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"hoarseness" Definitions
  1. the quality in somebody's voice of sounding rough and unpleasant, especially because of a sore throat (= a painful throat because of an infection)
"hoarseness" Antonyms

123 Sentences With "hoarseness"

How to use hoarseness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hoarseness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hoarseness". Mastering all the usages of "hoarseness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Hoarseness can also be a problem with excess postnasal drip, Poetker says.
Others feel a hoarseness or lump in the throat when trying to swallow.
And symptoms like a lump in the neck or hoarseness should not be ignored.
If I'd gone in when the hoarseness and cough persisted, the tumor wouldn't have grown inches.
The only outward sign that this tumultuous new life is getting to Mr. Guaidó is the hoarseness in his voice.
Elsewhere, Future wrestles with his past on solo record "4 Da Gang," his signature hoarseness floating over some sort of jazzy woodwind.
Towards the end of October though, in the home stretch of my rehearsals, I felt a strange hoarseness that impeded my singing.
You might develop a sore throat, hoarseness, difficulty speaking and swallowing, problems wearing dentures and even a change in your sense of taste.
For patients who experience a respiratory reaction to a food, such as coughing, hoarseness or wheezing, epinephrine is considered the drug of choice.
They are more likely to wheeze, have a stuffy nose and experience headaches, sore throats, eye irritation, hoarseness and difficulty recovering from respiratory infections.
In recent weeks, he has struggled with hoarseness, which forced him to cancel several events last month, but he then returned to the campaign trail.
At 43, he is transitioning from hollow-cheeked to round-faced — a quality that, in combination with the hoarseness of his voice, makes him seem jolly.
Her voice was clear, with barely a trace of the hoarseness she had on Monday, as she read her dissent from bench, wearing her famed dissent collar.
Regularly snorting it, the National Institute on Drug Abuse notes, can cause: a loss of the sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems swallowing, hoarseness, and a runny nose.
For more proof, just look at your own mud-caked marching boots, feel the hoarseness in your citizen voice and rub the callouses on your social-media-savvy fingers.
In addition to indigestion, GERD can cause a persistent dry cough, sore throat, frequent throat clearing, hoarseness, burping or hiccups, bloating, difficulty swallowing and a sensation of a lump in the throat.
Besides a lump in the neck, other symptoms include pain in the front of the neck, trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, hoarseness in the voice, and a constant cough that isn't due to a cold.
Smoking and alcohol can loosen tension of the upper esophageal sphincter and cause symptoms of reflux like hoarseness, postnasal drip and shortness of breath by irritating the mouth, larynx and trachea, Dr. Aviv reports.
The CDC points out that most people don't' have problems with the inactivated vaccine, but minor issues can include soreness or redness at the point of injection, hoarseness, itchy eyes, cough, a fever, aches, and fatigue.
It puts intense strain on a young person's vocal chords, which can lead to irritation and long-term side effects such as burst vessels or nodules (benign growths which limit vocal range and can cause permanent hoarseness).
You can see it in his eyes, in that flowing, gray-streaked beard and in the low, thoughtful rumble of his voice—a voice that bears both a warm, syrupy New Orleans drawl and a weathered hoarseness earned after years and years of strain.
Wars Within By Jill Lepore The beginning of an end is hard to see: the moment when a marriage started to fall apart, the half-sentence of heartless scorn, an unmendable cut; the hour when the first symptoms of a fatal illness set in, dizziness, a subtle blurring of vision, a certain hoarseness; the season when a species of sparrow, trying to fly north, falls, weakened by the heat; and the day when the people of a nation began to lose faith in their form of government.
Rarely persistent throat irritation and hoarseness may also be from a more serious disorder like cancer.
Additionally, LPR can cause inflammation in the vocal tract which results in the symptom of dysphonia or hoarseness. Hoarseness is considered to be one of the primary symptoms of LPR and is associated with complaints such as strain, vocal fatigue, musculoskeletal tension, and hard glottal attacks, all of which can reduce a person's ability to communicate effectively. Moreover, LPR patients may try to compensate for their hoarseness by increasing muscular tension in their vocal tract. This hyper-functional technique adopted in response to the inflammation caused by LPR can lead to a condition called muscle tension dysphonia and may persist even after the hoarseness and inflammation has disappeared.
Worrisome sign and symptoms include voice hoarseness, rapid increase in size, compressive symptoms (such as dyspnoea or dysphagia) and appearance of lymphadenopathy.
Dysphonia is a general term for voice impairment that is sometimes used synonymously with the perceptual voice quality of hoarseness. It is the reason for 1% of all visits to primary care providers. The lifetime risk of hoarse voice complaints among primary care patients is 30%. Since hoarseness is a general symptom, it is associated with a number of laryngeal diagnoses.
The most common causes of hoarseness is laryngitis (acute 42.1%; chronic 9.7%) and functional dysphonia (30%). Hoarseness can also be caused by laryngeal tumours (benign 10.7 - 31%; malignant 2.2 - 3.0%). Causes that are overall less common include neurogenic conditions (2.8 - 8.0%), psychogenic conditions (2.0 - 2.2%), and aging (2%). A variety of different causes, which result in abnormal vibrations of the vocal folds, can cause dysphonia.
They include chronic ear infection, sinusitis, snoring and sleep apnea, hearing loss, allergies and hay fever, swallowing disorders, nosebleeds, hoarseness, dizziness, and head and neck cancer.
Syringobulbia may cause vertigo, nystagmus, unilateral or bilateral loss of facial sensation, lingual atrophy and weakness, dysarthria, dysphagia, hoarseness, and sometimes peripheral sensory or motor deficits due to medullary compression.
