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"indocile" Definitions
  1. unwilling or indisposed to be taught or disciplined : INTRACTABLE

3 Sentences With "indocile"

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The Torna atrás born of Albino father and Spanish mother has bearing, temperament and tradition. [Albino y Española, Los que producen de torna atrás, en figura, genio, y costumbres]. VIII. The Calpamulato born of Mulatto father and Indian mother has a wild temperament and is strong, broad and short. [Mulato, e Yndia engendran Calpa Mulato de indocile genio, fuerte, cuerpo cortiancho].
In 1996 she received the Viareggio Prize for the volume La Vita Facile (The Easy Life). She also put together a small publication for La Vita Felice publishing house made of old and new poems, a confessional diary, a selection of short stories and an interview entitled Un'anima indocile (A Restless Soul). In the same year Merini met the artist Giovanni Bonaldi with whom she formed a genuine and strong friendship. They began to collaborate and in 1997 Girardi published the collection of poems La volpe e il sipario (The Fox and the Curtain) with illustrations by Gianni Casari.
"A New Refutation of Time" (original Spanish title: "Nueva refutación del tiempo") is an essay by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges (written between 1944 and 1946) in which he argues that the negations of idealism may be extended to time. It consists of a prologue and two articles: the first one was written in 1944 and appeared in number 115 of the review Sur; the second, written in 1946, is a rework of the first. Borges comments that he did not combine the two texts into one, as the reading of two analogous texts might facilitate the comprehension of an indocile subject. Just as George Berkeley denies that there is an object existing independently of our perception of it, and David Hume denies that there is a subject apart from a mere recollection of sensations, Borges tries to demonstrate that there is no time.

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