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101 Sentences With "I have a plan"

How to use I have a plan in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "I have a plan" and check conjugation/comparative form for "I have a plan". Mastering all the usages of "I have a plan" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I have a plan to create jobs and raise incomes.
"I have a plan for just about everything," she said.
Clinton: At least I have a plan to fight ISIS.
I have a plan B but hope not to use it.
She has embraced the "I have a plan for that" meme.
"I have a plan for that," has become a campaign catchphrase.
"I have a plan to make this mess my message," he says.
I have a plan and the experience to make it a reality.
Her campaign has embraced the slogan: 'I have a plan for that.'
I have a Plan A, B, a back-up and an extra job.
If I have a plan in my mind, I don't need to verbalize it!
"I have a plan for that" has become Ms. Warren's signature campaign rallying cry.
I have a plan in place and another rabbi lined up for this year.
I don't need to worry about those scenarios anymore because I have a plan.
Elizabeth Warren's "I have a plan" mantra grew after appearances that showcased her policy mastery.
"I have a plan ... Look, I have a very substantial chance of winning," Trump said.
Naturally, Elizabeth I-have-a-plan-for-that Warren has a plan to address this.
Hillary and I have a plan that's on the table that's a "you're hired" plan.
I have a plan, but it's going to take some time and some development first.
I like the reassurance of knowing I have a plan to reach those far-off goals.
"I have a plan to destroy Josh Chan," she tells her girlfriends, who clap with approval.
That's why I have a plan to break up Google and the other big tech companies.
"I have a plan for that" has become an unofficial motto for Warren's idea-heavy candidacy.
Her "I have a plan for that" campaign slogan has become a rallying cry for supporters.
With the help of my therapist today I have a plan to end things and move on.
I think I have a plan to maybe put a dent in [his tweeting], because it's dangerous.
HOLT: The next segment, we're continuing... CLINTON: Well, at least I have a plan to fight ISIS.
"I wanted to throw up, but now I have a plan so I feel calmer," she said.
But look, I have a plan that most commentators have said is tougher, more effective, and more comprehensive.
" Her message was a reference to one of the Democratic candidate's campaign slogans, "I have a plan for that.
She can credibly answer her opponents' claims by repeating her quasi-official catchphrase, "I have a plan for that".
Cheers broke out in the audience when she mentioned what has become her trademark "I have a plan" line.
Plus, I have a plan for retirement, which is something I&aposm realizing more and more that I need.
I have a plan for the day, and you can bet that getting a workout in is a top priority.
I have a plan to make sure big businesses can't stiff suppliers and contractors like Donald's been doing for years.
Voters have responded well to her "I have a plan" strategy of introducing detailed policy proposals at a fast pace.
As for the actual properties left behind … I was offered the opportunity to buy them, and I have a plan brewing.
And as soon as I have a plan for how I want to treat the patient, that's just what I do.
As for the actual properties left behind… I was offered the opportunity to buy them and I have a plan brewing.
I have a plan for how tax reform can target the middle class and bring those families some badly needed relief.
On the trail, she says "I have a plan for that" so often that it has turned into a T-shirt slogan.
I have a plan, but I want to be I don't want to be – look, I have a very substantial chance of winning.
The "I have a plan" candidate has pledged to do away with carbon energy and wean the U.S. off nuclear power by 2035.
I have a plan in place to be 10 percent funnier in every column on the world of investing, quarter over quarter. How?
The Point: Warren still has considerable assets, from her Iowa organization to the strength of her I-have-a-plan-for-that brand.
"If that doesn't work," he said at one point, "I have a Plan B." Both the attitude and the preparedness behind it are characteristic.
I have a plan to create new jobs, manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy jobs that will make us the 21st century clean energy super power.
The "I Have a Plan for That" candidate still talks about her big agenda, but with a newfound emphasis on how she'll win, too.
It's why Bernie Sanders and I have a plan to cancel all $1.6 trillion in student debt and invest that money in the American people.
I feel so much better because I am actually doing something about it and not just holding it in and I have a plan now!
That's why I have a plan to cut your interest rates and cap payments so you never have to pay more than you can afford.
For anyone who actually wants to work to resolve the immigration issue — not just use it to bludgeon the other side — I have a plan.
That came as Warren leaned increasingly into her professorial "I have a plan" mantra rather than her rocky childhood and personal connection to poverty's pain.