Nandrolone decanoate causes virilization as a common side effect in women, including acne, hoarseness of the voice, hirsutism (excessive facial/body hair growth), and libido changes, among others. Clitoral enlargement is an uncommon symptom of virilization that can occur. Virilization is especially prevalent and marked at high dosages of nandrolone decanoate and/or with long-term treatment, and some aspects of virilization like voice deepening can be irreversible. Hoarseness is often the first sign of voice changes.
Taken internally, it has been used as a remedy for hoarseness, pain, worms, nervousness, and to aid the mending of broken bones. Externally, it has been used as an ointment for treatment of wounds.
Due to compression of recurrent laryngeal nerve it can cause the hoarseness of the voice, which can also be a sign of mitral stenosis. A second Ortner's syndrome, Ortner's syndrome II, refers to abdominal angina.
Kimball's chest pains recurred occasionally throughout the next several years, particularly in times of greatest stress or fatigue. In early 1950, when he was 55, Kimball, who had never smoked or used tobacco, began experiencing persistent hoarseness and after a physical examination, he underwent a biopsy of a white spot in his throat. The biopsy caused some brief voice impairment and indicated that Kimball had a throat infection but not cancer. In late 1956, Kimball's hoarseness returned, coupled with occasional bleeding in the back of his throat.
In China, the rhizome of Iris scariosa has been used to treat swollen gums, anti-inflammatory pains, also sore throat (or chronic pharyngitis,) and hoarseness. The rhizome was ground into a powder, then mixed with honey.
These include: paradoxical bronchospasm (shortness of breath and difficulty breathing); skin itching, rash, or hives (urticaria); swelling (angioedema) of any part of the face or throat (which can lead to voice hoarseness), or swelling of the extremities.
"M Greve & C F Leyel, A Modern Herbal, UK: Merchant Books, 1973, p.570 It is "good for all diseases of the chest and lungs, hoarseness of voice...the juice...made into a syrup with honey or sugar, is no less effectual...for all other coughs, wheezing and shortness of breath...the seed is held to be a special remedy against poison and venom."N Culpeper, The Complete Herbal, UK: Wordsworth Editions, 1995, p.177 It was "formerly used for hoarseness, weak lungs and to help the voice.
The broadness and brachydactyly of the big toes in particular may give them a stunted, rounded and stub-like appearance.Gorlin (1995). illustration, p. 209. The auditory, or "acoustic" abnormalities observed with the syndrome include sensorineural hearing loss and hoarseness.
Other symptoms may include vomiting, arthritis, swollen lymph nodes, swollen joints, joint contractures (chronic shortening of muscles or tendons around joints), hoarseness and xanthomas which thicken around joints as the disease progresses. Patients with breathing difficulty may require a breathing tube.
Other adverse drug reaction side effects may rarely include: a smell similar to burning plastic, unpleasant taste, hoarseness or nasal congestion, pain or headache, and visual changes. Allergic reactions may occur, but rarely. Nasal corticosteroids may be associated with central serous retinopathy.
I played him as a rough, tough kid. The kind who as a boy yelled a lot and developed a hoarseness in his voice. He dressed roughly and wore the same clothes every day. His hair was wild and was never washed.
Symptoms include dyspnea, retrosternal pain, hoarseness, stridor, lachrymation, cough, expectoration, and in some cases haemoptysis. Delayed pulmonary edema, cyanosis or bronchopneumonia may develop. The smoke and the spent canisters contain suspected carcinogens. The prognosis for the casualties depends on the degree of the pulmonary damage.
Nigroids were invented by Ferris & Co. Ltd., manufacturing chemists of Bristol, England, in 1900. The company promoted them with the slogan: : For Hoarseness, "Tickling of the Throat," etc. They afford protection to the Voice, Throat, and Chest, against ill-effects of fog, cold and damp.
Symptoms include dyspnea, retrosternal pain, hoarseness, stridor, lachrymation, cough, expectoration, and in some cases haemoptysis. Delayed pulmonary edema, cyanosis or bronchopneumonia may develop. The smoke and the spent canisters contain suspected carcinogens. The prognosis for the casualties depends on the degree of the pulmonary damage.
Proximal myopathy, inflammatory polyarthritis, central nervous system symptoms, esophageal aperistalsis, and hoarseness are among the notable systemic symptoms. If viscera is involved, the disease will be fatal. The dermatoneuro syndrome is a rare neurological complication of the disease presenting with fever, seizures and altered mental status.
Respiratory symptoms and signs that may be present include shortness of breath, wheezes, or stridor. The wheezing is typically caused by spasms of the bronchial muscles while stridor is related to upper airway obstruction secondary to swelling. Hoarseness, pain with swallowing, or a cough may also occur.
Amyloid deposits in tissue can cause enlargement of structures. Twenty percent of people with AL amyloidosis have an enlarged tongue, that can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, difficulty swallowing, and altered taste. Tongue enlargement does not occur in ATTR or AA amyloidosis. Deposition of amyloid in the throat can cause hoarseness.
The vermilion border of the lips is spared, which is typical in pemphigus. Hoarseness due to laryngeal involvement can be seen in 8% of cases. A subset of patients have only oral disease, which has a relatively benign course compared with patients with oral cavity and other mucosae and skin involvement.
In early 2014, Kurdi was diagnosed with a cyst on her vocal folds, which explained the recent hoarseness in her voice. She was scheduled for surgery in July 2014 to remove the cyst. According to her doctor, there was no guarantee that her voice would fully recover after the operation.
