beach fenestrae, formed by air bubbles trapped in fine ooid sand inundated by water and quickly indurated. The internal sedimentary structures including the beach fenestrae and scour structures (Tormey, 2015) show that the chevrons were rapidly emplaced by water rather than wind (Hearty et al., 1998).
Eosinophilic ulcer of the oral mucosa (also known as traumatic eosinophilic granuloma) is a condition characterized by an ulcer with an indurated and elevated border. The lesion might be tender, fast-growing and the patient often not be aware of any trauma in the area.
Surface is red, looking like hot red coal. The surrounding area is indurated. Later, skin on the centre of the carbuncle softens and peripheral satellite vesicles appear, which rupture discharging pus and give rise to cribriform appearance. As the impending infection develops, itching may occur.
Methotrexate-induced papular eruption appears in patients being treated with methotrexate, such as those with rheumatic disease, presenting with erythematous indurated papules, usually located on the proximal extremities.James, William; Berger, Timothy; Elston, Dirk (2005). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. (10th ed.). Saunders.
9 The third princess on the statue, whose name is destroyed is sometimes tentatively identified as Iset, but Amenhotep may have had as many as sixteen daughters, not all of whom are known to us.An Indurated Limestone Head of Princess Nebetah, reign of Amenhotep III, 1390-1353 B.C.
Small tree 4–5 m. A monoecious species. Leaves opposite to subopposite, petitolate, glabrous, petioles 7–20 mm by 1–2 mm, lamina subcoriaceous, elliptic, 45–105 mm by 15–40 mm, the apex shortly acute to shortly accuminate, the tip indurated, the base acutely cuneate, slightly decurrent. New growth glabrous.
Callous ulcer is a chronic nonhealing ulcer with hard indurated base and inelastic margins. It usually contains unhealthy pale granulation tissue. It may last for months to years and does not show any tendency to heal. These ulcers generally follows neurological problems like leprosy, peripheral nerve injury, or diabetic neuropathy.
Because the poorly indurated agglomerates are subject to rapid erosion the cone's structure has been heavily degraded. It is high with no recognizable crater and a base size of . Volcanic activity has generated lava flows that fill a valley. These flows cover a surface area of and reach a length of .
The skin may become so thickened that folds form, and bacterial infection of excessive sebaceous secretions (seborrhea) may occur, producing an offensive smell. Demodicosis in cattle can occur as dense localized infestations. These create pustular folliculitis and indurated plaques within the dermis. This diminishes the commercial value of the animal's hide.
Acta Carsologica 38 (1), pp. 41–50. A second theory states that they were formed through the preservation of tree casts buried in coastal aeolianites, where roots became groundwater conduits, resulting in the precipitation of indurated (hard) calcrete. Subsequent wind erosion of the aeolianite then exposed the calcrete pillars.Hearty, P.J., O’Leary, M.J., 2008.
This ignimbrite has a volume of approximately and is formed by a lower un-indurated and an upper indurated subunit. Tube pumices are contained in the lower subunit and in a less than Plinian deposit that was emplaced beneath the Toconao ignimbrite. The formation of the caldera coincided with the eruption of the Atana ignimbrite; the eruption was still underway when the terrain subsided to a depth of beneath the previous surface in the northwestern segment of La Pacana. Dates obtained on the Atana ignimbrite are between 3.8 ± 0.1 and 4.2 ± 0.1 million years ago, which is not clearly distinguishable from the dates of the Toconao ignimbrite seeing as there is no indication that a pause occurred between the eruption of the two ignimbrites.
Like fireclays, ganisters are found within Carboniferous and other sedimentary strata independent of coal beds. Thus, as in case of fireclays, not all ganisters are seatearths. Ganisters are indurated, fine-grained quartzose sandstones which can be used in the manufacture of silica brick. They are cemented with secondary silica and have a characteristic splintery fracture.
In cases where till has been indurated or lithified by subsequent burial into solid rock, it is known as the sedimentary rock tillite. Matching beds of ancient tillites on opposite sides of the south Atlantic Ocean provided early evidence for continental drift. The same tillites also provide some support to the Precambrian Snowball Earth glaciation event hypothesis.
Lupus pernio is a chronic raised indurated (hardened) lesion of the skin, often purplish in color. It is seen on the nose, ears, cheeks, lips, and forehead. It is pathognomonic of sarcoidosis. The name "lupus pernio" is a misnomer, as microscopically this disease shows granulomatous infiltration and does not have features of either lupus or pernio.
Episodic swelling during meal times – may present as an acute salivary gland swelling without visible salivary flow from ductal openings. While palpation of affected glad may reveal an indurated salivary gland and presence of a sialolith. 2\. Use of xerostomic medications – these medications will result in a decreased salivary flow rate which can predispose to infections of glands.
