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168 Sentences With "historial"

How to use historial in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "historial" and check conjugation/comparative form for "historial". Mastering all the usages of "historial" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Rápidamente tuvieron un resultado positivo de un adolescente local sin historial de viajes recientes.
Como en tantos asuntos, el largo historial de Biden presenta muchos temas para que sus rivales elijan atacarlo.
The stunning trail leads to the Historial Pittock Mansion and photo-worthy views of Portland and Mount Hood. 4.
Morris desmenuza en su ensayo el historial de estos filmes y por qué considera alarmante que varios han sido nominados al Oscar.
Bolsonaro, quien tiene 65 años, también afirmó que, si él llegara a contagiarse, se recuperaría con facilidad debido a su "historial de atleta".
Con ese desagradable historial de ataques del presidente mismo, la agresión de Nunes en represalia por el trabajo periodístico que he estado haciendo tiene absoluto sentido.
Luego, en años más recientes, las demandas sacaron a la luz un largo historial de problemas de abuso sexual que la organización se esforzó por mantener en secreto.
VICE News logró reconstruir los últimos dos meses de la vida de Mariee a través de entrevistas y una revisión de su historial médico, con la autorización de Yazmin.
Un lector que disfruta de las bebidas alcohólicas se pregunta cómo abordar los comentarios de sus hijos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el historial de alcoholismo que existe en su familia.
Inspired by the outpouring of support for his work, he created "The Good Cemeterian Historial Preservation Project," a non-profit raising money for gold star families and veterans suffering from PTSD.
After a long day celebrating her sister's wedding, Emily Locke paused from taking pictures at the Western Reserve Historial Society museum in Cleveland, Ohio, to nurse her 9-month-old son.
Los casos contra Glas y Correa son reflejo de un amplio historial en Ecuador que analizamos en nuestras páginas: de disputas entre los mandatarios y sus vicepresidentes, y de expresidentes en aprietos.
Mi historial crediticio era malo y ciertas burocracias eran enloquecedoras —la factura de la televisión por cable, la inspección del automóvil, la compra de los víveres— habían sido responsabilidad absoluta de Annie.
El país también tiene un historial de caos político, como las organizaciones terroristas guerrilleras y una dictadura militar brutal durante la cual miles de ciudadanos "desaparecieron" en la década de los setenta.
El país también tiene un historial de caos político, como las organizaciones terroristas guerrilleras y una dictadura militar brutal durante la cual miles de ciudadanos "desaparecieron" en la década de los setenta.
A algunos les parece más preocupante su historial de críticas a las respuestas militares de Israel en Gaza y su firme postura a favor de que Europa reconozca a Palestina como Estado.
Pero el hecho es que Mariee efectivamente murió por una infección inicialmente detectada en Dilley, un centro con un largo historial de denuncias por otorgar atención médica de mala calidad e inadecuada a los niños.
And now, three albums into what was supposed to be a one-off, public acclaim, economic security, and the historial moment have transformed them—they're funnier, hookier, and kinder as well as brainier and more political.
En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, este artículo examina la locura de Daenerys y el historial de su familia para formular algunas hipótesis en torno a su comportamiento en el episodio más reciente de la saga.
Moments before Putin's comments, Abe hailed business ties between Russia and Japan, and said that the natural next step in relations would be to sign a peace treaty, which he said was the "historial mission" of the two countries' leaders.
Pero una investigación de The New York Times encontró que las grabaciones también terminaban en la temida agencia de inteligencia nacional, que durante el mandato del expresidente Rafael Correa tuvo un largo historial de monitoreo, intimidación y ataque a opositores políticos.
Un asistente médico le recetó Tylenol y miel para aliviar la tos, pero al día siguiente Mariee había empeorado, tenía fiebre de 40 grados, tos, diarrea y su corazón se notaba acelerado, de acuerdo con el historial médico obtenido por VICE News.
Durante su campaña, el candidato favorito a la presidencia ha logrado con gran éxito llevar a la mesa de negociación a partes que en el pasado eran irreconciliables, desde partidos y movimientos políticos hasta sindicatos poderosos y con un largo historial de división.
El caso era el de un adolescente, del mismo condado donde el primer caso de coronavirus fue detectado, al que le habían tomado una muestra de gripe pocos días antes, pero que no tenía ningún historial de viajes ni relación con ningún caso conocido.
Texas, que alguna vez fue territorio mexicano, tiene un largo historial con los tacos: Ralat afirmó que los soldados texanos los llevaban en sus bolsillos durante la rebelión con la que establecieron una república tras separarse de México y antes de ser formalmente un estado estadounidense.
"Las perspectivas modernas sobre el cannabis varían mucho entre culturas, pero está claro que la planta tiene un largo historial de consumo humano, medicinal, ritual y recreativo a lo largo de miles de años", dijo Robert Spengler, arqueobotánico del Instituto Max Planck, quien trabajó en el estudio.
Cinco pediatras quienes analizaron los síntomas de Mariee, sus signos vitales, y las notas del médico en el historial durante su estadía en Dilley, afirmaron a VICE News que el plan de tratamiento recetado a Mariee coincide con lo que ellos habrían hecho por un infante con los mismos síntomas.
Otros siguieron con un debate perpetuo sobre su historial (127 goles en Europa y 52 en México), su estilo de juego (un anotador por accidente, en vez de uno puro) y su pedigrí en el fútbol (Chicharito es el hijo de un exfutbolista profesional de México y el nieto de otro).
La nueva apuesta para competir con las ventas por internet es renovar la experiencia en tiendas físicas; en una reciente convención, compañías como Saks hablaron de programas de reconocimiento facial [en inglés] que les deje acceder inmediatamente al perfil e historial de los compradores, así como de métodos de geolocalización para enviar mensajes de texto con promociones a quienes están cerca de una sucursal.
Los politólogos estadounidenses Steven Levitsky y Daniel Ziblatt analizan el historial de líderes como el peruano Alberto Fujimori o el turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan, que han aprovechado momentos de crisis —reales o fabricados— para impulsar su poderío, y concluyen que Donald Trump está listo para sumarse a la lista de esos personajes debido a sus amenazas de declarar una emergencia con el fin de construir un muro fronterizo con México.
Within the castle is the Historial de la Grande Guerre, a museum of the First World War.
55px 1st-67 Motorized Infantry Battalion "Legazpi" I/67.Historial Batallón de Infantería Ligera "Legazpi" I/67. Ejército de Tierra.
The Serviços da Aeronáutica Civil (SAC) was established in 1954."IACM Historial." (Archive) Mozambican Civil Aviation Institute. 4 August 2012.
Leonel Hernández Valerín (born 3 October 1943 in CartagoBreve historial de Leonel Hernández - Nación ) is a retired Costa Rican football player.
Mannion's photographs and home videos are held by the NT Police Museum and Historial Society. Mannion Street in Katherine is named after him.
Historial Campeonato de España Individual Absoluto, He has won the Catalan Chess Championship twice, in 2008 and 2010, and was runner-up in 2009.
Historial Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, 1789 - 1903; Francis B. Heitman; 1903.Eicher, John H. and Eicher, David J. Civil War High Commands, p. 559.
5Meier, John (1991). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historial Jesus, Volume I: "The Roots of the Problem and the Person". Doubleday Press. pp. 43–44Sanders, E. P. (1987).
Edwards, A.W.F. (2000) Perspectives: Anecdotal, Historial and Critical Commentaries on Genetics. The Genetics Society of America (154) 1419:1426Andersson, M. (1994) Sexual selection. Andersson, M. and Simmons, L.W. (2006) Sexual selection and mate choice.
Pedro de Artajona died on 13 June 1193. He was buried at the Monastery of Iranzu which he himself founded.Esteban de Garibay: Los quarenta libros del compendio historial de las chronicas , book XXIII, ch. XIIII.
Luis de Narváez (?, Antequera Friar Pedro de Aguado, Recopilación Historial (segunda parte), Book 3, Chapter 21. – 1562) was a Spanish conquistador. He was killed in January 1562 near present-day Caracas, Venezuela, by Indians led by Guaicaipuro.
World Chess Championship (Women), 2004 FIDE Knockout Matches. Mark Weeks. Matnadze moved to Barcelona and won the Catalan Women's Championship in Balaguer in 2006.Historial dels Campionats Femeni de Catalunya Catalan Chess FederationLXI Campeonato Femenino de Cataluña 2006.
It was the birthplace of the Communist movement in Kerala. Rajya Samacharam, the first Malayalam newspaper, was published from Thalassery. The Government of Kerala has included Thalassery in its heritage city project. The project includes the preservation of historial structures.
A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins is a book in the history of mathematics on the mathematics of paper folding. It was written by Michael Friedman and published in 2018 by Birkhäuser as volume 59 of their Historial Studies series.
Dery, Luis Camara. The Army of the First Philippine Republic and other Historial Essays. Manila: De La Salle University Press 1995. pp. 45-48. Col. Liongson was assigned to General Antonio Luna's command in view of mounting cases of insubordination, desertion and opportunism.