Common symptoms present in chronic cough include a runny or stuffy nose, a feeling of liquid running down the back of the throat (postnasal drip), frequent throat clearing (coughing) and sore throat, hoarseness, wheezing or shortness of breath, heartburn or sour taste in a person's mouth, and in rare cases coughing blood.
Hoarseness is the most common presenting symptom, while pain, stridor or laryngeal obstruction are unusual complaints. They may cause significant respiratory obstruction leading to dyspnoea or respiratory distress and even cyanosis, and jugular and epigastric retractions. Congenital lesions may present with severe airway obstruction at birth calling for emergency intervention and intubation.
A common symptom of laryngeal papillomatosis is a perceptual change in voice quality. More specifically, hoarseness is observed. As a consequence of the narrowing of the laryngeal or tracheal parts of the airway, shortness of breath, chronic cough and stridor (i.e. noisy breathing which can sound like a whistle or a snore), can be present.
He graduated from the Department of Engineering of the University of Tokyo. Haji graduated from the kyu-sei-ichi-koukou (currently, University of Tokyo liberal arts). Haji-san Memorial event In his youth he suffered from tuberculosis and recovered but sometimes had hoarseness or cough. He is buried in Aoyama cemetery in Minato- ku, Tokyo.
Sometimes the patient describes the raised pseudomembranes as "blisters." Occasionally there can be dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), which indicates that the candidiasis involves the oropharynx or the esophagus, as well as the mouth. The trachea and the larynx may also be involved where there is oral candidiasis, and this may cause hoarseness of the voice.
When a voice is loaded, the upper pitch limit will decrease and the lower pitch limit will rise. Similarly, the volume range will decrease. Secondly, an increase in the hoarseness and strain of a voice can often be heard. Unfortunately, both properties are difficult to measure objectively, and only perceptual evaluations can be performed.
It can help reduce hoarseness in voice as well as injury to the vocal cord during intubation. In addition, it plays an important role in facilitating mechanical ventilation in patients with poor lung function. In the following section, neuromuscular blocking agent's history, usages, mechanisms, side effects, interactions and pharmacology will further be elaborated and discussed.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for presbylarynx includes the 4 symptoms listed below: # Hoarseness # Breathy voice # Reduced voice volume # Unstable voice pitch Note that presbylarynx symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase "presbylarynx signs" may refer to those signs only noticeable by a doctor.
The primary symptoms of contact granuloma include chronic or acute hoarseness of the voice and vocal fatigue. More severe granulomas may result in throat ache or soreness, as well as pain that spreads to one or both ears. Smaller granulomas may result in a tickling sensation or slight discomfort. Signs of contact granulomas are frequent coughing and throat-clearing.
Ectopic thymus most often does not cause symptoms. It is most frequently discovered as a mass or swelling in the neck of infants and children. However, when symptoms do occur they are most commonly due to compression of nearby structures such as the trachea and esophagus. This can lead to hoarseness, stridor, difficulty breathing and/or difficulty swallowing.
Administration of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) during anesthesia can facilitate endotracheal intubation. This can decrease the incidence of postintubation hoarseness and airway injury. Short- acting neuromuscular blocking agents are chosen for endotracheal intubation for short procedures (< 30minutes), and neuromonitoring is required soon after intubation. Options include succinylcholine, rocuronium or vecuronium if sugammadex is available for rapid reversal block.
The procedure to implant a vagus nerve stimulator is very safe: no case of death related to VNS implantation surgery has ever occurred. Infection of the tissue pocket in which the generator is located that requires antibiotic treatment occurs in around 3% of patients. The most common side effect is hoarseness or change in voice. Headaches and shortness of breath are less common.
The Logo of King To Nin Jiom (read from right to left) Pei Pa Koa King-to Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (), commonly known as Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa or simply Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup, is a traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy used for the relief of sore throat, coughs, hoarseness and aphonia. It is a throat demulcent and expectorant.
It may also cause minor shortages of breath as well as aspiration problems especially concerning liquids. A bilateral injury causes the vocal folds to impair the air flow resulting in breathing problems, stridor and snoring sounds, and fast physical exhaustion. This strongly depends on the median or paramedian position of the paralyzed vocal folds. Hoarseness rarely occurs in bilaterally paralyzed vocal folds.
Janick, p. 51 This traditional usage persisted in European literature until the mid-20th century. The cooling properties of the leaves were used in Britain as a treatment for trench foot in World War I, and as compresses for ulcers and breast abscesses. Other medicinal uses recorded in European folk medicine include treatments for rheumatism, sore throat, hoarseness, colic, and melancholy.
The symptoms may vary depending upon the person, the severity of the allergy, and type of fruit. For example, mango allergy symptoms include hoarseness, dyspnoea and bronchitic rales (asthma) (Sareen and Shah). The duration of the symptoms tested by Saree and Shah were variable and ranged from 4 h [11] to 7 days [12]. The symptoms may appear within a few minutes.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer typically manifests as a rapidly enlarging neck mass. Associated redness and swelling of the overlying skin sometimes occur. ATC commonly causes symptoms by compressing local structures, such as the esophagus, carotid arteries, recurrent laryngeal nerve, and trachea. This compression of local anatomic structures may cause symptoms such as difficulty controlling the voice, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, or trouble breathing.
Damage to these nerves results in vocal cord paralysis - the reduced mobility and inability to adduct one or both vocal cords. Many cases of vocal cord paralysis result from trauma during surgery. Symptoms include hoarseness of voice, difficulty projecting, difficulty swallowing, and throat pain. The arytenoid adduction procedure alleviates these symptoms by manually positioning the paralyzed vocal cord towards the midline.