Leptophyllae, which Thiele defined as containing those species with "indurated and spinescent common bracts on the infructescence axes, and densely arachnose seedling stems." In accordance with their cladogram, their arrangement placed B. telmatiaea next to B. scabrella. Thiele and Ladiges' arrangement was not accepted by George, and was largely discarded by him in his 1999 arrangement. B. ser.
Exposures of hornfels on Goffle Hill are limited, but they occur readily in at least one location. Along the Hawthorne-North Haledon border a contact can be seen between adjacent sandstone and basalt. This contact reveals the presence of indurated red sandstone that has been baked into a grey hornfels by the heat of the First Watchung lava flow.
The church is constructed in indurated conglomerate and has tiled roofs. The porch is of timber on a brick plinth. Romanesque carved stones have been re-used in the walls of the present church. Its plan consists of a three-bay nave with a south aisle and a south porch, a chancel, and a bellcote at the west end.
In the chronic version, the patient may have painful point tenderness but may or may not have an irregular epididymis upon palpation, though palpation may reveal an indurated epididymis. A scrotal ultrasound may reveal problems with the epididymis, but such an ultrasound may also show nothing unusual. The majority of patients who present with chronic epididymitis have had symptoms for over five years.
The Bell Rock Range is a large ultramafic gabbro- peridotite intrusion in the Musgrave Block of Western Australia, near Warburton, south of the Wingellina community in the Ngaanyatjarra lands. It is composed of massive, heavily indurated intrusive rocks and forms a prominent long range of mountains and hills. The Bell Rock Range is also the site of an exploratory gold mine.
Demodecosis in cattle caused by Demodex bovis can occur as dense, localized infestations with inflammation of the epidermis in hair follicles. This leads to pustular folliculitis and indurated (thickened) plaques within the skin. On cattle, these localized foci of infestation can become so large as to be clearly visible externally. The value of the hides from cattle infested this way is reduced.
They are ferruginized, highly indurated and compacted. The concentration of Iron in these ironstone units is low, hence, cannot be extracted as ore. Some of the uses of ironstones include for slope stabilization and embankment filling. As coarse aggregate for mixing with mortar and water in order to form strong concrete mixtures, it is also used for erosion control especially in inclined terrain.
Sandstone lenses contain terrestrial fossils of plants, vertebrates, and footprints. The unit contains calcareous nodules of varying sizes as well as poorly indurated "conglomerate" with vertebrate fossils. In general the entire package is only weakly lithified, perhaps indicating that the region was not appreciably covered by a thick package of younger strata. Several correlated sandstone units crop out in the immediate region.
Layered sedimentary deposits are widespread on Mars. These deposits probably consist of both sedimentary rock and poorly indurated or unconsolidated sediments. Thick sedimentary deposits occur in the interior of several canyons in Valles Marineris, within large craters in Arabia and Meridiani Planum (see Henry Crater for example), and probably comprise much of the deposits in the northern lowlands (e.g., Vastitas Borealis Formation).
Kankar or kunkur is a sedimentological term derived from Hindi, occasionally applied in India and the United States to detrital or residual rolled, often nodular calcium carbonate formed in soils of semi-arid regions. It forms sheets across alluvial plains and can occur as discontinuous lines of nodular kankar or as indurated layers in stratigraphic profiles more commonly referred to as calcrete, hardpan or duricrust.
Some limestones have been modified by silicification and phosphatisation. Clinoptilolite, pyrite, radiolarian fossils and yellow glass shards are found in the ooze, and some volcanic rocks and manganese rocks are cemented by indurated ooze. Ferromanganese and phosphorite crusts coat rocks. These ferromanganese crusts consist of iron oxides and manganese oxides and are related to manganese nodules and might become targets for future mining efforts.
The heat of the newly deposited volcanic pile tends to cause the semi-molten material to flatten out and then become welded. Welded tuff textures are distinctive (termed eutaxitic), with flattened lapilli, fiamme, blocks and bombs forming oblate to discus-shaped forms within layers. These rocks are quite indurated and tough, as opposed to non-welded lapilli tuffs, which are unconsolidated and easily eroded.
The species of Betoideae are annuals, biennial or perennial herbs, vines (Hablitzia) or subshrubs. The flowers have 5 tepals (Aphanisma only 3) and 5 stamens (Aphanisma only one). The fruits of Betoideae are capsules that open with a circumscissile lid. In tribe Beteae, the perianth is basally indurated in fruit, and the stamens a basally inserted to a thickened bulge surrounding the visible part of the ovary.
