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267 Sentences With "have borrowed"

How to use have borrowed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "have borrowed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "have borrowed". Mastering all the usages of "have borrowed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Shadow banks have borrowed from bad banks which may have borrowed from good ones.
Chinese companies have borrowed billions of dollars in recent years.
Many European nationalists have borrowed tactics from President Donald Trump.
As Swedes have borrowed to buy, their debts have risen.
Previous Peronist regimes have borrowed and splurged with unusual recklessness.
Asset-price falls are fearsome when people have borrowed too much.
They seemed to have borrowed more from King & Spielberg in their story.
Governments have borrowed heavily to replace oil revenues or fund capital projects.
Many states and Puerto Rico have borrowed money to fill the gap.
Countries, especially emerging markets, firms, and individuals have borrowed cheaply in dollars.
I have borrowed bikes, cars, books, headphones, and even money without asking.
But we have borrowed increasing amounts of money at very low rates.
We have borrowed from our life insurance policy, that's how desperate we are.
Short-sellers have borrowed 33.8 million Tesla shares, Bloomberg wrote, citing IHS Markit.
This is far from the only finding paleontologists have borrowed from the birds.
That will trigger worries about those Asian companies that have borrowed in dollars.
On the trading front, investors have borrowed cheaper dollar to buy in oil.
His competitors have borrowed in dollars and euros, too, but take in lira.
Several of my clients have borrowed close to $1 million for their education.
Turkish banks have borrowed $186 billion, much of it denominated in American dollars.
You may even be able to do this with money you have borrowed.
Maybe it's because so many scripted podcasts have borrowed from old radio plays.
Governments have borrowed too much debt, and people can panic when things change.
Homeowners who have borrowed since then lack the opportunity to save money by refinancing.
It causes problems for companies in emerging markets that have borrowed in the currency.
Obviously going to have borrowed in the future at some point for these liabilities.
For years Turkish companies have borrowed in hard currency, drawn by lower interest rates.
He might have borrowed another from Doris Lessing: "Briefing for a Descent Into Hell."
To improve their hospitals, rich countries have borrowed heavily from two industries: manufacturing and aviation.
On several occasions, Rick and Morty's artists have borrowed from iconic video game weapon design.
The traders have borrowed from banks and lent it to Erbil at their own risk.
Turkish businesses have borrowed increasing amounts in foreign currencies such as Euros and U.S. dollars.
In country after country, governments have borrowed heavily from China to pay for these projects.
For years, Turkish firms have borrowed in dollars and euros, drawn by lower interest rates.
About 1.4 million Americans have borrowed from private lenders, according to a report by LendEdu.
Banks must begin repaying the €250bn they have borrowed through the ECB's scheme from mid-2020.
Amazon's PR department may as well have borrowed this narrative out of the realms of comedy.
For years, Turkish companies have borrowed in euros and dollars, to take advantage of lower rates.
But late payers are still prone to abuse, especially if they have borrowed from shady people.
To bridge that gap, Turkey's banks and big firms have borrowed heavily, often in foreign currency.
He thinks that will have consequences for the economy because people have borrowed at false prices.
Its companies have borrowed from abroad at a faster rate than any emerging market save China's.
Chinese companies have borrowed heavily since the 2008 financial crisis, with state-owned enterprises leading the splurge.
He and his family have borrowed from local moneylenders to drill five bore holes across the smallholding.
The biggest increase has been in China, where households have borrowed about $4.5trn over the past decade.
Since 2000, African countries have borrowed about $130 billion from China, according to a Johns Hopkins analysis.
And Kylie Jenner and boyfriend Travis Scott may have borrowed one from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
Similarly, emerging-market companies that have borrowed in dollars may be in trouble if their currencies depreciate.
According to IHS Markit, short sellers have borrowed 6.61 million shares of Lyft, or $455 million worth.
Countries such as Turkey, India and South Africa, which have borrowed extensively in dollars, face another problem.
Many businesses have borrowed in foreign currencies, which means their debt burdens rose as the lira fell.
"I have borrowed so much that the shopkeepers have stopped lending to my family now," he said.
Mr. Bernier seeks to distance himself from President Trump, but appears to have borrowed from his playbook.
Some US companies, Moynihan noted, have borrowed so heavily that they're leveraged at up to 12 times earnings.
Desktop operating systems have borrowed heavily from their mobile counterparts in recent years, bringing with them notifications galore.
Rand weakness will also squeeze farmers who have borrowed following the 2015 drought, the region's worst on record.
Redditor Caitywaity noticed that This Is Us may have borrowed a line of dialogue from the 2002 movie.