The RLN may be compressed by tumors. Studies have shown that 2-18% of lung cancer patients develop hoarseness because of recurrent laryngeal nerve compression, usually left-sided. This is associated with worse outcomes, and when found as a presenting symptom, often indicates inoperable tumors. The nerve may be severed intentionally during lung cancer surgery in order to fully remove a tumor.
Many patients can treat problems symptomatically. Others experience blurred vision, constant eye discomfort, recurrent mouth infections, swollen parotid glands, dysphonia (vocal disorders including hoarseness), and difficulty in swallowing and eating. Debilitating fatigue and joint pain can seriously impair quality of life. Some patients can develop kidney involvement (autoimmune tubulointerstitial nephritis) leading to proteinuria (excess protein in urine), urinary concentrating defect, and distal renal tubular acidosis.
Voice disorders range from aphonia (loss of phonation) to dysphonia, which may be phonatory and/or resonance disorders. Phonatory characteristics could include breathiness, hoarseness, harshness, intermittency, pitch, etc. Resonance characteristics refer to overuse or underuse of the resonance chambers resulting in hypernasality or hyponasality. Several examples of voice problems are vocal cord nodules or polyps, vocal cord paralysis, paradoxical vocal fold movement, and spasmodic dysphonia.
Late in 1917 Francisco Sanz Baldoví suffered a severe hoarseness that affected the normal rhythm of work in theaters. he retook then an old idea of making a film project. After preparing a first script, he contacted Maximilià Thous Orts, who had previously directed a report about Sanz's works – The Feast of the muñecas. To produce the film, both contacted the company Hispano Films, located in Barcelona.
Symptoms include chronic cough, chest pain, breathlessness, haemoptysis (coughing up blood), wheezing or hoarseness of the voice, weight loss and fatigue. Treatment involves surgical removal of the cancer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of these (multimodality treatment). Prognosis is generally poor unless the cancer is detected in its early stages. Out of all patients diagnosed with lung cancer, only 15% survive for five years after diagnosis.
In medicine, stroboscopes are used to view the vocal cords for diagnosis of conditions that have produced dysphonia (hoarseness). The patient hums or speaks into a microphone which in turn activates the stroboscope at either the same or a slightly different frequency. The light source and a camera are positioned by endoscopy. Another application of the stroboscope can be seen on many gramophone turntables.
Vocal cord hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the vocal cords ruptures, which results in leakage of blood into the superficial lamina propria and dysphonia (hoarseness). The rupture usually results from overly forceful or incorrect vocalization, and may be a one-time occurrence or occur repeatedly. According to News, "professional singers are at an increased risk of vocal hemorrhage, particularly in cases where gruelling performance schedules are followed".
The individual services that the child receives will depend upon the needs of that child. Simpler problems of speech, such as hoarseness or vocal fatigue (voicing problems) may be solved with basic instruction on how to modulate one's voice. Articulation problems could be remediated by simple practice in sound pronunciation. Fluency problems may be remediated with coaching and practice under the guidance of trained professionals, and may disappear with age.
A speech- language pathologist will often need to be involved to help resolve this maladaptive, compensatory pattern through the implementation of voice therapy. LPR presents as a chronic and intermittent disease in children. LPR in children and infants tends to manifest with a unique set of symptoms. Symptoms seen in children with LPR include a cough, hoarseness, stridor, sore throat, asthma, vomiting, globus sensation, wheezing, aspiration and recurrent pneumonia.
Symptoms are often unreliable, but include severe tearing chest pain; cough; dyspnea (shortness of breath); dysphagia (difficulty swallowing); back pain; and hoarseness. Blood pressure is usually high in the upper body, but low in the lower body. A widened mediastinum and a massive left hemothorax are often found in an X-ray. There can be bruising of the anterior chest wall, and a systolic murmur can be heard on the bottom of the heart.
However, Alexander began to suffer from hoarseness, and at times after performing could hardly speak. Friends also noted audible "gasping" during his recitations. As described forty years later in the first chapter of his book The Use of the Self, advice from doctors and voice trainers did not have the necessary results, so he began a process of self-examination with mirrors into his speaking habits to see if he could determine the cause.
While the sensory input described above is (general) visceral sensation (diffuse, poorly localized), the vocal fold also receives general somatic sensory innervation (proprioceptive and touch) by the superior laryngeal nerve. Injury to the external laryngeal nerve causes weakened phonation because the vocal folds cannot be tightened. Injury to one of the recurrent laryngeal nerves produces hoarseness, if both are damaged the voice may or may not be preserved, but breathing becomes difficult.
Polyps are caused by a single occurrence and may require surgical removal. Irritation after the removal may then lead to nodules if additional irritation persists. Speech- language therapy teaches the patient how to eliminate the irritations permanently through habit changes and vocal hygiene. Hoarseness or breathiness that lasts for more than two weeks is a common symptom of an underlying voice disorder such as nodes or polyps and should be investigated medically.
But the more popular she became, the more it was hinted that her repertoire and behavior on stage should be corrected. Lyuba's voice, known for its hoarseness, was considered criminal and did not meet the standards of the USSR. In 1978, together with her second husband, Yuri Uspensky, she emigrated from the USSR. For about a year she lived in Italy, and was planning to move to Canada – to her parents and brothers who already lived there.