Thermal inertia compares daytime and nighttime infrared data to determine how well a surface holds heat. Objects with high thermal inertia (hold more heat) are either highly indurated, very dense, or have a large particle size while low thermal inertia represents fine grain particles such as dust. Mawrth Vallis has a thermal inertia that indicates the size of surface particles range from dusty to larger rocks.
In Rameswaram Island, the fluvio-marine deposits include indurated sand and dune sands. Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary spot-billed pelican The Aeolian deposits comprise red sands which are in nature of ancient dunes and occur over a 3.2 km wide and 8 km long stretch and lie parallel to the sea coast. These are separated by marshy deposits of black clays. The sands are underlain by calcareous hardpan.
They consist of several layers of parenchymatous, thin-walled cells with some scattered lignified cells, but are never completely indurated. There are 1–2 stamens exserting the flower, 0.8–1.3 mm, and a conical ovary with two stigmas. The fruit wall (pericarp) is parenchymatous, thick and few-layered in the upper part and thinning in the lower part. The seed is reddish when unripe, becoming black.
Brachiopods and bryozoans in an Ordovician shelly limestone, southern Minnesota Image of Shelly limestone from Suzac France Shelly limestone is a highly fossiliferous limestone, composed of a number of fossilized organisms such as brachiopods, bryozoans, crinoids, sponges, corals and mollusks. It varies in color, texture and hardness. Coquina is a poorly indurated form of shelly limestone. Shelly limestone is a sedimentary rock because it is made up of fragments.
As with most of New Zealand, the basement rocks of the Auckland Region are composed of greywacke (indurated sandstone, siltstone and mudstone). Murihiku Terrane Greywacke lies beneath the Auckland Region on the western side, and outcrops south of the Waikato River. The Murihiku Terrane is considered to be an accretionary wedge of mainly volcanogenic forearc sediments. It was formed in Late Triassic to Late Jurassic times (220-145 Ma).
Franciscan radiolarian chert in San Francisco, California Radiolarian chert outcrop near Cambria, California. Individual beds range from about 2 to 5 cm thick Radiolarite (Jurassic) from the Alps. Radiolarite is a siliceous, comparatively hard, fine-grained, chert-like, and homogeneous sedimentary rock that is composed predominantly of the microscopic remains of radiolarians. This term is also used for indurated radiolarian oozes and sometimes as a synonym of radiolarian earth.
In males, the disease may take the form of whitish patches on the foreskin and its narrowing (preputial stenosis), forming an "indurated ring", which can make retraction more difficult or impossible (phimosis). In addition there can be lesions, white patches or reddening on the glans. In contrast to women, anal involvement is less frequent. Meatal stenosis, making it more difficult or even impossible to urinate, may also occur.
The siliciclastics are quartz and vary in color from white to light olive gray. They are unconsolidated to poorly indurated (hard), slightly clayey sands with minor phosphate to light gray to bluish gray, poorly consolidated, variably silty clay (Dogtown Member). The siliciclastics are sporadically fossiliferous and often contain oyster shells as found in the Seaboard Air Line Railroad site. The carbonate sediments contain phosphate and are white to light olive gray.
The fossils in the formation underlying the Everglades, which does not include any ooids, consists primarily of a single bryozoan species, Schizoporella floridana. The Miami Limestone was deposited during the Sangamon interglacial, when southern Florida was under a shallow sea. Falling sea levels during the Wisconsin glaciation exposed the formation to air and rain, and rainwater percolating through the deposits replaced aragonite with calcite and formed an indurated rock.
The first skin changes in calciphylaxis lesions are mottling of the skin and induration in a livedo reticularis pattern. As tissue thrombosis and infarction occurs, a black, leathery eschar in an ulcer with adherent black slough are found. Surrounding the ulcers is usually a plate-like area of indurated skin. These lesions are always extremely painful and most often occur on the lower extremities, abdomen, buttocks, and penis.
Another study, proposes that the linear dunes have become crusty (indurated), and thus resistant to changing form with changing wind directions. The study also proposes that the bimodal wind direction changed with time to unidirectional, which would produce barchan-type dunes, while the preexisting indurated linear dunes, due to their hardening, would remain in place. This theory is plausible, although it cannot be easily verified, because the time profile of the wind patterns for Hyperboreae Undae would need to be recovered. Hyperboreae Undae barchanoid and linear dunes from NASA's Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) A third study combines images taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter with the deployment of the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) to obtain local coordinates of the topography shown in the HiRISE images, and then maps the HiRISE image data into a computer simulation which registers the spatial computer model of the local topography of Hyperboreae Undae in the vicinity of Boreum Cavus.
