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166 Sentences With "homogenizing"

How to use homogenizing in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "homogenizing" and check conjugation/comparative form for "homogenizing". Mastering all the usages of "homogenizing" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The new global chef culture does have a homogenizing effect.
In any case, their work tended to have a homogenizing effect.
So why the application of this homogenizing general term to all of them?
The power of the streaming giants to shape the market has had a predictably homogenizing influence.
The current reality is that these feeds silo you in homogenizing platforms, calculating the best-fitting average identity.
Ready Player One is the most egregious example of a mainstream story homogenizing gamer culture, but it's hardly alone.
It's hard to fully grasp how successful American missionaries have been in homogenizing wide swaths of Protestantism around the world.
A symptom of globalized capitalism, mass tourism's homogenizing force is a worldwide pandemic—and it has stimulated a global backlash.
Despite the tourist ski resorts, which can seem homogenizing, you can have a skiing holiday that's about exposure to languages.
" Yalouri added:, "It will be interesting to see how Documenta as a whole can avoid homogenizing different kinds of 'otherness.
A better mode of resistance might be to use the algorithms' homogenizing averageness against them, adapting their data for productive disruption.
With its massive distribution and strict rules, Apple's App Store has had a broad homogenizing and sanitizing effect on the internet.
Even in the face of imminent, wall-spattering death or toenail-pulling torture, the speech of Inishmoreans exudes a homogenizing prosiness.
Mounira al-Solh resists homogenizing narratives about Arab women in her work's specificity and its rejection of expected characters or sensationalized accounts.
In a sense, the Co-op is a neighborhood unto itself, a majority-middle-class island in a swelling sea of homogenizing wealth.
When it comes to movies and TV, there are plenty of Jewish stories to be told and jokes to be made without homogenizing.
It's great to see these galleries turned into a giant laboratory for experiment, but putting everything in a blender also has a homogenizing effect.
While here he's rightfully bemoaning the homogenizing effects of capitalism on culture, it is also easy to see words like these as snobbish and elitist.
The order in which products are shown relies on a combination of ratings and sponsorships, which can have a homogenizing effect on what people buy.
New evidence for the case that computer animation is homogenizing children's movies, robbing them of visual interest, this harmless, charmless movie plods along well-trodden turf.
But they resent Mr. Coulombe's trying to impose his will, complain that he is pricing out locals and say he is homogenizing this pre-Revolutionary War area.
"They would say, 'You're homogenizing bookselling,' which was ridiculous because we were carrying 5,000 to 10,000 more titles than would be in a typical bookstore," Mr. Riggio said.
Americans must understand the current crisis in all of its depth and breadth, recognizing the interconnectedness of many disparate conflicts but not falsely homogenizing them under a single rubric.
In this emerging scenario, the internet isn't a diverse phenomenon offering readers a galaxy of websites—it is a homogenizing force, reducing itself to a handful of enormous entities.
These flavors include plums and dark fruits, spices, wildflowers and violets, which taken together can seem a bit exotic, especially when not subjected to the homogenizing effect of oakiness.
The homogenizing of the neighborhood mentality is part of the reason she sold the Dairy Godmother and plans to move back to Wisconsin by the end of the year.
No matter what I tried on, though, or how I styled it in the canvas tent that serves as a fitting room, the clothes had a strange homogenizing effect.
We would prefer to be the ones who write the story of us, rather than play bit parts in the homogenizing cultural narrative of what love ought to look like.
"The farms are driving the extinction of most of the species by homogenizing them," said Robert Murphy, a co-author and senior curator of herpetology at the Royal Ontario Museum.
It worries about postwar social conformity, anti-intellectualism, McCarthyism and the homogenizing power of the new medium of TV to flatten out differences in thought and make its audience placid.
Instead, Javier Olivan, who ran a division called "central product services," will take over the task of further homogenizing Facebook's family of apps, while their individual leaders will report to Zuckerberg himself.
Amazon, Google and other tech companies have brought an influx of wealth that's driving real estate costs up, pushing artists out, and further homogenizing an already fairly homogenous and extremely white city.
Multiple rounds of deregulation under both Democratic and Republican presidents have led to consolidation of media, homogenizing news and giving wealthy individuals and corporations more control over what Americans see, hear and read.
There's an odd meta quality to the way the monster-mash meme behaves like an actual zombie: intruding where it isn't wanted, and homogenizing all these memorable famous novels into a brainless, samey horde.
Considerable effort went into homogenizing an impressive plethora of unique pieces, resulting in vintage museum or art fair optics, with much to be ogled, but also curatorial laziness that takes away from individual works.
To be clear, the people moving into and across the European Union include those of many different ethnicities, but the image here reduces the larger complexity, homogenizing the mass into a gigantic, monolithic Other.
The upside of this approach is that many of the artists here are midcareer and know, from experience, how to operate within the potentially homogenizing context of a large exhibition and create exceptional displays.
Robots whose algorithms learn from previous data may nudge us toward decisions based on what people have done in the past, incrementally homogenizing answers to our queries and narrowing the scope of our spiritual imagination.
I had a fine meal there, but, together with several other new places where I ate, it stirred a feeling that as the city grows and changes so rapidly, it is also in danger of homogenizing.
If L.A. is more artistically vibrant than ever, it may also offer less of an escape than before from the freely flowing capital and instantly shared images that are homogenizing culture from Hollywood to Hong Kong.
You'll probably encounter a disquieting experience of the homogenizing effects of the global economy seen through a prism of shimmering surfaces and seductive technologies, especially as played out in the Persian Gulf region and the United States.
Instead of homogenizing — interrupting a traditional Christmas movie lineup, or changing the names of trees and parades — we should be focusing on the less-overt and more-meaningful ways we can celebrate our differences and promote understanding.
Homogenizing Asian Americans is a political tactic used to praise them as a way to shame other people of color, and perpetuates the idea that all Asian Americans oppose affirmative action when some also find these attacks troublesome.
Al-Solh, who splits her time between Lebanon and the Netherlands, is especially aware of this, and her art resists such homogenizing impulses in its specificity, and its rejection of expected characters or sensationalized accounts that proliferate in the media.
In doing this it becomes not only the most interesting object in the show, but its most powerful critique of the isolating, homogenizing effect of galleries as spaces for visual experience; the piece underscores the exclusivity of galleries and their clientele.
The backstory: This didn't happen overnight, and has more than one root cause: The rise of partisan TV news in the U.S., led by Fox and now widespread throughout cable news, broke the homogenizing and unifying hold of the old TV networks.
It may be odd to go to one place in search of another, but so much has been lost of late, here in the spread of a homogenizing modernity, there through the destruction of ancient sites in places like Bamiyan in Afghanistan and Palmyra in Syria.
She remembers the Nashville she left at 18, in 1995, as a city whose downtown went sleepy on weekends and whose buildings were vacant above the storefront honky-tonks, a place enamored with the chain retailers and restaurants that were homogenizing American towns in those years.
These disciples, instead of calling for an "Islamic holocaust," can argue that rootedness in one's homeland matters, and that immigration, miscegenation, and the homogenizing forces of neoliberal market economies collude to obliterate identities that have taken shape over hundreds of years—just as relentless development has decimated the environment.
Yet while Irvin believes that the LA art world used to be a great source of fresh ideas as well as an alternative to the New York art scene in the 20th century, he feels things are now changing, with a growing influx of artists homogenizing both local and global cultures.