Potential symptoms include irritation of eyes, skin, nose, throat, dyspnea (breathing difficulty);sore throat, hoarseness and cough. Scientific evidence demonstrates that fiberglass is safe to manufacture, install and use when recommended work practices are followed to reduce temporary mechanical irritation. Unfortunately these work practices are not always followed, and fiberglass is often left exposed in basements that later become occupied. Fiberglass insulation should never be left exposed in an occupied area, according to the American Lung Association.
After use with corticosteroid, it is theoretically possible for patients to develop a yeast infection in the mouth (thrush) or hoarseness of voice (dysphonia), although these conditions are clinically very rare. To avoid these adverse effects, some clinicians suggest that the person who used the nebulizer should rinse his or her mouth. This is not true for bronchodilators; however, patients may still wish to rinse their mouths due to the unpleasant taste of some bronchodilating drugs.
Ferrari died in 1921 at 5:55pm after he finished the recitation of one of the rosaries he himself started due to throat cancer, and was buried in the archdiocesan cathedral under the Sacred Heart altar. The first sign of his ailment around 1918 was simple hoarseness, later diagnosed as throat cancer. His old friend Roncalli would refer to him later as an "authentic saint". In Legnano a church was constructed from 1987 to 1989 and dedicated to him.
Rebecca reveals to her friends she feigned hoarseness to free herself from Kipper. The film ends with Rebecca and Aunt Miranda's farm hand Aloysius costumed as toy soldiers performing a dance on a flight on stairs. Subplots include a romance between Kent and Rebecca's cousin Gwen (Gloria Stuart), a one-sided romance between radio singers Orville and Lola (Jack Haley and Phyllis Brooks), and the rekindling of an old romance between Aunt Miranda and neighbor Homer Busby (Slim Summerville).
PND may present itself through the constant presence of discomfort in the upper airways. This is caused by the flow of mucus from nasal membranes down the back of the throat, triggering a cough. The cough can become more pronounced in some cases as the result of heightened response to infections. GERD (GORD) is often associated with a high prevalence of upper-respiratory symptoms similar to those of PND, such as coughing, throat clearing, hoarseness and change in voice.
In 1988 an article was published, describing a discrete type of vocal dysfunction which results in men sounding like actor Humphrey Bogart and women sounding like actress Lauren Bacall; coincidentally, Bogart and Bacall were married to each other and made several films together. BBS is now the medical term for an ongoing hoarseness that often afflicts actors, singers or TV/radio voice workers who routinely speak in a very low pitch. Treatment usually involves voice therapy by a speech language pathologist.
The success rate of placing an interscalene brachial plexus block ranges from 84% to 98% according to some case studies. Major complications such as seizures, cardiac arrests, Horner's syndrome, hoarseness, and inadvertent spinal/epidural anesthesia could occur and therefore, patients should be carefully monitored during the insertion of the block until the end of the surgery. Currently, data on combined usage of general anesthesia and interscalene blocks are limited. Some indications for combined anesthesia include difficult airway management and longer surgical procedures.
The most common side effects of NPP consist of virilization (masculinization) in women, including symptoms such as acne, hirsutism (increased body/facial hair growth), hoarseness of the voice, and voice deepening. However, relative to most other AAS, NPP has a greatly reduced propensity for virilization and such side effects are relatively uncommon at recommended dosages. At higher dosages and/or with long-term treatment they make increase in incidence and magnitude however. A variety of uncommon and rare side effects may also occur.
Medical and surgical treatments have been recommended to treat organic dysphonias. An effective treatment for spasmodic dysphonia (hoarseness resulting from periodic breaks in phonation due to hyperadduction of the vocal folds) is botulinum toxin injection. The toxin acts by blocking acetylcholine release at the thyro-arytenoid muscle. Although the use of botlinum toxin injections is considered relatively safe, patients' responses to treatment differ in the initial stages; some have reported experiencing swallowing problems and breathy voice quality as a side- effect to the injections.
Parts of the mouth A mouth assessment is performed as part of a patient's health assessment. The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system and a substantial part of the respiratory tract. Before an assessment of the mouth, patient is sometimes advised to remove any dentures. The assessment begins with a dental-health questionnaire, including questions about toothache, hoarseness, dysphagia(difficulty swallowing), altered taste or a frequent sore throat, current and previous tobacco use and alcohol consumption and any sores, lesions or bleeding of the gums.
It is difficult to rely on symptoms to diagnose a thoracic aortic injury. However some symptoms do include severe chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing due to compression of the esophagus, back pain, and hoarseness due to involvement of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. There might be external signs such as bruising on the anterior chest wall due to a traumatic injury. Clinical signs are uncommon and nonspecific but can include generalized hypertension due to the injury involving the sympathetic afferent nerves in the aortic isthmus.
An adherent, dense, grey pseudomembrane covering the tonsils is classically seen in diphtheria. A diphtheria skin lesion on the leg The symptoms of diphtheria usually begin two to seven days after infection. Symptoms of diphtheria include fever of 38 °C (100.4 °F) or above; chills; fatigue; bluish skin coloration (cyanosis); sore throat; hoarseness; cough; headache; difficulty swallowing; painful swallowing; difficulty breathing; rapid breathing; foul- smelling and bloodstained nasal discharge; and lymphadenopathy. Within two to three days, diphtheria may destroy healthy tissues in the respiratory system.
Laryngeal diphtheria can lead to a characteristic swollen neck and throat, or "bull neck". The swollen throat is often accompanied by a serious respiratory condition, characterized by a brassy or "barking" cough, stridor, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing; and historically referred to variously as "diphtheritic croup", "true croup", or sometimes simply as "croup". Diphtheritic croup is extremely rare in countries where diphtheria vaccination is customary. As a result, the term "croup" nowadays most often refers to an unrelated viral illness that produces similar but milder respiratory symptoms.
