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199 Sentences With "in contradistinction to"

How to use in contradistinction to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "in contradistinction to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "in contradistinction to". Mastering all the usages of "in contradistinction to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I've called this "crypto capitalism" in contradistinction to venture capitalism.
America was born in contradistinction to Europe not as an extension of it.
And that is what they are—in contradistinction to a monarch's glorious orange and black.
Also in contradistinction to CFS, Tokamak Energy has already built a series of working prototypes.
His accented voice, in contradistinction to the content of his account, is comforting to listen to.
A word of caution: The United States was founded in contradistinction to, not as an extension of, Europe.
That assertion is presumably made in contradistinction to training for work straight after school, which might not be so stimulating.
Or, if it encourages the foreign negotiator to manipulate the personal relationship and place it in contradistinction to the U.S. national interest.
He also tells of the aid that women writers offered one another, of their defiance of male authority, and of alternative workshops they formed in contradistinction to Iowa.
Greenblatt writes that the Genesis narratives of the Creation and Flood were written in contradistinction to the Babylonian narratives they resemble, to assert and preserve Hebrew religious culture.
That is in contradistinction to Cambrian fossils, among which are found representatives of all the main animal groups (annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, chordates, cnidarians, echinoderms, molluscs and so on) that are around today.
This is in contradistinction to a sharing economy marketplace model such as Airbnb or Uber who are not burdened with human capital costs, but rather pay transactional commissions on any given home-owner or driver.
But it does not suit Mr. Turnbull, a man who until recently was fond of celebrating Australia as "the most successful multicultural society in the world"; a man who only a few weeks ago was declaring that his party was established to be liberal, in contradistinction to conservative.
The installation wastes no time setting up its formal parameters; to the right of an introductory wall text, one of Spero's early Black Paintings, an oil-on-canvas titled "Great Mother Birth" (13), hangs in contradistinction to two scroll-like collages on paper from the 1990s, "Mourning Women: Le Cimetière de Varsovie" (1993) and "Performance" (1995).
Great Falls and Little Falls (about 5 miles downstream) are named in contradistinction to one another.
The blue iris is an example of a structural color, in contradistinction to a pigment color.
In the late 19th century Mikuszowice Śląskie became a spa resort for Bielsko residents, in contradistinction to the more industrialized Mikuszowice Krakowskie.
The frequent combination "null and void" is a legal doublet. The term is frequently used in contradistinction to the term "voidable" and "unenforceable".
Henology stands in contradistinction to several other philosophical disciplines. The term henology refers to the discipline that centers around The One, as in the philosophies of Plato and Plotinus. It is sometimes used in contradistinction to disciplines that treat Being as its starting point (as in Aristotle and Avicenna) and also to those that seek to understand Knowledge and Truth (as in Kant and Descartes).
A post office called Woodlandville was established in 1872, and remained in operation until 1932. Woodlandville was so named because the land was covered with wood, and in contradistinction to prairie.
Beige is sometimes used as a metaphor for something which is bland, boring or conventional. In this sense it is used in contradistinction to more vibrant and exciting (or more individual) colors.
Particular judgment, according to Christian eschatology, is the divine judgment that a departed person undergoes immediately after death, in contradistinction to the general judgment (or Last Judgment) of all people at the end of the world.
Recently, the magazine has begun to focus more on pieces of "hard" journalism, in contradistinction to its former, less serious, and more literary character. The Blue and White staff meets in the crypt of St. Paul's Chapel.
Tokogeny or tocogeny is the biological relationship between parent and offspring, or more generally between ancestors and descendants. In contradistinction to phylogeny it applies to individual organisms as opposed to species. In the tokogentic system shared characteristics are called traits.
Alfasi also occupies an important place in the development of the Sephardi method of studying the Talmud. In contradistinction to the Ashkenazi approach, the Sephardim sought to simplify the Talmud and free it from casuistical detail; see for example Chananel Ben Chushiel.
Seven of Miller's roles were walk-ons or deleted from the final film. Her television work involved similar genres. In contradistinction to being only a supporting actress as described by most film historians, she was leading lady in six of 22 films.
International Jewish counter-missionary organizations, like Outreach Judaism, founded by Rabbi Tovia Singer, or Jews for Judaism, respond directly to the issues raised by missionaries and cults, by exploring Judaism in contradistinction to Christianity and establishing lasting connections between Jewish families and Judaism.
66/2: Journeymen taylors..who, refusing to comply with the masters terms, and the regulations of the magistrate, call themselves Flints, in contradistinction to those who submit, and are in derision stiled by the first Dungs.'"flint, n.". OED Online. September 2013.
The island's name is Norse in origin, from , meaning "small red island" in contradistinction to Muckle Roe, which is not nearby, but in St Magnus Bay. In 1841, eleven people lived here, all in the same house.Haswell- Smith, Hamish. (2004) The Scottish Islands. Edinburgh. Canongate.
Livy expressly uses the name of Samnium in contradistinction to the land of the Hirpini.Livy xxii. 13, xxiii. 43. The latter people was one of those that declared in favour of Hannibal immediately after the battle of Cannae, 216 BC;Id. xxii. 61, xxiii. 1.
At the start of late antiquity, beginning with the reorganization of the empire's provincial divisions during the reign of Diocletian (ruled 284–305), the expression "Greek East" evolved to stand in contradistinction to Latin West. Thereafter, Greek East refers to the Greek-speaking provinces mentioned above (after 395 mostly in the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire) in contradistinction to the provinces in Western Europe, Italia (excluding the Catepanate of Italy, where they still spoke Greek) and Northwest Africa (after 395 in the Latin-speaking Western Roman Empire).Cf. Fishwick, Duncan. The imperial cult in the Latin West: studies in the ruler cult of the Western provinces of the Roman Empire.
Ius utendi (or usus), a term in civil law and Roman law, is an attribute of ownership (dominium): the right or power to use the property—particularly by residing there—without destroying its substance. It is employed in contradistinction to the ius abutendi, the right of disposal.
Business as usual (BAU), the normal execution of standard functional operations within an organisation, forms a possible contrast to projects or programmes which might introduce change. BAU may also stand in contradistinction to external events which may have the effect of unsettling or distracting those inside an organisation.
Months are computed according to the calendar from the date of publication.Della Rocca, Fernando. Manual of Canon Law, pg. 70. A "canonical month" (in contradistinction to a "calendar month") is a period of 30 days,Canon 202 §1, 1983 Code of Canon Law while a "calendar month" is a continuous month.
"Chorales" are works where material is presented primarily (or solely) using chords. An example is Postlude (1978), for piano, in contradistinction to Eirenicon 3 (1978), also for piano, which is a "landscape". The earlier "melodies" were apparently composed at the instrument, intuitively, whereas the later ones evolve from a series of written pitches.
Astylar (from Gr. ἀ-, privative, and στῦλος, a column) is an architectural term given to a class of design in which neither columns nor pilasters are used for decorative purposes; thus the Riccardi and Strozzi palaces in Florence are astylar in their design, in contradistinction to Palladio's palaces at Vicenza, which are columnar.
Blanch fee, or blanch holding (from French blanc, white), an ancient tenure in Scots land law, the duty payable being in silver or "white" money in contradistinction to gold. The phrase was afterwards applied to any holding of which the quit-rent was merely nominal, such as a penny, a peppercorn, etc.
The word is attested in Middle English and derives from the Old French aisselier, from the Latin axilla, a diminutive of axis, meaning "plank". "Clene hewen ashler" often occurs in medieval documents; this no doubt means tooled or finely worked, in contradistinction to rough-axed faces. This also attests the alternative spellings ashler and ashelere.
These stand in contradistinction to the voice confirmed to be Cotogni's (the Mulattieri duet), which is noticeably more even, round, and sonorous throughout—even to the two high G naturals that end the refrain. In the Roman school, and in Cotogni's own teaching, any nasality was seen as a defect to be expressly avoided.
Will They Never Come? is a 1915 Australian film directed by Alfred Rolfe and starring Guy Hastings. It was based on a cartoon published by the Weekly Dispatch and the story "is based upon duty to one's country, in contradistinction to the younger members devoting their leisure to sport". It is considered a lost film.
Before actual manufacture started however, it was decided to fit the smaller 47 mm SA35 gun and a machine gun. In total 414 vehicles were manufactured, making for a grand total of Panhard 178 cars of 1143. In contradistinction to this Panhard 178B, older vehicles are sometimes designated Panhard 178"A", though this designation is not contemporary.
It is similar to Iphiclides podalirius. The black band at the apex of the cell of the forewing reaches only to the median vein, not extending beyond it to the hind angle, being exactly as in Graphium alebion, but in contradistinction to this insect, the orange anal spot on the hindwing of is reduced to two small obscure dots.
Ziehn refused to use Helmholtz's theory of harmonic structure based on physical phenomena. Rather, his ideas were based not on natural science, but on music itself. This was in contradistinction to Hugo Riemann who sought to base his rationales on "scientific" reasoning (not entirely consistently). He praised Anton Bruckner while condemning Hugo Riemann, Eduard Hanslick and Phillipp Spitta.
Hindustani heptatonic theory additionally stipulates that the second, third, sixth and seventh degrees of heptatonic scale forms (septak) are also allowed only two inflections each, in this case, one natural position, and one lowered (komal) position. Arithmetically this produces 25, or thirty-two, possibilities, but Hindustani theory, in contradistinction to Carnatic theory, excludes scale forms not commonly used.
The Benedictine nuns resident in the priory wore black habits, but this was so elsewhere too. The use of the term Black Ladies for the Brewood priory is in contradistinction to another priory in the neighbourhood an Augustinian convent dedicated to St. Leonard and known as White Ladies Priory.Baugh et al. Houses of Benedictine nuns: The priory of Brewood (Black Ladies), footnote 1.
Popular history is a broad and somewhat ill-defined genre of historiography that takes a popular approach, aims at a wide readership, and usually emphasizes narrative, personality and vivid detail over scholarly analysis. The term is used in contradistinction to professional academic or scholarly history writing which is usually more specialized and technical and, thus, less accessible to the general reader.
107, No. 229, Berlin, 1888 where a baraita from the Sifre de-Bei Rav to Exodus is quoted, which is the same passage as that cited by Nahmanides from the Mekhilta de-R. Shimon b. Yochai, in his commentary on Exodus 22:12. This extract designates the work of R. Ishmael as the "Mekhilta of Palestine," in contradistinction to R. Shimon b.
A lowboy A lowboy is an American collectors term for one type of dressing table, vanity, or duchess (Australian English).Lowboy is a "collectors term for a dressing table made in 18th century America often with a matching highboy ". It is a small table with one or two rows of drawers, so called in contradistinction to the tallboy or highboy chest of drawers.
In English ecclesiastical law, contentious jurisdiction (Latin: forum contentiosum) is jurisdiction over matters in controversy between parties, in contradistinction to voluntary jurisdiction, or that exercised upon matters not opposed or controverted. The Lords Chief Justices, judges, etc., had a contentious jurisdiction; but, the Lords of the Treasury, the Commissioners of Customs, etc., have none, being merely judges of the accounts.
