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168 Sentences With "growing old"

How to use growing old in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "growing old" and check conjugation/comparative form for "growing old". Mastering all the usages of "growing old" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"The secret is in growing old with people who love you, which is different from growing old and being put up with," he said.
Growing old is one of the most complex biological processes.
We have become closer now as we are growing old.
For your body, growing old can be an unforgiving process.
Eventually their discourse included wedding plans, children and growing old.
"Here's to growing up, but never growing old," McHugh wrote.
They spoke of having a family and growing old together.
My tilt is one more indication that I'm growing old.
Growing old in the public eye is an impossible double standard.
Some folks are even growing old together, like Tyrese and Ludacris:
The community is in a legal limbo, its founders growing old.
I was in love and could see us growing old together.
Deming believes that before long we'll retire the idea of growing old.
They stage debates on assisted suicide and watch films about growing old.
It feels that we will always work together while we're growing old.
"I think you think about growing old too much," she said later.
But growing old before it becomes rich makes Vietnam's problems all the greater.
She was growing old really disgracefully — in her mid-70s and so sexy.
Growing old is not for the weak, but dancing old is grit incarnate.
If he were younger he would have written a book about growing old.
Unlike most developed countries, China is growing old without first having grown rich.
"They're too young." rock n roll may never die, but it's definitely growing old.
The two marry and feature in four more books, growing old in real time.
Gap's brands, including what had been its fast-growing Old Navy label, are struggling.
The tablet was growing old — it was introduced in 2014 — and was never particularly popular.
It quickly became clear I was free to contemplate growing old, but not with them.
It's hard to say who started the trend, because growing old is a natural thing.
Many of the students who donned the suit expressed how much they dreaded growing old.
A generation socialized in the revolutionary Soviet discourse is growing old under a counterrevolutionary state.
But there are many styles of growing old, not all of them focused on appearance.
Students, read the entire article, then tell us: — Do you ever think about growing old?
I confess that prior to my conversations, I had an intense fear about growing old.
I've been afraid of growing old and now I've seen these images, I feel less afraid.
As Japan shows us, there are worse things for a society than calmly growing old together.
The Return touches on fatherhood, social media, and growing old, in very funny but sensitive ways.
When asked if age mattered, she said her adopted child has changed her view on growing old.
This qualifies me, I hope, to comment on Krystal's article, which examines manifold approaches to growing old.
In her hospital room, she tells a friend that she fears both growing old and dying young.
The last male of the species died in March, and the only two females are growing old.
The vision of my partner and me, relaxing on the porch, going grey and growing old together.
Age went from being a final stage (a Time cover from 1958: "Growing Old Usefully") and a social issue ( Time , 1970: "Growing Old in America: The Unwanted Generation") to something avoidable (1996: "Forever Young") or at least vastly deferrable (2015: "This Baby Could Live to Be 142 Years Old").
"I wanted it to be something like '13th Floor (Growing Old)' Outkast," Phonte said of his introspective verses.
I will never make another joke, "Oh, I'm growing old," because that's — Not everyone gets to grow old.
In the end, Moore just wants to make sure people live their lives without worrying about growing old.
"[He's] truly my role model for growing old with an eye on what's left rather than what's lost."
We see Quentin and Eliot raising the child together, living a life together, growing old and dying together.
I also decided to reach out to men my age to learn how they navigate through growing old.
Mr. Hamilton sees gentrification as not just a literal event, but also as a metaphor for growing old.
As the ground lay fallow, families moved on with their lives, settling elsewhere, growing up and growing old.
He was one of millions of Chinese seniors growing old alone — so he put himself up for adoption.
She reminisced about her mother, who loved art, and her father, who didn't, and spoke about growing old.
Many of its Siberian fields are growing old, forcing it to look to more remote areas for new reserves.
The people of Tama and their apartments are all growing old and decrepit at the same time, she says.
When she's gone, Quentin and Eliot spend the rest of their lives raising the kid and growing old together.
The whole point of growing old... AXELROD: Are you going to engage at all in this next six months?
Women would be less intimidated by growing old if society just chilled the fuck out and laid off it.
