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962 Sentences With "hostility to"

How to use hostility to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hostility to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hostility to". Mastering all the usages of "hostility to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For them, hostility to coal equals hostility to coal communities.
" Kennedy wondered if that showed a "hostility to religion.
Our society's hostility to abortion leads to unwanted children . . .
Has Trump's hostility to Iran bolstered the regime's domestic popularity?
It makes no secret of its deep hostility to finance.
But their hostility to even modest curation is a mistake.
Where does Trump's hostility to the intelligence community come from?
President Trump has already declared his hostility to the agreement.
There's a lot of subsurface hostility to this in Congress.
Part of it was this remarkable hostility to political parties.
Most nominees have long records of hostility to civil rights.
It is difficult to imagine more hostility to voting rights.
But they stand out for their hostility to voting rights.
Hostility to campus speakers will still come from the left.
They are full of prejudice discrimination and hostility to China.
But baseline hostility to conservative thought makes productive conversation difficult.
Iran's hardliners largely define themselves by their hostility to America.
In 2016, Trump capitalized on hostility to immigrants and minorities.
The hostility to Trump generally took two prongs, exemplified by Sen.
There is nothing new about Mr Watson's hostility to Mr Corbyn.
But Democrats' hostility to the coal industry has alienated West Virginians.
Israel has been vocal in its hostility to the Iran accord.
Ironically, the GOP's open hostility to Latinos even infects Republican Hispanics.
Hostility to trade — even misdirected rage — should not be taken lightly.
In Obama's explanation, it was a fundamental hostility to him personally.
The Trump administration's hostility to immigrants and refugees is well documented.
Their hostility to the new industrialism may have been backward looking.
They have a shared hostility to "big pharma" and vaccinations policies.
The Trump administration's hostility to justice for racial minorities continues unabated.
Yet even on Iran, Trump has wavered from hostility to conciliation.
Germany is not alone in its struggle against hostility to Jews.
But overt hostility to women also has a steep political cost.
They have urged Western governments to moderate their hostility to Mr Assad.
His hostility to Iran's theocratic regime is understandable, but laced with exaggeration.
Mr Farron's uncompromising hostility to Brexit is the substantiation of this strategy.
"  "It's a sign of a dangerous hostility to accountability and the truth.
Such growing hostility to business is in evidence across the rich world.
Hostility to the private sector made the country an international financial pariah.
Hostility to racial justice appears to have become a prerequisite for nomination.
Some Republicans are publicly challenging President Trump's hostility to climate change solutions.
The Brexit vote was above all motivated by a hostility to immigration.
" Warren implored her colleagues not to "ignore her hostility to public schools.
You could say Facebook has 'hostility to privacy' as a core value.
"I think that is one motivation" for the hostility to Ebola responders.
This suggestion of overt hostility to the group could not be rewarded.
Trump's hostility to Hispanics has been a staple of his bitter campaign.
Hostility to this limited reform is overblown, though unfortunately to be expected.
I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v.
The reasons for the Chinese government's hostility to cryptocurrencies aren't entirely clear.
Ministers hope such fears will soften the DUP's hostility to the Brexit deal.
Hostility to free trade is still very much present in the White House.
We don't live in a state known for its hostility to LGBTQ rights.
This is surprising given the Trump administration's open hostility to climate science findings.
The Republican-led Congress has already made its hostility to his plan clear.
Given the Trump administration's hostility to climate science, these cuts are not surprising.
It spoke of a year in American life roiling with hostility to outsiders.
In truth, the locals may get an unfair reputation for hostility to newcomers.
Its most distinctive trait is reflexive hostility to all non-Turks, especially Kurds.
But Holdren says the greater concern is Trump's hostility to facts in general.
Then there are actions under Trump's control -- like his hostility to free trade.
At the same time there was an overt hostility to dissent and difference.
They disregard, play down, even white wash the movement's hostility to individual freedom.
You suspect that your ex was really expressing his hostility to one child.
But there was one core belief they all shared: hostility to mass immigration.
Perhaps it is part of a global hostility to the excesses of capitalism.
Local leaders incite hostility to migrants as a means of maintaining their authority.
Fortunately, defending a more freewheeling economy implies no hostility to the welfare state.
She's said she would oppose a nominee who demonstrates "hostility" to Roe v.
It marks yet another misstep caused by Mr Trump's reflexive hostility to oversight.
Brexit carried the day by appealing to British insularity and hostility to outsiders.
He goes out of his way to voice his hostility to Steve Bannon.
Yet there are signs that European citizens' hostility to the burqa may be waning.
But EPA's open hostility to critical news reporting is a new step, observers said.
If anything, hostility to these Republican-aligned groups decreases support for the Democratic Party.
Whoever challenges Trump will have to match his emotional hostility to the other party.
Great companies combine a strong sense of identity with a fierce hostility to groupthink.
Yet it is in the cities where hostility to the peace deal is strongest.
By the same token, in the nineteen-thirties Hesse's hostility to Hitler was automatic.
Others, by organizing volunteers and protests, have tested the party's hostility to independent groups.
Hostility to feminism emerged in that decade, with the rise of the New Right.
MSNBC's hostility to Sanders presents a sharp contrast to Fox News's treatment of Trump.
The prosecution, however, offered no evidence that D.J. had ever shown hostility to Stubblefield.
Trump administration hostility to Iran takes many forms, many of them with unintended consequences.
Show implacable hostility to Iran, possibly short of destroying the deal, barring a mishap.
A lot of them have said racist things, or expressed hostility to civil rights.
As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.
Some journalists found the tweet chilling, speaking to Trump's larger hostility to the independent press.
Yet a mere three years later, Harper's hostility to inconvenient truths helped topple his government.
His hostility to not just science but verifiable facts of all sorts is well documented.
But many fear that hostility to immigration will be the undercurrent of the election campaign.
The owner, Kathryn Kidd, circumvented Unicode's hostility to customization and slapped bushy eyelashes on each.
Well, climate denial and hostility to the theory of evolution are pretty good starting points.
Ideological hostility to for-profit corporations (such as Life Esidimeni) may have played a role.
His team lacked anyone with White House experience, and exuded hostility to most Washington insiders.
The ban was challenged on the grounds that it was motivated by hostility to Muslims.
Sessions' record raises significant, serious questions about his hostility to civil rights and civil liberties.
Yet the near-universal hostility to consolidation reflects a complacency born of the golden years.
M5S's Eurosceptic tendencies and Mr Grillo's hostility to immigration appeal to many on the right.
Levels of hostility to Jews, not just Israel, are sky high in most Muslim countries.
Every financial services executive I interviewed mentioned an intangible factor: French hostility to the wealthy.
It is emblematic of the Trump administration's overall hostility to immigrants, both legal and undocumented.
"The hostility to religious liberty and disdain for Catholics should not go unpunished," Conway said.
The proposed rule change is part and parcel of the Trump administration's hostility to immigrants.
Judge Ellis exhibited open hostility to the prosecution and an irascible temperament unbecoming a jurist.
Whitaker's public record of aggressive hostility to the Mueller probe disqualifies him from overseeing it.
It is a natural outgrowth of an intrinsic hostility to people who are Hispanics. Check.
It would involve outward hostility to the leaders of Canada, Britain, France, Germany and Japan.
Brown's countercultural ethos shared some common ground with traditional conservatives' hostility to the governing class.
"I believe it is pure hostility to eliminate the animals from the area," she says.
The United States is still in Nafta despite Mr. Trump's hostility to free-trade agreements.
Trump is president because of Obama, or more precisely, because of his hostility to Obama.
Turkey's hostility to Rojava stems from its long-running conflict with its own Kurdish population.
Working mothers of small children are the norm and hostility to them is, finally, ebbing.
Given the longstanding American hostility to social engineering, each of these steps faced heavy pushback.
Both recruit regional governments to their side and insist on hostility to the other side.
THE most striking mood-swing at this year's Labour conference was the growing hostility to Brexit.
The picture on the left is more complicated, given Mr Corbyn's hostility to the armed forces.
Mr Orban is hardly alone among central European leaders in his hostility to refugee-redistribution schemes.
Ageing populations, continued emigration and widespread hostility to migrants mean workforces are soon going to shrink.
The irony of Trump's hostility to privacy protections is that he clearly prizes privacy for himself.
The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan brought a new hostility to environmentalism in the White House.
Times appear to be changing, though, with the outward hostility to the K Street crowd thawing.
These are disproportionately less-educated non-whites, many of whom associate Republicans with hostility to immigrants.
She's stated she could not support a nominee who had "demonstrated hostility" to Roe v. Wade.
Will that matter in this age of the Tea Party and hostility to the Washington establishment?
What unites his disparate positions is a general hostility to secularism, science, and the industrialized world.
At the same time, you hear incredible hostility to him from, like, members of Congress, right?
The result was an opinion that expressed hostility to Roe without changing the legal status quo.
The timing, as opposed to the general hostility to public servants, is probably personal to Trump.
Given the global hostility to refugees, it is remarkable that Ugandans still approve of these policies.
The conservative hostility to premarital sex also sometimes leads to early weddings, even to child marriages.
The loss of good jobs to Germany, Japan, and China also contributes to hostility to immigration.
The Obama Administration's naked hostility to Israeli policies left us bruised and always on the defensive.
Mr. Trump offers a different explanation for his hostility to financial reform: It's hurting credit availability.
Hostility to Wall Street, costly bailouts of banks, brokerages and the auto industry, played a role.
"There is a palpable hostility to regulation," said Ms. Heinzerling, now a law professor at Georgetown.
The Tea Party movement was animated by its hostility to Mr. Obama and his activist government.
Senator Jeff Sessions has a record that has demonstrated long and consistent hostility to civil rights.
Some might even wonder whether your hostility to American values reflects your own failure to assimilate.
We've heard a lot over the last few years about left-wing hostility to free expression.
Kaine is convinced that the current wave of racial anxiety and hostility to immigration is temporary.
Even shared hostility to President Trump and his Republican Party will not paper over the conflicts.
Goal-driven systems won't wake up one day with hostility to humans lurking in their hearts.
Officials worried about Amazon's long-documented history of poor working conditions and hostility to labor unions.
GOP leaders have finally admitted that Trump's deep-seated hostility to women presents a challenge to governance.
See how the idiots persecute us, the rational, with their superstition and their hostility to objective thought.
China's hostility to the democratic island has increased since President Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016.
And there's no indication that those gains are softening hostility to his social agenda and personal style.
Jeff Sessions, a former federal prosecutor with a history of hostility to racial justice and voting rights.
Hostility to Rohingyas, a minority in largely Buddhist Myanmar, has repeatedly led to bloodshed in recent years.
One is to prevent Mr Trump's hostility to multilateral trade deals from poisoning the region's trading relationships.
He has expressed total hostility to the investigation," Nadler said on the ABC News show "This Week.
The League's traditional hostility to the poorer south, where M5S is strongest, makes such a pact hard.
The controversy comes at a time of unprecedented hostility to a single religion by an American president.
Indeed, firing Comey takes the president's hostility to the rule of law to another, more alarming, level.
Since coming to power, President Trump has vacillated between open arms and outright hostility to both nations.
"There's a hostility to that" and there's an idea that "some people are less deserving," he added.
Collins has said she could not support a nominee who had "demonstrated hostility" to Roe v Wade.
Barr auditioned for his job by broadcasting his hostility to Mueller's investigation and his loyalty to Trump.
However, the elementary school that Trinity was about to attend reacted with hostility to DeShanna's transgender daughter.
The last few months have seen increasing hostility to Chinese projects and influence in the United States.
Although homosexuality is not a crime in Turkey, there is widespread hostility to it across Turkish society.
France has long been known for its open hostility to corporations and its suspicion of personal wealth.
" He also called Grisham the "President's arm who's in direct hostility to what they call the enemy.
In Europe the ECB is facing fierce hostility to its negative-interest policy among the German public.
And of course, there&aposs no mention of President Donald Trump&aposs consistent hostility to free speech.
The examination also unearthed the text messages between Strzok and Page that revealed intense hostility to Trump.
Certainly, there has been a noticeable amount of hostility to President Obama's executive authority on the right.
How can so many of our neighbors condone open hostility to minorities, the press and the truth?
This same hostility to change helped sink Bill and Hillary Clinton's health care plan in the 1990s.
There is one shining exception to the federal judiciary's hostility to free electronic access to its records.
During his campaign, candidate Donald Trump spoke out against the disturbing growth of government hostility to religion.
But that only frustrated cultural conservatives for whom Republican hostility to LGBT rights is an article of faith.
Ms Le Pen, a far-right nationalist, propounds a statist economic policy and hostility to the European Union.
After the papacy's long years of hostility to communism, many forgot that Catholic social doctrine opposes capitalism too.
Since Xi has declared his hostility to open society, the Chinese people remain our main source of hope.
And hostility to China, along with revisionist views of history, have played growing roles in Japanese nationalism, too.
"There's a pretty unified hostility to public sector unionism by Republicans nationally and in many states," McCartin said.
Communism's appeal was, however, limited by an almost exclusive focus on the working class and hostility to nationalism.
Karnaca is marked by sharp class divide, hostility to immigrants, corrupt law enforcement, and bodies in the streets.
The end of communism unleashed hostility to the region's large Roma minority, who remain almost completely unrepresented politically.
"Well, the questions we will ask him will be about his expressed hostility to the investigation," Nadler said.
Instead, the majority determined that the officials' decision was unconstitutionally tainted by 'hostility' to Mr. Phillips's religious views.
Ms. Le Pen shares with Mr. Putin (and Mr. Trump) a hostility to NATO and the European Union.
Milosz was repelled by the Poles' religiosity and nationalism—their growing hostility to Lithuanian, Jewish, and Belarusan minorities.
Politicians on the left translate this as hostility to federal protections of the environment, consumers, or internet users.
Our culture's current hostility to subcutaneous fat is extremely well documented; biologically, however, cellulite is pretty much inevitable.
The problem, however, is that Milo's fans take their hostility to mainstream cultural figures way, way too far.
As I said earlier, reactionary movements begin with hostility to established elites, as counterintuitive as that may sound.
Biden's prediction and Obama's prediction have the some underlying logic: that Republicans' hostility to Democrats is personality-based.
Trump appears to have picked the acting attorney general, Matthew Whitaker, largely for his hostility to the investigation.
Thanks to their bad press, their name has also become synonymous with crassness, ignorance and hostility to culture.
He'll also have to do it while the American government is broadcasting its hostility to climate change policy.
Members of the panel, he wrote, had acted with "clear and impermissible hostility" to sincerely held religious beliefs.
And should he recuse himself from the Russia case because of his demonstrated hostility to Mr. Mueller's investigation?
He has never acknowledged any contradiction between his avowed hostility to political Islam and his brigades of Salafists.
This hostility to facts and fairness didn't start with Trump, although he has brought it to new levels.
But economic decline was — and is — a compelling factor in generating conservative hostility to social and cultural liberalism.
That's a reasonable theory, given the president's preference for flattery and deep hostility to anyone who criticizes him.
NIDA's past research on cannabis had been criticized for shoddiness, moldy product, and hostility to studying pot's potential benefits.
But to the extent that he represents a vague rejectionism and a hostility to civil discourse, he's extremely dangerous.
Mr Trump's sympathy for such views is longstanding: hostility to free trade is arguably his most consistent policy position.
While hostility to Israel diminishes, many Arab states, especially in the Gulf, have reevaluated their relationship with the Palestinians.