Page 13, citing interviews with Fairfax County archeologists Michael Johnson and Martha Williams. It may be viewed from the heavily trafficked Chain Bridge, about a half mile downstream. It is named in contradistinction to Great Falls, about 5 miles further upstream. Captain John Smith (1580–1631) of England was the first European to explore the Potomac as far as Little Falls.
The book is divided into five parts. The first covers general and well known characteristics of corporations in contradistinction to other forms of enterprise ; the second describes the media through which the corporation may secure capital; and the third the practical problems of securing it. Of these three parts the concluding chapter of the second (ch. 8) entitled Basis of Capitalization is the most constructive and worthwhile.
Baptists also insist on immersion or dipping, in contradistinction to other Reformed Christians. The Baptist Confession describes the Lord's supper as "the body and blood of Christ being then not corporally or carnally, but spiritually present to the faith of believers in that ordinance", similarly to the Westminster Confession. There is significant latitude in Baptist congregations regarding the Lord's supper, and many hold the Zwinglian view.
Inside GRS [seminary newsletter], 2.1 (May 2008), 1, 3; Inside GRS, 4.2 (October 2010), 2. Barrett said that the online program had "made an enormous contribution to the outreach of the seminary." Library, Geneva Reformed Seminary, 2008 GRS therefore represents a Calvinistic branch of separatist fundamentalism in the United States, in contradistinction to Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, another conservative Presbyterian institution just a few miles away.
Stirner's idea of the "Union of egoists" was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. The Union is understood as a non-systematic association, which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. The Union is understood as a relation between egoists which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. The Union requires that all parties participate out of a conscious egoism.
As an expression of a cultural attitude descending from Aristotle, Sidney, when stating that the poet "never affirmeth", makes the claim that all statements in literature are hypothetical or pseudo-statements. Sidney as a traditionalist, however, gives attention to drama in contradistinction to poetry. Drama, writes Sidney, is “observing neither rules of honest civility nor of skillful poetry” and thus cannot do justice to this genre.
Gletness with North Isle of Gletness in the foreground, and Hoo Stack in the background The North Isle of Gletness is one of the Shetland Islands. It is east of the Shetland Mainland, near Gletness in Nesting parish, and is so called in contradistinction to the South Isle of Gletness. It is 33m at its highest point. There are several small skerries surrounding it.
Kiruv Organisation, founded by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, and Outreach Judaism, founded by Rabbi Tovia Singer, are other prominent international organizations that respond "directly to the issues raised by missionaries and cults, by exploring Judaism in contradistinction to fundamentalist Christianity."About Us, Outreach Judaism website. Accessed January 9, 2011.J. Gordon Melton, "The Modern Anti-Cult Movement in Historical Perspective", in Jeffrey Kaplan, Heléne Lööw.
95–96 Stirner's idea of the Union of egoists was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. The Union is understood as a non-systematic association, which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. The Union is understood as a relation between egoists which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. The Union requires that all parties participate out of a conscious egoism.
95–96 Max Stirner's idea of the union of Egoists (), was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. The Union is understood as a non-systematic association, which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. The Union is understood as a relation between egoists which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. The Union requires that all parties participate out of a conscious egoism.
In law, volens is a state of mind, referring to voluntary acceptance of a specific risk. It is usually pleaded by way of defence, and often employs the legal Latin volenti non fit injuria. The term volens itself is often used in contradistinction to the terms sciens (meaning mere knowledge of the risk, without any voluntary assumption of it). The effect of the defence varies from country to country.
These royal commissioners are usually headed by the other archbishop. At one time deans of the "old foundation"—in contradistinction to those of the "new foundation", founded by Henry VIII out of the spoils of the dissolved monasteries—were elected by the chapter on a congé d’élire from the crown, but by the time of the First World War all deans were installed by letters patent from the Crown.
The wingspan is . Forewing with the costa strongly convex and therefore the apical portion of the forewing considerably broader than in the forms of the luterella group. Head, thorax, end of abdomen and the forewing bright golden yellow, the hindwing of male but little paler; in the female both wings slightly paler orange yellow. In contradistinction to lutarella, the costal area of the hindwing above and beneath is never black.
In the United States the term "state chartered bank" or "state chartered savings bank" is used in contradistinction to "national bank" or "federal savings bank", which are technically chartered across all US states. A national bank must have "National" or "N.A." in its corporate name, a Federal Savings Bank must have "Federal" or "F.S.B." in its name, while a state chartered bank cannot have "National" or "Federal" in its name.
Devotion and self-surrender to guru. Best realised as a part in Prapatti, and not as an independent means, although it can be so. Sri Nimbarka made the "Bhasya" (commentary in which alle the words of the verses are used, in contradistinction to a tika, which is a more free commentary) of the Brahmasutra on his Dvaitadvaita Vedanta (Principle of Dualism-Nondualism) in his famous book "Vedanta Parijata Sourabha".
95-96 Max Stirner's idea of the Union of egoists (), was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. The Union is understood as a non- systematic association, which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. The Union is understood as a relation between egoists which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. The Union requires that all parties participate out of a conscious egoism.
Traditionally, Belarusian-speakers called the city (). Brest became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1319. In the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth formed in 1569 the town became known in Polish as , historically (literally: "Lithuanian Brest", in contradistinction to Brześć Kujawski). became part of the Russian Empire under the name or (, , literally "Lithuanian Brest") in the course of the Third Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795.
This appears clearly in the first part, which shows many formal and material similarities with the Mekhilta. In regard to the latter portion, it may be said that Sifre, Deut. 344 reproduces R. Ishmael's view on the question at issue.Compare B. Ḳ. 113a As for the halakhic midrash, it may be said that, in contradistinction to the aggadic part, the collector used, aside from R. Ishmael's midrash, that of R. Simeon.
Constant war helped demoralise and scatter the military's leaders, who were jealous of their "comrade" . The last major challenge to 's authority came from , who was compromised in a royalist plot; he too was sent into exile. In contradistinction to the opposition of senators and republican generals, the majority of the French populace remained uncritical of 's authority. No suggestion of the possibility of his death was tolerated.
Traditional Maya religion, though also representing a belief system, is often referred to as costumbre, the 'custom' or habitual religious practice, in contradistinction to orthodox Roman Catholic ritual. To a large extent, Maya religion is indeed a complex of ritual practices; and it is, therefore, fitting that the indigenous Yucatec village priest is simply called jmen ("practitioner"). Among the main concepts relating to Maya ritual are the following ones.
The head (caput humeri), is nearly hemispherical in form. It is directed upward, medialward, and a little backward, and articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula to form the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint). The circumference of its articular surface is slightly constricted and is termed the anatomical neck, in contradistinction to a constriction below the tubercles called the surgical neck which is frequently the seat of fracture. Fracture of the anatomical neck rarely occurs.
"Craigs" is an old Broad Scots word for rocks, derived from Celtic, and it is named in contradistinction to nearby "West Craigs". Corstorphine Hill was formerly known as "Corstorphine Craigs". The oldest building in East Craigs is East Craigs House (), built in 1768 with a semi-octagonal stairwell added c.1800. It once formed part of the now- demolished SASA complex, and has recently been restored as part of the new residential development there.
Barre, Mass.: Barre Publishing Co. This would be in contradistinction to the much more typical "halyards shanties", which were for heavier work with an entirely different sort of pacing and formal structure. Another author to ascribe a function, Richard Runciman Terry, also said it could be used for "hand over hand" hauling. Terry was one of few writers, however, to also state the shanty was used for heaving the windlass or capstan.
While Agudath does not consider itself Zionist, it is generally supportive of the State of Israel insofar as Agudath supports participation in its politics and the development of religious life, as well as the security of its population. It became more involved after the Israeli state was established in 1948. Agudah takes stances on issues affecting the Haredi sector in Israel; in contradistinction to the more stridently anti- Zionist Haredi communal organizations.
Finally, under the name "decretals" are known certain collections, containing especially, but not exclusively, pontifical decretals. These are the canonical collections of a later date than the "Decretum" of Gratian (about 1150). The commentators on these collections are named decretalists, in contradistinction to the decretists, or those who commented upon the "Decretum" of Gratian. Eventually some of these collections received official recognition; they form what is now known as the "Corpus Juris Canonici".
Black's Law Dictionary defines "void" as:"Void." Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd edition. which means there is no legal obligation therefore there will be no breach of contract since the contract is null. The dictionary further goes on to define void ab initio as: In practical terms, void is usually used in contradistinction to "voidable" and "unenforceable", the principal difference being that an action which is voidable remains valid until it is avoided.
Jacob Grimm stated in his Deutsche MythologieChapter 17, p. 4. that the Scottish goblin Shellycoat is one and the same as the German Schellenrock, that is bell-coat: Thomas Keightly quotes Grimm and classifies the shellycoat as a type of brownie.:Keightly, 1870, in the section "Brownie". The domestic nature of the shellycoat emphasized by Grimm and Keightly stands in contradistinction to the wild nature of the water sprites mentioned in other sources.
All versions of epistemological moral skepticism hold that we are unjustified in believing any moral proposition. However, in contradistinction to moral error theory, epistemological moral skeptical arguments for this conclusion do not include the premise that "all moral claims are false." For example, Michael RuseM. Ruse, Taking Darwin Seriously (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986) gives what Richard Joyce calls an "evolutionary argument" for the conclusion that we are unjustified in believing any moral proposition.
Charles Darwin: vol. 1 Voyaging. London: Jonathan Cape. . p. 129. These natural philosophers saw God as the first cause, and sought secondary causes to explain design in nature: the leading figure Sir John Herschel wrote in 1836 that by analogy with other intermediate causes "the origination of fresh species, could it ever come under our cognizance, would be found to be a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process".Wyhe, John van. 2007.
Max Stirner's idea of the "Union of egoists" () was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. A union of egoists is understood as a voluntary and non- systematic association which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. Each union is understood as a relation between egoists which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. The Union requires that all parties participate out of a conscious egoism.
For instance, they may be used as interchangeable synonyms. Or they may be used in 'contradistinction' to one another, as in "pain is physical, suffering is mental", or "pain is inevitable, suffering is optional". Or they may be used to define each other, as in "pain is physical suffering", or "suffering is severe physical or mental pain". Qualifiers, such as physical, mental, emotional, and psychological, are often used to refer to certain types of pain or suffering.
The "upside down" release of the submariner causes balls to move differently from pitches generated by other arm slots. Gravity plays a significant role, for the submariner's ball must be thrown considerably above the strike zone,Adair, Robert K., The Physics of Baseball, HarperCollins Perennial: New York, NY, 2002, p. 58, after which it drops rapidly back through. The sinking motion of the submariner's fastball is enhanced by forward rotation, in contradistinction to the overhand pitcher's hopping backspin.
Spiritual desolation or spiritual dryness means the feeling of abandonment by God, and of the absence of His grace. This feeling of estrangement may arise from various causes. It may be the result of natural disposition or temperament, or of external circumstances; or it may come from the attacks of the devil; or from God Himself when for our greater good He withdraws from us spiritual consolation. In contradistinction to consolation, spiritual desolation may be of three kinds.
The Miracula is a potentially useful historical source for a very obscure period in Aquitanian history. The earliest section of the Miracula, possibly from the late 7th century, gives a positive portrayal of Ebroin (died 680), the count of the palace, in contradistinction to that of the contemporary Passio Leudegarii, in which he is a most evil man.Paul Fouracre and Richard Gerberding, edd., Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography, 640–720 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996), p. 291n.