Neurogenic shock is diagnosed based on a person's symptoms and blood pressure levels. Neurogenic shock's presentation includes: \- warm and pink skin \- labored breathing \- low blood pressure \- dizziness \- anxiety \- history of trauma to head or upper spine. \- if the injury is to the head or neck, hoarseness or difficulty swallowing may occur. Symptoms of neurogenic shock are differentiated from other forms of shock, by the lack of signs of the compensatory mechanisms triggered by the sympathetic nervous system on other forms of shock via the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Ingestion of plant parts leads within a few hours to severe irritation and a burning sensation in the mouth, with swelling of the lips and face, increased salivation, hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing. These symptoms are soon followed by severe abdominal pain, headache, numbness, nausea and bloody diarrhoea. Children (who may be poisoned by the attractive red fruits) often show additional narcotic symptoms with muscular twitching. Work by Frohne and Pfänder has determined that it is the chewed seed, not the fruit pulp, that is responsible for the severe symptoms in poisoning by the berries.
As the skull base is progressively involved, the adjacent exiting cranial nerves and their branches, especially the facial nerve and the vagus nerve, may be affected, resulting in facial paralysis and hoarseness, respectively. If both of the recurrent laryngeal nerves are paralyzed, shortness of breath may develop and necessitate tracheotomy. Profound deafness can occur, usually later in the disease course due to relative resistance of the inner ear structures. Gallium scans are sometimes used to document the extent of the infection but are not essential to disease management.
42 The leaves were fermented with leaves of sweet gale and oak bark to create herb beer. Fruit are eaten as a mash in small amounts against lack of appetite or an upset stomach and stimulate production of gastric acid. In folk medicine they are used as a laxative, against rheumatism and kidney disease, and as a gargled juice against hoarseness. Freshly cross cut sorbus aucuparia with visible heart-wood Freshly rip cut sorbus aucuparia with visible heart-wood Wood of S. aucuparia is used for cartwright's work, turner's work, and woodcarving.
Helm's performance career in the 2000s revolved mainly around the Midnight Ramble at his home and studio, "The Barn," in Woodstock, New York. These concerts, featuring Helm and various musical guests, allowed him to raise money for his medical bills and to resume performing after a bout with cancer that nearly ended his career. In the late 1990s, Helm was diagnosed with throat cancer after suffering hoarseness. Advised to undergo a laryngectomy, he instead underwent an arduous regimen of radiation treatments at Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.
They appeared there together in such operas as Les Huguenots. They became engaged in 1857 and married in April The same year they were engaged by the Dresden Court Opera.Eric Blom, Dictionary of Music After conducting 70 rehearsals of his Tristan und Isolde in Vienna and still finding the singers wanting, Richard Wagner turned to Malvina and Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld to create the roles. The premiere was set for 15 May 1865 in Munich, but had to be postponed to 10 June owing to Malvina's hoarseness.
Vocal rest or voice rest is the process of resting the vocal folds by not speaking and singing typically following viral infections that cause hoarseness in the voice, such as the common cold or influenza or more serious vocal disorders such as chorditis or laryngitis. Vocal rest is also recommended after surgery to removal of vocal fold lesions, such as vocal fold cysts. The purpose of vocal rest is to hasten recovery time. It is believed that vocal rest, along with rehydration, will significantly decrease recovery time after a cold.
Extraesophageal symptoms result from exposure of the upper aerodigestive tract to gastric contents. This causes a variety of symptoms, including hoarseness, postnasal drip, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, indigestion, wheezing, globus pharyngeus, and chronic throat-clearing. Some people with LPR have heartburn, while others have little to no heartburn as refluxed stomach contents do not remain in the esophagus long enough to irritate the surrounding tissue. Individuals with more severe forms of LPR may experience abrasion of tooth enamel due to intermittent presence of gastric contents in the oral cavity.
In his early career, Laddie Cliff toured the US extensively in vaudeville, much of it on the Orpheum circuit. He made his debut at New York's Colonial Theatre on 30 December 1907. Answers to Queries in the "New York Clipper," 9 February 1921 Accessed 14 April 2020 A review in the New York Dramatic Mirror of his 2 January performance praised his talent and anticipated his popularity: > he was suffering from hoarseness and had to cut out some of his songs. He > did enough, however, to prove that he is an exceptionally clever youngster.
On the original recording this section is in the key of A, but because of Gabriel's inability to properly recreate the vocal performance onstage from either hoarseness or tiredness, the band regularly had to change the key to G. The programme describes this section as follows: "Above all else an egg is an egg. 'And did those feet ............' making ends meet. Jerusalem = place of peace." This segment was performed as a standalone twice in 1978 and on the first leg of the 1986 Invisible Touch Tour as part of the "In the Cage"/"...In That Quiet Earth"/"Supper's Ready" medley.
According to Chinese medicine, the use of "Pang Da Hai" can remove heat from the lung, cure sore throats, counteract toxicity, and moisten the bowels. Specific symptoms treated include: hoarseness of voice, dry cough or productive cough with yellow sticky sputum, sore, dry throat due to heat in the lung and constipation with headache and bloodshot eyes. Consume malva nut by adding one or two nuts to a large cup of boiling water and consume the liquid. Typically, in traditional Chinese medicine, malva nut would be part of a larger formula of herbs designed to address a person's condition.