Will the decree—easily interpreted as a deep hostility to the world beyond America's shores—put off global travellers?
It only makes sense to see hostility to immigration as rational if immigrants are actually harming native-born Brits.
But while it shares their hostility to outsiders and taste for economic statism, PiS is a very Polish phenomenon.
In fact, it was probably public hostility to anything that smacks of sympathy for the Rohingya that restrained her.
Trump shares Bannon's support for European right-wing nationalism, his fear of Islam, and his instinctive hostility to China.
"DOJ's statement appears to be based on little more than an ideological hostility to collective litigation," the brief said.
However, the Greens' hostility to the terms of major trade deals will be a much more serious sticking point.
And do you believe Trump and Kavanaugh when they express hostility to Roe, saying it is not settled law?
That can be translated as hostility to what the administration perceives are mercantilist trading nations in Germany and Japan.
Collins said Sunday on CNN that she would not support a nominee who has demonstrated "hostility" to Roe v.
" Veteran Washington correspondent Josh Meyer agreed, "In the Obama administration, there is across-the-board hostility to the media.
Unlike in many Muslim countries, homosexuality is not a crime in Turkey, but there is widespread hostility to it.
Republicans excel at generating and then exploiting hostility to government, and thrive on being in opposition, especially to presidents.
Baghdad's two most influential allies, Washington and Tehran, also backed the government despite their deep hostility to each other.
Although homosexuality is not a crime in Turkey, unlike in many Muslim countries, there is widespread hostility to it.
Kammenos, who forged a coalition pact with Tsipras in 2015, never concealed his hostility to the deal with Skopje.
What he has offered most clearly and consistently is a deep hostility to immigrants, particularly to Mexicans and Muslims.
Both are conservative nationalists with a history of railing against Muslims and immigrants, and a hostility to media criticism.
Lippmann and Croly would not have expected that hostility to bigness would still be around a hundred years later.
He was a follower of the fringe Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which has expressed hostility to Jews, officials said.
The images are an act of defiance toward mainstream culture and its neglect of and hostility to the epidemic.
Judge Gorsuch must explain his hostility to women's rights, support of corporations over workers and opposition to campaign finance reform.
Others opposed certain British attitudes -- such as Franklin Roosevelt's hostility to the British Empire beloved by his friend Winston Churchill.
"The bureau has illustrated its knee-jerk hostility to this industry," said Noel Francisco of corporate defense firm Jones Day.
Lawmakers also are wary of seeming too friendly to Iran, especially given hostility to Tehran by the government of Israel.
Amazon also faced opposition over its hostility to organized labor and documented history of poor working conditions at its facilities.
Maybe the lack of recognition was due to a combination of factors, including the industry's hostility to older female actresses.
This didn't last, as hostility to immigration was one of his core commitments and distinguishing features as a primary candidate.
Kennedy said there was evidence of "hostility to religion" and questioned whether that panel's decision should be allowed to stand.
The Alabama Supreme Court, led by outspoken conservative Chief Justice Roy Moore, has a history of hostility to gay rights.
A small handful of cases has been repeatedly recycled as evidence of Chinese students' supposed hostility to freedom of speech.
She has equally softened her hostility to suggestions of seeking an extension of the time limit set by Article 50.
The falling value of the pound, slowing growth and the country's apparent hostility to foreigners may explain Britain's declining appeal.
All that crushing hype might explain some of the apparent hostility to Sosa, but that's not all that's going on.
But Tory Brexiteers' hostility to a plan that would crimp hopes of free-trade deals around the world is intense.
Polling data shows high levels of hostility to immigrants going back decades, and mass immigration brought it to the fore.
Republicans' biggest long-term problem is their hostility to minorities, who now account for nearly a third of Virginia's population.
Active hostility to education, on the other hand, and political policies that reflect that antagonism, make our entire country dumber.
Separately, Iran's government spokesman said that the plan outlined by Pompeo would exacerbate the public's hostility to the United States.
The Bush administration's hostility to the International Criminal Court meanwhile called into question its commitment to the principles of multilateralism.
Americans of faith, troubled as they are by a growing hostility to religion in the country, are hailing the move.
His hostility to Western democratic values presents a less immediate, but serious challenge to Israel's democracy in the long run.
Collins owes it to her constituents to hear them out, and explain why Judge Kavanaugh's demonstrated hostility to Roe v.
Sour attitudes about immigrants are part of a broader hostility to the forces of globalization that Trump's campaign tapped into.
REPUBLICAN opposition to greater investment in clean energy and infrastructure refurbishment is rooted largely in their hostility to higher taxes.
Nietzsche was harshly critical of Christianity for what he deemed its hostility to everything natural and essential to human flourishing.
The company's ambitions to sell smartphones in the U.S. could also be hindered by growing legislative hostility to Chinese companies.
Even their mode of creation — of plant matter decaying into crepuscular peat — seems to connote darkness and hostility to life.
And maybe he thinks that most journalists, with their relentless hostility to his personality and policies, richly deserve public scorn.
The one issue every single one agrees on is hostility to immigration, particularly when the immigrants are nonwhite and Muslim.
Among the Muslims of Europe, and among some leftists, a resentment of Israel often crosses into hostility to all Jews.
When Hitler's Germany imperiled Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union set aside mutual hostility to defeat the Nazis.
He's a moralist who can appeal to the New Atheist set, even though he doesn't share their hostility to religion.
Perhaps in response to criticism of her invitation, Minton-Beddoes sought to telegraph her hostility to Bannon at every opportunity.
Leaders face popular hostility to the idea, and security officials worry militants could give domestic courts and police the slip.
One councillor said opposition to the plan was motivated partly by hostility to Trump's presidency, but other councillors denied this.
One councillor said opposition to the plan was motivated partly by hostility to Trump's presidency, but other councillors denied this.
One of Vox's signature issues, besides its hostility to immigration, is its call for returning Spain to centralized political control.
Others are weak and divided Central Asian organizations, driven mostly by hostility to their repressive states rather than the West.
Dlamini-Zuma is a fierce campaigner against racial inequality whose hostility to big business has rattled investors in South Africa.
Both were expressed in hostility to immigration, immigrants and welfare spending (which many wrongly believed was being slurped up by migrants).
This explains why hostility to Mr Kavanaugh has eclipsed that faced by Neil Gorsuch, who joined the Supreme Court last year.
Pai has made no secret of his hostility to the net neutrality rules, saying recently that the rules' "days are numbered."
It placed Trump's hostility to immigration, opposition to free trade deals, and skepticism about foreign wars into an ideologically convenient package.
Luckily for China, Latin America's recent turn to the political centre implies greater pragmatism rather than hostility to the People's Republic.
The UK is no exception: Polling data shows high levels of hostility to immigrants going back decades before mass immigration began.
Tariffs and hostility to free trade are among the few issues on which Mr Trump has been consistent throughout his career.
Collins, a moderate Republican, has said that she could not support a nominee who had demonstrated "hostility" to Roe V. Wade.
While the United States has been retreating from its southern neighbors for years, Mr. Trump has added outright hostility to neglect.
China's hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai's election as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island's formal independence.
Hence the hostility to the outside world, particularly America, and the degree to which many North Koreans willingly accept their isolation.
Even without the intervention of politically motivated media, public opinion in central and eastern Europe was predisposed towards hostility to migrants.
Edward Snowden slammed WikiLeaks' "hostility to even modest curation" on Thursday as the data-leaking site struggles against two simultaneous controversies.
Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, predicted that the Trump administration's perceived hostility to foreigners will be "corrosive" to tourism.
That's why Kavanaugh, with his hostility to independent, hard-nosed, unbiased investigation of presidential wrongdoing, shouldn't be on the Supreme Court.
Once the economic pain hits, Turkish nationalism and hostility to the US would spur further defiance, making securing any concessions difficult.
He said he was "deeply troubled" by text messages exchanged by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that demonstrated hostility to Trump.
Instead, Trump puts forward name-calling, taunts, mockery, threats, insults, hostility to Mexicans and Muslims, and barely constrained contempt for women.
His hostility to immigration and demographic change may be the closest thing to a sincere core belief running through his career.
They were particularly stunned by the hostility to the EU reform deal among Irish constituencies that had benefitted from European integration.
Unlike other macho father-gay son dramas, "Viva" doesn't amplify Angel's hostility to tell a prolonged tale of persecution and liberation.
And he called in to conservative Wisconsin radio talk shows, apparently unaware of their hosts' hostility to him, to criticize Gov.
In reality, the hostility to religion that Kagan and Breyer claim to oppose is at the very heart of such laws.
And doing that ultimately results in the very judicial hostility to arbitration that the FAA was passed in order to eliminate.
The problem with Biden's theory is that Republicans' hostility to Democrats did not begin with Donald Trump (see, the Obama administration).
During his decade-long tenure, which was longer than usual, Pilate displayed hostility to local residents and nearly provoked two uprisings.
Some people think that giving preferential treatment to members of your own ethnic kind is as bad as hostility to outsiders.
The document betrayed deep hostility to Mr. Clinton, and it included 10 proposed questions about matters like oral sex and masturbation.
But the Israelis worried about the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological kinship with Hamas and its historic hostility to the Jewish state itself.
Meanwhile, in mature democracies, support for free speech is ebbing, especially among the young, and outright hostility to it is growing.
Are small retailers using the internet being lost in the haze of Mr. Trump's public hostility to Amazon and Jeff Bezos?
OPINION An editorial on Saturday about the Trump administration's hostility to California misstated California's regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act.
Now President Donald Trump has those powers, and he has a demonstrated history of hostility to civil liberties even in peacetime.
Trump's hostility to, and delegitimizing of, the press is a deliberate tactic meant to shield him against future discovery and disclosure.
This columnist has found a lot of support for making Brexit happen and a great deal of hostility to Mr Corbyn.
In the Democracy Fund post-election survey, 63 percent of the president's strongest bloc of supporters expressed hostility to Wall Street.
Throughout the former communist bloc, hostility to the European Union has expressed itself as rage at EU laws supporting LGBT rights.
Hostility to non-heterosexual orientation is growing in the country, once seen as among the most tolerant in the Islamic world.
There are some consistent themes in Trump's foreign policy views, like his hostility to trade and transactional view of American alliances.
The Conservative Party has been at war on Europe since its growing hostility to the EU helped bring about Margaret Thatcher's downfall.
Mr Putin can point to several arguments for his partnership with China, in addition to their joint hostility to the liberal project.
The Justice Department, which traditionally defends federal law, is not fighting the lawsuit because of the Trump administration's hostility to the law.
They will portray his concern for the structural limits on government power as a blanket hostility to government, which it is not.
But chances of Congress approving the deal this year remain slim amid hostility to new trade liberalization from both Democrats and Republicans.
Filiz Polat, of the opposition Greens, detects a whiff of hostility to foreigners in the resistance to establishing a more generous regime.
Would it support a reign-of-terror-style hostility to enemies of the revolution, a left-wing supremacy to mirror white nationalism?
Yet neither Mr Assange's journalistic malpractice, nor his hostility to the West and narcissism, however contemptible, are the subject of criminal prosecution.
The Tories are trying to use a combination of Brexit and hostility to Jeremy Corbyn's hard-left views to attract patriotic voters.
One source of the anti-Semitic infection is the hard left, which is almost defined by its hostility to Israel and capitalism.
Not Trump, though in truth his hostility to the North America Free Trade Agreement would have made either of those stops challenging.
In Britain hostility to the EU, itself a proxy for economic dislocation and immigration, is on the march before the June referendum.
Finally, both of these ideas — the anti-social justice impulse and the Christian persecution complex — are underpinned by hostility to the media.
There's also quite a bit of congressional hostility to the Waters of the United States rule, so you'll likely see something there.
Although disciplined, dishonest campaigning has worked to the Leave campaign's advantage, playing to widespread hostility to immigration has been its biggest winner.
He previously said Duterte's drugs obsession distracted him from pressing issues and expressed bemusement at his hostility to ally the United States.
One-third of Trump's nominees have a record of open hostility to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans.
It makes sense that Trump seems not to appreciate, or even understand, fully what NATO is (and exhibits active hostility to it).
BUSINESS DAY An article on Tuesday about growing hostility to white-collar crime in South Korea misstated the dates of some events.
One of the policies Mr. Trump has in common with the European far right is a hostility to globalization and international trade.
In the face of widening public hostility to white-collar crime, prosecutors have indicted a company executive in connection with the scandal.
Nativist politicians like Donald J. Trump have channeled the resulting discontent as hostility to outsiders: Mexican or Polish immigrants, Chinese exporters, minorities.
Charles M. Blow Yes, Donald Trump has once again used racial hostility to rouse his base and is reveling in the achievement.
Judge Kavanaugh has expressed strong support for executive power, hostility to administrative agencies, and support for religious freedom and for gun rights.
So a year later, has anything changed in the press coverage of the president — and in his hostility to the news media?
Hostility to women predicted voters' support for Trump just as strongly as racial resentment, and even more strongly than affinity for authoritarianism.
Meanwhile, even as Poland and Hungary share a hostility to Brussels, they are divided when it comes to the relations with Russia.
Less cocksure and more understanding of its real place in the world, it may soon rethink its hostility to the European Union.
In recent weeks, the violence has escalated, with protesters intensifying their efforts to vandalize businesses they associate with hostility to the movement.
" This was immediately taken as a sign of her hostility to the working class and a confirmation of Democrats' "war on coal.
As kingmakers, rich families have supported candidates who share their hostility to progressive taxation, welfare programs and government regulation of any kind.
Eliminating hostility to immigration in the African-American community could have powerful effects, rippling beyond immigration to other issues of social justice.
If we continue to normalize hostility to journalists and label news we don't agree with as fake, where will the line be drawn?
China's hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai Ing-wen from the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party was elected Taiwanese president in 2016.
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is a fierce campaigner against racial inequality whose hostility to big business has rattled investors in South Africa.
To some people "policy" means "what government does," but in many parts of the country that definition can add hostility to the confusion!
This block is strongly supportive of Jeremy Corbyn's faction of the Labour Party, not least because of his long-standing hostility to Israel.
Hostility to Hamas is shared by Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt's president, who led a coup against a Muslim Brotherhood government in 2013.
Thanks to that and a shared hostility to Iran, relations with many Arab rulers are better than at any time in Israel's history.
Hostility to some EU policies, notable migration, has been coupled with greater populism in several CEE countries, creating tension with other EU members.
In keeping all the Starks, Targaryens, and most of their allies alive, HBO broke with Martin's penchant for active hostility to fan expectations.
Erdogan has made no secret of his hostility to high interest rates which, contrary to orthodox economic thinking, he says drives up inflation.
Trump and his administration's hostility to ethics standards and transparency has emboldened members of Congress to play by their own rules, as Rep.
But Trump's immigrant bashing and Pence's hostility to reproductive freedom, unpleasant though they are to some well-heeled Republicans, do mobilize GOP voters.
The Trump administration's hostility to climate science, and its friendliness to industry, will make it even more difficult for marginalized communities to survive.
"The news would be if they maintain their hostility to trade after the election," said Mr. Engler, a former Republican governor of Michigan.
The Japanese grumble that the South Koreans are emotional, renege on agreements and have made hostility to Japan part of their national identity.
Jerry Nadler, told CNN that, immediately upon taking the gavel, he will seek to question Whitaker about his expressed hostility to Mueller's investigation.