Garden State Canoeing, Seneca Press, 2002. It is probably named in contradistinction to West Creek, which lies to the west, although the name of that creek is ultimately derived from the Lenape "westeconk". It rises in Belleplain State Forest, and is dammed to form East Creek Pond, which covers its convergence with Savages Run. It flows through the tidal marshes on the east side of the Stipson Island peninsula, where it is joined by Willis Run.
The material of construction of Lego Pompeii contributes to its notability. Though tied to "classical antiquity," this stylised representation of the ruined city of Pompeii is a product of modernity. The Nicholson Museum, the oldest university museum in Australia, boasts is reported to be "home to the largest collection of antiquities in the Southern Hemisphere." The Lego Pompeii installation, constructed from plastic, a synthetic material of the modern age, therefore stands in contradistinction to the other artefacts, all antiquities in the Museum.
A phlegmon is a localized area of acute inflammation of the soft tissues. It is a descriptive term which may be used for inflammation related to a bacterial infection or non-infectious causes (e.g. pancreatitis). Most commonly, it is used in contradistinction to a "walled-off" pus-filled collection (abscess), although a phlegmon may progress to an abscess if untreated. A phlegmon can localize anywhere in the body. The Latin term phlegmōn is from the ancient Greek φλέγω (phlégō, “burn”).
Geographical factors can lead to both cultural and genetic isolation from larger human societies. Groups which settle remote habitats and intermarry over generations will acquire distinctive cultural and genetic traits, evolving from cultural continuity and through interaction with their unique environmental circumstances. Ethnogenesis in these circumstances typically results in an identity that is less value-laden than one forged in contradistinction to competing populations. Particularly in pastoral mountain peoples, social organization tends to hinge primarily on familial identification, not a wider collective identity.
Marian Priests is a term is applied to those English Roman Catholic priests who were ordained in or before the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary (1553–1558) and who survived into the reign of her Anglican successor, Queen Elizabeth I. The expression is used in contradistinction to "Seminary priests", by which was meant priests ordained at Douai in northern France, at Rome or in other English seminaries on the European mainland.Burton, Edwin. "Marian Priests." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 9.
In contradistinction to other viruses affecting the genital tract (e.g. herpes), confirmation by culture was not possible (and still is not possible) by conventional virological methods. Nor could the diagnosis be confirmed by immunoperoxidase testing or by HPV DNA and RNA hybridisation techniques (the latter subsequently widely used), which at that time had not yet been developed. Subsequently the histologic features and colposcopic recognition and characterisation of this sub-clinical or non-condylomatous HPV infection of the cervix were established.
Robert Bevan. The Cabyard, Night. In October 1913, Rutter was commissioned by the Doré Gallery at 35 Bond Street in the West End to curate the Post- Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition, which displayed the story of those movements from Camille Pissarro to Vorticist Wyndham Lewis (who was no longer on good terms with Fry). Rutter's choice of Pissarro as a starting point was in contradistinction to the stance of Fry and the Bloomsbury Group, who saw Cézanne as the beginning of modern art.
After his release he returned to European Russia and became active in Saratov, where in 1893 he founded the party People's Rights Party (Partiia Narodnogo Prava). Historian Shmuel Galai has argued that "for the first time in the annals of Russian parties, it declared organized public opinion to be the main weapon in the struggle against autocracy," in contradistinction to peasant revolt, general strike, or terror.Shmuel Galai, The Liberation Movement in Russia, 1900-1905. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1973; pg. 64.
A single tool might be referred to as a "caliper" or as "calipers", like a pair of scissors or glasses (a "plural only" or plurale tantum form). In colloquial usage the phrase "pair of verniers" or just "vernier" might refer to a vernier caliper. Colloquially these phrases can also refer to dial calipers, although they involve no vernier scale. In machine-shop usage, the term "caliper" is often used in contradistinction to "micrometer", even though outside micrometers are technically a form of caliper.
Geistesgeschichte (from German Geist, "spirit" or "mind" [here connoting the metaphysical realm, in contradistinction to the material], and Geschichte, "history") is a concept in the history of ideas denoting the branch of study concerned with the undercurrents of cultural manifestations, within the history of a people, that are peculiar to a specific timeframe. The term is a largely untranslatable term, sometimes translated as "intellectual history"Fugmann, Nicole. 1997. "Contemporary Editorial Theory and the Transvaluation of Postmodern Critique." Text 10: 15–30, p. 22.
The triadic model of the sign was proposed by Charles Peirce. In contradistinction to Ferdinand de Saussure's dyadic model, which assumed no material referent, Peirce's model assumes that in order for a sign to be meaningful, it must refer to something external and cannot be self-contained, as it is for Saussure. Thus, Peirce's model includes the addition of an 'object'. The ‘representamen’ and ‘interpretant’ components of the triadic model are comparable to Saussure's dyadic model of the sign, which breaks down into signifier and signified.
As the substance of the tractate has been incorporated in later works on orthography, the Masorah, and the liturgy, only a few points peculiar to it need be mentioned here. In 1:13 occurs the maxim "He who cannot read is not allowed to write." Custodians seem to be mentioned in 2:12.Based on Yerushalmi Megillah 1:9; compare Machzor Vitry, p. 689, note The first notice in Jewish literature of the codex in contradistinction to the scroll occurs in 3:6,Compare Machzor Vitry p.
Trilantic Corp. dealt with a manufacturer selling the unassembled components of a patented sailboard. In the court's decision, Urie J stated: > Without assembly there can be no purpose in a purchaser buying the > unassembled parts since, unassembled, they cannot be used for the purpose > for which they are purchased, that is, to sail. To suggest that a patent > infringement suit can be successfully avoided by selling parts as components > of a kit in contradistinction to their sale assembled is, in my view, errant > nonsense.
189 The Catholic Church developed the inquisitorial system in the Middle, accessed June-28-2013 This judicial system features collegiate panels of judges and an investigative form of proceeding,Fr. Lawrence DiNardo, "A Zenit Daily Dispatch—Going to Court in the Church: Canon Lawyer Explains Penal Procedures" (17 June 2010); accessed at June-10-2013 in contradistinction to the adversarial system found in the common law of England and many of her former colonies, which utilises concepts such as juries and single judges.
In both cases, the experiences of black women were subsumed into the experiences of either black men or white women. Cannon, Grant and Williams, while appreciating the work of early liberationists like Cone and Harrison, sought a way to frame their own experiences as black women. They found such a frame in Alice Walker's In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983). Walker defined "Womanist" in a four-part definition, that set the black female experience in contradistinction to both white women and black men.
Sweden was becoming what had not existed since the days of the Romans, a military monarchy. By introducing this new nobility, the monarchy introduced a center of support in contradistinction to the traditional, landed aristocracy, which thereby allowed it to undercut the authority and privilege of the traditionally independent landed nobility. Sweden succeeded at centralizing, against the very same forces that the Polish monarchy would attempt to do so, and fail against. The severity of discipline was not the only change that took place in the army.
On (3) and (4), Habermas's entire conceptual framework is based on his understanding of social interaction and communicative practices, and he ties rationality to the validity basis of everyday speech. This framework locates reason in the everyday practices of modern individuals. This is in contradistinction to theories of rationality (e.g. Plato, Kant, etc.) that seek to ground reason in an intelligible and non-temporal realm, or objective "view from nowhere", which supposes that reason is able adequately to judge reality from a detached and disinterested perspective.
Stirner's idea of the Union of egoists was first expounded in The Ego and Its Own. The Union is understood as a non-systematic association, which Stirner proposed in contradistinction to the state. Unlike a "community" in which individuals are obliged to participate, Stirner's suggested Union would be voluntary and instrumental under which individuals would freely associate insofar as others within the Union remain useful to each constituent individual. The Union relation between egoists is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will.
Note that the method of transposition and contraposition should not be confused. Contraposition is a type of immediate inference in which from a given categorical proposition another categorical proposition is inferred which has as its subject the contradictory of the original predicate. Since nothing is said in the definition of contraposition with regard to the predicate of the inferred proposition, it is permissible that it could be the original subject or its contradictory. This is in contradistinction to the form of the propositions of transposition, which may be material implication, or a hypothetical statement.
The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) became the de facto leadership for people of Japanese ancestry, when the natural leaders, the Issei (first generation Japanese) parents were taken into custody by the U.S. government. The Nisei (second generation, American citizens) took a stand in contradistinction to their Japanese non-citizen parents and conformed with the discriminatory policies of the leadership of the United States. Omura published articles opposing this passive-aggressive stance of the JACL, for which he was singled-out as 'Public Enemy Number One of the JACL'.
In the English-speaking world, the term "French feminism" refers to a branch of theories and philosophies by and about women that emerged in the 1970s to the 1990s. These ideas have run parallel to and sometimes in contradistinction to the political feminist movement in France but is often referred to as "French feminist theory," distinguished by an approach which is more philosophical and literary. Its writings tend to be effusive and metaphorical being less concerned with political doctrine and generally focused on theories of "the body". Notable representatives include Monique WittigBalén, Julia.
Lesbian culture also found a focal point in a small bar named Crocodile Rock in Far East Plaza, which remains to this day the oldest lesbian bar in Singapore. Such events were now officially sanctioned and no longer discouraged by their managements. No police raids at these establishments took place. With these weekly gatherings for energetic dancing to let off steam and meet new friends, homosexuals felt the first bonds of a relatively cohesive community- a warm feeling of being welcomed into a new brotherhood, in contradistinction to erstwhile isolation, alienation and loneliness for many.
S/S Ukkopekka, a Finnish screw steamer A screw steamer or screw steamship is an old term for a steamship or steamboat powered by a steam engine, using one or more propellers (also known as screws) to propel it through the water. Such a ship was also known as an "iron screw steam ship". In the 19th century, this designation was normally used in contradistinction to the paddle steamer, a still earlier form of steamship that was largely, but not entirely, superseded by the screw steamer.Canney, 1998 pp.
However, the aggression of the Habsburgs in Germany towards Protestants, and Protestant princes in possession of secularized lands was undeniable. After the edict of restitution was issued, it was undeniable where Germany was headed in the hands of the Habsburgs. John George, however, was insightful enough to appreciate that neutrality would gain his electorate nothing, and instead sought to erect a third power in Germany in contradistinction to the Habsburgs and Sweden. He was unable to effect this however, and was isolated as a result of his early adherence to Ferdinand.
Similarly since Candrakīrti was the first person to clearly distinguish Prasañgika view from the Svatantrika he is regarded by Tibetan scholars as the founder or path breaker () of the Prasangika system. But Tibetans recognize that Candrakīrti's explanation arises within the commentarial lineage of Buddhapalita, and for that reason some assert Buddhapalita to be the founder of Prasangika. In general though Nagarjuna and Buddhapalita clearly taught the Prasangika view neither is regarded as the founder of the Prasangika system because historically they did not clearly set forth this view in contradistinction to the Svatantrika view.
The five solae (from Latin, ', lit. "alone"; occasionally Anglicized to five solas) of the Protestant Reformation are a foundational set of principles held by theologians and clergy to be central to the doctrine of salvation as taught by the Reformed branches of Protestantism. Each sola represents a key belief in the Lutheran and Reformed traditions in contradistinction to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. These Reformers claimed that the Catholic Church, especially its head, the Pope, had usurped divine attributes or qualities for the Church and its hierarchy.