Short sellers have borrowed $455 million worth of Lyft shares, or 6.61 million shares, according to IHS Markit.
Zero companies have borrowed money from the US high yield corporate bond market this month, according to Dealogic.
The other thing is that conservatives, historically, have borrowed and learned from the very revolutionary movements they've opposed.
But many small European companies that have borrowed money on October won't generate revenue for a little while.
Some of them are in dire financial straits and have borrowed money at rates well above legal maximums.
They have borrowed from friends and relatives, and racked up $50,000 in credit card bills and other debt.
Suppose, for example, that the country's companies have borrowed heavily in dollars, even if the government itself has not.
Retailers, energy firms and others have borrowed heavily in foreign currencies to take advantage of lower interest rates overseas.
The priest appears to have borrowed the hoverboard for a sermon about how Jesus adds balance to people's lives.
Researchers said the attack may have borrowed malware code used in earlier ransomware campaigns known as "Petya" and "GoldenEye".
The more money that you have borrowed and paid back on time, the higher your credit score will be.
But Beyoncé isn't the only huge pop star to have borrowed from Fosse … Rent or purchase it on Amazon.
Not surprisingly, African governments have borrowed $30 billion from Chinese banks during this period to pay for transportation infrastructure.
"Local banks have borrowed an immense amount - north of $100 billion - abroad and lent that money on locally," he said.
The bond issue was so oversubscribed that the Greek government could have borrowed €6.5bn, more than twice their desired amount.
S. banks who have borrowed trillions of dollars are potentially exposed to a currency mismatch between their assets and liabilities.
And many businesses have borrowed in foreign currencies, which means their debt burdens have risen as the lira surrenders value.
To pay for such projects, many African nations have borrowed from China or relied on natural resources like oil reserves.
There is also this to consider: African nations have borrowed $143 billion from China since 2000, according to CARI figures.
All told, he'll have borrowed $1,267, and he's on the hook for $2,160, for what was initially a $400 emergency.
Taking advantage of historically low yields and strong investor appetite, Africans have borrowed heavily in international markets in recent years.
But it will put heavy constraints on Chinese companies who do business overseas and have borrowed money in American dollars.
But it will put heavy constraints on Chinese companies who do business overseas and have borrowed money in American dollars.
Lydia may have borrowed the idea from Revolut, but I'm not sure why you'd choose Revolut's insurance product over Lydia's product.
Greller and Spieth have borrowed a betting game they picked up from Day and Swatton during the 2013 FedEx Cup playoffs.
Often they have borrowed relatively little money but have few resources and no doubt little enthusiasm for repaying what they owe.
The company appears to have borrowed the Chroma lighting effects here, meaning that the logo should light up when in use.
This fast-paced method of communication has become so ingrained that other apps have borrowed the chat format for different purposes.
In Beijing, the authorities are increasingly worried about deeply indebted companies like HNA that have borrowed huge sums from state banks.
Though the phrase has a long history as a call for socialist reform, Trump may have borrowed it from Ben Carson's campaign.
These are existential questions, but so unfamiliar that Denis could have borrowed them from some different species living on a different planet.
He said he frequently receives emails from parents seeking help with handling their parent PLUS loans because they have borrowed too much.
But often there's little equity left, even as prices have largely recovered, because so many older homeowners have borrowed against their homes.
Her breasts were immense and heaved like distant ocean waves inside her woman's bra, which she must have "borrowed" from her mother.
Since 2628, over 28503 million students have borrowed over $22019 billion, again without the expenditure of a single dime of taxpayer funds.
From early medieval times to the present day, Hindus and Muslims have borrowed from each other's religious vocabularies, with sometimes surprising results.
Instead, many states have borrowed money or simply not set aside what's needed to make good on pension promises to current future retirees.
Many companies have borrowed in dollars, so the cost of repaying their debt rises when the greenback gains ground against their domestic currencies.
Foreign corporations, particularly in China, would see their debt burdens rise as the dollars they have borrowed become more expensive to pay back.
The most common concern expressed by issuers is whether they will be able to get the cash they have borrowed out of China.
In times of crisis, Americans have borrowed English idioms, and coined a few of their own homespun mottos for personal and economic perseverance.
And some of the weaker ones that have borrowed heavily while rates are low might even start to show signs of financial distress.
"Strong erstwhile returns have borrowed from future gains," Sharmin Mossavar-Rahmani, Goldman Sachs Investment Strategy Group CIO, said in the group's 2020 outlook.
This is also the time to pay back any money you may have borrowed as a loan from your 401(k), said Falcon.
On the other hand, homeowners who have borrowed against properties using a home equity line of credit will feel a pinch much sooner.