These inscriptions were from the 11th century written in Sanskrit and early Bengali, that had also included some Sylheti words.Dr. Sahabuddin Ahmed (2014). Content Analysis of the Bhatera Copper - Plates: A Historial Review. International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research. pp.25.
As editor, Grünhagen contributed extensively to the journal of the Silesian Historial Association. He was also a regular contributor to the Feuilleton (arts and literature) section of the Breslaauer Zeitung, the Preußische Jahrbücher, the Zeitschrift für Preußische Geschichte und Landeskunde and other historical periodicals.
In November 1952, he settled in MexicoCernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 660 with his old friends Concha Méndez and Altolaguire(although since they had separated in 1944 and later divorced, Cernuda probably stayed with Concha). Between 1954 and 1960 he was a lecturer at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In 1958, the third edition of La realidad y el deseo was published in Mexico. For this edition Cernuda wrote an essay Historial de un libro which considers his work in order to see not so much how I made my poems but rather, as Goethe said, how they made me.
The event was first held in October 1991 with a 10 km racewalk for men and 5 km women's race.Os melhores de sempre em Rio Maior . GP Marcha Rio Maior. Retrieved on 2013-04-13. After hosting the 1992 Portuguese Racewalking Championships,HISTORIAL DOS CAMPEÕES DE PORTUGAL .
Corbitt, D.L. Historial Notes: The North Carolina Gazette, North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 2, No. 1 (January, 1925), pp. 83-86 (this brief 1925 article discusses recently found issues of the Gazette dating back to 1751, which advanced prior research suggesting the paper was not started until 1755.
He obtained 116,478 preferential votes. He became president of the Central Reserve Bank in 2003 and served until 2004.Historial de autoridades del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú desde 1922 Banco Central de Reserva del Perú Silva Ruete died of cancer, at the age of 77.El Comercio.
From 1941 onward, he spent his summer vacations in Oxford, where, despite the ravages of the war, there were plenty of well-stocked bookshops. In August 1943, he moved to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was much happier.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 648 In Seville he used to attend concerts and music had always been very important to him. The artistic life of Cambridge and London made it easier for him to develop his musical knowledge. Mozart was the composer whose music meant the most to himCernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 649 and he devoted a poem to him in his last collection, Desolación de la Quimera.
FIBA World Championship History, Página oficial de la FIBA. Retrieved February 1, 2009. At the club level, Thomas Bata was the champion of Campeonato Sudamericano de Clubes Campeones in basketball in 1967 — the only South American Pacific Coast club with this achievement.Sudamericano de Clubes de Básquetbol, historial de campeones,
He served in the Alabama Senate for 32 years, winning nine Senate elections. In 2002 he became Dean of the Senate, an honorary title given to the most senior member of the Senate. According to Senate historial Jon Morgan, Denton served longer continuously than any other senator in Alabama history.
Bimila hiztegia. Editorial: Elkar S. A. San Sebastián 1991. making the translation "abundance of thorns", making reference to the abundant thorny bushes that grow in the area. Esteban de Garibay, in his Compendio historial de las Chrónicas y universal historia de todos los Reynos d'España (1571),Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla.
Historial - Universidade de Cabo Verde All of the predecessor schools would be eliminated and fully became campuses on October 9, 2008. Uni-CV's university campuses are under development which started construction in 2014. Cape Verde's first private university was established in 2001: the Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde. In 2008, Universidade de Santiago was established in Assomada.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 657 It reminded him of his childhood reading of a book of Greek mythology which, even at that early age, had been sufficient to make his religious beliefs seem sad and depressing. He tried to express something of that experience in "El poeta y los mitos" in Ocnos.
Péronne () is a commune of the Somme department in Hauts-de-France in northern France. It is close to where the 1916, first 1918 and second 1918 Battles of the Somme took place during the First World War. The Museum of the Great War (known in French as the Historial de la Grande Guerre) is located in the château.
The Devon historial Polwhele stated it to have been ruinous in his own time. The topographer Rev. John Swete visited Colcombe on 26 and 27 January 1795 and painted two watercolours and made a description in his journal as follows:Gray, Todd (Ed.), Travels in Georgian Devon: The Illustrated Journals of the Reverend John Swete, 1789–1800, 4 Vols., Vol.
Castle of Cortes in Cortes, Navarra, Spain Cortes is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. It is being located right on the border with Aragon at the southernmost end of Navarre. Thus it is a southern outpost of the Historial Basque region although the area is unilingually Spanish.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 651 So, in March 1947, when his old friend Concha de Albornoz, who had been working at Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, wrote to offer him a post there, he accepted with alacrity. He managed to secure a passage on a French liner from Southampton to New York, where he arrived on September 10. He was coming from a country that was impoverished, still showing many signs of war damage and subject to rationing so the shops of New York made it seem as if he were arriving in an earthly paradise.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 654 He also responded favourably to the people and wealth of Mount Holyoke where, "for the first time in my life, I was going to be paid at a decent and fitting level".
His sexual awakening seems to have coincided with the birth of his desire to write poetry, around the age of 14, but it was many years later before he really came to terms with this side of himself. A very important influence on his emotional development were the writings of André Gide. In Historial de un libro, Cernuda wrote that his introduction to the works of Gide was when Pedro Salinas gave him either Prétextes or Nouveaux Prétextes to read, followed by Morceaux Choisis, which is a selection by Gide himself of passages from his works. These books opened the way for him to resolve or at least reconcile himself with "a vital, decisive problem within me".Cernuda OCP vol 1 PyL I Historial de un Libro p 628 These works deal openly with the topic of homosexuality amongst many other things.
Translated and adapted from the German by Mark Howson. William Morrow & Co., 1984, p. 223. Charles's adviser Campomanes had written a treatise on the Templars in 1747, which may have informed the implementation of the Jesuit suppression.Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes, Dissertaciones históricas del orden, y Cavallería de los templarios, o resumen historial de sus principios, fundación, instituto, progressos, y extinción en el Concilio de Viena.
Mount Gexian, one of the most ancient mount in China, has a long history and deep cultural roots. It is full of historial sites and cultural relics associated with numerous legends. The Gexian Ancestral Temple (), also known as Yuxu Temple (), it the largest Taoist temple on the mountain. The original temple named "Zonghua Temple" () dates back to the 9th century during the Tang dynasty (618-907).
Alta Macadam, Northern Italy: From the Alps to Bologna, Blue Guides, 10th edn. (London: A. & C. Black, 1997). The historial center, also known as old town, of Genoa is one of the largest and most-densely populated in Europe. Part of it was also inscribed on the World Heritage List (UNESCO) in 2006 as Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli.
Public Printing in North Carolina, 1749-1815, North Carolina Historial Review, Vol. 21, no. 3 (July 1944): 181-202, at 183.Graham, Nicholas (26 August 2004). August 1751: North Carolina’s First Newspaper, North Carolina Miscellany (UNC Chapel Hill libraries), Retrieved 1 February 2019 Previously, the lack of a paper for the colony meant residents had to rely on the Virginia Gazette (founded 1736) for news and advertising.
Research shows , and use of tax havens by U.S corporates maximised long-term U.S. exchequer receipts. Historial focus on combating tax havens (e.g. OECD–IMF projects) had been on common standards, transparency and data sharing. The rise of OECD-compliant corporate tax havens, whose BEPS tools were responsible for most of the lost taxes, led to criticism of this approach, versus actual taxes paid.
Caro exhibited his La Chueca Chilena and El Velorio at the 1872 Santiago Exhibition; and for his work at the 1875 International Exposition in Santiago, he earned great distinction.Reszka, Pedro A., Chile at the Pan-American Exposition: Historial Sketch on the Fine Arts of Chile and Catalogue of the Fine Arts in the Chile Building, Univ. of Chicago, 1901, pp. 6-7\. Accessed 2013-1-5.
Although he was happy in Mount Holyoke, at the end of the 1947-48 year, a student advised him not to stay there and he himself began to wonder whether it was a beneficial force on his poetry.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 655 In the summer of 1949 he paid his first visit to Mexico and was so impressed that Mount Holyoke began to seem irksome. This can be seen in the collection of prose Variaciones sobre tema mexicano, which he wrote in the winter of 1949-50. He began to spend his summers in Mexico and in 1951, during a 6-month sabbatical, he met X (identified by Cernuda only as Salvador), the inspiration for "Poemas para un cuerpo", which he started to write at that time.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 656 This was probably the happiest period of his life.
Jean Poldo d’Albenas (1512-1563) was the King's Counsel in Nîmes (France), and contributed to the spread of Calvinism in his home town of Nîmes. He produced, among other works, a Discours historial de l’antique et illustre cité de Nismes (1557) in French, which his contemporaries apparently found difficult to read; it is considered to contain useful research material for historians. He was also a lawyer at the Parliament of Toulouse.
Ilama made his debut for Costa Rica in a May 1992 friendly match against Ecuador and earned a total of 12 caps, scoring 2 goals.¿Quiero saber el historial de Farlen Ilama en la Primera División? - Nación He represented his country in 2 FIFA World Cup qualification matches, scoring in his final international game. His final international was a November 1997 FIFA World Cup qualification match against Canada.