In his 1603 work Richard Knolles described the "country songs" of Serbs about the Battle of Kosovo and refer to Obilić as "Cobelitz". In Serbian epic poetry and song (e.g. "Radul-bey and Bulgarian King Šišman" and the song "Dušan's Wedding"), Miloš Obilić is often grouped along with other literary creations like Karadjordje, Vuk Karadžić and Njegoš as Serbs of Dinaric origin who distinguished themselves as the great moral and/or intellectual minds of the past in contradistinction to Bulgarian contemporaries, who could claim no such status. citing Cvijić.
Ananias, who had come to Adiabene with Izates, supported Helena's contention, arguing that such a step on the part of the king would endanger the life of his Jewish instructor, and, further, that circumcision was not vital to the fulfilment of the Jewish religion and the worship of God. Izates seemed convinced by the latter argument, until there came to his court another Jew, Eleazar, who, in contradistinction to Ananias' Hellenic leniency, was a rigorous legalist from Galilee. He persuaded Izates to undergo the rite.Genesis Rabba xlvi. 8.
That on the Orach Chaim was published in Shklov in 1803. Ashkenazi also published his master's notes to the tractate Shekalim of the Jerusalem Talmud, with a commentary of his own, under the title Taklin Chadtin (Minsk, 1812). Later he emigrated to Ottoman Syria and became the head of the German and Polish congregations of Safed and then of Jerusalem. He was there surnamed "Ashkenazi" (the "German"), a name applied to all Jews of German extraction, in contradistinction to the Sephardim, who came originally from Spain or Portugal.
Belt Woods Natural Environment Area in Prince George's County, Maryland A Natural Environment Area (NEA) is a unit of the Park Service of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. These public lands are generally or more in extent and are judged to constitute a "significant natural attraction or unique geological feature". Development within an NEA is generally confined to trails, interpretive facilities and limited support facilities. In contradistinction to Maryland Wildlands, which may only be established or removed by an act of the Maryland General Assembly, NEAs are designated by the DNR.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Scrutiny is also a term applied to a method of electing a pope in the Catholic Church, in contradistinction to two other methods, acclamation and accession. In the law of elections, scrutiny is the careful examination of votes cast after the unsuccessful candidate has lodged a petition claiming the seat, and alleging that he has the majority of legal votes. Each vote is dealt with separately, notice being given beforehand by one party to the other of the votes objected to and the grounds of objection.
His style, indeed, is often exaggerated, but his faults are those of a period not far removed from the great age of Latin literature. Nor are all his ideas alike novel and original, so that what seems actually to be his own gains in importance on that very account. In contradistinction to the apologists of, and before, his time, Tertullian refused to make Christian apologetics merely defensive; he appealed to the law of the Empire, claimed the right to social existence, and took the offensive. His theology is sometimes daring, and even inaccurate, his morality inadmissible through very excess.
He made several collecting trips to Italy, Crete, Greece, Egypt and Palestine followed by a two-year-long expedition to Australia, Mauritius and South Africa, collecting not only plants, but also animals, art and ethnographic objects. He spent seven months in Sydney (then more usually called Port Jackson) from 1 June 1823 until December 1823 where he collected 645 local plant specimens. He never reached the Western hemisphere (in contradistinction to Friedrich Wilhelm Sieber, an employee of Johann Centurius Hoffmannsegg), but sent several people to make collections for him, notably Franz Kohaut in the Antilles and Wenceslas Bojer on Mauritius.
According to Johann Christian Wernsdorf, who argued from the name, he must have been a slave or a freedman. The cognomen, or epithet, Faliscus, from which it has been inferred that he was a native of FaleriiSee e.g. was first introduced by Barth, on the authority of a manuscript which no one else ever saw, and probably originated in a forced interpretation of one of the lines in the poem, "At contra nostris imbellia lina Faliscis" (5.40). William Ramsay argued that in the context, "nostris" here denotes merely "Italian", in contradistinction to the various foreign tribes spoken of in the preceding verses.
The Fijian government established the National Bank of Fiji in 1976 on the base of the Savings Bank of Fiji, founded in 1907. After the 1987 coup, the NBF made a push to serve the indigenous Fijian population (in contradistinction to the Fijian population of Indian origin) by introducing new services, expanding its staff by hiring mainly indigenous Fijians, and increasing its lending to indigenous Fijians. In mid-1995 NBF was running bad and doubtful debts of at least F$90 million. By 1996 NBF’s bad and doubtful debts were estimated at over F$220million, or 8 percent of GDP.
In the 19th century, bolts fastened via screw threads were often called screw bolts in contradistinction to clench bolts. In common usage, the distinction (not rigorous) is often that screws are smaller than bolts, and that screws are generally tapered while bolts are not. For example, cylinder head bolts are called "bolts" (at least in North American usage) despite the fact that by some definitions they ought to be called "screws". Their size and their similarity to a bolt that would take a nut seem linguistically to overrule any other factors in this natural word choice proclivity.
Related to 'anthropocentrism', object-oriented thinkers reject speculative idealist correlationism, which the French philosopher Quentin Meillassoux defines as "the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other". Because object-oriented ontology is the realist philosophy, it stands in contradistinction to the anti-realist trajectory of correlationism, which restricts philosophical understanding to the correlation of being with thought by disavowing any reality external to this correlation as inaccessible, and, in this way, fails to escape the ontological reification of human experience.
Remedium was promoted with four singles: "Logo Land", released on September 24, 2014, "List motywacyjny" with featured appearance by Paluch, which was released on October 28, 2014, "BHO" recorded along with Bezczel and "Remedium", which was shared on Tau's page on October 2, 2014. For all of those tracks there were videos made. In contradistinction to previous Tau's projects, on which he was in charge of the entire production, Remedium was produced by several producers, such as Zdolny, Chris Carson and Gawvi. The album debuted at number 4 on the Polish OLiS chart, having sold over fifteen thousand copies within several months.
Habermas responded to this in 1983 with Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action (English trans. 1990). In this work he no longer spoke of a known ideal speech situation but instead of a new moral system ("Discourse ethics") that could be derived from the "presuppositions of argumentation". These in turn could initially be postulated by philosophical analysis in the same way that Immanuel Kant tried to justify his own moral system through transcendental arguments. However, in contradistinction to Kant, Habermas recognizes that the presuppositions of argumentation can be tested in practice by a device he terms "performative contradiction".
Much of al-Faruqi's early thought is associated with what he called urubah (Arabism). In his 1962 book, On Arabism: Urubah and Religion, he argued that urubah comprises the core identity and set of values which embrace all Muslims, a single community of believers (ummah). Al-Faruqi formulated the notion of urubah in contradistinction to two other hegemonic ideologies: Arab nationalism and non-Arab Islamic revivalism. Adopting an overtly essentialist position, he argued that more than merely the language of the Qur'an, Arabic provided the only possible linguistic structure within which the Islamic conception of the world could be apprehended.
121–122 This means that he treats law as a mere means, in the context of a (perhaps primitive) social contract theory, without considering it as something special, in contradistinction to, e.g., Plato but similar to both Thrasymachus and Callicles, albeit that their theories have – as far as can be ascertained from the information available about them – more specific characteristics. While Lycophron is considered one of the first proponents of a social contract theory, this is mostly a conjecture based on his theory of law. His few surviving quotes do not include a theory on the emergence of society from agreements.
United States federal legislation defines the term to make specified agricultural commodities eligible or ineligible for a program or activity. For example, the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 (P.L. 106–78, Title IX) defines livestock only as cattle, swine, and sheep, while the 1988 disaster assistance legislation defined the term as "cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry (including egg-producing poultry), equine animals used for food or in the production of food, fish used for food, and other animals designated by the Secretary." Deadstock is defined in contradistinction to livestock as "animals that have died before slaughter, sometimes from illness or disease".
The concept of the Crown as a part of parliament is related to the idea of the fusion of powers, meaning that the executive branch and legislative branch of government are fused together. This is a key concept of the Westminster system of government, developed in England and used across the Commonwealth and beyond. It is in contradistinction to the idea of the separation of powers. The specific language of "the Crown", "the King", or "the Queen" in parliament used in the Commonwealth realms also alludes to the constitutional theory that ultimate authority or sovereignty rests with the monarch, but is delegated to elected and/or appointed officials.
After many battles and the defeat of several of their leaders, the Visigoths eventually managed to conquer every corner of the region. In 572, Leuvigild, the designee to reign, obtained the kingdom after the death of his brother Liuva I. In 585, his son Hermenegild, after converting to Catholicism (in contradistinction to the Arianism of former kings) rebelled against his father and proclaimed himself king in the city. Legend tells that in order to force his way, Leuvigild changed the course of the Guadalquivir River, hindering the passage of the inhabitants and causing a drought. The old channel passed by the present-day Alameda de Hercules.
Variants of the phrase All Father (like Allfadir) usually refer to Wuotan (Woden, Óðinn/Odin), and the Franks probably believed in Wuoton as "chief" of blessings, whom the first historian Tacitus called "Mercurius", and his consort Freia,Perry, p. 23. as well as Donar (Thor), god of thunder, and Zio (Tyr), whom Tacitus called "Mars". According to Herbert Schutz, most of their gods were "worldly", possessing form and having concrete relation to earthly objects, in contradistinction to the transcendent God of Christianity. Tacitus also mentioned a goddess Nerthus being worshipped by the Germanic people, in whom Perry thinks the Franks may have shared a belief.
The few remaining fragments produce the impression of vivid and rapid narrative, to which the flow of the native Saturnian verse, in contradistinction to the weighty and complex structure of the hexameter, was naturally adapted. The impression we get of the man is that, whether or not he actually enjoyed the full rights of Roman citizenship, he was a vigorous representative of the bold combative spirit of the ancient Roman commons. He was one of those who made the Latin language into a great organ of literature. The phrases still quoted from him have nothing of an antiquated sound, though they have a genuinely idiomatic ring.
Evidence for the content of this oral tradition of teaching is found among the writings of the Early Church Fathers as well as in the later legislation of the Church or lex. Ius is typically understood in contradistinction to lex. The Early Church, which existed more or less under persecution in the Roman Empire prior to Constantine I in the early fourth century, was not in a position to gather large councils for the purpose of legislation or theological clarification prior to 325 AD. Laws formalized as lex after 325 AD are sometimes falsely interpreted as having a "new" content. This is usually not the case.
Royal Avenue, Belfast. Photochrom print circa 1890–1900. At what date the county of Antrim was formed is not known, but it appears that a certain district bore this name before the reign of Edward II (early 14th century), and when the shiring of Ulster was undertaken by Sir John Perrot in the 16th century, Antrim and Down were already recognised divisions, in contradistinction to the remainder of the province. The earliest known inhabitants were Mesolithic hunter-gatherers of pre-Celtic origin, but the names of the townlands or subdivisions, supposed to have been made in the 13th century, are all of Celtic derivation.