Of those who have borrowed from the federal government and began repayments in 4323, 10% defaulted within two years, up from 4.5% in 2003.
And they came in full force — short sellers have borrowed $455 million worth of Lyft shares, or 6.61 million shares, according to IHS Markit.
"I have borrowed a hand that reminds me of my mother—she used to hold her thumb in her clenched fist," one guest wrote.
This number is one way lenders measure your ability to manage the payments you make every month to repay the money you have borrowed.
Bayer, CVS, General Mills and AT&T are among the deal makers whose investment-grade bond ratings have fallen as they have borrowed more.
As well as boosting inflation, a cheaper currency makes it harder for emerging-market corporations that have borrowed in dollars to service their debts.
That is because companies and countries that have borrowed a lot in dollars will have trouble repaying those debts as their own currencies weaken.
This will serve as an indicator of how much investors have borrowed to buy those shares and show how leveraged the market is, it added.
With the student loan grace period ending this month, millions of Americans will take on the task of repaying what they have borrowed for school.
For years Turkish firms have borrowed in euros and dollars, to take advantage of lower rates, but that has exposed firms to substantial currency risk.
And, pension plans that have borrowed money would have to submit reports every three years to the PRA to show that the loans are working.
Proponents of the bailout this year push note that Fannie and Freddie have borrowed $2628 billion since 28500, yet have paid $6900 billion in dividends.
Chinese regulators have become increasingly concerned that some of the biggest conglomerates have borrowed so much that they could pose risks to the financial system.
A senior employee of Centaline, the Hong Kong property agency, said around 30 percent of his clients have borrowed their down payments from a third party.
Nowadays, it's not quite as straightforward, given the number of features and ideas these two powerhouse mobile OSes have borrowed from each other over the years.
Regulators also worry further dollar strength may destabilize the global financial system and some of the large emerging economies where companies have borrowed heavily in dollars.
In order to give them some headroom, companies that have borrowed money on October won't have to pay back their loans for the next three months.
In 2004, for instance, at age 88, she wrote a book called "Dark Age Ahead," a title she might have borrowed from Stephen K. Bannon's diary.
Both Apple and Microsoft have borrowed enough from each other over the last five-to-ten years (hello dark mode) that there are no big gaps here.
The problems will emerge among those investors who have borrowed money to buy assets—in America the volume of such debt exceeds the level reached in 2008.
Therefore, brokerage firms are barred from accepting orders for short sales unless they have borrowed the stock or have "reasonable grounds" to believe it can be secured.
Leo said conservatives have borrowed techniques from the liberal coalitions that worked to defeat the nomination of Robert Bork by Republican then-President Ronald Reagan in 1987.
Turkish companies that have borrowed money in dollars, a common practice, have more trouble repaying their loans as the lira they earn in sales decline in value.
If the yuan weakens too sharply, that could put stress on the companies that have borrowed overseas by making it harder for them to repay, they added.
Fuliza, which is operated jointly with two local banks, has garnered 8.8 million users who have borrowed a combined 45 billion shillings, Safaricom said earlier this month.
The Belt and Road is widely believed to magnify sovereign debt risks in participating countries that have borrowed from Chinese President Xi Jinping's government for infrastructure projects.
"As a result, the debtor countries themselves have an incomplete picture on how much they have borrowed from China and under which conditions," researchers wrote in the report.
"We would have borrowed now probably on better terms that at the beginning of the year," Siluanov told reporters on the sidelines of the forum late on Friday.
Given the German group's palpable influence on American hip-hop in the early 1980s, it's interesting to hear him insinuate that they may have borrowed from his sound.
Frosinone's Chairman Maurizio Stirpe, who has been in charge since 2003, told Reuters the club could have borrowed more cheaply from a bank but opted for crowdfunding instead.
Even worse, in the past year nearly a quarter of independent workers have borrowed from a retirement plan, cashed one out or both, the Small Business Majority found.
In the absence of such a cataclysm, and with the support of central banks, governments that have borrowed in their own currency should not face an imminent problem.
According to Thomson Reuters data, investors have borrowed 39 million shares of Deutsche Bank shares to bet against it — or about 2.8 percent of the total shares outstanding.
Taking advantage of historically low yields and strong investor appetite, Africans have borrowed heavily in international markets in recent years with debt sales reaching record highs in 2014.
Aided by extremely low interest rates, US businesses have borrowed heavily over the past decade to hire workers, build factories, research new products and pay for share buybacks.
Around the country, many who have rallied against strengthening of vaccine regulations, including the activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., have borrowed the language of the abortion rights movement.