Over all, that's good for Cubans, yet the homogenizing effect of global commerce has become so familiar that it's difficult to look at images of President Obama strolling the streets of Old Havana with his family and not feel — along with the thrill of this needed breakthrough — a twinge of ambivalence.
Whether it's intentional or not, by not providing context she ends up homogenizing the work to some extent, or at least obscuring its political specificity, which seems to defeat the purpose of the exhibition and clouds a potentially compelling argument about contemporary feminism no longer having a center or cohesive vision.
Topolski has noticed the Etsy aesthetic homogenizing over the past several years, with new sellers copying what they see doing well in other Etsy shops, and big-box stores like Target and Michaels copying them, and a huge wave of customers who don't really want to dig past the surface for the unique stuff.
According to Bishop, such a curatorial concept "serves in part as a utopian means to denationalize cultural heritage (rejecting the homogenizing effects of globalism in favor of instigating local-to-local and transnational cultural narratives.)" This approach of coming to terms with one's own past formed unexpected relationships and stimulated a dialogue reaching far beyond a single society or a political event.
You can find the style (as distinctive as it is unnamed) in homes, studios, hotels and cafes in Paris and Los Angeles, Brooklyn and Barcelona; much as the '90s consolidation of stations by corporate-owned radio filed away local flavor on the airwaves, the prevalence of this look on social media and #IRL — in real life — has had a homogenizing effect on design.
It was about whether they could pull off one of the most intriguing experiments in late-night television history; whether Mr. Colbert, who became a leading voice in American political satire by playing a fictional character on his Comedy Central show — holding forth before a cable congregation of the converted — could succeed as himself in the big broad tent of network television, whose commercial and corporate imperatives can be homogenizing.
However, even under the homogenizing pressures of dictatorship, the Chetniks were not a monolithic movement.
Conversely, one passes from an affine surface to its associated projective surface (called projective completion) by homogenizing the defining polynomial (in case of surfaces in a space of dimension three), or by homogenizing all polynomials of the defining ideal (for surfaces in a space of higher dimension).
The economist approach, according to some economic geographers, has the main drawback of homogenizing the economic world in ways economic geographers try to avoid.
Katoen Natie offers a global logistic service for the petrochemicals industry. The supply scope includes product related activities such as homogenizing, drying, sieving, deodorizing, grinding, dedusting... of plastics.
When the movie was finished, rather than junketing the press to New York and homogenizing the publicity, the producers and the stars sold the picture city by city.
It is particularly suitable for the aeration of activated sludge basins of middle and large size wastewater treatment plants, homogenizing and aerobic digestion and the oxygenizing of ichthyic breeding.
Education can have a profoundly homogenizing effect on language use. Research into authorship identification is ongoing. The term authorship attribution is now felt to be too deterministic.Grant, T. D. (2008).
Many local chapters of such preservation societies appeared during the first decades of the 20th century, and in 1929 there were as many as 16,000 members. These dance associations had a homogenizing effect on the popular dances, creating a standard repertoire of Danish folk dances. They often danced in folk dress. In response to this homogenizing effect of the folkdancing guilds, informal dance organizations working to keep local dance traditions alive in informal settings were also developed, under the name of "Old Dance".
In 1922, Banting and Best realized that homogenizing the pancreas and injecting the derived extract reversed this condition. Neurohormones were first identified by Otto Loewi in 1921.Loewi, O. Uebertragbarkeit der Herznervenwirkung. Pfluger's Arch.
Concerns have been raised that the homogenizing of the environment may contribute to more and more fusion, leading to the loss of biodiversity. Seehausen, O. (2006). Conservation: losing biodiversity by reverse speciation. Current Biology, 16(9), R334-R337.
Center for Biological Diversity, Tucson, AZ. He has continued to explore the deep psycho/social implications of the global homogenizing of biodiversity, language and culture, and the essential relationship between environmentalism, the arts, and the rights of indigenous peoples and poor communities.
The feed ration can be pelleted by proportionally homogenizing the specific compositions. Pelleting is achieved by various methods, but the most common means is by extrusion. A hygienic environment is important during the entire process of the feed production to ensure quality feed.
Disorganized datasets have prevented accurate assessments. Patil proposed that this is due to the absence of a dedicated technician whose purpose is to organize the data. Efforts were taken to improve coding abilities of police superintendents and homogenizing organization across the 18,000 jurisdictions on board.
Al-e Ahmad believed that avoiding the homogenizing and alienating forces of Western modernity it is necessary to return to the roots of Islamic culture. Of course this discourse was a few complicated politically. In fact, Al-e Ahmad wanted to reimagine modernity with Iranian- Islamic tradition.
Some evidence holds that participants, if paired together for discussion, tend to have a homogenizing effect on the memory of one another. In the laboratory, paired participants that discussed a topic containing misinformation tended to display some degree of memory blend, suggesting that the misinformation had diffused among them.
Any affine variety can be completed, in a unique way, into a projective variety by adding its points at infinity, which consists of homogenizing the defining polynomials, and removing the components that are contained in the hyperplane at infinity, by saturating with respect to the homogenizing variable. An important property of projective spaces and projective varieties is that the image of a projective variety under a morphism of algebraic varieties is closed for Zariski topology (that is, it is an algebraic set). This is a generalization to every ground field of the compactness of the real and complex projective space. A projective space is itself a projective variety, being the set of zeros of the zero polynomial.
The "project" being referred to is what the AD and RAF believed to be NATO and its supporting European countries' goal of homogenizing the world into a capitalist culture, and that as they progressed along this goal it would widen the gap in power and money between the upper class and working class.
Heilmann, Sebastian.(2005). Regulatory Innovation by Leninist Means: Communist Party Supervision in China’s Financial Industry. China Quarterly 181, 1-21. While this strategy was successful in establishing centralized supervision and homogenizing financial regulation, it failed to produce market-driven incentive structures for financial executives and clashed with nascent forms of corporate governance emerging in China.
Recent film analysis has criticized some of her earlier work, such as The Double Day for homogenizing Latin America. Many of her films are intended for U.S. audiences and are therefore narrated exclusively in English for U.S. audiences. As a result, few of her early films have been translated into Spanish because of budget constraints.
Processing and homogenizing causes carotene to become more available for absorption. A small 2.5 ounce jar of baby food sweet potatoes or carrots contains about 400-500% of an infant's recommended daily value of carotene. In addition to that source of carotene, infants are usually prescribed a liquid vitamin supplement, such as Tri-Vi-Sol, which contains vitamin A.
T6 temper 7075 has an ultimate tensile strength of and yield strength of at least . It has a failure elongation of 5–11%. The T6 temper is usually achieved by homogenizing the cast 7075 at 450 °C for several hours, quenching, and then ageing at 120 °C for 24 hours. This yields the peak strength of the 7075 alloy.
Limitations to the current criminal justice system have set precedence to how marginalized individuals are criminalized and unable to receive proper treatment within the prisons and outside prison walls. One criticism of the gender responsiveness model, is that it simply replaces the male prison norms it seeks to escape with female norms by categorizing and homogenizing women's experiences.
Following the popularization of the underclass concept in both academic and journalistic writings, some academics began to overtly criticize underclass terminology. Those in opposition to the underclass concept generally argue that, on the one hand, "underclass" is a homogenizing term that simplifies a heterogeneous group, and on the other hand, the term is derogatory and demonizes the urban poor.