Sargent's largest scale works are the mural decorations that grace the Boston Public Library depicting the history of religion and the gods of polytheism.The Sargent Murals at the Boston Public Library They were attached to the walls of the library by means of marouflage. He worked on the cycle for almost thirty years but never completed the final mural. Sargent drew on his extensive travels and museum visits to create a dense art historial melange.
His mother died in July 1928 and, at the start of September, Cernuda left Seville.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 632 He spent a few days in Málaga with Altolaguirre, Prados and José María Hinojosa before moving to Madrid. Although he had a law degree, he had no intention of making practical use of it. He was starting to realise that poetry was the only thing that really mattered to him.
The appearance of these two books was a ray of hope for him.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 647 In July 1945, he moved to a similar job at the Spanish Institute in London. He regretted leaving Cambridge, despite the range and variety of theatres, concerts and bookshops in the capital. He began to take his holidays in Cornwall because he was tired of the big city and urban life.
The poems gathered in this and the previous collection came to Cernuda fully formed. The poems that eventually got published were the same as the first drafts, which was very different from his experience with his first two collections.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 637 It is a book of love, rebellion and beauty.Villena: intro to Las nubes p 19 The poet's homosexuality is made defiantly manifest in this collection.
Ayo Oluyemi, "Life and times of Britain's first black History professor, Hakim Adi (Part I)", Young Historians Project, 9 March 2019. He also leads the History Matters group, a collection of academics and teachers concerned with the under-representation of students and teachers of African and Caribbean heritage within the History discipline. In 2015 the group convened the History Matters conference of the same name held at the Institute of Historial Research.
They are the first brewery to release a sour beer (a Berliner Weisse kettle sour) in Puerto Rico commercially. Señorial Brewing Corp. is a nano brewery operating out of the town of Ponce. Their beers make reference to places, people and historial events around the city, most notably: La Ceiba IPA (named after the centuries-old landmark tree) and El Polvorín Smoked Porter (a tribute to the heroes of the El Polvorín fires of 1899).
At the end of August they arrived on the island of Formosa (present-day Taiwan), probably at Black Rock Bay, where three of the voyagers were killed during a fight with native islanders.Ian Inkster: Oriental Enlightenment – the Problematic Military Experiences and Cultural Claims of Count Maurice August comte de Benyowsky in Formosa during 1771. In: Taiwan Historial Research, Vol.17, No.1 (2010) Then they sailed to the Chinese mainland, at Dongshan Island.
Cloister Church The Monastery of Royal Saint Mary of Iranzu is a Roman Catholic monastery located in Abárzuza, Navarre, Spain. It was founded by Pedro de Artajona in the late 12th century, being Artajona's place of burial upon his death in 1193.Esteban de Garibay: Los quarenta libros del compendio historial de las chronicas , book XXIII, ch. XIIII. The Cistercian Order had a large part in its building throughout the 12th century.
As part of the Rolls Series, the Historial Mirror written by the real Richard of Cirencester (his only surviving work) was closely examined over the 1860s by J.E.B. Mayor, the librarian of the University of Cambridge. In his 1869 preface to the second volume of the work, he included a thorough 90-page condemnation of Bertram's manuscript. Blame fell hardest on the reputation of William Stukeley, although it also impugned Gibbon, Roy, and other scholars who had accepted it.
The publication consisted of eight pages per issue, and six numbers appeared under that name, until June 1722. From the fourth issue it was called Gazeta de México y florilegio historial de las noticias de Nueva España. Originally, the publication was conceived to record the events that occurred in the viceregal court. The objective of its editor was to report on the most notable and praiseworthy events of the day, in order to provide this information to the public.
John Peter Zenger, Historial Society of the New York Court, Retrieved 9 October 2018Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the United States, from 1690-1872, pp. 72-73 (1873) Bradford remained neutral over the case, and defended himself in a statement in the Gazette in 1736, though acknowledging that he had felt compelled at times to print observations favorable to the Governor, which had caused anger from Zenger and others. Subscriptions to the paper do not seem to have been plentiful.
Although he came to recognise that writing these poems had helped his technical fluency, he realised that there was something essential that these formal exercises did not allow him to express.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 631 However, he was encouraged to learn that it was possible to write poems of much greater length than was customary at that time, which was an important discovery for him. In Historial de un libro, he states that at this time he was trying to find an objective correlative for what he was experiencing - one of the many indications of the influence of TS Eliot on his work, although this is a rationalisation after the fact because he had yet to read Eliot. This small group of poems can be read as Cernuda's participation in the Góngora tercentenary celebrations - except that he chose to evoke the memories of Garcilaso's eclogues and Luis de León's odes possibly as a way to signal his individuality and his independence from fashion.
"El club de rugby más antiguo de la Argentina" at , 19 September 2008"Buenos Aires Cricket & Rugby Club" at Centro de Documentación, Investigación y Referencia Histórica- Deportiva, June 2009 In 1997 BACRC inaugurated the first purpose-built rugby union stadium in Argentina, erected in Los Polvorines, Greater Buenos Aires. A total of nine international games were played there by the national team until 2005 when it was sold."Adiós a un escenario de triunfos históricos", Clarín, 4 December 2005 Los Pumas played in Ferro Carril Oeste stadium during the 1970s and 1980s, where Argentina played Ireland, New Zealand, France and Australia among others."El historial de los Pumas contra los grandes: los All Blacks, el único al que no le pudieron ganar", Cancha Llena, 8 August 2015"El historial de Los Pumas ante Australia, la tercera potencia", Infobae, 18 October 2015 During the mid year tests in 2007, as well as Vélez Sársfield, Argentina played games at venues including Brigadier Estanislao López in Santa Fe, Malvinas Argentinas in Mendoza, and Gigante de Arroyito, in Rosario.
Pedro de Aguado (1513 or 1538 – late 16th or early 17th century) was a Spanish Franciscan friar who spent around 15 years in the New Kingdom of Granada, preaching to the indigenous people. During this time he collected source material for a history of the region, and began a manuscript, Recopilación historial, which he completed in Spain between 1576 and 1583 but was unable to publish. The manuscript was used by other historians, but was not published until the twentieth century.
Two royal visits to respectively the author and translator of Vincent's Mirror of History translated into French by Jean de Vignay as Le Miroir historial, c. 1333. At left Saint Louis visits Vincent. Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin 1473, Speculum historiale The most widely disseminated part of the Great Mirror was the Mirror of History, which provided a history of the world down to Vincent's time. It was a massive work, running to nearly 1400 large double-column pages in the 1627 printing.
It is claimed that in Roman times there was a castle called Oria, purportedly named after a Greek knight called Doricus. Based on this folk etymology, some historians guessed that the first inhabitants of this city might have been the Dorians. Archaeology has not confirmed that story. Instead it has suggested that the first inhabitants were the Suebi, whose kings (as reported by Tutor and Malo in their Compedio historial de las dos Numancias) established one of their courts there.
Born in barrio Don Bosco, San José,Breve historial de Marvin Rodríguez - Nación Rodríguez was a local star playing for Deportivo Saprissa back in the 1950s and 1960s. He was part of the Saprissa team that went on a world tour in 1959, becoming the first Latin American team to do such a trip. He also played for Municipal of Guatemala between 1961 and 1964, where he became player-manager. He retired as a player with Saprissa in 1966 after breaking his ankle.
One chronicler described her as a danger to her enemies in court: :"the lame Queen Jeanne de Bourgogne...was like a King and caused the destruction of those who opposed her will." Joan was considered to be a scholar and a bibliophile. She sent her son, John, manuscripts to read, and commanded the translation of several important contemporary works into vernacular French, including the Miroir historial of Vincent de Beauvais (c.1333) and the Jeu d'échecs moralisés of Jacques de Cessoles (c.
He had not written any poetry since before his arrival in Toulouse in 1928 but he produced the first 3 poems of the new collection in quick succession. His dissatisfaction with the conventions of fashionable poetry had been freed by contact with surrealism. For Cernuda, surrealism was more than a literary phenomenon: it a was the expression of an attitude against conformity.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 634 The poems in this collection break with the concept of pure poetry.
In 2002 Sampedro was appointed honorary non- executive chairman of the Spanish telecommunications company Sintratel, along with Nobel prizewinner José Saramago. Sintratel is a skit on sin trabajo telecoms or telecommunications workers without work Historial sobre "El efecto Iguazú", (in Spanish, approximately: ‘’The cascade effect’’) by Manuel J. Lombardo. In 2008, he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Charlemagne by the Principality of Andorra. In April 2009 he was invested as Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Seville.
BEIC) Firmin Didot (son of François-Ambroise Didot) was born in 1764 and died in 1836. Firmin Didot was the inventor of stereotypography which entirely changed the book trade. Firmin Didot was the first to engrave slips of so- called "English" and round hand-writing. Among the works which issued from his press were "Les Ruines de Pompéi", "Le Panthéon égyptien" of Champollion- Figeac, and "Historial du Jongleur", printed in Gothic type, with tail-pieces and vignettes, like the editions of the fifteenth century.
This led to a decisive change in the type of poetry he wrote. He also discovered a love of jazz and films, which seems to have activated an interest in the USA.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 636 Between his return from Toulouse in June 1929 to 1936, Cernuda lived in Madrid and participated actively in the literary and cultural scene of the Spanish capital. At the start of 1930, he found a job in a bookshop owned by León Sánchez Cuesta.