So many painters have "borrowed" elements of his style and iconography that his influence is all but taken for granted, the substance of his work lost to cliché.
It seems to have borrowed heavily from the design of the ThinkPad X1 Carbon keyboard—which is hands down the best keyboard in a non-gaming laptop right now.
"We would have borrowed now probably on better terms than at the beginning of the year," Siluanov told reporters on the sidelines of an economic forum late on Friday.
Possible changes include reducing charges for firms which fail to return on time the bonds they have borrowed, accepting new types of collateral and extending the duration of loans.
Companies that for years have borrowed abroad at low interest rates have seen their cost of servicing foreign debt rise by a quarter in lira terms in two months.
This chart shows the percentage of all deals featuring companies who have borrowed more than six times their earnings — the largest loans in the market compared to company size.
Many have borrowed money to fund expansion, following the government's decision in 2013 to lift the cap on the number of students that English universities were able to accept.
Trump businesses have borrowed over $300 million for a Florida golf course and hotels in Chicago and Washington, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015.
As the Turkish Lira depreciates against the dollar, more and more firms—many of whom have borrowed in U.S. currency—cannot make their debt payments, risking a financial crisis.
Already the dollar's gains over the past few weeks have been staggering, and the surge is a nightmare for many countries and companies that have borrowed heavily in greenbacks.
The beverage companies have borrowed a tactic from the tobacco industry, which used state pre-emption laws in the 1980s to ban cigarette taxes and other municipal antismoking ordinances.
Eilish may have borrowed some of her aesthetic from hip hop culture — where do you think she got her obsession with streetwear and audacious Cardi B-esque nails from?
Juul sold a 35 percent stake of its company to the tobacco giant Altria, and the broader e-cigarette industry appears to have borrowed from the Big Tobacco playbook.
AMC has been caught up in the scrutiny surrounding its owner, Dalian Wanda, which is among several Chinese conglomerates that have borrowed heavily to finance deals around the world.
On the other hand, we are now learning of not-so-smart investors who have borrowed against their houses and taken out loans to jump into the bitcoin wave.
According to a new study by NerdWallet, a financial tool website, nearly half of undergraduate students say that they could have borrowed less and still have afforded their educations.
Some would undoubtedly find work with other minicab companies, while others might struggle to pay their bills, particularly if they have borrowed money to buy or lease their cars.
"Be consistent with the 2022 deadline because people have invested money to build smelters, they have borrowed money with an expectation they can still export until 2022," Lengkey told reporters.
If not for the sanctions, the Russian government, banks, and corporations could have borrowed their way out of the crisis (especially given that the overall external debt was not large).
But in essence this means that the markets have "borrowed" returns from the future; from a starting point of higher valuations (lower yields), future returns are likely to be lower.
And as competitors have borrowed and even begun to surpass Apple's best designs, what was iconic about the company's phones, computers, tablets and other products has come to seem generic.
Trump businesses have borrowed over $300 million for a Florida golf course and hotels in Chicago and Washington DC, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015.
At least, that's what's happening to In-N-Out Cleaners in Wichita, Kansas, which seems to have borrowed both its name and its logo from the iconic California burger chain.
The single largest item included in his estate tax return was a $10.3 million I.O.U. from Donald Trump, money his son appears to have borrowed the year before he died.
To open up their menus and dining rooms to a younger, looser spirit, Indian chefs around the city have borrowed ideas from gastro pubs, noodle bars and cosmopolitan tasting counters.
Film-makers study what Communist Party ideologues call the "main melody", a musical term they have borrowed to describe the core political ideas upon which creative sorts are encouraged to riff.
If the dollar, which is already perched at 14-year highs versus the euro, continued to rise, this would squeeze countries that have borrowed in dollars, possible even forcing more bailouts.
Tech experts in countries such as Iran and Venezuela have borrowed these tactics and joined efforts toward the same goals: to erode confidence in electoral processes and in democratic governance itself.
Details of exactly how the game will play are thin at this point in development, but HoloGrid: Monster Battle seems to have borrowed some of the brutality of Star Wars' holochess.
"Increasingly we see instances where LICs [low-income countries] have borrowed excessively, and unsustainably, from large, often non-transparent emerging sovereign creditors like China and/or private creditors," the statement said.
Or perhaps instead of "historical consciousness," I might have borrowed a phrase from the subtitle of Hayden White's famous book Metahistory (1973) and called Wood's book Art and the Historical Imagination.
Pension plans that have borrowed money are audited every three years and would have to submit a financial report every year to the PRA to show that the loans are working.
Record high short interest in this ETN means investors have borrowed, and then sold, an all-time high number of VXX shares in expectation they can buy them back cheaper later.