Contact granuloma is a condition that develops due to persistent tissue irritation in the posterior larynx. Benign granulomas, not to be confused with other types of granulomas, occur on the vocal process of the vocal folds, where the vocal ligament attaches. Signs and symptoms may include hoarseness of the voice, or a sensation of having a lump in the throat, but contact granulomas may also be without symptoms. There are two common causes associated with contact granulomas; the first common cause is sustained periods of increased pressure on the vocal folds, and is commonly seen in people who use their voice excessively, such as singers (John Mayer, for example).
Josef Tichatschek with Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient in Tannhäuser Tichatschek rehearsed this role with Wagner as it was being written, in company with his Elisabeth, the mezzo-soprano Johanna Jachmann-Wagner. It is said that when they had finished going through the Act 3 recitative for the first time, he and Wagner embraced each other in tears. His voice, however, did not hold up well during the second and third acts of the first performance, and the repetition (for the next day) had to be postponed owing to his hoarseness, and when it did appear many cuts were made in the part.Jachmann 1944, 12–14.
The front is rigid and close to the alveolar ridge, while the back is relaxed, creating a large pharyngeal cavity. In continuous speech, the soft palate is also lowered, providing a slight nasal quality. Creaky voice is mainly absent and can only found in prestigious middle-class varieties as in RP. The vocal folds are tenser than in Received Pronunciation, giving a husky, breathy sound to articulation, with the overall effect of greater resonance, tension and hoarseness makes the accent often thought of as being "harsh" or "unpleasant". Place names in Cardiff, such as Crwys and Llanedeyrn, may be pronounced in a way which reflects rules of neither Welsh nor English.
When C. trachomatis presents in the eye in the form of trachoma it begins by gradually thickening the eyelids, and eventually begins to pull the eyelashes into the eyelid. In the form of inclusion conjunctivitis the infection presents with redness, swelling, mucopurulent discharge from the eye, and most other symptoms associated with adult conjunctivitis. When C. trachomatis is in the lungs in the form of a respiratory infection it typically has symptoms of a runny or stuffy nose, low-grade fever, hoarseness of voice, as well as other symptoms associated with general pneumonia. C. trachomatis may latently infect the chorionic villi tissues of pregnant women, thereby impacting pregnancy outcome.
The New York Times said that the error "exposed [Simpson's] use of prerecorded vocals on live television." Simpson's father said that her use of a prerecorded track was necessitated that evening by hoarseness caused by acid reflux disease. The incident subsequently inspired several SNL jokes (including a cold opening where Osama bin Laden [played by Seth Meyers] calls America out for allowing a singer to use backing tracks during a live show) and a few jokes on Saturday Night Live's rival show, MADtv. When questioned by reporters, Lorne Michaels initially denied, then acknowledged, that this was not the first time so-called "backing tracks" had ever been used on SNL.
Retrograde flow of gastric contents to the upper aerodigestive tract causes a variety of symptoms such as cough, asthma and hoarseness. These respiratory manifestations of the reflux disease are commonly called laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) or extraesophegeal reflux disease (EERD). Distal esophageal pH monitoring has been used as an objective test to establish reflux as the cause of the atypical reflux symptoms but, its role in causally associating patients' symptoms to GERD is controversial. In an effort to improve diagnostic accuracy of testing, a catheter with two pH sensors has been used to measure the degree of esophageal acid exposure in both distal and proximal esophagus.
This method was not popular with the patients due to the immense pain it caused and the infection that usually followed. Scottish physician Peter Lowe in 1600 summarized the three methods in use at the time, including the snare, the ligature, and the excision. At the time, the function of the tonsils was thought to be absorption of secretions from the nose; it was assumed that removal of large amounts of tonsillar tissue would interfere with the ability to remove these secretions, causing them to accumulate in the larynx, resulting in hoarseness. For this reason, physicians like Dionis (1672) and Lorenz Heister censured the procedure.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve visible during resection of a alt=An image of a surgical procedure in which the recurrent laryngeal nerve is visible The recurrent laryngeal nerves may be injured as a result of trauma, during surgery, as a result of tumour spread, or due to other means. Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerves can result in a weakened voice (hoarseness) or loss of voice (aphonia) and cause problems in the respiratory tract. Injury to the nerve may paralyze the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle on the same side. This is the sole muscle responsible for opening the vocal cords, and paralysis may cause difficulty breathing (dyspnea) during physical activity.
Millard's bearing as a Presiding Officer was seen as dignified, his decisions being usually prompt and accurate and his voice excellent, as it could be readily heard. He presided so acceptably that he was called to wield the gavel at the Republican County Convention in May 1894, when delegates were chosen to the State Convention, which a short time later nominated him for Lieutenant Governor. During the campaign following his nomination, Millard spoke for 60 consecutive nights, except Sundays, and traveled throughout the state. At the close of the campaign, when the news arrived that he was elected, he was heard to remark that he felt very well, and, barring a slight hoarseness, that appeared to be his condition.
Polyps on the vocal folds can take on many different forms, and can sometimes result from vocal abuse, although this is not always the cause. They can occur on one or both vocal folds, and appear as swelling, a bump (similar to a nodule), a stalk-like growth, or a blister-like lesion. Most polyps are larger than nodules, which are more similar to callouses on the vocal folds. Polyps and nodules can exhibit similar symptoms including hoarseness or breathiness, “rough” or “scratchy” voice, harshness in vocal quality, shooting pain from ear to ear, sensation of having “a lump in the back of the throat”, neck pain, decreased pitch range in the voice, and vocal and bodily fatigue.