The fast-food brand posted a video to YouTube on Wednesday that showed a Whopper growing old and moldy. 
What Sergio discovers is much bigger than one patient's story and more insightful about love, loneliness, and growing old.
I am deeply saddened that she will never get to enjoy grandchildren, a long retirement and growing old gracefully.
China's migrant workers, who for 260 years have left inland villages and townships for coastal boomtowns, are growing old.
With One Direction growing old and breaking up, the time is ripe for the next international boy band sensation.
We'll tell an adult story about growing old, about paying for your sins, and about what it really means.
And we'll tell an adult story about growing old, about paying for your sins and what it really means.
All along we've been led to believe he'll be this age forever, so how did he suddenly start growing old?
Neurons in the front and side of the brain wilt, and along with them, images of peacefully growing old fade.
" He added: "Growing old means that you physically become weak and your receptivity to new things may become weak, too.
And what Sergio discovers is much bigger than one patient's story and more insightful about love, loneliness, and growing old.
With McGee's latest mural and retrospective, the artist continues to buck expectations, proving that growing old doesn't mean slowing down.
It was about youth: the fear that I'm growing old and all my first kisses and first fucks are behind me.
" Justin agreed telling us, "At the risk of sounding cheesy, I look forward to sharing life experiences and growing old together.
He's growing old-school European grapes like pinot noir, gamay, dornfelder, chardonnay, and riesling—and he's doing it with minimal intervention.
But we're nearly 10 years into Marvel's superhero franchise at this point, and what once was fresh is growing old and tired.
As a result, the idea of growing old and dying is, for most Silicon Valley denizens, the furthest thing from their mind.
"I feel fortunate to have a relationship where I actually feel safe enough to imagine growing old together," she told Vanity Fair.
On "Retirement," his negative outlook about growing old is accompanied by one of the most effective "quiet/loud" tracks on the album.
"She couldn't face the prospect of growing old alone," Hulda admits, accepting the fact that her reservations about retiring aren't all professional.
After a lifetime of hard work, growing old and going broke is terrifying, which is why the American people strongly support Social Security.
Aging is an attractive area in the biotechnology space as companies look for ways to ease the challenges that come with growing old.
" She says she pictured herself growing old alone, which was scary, but now "I probably appreciate it even more on the other side.
Physician-assisted suicide, for example, is the source of a fierce ethical debate that matters greatly to anyone who can imagine growing old.
You've described this series as a response to your fear of growing old — how has completing this work help you to manage those fears?
Everybody talks about the fantasy of growing old together, but it's not often we can find books about finding love when you're already old.
On the other hand, there's something pretty great about building and sustaining a long-term marriage, growing old together, watching your kids have kids.
Plunging birth rates were stripping China of the surplus of working-age people that had constituted its "demographic dividend": it was fast growing old.
Kelley and Hubbard have come to the conclusion that growing old can be just as exciting as passing around Fireball on a Saturday night.
A home you can stay in during personal shifts in fortune, family changes or while growing old is the new home buyer must-have.
My parents speak of the daily trials of moving a young family to a new country and of growing old in an adopted home.
"Then it's just a matter of us getting healthier and growing old together because there's still so much in life for us to enjoy."
It was fabulous, and set an unattainable standard for modern romance, although I admit I prefer growing old and fat to death by snake.
I love you with all my heart and all my soul, and I can't wait to spend the next 50 years growing old with you.
"The change is, I suppose, simply a symptom of growing old!" wrote Kim, 53, in one of the first emails we exchanged for this story.
It's The Giving Tree set to a folk song, with a father and daughter growing old together while their car Pearl silently cements their bond.
The two discussed how they thought they would be taken care of their whole lives by their men — having nice things and growing old together.
Rock n roll may never die — Axl, after all, between his two commitments, will be playing 21992 shows this year — but it's definitely growing old.
The workforce is growing old and expensive, and talk of moving to a zesty "knowledge economy" looks absurd as censorship and online surveillance are tightened.
She recalls family gatherings, her children playing in the sunny front yard and the dream she had of growing old there with her late husband.