Apple also appears to have borrowed the shallow keyboard from the MacBook, and it's thought that the company will ditch the MagSafe power cable in favor of USB Type-C, too.
In a series of videos posted to Instagram, Spacey holds a guitar he appears to have borrowed from the band and strums along as people in the street sing with him.
Mr. Liu, a Harvard-educated technocrat, is widely seen as a driving force behind China's efforts to rein in high-flying entrepreneurs who have borrowed heavily to pay for global expansion.
A memorial to those who lost their lives in 2019 "They have been told that they have borrowed too much and have overextended," she told the newspaper The Oklahoman in 1988.
QIQIHAR, China — Over the past eight years, to the world's growing alarm, China's big state-owned companies and powerful local governments have borrowed trillions of dollars to get what they want.
Regulators are looking at how top Chinese companies have borrowed money, and how they've structured massive deals like the snapping up of marquee assets from Legendary Entertainment to the Waldorf Astoria hotel.
Subprime car loans may not bring down the system on their own, but regulators are all too well aware of the dangers if too many households find they have borrowed too much.
One of the most authoritative trackers of global capital flows, the IIF report also highlighted "rollover" risks, especially in emerging markets that have borrowed in hard currencies such as euros and dollars.
That is 'trillion' with a 'T,'" he reminded us, saying "that is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers.
New York City commuter railroads have borrowed almost a billion dollars to meet the mandate, and other cash-strapped cities are crying out for federal grants to help them meet the burden.
Short-sellers — investors who have borrowed Tesla shares and sold them, betting that the stock will fall when they buy back shares to cover their bets — are suffering as the stock rises.
He never sought acceptance from the establishment fashion world, though he is also not without pique at those who have borrowed from his signature look, most often without credit, over the years.
Municipality and county governments, on the other hand, have borrowed and spent considerable amounts to woo Foxconn, and they will be left in a precarious position as the company scales back its plans.
Meghan Markle may have borrowed an antique tiara from Queen Elizabeth on her wedding day, but the newest member of the royal family has already accumulated quite a jewelry collection of her own.
Emerging markets are particularly sensitive to U.S. interest rate changes, as many governments and companies have borrowed money in U.S. dollars and higher rates can cause greater capital outflows as investors seek returns.
Levkovich bumped up his S&P forecast to 2,425 for 2017, but he also says the market may have borrowed some of 2017's gains in the run up to the new year.
A growing number of US hedge funds specializing in distressed debt are raising money in anticipation that the next economic downturn will punish companies that have borrowed record amounts since the financial crisis.
And perhaps the plaques remind us of all the other guests who have borrowed these benches, and give us hope that one day we may cease being guests and find our own home.
They have borrowed from the left the rhetoric of the "sanctuary cities" movement, where local governments limit their co-operation with federal immigration authorities in an attempt to protect illegal immigrants from deportation.
Trump's businesses have borrowed more than $300 million from Deutsche to finance a golf course in Florida and hotels in Chicago and Washington, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015.
So, for probably the first five to eight years, we will have to look at how we can use the cash flow and return the debt that we have borrowed from the financial institutions.
Trump's businesses have borrowed more than $300 million from Deutsche to finance the company's Florida golf course and hotels in Chicago and Washington, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015.
They have borrowed the worst of United States presidential politics, with its obsessive focus on the leader, and grafted it onto a Westminster system of parliamentary government that was designed for collaboration and compromise.
The dollar's surge is a nightmare for the many countries and companies that have borrowed heavily in the U.S. currency, leading to yet more selling of emerging market currencies in a negative feedback loop.
"It affects the farmers who grow the chickens, who have borrowed millions to build these chicken-houses and who get paid on production, and the truckers who have bought their rigs," said Martha Rogers.
Trump businesses have borrowed over $300 million from Deutsche Bank to finance the company's Florida golf course and hotels in Chicago and Washington, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015.
David Rubenstein of the Carlyle Group told the same panel that he feared a "Mexican-style" crisis if the dollar continued to rise, putting pressure on emerging market countries that have borrowed in dollars.
Bankruptcies are at a low point, but given the amount of debt that companies have borrowed at low rates that will eventually rise, the number of bankruptcies and distressed sales is expected to climb.
Christin and Mézières filled their universe with all kinds of odd and shaggy creatures, mind-blowing concepts, and even a few elements that George Lucas and Star Wars may have borrowed (including the Millennium Falcon).
On the margins, the repatriation might crimp some bond market issuance, as many firms have borrowed in U.S. markets in order to fund buybacks without having to resort to repatriating cash at prohibitive tax rates.