In July 1997 he was signed by the Los Angeles Lakers, but he was cut in October and he did not make the final roster. He then moved to Spain, signing with Ciudad the Huelva of Liga ACB in November 1997, and played 12 games averaging 18.8 points (with a season high of 31) and 5.9 rebounds. Historial estadístico Forrest, James He moved to Italy for the following season, playing for Mabo Pistoia where he averaged 19.6 points and 9.3 rebounds in 37.0 minutes of playing time.
The 1979 Australia rugby union tour of Argentina was a series of matches played between October and November 1979 in Argentina by Australia. The Wallabies won six matches of seven and drew the two game test series against Los Pumas, led by Hugo Porta.Los ocho duelos inolvidables que marcaron el historial entre los Pumas y los Wallabies, La Nación, 2015 It was the first tour of an Australian side in Argentina.Memoria y balance 1979 on UAR website The Australian squad captain was the Queenslander Mark Loane.
Murphy: Pub Poets After a few months in England, penniless and barely able to speak English, he went to Paris with the intention of returning to Spain. But he stayed on in Paris on receiving news of what was happening in his native land.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 644 In August 1938, Richardson and Cernuda met again in Paris but, to judge from various of Cernuda's letters of the time, the intensity of their relationship had greatly weakened.Cernuda: Epistolario August 1938 Letters to Rafael Martínez Nadal p 246 and 247 In September 1938 Richardson secured him a position as Spanish assistant in Cranleigh School.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 645 In January 1939 he became the lector at the University of Glasgow. Richardson was to die on 8 March 1941 in an air raid while dancing at the Ritz. Cernuda wrote an elegy for him which was included in Como quien espera el alba in 1942.Taravillo Años españoles p 316 There is a poignant postlude. In August 1944, while walking around Cambridge, Cernuda noticed a framed photograph of Richardson hanging in the window of a Red Cross shop.
After the individual states ("Lander") were dissolved as separate administrative units in 1952, this became the only surviving regional historial institute of its kinds in the German Democratic Republic. However, following further reorganisation at the university, in 1957 Sproemberg lost his position in charge of it. Other notable contributions included the creation, in 1955, of East Germany's Hanseatic Working Group. Nevertheless, as one of those academics, who also included Ernst Bloch, who resolutely refused to involve themselves in politics or become members of government sponsored quasi-political organisations, he became increasingly vulnerable to attacks.
Complete sets of the 50 folio prints are held by several public collections, including the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne, the Kupferstichkabinett in the Kunsthalle Hamburg, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the National Gallery of Australia, and the British Museum. A complete set of 50 prints, formerly owned by Lothar- Günther Buchheim and deaccessioned as a duplicate from the Buchheim Museum, was sold by Christie's in 2017 for £236,750. A complete set with a copy of Soldat und Nonne was sold by Sotheby's in 2014 for US$377,000.
It became a vassal region of the Banten Sultanate (from Western Java) in the early 15th century and since the 17th century was ruled by Minangkabau's Inderapura Sultanate (today's in Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra Province). Historial Site of UNESCO, Fort Marlborough located in Bengkulu City. The first European visitors to the area were the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch in 1596. The English East India Company established a pepper-trading center and garrison at Bengkulu (Bencoolen) in 1685. In 1714 the British built Fort Marlborough, which still stands.
Historial dels Campionats Individuals de Catalunya , Magem Badals played in the FIDE World Chess Championship 1999 knockout matches in Las Vegas, United States, but was eliminated in round 3 by Judit Polgár.World Chess Championship 1999 FIDE Knockout Matches Mark Weeks Magem Badals represented Spain in seven Chess Olympiads in Novi Sad 1990, Moscow 1994, Yerevan 1996, Elista 1998, Istanbul 2000, Bled 2002 and Khanty-Mansiysk 2010. His best result was in the 39th Chess Olympiad in Khanty-Mansiysk 2010 where he scored 6/9 and finished 7th on board 4.
In addition, he always had a powerful attraction to beautiful young men.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 659 He also had a constant urge to go against the grain of any society in which he found himself. This helped him not to fall into provincial ways during his youth in Seville, whose inhabitants thought they were living at the centre of the world rather than in a provincial capital. It also helped to immunise him against the airs and graces of Madrid or any other place in which he lived.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Palabras antes p 605 The "Historial" was first published in instalments in México en la Cultura in 1958. It is a detailed account of Cernuda's intellectual development and gives great insight into the process of how he became a poet and how his poetry evolved over time. In a review in the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Arthur Terry described it as "the most remarkable piece of self-analysis by any Spanish poet, living or dead". It is, however, very reticent about his emotional development.
He obtained his A.B. at Columbia and his Ph.D. at Cambridge. Winter is also affiliated with the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Peronne, France, a research center and museum of the First World War in European cultural history. Winter is an influential scholar in the study of the First World War and its place in twentieth-century European history and culture. His earlier work was largely that of social history, including The Great War and the British People (1986) focuses on the war's demographic impact on the British population.
For nearly forty years, till 1 April 1901, he remained in the post. During this period he received the titles of "Archivrat" in 1873 and "Geheim Archivrat" (very loosely, "Privy Archives Secretary") in 1885. The prestigious titles dated back to the late medieval period, but the core responsibilities of the head of the archives department appear to have remained broadly constant. He combined this and other positions with the editorship of the journal of the Silesian Historial Association ("Verein für Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens") between 1863 and 1905.
Historial Background, Jamaican Family Search. In 1774, Edward Long estimated that a third of Jamaica's white population were Scottish, mostly concentrated in Westmoreland Parish. In 1787, there were only 12,737 whites out of a total population of 209,617. There was a flow of French refugees to Jamaica after the Haitian Revolution, though not all remained in the country. In the 1830s, over 1,000 Germans immigrated to Jamaica to work on Lord Seaford's estate. The 1844 census showed a white population of 15,776 out of a total population of 377,433 (around 4%).
24 He was eventually outmaneuvered,at one point, he asked the Navarrese Carlists conducting talks with Mola: "y, ¿a esto supeditan ustedes todo el historial y todo el futuro de la Comunión Tradicionalista, a que los Ayuntamientos de Navarra sean carlistas?", Antonio de Lizarza Iribarren, Memorias de la conspiración, [in:] Navarra fue primera, Pamplona 2006, , p. 106 and the Carlists joined the coup on vague terms;Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 21-43 their key asset was the pre-agreed Jefe Supremo del Movimiento, General Sanjurjo, who in earlier Lisbon talks with Don Javier pledged to represent Carlist interests.
Bertram described his text's author as "Richard, monk of Westminster" (). There had been a monk named Richard at Westminster Abbey in the mid-15th century and this was the approximate date offered by Bertram to Stukeley. Stukeley preferred instead to identify Bertram's "Richard of Westminster" with Richard of Cirencester ('), who had lived at Westminster in the late 14th century and was known to have journeyed to Rome and to have compiled another history known as the Historial Mirror. Bertram fully adopted the suggestion and published his account under the name ', from the archaic Latin form of Cirencester's name.
His extreme shyness prevented him from mentioning his literary activities until Salinas' notice was caught by a prose poem published in a student magazine. He gave Cernuda encouragement and urged him to read both classical Spanish poetry and modern French literature.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 627 It was at Salinas' suggestion that Cernuda sent his first collection of poetry, Perfil del aire, to Manuel Altolaguirre and Emilio Prados, who had begun, late in 1926, to publish a magazine called Litoral. As was the practice in those days, many such magazines published collections of poetry as supplements.
Cernuda: OCP Historial de un libro vol 1 p 642 He was hopeful that there was a possibility of righting some of the social injustices that he saw in Spanish society. From October 1936 to April 1937, he participated in radio broadcasts with A. Serrano Plaja in the Sierra de Guadarrama, north of Madrid. In April 1937, he moved to Valencia and began to write poems that would be collected in Las Nubes. He also came into contact with Juan Gil-Albert and the other members of the editorial team behind the periodical Hora de España and began to work with them.
Not only does it contain his heartfelt 1946 tribute to Andrė Gide but also "Palabras antes de una Lectura" and "Historial de un Libro", two of the most revealing accounts of his poetics and starting-points for all Cernuda criticism. "Palabras" was the text of a lecture delivered at the Lyceum Club in Madrid in 1935 and edited for publication in 1941. He begins by discussing the purpose of poetry, which for him is a question of conveying his personal experience of the world. It is in this lecture that he reveals his primary theme: reality versus desire.
Taravillo: Cernuda Años españoles p 94 For example, Gide included in the Morceaux Choisis the section of Les Caves du Vatican where Lafcadio Wluiki pushes Amédée Fleurissoire out of a moving train just from curiosity as to whether he can actually bring himself to do it - the original acte gratuit. Cernuda comments,"I fell in love with his youth, his grace, his freedom, his audacity."Cernuda OCP vol 1 PyL I Historial de un Libro p 628 This is redolent of the homoeroticism of a poem such as "Los marineros son las alas del amor" in Los placeres prohibidos.