Duff performing the song at 2007 MuchMusic Video Awards. "With Love" received a positive review from Chuck Taylor of Billboard, who stated that the song "serves to reinvent the appealing singer as a boogie diva. It's a daring approach, and one that sets Hils apart from so many rhythmic acts homogenizing the pop airwaves."Taylor, Chuck.
Advocates of Pan- Africanism—i.e. "Pan-Africans" or "Pan-Africanists"—often champion socialist principles and tend to be opposed to external political and economic involvement on the continent. Critics accuse the ideology of homogenizing the experience of people of African descent. They also point to the difficulties of reconciling current divisions within countries on the continent and within communities in the diaspora.
The Tschirnhausen cubic is an algebraic curve of degree three. In mathematics, an affine algebraic plane curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two variables. A projective algebraic plane curve is the zero set in a projective plane of a homogeneous polynomial in three variables. An affine algebraic plane curve can be completed in a projective algebraic plane curve by homogenizing its defining polynomial.
The homogenization of kwaito with American rap music, due to globalization, is viewed by Kwaito artists as a threat to the preservation of their local South African music credibility. Thus, Kwaito artist focus on maintaining an emotional link between customer and brand. This explains why transnational corporations are much less interested in homogenizing or Americanizing Kwaito music because true Kwaito represents and dictates South African experience.Magubane, Zine.
The aqueous phase containing transcription and/or translation components is slowly added to the oil surfactants, and the formation of w/o is facilitated by homogenizing, stirring or using hand extruding device. The emulsion quality can be determined by light microscopy and/or dynamic light scattering techniques. The emulsion is quite diverse, and greater homogenization speeds helps to produce smaller droplets with narrower size distribution.
He believes that the intellectuals could not construct effectively an authentically Iranian modernity. In this occasion, he posed the concept of “return” to an Islamic culture which is authentic at the same time. Jalal believed for avoiding the homogenizing and alienating forces of modernity it is necessary to return to roots of Islamic culture. Of course the discourse by Jalal was a few complicated politically.
All metal castings experience segregation to some extent, and a distinction is made between macrosegregation and microsegregation. Microsegregation refers to localized differences in composition between dendrite arms, and can be significantly reduced by a homogenizing heat treatment. This is possible because the distances involved (typically on the order of 10 to 100 µm) are sufficiently small for diffusion to be a significant mechanism. This is not the case in macrosegregation.
The archaeological and genetic data suggest that long-term bidirectional gene flow between wild and domestic stocks – including donkeys, horses, New and Old World camelids, goats, sheep, and pigs – was common. One study has concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars into pigs and created domestication islands in the genome. The same process may also apply to other domesticated animals.
Also, more readily reacting raw materials may be preferred over relatively inert ones, such as aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) over alumina (Al2O3). Usually, the melts are carried out in platinum crucibles to reduce contamination from the crucible material. Glass homogeneity is achieved by homogenizing the raw materials mixture (glass batch), by stirring the melt, and by crushing and re- melting the first melt. The obtained glass is usually annealed to prevent breakage during processing.
Gene conversion is a type of recombination that is the product of DNA repair where nucleotide damage is corrected using an homologous genomic region as a template. Damaged bases are first excised, the damaged strand is then aligned with an undamaged homolog, and DNA synthesis repairs the excised region using the undamaged strand as a guide. Gene conversion is often responsible for homogenizing sequences of duplicate genes over long time periods, reducing nucleotide divergence.
Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect on the Internet within social communities, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc; is cultural tribalism. Many scholars note the effects that echo chambers can potentially have on citizen's stance and viewpoints, more specifically what implications this effect will have on politics. However, there are counterarguments with supporting evidence that suggest the effects of echo chambers are significantly lowered than assumed and suggested.
The concept has been criticized by outlets such as NPR for potentially homogenizing the experiences of Asian Americans on one side and Hispanics and African Americans on the other, despite that individual groups experience racism in different ways. Critics also argue that the idea perpetuates the belief that any minority has the capability to rise economically without assistance and ignores the differences between the history of Asian Americans and African Americans, as well as Hispanics, in the United States.
The Empire of Mind describes a theory of cultural transmission that takes into account a new structure of communication that is not found in the corporate (commercial) media systems of the pre-Internet era. Within this theory of cultural transmission the notion of an empire of mind is used to describe how capitalism operates as 'a violent and controlling system' (p. 10) that "tends toward totalization, embracing all before it within its homogenizing logic of social organization" (p. 12).
Homogenizing valve, a method to homogenize at high pressure Milk homogenization is accomplished by mixing large amounts of harvested milk, then forcing the milk at high pressure through small holes. Yet another method of homogenization uses extruders, hammermills, or colloid mills to mill (grind) solids. Milk homogenization is an essential tool of the milk food industry to prevent creating various levels of flavor and fat concentration. Another application of homogenization is in soft drinks like cola products.
Energy input – through shaking, stirring, homogenizing, or exposure to power ultrasound – is needed to form an emulsion. Over time, emulsions tend to revert to the stable state of the phases comprising the emulsion. An example of this is seen in the separation of the oil and vinegar components of vinaigrette, an unstable emulsion that will quickly separate unless shaken almost continuously. There are important exceptions to this rule – microemulsions are thermodynamically stable, while translucent nanoemulsions are kinetically stable.
For Lorenzana's oración of 1770, see de Souza, pp.738 and 744. This aim of harmonising and giving due recognition to the different cultures in Mexico rather than homogenizing them was also evident in the iconography of Guadalupe in the 18th century as well as in the celebrations attending the coronation of the image of Guadalupe in 1895 at which a place was given to 28 Indians from Cuautitlán (Juan Diego's birthplace) wearing traditional costume.See, e.g.
BB cream is a marketing term that stands for blemish balm, blemish base, beblesh balm, and in Western markets, beauty balm. Products marketed as BB creams are generally designed to serve as a foundation, moisturizer, and sunscreen all at once. The marketing term "CC cream" was invented later and sometimes stands for Color Correction cream. Products marketed as CC creams claim to serve the same function as BB creams, with greater emphasis on homogenizing skin color.
Fed-batch systems mean inoculating the cells, culturing them and harvesting them in one distinct period. Stirred tank bioreactors are the most widely used configuration in which an impeller increases the flow, thereby homogenizing the culture media and a diffuser facilitates the exchange of oxygen into the media. This system is generally used for suspended cultures but can also be used for cells which require attachment to another surface if microcarriers are also included. Fixed bed bioreactors are commonly used for adherent cultures.
Repetitive sequences play the role of uncoupling the gene conversion network, thereby allowing new genes to evolve. The shorter Alu or SINE repetitive DNA are specialized for uncoupling intrachromosomal gene conversion while the longer LINE repetitive DNA are specialized for uncoupling interchromosomal gene conversion. In both cases, the interspersed repeats block gene conversion by inserting regions of non-homology within otherwise similar DNA sequences. The homogenizing forces linking DNA sequences are thereby broken and the DNA sequences are free to evolve independently.
Thus, villagers lavished on funeral and wedding ceremonies that imitated the Confucian standards of the Emperors. Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy, but even those degree-holders who did not enter the bureaucracy or who left it held increased social influence in their home areas, contributing to the homogenizing of Han Chinese culture. Other factors contributing to the development of a shared Han culture included urbanization and geographically vast but integrated commodity markets.