And with global debt now standing at a record $217 trillion, "roll over" risks will increase as central banks start raising interest rates, weighing especially on emerging markets that have borrowed in euros and dollars.
Making matters worse: Emerging economies also have borrowed at an unprecedented rate and at a time when global interest rates are rising and the dollar has strengthened, meaning the loans will cost more to pay back.
Traders in Asia said shares were helped by hopes that the concern about a stronger dollar expressed by the U.S. President-elect at the weekend would benefit emerging markets where companies have borrowed heavily in dollars.
"The whole issue is they have to take care of their asset-liability mismatch," Khan said in reference to concerns that some of the firms have borrowed short-term when their revenue streams are longer-term.
For 50 developing countries which have borrowed from China, that debt has increased on average from less than 1% of their GDP in 2015, to more than 15% in 2017, according to estimates by the study's researchers.
The gay rights movement turned sharply on the language of medicine to make a cultural point; in turn, advocates for other marginalized groups have borrowed the ''-phobia'' construction in hopes of replicating the gay rights movement's success.
More than 300,133 people have borrowed from these firms, with total loan distribution reaching 3 trillion rupiah ($218 million) as of January, versus 247 billion in December 2016, according to data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
The recent surge in the dollar is a nightmare for the many countries and companies that have borrowed heavily in the U.S. currency, leading to yet more selling of emerging market currencies in a negative feedback loop.
"A Univac is a fabulous electronic machine, which we have borrowed to help us predict this election from the basis of early returns as they come in," Charles Collingwood told his audience as the evening's coverage began.
Many businesses and local governments have borrowed billions of dollars to build high-speed rail lines, real estate developments and other projects, many of which are not going to produce the returns needed to pay off those debts.
Chris: I know, I'm being terribly pedantic here, but like you said about power fantasies, I think games and film have borrowed so much from one another, that the very blunt line "like a video game" is meaningless.
But of all Russian oil and gas companies, it is the only one to have borrowed significant sums from the West - about $5 billion in 20143 and $3 billion in 2018 so far - using Eurobonds and syndicated loans.
They, like other far-right groups, have borrowed the word from the fifteenth-century expulsion of Muslims from Spain and given it a new meaning as a quest to keep all perceived non-Europeans out of the continent.
Many were leaders of countries, like Kenya and Laos, that have borrowed heavily from Beijing as part of Mr. Xi's Belt and Road Initiative, which is lending money for infrastructure projects across Asia, Eastern Europe and East Africa.
Only Intel seems to have borrowed a page from the Asian tycoon playbook, as its chief executive, Brian Krzanich, appeared with Mr. Trump to announce a $7 billion Arizona plant that was conceived in 2011 and then delayed.
Short interest in Simon, which tracks the amount of shares hedge funds have borrowed to bet that its value will fall, rose to the highest level since the financial crisis last month, with bets worth more than $1bn.
For years, Turkish companies have borrowed cheaply in euros and dollars but a currency crisis, which sent the lira down as much as 47 percent against the dollar this year, has driven up the cost of servicing that debt.
From DJ Mustard's pervasive hyphy-inspired sound to Drake's tribute to Too $hort on "For Free," people have borrowed and poached from the Bay Area for years, but the region is often overlooked in conversations about hip-hop trendsetters.
Borthwick said expectations that U.S. rates would remain low supported emerging market currencies such as the Mexican peso and Russian ruble since lower-for-longer U.S. monetary policy would keep afloat emerging market countries who have borrowed in dollars.
"When in the past these branches have borrowed yen in the interbank market and lent it on to their head offices abroad, the purpose has often been for the head office to implement a yen carry trade," he said.
"Given the high levels of debt and housing prices, relative to incomes, it is likely that some households (will) respond to a future shock to income or housing prices by deciding that they have borrowed too much," said Lowe.
That has soothed any worries for the moment of another blow to the developing economies who have borrowed heavily in dollars over the past five years, giving investors the freedom to push funds into emerging markets and commodity-linked currencies.
Some of the estimated 280,000 beneficiaries who have attended college or graduate school have borrowed from two major lenders, Sallie Mae and Discover, which lent money to DACA recipients who could find sponsors who were United States citizens or permanent residents.
The traditional way for a publicly traded company to go private is through a leveraged buyout, in which private equity firms or other investors purchase all of the outstanding public shares with money they have borrowed from banks or other sources.
And in the same ways that contrarian California Boys of decades past have borrowed their jewelry, caftans, and slinky pants from their female counterparts, the New California Girl is heavily influenced by menswear, for the sheer notion of going against convention.