Warren also appears to be capitalizing on her "I have a plan for that" playbook, with 30 percent of voters saying she has the best ideas.
That's why I have a plan to cut your interest rates and cap payments so that you never have to pay more than you can afford.
I have a plan to do that, combining ideas like giving workers more power in the workplace and encouraging companies to invest in their work force.
She has big energy, she's a fighter, and her motto is 'I have a plan for that' and she really seems to have a plan for that.
"I really wanted to tell them [Atlantic Records] myself, to sit down with them and tell everybody that I am pregnant and I have a plan," she says.
"I came out here to execute and I know being an Olympic year, it is a long season and my coach and I have a plan," Gatlin said.
I have a plan to get all of these classes done this month and it's upwards of 10 hours worth of material, so I need to be aggressive.
Bernie's so far responded to Warren's "I have a plan" strategy by leaning hard into calling himself a democratic socialist who has the better chance of defeating President Trump.
" It provided police with, they believed, a window into the boys' objectives, an entry written just before the arrest reading (all SIC), "I have a plan, a great fucking plan.
I have a plan to afford it, but it would be much easier if my parents (in their 80s) gave me an "advance" on the money they will leave me.
Warren is drawing big crowds, scoring points in debates and benefiting from her "I have a plan for that" approach to the race and her early support for impeaching Trump.
People have been sending me ideas, and generally it's like flowers or pink dresses or blue skies … I think I have a plan here to address that, but it's completely unexpected.
I have a plan to defend our country from the, so called, loan wolves and to work with our allies to dismantle the global networks that fuel this kind of radicalization.
"Guys, I have a plan," says Muselk in the video below, after he discovers a fellow player stranded off the edge of a cliff in a zone where he can't build.
Like the other plans from the "I have a plan for that" candidate, this document was long on details and full of proposals likely to have broad support on the left.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts "I have a plan for that," Warren says frequently on the campaign trail, citing her numerous progressive proposals for deep changes in the U.S. economy.
Warren's campaign slogan — "I have a plan for that" — is a vehicle for a subtler message: Warren understands "that," whatever that is, well enough to have a plan to fix it.
The policy papers are a part of Warren's wonky brand, and her supporters are embracing them with T-shirts that say "I have a plan for that," the motto for Warren's campaign.
That's broadly consistent with the I-have-a-plan-for-that strategy that has taken Warren from an also-ran to a top-tier candidate over the past eight or so months.
Amy Klobuchar and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, have sought to use the issue as part of a broader attack on Warren's trustworthiness -- and her "I have a plan for that" branding.
"When she gets accepted to a college, I have a plan to maybe make her an alternative kind of Thiel Fellowship for my own children which, hopefully, she will go for," he says.
But for the woman whose "I have a plan" mantra and the plans themselves have pushed her into the top tier of the 2020 field, this is one area where she's deferring to Sanders.
By the campaign's count, she has rolled out around 20 proposals since New Year's Eve when Warren launched her exploratory committee, and out on the trail, "I have a plan" has become Warren's de facto campaign slogan.
That may mean the Massachusetts senator will have to abandon her practiced "I have a plan for that" approach and make a more forceful case that she is the best candidate to take on Trump in November.
" It's a sentiment she has reiterated on the campaign trail over the last year as she has released one domestic policy plan after another and embraced her campaign's unofficial campaign slogan, "I have a plan for that.
Warren's 'I have a plan for that' mantra where she has released detailed plans for policy issues facing our nation from childcare to anti-corruption to criminal justice reform -- and the list goes on -- has resonated with voters.
" After a series of policy proposals that have drawn positive media coverage and helped Warren climb up primary polls, her mentions are more aligned with discussion around Biden, healthcare, and her campaign slogan, "I have a plan for that.
Though Warren has become known for a voluminous stable of detailed policy proposals and "I have a plan for that" has become the catch phrase of her White House campaign, her initial healthcare plan was comparatively light on details.
Though Warren has become known for a voluminous stable of detailed policy proposals and "I have a plan for that" has become the catch phrase of her White House campaign, her initial healthcare plan was comparatively light on details.
I don't get a lot of downtime, so one of the things that happens is, I have a plan with Chirlane, like we're going to watch TV at this particular hour, we know what we want to watch together.
"I have a plan for what I'll do if I'm not writing fiction anymore, which is that I would try to devote myself more to journalism, and just try to find ways to be helpful in the world," she said.