There is independence between acoustic and neutral genetic divergence in this hummingbirds species. Along the continuous distribution of this species there's no genetic divergence suggesting the homogenizing force of gene flow. Geographical structure of vocal variation corresponds with the restricted south to north gene flow between geographic areas of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Evolution of song elaboration in wedge-tailed sabrewing resulted from a combination of processes probably linked to postdispersal learning, isolation by distance, and social factors associated with male-male interactions.
Instead it favours separation of the different ethno-cultural groups within France, with each emphasising its own cultural identity and not integrating and mixing with the others. It supports homogeneity within a society. GRECE called on Europe and the Third World to work together on establishing this global ethno-cultural segregation and combating any homogenizing identities. Critics have argued that the ND's attitude in this regard is akin to older fascist preoccupations with the ideas of cultural or racial purity.
Daly linked "female energy" or her term gyn/ecology to the essential life-creating condition of the female spirit/body. According to Lucy Sargisson, "Daly seeks in Gyn/Ecology (1987) a true, wild, Woman's self, which she perceives to be dormant in women, temporarily pacified by patriarchal systems of domination." Audre Lorde expressed concern over Gyn/Ecology, citing homogenizing tendencies, and a refusal to acknowledge the "herstory and myth" of women of color. The letter,Audre Lorde's letter is discussed in Dr. Daly's book, Outercourse.
This organisation quickly garnered a reputation for indiscriminate terrorisation of the Macedonian populace. Pećanac and his Chetniks were also active in fighting Albanians resisting the Serb and Montenegrin colonisation of Kosovo. Even under the homogenizing pressures of dictatorship, the Chetniks were not monolithic movement. In 1929, Ilija Trifunović-Birčanin became president of the association, serving until 1932 when he became president of another Serbian nationalist organisation, (National Defence), and established the rival "Association of Old Chetniks", but the latter never challenged the main Chetnik organisation.
A model that fitted the data included admixture with a now extinct ghost population of wild pigs during the Pleistocene. The study also found that despite back-crossing with wild pigs, the genomes of domestic pigs have strong signatures of selection at DNA loci that affect behavior and morphology. The study concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars and created domestication islands in the genome. The same process may also apply to other domesticated animals.
Otavalo girl from Ecuador Sierra Indigenous had an estimated population of 1.5 to 2 million in the early 1980s and live in the intermontane valleys of the Andes. Prolonged contact with Hispanic culture, which dates back to the conquest, has had a homogenizing effect, reducing the variation among the indigenous Sierra tribes. The Indigenous of the Sierra are separated from whites and mestizos by a castelike gulf. They are marked as a disadvantaged group; to be an Indigenous in Ecuador is to be stigmatized.
A model that fitted the data included a mixture with a now extinct ghost population of wild pigs during the Pleistocene. The study also found that despite back-crossing with wild pigs, the genomes of domestic pigs have strong signatures of selection at DNA loci that affect behavior and morphology. The study concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars and created domestication islands in the genome. The same process may also apply to other domesticated animals.
The study also found that despite back-crossing with wild pigs, the genomes of domestic pigs have strong signatures of selection at genetic loci that affect behavior and morphology. The study concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars and created domestication islands in the genome. The same process may also apply to other domesticated animals. Unlike other domestic species which were primarily selected for production-related traits, dogs were initially selected for their behaviors.
Some theorists argue that the common language is not homogenizing; and that there still remain strong differences expressed within the mass media. This viewpoint asserts that moderate views are bolstered by drawing influences from the extremes of the political spectrum. In the United States, the national news therefore contributes to a sense of cohesion within the society, proceeding from a similarly informed population. According to this model, most views within society are freely expressed, and the mass media are accountable to the people and tends to reflect the spectrum of opinion.
These operations involve a.o. milling and pulping, dispersion, homogenizing, physical separation such as centrifugation and decantation, filtration including dead end particulate filtration and cross flow membrane filtration,… Biomass can also be pretreated prior to enzymatic hydrolysis, involving pulping and homogenisation reactions, jet cooking, acid or alcaline treatment, steam explosion, etc. White or industrial biotechnology processes involves the use of microorganisms and their enzymes in so-called fermentation processes or biocatalytic reactions. Fermentations can be performed from 1 to 15.000 litre scale and involve both batch, fed batch or continuous operations.
These categories are special cases of a continuum from zero (sympatric) to complete (allopatric) spatial segregation of diverging groups. In multicellular eukaryotic organisms, sympatric speciation is a plausible process that is known to occur, but the frequency with which it occurs is not known. In bacteria, however, the analogous process (defined as "the origin of new bacterial species that occupy definable ecological niches") might be more common because bacteria are less constrained by the homogenizing effects of sexual reproduction and are prone to comparatively dramatic and rapid genetic change through horizontal gene transfer.
An example of a phosphatidylcholine, a type of phospholipid in lecithin. Shown in – choline and phosphate group; – glycerol; – monounsaturated fatty acid; – saturated fatty acid. Lecithin (, from the Greek lekithos "yolk") is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances (and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic), and are used for smoothing food textures, emulsifying, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials. Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid.
With the history of racial inequality in the United States, racism has long been an issue. The enslavement of millions of blacks along with the huge influx of immigrants throughout its history resulted in great diversity but also racial segregation. With the abolition of slavery, different forms of segregation were implemented, including Jim Crow laws and later American social and political structures which led to segregation within cities and the suburbanization of the working and middle class. As overt racial discrimination became illegal and less apparent, the idea of the nation homogenizing became popular.
These whole, dried bananas in Thailand are an example of primary food processing. Primary food processing turns agricultural products, such as raw wheat kernels or livestock, into something that can eventually be eaten. This category includes ingredients that are produced by ancient processes such as drying, threshing, winnowing and milling grain, shelling nuts, and butchering animals for meat. It also includes deboning and cutting meat, freezing and smoking fish and meat, extracting and filtering oils, canning food, preserving food through food irradiation, and candling eggs, as well as homogenizing and pasteurizing milk.
The homogenizing temperature for Lif/Spinel occurs at the temperature of fast reaction between the LiF and the Al2O3. In order to avoid this detrimental reaction, they have developed a new process that uniformly coats the spinel particles with the sintering aid. This allows them to reduce the amount of Lif necessary for densification and to rapidly heat through the temperature of maximum reactivity. These developments have allowed NRL to fabricate MgAl2O4 spinel to high transparency with extremely high reproducibility that should enable military as well as commercial use of spinel.
Wet grinding is more efficient than dry grinding because water coats the newly formed surfaces of broken particles and prevents re-agglomeration. The process of blending and homogenizing the rawmix is also much easier when it is in slurry form. The disadvantage is that the water in the resultant slurry has to be removed subsequently, and this usually requires a lot of energy. While energy was cheap, wet grinding was common, but since 1970 the situation has changed dramatically, and new wet process plant is now rarely installed.
The title of King of Navarre continued to be used by the Kings of France until the French Revolution in 1792, and was revived again during the Restoration, 1814–30. Since the rest of Navarre was in Spanish hands, the kings of Spain would also use the title of King of Navarre, and continue to do so. During the 1789 Estates-General, the Estates of Navarre sent Étienne Polverel to Paris to defend the idiosyncrasy and independence of Navarre in the face of the planned homogenizing administrative layout of France.
Wacquant notes that underclass status is imposed on urban blacks from outside and above them (e.g., by journalists, politicians, and academics), stating that "underclass" is a derogatory and "negative label that nobody claims or invokes except to pin it on to others". And, although the underclass concepts is homogenizing, Wacquant argues that underclass imagery differentiates on gender lines, with the underclass male being depicted as a violent "gang banger", a physical threat to public safety, and the underclass female being generalized as "welfare mother" (also see welfare queen), a "moral assault on American values".