When uncovered, it appears dark green to gray- green, argillaceous, with well sorted fine- to medium-grained sand and locally indurated shell beds. It occurs between 0 and 100 feet thick. Quartz and phosphatic pebbles and/or very coarse glauconitic quartz sand mark the base of the unit. A few hard streaks of shells or thin "rock" layers are often reported but appear to be more abundant in the sections south of the James River.
It is composed of sands of light gray to light olive gray color which not of great hardness and contains phosphate. The sand is fine to coarse grained with scattered gravel and with minor occurrences of fossils. Clay is yellowish gray to olive gray in color, poorly consolidated and variably sandy containing phosphate. Dolomite is in thin beds of yellowish gray to light orange, poorly to well indurated, sandy, clayey and containing phosphate grains.
The technological and typological aspects of these artifacts suggest an early phase of the Palaeolithic and have been observed in stratigraphic context in lenses of coarse sands indurated with iron oxide adhering to bedrock. An OSL date of the Final Middle Pleistocene, around 180,000 years, was obtained for the deposits overlying these formations, forming a terminus ante quem for this lithic industry. Its technical characteristics, however, suggest an age of at least 500,000 years ago.
This clade became the basis for a new subseries Leptophyllae, which Thiele defined as containing species with "indurated and spinescent common bracts on the infructescence axes", and seedling stems which were densely arachnose (covered in fine hair). Thiele and Ladiges' arrangement was not accepted by George, and was largely discarded by him in his 1999 arrangement. B. ser. Abietinae was restored to George's 1981 circumscription, and all of Thiele and Ladiges' subseries were abandoned.
The potion had been provided by Medea, King Aeetes' own daughter, who had fallen in love with Jason. The Khalkotauroi were a gift to King Aeetes from the Greek gods' blacksmith, Hephaestus. > He Hephaistos had also made for him Aeetes king of Kolkhis Bulls with feet > of bronze the Khalkotauroi and bronze mouths from which the breath came out > in flame, blazing and terrible. And he had forged a plough of indurated > steel, all in one piece.
B. subser. Leptophyllae was formally defined as containing those taxa with "indurated and spinescent common bracts on the infructescence axes, and densely arachnose seedling stems." The epithet Leptophyllae is taken from the specific epithet of the type species, B. leptophylla (slender-leaved banksia), from the Greek leptos ("fine, slender") and phyllon (leaf). It was selected as appropriate for the subseries, the species of which have long leaves that are narrower than most other species in B. ser. Abietinae.
Io consists of a continuous stack of mafic and ultramafic deposits. After new erupted volcanic materials cool down and are buried, the stack of rocks become indurated and form bedrocks. The bedrocks are fractured due to tidal flexing, compression at depth, volcanic intrusion and other mechanisms, and then are broken into large blocks a hundred kilometers across. Products of magmatism like sills, dikes and batholiths may intrude into layers of stacking volcanics to form a composite crust.
Its long occupation, the scale of original construction, its near original condition, its aesthetic appeal and its ongoing public visitation contribute to the high regard it is held in by the community. Norah Head includes a significant proportion of the state-listed endangered ecological community known as "low woodland with heathland in indurated (hard-setting) sand". This community is restricted to the local area around Norah Head. The community includes the Commonwealth and state-listed vulnerable species Camfield's gum (Eucalyptus camfieldii).
Suwannee Limestone consists of a white to cream, poorly to well hardened, fossil rich, vuggy to moldic grainstone and packstone. The dolomitized parts of the Suwannee Limestone are gray, tan, light brown to moderate brown, moderately to well indurated (hard), finely to coarsely crystalline, dolomite with limited occurrences of fossil-bearing beds. Limestone in silicate form is common in Suwannee Limestone.Cooke, C. W., and Mansfield, W. C., 1936, Suwanne Limestone of Florida (abstract): Geological Society of America Proceedings, 1935, p. 71–72.
Coffee rock is the common name for the rock-like formations of indurated sands that were formed from ancient river sediments of the Pleistocene age. Coffee rock on Fraser Island. Coffee rock has been exposed by coastal weathering process on the beaches of Broadwater and Bundjalung National Parks in New South Wales, Australia. In addition, exposures can be seen in North Queensland, Australia at Kurrimine Beach, and in South East Queensland on Fraser Island and at the entry to Coonowrin Lake, Caloundra.