His name (as Circestre) first appears on the chamberlain's list of the monks of that foundation drawn up in the year 1355. In 1391, he obtained a licence from the abbot to go to Rome and in this the abbot gave his testimony to Richard's perfect and sincere observance of religion for upwards of thirty years. In 1400 Richard spent nine nights of the infirmary of the abbey, and likely died that January. His only known extant work are the four books of the Historial Mirror of the Deeds of the Kings of England (), covering the years from 447 to 1066.
The line-up for that notable match was Diego Cash; Alejandro Cubelli, Fernando Morel; Eliseo Branca, Gustavo Milano; Tomás Petersen, Jorge Allen, Ernesto Ure; Guillermo Holmgren, Hugo Porta (c); Pedro Lanza, Diego Cuesta Silva, Fabián Turnes, Juan Lanza, Bernardo Miguens.El día que Los Pumas estuvieron a centímetros de vencer a los All Blacks, Mendoza Online, 4 Oct 2011 Due to those results, some journalists widely regard 1985 as the best year in Los Pumas' history.El historial: esos días inolvidables, La Nación, 15 Jun 2002 France returned to Argentina in 1986 as part of their Oceania tour.
Born in Cerro Largo, Mansilla came through the youth ranksFallece el técnico Miguel Mansilla - Panama Futbol at and made his professional debut for local giants Peñarol in 1971 and also played for River Plate Montevideo before moving abroad to enjoy a lengthy spell at Argentine side Chacarita Juniors.Breve historial de Miguel A. Mansilla (Bio) - Nación In 1977, he moved to Saprissa and became the Costa Rica Premier Division top goalscorer in 1977 with 27 goals.Goleadores de Campeonato Nacional - UNAFUT After a short stint in Ecuador with Cuenca, he returned to Costa Rica to finish his career at Municipal Puntarenas.
At age 10 he translated portions of Ovid. He went on to study law at the University of Oviedo, concluding those studies in Seville, then moving to Madrid to open a law office. An avid learner, he was especially interested in history, economics, philology, and studied ancient and modern languages, including Arabic. This lawyer of "obscure origin" was to the attention of the crown with his 1747 publication on the history of the Knights Templar,Dissertaciones históricas del orden, y Cavallería de los templarios, o resumen historial de sus principios, fundación, instituto, progressos, y extinción en el Concilio de Viena.
John Lenthall was born in Washington, D.C., on 16 September 1807,Tucker, p. 348. the son of John Lenthall (1762–1808)The GW and Foggy Bottom Historial Encyclopedia: "Hamburg: The Colonial Town That Became the Seat of George Washington University" by Jesse Fant Evans, A.B., Ed.D, 1935. and Mary King Lenthall (1780–1852) John Lenthall His British-born father was an architect who had emigrated to the United States in 1793 and from 1803 worked as Clerk of the Works and Principal Surveyor at the United States Capitol Building in Washington under Architect of the Capitol Benjamin Henry Latrobe, serving as the buildings construction superintendent.
So the data of foundation of the club could be established between 1892 and 1893, so Flores AC had been never mentioned before by the English community in Buenos Aires. Other matches recorded by The Standard were against Lomas Athletic that same year, and the only title won by the club, the 1894 Campeonato Argentino Abierto de Polo, defeating local team Cañada de Gómez by 6–0 at the final. The line-up was: J. Bennett, F.J. Bennett, T. Scott-Robson and Hugo Scott- Robson."Historial del Abierto Argentino de Polo", official website Other polo match covered by the newspaper was played in 1896 against Rangers Polo Club.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 633 He renewed acquaintance with Salinas and met Vicente Aleixandre. Salinas arranged for him to become the Spanish lector at the University of Toulouse. He took up post in November and stayed there for an academic year. The experience of living on his own in a foreign city led him to a crucial realisation about himself: his almost crippling shyness, his unhappiness in a family setting, his sense of isolation from the rest of humanity, had all been symptoms of a latent homosexuality which now manifested itself and which he accepted, in a spirit of defiance.
This collection was started in Mount Holyoke during the winter of 1950 and completed in Mexico. One of the most noteworthy things about this book is that it contains a group of 16 poems - "Poemas para un cuerpo" - about an intensely physical affair he had with an unidentified man in Mexico. The title of the collection suggests not merely Cernuda's obsession with the passing of time but also the sense of strangeness he felt whilst living this amorous adventure - an old man in love as he describes himself.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 658 As already stated, this was one of the happiest periods in his life.
On November 5, 2019, the BBC News listed The Reluctant Fundamentalist on its list of the 100 most influential novels. In his critique entitled "Mohsin Hamid Engages the World in The Reluctant Fundamentalist," M. S. E. Madiou goes against mainstream criticism, analyzing the historial and artistic contingencies Mohsin Hamid has faced while writing his novel focusing on 9/11 as one of Hamid's "Eureka" moments that has significantly contributed to the production of his novel.Madiou, Mohamed Salah Eddine. “Mohsin Hamid Engages the World in The Reluctant Fundamentalist: ‘An Island on an Island,’ Worlds in Miniature and ‘Fiction’ in the Making.” Arab Studies Quarterly, vol.
The manuscript of this is in the university library at Cambridge and was edited in two volumes for the Rolls Series by John Mayor. At the conclusion of the fourth book Richard expresses his intention of continuing his narrative from the accession of William I, and incorporating a sketch of the Conqueror's career from his birth. This design he does not, however, appear to have carried into effect. The value of the Historial Mirror as a contribution to our historical knowledge is but slight, for it is mainly a compilation from other writers and even in transcribing these the compiler is guilty of great carelessness.
He gives, however, numerous charters relating to Westminster Abbey and also a very complete account of the saints whose tombs were in the abbey church, especially concerning Edward the Confessor. The work was, however, largely used by historians and antiquaries until, with the rise of a more critical spirit, its value became more accurately estimated. Besides the Historial Mirror Richard also wrote, according to a 1396 letter from William of Woodford to Archbishop Thomas of Canterbury, a treatise on the offices (') and there was formerly in the cathedral library at Peterborough another tract ascribed to him entitled Super Symbolum. Of neither of these works, however, does any known copy now exist.
Further evidence of the falsity of The Description of Britain came out in the following years, however, until no serious effort could be made in defense of the document. Bertram had on several occasions adopted variant readings and hypotheses unknown before Camden. The final confirmation that the Description was spurious came in the 1860s. Over four articles in 1866 and 1867, B.B. Woodward thoroughly debunked the work and, in 1869, J.E.B. Mayor complimented this by thoroughly comparing the Description with the Historial Mirror written by the real Richard of Cirencester (his only surviving work), which he had been reviewing and editing for the Rolls Series.
As late as the 1950s, on some collective farms in Soviet-ruled western Ukraine, nobles and peasants were assigned to separate work-groups.Нащадки шляхтичів не піддавалися русифікації і трималися української мови Descendents of Nobles Did Not succumb to Russificiation and Held on the Ukrainian Language written by Vasyl Balyshok, candidate of historial science The peasants had mixed feelings about the nobility. On the one hand, peasant songs mentioned noble laziness and shoddy workmanship. Despite nobles' feelings of superiority, during the late nineteenth century the western Ukrainian nobility had a reputation among the peasants of being poorer than peasants because they did not work as hard.
El polo en la Argentina. Primera parte: Las prácticas iniciales en el país, Ernesto Ceballos, Buenos Aires (1969)100 años de polo en la Argentina 1888–1988, Elsa Boglione, Buenos Aires, 1988 The stadium was a multi-purposed venue, being used by the polo, rugby union and football teams from the club during the last years of the 19th century."Historial del Abierto Argentino de Polo", official website The Old Ground was a recurrent venue not only for the Flores A.C. team (which played in Primera División from 1893 to 1897) but for other football teams such as Buenos Aires F.C. in 1891.Argentina 1891 by Osvaldo Gorgazzi at RSSSF.
Joseph Stalin shakes hands with Joachim von Ribbentrop after signing of Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (aka "Communazi Pact") on 23 August 1939 "Communazi" is an American political neologism, "coined by a reporter" and made popular by Time (first September 11, 1939 ) days after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov). It implied that both Communism and Nazism were one and the same because they were essentially totalitarian, whether left or right in belief. It continues to receive mention, largely in its historial context, to the present.
In their coverage of Namco Museum Vol. 2, Computer & Video Games called the game "brilliantly addictive" for combining the gameplay of Breakout and pinball tables, as well as for the inclusion of an "authentic" paddle controller to play it. In a retrospective, Earl Green of Allgame noted of the game's importance to the creation of Pac- Man with its colorful character designs. Kristan Reed of Eurogamer was more negative, calling the game "rubbish" in his review of Namco Museum Remix, commenting that while the game was interesting for its historial value, said that players would only play it for a few minutes before becoming bored.
Retrieved on 2016-03-19. A 1500 m silver medal followed at the 1953 South American Championships in Athletics, where he ran close to four minutes and finished behind Chile's Guillermo Solá.South American Championships (unofficial). GBR Athletics. Retrieved on 2016-03-19. Miranda established himself among the best runners on the continent with a South American record time of 3:53.8 minutes for the 1500 m, set on 21 January 1955, also knocking almost two seconds off the Argentine record set the previous year by his countryman Osvaldo Suárez.Bruno, para el historial de los 1.500 . Confederation Argentina de Atletismo. Retrieved on 2016-03-19.