Critics point to the fact that world polity theory assumes a rather flawless and smooth transfer of norms of world polity to the global actors, which might not always be really plausible. Also, its tendency to focus on the homogenizing effect brings criticisms. World culture theory differs in this aspect from world polity theory because it recognizes that actors find their own identities in relation to the greater global cultural norm instead of simply following what is suggested by the world polity. Also, an instance of glocalization cannot fully be explained by world polity theory.
Totani writes that the book's greatest strength is its description of ethnic nationalism which is a particular problem in South Korea because the comfort women issue is being used by South Korean nationalists as a wedge issue. Soh writes that South Korean nationalists have constructed a master narrative of the comfort women issue, one that is simplistic and homogenizing, showing Korea as the victim. Soh's research reveals a much wider narrative, providing instead a holistic view of the issue, with more nuance and variation, especially factoring in the acceptance in Korea of institutionalized gender violence.
In 2015, a study looked at over 100 pig genome sequences to ascertain their process of domestication. A model that fitted the data included admixture with a now extinct ghost population of wild pigs during the Pleistocene. The study also found that despite back- crossing with wild pigs, the genomes of domestic pigs have strong signatures of selection at genetic loci that affect behavior and morphology. The study concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars and created domestication islands in the genome.
By homogenizing climate datasets, it was found that sometimes inhomogeneities can cause biased trends in raw data; that homogenization is indispensable to obtain reliable regional or global trends. For example, for the Greater Alpine Region a bias in the temperature trend between the 1870s and 1980s of half a degree was found, which was due to decreasing urbanization of the network and systematic changes in the time of observation.Böhm R., Auer, I., Brunetti, M., Maugeri, M., Nanni, T., and Schöner, W.: "Regional temperature variability in the European Alps 1760–1998 from homogenized instrumental time series". International Journal of Climatology, , 21, pp.
As the parameter is defined in a projective line, the polynomials in the parameter should be homogenized. For example, the projective parameterization of the above ellipse is :X=U^2-T^2,\quad Y=T\,(T+2\,U),\quad Z=T^2+TU+U^2. Eliminating T and U between these equations we get again the projective equation of the ellipse :X^2+X\,Y+Y^2=Z^2, which may be easily obtained directly by homogenizing the above equation. Many of the curves on Wikipedia's list of curves are rational and hence have similar rational parameterizations.
Condo in a gentrified architectural style Gentrified architecture is an architectural style which has been identified as homogenizing, overbearing (in reference to massing), lacking imagination or character, and disconnected from the social histories in which it exists. Gentrified architecture is often compared with the style of architecture preexisting the process of gentrification in a particular location. As a result, its presence has been described by Maria Nicanor as producing “two very different dynamics and two very different futures.” The architectural style has been identified as a marker of borders between communities and a site of racialized hostilities.
The German philosopher Ferdinand Fellmann proposed in 2009 emotional selection as a third form of evolutionary selection besides natural and sexual selection. Loving, monogamous pair-bonding seems to be the favored field where sexual selection is being transformed in emotional selection specific for human courtship and mating. The concept of emotional selection fits the recent trend of evolutionary psychology which suggests that individual differences are more than the raw material upon which natural selection operates as a homogenizing force. Instead, personality and individual differences are created by "psychosocial selection" in the more intense forms of pair-bonding in primate sociality.
Adonis is often portrayed as entirely dismissive of the intellectual heritage of Arabic culture. Yet in al-Thābit wa-l-Mutaḥawwil (The Immutable and the Transformative), his emphasis on the plurality of Arabic heritage posits the richness of Arabic Islamic heritage and the deficiency of tradition as defined by imitation (taqlīd). He views culture as dynamic rather than immutable and transcendent, challenging the traditionalist homogenizing tendency within heritage. In studying the Arabic cultural system, Adonis emphasizes that the concept of heritage construed as a unified repertoire based on a consistent cultural essence preconditions the rupture between this heritage and modernity.
In interviews he has persistently denounced the policies of the Basque, Spanish and French governments and police bodies as well as of Spanish nationalist groups. At an international level, Fermin Muguruza holds acute left-wing views that lead him to criticize the U.S. government, corporations and the globalization process, all of which he denounces as imperialistic and homogenizing. In an interview with Freemuse, Muguruza speaks about his experience as a musician under the democracy of today. He has performed in concerts where fascists would come to his concerts with bombs, threatening him and his Basque hip-hop music.
Most available feminist literature regarding the global South tends to be written by Western theorists resulting in the whitewashing of histories. Feminist postcolonial theorists are not always unified in their reactions to postcolonial theory and Western feminism, but as a whole, these theorists have significantly weakened the bounds of mainstream feminism. The intent of postcolonial feminism is to reduce homogenizing language coupled with an overall strategy to incorporate all women into the theoretical milieu. While efforts are made to eliminate the idea of the Third World "other", a Western Eurocentric feminist framework often presents the "other" as victim to their culture and traditions.
In 1965 Grant published his most widely known work, Lament for a Nation, in which he deplored what he claimed was Canada's inevitable cultural absorption by the United States, a phenomenon he saw as an instance of "continentalism". He argued that the homogenizing effect in current affairs during the period when it was written would see the demise of Canadian cultural nationality. The importance of the text is reflected in its selection in 2005 as one of The Literary Review of Canada 100 most important Canadian books. Grant articulated a political philosophy which was becoming known as red Toryism.
Smaller populations on the other hand, which are isolated from the parental stock, are decoupled from the homogenizing effects of gene flow. In addition, pressure from natural selection is especially intense, as peripheral isolated populations exist at the outer edges of ecological tolerance. If most evolution happens in these rare instances of allopatric speciation then evidence of gradual evolution in the fossil record should be rare. This hypothesis was alluded to by Mayr in the closing paragraph of his 1954 paper: Although punctuated equilibrium generally applies to sexually reproducing organisms,Eldredge, Niles and S. J. Gould (1997).
Simmel's outlook, while gloomy, is not wholly negative. As money and transactions increase, the independence of an individual decreases as he or she is drawn into a holistic network of exchange governed by quantifiable monetary value. Paradoxically, this results in greater potential freedom of choice for the individual, as money can be deployed toward any possible goal, even if most people's sheer lack of money renders that potential quite low much of the time. Money's homogenizing nature encourages greater liberty and equality and melts away forms of feudalism and patronage, even as it minimizes exceptional, incommensurable achievements in art and love.
According to Gordon, socialist feminism of the 1980s expanded upon the concept of intersectionality by examining the overlapping structures that instantiate oppression. Feminist scholar and women's studies professor Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy says that this broader analysis of societal structures began with socialist feminism and served as a catalyst for feminist scholarship. Kennedy says that many of the first women's studies programs were established by socialist feminist theorists. Despite the claims of being a homogenizing philosophy that erases difference of identity, socialist feminism's inherent approach to difference of identities, through an analysis of economic exploitation of all, is both recognized and enhanced by Crenshaw's intersectionality.
Although the directed pathway proceeded from capture to taming, the other two pathways are not as goal-oriented, and archaeological records suggest that they took place over much longer time frames. Unlike other domestic species which were primarily selected for production-related traits, dogs were initially selected for their behaviors. The archaeological and genetic data suggest that long-term bidirectional gene flow between wild and domestic stocks – including donkeys, horses, New and Old World camelids, goats, sheep, and pigs – was common. One study has concluded that human selection for domestic traits likely counteracted the homogenizing effect of gene flow from wild boars into pigs and created domestication islands in the genome.