He has displayed hostility to the long-standing principle that courts should defer to the expertise of administrative agencies tasked with implementing legislation.
But in October of that year, House Republicans decided to shut down the federal government over their hostility to the Affordable Care Act.
In Brandeis's case, opposition to his appointment combined scarcely veiled anti-Semitism with hostility to what some perceived to be his radical politics.
The group behind the poll said the results show that Republican hostility to an independent investigation could hurt them in the 2018 midterms.
The DIHK said Britain's expected exit from the European Union and Trump's hostility to free trade continued to create uncertainty for German companies.
Given this hostility to domestic investment, it's no wonder that so many companies choose to sit on their cash or invest it abroad.
Most people would react with hostility to this way of thinking, since it is so different from how we look at things today.
Mattis was forced by the Obama team to retire from the military five months early as a result of his hostility to Iran.
Conservative hostility to stimulus spending, proposed by both President George W. Bush and Mr. Obama, helped spawn what became the Tea Party movement.
The far right, properly understood, is a group of parties around the West united principally around their hostility to mass immigration and multiculturalism.
Thomas B. Edsall Hostility to the opposition party and its candidates has now reached a level where loathing motivates voters more than loyalty.
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote that the commission's members had acted with "clear and impermissible hostility" to people with sincerely held religious beliefs.
To persuade voters to toss out Republican incumbents, many Democrats believe they need a more compelling reason than their hostility to the president.
Mr. Trump's biggest threat to our nation is his fundamental hostility to liberalism everywhere, including domestically, not his unwillingness to defend it abroad.
That agenda includes, for starters, a well-established hostility to women's reproductive rights and a stunningly expansive view of presidential power and impunity.
" Mr. Sessions pushed back, saying his Justice Department had "no hostility" to transgender or gay people, but was simply following the law "scrupulously.
But what it conveys is not so much Mr. Mekas's experience as Mr. Gordon's will, and his cheap sadistic hostility to the audience.
The far-right Alternative for Germany is forecast to get its first seats in Parliament, riding on a wave of hostility to migrants.
Why it matters: Experts worry that U.S. hostility to immigration is choking this vital pipeline, potentially handing an advantage to competitors like China.
Tariffs and hostility to free trade are among the few issues on which Trump has been consistent since he came to the office.
He was also a follower of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a fringe religious group that has expressed hostility to Jews, officials said.
Despite the GOP nominee's open hostility to non-white Americans, minority turnout was down slightly in Ohio from what it was in 2628.
The final report does not reflect the type of hostility to renewable power that President Trump and others in his administration have voiced.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who rivals Trump in his hostility to forbearance, seems entirely uninterested in taking the whistleblower allegations seriously. Sen.
Spicer's comments this week are not new for this administration: Ever since the campaign, there have been many moments indicating hostility to Jews.
A Democratic administration will face continued Iranian meddling in the region, Iranian human rights abuses at home and hostility to the accord from Republicans.
As Drutman argued: The problem with Biden's theory is that Republicans' hostility to Democrats did not begin with Donald Trump (see, the Obama administration).
"If China implements stronger punitive measures towards South Korea, South Koreans will look more towards the US and show hostility to China," said Hankwon.
That was all music to European ears and a sharp contrast to U.S. hostility to multilateralism, WTO and the EU as a trading bloc.
Eurosceptic politicians such as Marine Le Pen in France and Matteo Salvini in Italy have toned down their hostility to remaining in the club.
Even Japan, better known for hostility to immigration, naturalises around 10,000 new citizens each year; in America the figure is some 700,0003 (see chart).
"There was tremendous pushback from the community," Mr. Fulop said of early hostility to the light rail's route along Essex Street in Jersey City.
Insurers have been pulling out and premiums have been increasing, although some of that is influenced by the Trump administration's hostility to the law.
As a disappointed Republican and very troubled member of the media, I've been tough on this White House and Trump's hostility to the press.
However this solution, which would alarm Brussels and investors because of both parties' hostility to EU budget rules, now looks threatened by mutual vetoes.
Foreign governments and companies could simply ignore the risk of U.S. sanctions given the lack of international consensus and hostility to the U.S. approach.
Of course, hostility to science and space exploration has been a running sore among certain portions of the political elite, from the late Sen.
Those gun owners lean heavily to the right, and their hostility to any restriction on gun ownership places them firmly outside the American mainstream.
But these are radical positions only because the right wing has so successfully embedded hostility to welfare and government services in American political life.
Make no mistake: blanket hostility to trade agreements is a formula for slow growth, lagging innovation and a fatal loss of U.S. economic dynamism.
She's a white woman, wearing sunglasses and overalls and transmitting a definite hostility to being looked at, like a vampire or a vacationing Olsen.
North Korea on Monday called the resolution "the most vicious, unethical and inhumane act of hostility to physically exterminate" its people, system and government.
For a group trying to lure Somali-Americans to its ranks, any sign of hostility to Muslims in the United States was a boon.
"There is no reason behind Arabs' hostility to Iran and our [Qatar's] relationship with Israel is good," Sheikh Tamim was alleged to have said.
Early reviews suggest a hilarious, vicious, and violent film about estranged friends who reconnect and take their jealousy and hostility to a bloody extreme.
The Chamber's fierce hostility to transparency, whether it relates to the identities of its donors or to corporate political spending, is also immensely hypocritical.
Ethnicity aside, they resemble other young Americans in not automatically sharing their elders' hostility to same-sex marriage, abortion or gay and transgender rights.
The incident prompted much hand-wringing over the enduring hostility to foreigners, especially those who come from less developed countries or have darker skin.
The people Mr. Chau chose for his mission are among the most impenetrable communities in the world, known for their intense hostility to outsiders.
But Trump has made things easier for Mueller — by repeatedly, even publicly, admitting that he fired Comey out of hostility to the Russia investigation.
They have made very little social advancements, and are repeatedly propped up by open hostility to POC, trans, queer, low-income, and undocumented people.
Such reckless disregard for the security concerns of America's allies, hostility to mutually beneficial trade and willful isolation of the United States is unprecedented.
A survey of local business executives and consultants, who said they liked Virginia's hostility to unions and predicted the bill would damage the economy.
Judge Kavanaugh's record and writings -- which I have reviewed -- signal an extreme hostility to the precious rights and liberties that make our nation great.
But his likely hostility to the mission of the bureau is not unique: the administration has named several immigration hard-liners to key posts.
But, as Muro notes, that hostility to cities among Trump's core supporters is counterproductive because their economic fate is bound to the urban centers.
Hostility to free trade has been on the rise in Europe, because its critics blame it for job losses and a widening income divide.
Since Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen of the left-leaning Democratic Progressive Party took office in 2016, China's hostility to the island has increased.
The traits Mr. Mulvaney brings to the job include a pronounced hostility to both federal spending and federal regulation — the basics of functional government.
" But there was a bigger concern: "Will the decree—easily interpreted as a deep hostility to the world beyond America's shores—put off global travellers?
A belief that he is—a common proxy for hostility to the first black president—was held by around 60% of Mr Trump's primary supporters.
While often unbalanced, it is likely to galvanise hostility to HBS both inside Harvard University, of which we are a part, and among the public.
Nigel Dodds, the deputy leader, said that the party was vindicated in its hostility to the backstop, which he called "totally unacceptable and economically mad".
President George W. Bush's golf-playing and New Orleans flyover during Katrina validated the dominant media meme of Republican racism and hostility to the poor.
Iran has always denied interfering in Afghanistan but Afghan officials say it has multiple interests as well as its general hostility to the United States.
What was not in doubt was its hostility to anything that might bring American forces north of the 38th parallel and close to China's border.
The day after his Twitter attacks on Jones, Trump picked a Secretary of Labor with palpable hostility to working people and the challenges they face.
The Free Speech Clause bars the government from burdening, suppressing, or compelling protected expression, particularly when based on favoritism or hostility to the message expressed.
Scalia's hostility to gay rights, affirmative action, abortion and gun control infuriated his critics, as a petition signed by faculty and staff members makes plain.
Given the party's ingrained sexism and hostility to any form of activism, the surprising thing is not that #WoYeShi has had less impact than #MeToo.
Some commentators feel uncomfortable with reducing the diplomatic and economic pressure on Iran, given its human rights record and history of hostility to its neighbors.
Its only official public description has come from William Barr, the attorney general whom President Trump appointed primarily because of Barr's hostility to the investigation.
And by reaffirming its hostility to anti-gay discrimination (while also speaking emphatically against anti-religious animus), the court has shored up Justice Kennedy's legacy.
Several well-known conservative commentators met the proposal with a series of warnings, exposing chilling and increasingly open hostility to majoritarian democracy on the right.
They argue it stems from an early trend dating back to the 1800s directed against Catholics during a period of widespread hostility to Catholic schools.
His actions and statements as the chief executive officer of fast food conglomerate CKE Restaurants demonstrate his open hostility to fair wages and working conditions.
This naïveté, combined with his advisers' and his party's ideological hostility to government, has led to bizarre moves that have unnerved the federal work force.
Nor do the apology or belated fixes change the fact that this was due to the government's hostility to immigrants, and especially immigrants of color.
"I'm very concerned about his hostility to consumer protections, to GMO labeling, to protections for consumers against big agri-corporations," Blumenthal said after the vote.
Given the new administration's hostility to dissenting voices and willingness to strong-arm corporations, we need independent and responsible media outlets more than ever before.
Leftist politicians accuse League leader Matteo Salvini of whipping up hostility to migrants with his often fierce rhetoric against the newcomers — a charge he denies.
The intense hostility to what seems like an innocuous statistical category illustrates the lasting damage that the current administration has done to fundamental American institutions.
In his op-ed, Sulzberger draws a line between the administration's indulgence of Egypt's desire to silence American journalists and Trump's ideological hostility to journalism.
In the Court's view, this was open hostility to Phillips's religious beliefs — and that kind of hostility from a government body violates Phillips's constitutional rights.
You might have expected pre-2017 Trump to use North Korea's provocations an opportunity to bash China even further, given his generalized hostility to Beijing.
The vast, vast majority are white men; the only non-white person on this list is famous for his unhinged hostility to Black Lives Matter.
What they all share is not a general commitment to intellectual free exchange but a specific political hostility to "multiculturalism" and all that it entails.
She focused significant amounts of attention on two things — hostility to Iran and support for Israel — that have wide and deep support across Republican factions.
Trump's hostility to trade deals -- a pillar of US engagement with Asia -- and his campaign proposals to change longstanding alliances there had already unnerved the region.
Trump also wants big tax cuts and a business-friendly pro-growth agenda, though that is complicated by his instinctive protectionism and hostility to trade agreements.
Goldman Sachs, unions and the Communist Party rarely find themselves on the same side, but hostility to Mr Zuma has made for strange—and numerous—bedfellows.
The correlation between hostility to immigration and support for Brexit is high, so if they can turn the vote into one about migration, they will win.
If premiums spike again, it will likely be because Republicans, now fully in power, have sown doubt in the market with their hostility to the law.
"These politically driven policies, driven primarily by a hostility to coal, threaten the reliability and stability of the greatest electrical grid in the world," Perry said.
Trump, the very antithesis of inclusivity, has also raised the level of hostility to his campaign among women, African-Americans and other minorities to record highs.
Beyond his affront to our social values, most apparent in his xenophobia and hostility to empowered women, Trump represents a potentially seismic economic disruption for elites.
A far more direct threat to the values of the New York dining community is the snarling hostility to immigrants now at loose in the country.
I'm willing to take at face value the declaration by Senator Susan Collins of Maine that a Supreme Court nominee who showed "hostility" to Roe v.
This got us to searching again (we've been here before with Mr. Pruitt) for the word that best describes the Trump administration's hostility to scientific inquiry.
Fears of overpopulation sometimes turn into hostility to immigrants, those who choose to have large families, and countries in an earlier stage of their population transition.
The insurgent Democrats who were at the forefront of the party's successful effort to take over the State Senate have repeatedly expressed hostility to the movement.
The failures in both Katrina and the coronavirus pandemic point back to the specific decisions and character of each leader — and their party's hostility to government.
In fact, Putin is far from alone in his hostility to what he sees as aggressive NATO expansionism and the threat of American missile defense programs.
Both parties said on Wednesday they would try to form a coalition, setting aside years of hostility to avert a snap election and ease economic uncertainty.
The accusations are tainted by Archbishop Viganò's open hostility to Pope Francis, and his bigoted view that homosexuality is at the root of the sexual abuse.
But now that President Donald Trump, whose actions have demonstrated hostility to civil rights, occupies the White House, the proposal presents a real risk of passage.
In general, partiality for those of certain identities is morally less troublesome than hostility to people of other identities — and yes, this is a coherent distinction.
It's hypocritical for Trump to be today's avatar of hostility to immigrants, since his own family suffered from anti-German sentiment and pretended to be Swedish.
They know what we should have learned: that history long ago revealed its defects, anachronisms, hostility to democracy and unsuitability to life after the 18th century.
Mr. Ahmadinejad said Iran should scrap the approach of enlisting Europe and other intermediaries to influence Mr. Trump over his hostility to the 2015 nuclear agreement.
These habits of mind, later revealed in his hostility to equality for gay people and even climate science, were formed when he was barely an adult.
And a eurosceptic rightist failed by a whisker to win Austria's presidential election last month, surfing a wave of hostility to migrants and defiance of "Brussels".
It had been circulating for weeks on mainstream sites like Twitter as well as parts of 4chan and Reddit often known for their hostility to women.
That does not make the assaults on foreign N.G.O.s, with their overt hostility to Western values and overtones of anti-Semitism and xenophobia, any less contemptible.
China's hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai's election as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island's formal independence, a red line for China.
But new problems quickly arose for the Neal family when the elementary school that Trinity was about to attend reacted with hostility to DeShanna's transgender daughter.
That Robert's Rules crystallized in wartime may explain their frank hostility to the chaos of human emotions — the very emotions that, at tech companies, enjoy full flower.
The constitutional guarantee prohibiting the government from showing hostility to members of particular religions, other courts have held, precludes Mr Trump from excluding nationals from Muslim countries.
The attack comes as hostility to Beijing has spiralled and the battle for full democracy has become a defining issue for the city of 7.3 million people.
That's because at its heart, hostility to birth control coverage, Planned Parenthood, and abortion rights aren't about "life" or "religious freedom" or any other right-wing buzzwords.
The nature of censorship is changing, according to critic Mohamed Andeel, which he believes reflects the government's hostility to the Islamist values of opponents the Muslim Brotherhood.
And underneath my funny little anecdote about communism's last gasp was a great story, and a real one, about the resilience of hostility to the American project.
Given the public's hostility to these things, nobody in Brussels could possibly risk letting them cross into the EU by the back door of the Irish border.
"The current executive's open hostility to transferring any detainees, no less those already administratively cleared for transfer, cries out for principled and courageous judicial intervention," they wrote.
Among some of those who at least do understand it, there is hostility to ordinary citizens being tasked with "doing the job I was elected to do".
The party's ascendant left wing has much the same hostility to free trade as Mr Trump, and it also favours higher taxes and a $15 minimum wage.
Still, the majority support for Israel among all three groups should be a strong warning to Democratic candidates: hostility to Israel is not a politically popular position.
If worker angst and Sinophobia were determining what people think, then you might expect more anger about overall trade but less hostility to TPP, which excludes China.