In a more general sense, orchestration also refers to the re-adaptation of existing music into another medium, particularly a full or reduced orchestra. There are two general kinds of adaptation: transcription, which closely follows the original piece, and arrangement, which tends to change significant aspects of the original piece. In terms of adaptation, orchestration applies, strictly speaking, only to writing for orchestra, whereas the term instrumentation applies to instruments used in the texture of the piece. In the study of orchestration – in contradistinction to the practice – the term instrumentation may also refer to consideration of the defining characteristics of individual instruments rather than to the art of combining instruments.
At the centre of the macula is the foveal pit where the cones are narrow and long, and, arranged in a hexagonal mosaic, the most dense, in contradistinction to the much fatter cones located more peripherally in the retina. At the foveal pit the other retinal layers are displaced, before building up along the foveal slope until the rim of the fovea, or parafovea, is reached, which is the thickest portion of the retina. The macula has a yellow pigmentation, from screening pigments, and is known as the macula lutea. The area directly surrounding the fovea has the highest density of rods converging on single bipolar cells.
Ecclesiastical jurisdiction in its primary sense does not signify jurisdiction over ecclesiastics ("church leadership"), but jurisdiction exercised by church leaders over other leaders and over the laity. Jurisdiction is a word borrowed from the legal system which has acquired a wide extension in theology, wherein, for example, it is frequently used in contradistinction to order, to express the right to administer sacraments as something added onto the power to celebrate them. So it is used to express the territorial or other limits of ecclesiastical, executive or legislative authority. Here it is used as the authority by which judicial officers investigate and decide cases under Canon law.
New York: Oxford University Press. 2005, article Tatian Tatian sought to combine all the textual material he found in the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—into a single coherent narrative of Jesus's life and death. However, and in contradistinction to most later gospel harmonists, Tatian appears not to have been motivated by any aspiration to validate the four separate canonical gospel accounts; or to demonstrate that, as they stood, they could each be shown as being without inconsistency or error. Although widely used by early Syriac Christians, the original text has not survived, but was reconstructed in 1881 by Theodor Zahn from translations and commentaries.
Sartre argued that a central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the most important consideration for individuals is that they are individuals—independently acting and responsible, conscious beings ("existence")—rather than what labels, roles, stereotypes, definitions, or other preconceived categories the individuals fit ("essence"). The actual life of the individuals is what constitutes what could be called their "true essence" instead of an arbitrarily attributed essence others use to define them. Human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life. (Dictionary) "L'existencialisme" – see "l'identité de la personne" This view is in contradistinction to Aristotle and Aquinas.
In contradistinction to both Herbert Spencer and Edward Burnett Tylor, who defended theories of animistic origins of ancestor worship, Émile Durkheim saw its origin in totemism. In reality this distinction is somewhat academic, since totemism may be regarded as particularized manifestation of animism, and something of a synthesis of the two positions was attempted by Sigmund Freud. In Freud's Totem and Taboo, both totem and taboo are outward expressions or manifestations of the same psychological tendency, a concept which is complementary to, or which rather reconciles, the apparent conflict. Freud preferred to emphasize the psychoanalytic implications of the reification of metaphysical forces, but with particular emphasis on its familial nature.
Bailey saw a second section from pages 66 through 130, characterized by a change of repertory that included works by foreign composers. That Heardson places the works by John Mercure and those attributed to John Cobb together suggested to Bailey that he had access to these works for only a brief time. She noted the two works by Thomas Tomkins on pages 90 and 92 show a significantly more intricate keyboard technique, in contradistinction to the surrounding works by Orlando Gibbons and others. Although several works by La Barre and Tesure appear, they appear with less organization than the works by Mercure and Cobb.
The history of modern philanthropy the European Continent is especially important in the case of Germany, which became a model for others, especially regarding the welfare state. The princes and in the various Imperial states continued traditional efforts, such as monumental buildings, parks and art collections. Starting in the early 19th century, the rapidly emerging middle classes made local philanthropy a major endeavor to establish their legitimate role in shaping society, in contradistinction to the aristocracy and the military. They concentrated on support for social welfare institutions, higher education, and cultural institutions, as well as some efforts to alleviate the hardships of rapid industrialization.
Bachelor of Civil Law (abbreviated BCL or B.C.L.; ) is the name of various degrees in law conferred by English-language universities. The BCL originated as a postgraduate degree in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, but many universities now offer undergraduate law degrees under the same label. Reference to civil law was not originally in contradistinction to common law, but to canon law, although it is true that common law was not taught in the civil law faculties in either university until at least the second half of the 18th century. However, some universities in English-speaking countries use the degree in the former sense.
The principal incidents of a seignory were an oath of fealty, a quit or chief rent; a relief of one year's quit rent, and the right of escheat. In return, for these privileges the lord was liable to forfeit his rights if he neglected to protect and defend the tenant or did anything injurious to the feudal relation. The word "fee" is associated with the Norman feudal system and is in contradistinction to the Anglo-Saxon allodial system. At the time of the Conquest, William the Conqueror granted fiefs to his lords in the manner of a continental or feudal benefice which assured little beyond a life tenure.
Russian writer Isaac Babel popularized this image of "a city of swashbuckling Jewish swindlers and sinners", and the Jewish gangster came to epitomize Odessa in Soviet culture, in contradistinction to the victimized, tradition-oriented stereotype of the shtetl Jew. "Odessa- mama", a popular Yiddish and Russian collocation in literature and song, can be understood as a reference to the city's hospitality to criminals. Major figures in the contemporary scene maintain a connection with Jewish culture. In May 2006, émigré singer-songwriter Willi Tokarev (11 November 1934 – 4 August 2019) drew a significant crowd to the Moscow Jewish Community Center, a Lubavitcher-run center financed by oligarchs.
The evidence that was held to support Prototheria is now universally discounted. In the first place, the examination of embryos has revealed that the development of the braincase wall is essentially identical in therians and in 'prototherians': the anterior lamina simply fuses with the alisphenoid in therians, and therefore the 'prototherian' condition of the braincase wall is primitive for all mammals, while the therian condition can be derived from it. Additionally, the linear alignment of molar cusps is also primitive for all mammals. Therefore, neither of these states can supply a uniquely shared derived character that would support a 'prototherian' grouping of orders in contradistinction to Theria (Kemp 1983).
Ankylosis is a stiffness of a joint due to abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of the joint, which may be the result of injury or disease. The rigidity may be complete or partial and may be due to inflammation of the tendinous or muscular structures outside the joint or of the tissues of the joint itself. When the structures outside the joint are affected, the term "false ankylosis" has been used in contradistinction to "true ankylosis", in which the disease is within the joint. When inflammation has caused the joint- ends of the bones to be fused together, the ankylosis is termed osseous or complete and is an instance of synostosis.
As they neared the end of the voyage his thoughts about the mockingbirds shook his confidence that species were fixed and that variation was limited. In Cape Town, South Africa, Darwin and FitzRoy visited John Herschel. On 20 February 1836, Herschel had written to Lyell praising his Principles of Geology as opening a way for bold speculation on "that mystery of mysteries, the replacement of extinct species by others." Herschel thought catastrophic extinction and renewal "an inadequate conception of the Creator", and by analogy with other intermediate causes "the origination of fresh species, could it ever come under our cognizance, would be found to be a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process".
Held that the word 'amendment' was used in the sense of permitting a change, in contradistinction to destruction, which the repeal or abrogation brings about. Therefore, the width of the power of amendment could not be enlarged by amending the amending power itself. The learned Judge held that the essential elements of the basic structure of the Constitution are reflected in its preamble and that some of the important features of the Constitution are justice, freedom of expression and equality of status and opportunity. The word 'amendment' could not possibly embrace the right to abrogate the pivotal features and the fundamental freedoms and therefore, that part of the basic structure could not be damaged or destroyed.
This idea was well known at least fifty years before Vygotsky, was advocated for by a number of other psychologists, and is frequently discussed under the label of "sociogenesis". In contradistinction to Freud's and Freudian "depth psychology" and the behaviorists (and many others) "surface psychologies" of the average people in their everyday environment, Vygotsky postulated "peak psychology" of his own, which would focus on the highest, "peak" performance of people in their actual life and potential, future "superman" capacity. This "peak psychology" was never accomplished and largely remained an interesting and promising, yet utopian scientific project of considerable interest in the contemporary context of 21st century psychological research.Yasnitsky, A. (2018). Vygotsky’s science of Superman: from Utopia to concrete psychology.
The Indian FTR1200 is an American motorcycle manufactured by Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company since 2019. The Indian Scout FTR750 flat track racing motorcycle is similar in appearance. The FTR1200 and its derivative, the FTR1200S, have been noted as having design cues from the sport of flat track racing, including the airbox location, dual exhaust pipes, lightweight appearance, in contradistinction to the usual American cruiser motorcycle, and "directly target[s] enthusiast riders who currently have traditionally favored the Ducati Monster, Triumph Speed Triple and BMW R nineT". The "sport" model FTR1200S has electronic electronic stability control, and wheelie control, with gyroscopic input to the ABS and other systems to make them lean sensitive.
Veeser ed., p. 94 By the same token, however, the antifoundationalist hope of escaping local situations through awareness of the contingency of all such situations—through recognition of the conventional/rhetorical nature of all claims to master principles—that hope is to Fish equally foredoomed by the very nature of the situational consciousness, the all-embracing social and intellectual context, in which every individual is separately enclosed.Veeser ed., p. 196-7 and p. 213 Fish has also noted how, in contradistinction to hopes of an emancipatory outcome from antifoundationalism, anti-essentialist theories arguing for the absence of a transcontextual point of reference have been put to conservative and neo-conservative, as well as progressive, ends.
This is in contradistinction to the crowded atmosphere of the more popular Dewey Beach and the cosmopolitan bustle of nearby Rehoboth Beach. Assisting South Bethany's reputation as a "quiet" place is the presence of Delaware Seashore State Park – a six-mile-long barrier island providing a substantial buffer from Dewey Beach's noise – to the north of Bethany Beach, as well as that of a large unincorporated area of private condominiums and multimillion-dollar beach homes between the park and Bethany Beach. To the south, South Bethany is insulated from busy Ocean City, Maryland, by Fenwick Island State Park and Fenwick Island itself. Unlike Bethany Beach and neighboring Fenwick Island, South Bethany is almost exclusively residential.
The Astor was usually described in the press as in such terms as "glittering", "ritzy", "chic" and, in the American newspapers, "swanky". Princess Margaret, younger sister of the Queen, no stranger to London nightlife (and what was then called "cafe society" in contradistinction to "Society"), was seen at the Astor on occasion, as in 1952, when she and her entourage enjoyed the performance of the Deep River Boys, a group which mainly sang American gospel music. The Princess described the Deep River Boys as "my very favourite entertainers". Lord Lichfield (Patrick Anson, aka Patrick Lichfield), cousin of the Queen, ex-Guards officer and fashionable photographer, was often to be seen there in the early 1960s.
The term anusim derives from the Talmudic phrase averah b’ones (),Talmud, Abodá Zará 54a meaning "a forced transgression." The Hebrew ones (pronounced "oh'nes") derives from the triconsonantal root א-נ-ס (Aleph-Nun-Samekh), and originally referred to any case where a person has been forced into any act against his or her will. In Modern Hebrew, the word ones is mainly used to mean rape, thus "anusim" (or female "anusot") nowadays means rape victims, the older meaning used only in the historical context. The term anús is used in contradistinction to meshumad (), (literally "self-destroyed") which means a person who has voluntarily abandoned the practice of Jewish law in whole or part.