But the assumed shift towards more tightening was bad news for stock markets, which have been comforted by the idea there would be no squeeze on the funds and companies that have borrowed and invested trillions of dollars globally over the past decade.
Racine County and the Village of Mount Pleasant, the 26,000-person town where the factory was to be located, have borrowed $355 million so far and already spent $190 million, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, mostly on land meant for Foxconn.
The bigger question is what's next for Nest But it's also not crazy to think that at this point, with both Nest and Google having smart home products, that Nest might have borrowed more technology from its parent company, or vice versa.
Put aside her supposed political preference (she may have borrowed the car from a friend) and answer this: Which applicant is best qualified and gives you the greatest confidence that she (or he) will work hard for the success of your bakery?
This month, regulators have upped their game on examining how top Chinese companies such as conglomerate Wanda and insurer Anbang have borrowed money, and how they've structured massive deals, such as snapping up marquee assets from Legendary Entertainment to the Waldorf Astoria hotel.
Read more: To compete for top students, colleges have borrowed a tactic retailers have been using for yearsOn average, one college per year decreased its tuition from 2800 to 2011, but that number jumped to 18 colleges in 2018, Siegel Bernard wrote.
The panel on Tuesday seemed like an opportunity to recast the initiative's image to a crowd stacked with government leaders and tycoons from developing countries, many of which have borrowed heavily from Chinese financial institutions to build infrastructure as part of the program.
I'm pretty sure that the black woman who is talking about the prejudice she experienced from having a yellow complexion, and that young man who describes his problems as a middle-aged woman of Turkish origin, have borrowed their autobiographies from others.
It sparked a long-lasting lineage of busy, breathtaking motifs fabricated on pure silk and contained in a simple carré ("square" in French), which over the years have borrowed from classical portraiture, cartography, Pop Art, the Bauhaus and traditional, equestrian-inspired Hermès motifs.
Gibbs and IIF's Emre Tiftik tell Axios that poorer countries in Africa and the Middle East that have borrowed heavily — more than 25% of guaranteed bilateral credit now comes from China, up from less than 1% in 2007 — are some of the institute's biggest worries.
"Qatari banks that are exposed to those countries that have severed ties with it will be very vulnerable, and vice versa - companies that have borrowed from Qatari banks may have to figure out how to negotiate loans and deals," said a Doha-based asset manager.
Just as the Disney-era "Star Wars" sequels have borrowed heavily from their beloved '70s and '80s predecessors, major policy initiatives on both sides of the aisle are often just a rehash of old ideas that cater to the base, slightly updated for the times.
Many were leaders of countries like Kenya and Laos that have borrowed heavily from Beijing Australian intelligence officials determined that Huawei employees were asked to help the Chinese government infiltrate a foreign telecom network, according to The Australian Weekend, which cited an unidentified source.
Artists have borrowed (or happily stolen) from their contemporaries for centuries, but with the way meme culture raucously spreads online, every bit of today's pop art—rap songs, Marvel characters, memorable scenes from Bravo reality shows—ends up repurposed by fans through add-on.
But despite the bankruptcies of two airlines that have borrowed under the financing vehicle, corresponding to around 40 percent of the debt being in default, the bonds did not drop dramatically because of the implicit assumption that Etihad would bear the liabilities of the two airlines.
Mr. Rajan, who was prescient in warning about the last crisis, said it's unwise to deregulate now because businesses and individuals have borrowed a lot of money in recent years in the United States and other countries, raising the risks of economic problems down the road.
The failure to meet bond repayments puts the spotlight on other debt-laden municipalities that have borrowed heavily in recent years and raises questions about where the central government would tolerate an increase in defaults as they let markets play a bigger role in discerning risk.
Android and iOS might have borrowed enough features from each other over the years to make the superficial differences not so great any more (iOS even has widgets these days), but dig a little deeper and you've got three main ways that Apple's mobile platform differs from Google's.
I've been saying this pretty much all year, the double-barreled was actually -- he may have borrowed that from me, that's how I've been talking about – it's how I've been phrasing it all year – that we've really been tightening interest rates in a way that's more than people understand.
The Kimoji CEO appears to have borrowed a blazer from her husband Kanye's closet, swaddling herself in the sized up black wool blazer, wearing only a simple black bra underneath, and balancing out her boxy, androgynous jacket with a pair of super sexy, see-through black lace pants.
She topped off the look with a wavy ponytail and a pink velvet choker necklace (as well as two Lola James pieces – her new "G" and her old "Zayn") — plus a Fendi "Baguette" bag and silky pink pashmina that we suspect she might have borrowed from mom Yolanda.