She's even applied for an AAAS fellowship to work in scientific diplomacy—but she said the current administration's hostility to Tehran makes her chances remote at best.
"This Justice Department has already made its hostility to the rights of LGBT people and so many others crystal clear," said Louise Melling, ACLU's deputy legal director.
As shown by many of the emails and later criminal referrals and disciplinary actions at the FBI, an open hostility to Trump existed among some bureau figures.
More important, Republican ideology has evolved from a vague antipathy to academics and intellectuals into an all-out hostility to almost all forms of science and expertise.
There's been a lot written on Trump's hostility to traditional allies, but it increasingly appears that this hostility is specific to allies with centrist or left governments.
But the Trump administration's brief makes it more likely that Judge O'Connor, who has a history of hostility to the ACA, will take the Texas complaint seriously.
This loyalty culture helps people take care of their own, but it also means there can be hostility to those who want to move up and out.
Republican hostility to climate science and climate action is usually attributed to ideology and the power of special interests, and both of these surely play important roles.
Then Trump told reporters his meeting with Putin would be easier than those with US allies, further stoking worries that his hostility to NATO could embolden Russia.
Instead, Justice Kennedy, abandoning his earlier hostility to race-conscious programs, joined the court's remaining liberals to endorse the Texas program by a 4-to-3 vote.
If Democrats oppose the Electoral College, it only is in keeping with their broad hostility to the Constitution's founding of a republican government, not a democratic one.
Nonetheless, conservative Christian leaders have increasingly seized on the Johnson Amendment as an example of what they see as government hostility to religion in the public square.
But Mr. Trump's top advisers are far more united in their hostility to engaging with Iran, and Iran is far less likely to bend to such pressure.
The Five Star Movement's hostility to the news media traces back to its co-founders — the comedian Beppe Grillo and the late Gianroberto Casaleggio, an internet entrepreneur.
The so-called Working Definition of Antisemitism, internationally adopted since its formulation in 2005 (including by the British government), lumps together Holocaust denial with hostility to Israel.
Many on the farther reaches of the left will never embrace this model, as hostility to corporations and commercial motives is too central to their political identity.
"While I have endless patience, some of my colleagues have lost patience quite frankly with the UK and there's enormous hostility to any further extension," Varadkar said.
Still, we never saw such routinized and overt hostility to the very practice of engaging powerful people in a line of questioning until the age of Trump.
Although the state has the authority to protect the rights of gay persons, the court opines, it cannot display hostility to religious views in enforcing these rights.
The racist, white supremacists and Islamophobes share his hostility to people who are not white and Christian, and they don't even need to forgive him to cheer.
Justice Alito was right to say that the Supreme Court had expressed hostility to Abood in two earlier opinions, both written, as it happened, by Justice Alito.
"We cannot be said to have done anything more than increase their general terror of, and hostility to, all comers," Mr. Portman wrote in his 1899 book.
She attributed her success in 2018 to Curbelo's support for the Trump tax bill, Republicans' repeated attacks on Obamacare, and the Republican Party's increasing hostility to immigrants.
And it reflects ongoing uncertainty among insurers about the stability of the individual health plan market in light of the factors including Trump administration's hostility to Obamacare.
Since then, however, seemingly every Five Star and League leader has disavowed their antagonism to the euro, or rather denied ever harboring any hostility to it whatsoever.
On the assumption that he has normal cognitive abilities, he would surely have found a way to express his hostility to Stubblefield on that occasion or subsequently.
First Amendment experts said the decision to bar reporters from Friday's briefing was of a piece with the Trump administration's hostility to much of the news media.
The hard-liners hope to exploit Mr. Trump's hostility to ensure that President Hassan Rouhani, who negotiated the nuclear deal, is defeated for re-election next year.
Among Republicans, a higher percentage (72 percent) said they knew Obamacare and the A.C.A. were the same, which may reflect the party's longstanding hostility to the law.
Yet, lawmakers in some of those places have gone out of their way to signal not just disinterest, but outright hostility to our great American energy revolution.
"These politically driven policies, driven primarily by a hostility to coal, threatened the reliability and the stability of the greatest electrical grid in the world," he said.
We see this in the extreme records of the people Trump has been nominating for lifetime judgeships and their hostility to restraining the power of the president.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Monday that Chicago officials have shown an "open hostility" to enforcing laws designed to reduce crime and protect law enforcement.
Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain is trying to win a referendum on staying in the European Union and cannot help her because of public hostility to immigration.
Local opponents accuse him of financing his development plans in "opaque" ways and an "ideological" hostility to cultural diversity, such as North African songs or dances in schools.
Their hostility to the European Union is just a raw struggle for power, without any credible designs to re-establish prosperous, fully independent and entirely sovereign nation states.
Meanwhile, Tehran has improved its ties with the Taliban leadership, unlike the 1990s when Iran almost went to war with the Taliban regime over its hostility to Shiites.
Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the high court found commissioners had shown an impermissible "hostility" to the religious views of a Christian baker who turned away a gay couple.
Some of the justices signaled hostility to the idea that elected House members should receive legal protection when their ability to win re-election is put in doubt.
Instead, he cited America's new, more belligerent approach to trade, its hostility to curbing climate change, and its retreat from standing up for human rights around the world.
The projects for Le Pen and AfD have pushed Harris Media's work deeper into Euroscepticism and the hardcore nativism and hostility to foreigners that's often associated with it.
He wrote in a letter to Kim Thursday that the meeting would be "inappropriate" following North Korean expressions of "tremendous anger and open hostility" to the United States.
Democratic hostility to Trump has crested in the wake of the president's racist statements and the targeted mass shooting of Hispanics by a white supremacist in El Paso.
And nobody is going to "out-populist" Trump on trade, immigration, "law and order," hostility to Muslims, or the alleged incompetence and corruption of the nation's political class.
It made more left-wing members willing to drop dreams of a big new public program and more centrist members willing to drop hostility to expansion of Medicaid.
Business groups found themselves on the outside looking in during the Republican and Democratic conventions, with both parties expressing indifference or outright hostility to their top economic priorities.
If this rank hostility to American interdependence with the global economy is translated into policy, the long-term impact on U.S. dynamism and economic leadership could be devastating.
"Alone, West Wing Reads could be seen as innocuous spin — but in this climate, it's a sign of a dangerous hostility to accountability and the truth," she said.
The state's policy "exhibits hostility to religion by singling out and excluding religious institutions solely because of who they are," the group's lawyers have told the Supreme Court.
With Britain on its way out of the Union and hostility to the EU significant in many other countries, EU leaders are keen to bolster their democratic credentials.
Maine's Susan Collins said last week she won't support a nominee who "demonstrated hostility" to Roe, though Kavanaugh is extremely unlikely to do that in his confirmation hearings.
" She also played on their mutual hostility to Catholicism, describing herself as "the most invincible and most mighty defender of the Christian faith against all kind of idolatries.
Diplomatic engagement also undercuts Iranian hard-liners' pervasive hostility to the United States, lowering the odds that a fiercely anti-American government assumes power following Iran's 2021 elections.
While Republicans' grassroots hostility to diversity makes life very difficult for the GOP at the presidential level, important and under-discussed transformations have impacted white voters as well.
Abuses of sculptures and paintings, apparently committed by soldiers from Germany, aren't surprising, since anticlericalism and German hostility to Rome had a very long history before the Reformation.
You would expect their hostility to be directed at the simple fact that Tristian Thompson was unfaithful and a trusted family confidant was a part of the betrayal.
How did we come from such division and hostility to a point where Scotland is recognized as one of the safest and most accepting places on the planet?
Yet many guests who visited the house and took the tour reacted with hostility to hearing a presentation that focused more on the slaves than on the owners.
For months, political opponents have presented 5-Star and the League as natural bedfellows, pointing to a common hostility to Europe's fiscal rules, big business and the euro.
Trump's choice could technically stop short of showing hostility to the Roe ruling in front of the Senate, but then vote to overturn it while on the bench.
But here's the question: If hostility to the Supreme Court's 1973 precedent is a deal-breaker for Ms. Collins, how will she learn what the nominee really thinks?
The remnant of the conservative wing of the Democratic Party that in 2016 voiced its hostility to Clinton by voting for Sanders has now turned to President Trump.
Over the course of the hour-long session, they discuss various uncomfortable or dangerous situations — from online hostility to physical aggression — they or their loved ones have experienced.
And he plans to finance his campaign chiefly through large contributions from traditional party bankrollers, in an age of grass-roots hostility to corporations and the very wealthy.
He could have recognized that Barr wasn't trustworthy, given that Trump had nominated him for the attorney general job largely because Barr had expressed hostility to Mueller's investigation.
He and others throughout the Iron Range were won over in 2016 by Mr. Trump's outspoken hostility to existing trade deals, support of mining and America First appeals.
There's always been an awkward tension in American conservatism between its hostility to elite intellectual institutions on the one hand and its veneration for authority on the other.
White voters who supported Trump were decidedly strong on measures of anti-black affect and hostility to the integration of immigrants into the population of the United States.
A deal with the D.U.P. is seen as controversial in Britain because of the party's social conservatism, its opposition to same-sex marriage and its hostility to abortion.
As Mr. Trump continued to display indifference, even hostility, to findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to strengthen sanctions against Russia.
Some of these objections were reasonable, but it's hard to resist the idea that the core of Thatcher's hostility to Europe was flamingly unreasonable, almost exceeding articulate discourse.
Breitbart, for instance, has published nine articles this week critical of General McMaster and what it reports is his alleged hostility to Israel and to the president himself.
"Trump has married his administration-wide hostility to the environment to his personal vendetta against California," said Dan Becker, director of the Safe Climate Campaign, an advocacy group.
Trump's hostility to climate change agreements, and his call for Europe to honor financial obligations to the NATO military alliance are entirely peripheral to cooler trans-Atlantic relations.
On Sunday, they got a new rival: Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who thinks the only thing missing in a race anchored by hostility to billionaires is ... another billionaire.
These sorts of takes — and there are enough to fill a library — are all united in their hostility to a school of philosophy they consider gleefully anti-truth.
Yet Ed Kavanaugh's career may shed light on his son's hostility to government regulation, a major reason conservatives are so enthralled by his nomination to the Supreme Court.
The minister's remarks, coming amid a broader backlash against immigrants across Europe, sparked concerns from human rights groups that they could inflame public hostility to a persecuted community.
Third, and perhaps most surprising, he identified a level of hostility to the French welfare state among the middle class that very few analysts had picked up on.
But Philip Wallach, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank, said Trump's apparent hostility to those who must implement his policies was in a different league.
When hostility to amnesty developed into the right's signature obsession, the bill's chief Republican pitchman, Senator Marco Rubio, turned his eyes to the presidency and abandoned his own undertaking.
Both the League and 5-Star have voiced fierce hostility to EU budget rules and markets are likely to be spooked by any sign they might form a coalition.
Kammenos, who forged a coalition pact with Tsipras in 2015, never concealed his hostility to the deal with Skopje, which renames the tiny Balkan country Republic of North Macedonia.
First, you come together as a group to protect yourselves, but later you can develop an identity with positive content that isn't based purely on hostility to your oppressors.
But then the League has always relied on hostility to an external foe; and what Mr Salvini has done is to switch enemies, replacing the southerner with the immigrant.
That sentiment, which Mr Trump divined and has exacerbated, has now infected the party to such a degree that hostility to immigration is the surest indicator of Republican support.
But the cultural drivers—hostility to the freer and more heterodox Western societies of today—might just turn out to be the swan song of a pre-1968 world.
China's hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai's election two years ago as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island's formal independence, a red line for China.
In an era where some men have demonstrated open hostility to women, particularly sexual assault victims, Governor Brown's decision to sign this law could not have been more timely.
However, in the last paper I published, it was the strongest predictor of reacting with intergroup hostility to imagined insults across five studies [conducted in Turkey, Portugal, and Poland].
"Erdogan is still not yet a Chavez or Kirchner," he said, referring to the former Venezuelan and Argentinian leaders known for their economic populism and hostility to foreign investors.
In the last few weeks, the Gulf countries have been infuriated by a news report quoting the Qatari emir as saying there's "no reason" for their hostility to Iran.
Jim McNerney, a former top executive at Boeing, 3M and General Electric, said on Tuesday that Mr Trump's hostility to international trade posed a serious threat to US prosperity.
Some have said CMS is being deliberately disruptive because of its hostility to ObamaCare, and that government programs should not be at the mercy of a lone federal judge.
As in the 2010 midterm campaign during President Barack Obama's first term, the opposition party benefits from intense hostility to a controversial White House incumbent two years in office.
And more of those new members from districts with large numbers of globally connected white-collar professionals may challenge the hostility to international trade that now dominates the party.
Five years later, simmering anger over the deaths has hit Reckitt Benckiser — and prompted widening hostility to white-collar crime that is directed at foreign and local companies alike.
Jews, in Israel and the Diaspora, have always expressed criticism, reservations, ambivalence, and at times hostility to the country, but largely, as Neuman put it, in private or underground.
The extreme hostility to Jewish immigrants saw Britain largely close its borders to them in 286, and later refuse asylum to hundreds of thousands of European Jews fleeing Nazism.
Mr. Trump's choice for the court, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, has expressed strong support for executive power, hostility to administrative agencies and support for gun rights and religious freedom.
It requires principled resistance to right-wing nationalism, but it can succeed only if those who are most open to diversity abandon their hostility to other forms of nationalism.
I think they're in the same kind of ... They have the same kind of issues and the same sort of hostility to regulation and the same kind of ideology.
Yes. Am I offended to the highest order by his coddling of white supremacists, his clear hostility to minorities, his anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric and his misogyny?
These days, Netanyahu often implies that an Israeli rapprochement with the Sunni gulf states — built around their common hostility to Iran — would force Palestinians to curb their nationalist demands.
Boris Johnson's balancing act Trump could also anger leaders like Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel with his outspoken support for Brexit and open hostility to the European Union.
Like the provocative title, the hostility to "the grid" that underpins "In Praise of Wasting Time" sometimes feels more like a narrative hook than a genuine, deeply held view.
Third, the idea that reducing taxpayer-financed government spending is the key to giving people more freedom and revving up the economy encourages conservative hostility to government as such.
The Trump administration's perceived hostility to immigration and what that might mean for international student enrollment in U.S. universities is a particular point of worry for the educational establishment.
Hostility to immigration was a pillar of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign, and he has surrounded himself with like-minded officials, so it's no surprise that he likes this bill.
In the press, Weinstein has attracted the most attention for his hostility to PrEP, a once-a-day antiretroviral that reduces the likelihood of contracting H.I.V. by 99 percent.
But people are also clearly put off by the fact that Mr. Trump, who ran on hostility to D.C.'s "swamp," now seems like the worst boss in Washington.
They pointed to the Trump administration's hostility to the Iran nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as one possible reason for the Zarif's resignation.
Michael Bloomberg's renewed interest in running for president seems motivated in large part by intellectual and emotional hostility to the prospect of an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders nomination.
In the baker case, the court ruled that a Colorado state commission had showed hostility to religion in violation of his religious rights under the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.
Repealing the amendment has long been a key priority of the religious right, which views the ban as an example of government hostility to religion in the public square.
But none of Trump's predecessors have been even remotely in the neighborhood of this aggressive in his denunciations of the press and his overt hostility to mainstream journalistic institutions.