There's little Michael Jackson and grand Toni Morrison, and, look, that's James Baldwin growing old in France, and beautiful Carl Lewis, faster than Hermes himself.
One of my greatest fears is growing old by myself, I'll obviously have friends but I wouldn't want to live by myself my whole life.
Seniors and their families tend to see the signs of malnutrition — weight loss, fatigue, or a lack of appetite — as the natural progression of growing old.
"The hardest thing for me in having a husband who is terminal would be growing old without him," said Matt's wife, mother of two young children.
They decided they were better off living in a nuclear zone for only a short period of time, [rather] than growing old and miserable in Kyiv.
Whichever is correct, Japan is one of the planet's cases of extreme demographic change, shrinking and growing old at a greater pace than any other country.
You love to debate, you're a contrarian at heart, and you don't believe in growing old with a partner—you'd much rather grow young with them!
"Before, we thought retired life would be very dull, just sitting on little stools in the sun and shriveling up and growing old," said Mr. Zhao.
Seeking answers and validation I set about contacting other people a few years older than me, in order to ask how they navigated growing old in clubland.
Daniel Reingold, the president and chief executive of RiverSpring Health, which operates the Hebrew Home, said growing old was all about loss: vision, hearing, mobility, even friends.
Growing old -- the 'why' as well as the 'how' Ageing -- or "senescence", to use the biological term -- is defined as a decline in physiological condition with age.
Premiering on Netflix today, The Return finds Apatow fully confident and comfortable onstage as he unpacks his feelings on fatherhood, social media, and growing old in comedy.
Beall has given us an intimate look at the realities of growing old with someone you love, and we hope the rest of the media is taking notes.
The stakes could grow even larger as Gap moves forward with its plans to spin off its fast-growing Old Navy brand into a separate publicly traded company.
I have no designs on her husband, and our friendship (the husband's and mine) includes conversations about many issues — growing old, being an immigrant in America, being parents.
For movements to have power, their members have to embrace the thing that is stigmatized, whether it's being black, loving someone of the same sex, or growing old.
Under such an inhumane plan, the insurance industry will laugh all the way to the bank, and growing old will become another luxury that most Americans can't afford.
And yet it seems to me that a person can be both wise and unhappy, wise and regretful, and even wise and dubious about the wisdom of growing old.
In other words, it's a lot like Grace and Frankie, Netflix's other half-hour comedy about the fear of growing old, except that it's much more focused on career.
These aging lovers have challenged traditional notions of growing old and, in some cases, raised logistical and legal issues for their families, caretakers and the institutions they call home.
However deep my curiosity about the lives of the elderly was, I have to confess that the true driving force behind my research was my intense fear of growing old.
"I thanked him for his life-saving donation, which gave me a chance to experience all life's events, including marriage to Jimmy and the privilege of growing old," Hester said.
Dreamy, romantic conversations about growing old and seeing the world together are supported on Monday morning by the gentle connection between messenger planet Mercury and Neptune, the planet of fantasy.
It was about my feelings about her, about how hard it is to grow old in our society and how hard it is particularly to be a woman growing old.
Residents used to pay well below market rates at Waterside Plaza, raising families and growing old in a middle-class Manhattan community of four residential towers on the East River.
I was scared to forget about the past, scared of growing old, and this album was a way for me to reconnect with the older artists and more vintage sounds.
It pities Catholic priests as repressed and miserable (some are; in general they are not) even as its own cultural order seeds a vast social experiment in growing old alone.
You couldn't imagine the art form—any art form—pared down any further than "Dreaming of growing old with my son to live great" being clouded by war, by Hell. 8.
But the studio era was coming to an end, Mr. Lewis's audience was growing old, and by the time he and Paramount parted ways in 1965 his career was in crisis.
But that sweetness, verging on sentimentality, is also Housman's limitation: the lads and lasses slumbering under the grass, never growing old or sick or worrying about how to find a job.
"Before, we thought retired life would be very dull, just sitting on little stools in the sun and shriveling up and growing old," said Zhao Kaile, a retired railway bureau administrator.
Utah man Samuel Shaffer dreamed of growing old with the 8-year-old he took as his child bride — but the leader of a doomsday cult will now be aging behind bars.