He believed that the Earth could be divided into five formations: # Primitive (Urgebirge) Series : intrusive igneous rocks and high rank metasediments considered to be the first precipitates from the ocean before the emergence of land. # Transition (Übergangsgebirge) Series : more indurated limestones, dikes, sills, and thick sequences of greywackes that were the first orderly deposits from the ocean. These were "universal" formations extending without interruption around the world. # Secondary or Stratified (Flötz) Series : the remaining, obviously stratified fossiliferous rocks and certain associated "trap" rocks.
As with most of New Zealand, the basement rocks of the Waikato Region and King Country are composed of greywacke (indurated sandstone, siltstone and mudstone). The Waipa Fault passes north–south through the Waikato-King Country region, from Taupiri, along the Waipa River, and south to near Ohura. It represents a major dividing line between different terranes. Murihiku Terrane greywacke lies beneath the Waikato-King Country region on the western side, and outcrops to the west of the Waipa Fault, from south of Waikato Heads to Awakino.
Silica gel is non- toxic, non-flammable, and non-reactive and stable with ordinary usage. It will react with hydrogen fluoride, fluorine, oxygen difluoride, chlorine trifluoride, strong acids, strong bases, and oxidizers. Silica gel is irritating to the respiratory tract and may cause irritation of the digestive tract, and dust from the beads may cause irritation to the skin and eyes, so precautions should be taken. Crystalline silica dust can cause silicosis, but synthetic amorphous silica gel is indurated so does not cause silicosis.
Some of the peaks in the north are over high. The streams are only mountain torrents to within a few miles of the coast; the mouth of the Khwa forms a good anchorage for small boats. The rocks in the Arakan Range and its spurs are metamorphic, and include clay, slates, ironstone and indurated sandstone; towards the south, ironstone, trap and rocks of basaltic character are common; veins of steatite and white fibrous quartz are also found. Between 1961 and 1990, the mean annual rainfall was .
All stirrup jars display on their surfaces various designs in various colors, which is termed "vase painting," and the stirrup jars "painted vases." As far as ancient terra cotta is concerned, no paint is applied to the surface of the finished vase. Rather, the paint is put on during the leather-hard phase or also after partial firing, and becomes an integral part of the indurated surface. Between the leather-hard pot and the fired pot is one more phase: the application of the slip or glaze.
The pyrite concretions typically are about 30 cm (1 foot) in diameter. Also, included within these calcite concretions are smaller calcite concretions, which have been engulfed by the growth of the larger concretions. The host rock, which contained these spherical boulders, consists of well-sorted, medium-grained, highly porous, and friable sandstone. Being only weakly indurated by small amounts of iron oxide, sometimes seen as Liesegang rings (banding) at Rock City, it is considerably softer and very much more easily eroded than the calcite concretions.
Patients frequently delayed seeking medical opinion, and when they did many were in a dreadful state. A 28-year-old sweep approached Jefferies in 1825, who describes his condition: > The sore occupies the whole of the left side of the scrotum and the inner > angle of the thigh, extending from the anus to the posterior inferior > spinous process of the ileum, presenting a surface as large as a man's open > hand, with hard indurated edges and irregular margins, discharging a thin > sanies, which is extremely offensive; the left testicle is entirely denuded, > and projects from its centre; in the left groin is a mass of indurated > glands, the size of a goose's egg, which appears to suppurate in the right > groin: there is likewise an ulceration, of the same malignant nature, about > the size of a half-crown (5 cm)... Despite the appearance of this growth, the man was in no pain and his only complaint was that about 10 days before his admission he had bled from his groin and lost about a pint of blood. Even this, however, had not unduly affected his constitution.
There are few exceptions to the rule that with increasing age sedimentary rocks become more and more indurated. Generally, the older the strata the more likely it is that they will have the firm consistency generally implied in the term "rock". The pressure of newer sediments on underlying masses is apparently one cause of this hardening, though not in itself a very powerful one. More efficiency is generally ascribed to the action of percolating water, which takes up water-soluble materials and then redeposits them in pores and cavities.
Excess > water and eroded upper soil horizons continued down to and on to the public > road, including pools that were yellow with silt laden water. There is > little doubt that heavy rainstorms would move the silt-laden water along the > public road and into the Ey Burn nearby ... The machines had turned the > cultivated soils under the birchwood into mud and removed the fertile upper > horizons, exposing the indurated horizon of acidic provenance. Podzols in > the pinewood had had their upper horizons removed or severely compacted, > which will have destroyed them as podzol soil-types.
As with most of New Zealand, the basement rocks of the Northland Region are mainly composed of greywacke (indurated sandstone), argillite, and chert, together with volcanic rocks, such as basalt pillow lava. The basement rocks are divided into a number of terranes, that are believed to have been combined together by subduction or strike-slip processes, by mid Cretaceous times (100 Ma). Murihiku Terrane rocks lies beneath the Northland Region on the western side, but do not crop out. The Murihiku Terrane was formed in Late Triassic to Late Jurassic times (220–145 Ma).
Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis is a chronic (long-lasting) inflammatory condition affecting the salivary gland. Relatively rare in occurrence, this condition is benign, but presents as hard, indurated and enlarged masses that are clinically indistinguishable from salivary gland neoplasms or tumors. It is now regarded as a manifestation of IgG4-related disease. Involvement of the submandibular glands is also known as Küttner's tumor, named after Hermann Küttner (1870-1932), a German Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, who reported four cases of submandibular gland lesions for the first time in 1896.
Porters Ski Area is located at the southern end of the Craigieburn Range in the South Island of New Zealand. The Craigieburn Range is situated 85 km northwest of Christchurch and an equal distance from both the west and east coast of the South Island. The range is orientated northeast to southwest and extends for 26 km. The geology and topography of the Craigieburn Range is typical of much of the eroded alpine land east of the Main Divide with folded indurated sandstones and siltstones forming rounded ridge tops.
Some fruit and other crops grown with fair success where irrigated." Further description of a San Joaquin soil profile was given in the Soil Manual as follows: "The surface soil reported as a reddish brown, gritty sandy loam about 14 inches thick. The subsoil reported as a sticky and very plastic, brownish red sandy clay loam about 10 inches thick resting abruptly on a red or brownish red, indurated hardpan.The oldest official description of the San Joaquin Valley series, filed with the Soil Conservation Service, was dated January 1941, and revised August 1952.
Bifacial silcrete point from Blombos Cave, South Africa, Middle Stone Age (71,000 BCE) (scale bar = 5cm) Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter, South Africa. Silcrete is an indurated (resists crumbling or powdering) soil duricrust formed when surface sand and gravel are cemented by dissolved silica. The formation of silcrete is similar to that of calcrete, formed by calcium carbonate, and ferricrete, formed by iron oxide. It is a hard and resistant material, and though different in origin and nature, appears similar to quartzite.
Devil's Lair is a single-chamber cave with a floor area of around that formed in a Quaternary dune limestone of the Leeuwin–Naturaliste Ridge, from the modern coastline of Western Australia. The stratigraphic sequence in the cave floor deposit consists of of sandy sediments, with more than 100 distinct layers, intercalated with flowstone and other indurated deposits. Excavations have been made in several areas of the cave floor. Since 1973, excavations have been concentrated in the middle (approximately on a north-west, south- east axis) of the cave, where 10 trenches have been dug.
A freestone is a stone used in masonry for molding, tracery and other replication work required to be worked with the chisel. Freestone, so named because it can be freely cut in any direction, must be fine-grained, uniform and soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting. Some sources, including numerous nineteenth century dictionaries, say that the stone has no grain, but this is incorrect. Oolitic stones are generally used, although in some countries soft sandstones are used; in some churches an indurated chalk called clunch is employed for internal lining and for carving.
The formation is described in Geologic Formations of Eastern Oregon (1972) as follows: > The unit is composed of up to 700 feet of fanglomerate and finer terrestrial > sediments and a 40-foot thick ignimbrite unit which crops out in the middle > of the section. The gravel is well rounded and consists of pebbles of > basalt, chert, siltstone, diorite, rhyolite, and chert set in a medium- > grained matrix of poorly indurated volcanic sandstone. The ignimbrite > displays zonation typical of welded ashflow tuffs and is a prominent ridge > former.Geologic Formations of Eastern Oregon (East of longitude 121°30'), > 1972.
Chronic radiodermatitis occurs with chronic exposure to "sub-erythema" doses of ionizing radiation over a prolonged period, producing varying degrees of damage to the skin and its underlying parts after a variable latent period of several months to several decades. In the distant past this type of radiation reaction occurred most frequently in radiologists and radiographers who were constantly exposed to ionizing radiation, especially before the use of X-ray filters. Chronic radiodermatitis, squamous and basal cell carcinomas may develop months to years after radiation exposure. Chronic radiodermatitis presents as atrophic indurated plaques, often whitish or yellowish, with telangiectasia, sometimes with hyperkeratosis.
Where the Bulldog Shale has been exposed at the surface for long periods it has been subjected to deep chemical weathering, resulting in bleaching and the "multi-hued, picturesque colouration" found in the Arckaringa-Stuart Range landscape.Krieg, G.W. & Rogers, P.A.: Stratigraphy - marine succession. In: Drexel & Preiss (1995) pp. 112-123. The prolonged chemical weathering also dissolved silica which, transported through the regolith by the movement of groundwater, precipitated as the ambient conditions changed, forming silcrete (a type of duricrust), with the silica forming a secondary cement binding the sediment grains into sheets of hard, indurated rock, generally parallel to the land surface.