His reporting plays up acts of vandalism, violence, and hostility to free speech without a comparable focus on the much more frequent and deadly actions of right-wing extremists.
This luxury sedan exhibits a deliberate hostility to buttons, opting instead for smooth black surfaces that transform into multifunctional touchscreens with realistic haptic feedback when the car is turned on.
According to the majority decision, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission didn't treat Phillips fairly while observing his case, instead demostrating hostility to his religious beliefs.
" Justice Anthony Kennedy found that the Commission's consideration of the case was "neither tolerant nor respectful of (Phillips') religious beliefs" and accused the commissioners of having expressed "hostility to religion.
Russian hostility to Western institutions like the European Union seems to be echoed by Trump aides like Stephen Bannon, who has laid out a deeply nationalistic vision for the administration.
A group of women are suing the Department of Defense for unequal treatment in the military and are claiming that the Trump administration has displayed "extreme hostility" to their cause.
Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has made hostility to gays a central focus of its campaign, depicting LGBT rights as a dangerous foreign idea that undermines traditional values.
"This President and his administration have repeatedly shown a true hostility to the rule of law and Presidential customs," Stewart-Cousins said in a statement that was provided by Murphy.
But while the incoming administration may have backed away from the questionnaire, the scepticism and hostility to the Department of Energy and its mission in some quarters remains very real.
America today is no longer a beacon of hope and opportunity for immigrants, and the current administration has helped create an environment for this kind of hostility to take hold.
Mark Norris: This Tennessee district court nominee has a fervent hostility to civil rights, demonstrated by legislation and policies he has endorsed during his 17 years in the state Senate.
He veers between indifference and hostility to troublesome principles such as due process, the separation of powers and the rule of law—all of which need shoring up, not weakening.
Cornell William Brooks, the group's president, blasted Sessions' nomination, citing what he called a "very disturbing and recurring theme of hostility to and toward civil rights" exhibited over his career.
Hamas, an Islamist movement that shares the Islamic State's hostility to Israel but not their quest for a global religious war, deny the jihadists have a presence in the territory.
As Megan Carpentier reported for The New Republic last November, Trump's hostility to the presence of LGBT people in the military posed an imminent threat to Manning's health and safety.
But the silver lining for Democrats is that DeVos—a billionaire GOP donor with a track record of hostility to public education—emerges from this confirmation fight badly damaged politically.
But on "Meet the Press," Mr. Trump struck a dismissive tone toward Mr. Ryan and responded with outright hostility to other Republican critics who have refused to back his campaign.
In Greece, a platform of open hostility to foreigners and slogans like "Greece belongs to the Greeks" have made the neo-fascist Golden Dawn the third-biggest party in Parliament.
The red states identified by political analysts reflect the HI opposition to government, antipathy toward ethnic minorities, deep religious commitment, resistance to nontraditional sexuality and hostility to collective workplace action.
A number of pollsters pointed out to me that hostility to Clinton is more important than the appeal of Trump in the continuing support for Trump among white college men.
DON'T forget that it's also an opportunity to unwittingly associate yourself with hostility to immigrants, nativism, and protectionism, all of which you as a global business leader would presumably disavow.
Psychologists have been able to produce major features of group effects — favoritism and loyalty to ingroups, along with hostility to outgroups — with great ease, using trivial bases of group identification.
But Greenberg says Trump has made it easy for Democrats to coalesce in opposition to his wall by so clearly making it a symbol for hostility to growing diversity overall.
Though Bornstein's work has always served to broaden our understanding of gender, there are people in and out of the transgender community who have reacted with hostility to her message.
More than yet another demonstration of his erratic behavior, this was also an object lesson in the dangers of his context-free hostility to the world beyond the United States.
Mr. Kushner, a foreign policy neophyte, absorbed the princes' views on the region, including their hostility to Qatar, a senior State Department official said, describing the relationships as very close.
The lawsuit argued that President Donald Trump has "overt hostility to California" and its opposition to his initiative, so far unrealized, to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Mr. Philby, highly educated, well spoken and driven by hostility to fascism rather than by greed, fits perfectly with the image that Soviet and Russian intelligence operatives have of themselves.
And political fear of resurgent fascism, which can cause some cognitive dissonance since at least some of Europe's neo-fascists profess sympathy for Israel while expressing open hostility to Muslims.
The records of its proceedings were filled with statements by members expressing hostility to Christian teachings on marriage and sexual morality and casting aspersions on Mr. Phillips's faith and motives.
The Democratic National Committee is using Obamacare's sixth anniversary to stage events in key battleground states, many of which have seen enrollment numbers balloon despite Republicans' hostility to the law.
Asked whether she had shared her thoughts on NATO with Trump, whose skepticism and, at times, hostility to the group has distressed longtime U.S. allies, Wilson said she had not.
Despite Mr. Duterte's hostility to America, his army has close ties to the Pentagon, values its help against the extremists and has resisted Mr. Duterte's efforts to expel the Americans.
In such circumstances, given his hostility to the idea of large-scale troop garrisons in the Middle East, it's not impossible Trump could suddenly decide to yank all Americans home.
There's particular hostility to Bridge, because it runs hundreds of schools, both public and private, in poor countries (its private schools in other countries charge families about $7 a month).
Surfing on hostility to globalisation and immigration, populists could deal further blows to European unity in Austria's re-run presidential election and Hungary's referendum on migrant quotas on Oct. 2.
The Pew Research Center found that almost 85033-out-of-4 people in the world live in countries with high or very high restriction on or outright hostility to religion.
China's hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai's election as president in 2016, as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island's formal independence, a red line for China.
President Bush deserves commendation for speaking out in era of partisan hostility to advance the cause of respectful discourse that has the power to shape so much of our country.
Mr Babanov was the main opposition challenger in the election of 2017, when Mr Jeyenbekov—in a harbinger of his hostility to political adversaries—personally threatened to lock him up.
Perceived hostility to a major Democratic candidate could exacerbate tensions between Facebook and a party that once viewed the company and its Silicon Valley peers as bastions of American innovation.
In the 1990s, Prime Minister Howard voiced his hostility to a "black armband view of history," which in his view gave excessive weight to the indigenous viewpoint on Australia's colonization.
In Turkey, hostility to the United States is on the rise, and while popular sentiment drifts apart, so too do Ankara and Washington's regional policies, particularly on Syria and Iran.
The depth of his support may have to do with the Granite State's reputation for hostility to establishment politics: Fully 44 percent of voters in the 2008 Democratic primary — which Mrs.
Like others who voted, he preferred to enjoy the moment instead of asking tough questions about internal Kurdish divisions and hostility to the vote from regional powers and the Baghdad government.
The findings in this report are surprising considering the Trump administration's hostility to mainstream climate science findings and policies aimed at cutting emissions of greenhouse gases that are warming the planet.
Central banks' normal hostility to inflation can undercut efforts to boost a slumping economy, because firms and households fear that stimulus will be removed at the first sign of rapid growth.
The hostility to scientific consensus isn't limited to the executive branch, either; House Republicans held a fake inquiry on climate change in order to attack the only credible scientist that testified.
Unlike previous business-friendly GOP candidates, Trump's hostility to globalism and his threats to reverse trade agreements have pushed companies into a holding pattern that has kept financial markets on edge.
HOW should a liberal democracy respond when a historically Christian majority makes room for cultures and philosophical ideas that range from indifference, even hostility, to all religion to devoutly practised Islam?
For all his reputed hostility to Islam, even President Donald Trump last year praised the rulers of Saudi Arabia for hosting "the holiest places of one of the world's great faiths".
Those on the Conservative benches favour the Singapore oprion but the camp also includes those with a protectionist, anti-immigration bent; this rift is concealed by the shared hostility to Brussels.
Melenchon's rise on the back of a strong performance in television debates is worrying investors, who fear his hostility to the European Union and plans to repeal pro-business labour reforms.
These are the rattlesnake, the copperhead, the moccasin, and the Spitz dog, and of the four, the latter is by far the most aggressive and deadly in its hostility to man.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) on Wednesday reiterated that she would not vote for any Supreme Court nominee chosen by President Trump if they have "demonstrated hostility" to Roe v. Wade.
Mr Trump is already disrupting established security relations (for all their differences, he and Mr Corbyn share a common hostility to the multinational institutions that have kept the peace since 1945).
His frustration also seems rooted in a more fundamental hostility to the concept of collective and multilateral cooperation that has united the post-World War II American-led community of democracies.
The "malign activities" outside the realm of the nuclear agreement include Iran's support for terrorism, human rights abuses, backing of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and hostility to Israel, the official said.
Trump has packed the federal judiciary with right-wing judges who have shown zero sympathy for — and in some cases outright hostility to — the legislative victories of the civil rights movement.
It's almost know-nothingism; their position on climate change, the purism on abortion, the hostility to people of color — which they may deny but then play to and dog-whistle it.
Indeed, Downes – who is certainly no Trumpista – is quite critical of much of Silicon Valley's outright hostility to the President-elect, suggesting that it might come back to haunt the Valley.
It's an often-funny, consistently searing study of complacency that feels refreshingly honest rather than idealistic, kissing off everything from hip kid faux-rebellion to anti-government hostility to existential dread.
Some aspects of Mr. Nixon's speech even sound quaint today — he included Mexicans and African-Americans in his idealized version of the country and bore no hostility to the foreign-born.
One of Miller and Davis's most striking findings is that among socially intolerant whites, education heightens hostility to immigrants and fails to moderate the anti-democratic orientation of these white Americans.
Before the Syria attack, she was taking a tougher public line on Russia than her boss, denouncing Iran and deriding the United Nations' hostility to Israel — all catnip to mainstream Republicans.
It took disunion and the threat of political dissolution to break that taboo, although, in the aftermath of the Civil War, many white Americans retained their hostility to arms-bearing blacks.
Whoever the Democratic nominee is will be able to capitalize on widespread hostility to Trump, a motivated Democratic electorate and the party's continuing gains in formerly Republican suburbs across the nation.
" Oliver promoted the spoof book Sunday night on his show, claiming that Pence fosters a "hostility to LGBT rights" and that he "has never been a friend of the gay community.
The "malign activities" outside the realm of the nuclear agreement include Iran's support for terrorism, human rights abuses, backing of Syrian President Bashar Assad and hostility to Israel, the official said.
Across the Continent, Europeans find themselves increasingly caught up in a debate over the treatment of migrants as rising hostility to newcomers clashes with long-held values of tolerance and openness.
"It is because of that hostility to places like RedState, where we do not hide our partisan lean, that actual, real journalism can so often get ignored or butchered," Cunningham wrote.
Closer inspection reveals that Turkey's secularists and Islamists represent the two shades of the same right-wing ideology, which includes a commitment to unrestrained capitalism, hostility to labor, conservatism and nationalism.
The Taliban in Afghanistan have never opposed polio vaccine; hostility to it by some factions of the fragmented Pakistani Taliban has largely faded in the last two years, Mr. Memon said.
"Whoever believes that you can solve problems through isolation and protectionism is making a grave error," Merkel said, a clear shot at Trump's hostility to international trade and institutions like NATO.
Given the government's flawed investigation into the Malakal events and its more general hostility to justice for the conflict's atrocities, such action is highly unlikely without considerable pressure from the Security Council.
Gaza's ruling Hamas movement, shunned in the West for its hostility to Israel and locked in a power struggle with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's secular Fatah party, also condemned the Bahrain conference.
After President Obama's reelection, Republican Party leaders conducted an election postmortem and determined that the GOP's fatal liability was its hostility to a variety of Democratic-leaning demographics, immigrant communities in particular.
The hashtag, echoing the language of Arab Spring revolts elsewhere, captured the hostility to reforms that introduced entertainment events from rock concerts and comedy shows to kick-boxing into the conservative kingdom.
Gaza's ruling Hamas movement, shunned in the West for its hostility to Israel and locked in a power struggle with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's secular Fatah party, also condemned the Bahrain conference.
China, for example, despite its Communist political system is moving into a vacuum left by Trump's hostility to free trade deals to position itself as the champion of unfettered and open commerce.
The Trump administration's announcement  Tuesday that the U.S. is leaving the notorious United Nations Human Rights Council has been characterized as an example of administration's deep-seated hostility to the international community.
The admonishment stayed mostly out of public view until last week, when a student-athlete used an expletive in a three-word post on Twitter to convey her hostility to the missive.
For that reason, few think the Supreme Court will reverse Mr. Salman's conviction, even though two justices — Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas — have in previous opinions demonstrated a hostility to the law.
Colorado Civil Rights Commission decision, in which the court held that commission had shown impermissible "hostility" to the baker's religion, as an example of when the court had made that point clear.
But France led resistance to Britain's membership in the 1960s, with Charles de Gaulle blocking Britain's accession in 1961 and 1967, accusing the British of "deep-seated hostility" to the European project.
In 2008, he cornered the market on evangelical voters who were suspicious of John McCain's past hostility to the religious right, Rudy Giuliani's pro-choice views and adultery, and Mitt Romney's Mormonism.
Syriza's hostility to the market is evidenced, says one leading industrialist, by the fact that Greece is the only country in the world apart from Cuba not to allow privately owned universities.
In hostility to migrants, Muslims and gay marriage, it spies an opportunity to peel away nationalist voters drawn to Marine Le Pen's National Front, especially in semi-rural areas and small towns.
For all Mr Trump's hostility to environmentalism, Ms Khan says she spied "no appreciable difference" between the size and behaviour of previous American delegations and the one Mr Trump sent to Bonn.
The Post explains: The Trump administration signaled its hostility to this approach in a report issued last week by the Federal Commission on School Safety, which recommended rescinding the school discipline guidance.
Like successful European far-right leaders, he eschews explicit racial politics but merges extreme anti-immigration policies, populist hostility to the political establishment, and moderate views on social assistance to the elderly.
Mr. Cruz is seen as having powerful appeal in rural areas of Nevada, where activist conservatives have often fared well in primary elections and where hostility to the federal government runs high.
Her hostility to public education and unfamiliarity with education policy inspired massive backlash from parents, students, and teachers, prompting every Democratic senator and two of their Republican colleagues to oppose her nomination.
But the Court's broad language about the importance of government "hostility to a religion or a religious viewpoint" has other implications as well, particularly with respect to the treatment of religious minorities.
Despite its current hostility to the U.S., the Taliban does not seek permanent enmity with us, because many of our geopolitical interests align, including countering Iranian and Russian schemes in the country.
He is a classic example of a backlash politician: a leader who exploits real or perceived white anxieties by exhibiting a flamboyant hostility to the political and economic demands of black Americans.
Schiff added, however, that Mueller is operating under the constraint of an attorney general — referring to William Barr — who has "hostility to his investigation" and "would likely oppose" a subpoena of Trump.
Despite this, the state of Texas promptly filed suit in Brownsville, where District Judge Andrew S. Hanen, known for his open hostility to the president's immigration policies, is the senior active judge.
North Korea had reacted with extreme hostility to Bolton's suggestion that the U.S. would follow the "Libya model" in its negotiations with Kim's regime to remove nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula.
Borthwick worries that today's exuberance might only compound the power of these already dominant platform businesses — particularly given the Trump administration's hostility to Obama-era market regulation, especially to network neutrality legislation.
As Bill Freese, science policy analyst at the Center for Food Safety, put it, "This decision is a stark demonstration of how hostility to science and science-based safeguards harms us all."