There are countless rock 'n' roll mantras about wanting to die before growing old, or before you are separated permanently from whatever ideas of youth you once held, and I get it.
"We talk about growing old, like sitting on our porches in a rocking chair, and living next door to each other, having our kids be best friends," says Kelvin with a laugh.
Mr. Hougan now calls it the "aging/ageist suit" and uses it in workshops as a tool to talk about the psychological effects of aging and to confront biases about growing old.
But Hubble is growing old, and the Webb telescope, with a snake-bitten history of development, will spend a tense several months unfolding itself in space once it reaches orbit in 2021.
Keeping photos in your phone is nice and all, but when y'all are growing old together it'll probably be a lot nicer to look back on good times in an actual photo album.
He plays for her a recording of what became their song when they were together as teenagers, and it's a folky tune, with lyrics about the comforts of growing old as a couple.
Another big worry is that Chinese companies are gobbling up small, specialised Mittelstand firms, a cornerstone of German industrial success, whose founders are growing old and lack heirs eager to run the family firm.
Afraid both of dying young and of growing old, Colvin addictively courts a chaos that the cinematographer, Robert Richardson, renders so vividly he seems keen to give us all a little of her PTSD.
Over the past decade, the gangs splintered, leaving in their wake a number of proliferating subsets, many of them more aligned with particular blocks and business interests than with founding members growing old in federal prisons.
It doesn't say much about Jared Kushner or Steve Bannon; but it does suggest that if Gates or Manafort know more, they're likely to cough it up, faced with the prospect of growing old in federal prison.
In a phone interview from the Los Angeles area, where he lives with his wife, the musician Wendy Haas Mull, Mr. Mull, amusingly self-deprecating at 75, pondered growing old, "Roseanne" and the current state of Hollywood.
With "Feral," expertly directed by Ross MacKay, the troupe chronicles the decline of Scottish seaside towns while capturing the feeling of growing old and realizing that we can't always recognize ourselves in the memories we hold dearest.
Consider the poem "I Am Learning to Abandon the World": Although this quiet lyric is elegiac, it doesn't mourn the inevitability of growing old so much as it accepts aging's wearisome gradations as stages of self-reclamation.
" We are in a boomlet of frisky writing about growing old, from Michael Kinsley's "Old Age: A Beginner's Guide" to the several memoirs from the English editor Diana Athill to Arlene Heyman's story collection "Scary Old Sex.
Photo: GizmodoThere comes a time in every gadget's life when it needs to accept the reality of growing old—software lag has gone beyond a joke, it's no longer getting updates, and nothing works with it any more.
Brimming with ideas about life, death, artistic creation and growing old, the show ends with a haunting yet serene profile of Eliot on his death-bed that the artist painted in the last year of his own life.
As he muses on subjects such as growing old, getting stuck in the mundane nature of adulthood, and being broke, Modern Hut acts as a testament to the enduring appeal of a man, his thoughts and his guitar.
I remember vividly the first time I played it, where you walk either alone or with a companion through a tunnel of pixelated colors, in five minutes growing old and the world becoming more abstracted until your unavoidable death.
I'm open and honest about it because I want women to know that everyone gets old even people on TV and there is nothing wrong with growing old gracefully if that's what you want…… It's jut not for me!
That meant that Mr. Johar, though he has tried actively to find love — even, as he writes in his memoir, resorting to an agency that deals exclusively with the ultrarich and famous — faces the prospect of growing old alone.
But then an irony befell that sweet romance, To Have and Have Not, when Bacall instead fell in love with a rattled, rasping alcoholic who had a bad temper and a bold toupee, plus a fear of growing old.
As for their future together, Zohn and Heywood, who dated for two years after meeting at a Clinton Global Initiative charity event and got engaged in July 2015, most look forward to "getting chubby and growing old together," they tell PEOPLE.
" In that same interview, Roth was also asked about growing old — a theme he explored in some of his later writing — and said that he was pleased to still be alive but understood that life could "stop on a dime.
"Growing old is the first step in losing something, whether that be your sibling, your parent, or your role in society ... the good thing about elderly carers, is that they really understand how our elderly residents are feeling," she said.