The Maputo University (UniMaputo) was founded in 1985 as a Higher Pedagogical Institute (ISP), by Ministerial Diploma No. 73/85, of December 4, as an institution dedicated to the training of teachers for all levels of the National Education System and education staff. At its inception, the institution operated at the facilities of the General Joaquim José Machado Preparatory School in Maputo.Breve historial da UP: Criação e Expansão - Portal UP In 1989, the Beira campus came into operation, occupying the premises of the then Patrice Lumumba Commercial School. The ISP then becomes the first top institution to have a campus outside the nation's capital.
During this time he developed a manuscript on the history of the region, Recopilación historial, begun during his "idle hours" in Bogotá. It is likely that Part I, on Santa Marta and the New Kingdom of Granada, was written in Bogotá, and Part II, on Venezuela and Cartagena, in Spain. De Aguado tried unsuccessfully to secure publication over a number of years. A series of bureaucratic hurdles around censorship were complicated by a change in the rules, invalidating the royal licence to print which de Aguado obtained in 1581, while a second licence in 1582 was complicated by a new requirement to have the printed copy checked against the original manuscript signed off by the king's secretary.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 650 It is a rhythm of ideas rather than a metrical rhythm. And yet, the influence of Hölderlin dates back to the period when he was writing Invocaciones in the mid-1930s, which gives a sense of how profound the influence was. The German poet gave him an example of "a poetic language using long sense periods in extensive poems that develop a theme in depth"Harris: Luis Cernuda A Study of the Poetry p 67and over time the reader can see Cernuda absorbing and building on this example. The first eight poems were written in Cambridge and he added another 13 which he wrote during holidays in Cornwall.
Albert Street begins at the Ring Road (formerly the Trans-Canada Highway Bypass), where it continues as Highway 6 south, and travels north through southern Regina's main commercial area. North of 25th Avenue, it passes through Albert Street South, an upscale, historial residential neighbourhood of large mansions dating from the 1910s and 1920s. Albert Street also forms the eastern boundary of Wascana Centre, providing access to the MacKenzie Art Gallery and Saskatchewan Legislative Building. After crossing the Albert Memorial Bridge across Wascana Creek, it continues north through The Crescents, also an upscale, historic residential neighborhood, and passes by the Royal Saskatchewan Museum before passing through Regina's downtown core and intersects Victoria Avenue.
In that year he was mobilised for service in World War I, in which he fought and was taken captive. Thus until 1918 he was unable to practice his art due to the conflict that would inspire his statues. In 1921, he made a first model in plaster, now stored in the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne, Somme, which won the silver medal at the Salon des Artistes Français. That year, he also made at least one 55 cm miniature in green polished bronze and gold, now found in a private collection. « Années folles, années d'ordre : l'Art déco de Reims à New York », Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims, 2006.
To his collaborator Father Canal dedicated a biographical study in his Ensayo histórico de la vida literaria del Maestro Fr. Antolin Merino (Madrid, 1830); he also published a second edition, greatly enlarged by himself, of the Clave historial (Key to History) by Father Flórez (Madrid, 1817) and a Manual del Santo Sacrificio de la Misa (Madrid, 1817, 1819). He translated from the French various theological and historical works, and was successively corresponding member, treasurer, censor, and director of the Royal Academy of History. He belonged to the Academy of Natural Science of Madrid, to the Academy of Belles-Lettres of Barcelona, and to the Antiquarian Society of Normandy. Father Canal was reportedly noted for charity to the poor.
Historial reenactment of the 3rd Swiss Regiment Reding in Spanish service Another major employer of Swiss mercenaries from the later 16th century on was Spain. After the Protestant Reformation, Switzerland was split along religious lines between Protestant and Catholic cantons. Swiss mercenaries from the Catholic cantons were thereafter increasingly likely to be hired for service in the armies of the Spanish Habsburg superpower in the later 16th century. The first regularly embodied Swiss regiment in the Spanish army was that of Walter Roll of Uri (a Catholic canton) in 1574, for service in the Spanish Netherlands, and by the middle of the 17th century there were a dozen Swiss regiments fighting for the Spanish army.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 626 Emmanuel College, Cambridge Another crucial phase of his development was his residence in Great Britain between 1938 and 1947. He learned English and read widely in English literature. He seems to have had a sense that he was predestined to read English poetry and that it corrected and completed something that was lacking both in his poetry and in himself. He began to see his work in the classroom as analogous to the writing of poetry - the poet should not simply try to communicate the effect of an experience but to direct the reader to retrace the process by which the poet had come to experience what he is writing about.
Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 640 He also notes, however, that there is a tendency to ramble at the beginning of certain poems in this book as well as a degree of bombast. His principal subject-matter is still essentially himself and his thoughts but he starts to view things in a more objective way: the poetry is more analytical. For example, in "Soliloquio del farero", the poet finds an escape from desperation in an enclosed and solitary world very similar to that of his earliest poems. The poem is addressed to his "friend" - solitude - and he develops the idea that he has been chosen to serve mankind in some way by being separated from them, just like a lighthouse-keeper.
Cernuda OCP vol 1 Palabras antes de una lectura p 604 it is a topic which he alludes to frequently in his critical writings. His urge to write poetry was not under his control. Reading some lines of poetry, hearing some notes of music, seeing an attractive person could be the external influence that led to a poem but what was important was to try to express the real, deep-lying poetic impulse, which was sometimes powerful enough to make him shiver or burst into tears.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 638 Although he was a self-absorbed person, dedicated to the art of writing poetry, he was vulnerable enough to need to know that he had an audience.
He was instrumental in the re-discovery of James Pradier and discovered the drawings and writings of the previously little-known sculptor Théophile Bra. With Sylvain Bellenger, he is organizing for the Musée Historial de la Vendée and other museums in Europe and America the first museum show dedicated to Félicie de Fauveau, the woman sculptor Stendhal discovered and praised. With Petra ten-Doesschate-Chu, he served as editor of the Princeton (University Press) Series in 19th Century Art, Culture & Society. The exhibit "Metamorphoses in Nineteenth Century Sculpture" he organized with Jane Wasserman,Metamorphoses in Nineteenth-Century Sculpture, (with J. Wasserman et alia), Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, 1975 pioneered the recognition and study of serial sculpture—industrial production of sculptural works in various scales, materials, etc.
Some parts of this tribe (Kheshgi) remain settled in India in the Agra while some return to Pukhtun area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Some of the descendants of this tribe still living in the district of Nowshera under the same name of Kheshgi and still there the family of Sadat who originally was the descendants of Haji Bahadur. During his life, he visited the same area of Kheshgi and afterward went to the district of Kohat through the mountains of Nizampur (Nowshera) Hajji Bahadar went to Bangor at the age of 17 for ‘baet’(Historial fallacy. As per Manaqib Haji Bahadar, authored by one Muhammad Darwesh Tareen, of Lahore on page 3 to have conducted baet with Adam Khan Mashwani at the age of 17.
He became president of the Central Reserve Bank in 1934 and served until 1939.Historial de autoridades del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú desde 1922 Banco Central de Reserva del Perú Manuel Prado, a conservative patriarch of a wealthy and powerful family, reached the presidency of Peru with the help of the left-wing Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana party. Prado announced that "one of the first acts of my government will be to declare a general political amnesty and put an end to the proscription of political parties." During Prado's second presidency (1956–1962), the only significant proscribed party was the APRA (American Popular Revolutionary Alliance), which was thrown out of power and outlawed in 1948 by President Manuel Odría.
Jean Le Noir painted the calendar leafs for the Duke's Petit Heures, which Pseudo-Jacquemart may have completed. Pseudo-Jacquemart contributed work to a Book of hours for the use of Rome for an unknown lady, in the form of ornamentation in collaboration with the and the , and some of the miniatures in the Bible Historial of Guiart des Moulins, (ff. 1, 3v-5v, 7–8, 10–16), attributed to a follower of Jacquemart de Hesdin, are sometimes identified with the Pseudo-Jacquemart.Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bible historiale (2/3), in L’Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques, Revue électronique du CRH He completed an Annunciation for the Book of hours for the use of Bourges, c. 1405–10, held at the British Library,Backhouse, Janet.
Through his long tenure in these positions and as a result of the impressive quantity and detail of his output on Silesian history, Grünhagen became highly influential in his chosen specialist field, as well as with the Historical Association and the historian community more broadly. On 18 December 1866 he accepted an extraordinary professorship in History from the University of Breslau, where he continued to teach till 1911. In 1871 Colmar Grünhagen was elected to the presidency of the Silesian Historial Association, retaining this position till 1905, following which he retained the title of honorary president. He also became an honorary member of the Silesian Society for Homeland Culture and, in 1868, a board member with the Silesian Museum for Arts and Antiquities, which he later chaired.