And Democrats also have an electorate that cares deeply about cultural and identity concerns — even more so now — given the Trump administration's hostility to traditional civil rights (see: Attorney General Jeff Sessions).
Bolsonaro has been dubbed the "Trump of the Tropics," a far-right firebrand who shares the American president's hostility to democracy and penchant for saying extremely offensive things about women and minorities.
Rather, Justice Anthony Kennedy's majority opinion found that two Colorado officials who had a hand in deciding the case against the baker had made comments that indicated an impermissible "hostility" to religion.
For too long, American leaders have failed to respond adequately to China's increasing assertiveness — its theft of intellectual property, hostility to foreign companies, aggression in Asia and imperial ambitions around the world.
For the most part, the 2016 stories based on the hacked Democratic emails revealed true and important things, including the party leadership's hostility to Bernie Sanders's campaign and the texts of Mrs.
The "but the courts" argument for voting for Mr. Trump percolated largely from grass-roots quarters, among religious conservatives in particular — where one would have expected the most hostility to Mr. Trump.
In the space of ten minutes, Scarborough went from being a steady font of right-wing outrage and hostility, to being fulsomely embraced as a breath of fresh air on cable news.
The shortcomings start with the fact that, reflecting longstanding conservative hostility to helping people who don't have much market income, the people most in need of assistance get the least help here.
We don't have the space to outline President Trump's transgressions, but it is important to understand that his rise is an inevitable result of the hostility to women within the Republican culture.
In fact, it was present at the creation of the modern conservative movement, when opponents of the New Deal welded free-market economics onto Bible-based hostility to the secular-democratic state.
One of the many ways he demonstrated his hostility to Mussolini was his defiance of the law that the Fascist Party's anthem, "Giovinezza," be played at the start of every public performance.
In the 2010 midterm elections it was the Republican Party that was riding high, fueled by the energy of the Tea Party movement and hostility to President Barack Obama's health care plan.
Even these limited efforts, however, have been severely hampered by the Trump administration's hostility to even discussing climate change, according to interviews with dozens of current and former officials, farmers and scientists.
Many Venezuelans are eager to find help wherever they can, even if that means a Trump administration that is hardly known for its hostility to dictatorship or its commitment to human rights.
But it could also intensify hostility to the liberal agenda among conservatives, particularly white men, many of whom view women's complaints of discrimination as "an attempt to gain advantage" in the workplace.
Donald Trump's candidacy and presidency has in large part been premised on his hostility to immigrants and refugees, whom he's tried to crack down on in more ways than you can count.
US allies are deeply concerned by Trump's vocal hostility to immigration, his attacks on free trade, his criticism of US alliances as one-sided, and his support for European far-right parties.
A person who has exhibited so much hostility to the enforcement of those laws, and thus, to the exercise of those rights by black people should not be elevated to the federal bench.
The party's hostility to the euro, which it wants Italy to abandon through a referendum, and its rejection of multilateral trade deals are likely to find favor with the right-wing Northern League.
And caving to US pressure would force the clerics in Tehran to repudiate the principles of the revolution, which are rooted in hostility to the US and are existential to the regime's survival.
A thousand Trump Pepe memes bloomed and a strongman larger-than-life Twitter troll who showed open hostility to the mainstream media and to both party establishments took the White House without them.
But so much remains to be done, obstructed by a Republican leadership implacable in its hostility to Mr. Obama, determined to oppose just about everything he proposed from the day he entered office.
He insists, like the isolationists of yore, that he will put America first; but the policy implications of that impulse -- xenophobia, bigotry, hostility to trade and markets -- have only a terrible historical analog.
And the American president's hostility to free trade and his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord has allowed Xi Jinping to cast himself, improbably, as a defender of the international order.
Pollsters say lower participation could favour Renzi, as hostility to his reform is strongest among young voters and those in the poor south, segments of the population that often don't bother to vote.
There has since been plenty of irrational behaviour on the left, too, including hostility to genetically modified food and the current tendency of left-wing bloggers to see a Russian under every rock.
A national project America's right could support might ease the rigidity of a movement some of which borders on anarchism in its hostility to government and much of which equates compromise with treachery.
The result was that Mr. Kerry and Mr. Zarif veered from the monumental significance of what they were accomplishing — an end to a decade of open hostilityto the minutiae of uranium enrichment.
This impulse gives rise to the America First hostility to immigration, trade and foreign entanglements, and a general resentment that the rest of the world is not more grateful for everything America does.
" The philosophy of antitrust, he explained, "is founded on a theory of hostility to the concentration in private hands of power so great that only a government of the people should have it.
HOSTILITY to immigration was a key driver of Britons' vote on June 23rd to leave the EU. Theresa May has duly said that freedom of movement from the EU cannot continue as before.
"Suppose we thought that in significant part at least one member of the commission based the commissioner's decision on the grounds of hostility to religion," he asked Frederick Yarger, who represented the commission.
It is equally clear that as a Supreme Court justice, Judge Kavanaugh will follow his record of favoring corporations and showing hostility to federal regulatory agencies, threatening the economic interests of every American.
Despite the open hostility to the Black Lives Matter movement apparent at the convention throughout the week, African-Americans received mention from Trump as victims of globalization suffering from joblessness and urban decay.
Orban, 54, took power in 2010 and has continually increased his control over the media, put allies in charge of once-independent institutions and campaigned on a platform of fierce hostility to immigration.
He told The Times in 1981 that he left home shortly after he turned 18 when his father, with whom he had a tumultuous relationship, expressed hostility to his interest in the arts.
A different kind of culture warrior might express hostility to nontraditional pronouns in religious terms—in the United States, the fight against legal rights for L.G.B.T.Q. people has largely been led by believers.
In contrast, the worst moments in our history have occurred when we have focused and acted on our ethnic differences: slavery, Japanese internment, extirpation of Native Americans, hostility to the latest immigrant group.
" Pence, the governor of Indiana, rehashed those comments while addressing students at Liberty University, a Christian university in Virginia, lamenting "this time of condescension and, at times, overt hostility to people of faith.
Specifically, it ruled that because the Colorado Civil Rights Commission evinced hostility to a cake shop owner's religious convictions, punishing him for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding was unconstitutional.
Moscow's hostility to Trump administration figures is a sharp change from last year, when Putin hailed Trump as a strong figure and Russian state television was consistently full of effusive praise for him.
Virtually the only distinct elements of Trumpism that exists today are a hostility to immigrants and the travel ban, which is now a temporary half-policythat the Supreme Court could still strike down.
But because media coverage prioritizes political spin over information, the first reports conveyed caterwauling about Trump's purported xenophobia, his knee-jerk overreaction based on a supposedly deep-seated hostility to non-white populations.
He was a master at using both charm and hostility to get his way in negotiations, and under his leadership, the city's correction officers saw large gains in their salaries and pension benefits.
The case that US hostility to Iran is good for our key regional ally is strong, as is the case that efforts to create a US-Iran rapprochement are bad for Saudi Arabia.
And yet this preference strikes me as less troublesome than a preference for, say, a white woman, which would be difficult to view as having nothing to do with hostility to nonwhite people.
The point of underscoring the species of Mr. Bloomberg's sexism is to posit that it's not simply the result of businesslike pragmatism, but part of a long legacy of historical hostility to mothers.
A person who has exhibited so much hostility to the enforcement of those laws, and thus, to the exercise of those rights by Black people should not be elevated to the federal bench.
Western diplomats have expressed worry about the administration's hostility to the accord, saying that it could create more nuclear uncertainty at a time when the world is trying to deal with North Korea.
Moscow's hostility to Trump administration figures is a sharp change from last year, when Putin hailed Trump as a strong figure and Russian state television was often full of effusive praise for him.
While there are important debates to be had about the Islamist group's role in politics, particularly given its hostility to liberal values, this is not the same thing as being a terrorist group.
"That he would now cite people like Assange who have demonstrated universal hostility to the United States and its interests takes him into new and even more treacherous territory," he said in a statement.
These experts questioned the administration's intent, pointing both to national security adviser John Bolton's well-known dislike of arms control treaties, as well as the Trump administration's hostility to all manner of international agreements.
But they soon seemed unsettled, in large part due to Trump's unpredictability, hostility to China, embrace of nationalists like Steve Bannon on his senior staff, and his protocol-breaking phone call with Taiwan's president.
There can be no respite from fighting today's Republican Party, a uniquely dangerous organization that combines white racial supremacism with a reactionary hostility to modern social democracy and a deranged attachment to climate denialism.
Birmingham's endangered minimum-wage law, for instance, is a huge breakthrough because it counters longstanding Southern hostility to minimum wages; Alabama, along with Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee, has no state minimum wage.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), a key swing vote in the upcoming fight to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, says she won't support a nominee who has demonstrated "hostility" to Roe v.
Richard Nixon channeled his hostility to the civil-rights and anti-war movements into calls for law and order -- echoed today in Donald Trump's campaign -- while Ronald Reagan's focus on drugs disproportionately impacted minorities.
The 5-Star and League have enough seats to govern alone - a prospect that has worried financial markets because of their shared hostility to European Union budget restraints and their big campaign spending pledges.
And while Trump swept into office by tapping into widespread voter hostility to free trade policies, much of the GOP and American business leadership strongly support the goal of expanding markets for U.S. exports.
Meanwhile a meeting of the hardline Eurosceptic Bruges Group was not only denouncing Mrs May as a traitor, but also expressing hostility to Mr Johnson and Mr Rees-Mogg for belatedly backing her deal.
I got a personal taste of this new hostility to facts when I tweeted a quote from Alt-Right leader Jared Taylor last week in which he explicitly disputed that the races are equal.
This same antipathy explains why Trump supporters dismissed Rubio's Puerto Rico victory the way they did, and why even Rubio supporters imagined that the right wing's response would be a reflexive hostility to Hispanics.
In his first public speech since becoming taking over the CIA, the former Republican congressman escalated the agency's hostility to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, accusing them of making common cause with dictators.
Mr. Hensarling's plan, called the Financial Choice Act, builds on longstanding Republican hostility to the financial reform law, rolling back significant provisions and limiting the role of regulators in overseeing the country's biggest banks.
Though the president has expressed hostility to international organizations and alliances like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the U.N. and especially to the WTO, he knows he cannot rewrite trade norms by himself.
It's uncertain whether Kavanaugh's hostility to the Morrison case means that he would view Mueller's appointment itself as unconstitutional -- or if he simply believes that Mueller could be fired for any or no reason.
Again, the most urgent reason for a serious effort to flip the House is that longstanding Republican hostility to climate science has blocked steps that could parry the biggest threat to our planet's survival.
This was reignited in the conversation last week when WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic National Committee in which some officers expressed antipathy and outright hostility to Sanders and his candidacy.
To suggest trading Puerto Rico in a real estate transaction with another sovereign country is — besides the inanity of it all - indicative of a hostility to the interest and well-being of its citizens.
Some advocates on the right, perhaps jockeying for their other candidates on Trump's list of prospective nominees, argued that Kavanaugh had not demonstrated sufficient hostility to Obamacare -- a regular litmus test for Republican politicians.
"For the government of Mexico, it is getting more difficult to cooperate with the United States" as public hostility to the Trump administration rises, he said, especially with Mexico's presidential election approaching in July.
Still, they had to be careful: The 1980s was a time of rigorous Islamization in Pakistan and cold hostility to India, and anything remotely associated with India or Hinduism was discouraged if not outlawed.
Italy's 25-Star Movement and the opposition Democratic Party (PD) said on Wednesday they would try to form a coalition, setting aside years of hostility to avert a snap election and ease economic uncertainty.
But now, this progressive spirit may be checked by Britain's referendum decision last year to leave the European Union — in particular, to the extent that the Brexit vote was motivated by hostility to immigration.
Kavanaugh noted that many state laws barring government funds for religious education stem from an early trend dating back to the 1800s directed against Catholics during a period of widespread hostility to Catholic schools.
One hard-liner, who insisted on anonymity because of political sensitivities, said that the initial hostility to the overture from democracy advocates showed that the hard-liners' worries about concessions were being vindicated. Mrs.
In another sign of hostility to career national security officials who have complied with subpoenas to testify, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo refused to offer specific statements of support for some of the officials.
PREPA — with its historic resistance to transparency, its record of financial recklessness, its years of operational failures, its deep-seated hostility to professional planning standards and renewable energy — must be jarred from its complacence.
His legend, as the historian Scott Reynolds Nelson shows in his extraordinary book Steel Drivin' Man, resonated across sectors of the new proletariat that shared nothing but a common hostility to the new order.
In July 2017, President Trump spoke in Poland, praising the country's emergence from decades of Soviet domination, but his speech included no mention of the Polish government's growing hostility to the rule of law.
Virtually the only distinct elements of Trumpism that exists today are a hostility to immigrants and the travel ban, which is now a temporary half-policy that the Supreme Court could still strike down.
Furthermore, Russia has a healthy ability to counter-respond and, arguably, dissuading Russia from further mischief matters more than dissuading other countries because no other country combines Russia's capabilities and Russia's hostility to the West.
Known by the militaristic title of "El Comandante," in some ways Castro was always replaying the exhilaration of revolt, exhorting Cubans to fight one battle after another, from confronting U.S. hostility to boosting potato production.
Faced with Europe's criticism, Turkey has accused the EU of being fueled by anti-Turkish sentiment and hostility to President Tayyip Erdogan, saying the bloc was making grave mistakes in its response to the coup.
Two days after the proposal became public on Friday February 17, Mr Buffett, the billionaire head of Berkshire Hathaway, awoke to a letter from Paul Polman, Unilever chief executive, explaining his hostility to the deal.
Her experience is a shining example of what migrants can achieve, given half a chance, though Gudeta fears growing hostility to newcomers in Italy will make it harder for outsiders to contribute in the future.
Trump's hostility to the European Union and equating of Brexit voters to kindred spirits with his own supporters who powered a rupturing of the political establishment also may cause him to look kindly on Britain.
President Donald Trump's hostility to immigrants who are not high-cheekboned Slovenian models suggests to a large number of white Americans that he cares about them and will put their interests ahead of other people's.
Their hostility to the N.R.A. in the spring could certainly fade by the fall, but in past election cycles, many candidates would have regarded openly crossing the N.R.A. as too risky even in primary races.
They include hostility to immigration, dislike of Brussels bureaucrats, worries about sovereignty, an anti-elite mood, the discontent of those left behind by globalisation, a long history of Euroscepticism and a stridently anti-EU press.
"What this update shows is that, despite federal hostility to community network solutions, more communities are investing than ever," Christopher Mitchell, director of the Community Broadband Networks initiative at the ILSR, said in a statement.
He wrote in The Atlantic on Tuesday he quit Trump's team in October 2016 over concerns about Trump's rhetoric on immigration and trade, his financial regulation policies, and the policy team's "hostility" to Russian sanctions.
Putin's macho bearing, his hostility to LGBT rights, and his fusion of nationalism with support for the Russian Orthodoxy all make him an attractive figure to right-wing Christians disenchanted with Obama's socially liberal America.
From what I know of Mr. Thiel and his investments in healthcare, he is concerned that the risk avoidance permeating government regulation of medical science is a product of hostility to private investment and profit.
Initial confidence that Asia's third-largest economy would benefit from Trump's election victory has given way to concern that his isolationist rhetoric and hostility to free trade would hurt India's hi-tech and outsourcing industry.