A growing number of women have begun to incorporate the hijab into their cultural dress, whether they live in predominantly Muslim countries or not. The veil itself acts as a different experience lived by each woman who wears it, rather than a homogenizing item of clothing. Over the past ten years, the hijab has become more prominent in countries of the world where wearing the hijab itself is not required of women by state law. The willingness to wear the veil outside of required states acts as a radical statement in some instances, in a way reclaiming the symbol and meaning of the veil.
Recent immigrants from other US regions and foreign countries are causing a linguistic shift in Texas. Spanish speakers have risen to almost a third of the population; Vietnamese and Chinese Languages Spoken in Texas (PDF) have replaced German and French to become the third and fourth most spoken languages in Texas, respectively; with Hindi, Korean, Kurdish especially from Abtaf, from the Asad Beig tribe , and Tagalog filling out the top nine most spoken languages in Texas. Large numbers of non-native Texas residents are picking up some dialectal traits of Southern English, while other linguistic traits are being subdued into a national homogenizing trend.
The study said that the moderate mean Y-chromosome haplotype diversity value for Koreans might be the result of migrations from East Asia that had a homogenizing influence. The study said that it is more probable that Koreans descend from dual infusions of Y-chromosomes from two different waves of East Asians rather than a single East Asian population due to the dual patterns of the Y-chromosome haplotype distribution found in Koreans. Kim Jong-jin et al. (2005) did a study about the genetic relationships among East Asians based on allele frequencies, particularly focusing on how close Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are genetically related to each other.
Schmink and Wood 1992, p. 37-39. The expeditions also carried "European diseases and death far into the interior" of the region. In 1645, Jesuit priests under the leadership of Antonio Vieira "began establishing missions along the major Amazon River tributaries," which forcibly relocated large subsets of the Indigenous population into new colonial settlements: > Amerindian groups were relocated into large settlements, called aldeias, > where their daily activities could be closely supervised, their souls could > be saved, and their labor could be put to new tasks, such as raising cattle. > In the aldeias, natives were deprived of their tribal identity under the > homogenizing influence of the missionaries.
Aleutian Disease was first recognized in ranch- raised mink in 1956. The disease was so named because it was first found in mink with the Aleutian coat color gene, a gun-metal grey pelt. It was assumed that the disease was a result of poor genetics, but it was later found that minks of all coat colors were susceptible to the disease — but tend to have a lower mortality compared with Aleutian Mink. In the 1960s, it was common practice for mink ranchers to make their own distemper vaccines by homogenizing tissue from distemper-infected mink, making suspensions, and injecting all the mink on their ranch.
The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty was openly critical of the homogenizing effects the survey could lead to as it was employed to shape homelessness services policies, leading to a reductive and overly simplistic approach to meeting this population's needs. The index is also credited, erroneously perhaps, on reducing homelessness where we see comments like "The launch of the 100,000 Homes Campaign by Common Ground has since given communities across the country innovative new methods and tools to house our homeless neighbors. One such tool is the Vulnerability Index." The tool then is being conflated with an increase in the housing of the most vulnerable and chronically homeless persons.
A growing number of women have begun to incorporate the hijab into their cultural dress, whether they live in predominantly Muslim countries or not. The veil itself acts as a different experience lived by each woman who wears it, rather than a homogenizing item of clothing. Over the past ten years, the hijab has become more prominent in countries of the world where wearing the hijab itself is not required of women by state law. The willingness to wear the veil outside of required states acts as a radical statement in some instances, in a way reclaiming the symbol and meaning of the veil.
Garnets are unique in that they can record the pressures and temperatures of peak metamorphism and are used as geobarometers and geothermometers in the study of geothermobarometry which determines "P-T Paths", Pressure-Temperature Paths. Garnets are used as an index mineral in the delineation of isograds in metamorphic rocks. Compositional zoning and inclusions can mark the change from growth of the crystals at low temperatures to higher temperatures. Garnets that are not compositionally zoned more than likely experienced ultra high temperatures (above 700 °C) that led to diffusion of major elements within the crystal lattice, effectively homogenizing the crystal or they were never zoned.
In his book Indra's Net: Defending Hinduism's Philosophical Unity, Rajiv Malhotra quoted and cited numerous ideas from Unifying Hinduism, describing it as an "excellent study of the pre-colonial coherence of Hinduism", , and as a "positive exception to many [reifying, homogenizing, and isolating] trends in scholarship" by Westerners about the evolution of Hindu philosophy. However, despite the citations, it was alleged that Rajiv Malhotra's work actually plagiarised Nicholson's work. It led to an online controversy without any actual lawsuit being filed against Rajiv Malhotra. In response to Nicholson, Malhotra stated "I used your work with explicit references 30 times in Indra's Net, hence there was no ill-intention," and provided with a list of these citations.
Along with the influence of the railroad and mass-circulation magazines, all of these homogenizing influences contributed to the decline of regional vernacular architecture and the spread of nationally accepted styles. Significantly, many of these sources targeted conservative markets, promoting traditional designs that appealed to small-town America. As one example of this phenomenon, many of the houses in Roaring Spring built around the start of the 20th century appear to be older Victorian types, such as many Gothic Revivals models of the era which are really double-pile Georgian types in plan. Presumably, this conservative impulse was of small concern to the first owners who paid little attention to "high style" design trends.
A data hub differs from a data warehouse in that it is generally unintegrated and often at different grains. It differs from an operational data store because a data hub does not need to be limited to operational data. A data hub differs from a data lake by homogenizing data and possibly serving data in multiple desired formats, rather than simply storing it in one place, and by adding other value to the data such as de-duplication, quality, security, and a standardized set of query services. A Data Lake tends to store data in one place for availability, and allow/require the consumer to process or add value to the data.
"Yoga" takes as its chief concern how the individual's autonomy is undermined by contemporary life. It illustrates the disparity between individual desires and the homogenizing powers of, as Morris Dickstein puts it, a "soft totalitarianism of conformity, McCarthyism, middle-aged timidity, and intellectual compromise". In the period just after the war that supposedly defeated fascism, a new tyranny of peace threatened the ambitions of Americans and led to unsatisfying jobs, a lack of ambition, and sexual frustration. Dickstein continues: The enlightened liberal individual "with its faith in rationality, progress, and bureaucratic forms of organization, had blinded itself to the irrational forces now exposed in the psyche and set loose in the world".
The word "Indian" is the legal term used by the U.S. Government to refer to Native Americans, but controversy exists over its usage. The word has often become part of the official names of many tribes, because of the historical process and common terms when the name was developed. While some indigenous people are comfortable with the word "Indian," others believe it is pejorative by nature because it erases indigenous cultures by homogenizing the ethnic "Other" in mistaking Indians from India and Native Americans. "Native American" refers to Indigenous peoples of the United States and includes groups within the United States who are not American Indian, such as the Iñupiat, Aleut, and Yupik peoples.