In 1923, following the Railways Act 1921, most of the railway companies of Great Britain were compulsorily "grouped" into four larger units: the old Great Western Railway and certain large South Wales companies were constituents of the new, larger Great Western Railway. The ADR was a constituent of the new GWR (in contradistinction to smaller companies that were "subsidiaries"). At the grouping the issued capital of the Alexandra Company was £3.66 million, with net income in 1921 of £194,875, and paying a dividend in 1921 of 5% on ordinary stock. It had miles of running lines (but 100 miles of sidings capable of holding 12,000 wagons), 38 locomotives and four passenger carriages.
Darwin's Journal was eventually rewritten as a separate third volume, on natural history. In Cape Town, South Africa, Darwin and FitzRoy met John Herschel, who had recently written to Lyell praising his uniformitarianism as opening bold speculation on "that mystery of mysteries, the replacement of extinct species by others" as "a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process". When organising his notes as the ship sailed home, Darwin wrote that, if his growing suspicions about the mockingbirds, the tortoises and the Falkland Islands fox were correct, "such facts undermine the stability of Species", then cautiously added "would" before "undermine". He later wrote that such facts "seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of species".
Supernumerary phantom limb is a condition where the affected individual believes and receives sensory information from limbs of the body that do not actually exist, and never have existed, in contradistinction to phantom limbs, which appear after an individual has had a limb removed from the body and still receives input from it. An fMRI study of a subject with a supernumerary phantom left arm was done by Khateb et al. at the Laboratory of Experimental Neuropsychology at the University of Geneva. When the subject was told to touch her right cheek with the phantom limb, there was increased activity in the motor cortex of her brain in the area roughly corresponding to the left arm.
The organization also believes that their descendants after being conquered in Spain are slaves who were captured and held in slavery from 1779–1865 by their slaveholders. Although often criticized as lacking scientific merit, adherents of the Moorish Science Temple of America believe that the Negroid Asiatic was the first human inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere. In their religious texts adherents refer to themselves as "Asiatics",The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America Chapter XXV - "A Holy Covenant of the Asiatic Nation" presumably referring to the non-Mongoloid Paleoamericans (see Luzia Woman). These adherents also call themselves "indigenous Moors", "American Moors" or "Moorish Americans" in contradistinction to "African Moors" or "African Americans".
After the destruction of Jerusalem, all the special laws of the Land of Israel became obsolete according to a strict interpretation of Mosaic law. However, the Rabbis, desiring to maintain a distinction between the Land of Israel and the rest of the world, and for other reasons stated below, kept in force some of the special laws. These are recognized as "derabbanan" (by virtue of the Rabbis) in contradistinction to "de-Oraita" (by virtue of the Mosaic law). Those of the laws of the Land of Israel that were extended after the Exile were originally enacted for the purpose of protecting the judicial administration and economic interests of the Land, and with a view to encourage settlement there.
Liszt early and often advocated criminology as a supplement to criminal law in a system of a comprehensive "criminal legal science." German criminal law witnessed intense battles pitting consequentialists against deontologists, those who proposed punishment ne peccetur against those who preferred punishing quia peccatum est. The fiercest, and most prolonged, period of this dispute even had its own name, the "Clash of the Schools" (Schulenstreit), whose main protagonists were Liszt for the "progressive school," and Karl Binding, the originator of “norm theory” in German criminal law, for the "classical school." Binding was Liszt's great adversary, and many of Liszt's central views were formed in response, or at least in contradistinction, to Binding's.
The Democratic Party found itself divided with the coming of the American Civil War between pro- and anti-Union elements.Republican League Register, pg. 28. With the nation embroiled in war, pro-Union Democrats and Republicans put aside their differences at a fusion convention in April 1862, establishing themselves as the Union Party. This joint political organization would continue in Oregon through four elections under the Union Party banner, terminating only in 1868. As the united political organization for a preserved United States of America in contradistinction to defeatists and Confederate sympathizers, the Union Party and, after 1868, the rechristened Republican Party experienced dramatic political gains in Oregon, buoyed by the defection and disenfranchisement of the Democratic South.
Haredim who are more stridently anti- Zionist are under the umbrella of Edah HaChareidis, who reject participation in politics and state funding of its affiliated institutions, in contradistinction to Agudah-affiliated institutions. Neturei Karta is a very small activist organization of anti-Zionist Haredim, whose controversial activities have been strongly condemned, including by other anti-Zionist Haredim. Neither main political party in Israel has the support in numbers to elect a majority government, and so, they both rely on support from the Haredi parties. In recent years, some rebbes affiliated with Agudath Israel, such as the Sadigura rebbe Avrohom Yaakov Friedman, have taken more hard-line stances on security, settlements, and disengagement.
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective, Baker Academic, 2002 pp.248ff. The enemies of Jesus are described collectively as "the Jews", in contradistinction to the other evangelists, who do not generallyAn exception is Gospel of Matthew 27:25 'And all the people (πᾶς ὁ λαὸς) answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!" ascribe to "the Jews" collectively calls for the death of Jesus. In the other three texts, the plot to put Jesus to death is always presented as coming from a small group of priests and rulers, the Sadducees.Mark 11-17-28 ('the chief priests, scribes and the elders'); Luke 20:1-2; Matthew 21:23.
A junior barrister is a barrister who has not yet attained the rank of Queen's Counsel. Although the term is archaic and not commonly used, junior barristers (or "juniors") can also be referred to as utter barristers derived from "outer barristers" or barristers of the outer bar, in distinction to Queen's Counsel at the inner bar. They may also be referred to as stuff gownsmen, in contradistinction to the silk gowns worn by Queen's Counsel (who are therefore also known as "silks"). When students are called to the bar in jurisdictions which maintain barristers as a separate profession, they are said to be "called to the Degree of an Utter Barrister..." on their certificate of call.
In other cases it may be by primary legislation: an example is the Charity Commission in the UK. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 advocates for the provision of legal identity for all, including birth registration by 2030 as part of the 2030 Agenda. As legal personality is a prerequisite to legal capacity (the ability of any legal person to amend (enter into, transfer, etc.) rights and obligations), it is a prerequisite for an international organization to be able to sign international treaties in its own name. The term "legal person" can be ambiguous because it is often used as a synonym of terms that refer only to non-human legal entities, specifically in contradistinction to "natural person".
The composition was provisionally titled Bewegungen (Motions), but the name was later changed to Studie II . It was commissioned by what was then the NWDR, in whose Studio für elektronische Musik in Cologne the piece was created. The world premiere took place in Cologne on 19 October 1954 in the concert series Musik der Zeit, together with Stockhausen’s Studie I and works by Henri Pousseur, Karel Goeyvaerts, Herbert Eimert, and Paul Gredinger . In contradistinction to musique concrète, Stockhausen wanted no longer "to use any electronic acoustic sources, with the sound spectra already built up (Melochord, Trautonium), but only produced from the pure tones of a frequency generator ("pure" notes without overtones)" , therefore using neither electroacoustic instruments nor other found sounds.
The term low church was used in the early part of the 18th century as the equivalent of the term Latitudinarian in that it was used to refer to values that provided much latitude in matters of discipline and faith. The term was in contradistinction to the term high church, or high churchmen, which applied to those who valued the exclusive authority of the Established Church, the episcopacy and the sacramental system. Low churchmen wanted to tolerate Puritan opinions within the Church of England, though they might not be in agreement with Puritan liturgical practices. The movement to bring Separatists, and in particular Presbyterians, back into the Church of England ended with the Act of Toleration 1689 for the most part.
Months are computed according to the calendar from the date of publication. A "canonical month" (in contradistinction to a "calendar month") is a period of 30 days,Canon 202 §1, 1983 Code of Canon Law while a "calendar month" is a continuous month. The vacatio legis is computed according to the calendar; for example, if a law is promulgated on 2 November, and the vacatio legis is 3 months, then the law takes effect on 2 February. So a universal law has a vacatio legis of approximately 90 days—3 months taken according to the calendar—while a particular law has a vacatio legis of approximately 30 days—1 month taken according to the calendar—unless specified to the contrary.
The US government similarly feared turning the war into one about the Jews; antisemitism and isolationism were common in the US before its entry into the war. Although governments and the German public appear to have understood what was happening, it seems the Jews themselves did not. According to Saul Friedländer, "[t]estimonies left by Jews from all over occupied Europe indicate that, in contradistinction to vast segments of surrounding society, the victims did not understand what was ultimately in store for them." In Western Europe, he writes, Jewish communities seem to have failed to piece the information together, while in Eastern Europe, they could not accept that the stories they had heard from elsewhere would end up applying to them too.
Initially studying with a traditional Persian miniature painter, Ebtekar soon discovered the mid-20th Century style of Qahveh-khanehei painting (Iranian coffeehouse painting), and he went on to study under master Qahveh- khanehei painter Mohammad Farahani. A style defined as much by its popularity amongst regular folk as its distance from court arts. In contradistinction to the official court painters of the time, qahveh khanehei painters brought fine art from the exclusive province of those with money and power to the domain of the common people. A singular characteristic of Qahveh-khanehei painting was its freedom, as artists of this style created their work with neither external themes nor the attention to proper anatomy and perspective as seen in miniature paintings.
In contradistinction to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America traces its origin to the original Grand United Order of Oddfellows in England, which was established in 1798. In 1810 a group split from the Order and became the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity. In 1819 a branch of Oddfellowship was introduced into the United States by Thomas Wildey, and remained an organic party of the Manchester Unity until 1843, when it became a separate organization under the name Independent Order of Odd Fellows. By that time there were only four known lodges of Oddfellows in the United States owing allegiance to the Grand United Order; they were located near Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
Months are computed according to the calendar from the date of publication. A "canonical month" (in contradistinction to a "calendar month") is a period of 30 days,Canon 202 §1, 1983 Code of Canon Law while a "calendar month" is a continuous month. The vacatio legis is computed according to the calendar; for example, if a law is promulgated on 2 November, and the vacatio legis is 3 months, then the law takes effect on 2 February. So a universal law has a vacatio legis of approximately 90 days—3 months taken according to the calendar—while a particular law has a vacatio legis of approximately 30 days—1 month taken according to the calendar—unless specified to the contrary.
The development of this tradition of natural justice into one of natural law is usually attributed to the Stoics. The rise of natural law as a universal system coincided with the rise of large empires and kingdoms in the Greek world.Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence, Seventh Edition. Whereas the "higher" law that Aristotle suggested one could appeal to was emphatically natural, in contradistinction to being the result of divine positive legislation, the Stoic natural law was indifferent to either the natural or divine source of the law: the Stoics asserted the existence of a rational and purposeful order to the universe (a divine or eternal law), and the means by which a rational being lived in accordance with this order was the natural law, which inspired actions that accorded with virtue.
One was the release of a pupil of a cathedral school, a domicellaris, from subjection to the authority of the scholasticus, or head of the school. This emancipation took place with certain well-defined ceremonies, known in the old German cathedral schools as Kappengang. The term emancipation is also applied to the release of a secular ecclesiastic from his diocese, or of a regular cleric from obedience and submission to his former superior, because of election to the episcopate. The petition requesting release from the former condition of service or submission, which the collegiate electoral body, or the newly elected person, must present to the former superior, is called postulatio simplex, in contradistinction to the postulatio sollemnis, or petition to be laid before the pope, in case some canonical impediment prevents the elected person from assuming the episcopal office.