Coquina from the Anastasia Formation (Quaternary; St. Augustine, Florida) The Anastasia Formation is composed of quartz sands and calcite coquina, with sporadic instances of fossil debris. Coloration of the formation varies from a light grey tone to a soft orange-brown. The formation is soft to moderately hard coquina composed of whole and fragmented mollusk shells within sand often cemented by sparry calcite.USGS Publications, Lithostratigraphic Units, Tertiary System, Pleistocene SeriesClassic Exposures of the Anastasia Formation in Martin and Palm Beach Counties, Florida, Donald W. Lovejoy Sands occur as fossil-bearing light gray to tan as well as orange-brown, unconsolidated to moderately indurated.
Sclerosing lymphangitis, also known as lymphangiosclerosis or sclerotic lymphangitis, is a skin condition characterized by a cordlike structure encircling the coronal sulcus of the penis, or running the length of the shaft, that has been attributed to trauma during vigorous sexual play. Nonvenereal sclerosing lymphangitis is a rare penile lesion consisting of a minimally tender, indurated cord involving the coronal sulcus and occasionally adjacent distal penile skin. The condition involves the hardening of a lymph vessel connected to a vein in the penis. It can look like a thick cord and can feel like a hardened, almost calcified or fibrous, vein.
Metasomatism will change the original composition. Regional metamorphism tends to make the rock more indurated and at the same time to give it a foliated, shistose or gneissic texture, consisting of a planar arrangement of the minerals, so that platy or prismatic minerals like mica and hornblende have their longest axes arranged parallel to one another. For that reason many of these rocks split readily in one direction along mica-bearing zones (schists). In gneisses, minerals also tend to be segregated into bands; thus there are seams of quartz and of mica in a mica schist, very thin, but consisting essentially of one mineral.
Angadipuram Laterite is a notified National Geo-heritage Monument Geo-Heritage Sites, Minister of Mines Press release, 09-March-2016national geo-heritage of India, INTACH in Angadipuram town in Malappuram district in the southern Indian state of Kerala, India. The special significance of Angadipuram to laterites is that it was here that Dr. Francis Buchanan-Hamilton, a professional surgeon, gave the first account of this rock type, in his report of 1807, as "indurated clay", ideally suited for building construction. This formation falls outside the general classification of rocks namely, the igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks but is an exclusively "sedimentary residual product". It has a generally pitted and porous appearance.
A block of chalk or some similar material is reduced to a level surface. On this surface, a design is drawn with a glutinous ink, the ink being sufficiently fluid to penetrate some little distance into the porous chalk. The ink having become dry, gentle friction is applied to the surface of the block so as gradually to rub away those parts of the chalk which are not indurated by the glutinous ink. The lines of the drawing being thus left in relief, a perfect model of the required printing block is obtained and this model is next hardened by immersion in a bath containing a solution of an alkaline silicate.
Each formation is itself made up of many layers, some the result of irregular interglacial stream deposition. The situation is further complicated by the appearance of fragments of older formations at a shallower level than more recent ones, owing to cycles of deposition and erosion; in fact, the so-called Bridgeton formation, the oldest, containing iron-indurated sand, forms the summits of the few prominences on the landscape. Generally speaking, the surface of the area is weathered Cretaceous coastal plain consisting of quartz sand, with patches where gravel or clay are found. Glauconite occurs in varying concentrations in the younger formations, and some bog iron is seen.
Observed wavelengths of PBRs are comparable to those predicted by a simple model for erosional wavelengths of periodic transverse bed forms owing to the spacing of flow separations within the flow. Recognition of these transverse aeolian erosional forms brings up the question of how widespread Martian PBRs are and how many have been misinterpreted as active or indurated (fossilized) sedimentary dunes. PBRs are not known on Earth. Montgomery has said that there could be landforms on Earth that are somewhat similar to PBRs, but to date there's nothing exactly like it, largely because there are not many bedrock landscapes on Earth in which wind is the main erosion agent.
Monte Muambe is volcanic caldera located south-east of Moatize in Tete Province of Mozambique Morphologically, Monte Muambe is ring-shaped feature, composed of Karroo sandstones which rise from peneplain plateau at altitude between 250 m in the south and 300 m in the north. The rim of the caldera forms well-developed circular ridge of altered and indurated Karroo sandstones (gritstones) rising approximately 500 m above the plain of unaltered Karroo sediments. Due to hardness of altered Karroo sediments, after continuous, long-time erosion, Monte Muambe at present is well-developed circular ridge (caldera), basin-shaped, steep-sided and crater-like depression inside. The core of the circular structure is 200 m lower from its periphery.