Limited-stage small cell lung carcinoma (LS-SCLC) is a type of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that is confined to an area which is small enough to be encompassed within a radiation portal. This generally includes cancer to one side of the lung and those might have reached the lymph nodes on the same side of the lung. 33% patients with small cell lung cancer are diagnosed with limited-stage small cell lung carcinoma when it is first found. Common symptoms include but is not limited to persistent cough, chest pain, rust- coloured sputum, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss, wheezing, hoarseness and recurrent respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
One of the few that do, the Zoo Basel in Switzerland, has two thriving Macrotermes bellicosus populations – resulting in an event very rare in captivity: the mass migrations of young flying termites. This happened in September 2008, when thousands of male termites left their mound each night, died, and covered the floors and water pits of the house holding their exhibit. African tribes in several countries have termites as totems, and for this reason tribe members are forbidden to eat the reproductive alates. Termites are widely used in traditional popular medicine; they are used as treatments for diseases and other conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, influenza, sinusitis, tonsillitis and whooping cough.
Italian physician Francisco Vallerioli, known as François Valleriola, was a witness to the epidemic in France and described the 1557 flu's symptoms as featuring a fever, severe headache, intense coughing, shortness of breath, chills, hoarseness, and expulsion of phlegm after seven to 14 days. French lawyer Étienne Pasquier wrote that the disease began with a severe pain in the head and a 12 to 15 hour fever while sufferers' noses "ran like a fountain." Paris saw its judiciary disrupted when the Paris Law Court suspended its meetings to slow the spread of flu. Medical historian Charles-Jacques Saillant described this influenza as especially fatal to those who were treated with bleeding and very dangerous to children.
It was only after King Ludwig II of Bavaria became a sponsor of Wagner (he granted the composer a generous stipend, and supported Wagner's artistic endeavours in other ways) that enough resources could be found to mount the premiere of Tristan und Isolde. Hans von Bülow was chosen to conduct the production at the Nationaltheater in Munich, despite the fact that Wagner was having an affair with his wife, Cosima von Bülow. Even then, the planned premiere on 15 May 1865 had to be postponed until the Isolde, Malvina Schnorr von Carolsfeld, had recovered from hoarseness. The work finally premiered on 10 June 1865, with Malvina's husband Ludwig partnering her as Tristan.
In 1977 she retired but continued to appear on stage and on TV. Her first cabaret turned out to be her breakthrough, it is where she met Bogdan Brzeziński, who decided to write something especially for her. After A couple of years of planning he created a character of Dziunia Pietruńska who commented on reality in a unique and unforgettable way. The part was so beloved by the people that it could be heard on Polish radio for 25 years on podcast called“ Podwieczorek przy mikrofonie“ ( “Afternoon tea with the microphone.” ) The most recognized feature of Bielicka was her voice which, by her friends, was often called " the most beautiful hoarseness of the Word" Gazeta Telewizyjna nr 78, wydanie z dnia 02/04/1994, str.
Vocal cord paresis, also known as recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis or vocal fold paralysis, is an injury to one or both recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLNs), which control all muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscle. The RLN is important for speaking, breathing and swallowing. The primary larynx-related functions of the mainly efferent nerve fiber RLN, include the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles responsible for regulation of the vocal folds' position and tension to enable vocalization, as well as the transmission of sensory nerve signals from the mucous membrane of the larynx to the brain. A unilateral injury of the nerve typically results in hoarseness caused by a reduced mobility of one of the vocal folds.
Voice disorders can be divided into 2 broad categories: organic and functional. The distinction between these broad classes stems from their cause, whereby organic dysphonia results from some sort of physiological change in one of the subsystems of speech (for voice, usually respiration, laryngeal anatomy, and/or other parts of the vocal tract are affected). Conversely, functional dysphonia refers to hoarseness resulting from vocal use (i.e. overuse/abuse). Furthermore, according to ASHA, organic dysphonia can be subdivided into structural and neurogenic; neurogenic dysphonia is defined as impaired functioning of the vocal structure due to a neurological problem (in the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system); in contrast, structural dysphonia is defined as impaired functioning of the vocal mechanism that is caused by some sort of physical change (e.g.
Primary thyroid EMZL, also termed MALT lymphoma of the thyroid gland, is extremely rare. It occurs almost exclusively in thyroid glands afflicted by Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease characterized by the accumulation of lymphocytes, including B-cells, in the thyroid gland and the subsequent destruction of thyroid tissue by these cells. Patients with this syndorme have a 40- to 80-fold increased risk of developing a thyroid lymphoma, 25% of which are primary thyroid EMZLs. Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients who develop this lymphoma are typically women (median age 70 years) who have had the thyroiditis for 20–30 years and present with a rapid increase in the thyroid gland's size and, in association with this, have developed hoarseness, high-pitched breath sounds, and/or difficulty in swallowing and/or breathing.
Although zinc lozenges most probably lead to highest concentration of zinc in the pharyngeal region, a subsequent meta-analysis showed that the effects of high-dose zinc acetate lozenges did not significantly differ in their effects on pharyngeal and nasal symptoms. The duration of nasal discharge was shortened by 34%, nasal congestion by 37%, sneezing by 22%, scratchy throat by 33%, sore throat by 18%, hoarseness by 43%, and cough by 46%. Zinc lozenges shortened the duration of muscle ache by 54%, but there was no significant effect on the duration of headache and fever. A withdrawn 2013 review found that zinc supplementation at doses in excess of 75 mg/day within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms reduced the average duration of symptoms by 1 day.

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