The vivid conceits in which he > pictures his hapless niece do not transform or depersonalise her: she is > already transformed and depersonalised ... Far from being a retreat from the > awful reality into some aesthetic distance, then, Marcus' conceits dwell > upon this figure that is to him both familiar and strange, fair and hideous, > living body and object: this is, and is not, Lavinia. Lavinia's plight is > literally unutterable ... Marcus' formal lament articulates unspeakable > woes. Here and throughout the play the response to the intolerable is > ritualised, in language and action, because ritual is the ultimate means by > which man seeks to order and control his precarious and unstable > world.Palmer (1972: 321–322) In contradistinction to Dover Wilson and Waith, several scholars have argued that while the speech may not work on the page, it can work in performance.
Long knives or big knives was a term used by the Iroquois, and later by the Mingo and other Natives of the Ohio Country to designate British colonists of Virginia, in contradistinction to those of New York and Pennsylvania. It is a literal translation of the treaty name that the Iroquois first bestowed on Virginia Governor Lord Howard in 1684, Assarigoe (variously spelled Assaregoa, Assaragoa, Asharigoua), meaning "cutlass" in Onondaga. This word was chosen as a pun on Howard's name, which sounds like Dutch hower meaning "cutlass"contemporary 17th c. source affirming Dutch hower = "cutlass" (similar to the Iroquois' choice of the name Onas, or "quill pen", for the Pennsylvania Governors, beginning with William Penn.) This is the very explanation included within official diplomatic correspondence addressed by the Iroquois sachems themselves to then-governor Spotswood in 1722.
Hakim's general stance with respect to all of these movements, in contradistinction to those of his children, who later became extraordinarily active politically, was one of quietism. In fact, Shi'i quietism, later exemplified by hawza leaders such as Grand Ayatollah Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei and current Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, probably reached its apotheosis in Iraq during Hakim's tenure. Thus, while Hakim did attempt to fight against Communist influence among the Shi'a by banning their participation in the party, for the most part he preferred to remain out of politics, at least tacitly agreeing with Baghdad's rulers to keep the hawza's scholars politically neutral in exchange for relative immunity for those scholars. Implicit in this stance was a certain alienation and disaffection with the notion of the modern nation state and the exercise of political authority.
A legal mortgage arises when the assets are conveyed to the secured party as security for the obligations, but subject to a right to have the assets reconveyed when the obligations are performed.Santley v Wilde [1899] 2 Ch 474; Carter v Wake (1877) 4 Ch D 605 This right is referred to as the "equity of redemption". The law has historically taken a dim view of provisions which might impede this right to have the assets reconveyed (referred to as being a "clog" on the equity of redemption); although the position has become more relaxed in recent years in relation to sophisticated financial transactions. References to "true" legal mortgages mean mortgages by the traditional common law method of transfer subject to a proviso in this manner, and references are usually made in contradistinction to either equitable mortgages or statutory mortgages.
Mme d'Épinay by Jean-Étienne Liotard, ca 1759 (Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva) Rousseau's break with the Encyclopedistes coincided with the composition of his three major works, in all of which he emphasized his fervent belief in a spiritual origin of man's soul and the universe, in contradistinction to the materialism of Diderot, La Mettrie and D'Holbach. During this period, Rousseau enjoyed the support and patronage of Charles François Frédéric de Montmorency- Luxembourg and the Prince de Conti, two of the richest and most powerful nobles in France. These men truly liked Rousseau and enjoyed his ability to converse on any subject, but they also used him as a way of getting back at Louis XV and the political faction surrounding his mistress, Madame de Pompadour. Even with them, however, Rousseau went too far, courting rejection when he criticized the practice of tax farming, in which some of them engaged.
In 1863 Samuel Butler's essay "Darwin among the Machines" predicted the domination of humanity by intelligent machines, but Bostrom's suggestion of deliberate massacre of all humankind is the most extreme of such forecasts to date. One journalist wrote in a review that Bostrom's "nihilistic" speculations indicate he "has been reading too much of the science fiction he professes to dislike". As given in his later book, From Bacteria to Bach and Back, philosopher Daniel Dennett's views remain in contradistinction to those of Bostrom. Dennett modified his views somewhat after reading The Master Algorithm, and now acknowledges that it is "possible in principle" to create "strong AI" with human-like comprehension and agency, but maintains that the difficulties of any such "strong AI" project as predicated by Bostrom's "alarming" work would be orders of magnitude greater than those raising concerns have realized, and at least 50 years away.
Luxemburg likened union struggles to the "labor of Sisyphus"—the mythical figure who was condemned to push a stone up a hill over and over again. The same applied to reforms won through the ballot box. In the end, Luxemburg concluded that Bernstein was not simply arguing for a "more realistic" way to socialism, but had thrown out the prospect of socialism: > That is why people who pronounce themselves in favour of the method of > legislative reform in place and in contradistinction to the conquest of > political power and social revolution, do not really choose a more tranquil, > calmer and slower road to the same goal, but a different goal. Our program > becomes not the realization of socialism, but the reform of capitalism; not > the suppression of the wage labor system but the diminution of exploitation, > that is, the suppression of the abuses of capitalism instead of suppression > of capitalism itself.
The station was opened by the Dunfermline and Queensferry Railway on 1 November 1877, named Dunfermline, Comely Park. It was rebuilt in 1889, the Down (northbound) platform being extended eastwards with a new booking office building and a new Up (southbound platform) being provided; the extended facilities were brought into use on 5 March 1890, from which date the station was known as Dunfermline Lower in contradistinction to Dunfermline Upper on the line to Stirling. After the latter station was closed in 1968, the suffix was dropped and it became known as plain Dunfermline. During the 1970s and 1980s British Rail only ran a regular daytime service on the Dunfermline line between Edinburgh and as far as Cowdenbeath; Lochgelly & Cardenden were only served during the weekday business peaks, whilst the remainder of the route to Thornton Junction was freight-only (having been closed to passengers in 1969).
The Introduction establishes Darwin's credentials as a naturalist and author, then refers to John Herschel's letter suggesting that the origin of species "would be found to be a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process": > WHEN on board HMS Beagle, as naturalist, I was much struck with certain > facts in the distribution of the inhabitants of South America, and in the > geological relations of the present to the past inhabitants of that > continent. These facts seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of > species—that mystery of mysteries, as it has been called by one of our > greatest philosophers. Darwin refers specifically to the distribution of the species rheas, and to that of the Galápagos tortoises and mockingbirds. He mentions his years of work on his theory, and the arrival of Wallace at the same conclusion, which led him to "publish this Abstract" of his incomplete work.
These two classes of machine tools simultaneously took the various classes of screws and moved them, for the first time, from the category of expensive, hand-made, seldom- used objects into the category of affordable, often-interchangeable commodity. (The interchangeability developed gradually, from intra-company to inter- company to national to international). Between 1800 and 1840, on the machine- screw side, it became common practice to build all of the relevant screw- cutting machine elements into engine lathes, so the term "screw-cutting lathe" ceased to stand in contradistinction to other metalworking lathe types as a "special" kind of lathe. Meanwhile, on the wood-screw side, hardware manufacturers had developed for their own in-house use the first fully automatic [mechanically automated] special-purpose machine tools for the making of screws.. The 1760–1840 development arc was a tremendous technological advance, but later advancements would make screws even cheaper and more prevalent yet again.
Beginner diver in St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands Recreational diving or sport diving is diving for the purpose of leisure and enjoyment, usually when using scuba equipment. The term "recreational diving" may also be used in contradistinction to "technical diving", a more demanding aspect of recreational diving which requires greater levels of training, experience and equipment to compensate for the more hazardous conditions associated with the disciplines. Breath-hold diving for recreation also fits into the broader scope of the term, but this article covers the commonly used meaning of scuba diving for recreational purposes, where the diver is not constrained from making a direct near-vertical ascent to the surface at any point during the dive, and risk is considered low. The equipment used for recreational diving is mostly open circuit scuba, though semi closed and fully automated electronic closed circuit rebreathers may be included in the scope of recreational diving.
In the behavioral sciences, the terms "positive" and "negative" refer when used in their strict technical sense to the nature of the action performed by the conditioner rather than to the responding operant's evaluation of that action and its consequence(s). "Positive" actions are those that add a factor, be it pleasant or unpleasant, to the environment, whereas "negative" actions are those that remove or withhold from the environment a factor of either type. In turn, the strict sense of "reinforcement" refers only to reward-based conditioning; the introduction of unpleasant factors and the removal or withholding of pleasant factors are instead referred to as "punishment," which when used in its strict sense thus stands in contradistinction to "reinforcement." Thus, "positive reinforcement" refers to the addition of a pleasant factor, "positive punishment" refers to the addition of an unpleasant factor, "negative reinforcement" refers to the removal or withholding of an unpleasant factor, and "negative punishment" refers to the removal or withholding of a pleasant factor.
Under the name of "corpus canonum" ('body of canons') were designated the collection of Dionysius Exiguus and the Collectio Anselmo dedicata (see below). The Decretum of Gratian is already called Corpus juris canonici by a glossator of the 12th century, and Innocent IV calls by this name the Decretales or Decretals of Gregory IX.Ad expediendos, 9 September 1253 Since the second half of the 13th century, Corpus juris canonici in contradistinction to the Roman Corpus juris civilis of Justinian I, generally denoted the following collections: the "Decretals" of Gregory IX; those of Boniface VIII (Sixth Book of the Decretals); those of Clement V (Clementinæ) i. e. the collections which at that time, with the Decretum of Gratian, were taught and explained at the universities. At the present day, under the above title are commonly understood these three collections with the addition of the Decretum of Gratian, the Extravagantes (laws 'circulating outside' the standard sources) of John XXII, and the Extravagantes Communes.
Chinese vernacular ritual masters, also referred to as practitioners of Faism ( Fǎjiào, "rites/laws' traditions"), also named Folk Taoism ( Mínjiàn Dàojiào), or "Red Taoism" (in southeast China and Taiwan), are orders of priests that operate within the Chinese folk religion but outside any institution of official Taoism. Such "masters of rites", fashi (), are known by a variety of names including hongtou daoshi (), popular in southeast China, meaning "redhead" or "redhat" daoshi, in contradistinction to the wutou daoshi (), "blackhead" or "blackhat" daoshi, as vernacular Taoists call the sanju daoshi of Zhengyi Taoism that were traditionally ordained by the Celestial Master. In some provinces of north China they are known as yīnyángshēng ( "sages of yin and yang"), and by a variety of other names. Although the two types of priests, daoshi and fashi, have the same roles in Chinese society—in that they may marry and they perform rituals for communities' temples or private homes—Zhengyi daoshi emphasise their Taoist tradition, distinguished from the vernacular tradition of the fashi.