Common sites of oral cancer are the lower lip, the floor of the mouth, and the sides, underside of the tongue and mandibular alveolar ridge, but it is possible to have a tumor anywhere in the mouth. Appearances vary greatly, but a typical malignant ulcer would be a persistent, expanding lesion which is totally red (erythroplasia) or speckled red and white (erythroleukoplakia). Malignant lesions also typically feel indurated (hardened) and attached to adjacent structures, with "rolled" margins or a punched out appearance and bleeds easily on gentle manipulation. If someone has an unexplained mouth ulcer persisting for more than 3 weeks this may indicate a need for a referral from the GDP or GP to hospital to exclude oral cancer.
When a rock is contact altered by an igneous intrusion it very frequently becomes more indurated, and more coarsely crystalline. Many altered rocks of this type were formerly called hornstones, and the term hornfels is often used by geologists to signify those fine grained, compact, non-foliated products of contact metamorphism. A shale may become a dark argillaceous hornfels, full of tiny plates of brownish biotite; a marl or impure limestone may change to a grey, yellow or greenish lime-silicate-hornfels or siliceous marble, tough and splintery, with abundant augite, garnet, wollastonite and other minerals in which calcite is an important component. A diabase or andesite may become a diabase hornfels or andesite hornfels with development of new hornblende and biotite and a partial recrystallization of the original feldspar.
Depending upon the winds and the composition of the weakly indurated deposits of silt and sand from which they are carved, yardangs may form very unusual shapes — some resemble various objects or even people. Yardangs come in a large range of sizes, and are divided into three different categories: mega-yardangs, meso-yardangs, and micro-yardangs. Mega-yardangs can be several kilometers long and hundreds of meters high and are found in arid regions with strong winds; meso-yardangs are generally a few meters high and 10 to 15 meters long and are commonly found carved in semiconsolidated playa sediments and other soft granular materials; and micro-yardangs are only a few centimeters high. A large concentration of mega-yardangs occurs near the Tibesti Mountains in the central Sahara.
The measures of consistency border on subjective compared to other measures such as pH, since they employ the apparent feel of the soil in those states. The terms used to describe the soil consistency in three moisture states and a last not affected by the amount of moisture are as follows: # Consistency of Dry Soil: loose, soft, slightly hard, hard, very hard, extremely hard # Consistency of Moist Soil: loose, very friable, friable, firm, very firm, extremely firm # Consistency of Wet Soil: nonsticky, slightly sticky, sticky, very sticky; nonplastic, slightly plastic, plastic, very plastic # Consistency of Cemented Soil: weakly cemented, strongly cemented, indurated (requires hammer blows to break up) Soil consistency is useful in estimating the ability of soil to support buildings and roads. More precise measures of soil strength are often made prior to construction.
Periodic Bedrock Ridges (PBRs) are features of the surface geomorphology of Mars and formerly unknown on Earth, first described in a paper in the Journal of Geological Research - Planets, in March 2012,Periodic bedrock ridges on Mars, David R. Montgomery, Joshua L. Bandfield, Scott K. Becker, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 117, E03005, 12 PP., 2012 doi:10.1029/2011JE003970, accessed 28 March 2012 by Professor David R. Montgomery, Joshua L. Bandfield, and Scott K. Becker of the University of Washington. Evidence for sediment transport and erosion by wind is widespread over the surface of Mars today and was likely a major geomorphic process for much of its geological past. Although Martian surface features resembling aeolian dunes and ripples have been recognized since the Mariner and Viking missions, such features have been interpreted previously as active, indurated, or exhumed sedimentary forms.
When the National Trust for Scotland acquired Mar Lodge Estate there were many geometrical plantations across the estate, primarily planted during the ownership of the Panchauds to provide shelter for red deer, that were unnaturally-shaped with trees planted unnaturally-close. Within the minimal intervention philosophy was the gradual naturalisation of these plantations by (a) "the removal of all non-native [tree] species" and, (b) felling to open the structure and soften the edges of these plantations and, (c) the removal of the protective deer-fences around these plantations. From 2011 the number of timber extraction operations increased rapidly. These timber operations have been branded as 'damaging' by some - in Ugly Deeside,Adam Watson, Ugly Deeside, Paragon Publishing, 2015 writing about the timber extraction operation in the plantation near Bridge of Ey, Adam Watson writes : > on 21 August 2012 I visited ... Wheel ruts were open drains, with run-off > water and channels eroded down to a very hard indurated horizon.

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