For Sisi, Islamism isn't merely a ruinously bad blueprint for modern governance and a chronic source of security threats, it is also a wedge fueling outside hostility to Muslims, both Islamists and non-Islamists alike.
Sessions' decision is but continuation of the Trump administration's general hostility to the idea that immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States because of the danger they face in their home country.
According to many officials, the stubborn hostility to the campaigns and the high levels of avoidance underline the problems with heavy handed repeat visits by health workers and police going after families that refuse vaccination.
Holder, which struck down a key section of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, showed the conservative bloc's hostility to federal intervention of this magnitude, especially when it would shift power away from conservative governments.
The boot camp was the culmination of Mr. Chau's yearslong personal goal of heading to North Sentinel Island, pictured above, home to perhaps the world's most isolated tribe — one that showed tremendous hostility to outsiders.
This reddest of red states has a reputation for hostility to immigrants — the home of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the infamous HB 56, one of the harshest anti-immigrant laws in the country.
Trump's constant reversals, ambiguity, mixed signals, and outright hostility to following through on US commitments on everything from trade deals to military alliances have destroyed trust in the US's ability to actually fulfill its pledges.
Those in control of money looked beyond the fact that Marine Le Pen, a far-right candidate bearing intense hostility to the euro, claimed a spot in the second round of balloting on May 7.
There is open hostility to Mr. Trump's ideas in some pockets of the government, and deep frustration among those enforcing the visa ban that the White House announced the order without warning or consulting them.
His hostility to congressional oversight is evinced by his refusal to surrender his tax returns, his many lawsuits against congressional committees investigating him and his businesses, and his ordering staff not to comply with subpoenas.
"Judge Ozerden's record of hostility to civil rights protections demonstrates that he lacks the fundamental qualities necessary for dispensing justice in a fair and impartial manner," wrote Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington bureau.
WASHINGTON — President Trump's nominee for attorney general, William P. Barr, has expressed extreme hostility to whistle-blower protections in federal law that allow private citizens to win financial rewards for exposing fraud in federal programs.
But there seems to be an ideological hostility to for-profit schools that doesn't serve the interests of students seeking the combination of focus and flexibility that for-profit schools might be able to provide.
"When the Americans decided to reveal their blatant hostility to the Muslims, they did so without shame, where Trump announced the new stage, starting with the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem," he said.
Insofar as the Republican base has revealed core values, they seem to consist almost entirely in hostility to the Other — liberals and Democrats above all, along with the minorities, immigrants, professors, and celebrities they represent.
The president, whose hostility to illegal migrants is well-known, has also said that he would like to change the criteria for choosing legal ones, pointing to Canada or Australia as models for America to copy.
If Mr Trump actually wins the election, Republicans will have to meet the expectations he has created—of protectionism, spending increases allied to tax cuts, hostility to foreigners and a retreat from decades of foreign policy.
It is more accurate, he thinks, to see anti-Semitism as part of a general wave of chauvinist sentiment since the migrant crisis of 2015; levels of hostility to Muslims, gays and Roma have risen too.
All this is hard to square with China's ever greater disdain for the West, its leadership's growing hostility to Western values and its public's tendency to respond to perceived slights by Westerners with chest-thumping nationalism.
Hungary's government has made hostility to immigration the main plank of its campaign, with billboards accusing Juncker and Hungarian-born U.S. billionaire George Soros of plotting to destroy European civilization by bringing in masses of Muslims.
As Trump's coalition was still taking shape, I would take note on social media and in these pages of how, frequently, the economic anxiety supposedly animating Trumpism ends up being expressed as undisguised hostility to minorities.
That Mr. Blankenship retains a political hope is a consequence of West Virginia's sharp shift to the right, driven by seething hostility to the Obama presidency, both its social changes and its perceived "war" on coal.
"America First" encapsulates a larger turn to isolationism, as seen in Trump's hostility to the Paris Climate Accord (which Xi insists is still necessary) and institutions like NATO, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization.
But as with so much else in the city, the last word on the subject lies with the State Capitol, where hostility to the bag bill has threatened to undo, or at least revise, the fee.
But the new letters show that Democrats' plans to scrutinize Whitaker's past in addition to the fact he wasn't confirmed by the Senate or his potential hostility to the Mueller probe, which he is now supervises.
We should not be surprised when countries like Russia, or many countries in Africa, express hostility to nongovernmental organizations, which they see as poorly concealed fronts for foreign interests and social policies inimical to their own.
Another measure would be a significant increase in the federal minimum wage, while yet another would be reform of labor law to keep the playing field level in the face of growing employer hostility to unions.
The Senate should vigorously scrutinize Pompeo's record on human rights, including his support of torture, opposition to the admission of refugees, displays of hostility to Muslims and threats to the rights of women and LGBTI people.
"There is no excuse or reason for hunting people down, using violence and Nazi slogans, showing hostility to people who look different, who have a Jewish restaurant, for attacks on police officers," Merkel told the Bundestag.
But she mostly distinguished herself during her time in that job as a fierce defender of Israel on multiple occasions in an international body known for its particular obsession with and hostility to the Jewish state.
Having said that, rising anti-Semitism that's often cloaked in the politer guise of anti-Zionism is a global fact of life, and so is growing hostility to Israel among leftist political parties across the West.
"The outgoing president is obviously aware of the public hostility to his wife, the anger in some circles about the manner in which she conducted herself and approached ZANU-PF party politics," a second source said.
While his generally conservative credentials can lead court watchers to conclude that he would take a more anti-abortion approach than Kennedy, liberal critics would have trouble nailing down examples of "open hostility" to Roe v.
The left is put off by racism, hostility to immigrants and seeming indifference to gun violence, while the right delegitimizes the Mueller investigation, embraces America First and champions tax cuts to the exclusion of much else.
Fact Check of the Day As they try to block his nomination to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats have exaggerated Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's hostility to the Affordable Care Act in his public statements and writings.
It is now, according to the man who shaped its vision more than anyone else, openly a home for an "intellectual" movement that believes the conservative movement's biggest problem is its hostility to racism and sexism.
This dangerous hostility to immunization teams flared last week after religious hardliners in the city spread false rumors, raising a scare on social media that some children were being poisoned and dying from contaminated polio vaccines.
House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, Senate Republican leadership member John Thune and others expressed hostility to the deal announced on Tuesday by Republican Lamar Alexander and Democrat Patty Murray.
Before the 22016 campaign began, Republican voters were far more critical of both Putin and WikiLeaks than Democrats, in part because of the stronger tradition on the right of anti-communism and hostility to government leaks.
Thomas B. Edsall The election of President Trump has coincided with a reaction among Republican voters against open-mindedness, open borders and an open society in general — not to mention a growing hostility to cognitive elites.
It was not expected to come from the far left, which continues to evince extreme hostility to Mr. Macron, seeing him as the hated representative of capitalism and finance — precisely Ms. Le Pen's depiction of him.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission will propose this month granting visa-free travel to Ukrainians despite a Dutch referendum vote against an EU-Ukraine agreement partly motivated by hostility to migration, a senior EU source said.
While the federal government has a legitimate role in enforcing non-discrimination laws, this regulation has nothing to do with proven or alleged discrimination and everything to do with hostility to the self-government of citizens.
Percentage of 663 studies of native-born whites in western countries finding that diversity increases hostility to immigration or support for right-wing populists; sorted by population of residential block, neighborhood, town, city or wider area.
To overcome that intraparty opposition — not to mention the hostility to his health care plan from Democrats — Mr. Trump will need to woo the very Republicans who are increasingly growing weary of defending his online assertions.
Sanders has managed to leverage his hostility to super-PACs and deep-pocket donors into a small-ticket fundraising machine strong enough that Clinton's campaign now openly frets that Team Sanders could outraise in hard money.
The Trump agenda is the Republican agenda: hostility to women and minorities, white supremacy and white nationalism, xenophobia, protectionist trade policies, tax policies that punish the poor and working class and people living in blue states.
The plan would need approval by the state legislature and is seen as having little hope of success in a State Senate that has generally responded with hostility to both new taxes and the mayor's initiatives.
Against the backdrop of a stronger Ukrainian military, an ever-sluggish Russian economy, Moscow's hostility to NATO "encirclement," and Putin's continued desire to destabilize Ukraine, Savchenko could well become part of a Cold War-style trade.
Rather, he notes that the United States has always been a nation of competing political traditions, in which hostility to federal power has existed side by side with vast ambitions for what the federal government might do.
So it is little surprise that anti-elite parties with little else in common generally rail against European integration—and that hostility to the EU predicts increases in vote shares nearly as well as anti-elitism does.
Many Turks were incensed by what they saw as Europe's failure to show speedier solidarity over the July 15 putsch, in which more than 240 people died, accusing it of xenophobia and hostility to President Tayyip Erdogan.
On a near-daily basis on the campaign trail, Democratic presidential candidates and their supporters swipe at DeVos, decrying what they view as her hostility to public education and vowing to replace her as a top priority.
Harvey Redgrave of the Tony Blair Institute, a think-tank, notes that other EU countries have long been amazed that, given Britain's hostility to EU migration, its government has never applied the constraints allowed on free movement.
Here, a series of statements by both the President and the Attorney General have raised serious concerns that the motivation for withdrawing the DACA program is hostility to welcoming Latinos and Mexicans as members of this country.
This is not because Republican hostility to Obamacare has significantly faded but rather because over the past year Republicans have been talking up a cost-conscious redesign of Medicaid, possibly pairing it with strengthened mental health services.
After a week in which the tone of British-European relations has greatly soured, Mr Trump's enthusiasm for Brexit and hostility to the EU is touted as a great boost for Britain in its coming exit talks.
At the same time, no one should be surprised at the depth of hostility to Clinton, who as America's first female presidential nominee is also a symbol of women who aspire to leadership positions in our country.
This time around, he attributed Curiel's supposed "hostility" to the fact that Trump is "strong on the border" — an odd claim to make about a former prosecutor whose life has literally been threatened by a Mexican cartel.
The following nine maps and charts show, in very clear terms, how bad things are out there — the scale of the crisis, the reasons it's happening now, and just how devastating American hostility to refugees can be.
"His repeated expression of hostility to the Mueller investigation makes it impossible for the public to have confidence in his ability to exercise the necessary prosecutorial judgment," Goodman wrote in a separate piece calling for Whitaker's recusal.
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is holding covert contacts with Syria's government to avert direct conflict in northeast Syria where both sides have deployed their armies, Turkish officials say, despite Ankara's long-standing hostility to President Bashar al-Assad.
As far-fetched as it may sound, the latter is exactly what many climate activists and scientists have been fearing, due to the new administration's hostility to mainstream climate science findings and policies to address the issue.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, under political pressure from Europe's refugee crisis and domestic hostility to repeated Greek bailouts, faces national elections in late 2017 but has yet to say whether she will run for a fourth term.
She has evinced a surprising hostility to foreign takeovers of British companies; and she has moved to grab Labour's territory in proposing that workers and consumers should sit on company boards, and that executive pay be limited.
Zeman has benefited from rising hostility to immigration, especially to people coming from Muslim states, although the country of 10.6 million received just 116 asylum applications in November last year and has only a tiny Muslim community.
Linked to the Palestinian struggle, but with its own, violent momentum, is that of groups like Islamic State, al Qaeda and others, whose hostility to the West is — as Jason Burke wrote in a new book, unappeasable.
But with polls showing Fujimori short of the simple majority needed to win outright, the chance at tapping a well of hostility to Fujimori in a run-off has fueled a hotly-disputed contest for runner-up.
Such tradeoffs deserve careful and dispassionate scrutiny from a neutral arbiter, but we won't get that from the FTC: The agency's staff has shown an overt and ideological hostility to these laws over the past several years.
His hostility to NATO and claims that the alliance is simply a vehicle for US allies to raid the US "piggy bank" directly conflicts with the position taken by the entire US foreign policy and military establishment.
Walker, whose two terms as governor are marked by widespread public hostility to his union-busting campaigns and marred by close ties to right-wing dark money groups, should know a little something about coming up short.
Pruitt's casual collusion with industry and hostility to his agency's core function are morally distasteful, but at least to date, they haven't broken any laws (though a number of his regulatory moves have been challenged in court).
Why it matters: This time, unlike in 2008 and 2009, it may be that no one comes to the rescue, given new U.S.-China tensions, frayed trans-Atlantic relations, and Trump Administration hostility to multi-lateral actions.
Trump's hostility to multinational institutions and his belief that America's allies are freeloading off its security guarantees have convinced many alliance diplomats that the most successful post-World War II national security institution could be at risk.
Hostility to Mr. Trump will not be enough to unite the Europeans anytime soon on issues such as eurozone reforms, trade or asylum, especially as he is held on high by much of the European far right.
But I think that these staffing issues in the Trump administration are illustrative of the kinds of problems that occur when you have a new president whose core team was motivated by a hostility to the mainstream.
Most Russians who visit Georgia marvel at the absence of overt hostility to them or their language, despite the Russian army's 2008 invasion of Georgia and Moscow's support for two breakaway Georgian regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
As Vox's Zack Beauchamp notes: Bolsonaro has been dubbed the "Trump of the Tropics," a far-right firebrand who shares the American president's hostility to democracy and penchant for saying extremely offensive things about women and minorities.
He did it all with the single-minded goal of breaking through to the people of North Sentinel Island, a remote outpost of hunters and gatherers in the Andaman Sea who had shown tremendous hostility to outsiders.
Appearing to pander to the president's hostility to much of the news media, the department's antitrust division embraced a radical legal strategy that backfired, depriving every American of the oversight that such a far-reaching merger required.
" Mr. Yarger: "Your honor, I don't think that one statement by the commissioner, assuming it reveals bias —" Justice Kennedy interjected: "Well, suppose we thought there was a significant aspect of hostility to a religion in this case.
Pay any attention to modern right-wing discourse — including op-ed articles by top Trump officials — and you find deep hostility to any notion that some problems require collective action beyond shooting people and blowing things up.
Two recent polls in America and Britain that tried to do so reveal a pattern: hostility to Israel and to Jews are correlated, and the link is much stronger on the political right than on the left.
In contrast to Columbia's more recent reputation as a seat of progressive activism, records of student debating societies from the early 1800s show only "mild hostility to slavery, coupled with opposition to general emancipation," the report says.
Soleimani's death gave Pakistani Shiites, who have often experienced violence at the hands of the country's Sunni majority, a chance to assert their embattled identity even as they expressed solidarity with Iran and hostility to U.S. influence.
Of course, Mr. Trump has made hostility to immigration a hallmark of his campaign, and there seems to be little appetite for any major expansions of immigration in Congress or in public opinion, let alone a doubling.
Addis Ababa's Nefas Silk Polytechnic College offers a hopeful vision of a more inclusive world, as donors struggle to provide for record numbers in need of aid and U.S. and European hostility to refugees and migrants grows.
"It's harmful for a judiciary to be comprised solely of individuals from one membership group, particularly one that supports the confirmation of individuals whose main criteria is a hostility to women's rights and LGBTQ protections," Aron said.
Given such demands, markets sense Le Pen holds a much deeper ideological hostility to the EU than Melenchon, whose principal objection is to the bloc's insistence on austerity policies - a view shared by many more centrist voters.
President Barack Obama took the necessary step of re-establishing diplomatic relations and easing the embargo, but President Trump reversed course and tightened things up again out of knee-jerk hostility to anything Cuban and anything Obaman.