By the end of three seasons on YouTube, the Carmilla web series had pretty well resolved most of its plot lines, granting Carmilla a human soul that would allow her to spend a full life growing old together with Laura.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The total debt shouldered by Americans has hit another record high, rising to $2445 trillion in the last quarter, while an unusual jump in student-loan delinquencies could provide another signal that the U.S. economic expansion is growing old.
If Lukas Graham's name doesn't sound familiar, his voice should: he's currently got a No. 2 hit on Billboard's Hot 100 chart with "7 Years," a twinkling, music box-y jam about growing old that was inspired in part by his father's death.
All this could mean nothing more than that China, like an athlete growing old, is tracing the same arc of most other economies that emerge quickly from poverty only to stall out thanks to rent-seeking elites, rising factory wages, demographic imbalances and so on.
In February, Peck announced plans to split the retailer into two publicly traded companies in 2020 — one company would house its faster-growing Old Navy brand, while the second would be led by Peck and oversee Gap, Banana Republic and its other brands such as Athleta.
Peck, who was CEO since 2015, announced in February plans to split the retailer into two publicly traded companies in 2020 — one company would house its faster-growing Old Navy brand, while the second would include Gap, Banana Republic and its other brands such as Athleta.
Freud, as we know, was exceptionally sensitive to the thought of growing old, and he delighted in this new coadjutor who had youth and to spare, being not only young in fact but young by his very name, and young (it seems clear) by virtue of his being Germanic and not Jewish.
And now 43, after nearly three decades in show business (he was 14 when he first went onstage), Mr. Chappelle not only has a new kind of gravitas, but he has also embraced his status as an older comic with mature worries, like schools for his kids and growing old with his wife.
While Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus' rekindled romance is a reminder that we should never give up hope on our favorite lovebirds, it's almost mind-boggling to consider some of the famous folks who went through a proposal, flashed a ring, contemplated growing old together, and maybe even went to Williams-Sonoma and registered for some Le Creuset.
Federer's dark post-bathtime of the soul feels different from the typical sports layoff, I think, because it brings to the surface a tension that's been seeping into his persona for a few years now: How do you square the image of the transcendent, unchanging champion with the fact of a player who is growing old?
This would not forestall the near-inevitable northward migration, but it would make it easier to assimilate immigrants once they arrived — European economies would be stronger, ethnic polarization would not fall so dramatically along generational lines, and in politics youthful optimism and ambition might help counteract the fear and pessimism of white Europeans growing old alone.
Since every shot in a promo is carefully chosen, it's probably significant that the teaser cuts from Bree's birthday party to Jamie hugging a child — it's hard to imagine how painful it must be for him, believing that he'll never get to meet his own son or daughter, and that his soulmate is growing old with another man instead of him.
That is IT. HEIDI SCHEER Been married 113 years, it's a give and take, picking your battles, knowing when to not sweat the small things, it's ups and downs, but for me I wouldn't have done it without my husband, growing old together, knowing each other so well, no turning back now PAMELA GURKO 34 years, 9 homes, 2 countries, 3 states, plenty jobs, budget travel, one child, joy and heartache.
Books of The Times Toward the end of this eloquent memoir, Hisham Matar quotes these words, spoken by Odysseus' son Telemachus in "The Odyssey": I wish at least I had some happy man as father, growing old in his own house — but unknown death and silence are the fate of him… Mr. Matar has spent his entire adult life grappling with that same sense of loss and uncertainty about the fate of his missing father.
Within that textual attempt at seeing, remembering and comprehending are a curious set of found artifacts: the transcripts of a series of recordings that Ullmann made of conversations between her and her father very late in his life, conversations during which she and he were to explore the matter of growing old and, once completed, and using the tapes as source material, father and daughter were to have collaborated on a book.
On Wednesday, the site released its annual list of best and worst states for senior living, which took into account nursing home costs, elderly well-being assessments, affordability, overall quality of care, the site's own senior living community reviews, and more to come up with a comprehensive view of growing old across the U.S. "We want to use this research as a starting point for really important conversations between family members," Tim Sullivan, vice president at Caring.

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