While living with him over the summer, Troy starts up a Twitter account documenting unintentionally funny/horrible things Pierce says at "old- whitemansays," which Pierce was originally angry about, but embraced after learning the account had 600,000 followers. Because Pierce has old-school, homogenizing racism issues, Troy initially needs to assert that Shirley is not his mother, but later asserts that Shirley isn't his cousin. Long oblivious to Annie's romantic interest in him, Troy makes a few broad attempts at wooing her but fails ("Romantic Expressionism"). In the second season, it is hinted that Troy has feelings for Britta, and Troy lies about having his uncle molest him to take advantage of Britta's attraction to men with pain ("Competitive Wine Tasting").
An immersion blender The hand-held immersion blender, stick blender, hand blender or wand blender has no container of its own, but instead has a mixing head with rotating blades that can be immersed in a container. Immersion blenders are convenient for homogenizing volumes that are too large to fit in the bowl of a stationary blender or as in the case of soups, are too hot to be safely poured into the bowl. The operation of an immersion blender requires that the user hold down a switch for as long as the blades operate, which can be tiresome for the user. Handheld blenders are ideal for small and specific tasks but do not have as many uses as a countertop blender.
Genetics compression algorithms are the latest generation of lossless algorithms that compress data (typically sequences of nucleotides) using both conventional compression algorithms and genetic algorithms adapted to the specific datatype. In 2012, a team of scientists from Johns Hopkins University published a genetic compression algorithm that does not use a reference genome for compression. HAPZIPPER was tailored for HapMap data and achieves over 20-fold compression (95% reduction in file size), providing 2- to 4-fold better compression and in much faster time than the leading general-purpose compression utilities. For this, Chanda, Elhaik, and Bader introduced MAF based encoding (MAFE), which reduces the heterogeneity of the dataset by sorting SNPs by their minor allele frequency, thus homogenizing the dataset.
Though Nahuatl still has over a million speakers, it is considered by some linguists to be endangered and on the way to extinction (Hill & Hill 1980, 321). As with regional languages the world over, Nahuatl finds itself being replaced by a ‘world’ language, Spanish, as other small linguistic communities have shifted to languages like English and Chinese. The world's loss in linguistic diversity can be tied to its changing economic and political conditions, as the model of industrial capitalism under a culturally homogenizing nation state spread throughout the world and culture becomes more and more global rather than regional. However, we do not always know exactly why some local or ‘traditional’ languages are clung to and preserved while others vanish much more quickly (Hill & Hill, 1980, 321).
Ranjit Makkuni is an international multimedia artist and designer, the honorary director of the design think tank, the Sacred World Research Laboratory, as well as a musician, sitar player, and songwriter. His multimedia museum works are intersections between traditional and modern art, design and technology, such that the results help both traditional and modern cultures. They are intended to show that the wisdom of traditional communities can positively negate the homogenizing influences of modern technology; and that the intelligence, creativity and sense of freedom afforded by modern design and technology can reciprocally help traditional artists. His major works are several museum projects: Eternal Gandhi Multimedia Museum, Planet Health Museum, The Goddess and Temples of Music, and The Crossing: Living, Dying and Transformation in Banaras.
In 1993, the Blade and its publishing company threatened to sue the Fairfax County Library over a potential ban on the distribution of the Blade at its branches. Also, the 2001 sale of the Washington Blade to Window Media, LLC led to intense criticism from former employees, editors, and media pundits of the consolidation of so many gay newspapers' editorial boards into the same company, leading to fears of homogenizing of content and editorial control. A former staff writer has also accused the paper of playing politics through the mandated use of the capitalized version of the word 'Gay' in order to make a political statement. The newspaper has been accused from time-to-time of forcing public figures out of the closet.
For nitrogen decompression, large quantities of nitrogen are first dissolved in the cell under high pressure within a suitable pressure vessel. Then, when the gas pressure is suddenly released, the nitrogen comes out of the solution as expanding bubbles that stretch the membranes of each cell until they rupture and release the contents of the cell. Nitrogen decompression is more protective of enzymes and organelles than ultrasonic and mechanical homogenizing methods and compares favorably to the controlled disruptive action obtained in a PTFE and glass mortar and pestle homogenizer. While other disruptive methods depend upon friction or a mechanical shearing action that generate heat, the nitrogen decompression procedure is accompanied by an adiabatic expansion that cools the sample instead of heating it.
The current research on assessing and attributing this phenomenon has focused on reducing the limitation of short availability and low quality of wind speed data. The European funded research project STILLING is a current (2016–2018) initiative that aims to reduce this constraint by rescuing, homogenizing and recovering the longest and highest-quality wind speed series across the globe. The project is currently compiling wind speed records starting in the 1880s providing scientists with approximately 130-year records, roughly 80 years more than previous studies available in the scientific literature. The better knowledge of the past wind speed climate is crucial for understanding the present "global terrestrial stilling" phenomenon, detecting if climate change is behind this slowdown of wind or similar trends-cycles occurred in the past and could be expected for the future.
Ryan Prado of Paste named it Costello's best song, writing, "Costello's punk-as-fuck dissertation on corporate radio still seethes as red- faced to this day". Jim Beviglia of American Songwriter named it Costello's third best song, stating, "The song hit the nail on the head so hard that it drove that nail right through the homogenizing programming and thinly-veiled censorship that had already become standard practice at the time of the single's release in 1978". Jeremy Allen of The Guardian named the song one of the ten best Elvis Costello songs, praising the song's "sharp hook", "thumping rhythm", and "Steve Nieve's trademark swirly organ". Martin Chilton ranked the song number 19 on his top 40 list of best Costello songs, while Brian Hyatt of Entertainment Weekly named it one of his top 10 Costello songs.
Wine critics question the value of a Pinot noir wine from a Burgundy Grand Cru vineyard relative to a wine produced from the "lesser terroir" of a Premier Cru vineyard, and whether it merits the higher price. These doubts also arise when the quality of winemaking and other human influences are taken into account, which may be of a higher standard with the "lesser" premier cru. These critics also question the difference between New World and Old World wine and whether modern winemaking techniques – like significant oak influences, over-ripened fruit, cultured yeast, micro- oxygenation, and color pigment additives – obscure or even eliminate the influence of terroir in making different regions unique. Critics often point to the homogenizing effect on mass-produced wines made from popular varietals like Chardonnay, which may have their terroir characteristics hidden by invasive and intensive winemaking.
Marcos explains the effect of the financial bombs as "destroying the material bases of their [nation-state's] sovereignty and, in producing their qualitative depopulation, excluding all those deemed unsuitable to the new economy (for example, indigenous peoples)". He also believes that neoliberalism and globalization result in a loss of unique culture for societies as a result of the homogenizing effect of neo-liberal globalization: > All cultures forged by nations – the noble indigenous past of America, the > brilliant civilization of Europe, the wise history of Asian nations, and the > ancestral wealth of Africa and Oceania – are corroded by the American way of > life. In this way, neoliberalism imposes the destruction of nations and > groups of nations in order to reconstruct them according to a single model. > This is a planetary war, of the worst and cruelest kind, waged against > humanity.
Indigenous feminists are often reluctant to engage with western mainstream feminist theory due to its failure to recognize the effects of the gendered process of colonialism on indigenous women, as well as a historical pattern of white women not understanding, or not being willing to be allies against, the multiple oppressions faced by Indigenous women. Mainstream feminists usually assume that fighting oppression on the basis of sex or gender is the top (or even sole) priority, while indigeneity is of secondary importance. Moreton- Robinson has written that white feminists "are extraordinarily reluctant to see themselves in the situation of being oppressors, as they feel that this will be at the expense of concentrating upon being oppressed." This focus on putting white women's needs before those of Indigenous women has historical roots, and can make Indigenous feminists weary of homogenizing the supposed goals and rights of "women".