Now think how much tougher it'll become for the typical citizen — not the ones who ride in chauffeured government cars — if New York gets a reputation for the smugness of its politicians and their hostility to business.
French producers also face uncertainty linked to the EU and the government's hostility to some pesticides, large-scale free trade negotiations and a "hardly understandable defence of palm oil" at the detriment of local biofuel producers, it said.
The move is an early gesture to voters who embraced Trump's hostility to global trade deals and belief that the pacts have contributed to the flight of blue collar jobs to low wage economies in the developing world.
Trump's warmth to right-wing populist movements in Europe and hostility to trade and global institutions are wholly consistent with the worldview of Bannon's Breitbart, which recently opened bureaus in France and Germany in advance of elections there.
Some leaders within the National Front wanted to back away from hostility to the euro when the party failed to win control of any regional and local councils in two sets of elections in 2015, despite strong scores.
GENEVA, Sept 1 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's attacks on the media are part of a global trend of hostility to freedom of speech and damage the U.S. public interest, a U.N. human rights expert said on Friday.
Ahead of parliamentary elections expected in October, the ruling PiS party has made hostility to gays a central focus of its campaign, depicting LGBT rights as a dangerous foreign idea that undermines traditional values in staunchly Catholic Poland.
His hostility to "imperial powers" (most notably America and Israel) is so fierce that he is willing to make excuses for "anti-imperial powers" such as Russia and Syria, as well as terrorist organisations like Hezbollah and Hamas.
Of course, Phil Collins and company were hardly alone in their hostility to America's 85033th chief executive; casting the man who would ultimately hasten the peaceful end of the Cold War as the harbinger of a nuclear holocaust.
They point to growing tensions between the US and China and Russia, the unresolved negotiations with an unpredictable North Korea and a new American hostility to multilateral pacts that fueled Washington's decision to leave the Iran nuclear deal.
Germany, like many other European nations, has seen a resurgence of a neo-fascist right, but much of the recent reporting in Germany on the rise of anti-Semitism has focused on hostility to Jews among Muslim migrants.
Hostility to immigration in Britain was a significant force driving the vote to leave the European Union, yet prominent Brexiteers are often sensitive to the charge that any part of their movement is inward-looking, xenophobic or racist.
Russia and Turkey have swerved in recent months from outright hostility to working more closely in a diplomatic effort aimed at resolving the conflict, after fitful and repeated failures led by the United Nations and the United States.
"There should be no trust in countries that have held the banner of hostility to (Iran's) Islamic system, led by the United States and some European countries, because they are openly hostile to the Iranian people," Khamenei said.
Tom Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, warned on Wednesday about a growing global hostility to technology — U.S. tech in particular — saying that it could severely damage the U.S. economy, its companies and consumers.
Moore's blatant support for unconstitutional religious discrimination, overt hostility to the rule of law, and backing for a grossly regressive tax scheme violates core principles, and Democrats ought to be seen as fighting back against this vision everywhere.
Among the other 11 members, the shock was not just over the new president's hostility to America's historical role as promoter of an open, rules-based trading order, of which the Asia-Pacific region has been the greatest beneficiary.
Bruce Ackerman, a legal scholar, predicts the federal courts are heading for a period of "hyper-politicisation" not seen since the 1930s, when Franklin Roosevelt went to war with the Supreme Court over its hostility to the New Deal.
When discussing Kaine's views on abortion, many observers have pointed to his 2005 run for governor of Virginia — as well as what he actually did as governor from 2006 to 2010 — as evidence of his hostility to reproductive rights.
Even before he was named chair, Pai said he wanted to take a "weed whacker" to FCC regulations, and it was inevitable, given his and his party's hostility to net neutrality, that he would reverse Obama's common-carrier designation.
Appeasing the Russian bear by giving it sanctions relief and ignoring its previous indiscretions will not bring Putin back into the comity of nations but, instead, will reinforce his view that hostility to the West is the right path.
The issue of free speech has become especially important for news organizations, given president-elect Trump's open hostility to the press, especially CNN, which the reality TV star and real estate branding mogul repeatedly denounced during the election campaign.
Some of the most intense labor organizing efforts in the country are taking place inside the industry making these tools possible — tech, which is notorious for its hostility to the idea of organized labor — and on their own platforms.
What can do real damage, however, is a continued focus on bilateral hostility to the exclusion of diplomacy, a tone which increasingly dominates the narrative in both Moscow and Washington and which underlines much of the discussion of sanctions.
It's unfortunate for American workers, families and businesses that the Democrat leadership has already signaled its hostility to the tax reform framework, but Republicans should not let that stand in the way of this once-in-a-generation opportunity.
But the vehemence of the hostility to climate science seems disproportionate even so; bear in mind that, for example, at this point there are fewer than 60,000 coal miners, that is, less than 0.05 percent of the work force.
But many in the Georgian and Russian churches share a deep hostility to homosexuality and tend to view the West as a source of sin — a concert of moral interests that has sometimes blurred into a united geopolitical front.
Born in the former Soviet Union, Lieberman's voter base is made up of fellow Russian-speaking immigrants, and rightists and secularists who share his hostility to Israel's Arab minority and the religious authority wielded by ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties.
Trump's hostility to immigration ignores one of the central dynamics of 21st century American life: an increasingly non-white workforce will pay the taxes that support Social Security and Medicare for a rapidly growing and preponderantly white senior population.
And as for the global security order, China has never changed its hostility to the global system of American military alliances, in particular those in the Asia Pacific, which it has long attacked as legacies of the Cold War.
While his public statements on immigration have been all over the place, his fundamental hostility to immigrants is obvious, from slogans such as "Buy American, Hire American" to his infamous racist and profane slur against poor third world nations.
Mr. Binion, who helped lead Billy Graham's crusade to Fresno in 2001, called Franklin Graham "a pretender" and objected to his call for a travel ban against Muslims, issued before Mr. Trump's, and to his hostility to L.G.B.T.Q. people.
By way of a sop to critics, a rule warning against such conduct as might be deemed detrimental to the party — such as hostility to disability, gender reassignment, civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, oh, and anti-Semitism — was adopted.
But advocates of small business say the demolitions are the latest example of state hostility to private enterprise, a Soviet-era mentality they say has resurfaced under President Vladimir Putin and is worsening at a time of economic crisis.
And with the advent of social media, we saw the emergence of a radical "alt-right" media ecosystem able to create its own "facts" and build an audience around hostility to the establishment, anti-immigration sentiment and racial resentment.
Just days before, thousands of neo-Nazis had marched in Chemnitz, in eastern Germany, and, surrounding an enormous statue of Karl Marx, who had once fled Germany for political reasons himself, had declared their hostility to immigration and refugees.
Earlier she had confided to me a lifelong hostility to marijuana and rage when she discovered that her son-in-law, a veteran suffering from PTSD and living in her house, was cultivating a small crop in her basement.
The Trump administration's main thrust on banking policy has been hostility to all this, and as Fed vacancies pile up, they are more and more likely to get their way in terms of letting banks engage in riskier behavior.
"This President and his administration have repeatedly shown a true hostility to the rule of law and Presidential customs," the state Senate's top Democrat, Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, told CNN in a statement when the state Senate passed the bill.
This is especially true in a political climate where hostility to reproductive rights -- and hostility toward women generally -- is climbing, and where liberals and feminists need all hands on deck to defend against the coming encroachments on our rights and liberties.
Kohlbacher's comments come after acting South Korean President Hwang Kyo-ahn on Monday said despite Chinese hostility to the move, the deployment of the Thaad system cannot be delayed in the face of a growing North Korean nuclear missile threat.
Instead the exhibit highlights nonprofit organizations that "are analyzing the root causes of violence and of hostility to law enforcement," like Project Unity, a Dallas organization formed in response to the July 22006 killing of five metropolitan-area police officers.
The high court pointed out that the proclamation was a presidential directive that is neutral on its face – that is, the proclamation shows no hostility to any religion, and it deals with a matter within the core of executive responsibility.
Both Trump's trade policy and Trump's foreign policy seem grounded almost entirely on hostility to foreigners, and his rise to prominence as a figure in conservative politics is based entirely on his assertions that Barack Obama is not genuinely American.
His authoritarian manner and origins on the left; the combination of a nationalist agenda and a lower-middle-class power base; the hostility to outsiders and ethnic minorities: it all adds up to a profile disturbingly reminiscent of the 1920s.
People still think more highly of their own senator or representative, but that's changing: In Gallup polls since 22014, about 40 percent disapprove of their own member of Congress, much higher than in previous periods of generalized hostility to the institution.
Silicon Valley became a technology hub, says AnnaLee Saxenian of the University of California, Berkeley, partly because of California's long-standing hostility to non-competes, which has facilitated the flow of ideas and made it easier to start new firms.
So the increasing hostility to the press and voter suppression laws could be the hallmarks of the next four years, which will make it difficult to hold the government accountable, because we won't have a functionally democratic way of doing so.
That same month, Yevgeny Ishchenko — one of Dryomov's allies and the former "people's mayor" of Pervomaisk, the frontline town held by Cossack rebels — threatened to "turn his weapons in the opposite direction," a blatant declaration of his hostility to Plotnitsky's regime.
By the early 1930s, liberal parties had been discredited, as citizens found their faith in markets, their unwillingness to respond forcefully to capitalism's downsides, and their indifference or hostility to nationalism and cultural concerns completely out of sync with interwar realities.
There is deep concern in Europe, for instance, about Trump's hostility to anti-climate change policies pursued by Obama, as well as his attempt to institute a ban on travel to the United States of residents of several Muslim nations.
Having lost to Bernie Sanders in Michigan, where the snowy-haired senator seemed to impress blue-collar workers with his hostility to free trade, Mrs Clinton's campaign was braced for more defeats across the midwestern rustbelt: most fearfully, in Ohio.
However, even though candidate Donald Trump praised WikiLeaks during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign for making public documents hacked from the Democratic Party and aides to his rival Hillary Clinton, top Trump presidential aides have expressed deep hostility to WikiLeaks.
But ahead of the NATO Summit on July 22019, President Trump's hostility to our shared interests and values could rupture U.S.-European bonds irreparably just at a time when no major international challenge can be met by one nation alone.
And for all Russia's general hostility to NATO and misuse of the UN to protect Syria's president Assad, we should remember that Russia supported UN sanctions against Iran and blocked the sale of advanced air defense missiles to the state.
Praying for the future While many South Koreans welcome warming ties between the two countries, deep suspicion of Pyongyang's intentions and hostility to the Kim regime remains, not least among the small but substantial community of defectors living in the South.
Stephen Kohn of Kohn Kohn & Colapinto, who said in an alert for the National Whistleblower Center that Barr has shown "extreme animus and hostility" to whistleblowers, told me the nominee should not be confirmed unless he repudiates his old views.
Collins would vote against a Gorsuch-like appointee unless he or she made the monumental mistake of uttering public hostility to the Roe decision or somehow indicated clearly that a personal opposition to abortion would play into a legal ruling.
The decision, raising the quota for easy access to the Czech market from 2593,600 last year and 3,800 before, is in contrast to a hostility to would-be asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim countries whom many Czechs see as security risks.
Seventy-six national security experts urged President-elect Donald J. Trump on Monday to reverse his hostility to the nuclear agreement signed with Iran last year and to use it as a tool to ease other tensions with the country.
Although Chinese habits sometimes clash with local customs in a deeply conservative Muslim nation - Chinese restaurants, for example, sometimes turn a blind eye to customers drinking smuggled alcohol - there is little sign of hostility to the new arrivals from ordinary Pakistanis.
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina is making strides in opening up its economy to foreign investment after years of hostility to free enterprise but still has a way to go to catch up to some of its market friendlier neighbors, investors say.
The requests for lists of specific employees involved in shaping climate policy is irregular and alarming, they said, given that on the campaign trail Mr. Trump clearly showed his skepticism of climate change science and his hostility to climate change policy.
Part of the hostility to Christian converts is the threat they implicitly pose to the King Mohammed VI, a revered symbol of the country but also the absolute religious authority, said Abdeslam Maghraoui, a North Africa analyst at Duke University.
Solid compensation was a key demand for governors in coal-heavy eastern states, where the populist Alternative for Germany party is expected to perform strongly in regional elections next year partly on a platform of hostility to measures fighting climate change.
As such, he has a secure place in the heart not only of Russians who love literature but also the Russian state, despite its often bombastic hostility to the liberal, Europe-looking cause that the writer promoted throughout his life.
Describing present-day Western hostility to globalisation, he describes a social contract that dates back to the 1960s and 1970s and that rested on high wages for Western workers enabling high levels of consumption, but which has now become unsustainable.
LONDON — Hungary's highest court on Tuesday overturned the conviction of a camerawoman who was filmed kicking refugees at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, briefly becoming a symbol of the country's hostility to people fleeing the war in Syria.
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish and Syrian heads of intelligence met in Moscow on Monday, in the first official contact in years despite Ankara's long-standing hostility to President Bashar al-Assad, a senior Turkish official and Syrian news agency SANA said.
" In an interview with Le Monde, Jean-Louis Bourlanges, a former member of the European Parliament, defined this 21st-century Yalta as "a Russian-American couple that does not hide its hostility to the union and to the independence of Europeans.
My guess, although I'd love to see some serious research from political scientists, is that for most of the past half-century the G.O.P.'s patriotic posturing dovetailed with its domestic political strategy, which centered on hostility to the Other.
So too in politics, where the pope's obvious hostility to Trumpian populism has been leveraged by some of his friends into a sweeping critique of all Catholic engagement with the political right, and especially the American Catholic alliance with evangelical Protestants.
But his fervent hostility to Mr. Putin, transmitted around the country through videos and interviews posted on the internet, has meshed with a long campaign by Aleksei A. Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition figure, to rouse public anger against the Kremlin.
Democrats challenging Mr. Sessions's nomination also released a letter from 103 black ministers and religious leaders, who wrote that the senator's "unswerving hostility to the very rights he would be tasked with protecting" had made him "unfit" to be attorney general.
In Masterpiece Cakeshop, Kennedy's majority opinion upheld a baker's religious-based refusal to sell a cake for a gay wedding on the grounds that a state civil rights commission that ruled against the baker showed "hostility" to the baker's religious beliefs.
His hostility to free trade, his push for dramatically slowed immigration, and his withdrawal from international accords like the Paris climate agreement all suggest that he sees openness to the rest of the world as a threat to the United States.
" In addition, the lawsuit charges that the federal government's decision to ax the grant agreement "was precipitated by President Trump's overt hostility to California, its challenge to his border wall initiatives, and what he called the 'green disaster' high-speed rail project.
The parties that currently seem most likely to form the next government - the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and the far-right League - have both expressed hostility to the bank's bailout and resistance to any forms of public support for Italian banks.
Adding to the sense of action, on December 7th Royal Dutch Shell, an Anglo-Dutch firm, signed a preliminary memorandum of understanding to develop oil in Iran, despite Donald Trump's hostility to Barack Obama's nuclear deal and the possibility of renewed sanctions.
While his 239 opponents, including solid conservatives such as Governor John Kasich and Senator Marco Rubio, fragmented the vote, he built a steady lead among disaffected voters, especially blue-collar workers who shared his pessimism and hostility to immigrants and free trade.
In turn, Turkey will likely produce more open displays of direct hostility to the US. US Ambassador to Turkey John Bass has already had to publicly rebut allegations from senior Erdogan government figures that the US was behind the coup or supported it.

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