The median debt load of those enrolled in public service loan forgiveness is more than $5.43,25.4, and nearly 210 percent of people who have been certified for the program have borrowed more than $22017,000, according to a recent analysis Delisle did for the Brookings Institution (see chart below).
Sure, Kate might have just have borrowed the tiara from the Linleys, but the fact that she wore it again in October 2015 when she attended her first State Banquet at Buckingham Palace suggests that she borrowed it from a jewelry vault a little closer to home – the Queen's.
The median debt load of those enrolled in public-service loan forgiveness is more than $60,103, and nearly 30 percent of people who have been certified for the program have borrowed more than $100,000, according to a 2016 analysis Delisle undertook for the Brookings Institution (see chart below).
The median debt load of those enrolled in public-service loan forgiveness is more than $60,000, and nearly 30 percent of people who have been certified for the program have borrowed more than $100,000, according to a 2016 analysis Delisle undertook for the Brookings Institution (see chart below).
"—which appears to have borrowed its title and arguments from a wildly racist sermon that was delivered two years earlier from the pulpit of fellow Baptist Gerald O. Fleming—Jerry Falwell said, "The racial problem in this country is not one of hate—but one of Bible principle.
To be fair, one reason why America's best universities are so good is that they have borrowed liberally from abroad—particularly from the British residential universities that grew up in Oxford and Cambridge in the Middle Ages, and from Wilhelm von Humboldt's German research university in the early 19th century.
That points to underlying concern both over what more aggressive rises in U.S. interest rates will do to global demand and the raft of emerging economies which have borrowed heavily in the past few years, as well as to the straight read across of a weaker Chinese yuan against the dollar.
Already, a handful of players have borrowed thousands of dollars from these lenders, according to industry officials and players, against the payouts they hope to receive once the deal is completed after a second appeal is heard and lawyers for the league and for the players work out the logistics.
Steinfeld arrived in a black lace-trimmed slip dress with a blush moto jacket and strappy heels, while Baldwin seemed to have borrowed a piece from no-show Kim Kardashian's closet, topping a beige bodysuit with a beige fishnet shift and adding Bionda Castana heels and (say it with us now) a choker.
Major shareholders of listed Chinese companies have borrowed heavily using stocks in recent years, and a roughly 25 percent slump in stock prices in 2018 triggered a burst of margin calls, prompting Beijing to urge the injection of liquidity into struggling firms via relief funds provided by securities firms, insurers and others.
Justifications have also been made by members of the public that the statement taken from President Bush's speech was originally uttered by Woodrow Wilson, many other prominent politicians have borrowed the language of others without acknowledgment, and lastly, that the country has bigger fish to fry than the pilfering of a few letters and the commas that glue them together.
Some authors have used this pretense ironically, to emphasize the fictional nature of the proceedings (see "Lolita," a prison cell confession complete with diagnostic foreword and names changed to protect the innocent), while others have borrowed nonfiction forms to give otherwise improbable events the urgency of fact (see "The Plot Against America," an earnest memoir of childhood during the Lindbergh administration).
When the Allied nations met in 1944 at Bretton Woods to negotiate the rules and procedures of a new international monetary system, the economist John Maynard Keynes recognized that a global economy will have a systematic bias toward contraction if countries that have borrowed heavily are forced to cut back spending while no pressure is applied to countries that are running large surpluses.
So much sounds and looks right in "Christine," which was written by Craig Shilowich and has been impeccably kitted out with period atrocities, from the high-waist slacks worn by Christine's friend Jean (Maria Dizzia), to the loud jacket that George could have borrowed from Ted Baxter, the anchor from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," a series that could be the movie's secret sharer.
Apologies to everyone who sat down with their families during the holidays in 2016 to casually check out the first season of Netflix's The OA. The trailer may have borrowed the bikes and the weird helmet thing from Stranger Things, but if you plonked down next your mom expecting another light Netflix romp or whatever, good lord, were you in for a rude awakening.
His public behavior since his release has toggled between earnest interactions with gobsmacked fans captured on social media — something many SoundCloud artists excel at, communicating directly to their audience in their language — and less savory choices, like tweeting the apparent home address of a rival, or saying impolite things about Drake's mother in retribution for Drake seeming to have borrowed his "Look at Me" rhyme patterns on a recent song.
Indeed, with one notable exception — Kellyanne Conway's red-white-and-blue military-inspired coat at the swearing-in, which looked like she might have borrowed it off a toy soldier (it was her "Trump revolution wear" she told reporters) but in fact turned out to be a $3,600 design from the Italian brand Gucci — the inaugural weekend overall was a series of America First fashion moments, literally and metaphorically.

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