A of dimension in a projective space of dimension over a field is defined by a homogeneous polynomial P(x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_n) in indeterminates. As usual, means that all monomials of have the same degree, or, equivalently that P(cx_0, cx_1, \ldots, cx_n)=c^dP(x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_n) for every constant , where is the degree of the polynomial. The of the hypersurface are the points of the projective space whose projective coordinates are zeros of . If one chooses the hyperplane of equation x_0=0 as hyperplane at infinity, the complement of this hyperplane is an affine space, and the points of the projective hypersuface that belong to this affine space form an affine hypersurface of equation P(1, x_1, \ldots, x_n) = 0. Conversely, given an affine hypersurface of equation p(x_1, \ldots, x_n)=0, it defines a projective hypersurface, called its , whose equation is obtained by homogenizing .
If congested upstream flow (denoted in the following diagrams by “U”) is greater than the initial roadway flow upstream (“A”), then the VSL will help to reduce the stop-and-go traffic, homogenizing traffic flow to result in traffic state “A” after its implementation. In the diagrams to the right for Case 2, assume all slopes are equal despite scale. Case 2 Time-Space Diagram for VSL (qU>qA) Case 2 Flow-Density Diagram for VSL (qU>qA) In the Case 2 diagrams, the implementation of VSL results in a reduced speed within the specified zone. However, as a result of the existing traffic states with qU>qA, traffic returns to initial state “A” after the VSL zone. A headway between vehicles “H” can be calculated between vehicle trajectories in the time-space diagram or at time qA/v on the flow-density fundamental diagram.
While affirming much of Marx's critique of capitalism, it contends that Marx's vision of a conflict-free post-revolutionary society had negative effects on future radical theory and practice. The book won the North American Society for Social Philosophy Prize for the best book published in 1995. According to WorldCat, the book is held in 476 libraries WorldCat item record His second major work, The Future of Democratic Equality: Reconstructing Social Solidarity in a Fragmented United States (Routledge 2009) won the American Political Science Association's 2011 David Easton Award for the best book published in political and social theory in the past five years. According to WorldCat, the book is held in 461 libraries WorldCat item record In this book, Schwartz cautions against a potential new form of radical orthodoxy: that universal forms of identity are repressive and homogenizing, whereas particular identities are inherently emancipatory.
A real quadric surface in the Euclidean space of dimension three is a surface that may be defined as the zeros of a polynomial of degree two in three variables. As for the conic sections there are two discriminants that may be naturally defined. Both are useful for getting information on the nature of a quadric surface. Let P(x,y,z) be a polynomial of degree two in three variables that defines a real quadric surface. The first associated quadratic form, Q_4, depends on four variables, and is obtained by homogenizing ; that is :Q_4(x,y,z,t)=t^2P(x/t,y/t, z/t). Let us denote its discriminant by\Delta_4. The second quadratic form, Q_3, depends on three variables, and consists of the terms of degree two of ; that is :Q_3(x,y,z)=Q_4(x, y,z,0). Let us denote its discriminant by\Delta_3.
McLuhan's episodic history takes the reader from pre- alphabetic, tribal humankind to the electronic age. According to McLuhan, the invention of movable type greatly accelerated, intensified, and ultimately enabled cultural and cognitive changes that had already been taking place since the invention and implementation of the alphabet, by which McLuhan means phonemic orthography. (McLuhan is careful to distinguish the phonetic alphabet from logographic or logogramic writing systems, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs or ideograms.) Print culture, ushered in by the advance in printing during the middle of the 15th century when the Gutenberg press was invented, brought about the cultural predominance of the visual over the aural/oral. Quoting (with approval) an observation on the nature of the printed word from William Ivins' Prints and Visual Communication, McLuhan remarks: > In this passage [Ivins] not only notes the ingraining of lineal, sequential > habits, but, even more important, points out the visual homogenizing of > experience of print culture, and the relegation of auditory and other > sensuous complexity to the background.
Audre Lorde cautioned against the "institutionalized rejection of difference" in her essay, "Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference,” fearing that when “we do not develop tools for using human difference as a springboard for creative change within our lives[,] we speak not of human difference, but of human deviance". Lorde saw this already happening with the lack of inclusion of literature from women of color in the second-wave feminist discourse. She found that "the literature of women of Color [was] seldom included in women's literature courses and almost never in other literature courses, nor in women's studies as a whole" and pointed to the "othering" of women of color and women in developing nations as the reason. By homogenizing these communities and ignoring their difference, "women of Color become ‘other,’ the outside whose experiences and tradition is too ‘alien’ to comprehend", and thus, seemingly unworthy of scholarly attention and differentiated scholarship.
His episodic history takes the reader from pre-alphabetic tribal humankind to the electronic age. According to McLuhan, the invention of movable type greatly accelerated, intensified, and ultimately enabled cultural and cognitive changes that had already been taking place since the invention and implementation of the alphabet, by which McLuhan means phonemic orthography. (McLuhan is careful to distinguish the phonetic alphabet from logographic/logogramic writing systems, like hieroglyphics or ideograms.) Print culture, ushered in by the Gutenberg press in the middle of the fifteenth century, brought about the cultural predominance of the visual over the aural/oral. Quoting with approval an observation on the nature of the printed word from Prints and Visual Communication by William Ivins, McLuhan remarks: > In this passage [Ivins] not only notes the ingraining of lineal, sequential > habits, but, even more important, points out the visual homogenizing of > experience of print culture, and the relegation of auditory and other > sensuous complexity to the background.
The thematic substance of McOndo is based upon its literary predecessors, yet its representations of the experience of being a Latin American man and a Latin American woman in an urban (city–suburban) world pervaded by U.S. pop culture, are in direct opposition to the politically metaphoric, rural narratives used as political discourse by the Latin American Boom generation of writers, especially the magical-realists. Moreover, some novelists left their patrias (fatherlands), for the detached (foreign) perspective unavailable in the homeland. As a result, as exiles are wont to do, they idealized their patrias and wrote pithy novels of a land that should have been — yet always was there ... in the exiled writer's memory; thus the well-crafted fiction did not portray the contemporary national reality that had displaced the country (patria) he departed. Unlike the magical realist writers, the McOndos wrote "here-and- now!" fiction, about the 21st-century metropolis they inhabit, and which surrounds them, and the homogenizing cultural-identity messages of pervasive mass communications media; to be Latin in an Anglo culture.
Pérez Prado: "There is no such thing as salsa." Willie Colón: "Salsa is the harmonic sum of all Latin culture that meets in New York." Concierto Expo 92, Seville, Spain: "Salsa is Puerto Rico." and those who strongly identify with salsa as a music and culture distinct from its Cuban primogenitor. The concept of salsa music which began as a marketing ploy created by Izzy Sanabria was successfully exploited by Fania Records, then eventually took on a life of its own, organically evolving into an authentic pan-Latin American cultural identity. Music professor and salsa trombonist Christopher Washburne writes: > This pan-Latino association of salsa stems from what Felix Padilla labels a > 'Latinizing' process that occurred in the 1960s and was consciously marketed > by Fania Records: 'To Fania, the Latinizing of salsa came to mean > homogenizing the product, presenting an all-embracing Puerto Rican, Pan- > American or Latino sound with which the people from all of Latin America and > Spanish-speaking communities in the United States could identify and > purchase.

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