Many said what they'd miss most about Ms. Warren and her campaign was her "I have a plan for that" approach, and how she introduced her ideas on the national stage and explained how she would make them a reality.
"I have a plan" has become a reliable applause line at rallies, and she delivers it reliably, along with snippets of an autobiography that the former Harvard professor, as well as anyone else in the contest, naturally connects to explanations of her policy proposals.
I absolutely will not cut entitlements — in fact, I have a plan to increase Social Security benefits by $200 a month for every beneficiary and to extend the solvency of the program by decades, all by asking the top 2% to contribute a bit more.
I have constructed a large store in one corner of the studio where I can keep my paintings, and I have a plan chest to store my works on paper, so I try to keep the wall areas clear for me to paint on.
" The new positioning may have addressed criticisms that Harris hasn't been able to broadcast a core message that sums up her unique identity as a candidate, akin to Warren's "I Have a Plan For That," Sanders' "We Need a Revolution" and Buttigieg's "New Generation of Leadership.
"What would be happening in a fair society is we would be asked for our opinions, rather than having candidates saying, 'I have a plan for you — to shepherd you into the very schools that you left on purpose,'" said Ms. Fortune, a black, lifelong Democrat.
"I have a plan how to do that that's rational, that will cost a hell of a lot less and that will work," Biden said about health care, slamming Medicare for All, the liberal-backed proposal that would mandate Medicare as the single-payer system for all Americans.
After a shaky start to her campaign in January and a below-expectations fundraising haul in the first quarter of 2900, the Democratic senator from Massachusetts has crept up in the polls, largely thanks to her breakneck pace of campaigning, her frequent policy rollouts and her "I have a plan" mantra.
Funnily enough, it continues to validate the idea that this entire plan is mostly a vanity exercise for her to check the box on her "I have a plan for that candidacy" without satisfying much of the progressive left's distrust that she is seriously committed to this health care plan.
But by spring and summer, a drumbeat of policy proposals — "I have a plan for that" became her mantra — and her skills as a campaigner helped lift her out of the pack of candidates to emerge as one of the leading challengers to Mr. Biden, who has led in national polls all year.
You'll want to either have our game out on your phone or print it out, and circle the board (+ take a sip of rosé or whatever your drink of choice is) whenever Elizabeth Warren says, "I have a plan," anyone brings up the potential impeachment of Donald J. Trump, and more highly probable scenarios. (Ed.
It's not as good an issue for Warren, whose "I have a plan" mantra only goes as far as embracing Sanders' plan on this specific issue, or for Harris, who's signed onto Medicare for All but keeps looking to fudge the policy specifics so she doesn't get hammered for supporting an end to private health insurance.
Regardless, "I have a plan for that" has become a rallying cry for her campaign—an echo of the way that "Nevertheless, she persisted" became a tagline for Warren supporters after Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, used it to describe Warren's refusal to stand down during the confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions, Trump's former Attorney General.
Instead the campaign has been more of an abstract discussion of certain high-profile policy issues — abstract not in the sense that such policies lack material consequences or that the candidates (especially Elizabeth "I have a plan for that" Warren) lack specific proposals, but rather in the sense that they are not what presidents have the power to enact on their own.
Tim RyanTimothy (Tim) RyanTim Ryan endorses Biden for president Strategists say Warren 'Medicare for All' plan could appeal to centrists Trump mocks O'Rourke after Democrat drops out of race MORE's (D-Ohio) now-defunct presidential campaign and is unaffiliated, said that Warren — who has used the slogan "I have a plan for that" — needed to provide details on her "signature issue" of Medicare for All.
"I have a plan to change the world, but I really do need you to help me, I can't do it on my own," Ms. Westwood said in a rambling speech that touched on issues as varied as the rotten financial system to climate change, the shortcomings of the president-elect of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, and the recent "Yellow vest" protests that have swept through Paris and other French cities in recent weeks.
Look, Donald Trump and I have a plan to get this economy moving again just the way that it worked in the 1980s, just the way it worked in the 1960s, and that is by lowering taxes across the board for working families, small businesses and family farms, ending the war on coal that is hurting jobs and hurting this economy even here in Virginia, repealing Obamacare lock, stock, and barrel, and repealing all of the executive orders that Barack Obama has signed that are stifling economic growth in this economy.

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