In 1993, García Ramis published La ciudad que me habita (The City that Inhabits Me), a collection of journalistic essays that she wrote over the years, while she worked for El Mundo, El Imparcial, Avance, Claridad and La Hora. Strongly linked to her homeland, her short stories (which she prefers were novels) are about family relations, Puerto Rican identity and the female condition, and has to be linked to other leading authors of the 70s generation, such as Rosario Ferré and Olga Nolla. In 2009 she entered the Puerto Rican Academy of the Spanish Language. She currently works in literary and historial projects and studies doctoral studies in History at the Center for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
Taravillo Luis Cernuda vol 1 Años españoles p 259 In later years, Cernuda was embarrassed by the candour with which he wrote about it in Donde habite, attributing this to the slowness of his emotional development, and admitted that this section of his oeuvre was one of the least-satisfying for him.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 639 In this collection, Cernuda steps away from surrealism, feeling that what was lying around hidden in the depths of his subconscious had been dredged sufficiently. Instead of what he had come to see as the artifice and triviality of hermetic images deriving from the flow of thoughts through the poet's mind, he turned to the example of the 19thc. poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, who produced tightly controlled poetry on the subject of lost love.
On 12 June 1967, the Malaysian dollar, issued by the new central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, replaced the Malaya and British Borneo dollar at par.International Economics - Historial Exchange Rate Regime of Asian Countries The new currency retained all denominations of its predecessor except the $10,000 denomination, and also brought over the colour schemes of the old dollar. Over the course of the following decades, minor changes were made to the notes and coins issued, from the introduction of the M$1 coin in 1967, to the demonetization of RM500 and RM1,000 notes in 1999. As the Malaysian dollar replaced the Malaya and British Borneo dollar at par and Malaysia was a participating member of the sterling area, the new dollar was originally valued at 8.57 dollars per 1 British pound sterling.
A group of Morelos state deputies drafted a proposal to urge the Federal Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) and Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA) to conserve the historical and archaeological cultural heritage on the site. They described the damage to the murals due to demolition of part of the shell of the Casino de la Selva building as an act of aggression against the cultural heritage of humanity. They called on the City of Cuernavaca to take into consideration the opinion of the citizens, suspend the work and prepare a comprehensive plan for conservation and use of the cultural, historial and ecological resources. In August 2002 demonstrators held a lengthy sit-in, calling for access to the site so they could count the remaining trees.
The city is the focus for domestic and inter-island communications in the Canary Islands. The city is home to the Parliament of the Canary Islands, the Audience of Accounts of the Canary Islands, the Captaincy General of the Canary Islands,Historial de la Capitanía General de Canarias Fuente: Ministerio de Defensa, Gobierno de España. the Canarian Ministry of the Presidency (shared on a four-year cycle with Las Palmas), one half of the Ministries and Boards of the Canarian Government, (the other half being located in Gran Canaria), the Tenerife Provincial Courts and two courts of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands. There are several faculties of the La Laguna University in Santa Cruz, including the Fine Arts School and the Naval Sciences Faculty.
Born in the village of León de Mechoacán in Guanajuato, he studied at the Valladolid seminary in Michoacán. He was ordained priest in 1765 and consecrated in the Cathedral of Valladolid de Michoacán in 1766. In 1767 he arrived in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, and on 22 June 1772 he was promoted to bishop of Yucatán During his episcopate, he was commissioned to carry out a census of the province, so in 1772 he published a document entitled "Nota historial sobre los pueblos y villas de la Provincia de Yucatán" (Historical note on the villages and towns of the Province of Yucatán). During a pastoral visit to Tabasco Province, then attached to that of Yucatán, he fell seriously ill in its capital San Juan Bautista (today the city of Villahermosa).
He presided over the Catalan Athletics Federation from 2000 to 2012.Historial Presidents de la FCA Cuyàs i Sol was also advisor-delegate of Ediciones 62, sole general director of the group of companies of Editorial Planeta and defender of the partner of Agrupació Mútua. As cultural promoter he was founder and first president of the Association of Publishers in Catalan Language between 1978 and 1982, vocal, accountant, treasurer and vice president of the Guild of Publishers of Catalonia between 1971 and 1982, and general director of Cultural promotion of the Generalitat of Catalonia between 1996 and 1997.Mor Romà Cuyàs, expresident del COE i pioner del Somni Olímpic de Barcelona-92 He had an important role in the system of Catalan culture at the end of the Franco dictatorship and during the transition to democracy.
Llegó el Frente y se fue el Atlético (The Front arrived and Atlético left); ABC, 21 June 2001 (in Spanish) In 2001, he won the Paraguayan Footballer of the Year award.El historial del galardón (Award's history); ABC Color, 29 December 2008 (in Spanish) Consequently, Acuña attracted attention from Deportivo de La Coruña, which bought the player for five years and €11 million even though he was still due a five-match suspension from the previous season, where Zaragoza was relegated.Deportivo swoop for Acuña; UEFA, 10 July 2002 With the Galicians, however, he never appeared more than seven times in the league during his spell, also struggling with injuriesAcuña despair for Deportivo; UEFA, 17 April 2003 and being often loaned.Deportivo return for 'Toro'; UEFA, 1 February 2005 Acuña first retired in 2007, finishing his career in Paraguay with Olimpia Asunción.
Wright started his career at SaprissaBreve historial de Mauricio Wright (Profile) – Nación and moved abroad to play for Comunicaciones in Guatemala, where he played alongside compatriots Rolando Fonseca, Floyd Guthrie and Jéwisson Bennett.Wright ya es del Comunicaciones – Nación He then played three seasons (1999–2001) in Major League Soccer, split between the San Jose ClashWright firme en el Clash – Nación (later Earthquakes) and the New England Revolution, alongside William Sunsing.MLS al rojo vivo•Equipo de Myers ya avanzó; Wright y Sunsing con esperanza; Solís eliminado – Nación He scored six goals and added three assists in MLS league play. Wright has also played for Herediano in Costa Rica and AEK, together with Walter Centeno,Club AEK griego de tico Mauricio Wright en grupo con Real Madrid y Roma para Liga de Campeones – Nación in the Greek Super League.
The major complaint he raises is that this critique is just a lazy repetition of the initial critical reaction in 1927. One of his key beliefs is that there are poets who find their audience at once and poets who have to wait for an audience to come to them - he reiterates this in Historial de un libro. He is one of the latter. So when people like Alonso, who rejected his early work and still persist in calling it immature, now say he is a fine poet, he takes that to mean that they are merely picking up on the favourable reactions of people 20 years younger to his recent works - in other words, the audience that has found him - and that they are unable to see the continuities between the earlier and the later work.
The Orinoco Basin is the part of South America drained by the Orinoco river and its tributaries. The Orinoco watershed covers an area of about 990000 km2, making it the third largest in South America, covering most of Venezuela and eastern part of Colombia. The Orinoco is one of the most important rivers in the world due to its length and flow (2140 km and more than 30000 m3/s),Historial del caudal del Orinoco desde 1969, en Musinacio the extent of its basin (1 million km2) and especially its historical importance and economic and the meaning it has had for Venezuela, where most of its basin is spread, with almost two-thirds of it. It is probably the largest river in the world in relation to its basin, similar in extent to that of the Danube but five times greater in volume.
This historial novel is about the main facts of the life of Inés (an important figure in Chile), written in older Ines' first-person voice, with its intended audience to be Ines' adoptive daughter, Isabel. In the first chapter, "Europe, 1500-1537", she describes her life in Plasencia, Spain, mainly her married life and affair with Juan of Málaga, in addition to her hard trip to America, motivated not only to find her husband, but also to find freedom. In "America, 1537-1540", she relates to us her life in The Cuzco, the decadence of the Incan empire under Francisco Pizarro and the political problems that they faced. Also, she begins her relationship with Pedro de Valdivia, who develops an obsession to conquer Chile, promoted by what was told to him by the old Diego of Almagro.
During the amateurism Wanderers dominated the historial of facings against Everton, but today the club hasn't been able to reverse that difference in the professional era, which explains the current historical's disadvantage (only overcomed in early 1970s). Deepening in the last point, both have faced 165 times, of which 40 have been draws, 68 have been victories for Everton and 57 have been for Wanderers, whilst for top-tier, the greens have won 32 times, Everton do it in 38 times, having a registered 27 ties. The first professional match between Wanderers and Everton team took place on 9 July 1944 with a 2–0 win for Vina del Mar's team. Nevertheless, it was in these times where the biggest win for derbies came, with a 7–0 victory for Santiago Wanderers on 2 October 1949.
Boca Juniors basketball section is part of the Boca Juniors sports club based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The team plays in the Liga Nacional de Básquet (LNB), the first division of the Argentine league system. Boca's home games are played at the Estadio Luis Conde, also called the Bombonerita (in English: "Small Bombonera"), as a reference to the club's football stadium known as the La Bombonera. Boca was one of the most successful teams before the creation of the LNB, winning many titles such as the Torneo Oficial, Torneo Apertura and Torneo Metropolitano organized by defunct leagues Federación Argentina and Asociación de Buenos Aires. Since the establishment of the LNB in 1985, Boca has won three championships (in 1996–97, 2003–04, and 2006–07)Historial de campeones de la Liga on LNB website, 2010-09-29 and was runner-up another three times (1997–98, 2002–03, and 2004–05).