The organisation maintaining the Garden Tomb refrains from claiming that this is the authentic tomb of Jesus, while pointing out the similarities with the site described in the Bible, and the fact that the Garden Tomb better preserves its ancient outlook than the more traditional, but architecturally altered and time-damaged tomb from the mostly crowded Church of the Holy Sepulchre; for all of these reasons, they suggest that the Garden Tomb is more evocative of the events described in the Gospels. Website of The Garden Tomb (Jerusalem) Association The Garden Tomb is adjacent to a rocky escarpment which since the mid-nineteenth century has been proposed by some scholars to be Golgotha. It has since been known as Skull Hill or Gordon's Calvary. In contradistinction to this modern identification, the traditional site where the death and resurrection of Christ are believed to have occurred has been the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at least since the fourth century.
The structure of the rock - the relation of its components to one another - is usually clearly indicated, whether it is fragmented or massive; the presence of glassy matter in contradistinction to a completely crystalline or "holo-crystalline" condition; the nature and origin of organic fragments; banding, foliation or lamination; the pumiceous or porous structure of many lavas. These and many other characters, though often not visible in the hand specimens of a rock, are rendered obvious by the examination of a microscopic section. Various methods of detailed observation may be applied, such as the measurement of the size of the elements of the rock by the help of micrometers, their relative proportions by means of a glass plate ruled in small squares, the angles between cleavages or faces seen in section by the use of the rotating graduated stage, and the estimation of the refractive index of the mineral by comparison with those of different mounting media.
In the 19th century, the Chokwe—another related group—identified a disparate collection of neighboring farming and hunting groups in the area between the Upper and Lower Kasai and Lulua Rivers as the "Beena Luluwa" (singular, "Mwena Luluwa") meaning "people by the Luluwa." The powerful Luba empire in the 18th century helped push these small Luba hunting groups into their present home, according to oral sources, coming from the west. Their collective identity was limited to the institution of the "Kalamba", a judge and war leader to whom these small groups turned to in times of internal or external conflict. Nineteenth century European missionaries and travelers contributed to this process of ethnic differentiation from the Luba, defining these small communities in contradistinction to the states of their neighbors. Father A. Van Zandijcke, a Belgian missionary, reported that until 1870 there was no agreed collective name for the Lulua, with each kinship group or chieftaincy identifying themselves independently.
The French historian Marc Bloch, arguably the most influential 20th-century medieval historian, approached feudalism not so much from a legal and military point of view but from a sociological one, presenting in Feudal Society (1939; English 1961) a feudal order not limited solely to the nobility. It is his radical notion that peasants were part of the feudal relationship that sets Bloch apart from his peers: while the vassal performed military service in exchange for the fief, the peasant performed physical labour in return for protection – both are a form of feudal relationship. According to Bloch, other elements of society can be seen in feudal terms; all the aspects of life were centered on "lordship", and so we can speak usefully of a feudal church structure, a feudal courtly (and anti-courtly) literature, and a feudal economy. In contradistinction to Bloch, the Belgian historian François-Louis Ganshof defined feudalism from a narrow legal and military perspective, arguing that feudal relationships existed only within the medieval nobility itself.
Herschel, at the same time, read widely. Intrigued by the ideas of gradual formation of landscapes set out in Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, he wrote to Lyell on 20 February 1836 praising the book as a work that would bring "a complete revolution in [its] subject, by altering entirely the point of view in which it must thenceforward be contemplated" and opening a way for bold speculation on "that mystery of mysteries, the replacement of extinct species by others." Herschel himself thought catastrophic extinction and renewal "an inadequate conception of the Creator" and by analogy with other intermediate causes, "the origination of fresh species, could it ever come under our cognizance, would be found to be a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process". He prefaced his words with the couplet: Taking a gradualist view of development and referring to evolutionary descent from a proto-language, Herschel commented: The document was circulated, and Charles Babbage incorporated extracts in his ninth and unofficial Bridgewater Treatise, which postulated laws set up by a divine programmer.
The reading found in Rashi and in the Munich manuscript, has been simply drawn from the Jerusalem Talmud. But the statement in the Babylonian Talmud, that the Mishnah source concerning Apostomus is a Gemara (tradition), shows that, according to the Babylonian authorities, the date of Apostomus can not be placed later than the Maccabean period. For Gemara is a technical term employed by the Talmud to designate tannaitic sayings connected with Biblical events or laws that are neither mentioned nor alluded to in the Scriptures, in contradistinction to those derived from the Biblical text. Hence it is argued that Apostomus must belong to a time in reference to which there existed also written sources that were known to the Talmudic authorities, the latest limit being the Maccabean period; and as it has been shown that the pre-Maccabean and the Biblical epoch must be excluded, it follows that Apostomus was none other than Antiochus Epiphanes, of whom, moreover, it is known, also from other sources, that he set up an idol in the Temple.
Instead, the Christian Hebrew Roots movement follows what it claims is the worship pattern of Jesus, whom they claim freed mankind from the yoke of the letter of the law; and, in fulfilling the law, Jesus taught Christians to practice only the Ten Commandments and feasts of the Lord which make up "the acceptable year of the Lord" in his speech inaugurating his personal earthly ministry. This main distinction between the two groups is that followers of the Hebrew Roots movement understand the word "fulfill" (playroo G4137), found in Matthew 5:17, to mean "fill up" specifically with meaning. This is in contradistinction to "destroy" (kataluo G2647) with which it is contrasted earlier in the same verse. Fulfill is also found to mean to place the commandments of God "on a firmer footing by interpreting them correctly in terms of God's ultimate will as He originally intended for His commandments to be obeyed", and not dispensing with them as something that has been "done away" by the atoning work of Jesus Christ, as Christian Hebrew Roots followers define it.
The larger powers with which the syndic was invested by Martin IV and by his successors, Martin V ("Constitutiones Martinianae" in Wadding, "Annales", X, 301) and Paul IV ("Ex Clementi", 1 July 1555), gave rise to the appellation syndicus Martinianus in contradistinction to syndicus communis. This latter, as constituted by Nicholas III (Exiit) and Clement V ("Exivi de Paradiso", 6 May 1312), could deal only with movable property (valuables excepted) and with purchase moneys. The Martinian syndic on the other hand, as trustee and agent of the Holy See on behalf of the friars, might receive and dispose of all goods movable and immovable (money offerings, legacies, and remunerations) and, in pursuance of his trust, institute proceedings in the courts and take such other steps as might be deemed necessary to protect the interest of the community in whose favour he acted. The Apostolic syndic and his wife and children were accorded the enjoyment of all and sundry indulgences, pardons, and privileges which the friars themselves have obtained, or shall obtain, from the Holy See (Clement VII, "Dum Consideramus", 16 April 1526).
Douglas Robinson first began developing a somatic theory of language for a keynote presentation at the 9th American Imagery Conference in Los Angeles, October, 1985, based on Ahkter Ahsen's theory of somatic response to images as the basis for therapeutic transformations; in contradistinction to Ahsen's model, which rejected Freud's "talking cure" on the grounds that words do not awaken somatic responses, Robinson argued that there is a very powerful somatics of language. He later incorporated this notion into The Translator's Turn (1991), drawing on the (passing) somatic theories of William James, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Kenneth Burke in order to argue that somatic response may be "idiosomatic" (somatically idiosyncratic) but typically is "ideosomatic" (somatically ideological, or shaped and guided by society), and that the ideosomatics of language explains how language remains stable enough for communication to be possible. This work preceded the Damasio group's first scientific publication on the somatic-marker hypothesis in 1991,Damasio, Antonio R., Daniel Tranel, and Hannah Damasio. (1991). "Somatic Markers and the Guidance of Behaviour: Theory and Preliminary Testing." In H.S. Levin, H.M. Eisenberg and A.L. Benton (eds.), Frontal lobe function and dysfunction, 217-229.
Elsewhere, he emphasized that "my uncompromising condemnation of the errors and crimes committed under the aegis of the Zionist movement, in contradistinction to the apologies for these things by my opponents, has given me the right to criticize more or less analogous ideas and practices among the Arabs, who understandably are not interested in obviously biased discourses. For my part, I have been able to try to explain to Arab audiences, to Arab public opinion, that the behaviour of the Zionists, although surely meriting criticism, does belong to the gamut of human conduct. I have said and reiterated, for example before three commissions convoked by the Egyptian Popular Assembly in late 1969, that ... I deplored the historical error of the creation of the state of Israel on Arab land, but that a new nationality or ethnic group with a culture of its own now exists there, and not a religious community that could as well adopt the Arabic language and Arab culture, nor a heterogeneous collection of gangs of occupiers who could be sent back where they came from with the greatest of ease."Maxime Rodinson, Cult, Ghetto, and State: The Persistence of the Jewish Question.
The fact of self-consciousness leads him also to the knowledge of God; and Günther believes that the following proof of the existence of God is the only one that is possible and conclusive: when the soul, once self-conscious, has become certain of the reality of its own existence, it immediately recognizes that existence to be afflicted with the negative characteristics of dependency and limitedness; it is therefore compelled to postulate another being as its own condition precedent or its own creator, which being it must recognize, in contradistinction to itself and its own inherent negative characteristics, as absolute and infinite. Wherefore this being cannot be the Absolute Being of Pantheism, which only arrives at a realization of itself with the development of the universe; it must be One Who dominates that universe and, differing substantially from it, is the personal Creator thereof. This is the point at which Günther's speculative theology takes up the thread. Proceeding along purely philosophical lines, and prescinding entirely from historical Divine Revelation, the absolute necessity of which Günther contests, it seeks to make evident the fundamental tenets of positive Christianity by the mere light of reason.
In some listings of the 613 commandments, such as the Minchat Chinuch, the biblical obligation to consume maror is included within the commandment to consume the meat of the sacrificial Paschal offering.Minchat Chinuch 6:14 u'v'mitzvah Ever since the Paschal offering ceased to exist with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, the obligation to consume maror on the first night of Passover has been rabbinical in nature. The only two biblical reference to the maror is the verse quoted above (Exodus 12:8) in which it is mentioned in reference to the offering, and in Numbers 9:11 where "They are to eat the lamb, together with the unleavened bread and bitter herbs". This is in contradistinction to the obligation to consume matzo on the first night of Passover, which remains a biblical commandment even in the absence of the Paschal Lamb, because there are other biblical verses that mention matzo as a standalone obligation (Exodus 12:18, Deuteronomy 16:8) The word derives from the Hebrew word ( or – 'bitter'), and thus may be related to the English word myrrh (through Aramaic , cognate with Arabic ).
In 1926, in contradistinction to the strike in 1919, the Creole intelligentsia, the majority of the municipality, openly supported the workers. This may also have been because, relevant to the dynamics of Anglo- Creole relations, the atmosphere was very racially charged during the time of the 1926 strikes, which underscored the racial division between the African workers and their mostly white industrial employers, more so than in 1919. At the turn of the century, thinly-veiled racialism evoked by the application of Darwin's evolutionary theory to scientifically establish the superiority of the white races, had solidified racial authority and given rise to particular dynamics between the colonizers and the colonized elite, where the colonizing Europeans did not disguise their contempt for the abilities of educated, though racially "inferior" Africans. After World War I, this yielded an increasing number of racially motivated instances of physical violence against Creole citizens which were seemingly condoned by the government; for example, the 1926 case of Barber, an African customs officer who was assaulted by an assistant district commissioner, A.H. Stocks, for alleged insolence (an incident also known as the Stocks affair).

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