Guillén reaches out joyfully and confidently to reality whereas Cernuda is more hesitant - the world might be an exciting place but something holds him back. Like Guillén, Cernuda uses strict metrical forms in this collection, such as the décima and the sonnet, and there is also an intellectual quality far removed from the folkloric elements that were being used by poets such as Alberti and Lorca, but the emotional restraint is far removed from the world of Cántico. The change of title suggests a recent desire to strip artifice away from his poetry,Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 630 presumably this refers to the reference in the title to the street where he had grown up - the Calle del Aire - which had baffled Francisco Ayala, one of the negative reviewers.Taravillo: Cernuda - Años españoles p 126 There are already poems that reject the real world in favour of a love that will lead to oblivion.
In London, he wrote six more. He wrote "Lázaro" while Chamberlain and Hitler were negotiating over Czechoslovakia, and the poem is written in a mood of melancholy calm, trying to express the disenchanted surprise that a dead man might feel on being brought back to life.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 646 Cernuda was feeling a growing sense of detachment and this is one of the first examples of his characteristic use of a Doppelgänger to express, in this case, his sense of alienation and lifelessness.Harris: Luis Cernuda a study p 149 During his stay with the colony of evacuated Basque children at Eaton Hastings, he befriended a boy called Iñaki who had quickly mastered English and showed such promise that Lord Faringdon was prepared to finance his education at a private school - an offer refused by the boy on political grounds, according to the story told by Cernuda to his fellow émigré Rafael Martínez Nadal.
It is interesting that although Cernuda later expressed his affection for these poems he acknowledges that they give cause to one of the most serious objections that can be made to his work: that he was not always able to maintain the distance between the man who suffers and the poet who creates.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 660 The bulk of the poems in the collection are shorter than in previous books and start to incorporate assonance more frequently in an attempt to concentrate the thematic material rather than explore it at length and also to seem more purely lyrical, even though these urges were not the result of a conscious decision. Among the other interesting poems is the one that opens the collection, "Aguila y rosa", a very sober, restrained account of the unfortunate marriage of Philip II and Mary Tudor, and Philip's stay in Britain. At times, it could be that Cernuda is projecting his own feelings onto the king.
In 1948, Cernuda published an open letter to the famous critic Dámaso Alonso in reaction to an article by the latter titled Una generación poética (1920-36).Cernuda OCP vol 2 Carta abierta a Dámaso Alonso p 198-200 He takes exception to two passages: #Cernuda, at that time very young #Cernuda was still a boy, almost isolated in Seville, in the year of our excursion to Seville, the same year in which Perfil del aire appeared in Málaga, which neither represents his mature work.... He points out that he was 25 at this time, so can scarcely be considered "very young" or a "boy". As for his isolation in Seville, Alonso should recall that he had already had poems published in the Revista de Occidente and elsewhere. However, it is noteworthy that in his later essay, Historial de un libro, he used the same expression to depict his sense of confusion at the hostile reviews to his first collection.
Probably the beginnings of a village in what today is Getaria could have been found in Roman times, as reflected in the finding of an "ace" of the previous pre- imperial era 2 b. C. The Middle Ages The village of Getaria was founded between 1180 and 1194 by King Sancho VI of Navarre, making Getaria, along with San Sebastián, one of the oldest towns in the province. During the second half of the 12th century, increasing and dominating the Cantabrian ports was a priority for the kings of Navarre. After Gipuzkoa was conquered around the year 1200, King Alfonso VIII of Castile confirmed his Fuero «eo modo quo rex Navarre illud dedit vobis habendum» on 1 September 1209 in San Sebastián. In 1571, the historian Esteban de Garibay confirmed the village's Navvarran founding in his book "Compendio Historial", stating that in 1209, Alfonso VIII gave Getaria the Fuero of San Sebastián thereby confirming its jurisdiction within Navarre.
The abundance of dedicatory inscriptions in the name of Sodasa (eight of them are known, often on sculptural works), and the fact that Sodasa is known through his coinage as well as through his relations with other Indo- Scythian rulers whose dates are known, means that Sodasa functions as a historic marker to ascertain the sculptural styles at Mathura during his rule, in the first half of the 1st century CE. The next historial marker corresponds to the reign of Kanishka under the Kushans, whose reign began circa 127 CE. The Kankali Tila tablet of Sodasa is one of those sculptural works directly inscribed in the name of Sodasa. Another one is the Katra torana fragment.Photograph visible p.396 in Photograph (front) Photograph (reverse) The sculptural styles at Mathura during the reign of Sodasa are quite distinctive, and significantly different from the style of the previous period circa 50 BCE, or the styles of the later period of the Kushan Empire in the 2nd century CE. Stylistically similar works can then be dated to the same period of the reign of Sodasa.
David Waters retired from active service in the Roal Navy in 1950 and entered the Civil Service to work in the Historial Branch as a specialist in the defence of shipping. Here, he began studies on the general history of Naval convoy from the age of sail to the Second World War and became the principal author for a 1957 staff history on the Second World War, "Defeat of the Enemy Attack upon Shipping," a classified volume that was eventually published thirty years later in 1997. Through a friendship that he developed with the wealthy American sportsman, former wartime naval officer, and book collector, Henry C. Taylor, Waters began his studies of the history of navigation. He published "The Rutters of the Sea" in 1967 and the "Art of Navigation in England and Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times" in 1958, books that Taylor had instigated as well as financially supported, even providing school fees for Waters's new family after David married his brother William's widow, Hope, in 1946.
Cordero made his debut for Saprissa on 1 September 1991 against Limón, coming on as a sub for Alexandre GuimarãesVíctor Cordero anuncia su retiro del futbol profesional - Nación and scored his first goal on 29 December 1996 against Cartaginés.Buzón de Rodrigo: Me publicaría un breve historial del defensor Víctor Cordero - Nación He has played his entire career for Saprissa, with whom he has won 11 national championships and three CONCACAF Champions' Cup, and was part of the team that played the 2005 FIFA Club World Championship Toyota Cup, where Saprissa finished third behind São Paulo and Liverpool He is one of the most title- winning soccer players in Costa Rica's and Saprissa's history, as well as one of Costa Rica's players with most seasons playing under one single team, with 20 straight seasons with Saprissa. He played 478 league games for Saprissa, second to Evaristo Coronado on Saprissa's all-time appearances list.Coronado y Cordero en los records morados - UNAFUT In May 2011, Cordero announced his retirement from the game.
Hirschfeld was a Guest Lecturer at the Universities of Warwick and Birmingham and Research Fellow at Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University between 1982-1989. From 1996-1997 and 2006-2007 Hirschfeld was a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Netherlands. From 2000-2015, he was a Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences /Science Committee of the Netherlands Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam. Hirschfeld is or was member of numerous academic committees and advisory councils, inter alia the Centre de Recherche des Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne, the Comité Scientique du Mémorial de Verdun, memorial for the victims of the NS-euthanasia in Baden- Württemberg, Grafeneck, the Fritz Bauer Institute, Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin, the Landschaftsverband Rheinland: Forum Vogelsang and 1914: Mitten in Europa, the Centre for Second World War Studies, University of Birmingham; further he is or was member of several editorial advisory boards, including the international encyclopedia of the First World War 1914-1918-Online and the journals Zeithistorische Forschungen and Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis.
Cernuda was born in the Barrio Santa Cruz, Calle Conde de Tójar 6 (now Acetres),Villena intro to edition of Las Nubes p 11 in Seville in 1902, the son of a colonel in the Regiment of Engineers.Poesía completa: Cronología biográfica He had two older sisters. The recollections and impressions of childhood contained in his poems, and the prose poems collected in Ocnos, suggest that he was always a solitary, introverted, and timid child whose unhappiness in the family led to his living vicariously through books and through his strong visual impressions of his native city.Connell p 201 His first encounter with poetry came at the age of 9 when he glanced through a copy of Bécquer's Rimas that had been lent to his sisters by their cousins Luisa and Brígida de la Sota.Cernuda: OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 625 Despite the fact that he later testified that this left no more than a dormant impression upon him, he began to write poetry himself during his studies at the Escolapios School in Seville from 1915 to 1919 around the age of
This was the title that Cernuda gave in La realidad y el deseo to the revised version of his first published work Perfil del aire, which had been published by Litoral in April 1927. The collection was dedicated to Salinas, and Cernuda sent a copy to him in Madrid, where he was spending the university vacation. Cernuda later recalled that this book was greeted by a stream of hostile reviews that tended to concentrate on a perceived lack of novelty and on its indebtedness to Guillén. It also really stung him that Salinas merely sent back a brief acknowledgement of receipt of the book.Cernuda OCP vol 1 Historial de un libro p 629 He dealt with the apparent debt to Guillén in an open letter published in Ínsula in 1948, in which he points out that in 1927 Guillén had yet to publish a collection. During the 1920s, Guillén had published individual poems in various magazines - including 12 in two separate editions of the Revista de Occidente in 1924 and 1925 - but, he argues, this is scarcely sufficient evidence to demonstrate significant influence, given that in December 1925 he himself had had 9 poems published in Revista de Occidente.

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