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170 Sentences With "good cheer"

How to use good cheer in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "good cheer" and check conjugation/comparative form for "good cheer". Mastering all the usages of "good cheer" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Of good cheer of good cheer of good cheer—vocal array highlights mildly mocking chuckle.
Prepare for good cheer, special programming — and big crowds.
With any luck, turkey, pumpkin pie and good cheer await.
Unfortunately, being a mascot isn't all laughs and good cheer.
Normally, there's at least some good cheer around the holidays.
And sarcasm, irony, and good cheer are generally great things.
But the good cheer about the economy may not last.
Both have the carefree good cheer of the very young.
That good cheer is tangible throughout the other Time Inc.
He dealt with them, and with me, with unfailing good cheer.
But be of good cheer and pray for a peaceful heart.
But the good cheer was rapidly draining out of the room.
But the Knickerbockers needed more than good cheer to change Christmas.
Don't judge them for their efforts to gain some good cheer.
To his Democratic colleagues, Labrador's assertive good cheer belied his doctrinaire conservatism.
She obliges, and out of the phone comes a waterfall of good cheer.
" This parade of good cheer might help explain why, as Russo notes, "D.
And judging by Mr. Clark's eternal good cheer, they've found what they wanted.
Listen: To a hard smack of good cheer from the Lil Peep archives.
Mr Arrow and Mr Debreu spelled out precisely when that good cheer was justified.
But in future there will be far fewer Bulgarians to share this good cheer.
Conflicted and melancholy though it may be, The Life of Pablo brings good cheer.
Pirates of the front porch Christmastime means good cheer, online shopping ... and porch pirates.
When irritation becomes so common, good cheer can be novel, if not downright irreverent.
Such an arrangement, involving a parallel Rock, would explain his constant good cheer and energy.
All due respect and good cheer aside, that part of the narrative will never change.
In the gallery, Johnston's girlfriend, Louise Jay, was not surprised by his relative good cheer.
Montgomery's enthusiasm for her mysterious subject shows: She even greets octopus slime with good cheer.
Trump has made every effort to spread joy and good cheer to citizens across the country.
Because Christmas is one of Kardashians' "favorite holidays," she doesn't hold back on the good cheer.
" He told CBS, "Those who feel despair should be of good cheer, as the Bible says.
To secure victory, he will have to spread the ranchers' good cheer to Argentines with other beefs.
The spirit of Christmas, or maybe the spirit of fried chicken, had delivered on the good cheer.
The holidays are theoretically a time of joy, good cheer and spending quality time with loved ones.
They were plain-spoken, no-fuss athletes, tenacious competitors but also paragons of good cheer and sportsmanship.
Their exuberant pieces don buildings from Tokyo to Turin, and are considered harbingers of cultural good cheer.
But Jenner's caption of "Yay," with four heart-faced emojis, proved the struggle was worth the good cheer.
The good cheer spread to E-mini futures contracts for the S&P 40 which climbed 226 percent.
Amid crackling fires, mugs of hot cider and folksy good cheer, the senator pulled off a memorable show.
I spent an afternoon with Muniz on her rounds, which she approached with sensitivity and unfailing good cheer.
From uplifting documentaries to witty romances, this summer has all sorts of movies guaranteed to bring good cheer.
Canadians, befitting their reputation as polite and helpful, handled the unexpected guests with good cheer, Mr. Kimball said.
But voters should not let such good cheer distract from some of his questionable actions in recent years.
The holiday season has a number of chains spreading good cheer in the form of free (or cheap) food.
The perks of the holiday season aren't just good cheer and even better gifts — we love the treats, too.
Everyone inside Was filled with good cheer Until Santa walked up to a teller And made his intentions clear.
This season, be sure that along with your gadgets, the only thing you gift or get is good cheer.
Zuckerberg settled on a stance of effortful good cheer, renting a movie theatre to screen it for the staff.
But despite the good cheer, both sides took the field eager to play hard and take home the trophy.
Everyone has to be nice, or at least feels an incredible pressure to appear friendly and in good cheer.
I assumed, based on William's good cheer when he called me in the morning, that the situation wasn't serious.
Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria—most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh.
What are the holidays for, if not spending time with family, spreading good cheer … and sharing the highlights on Instagram?
The class salutatorian, in what was his customary good cheer, delivered a memorable speech, a message of inspiration and friendship.
Presidential candidates always rely on their families to fill out the schedule, show up where they can't, spread good cheer.
Good cheer prevails, though, and the show ends on a grand number that gathers the whole troupe around our hero.
There may be no rapper working right now who brings more good cheer and positive vibes than Vallejo's Nef the Pharaoh.
Tolya, like many of his friends, grew up in the protective shadow of the Soviet Union's postwar might and good cheer.
The narrow room festooned in old press clippings is perpetually crowded, and good cheer prevails at shared tables and counter stools.
In psychological terms, "mood" is a weather report for your personal emotions, a measure of balmy good cheer or dreary storms.
As anyone who's been reading the newspapers knows, it's not all wry jokes about overburdened latrines and rah-rah good cheer.
The good cheer displayed by Mr Chen and his colleagues seemed designed to reassure people that in HNA's case, it would not.
The trails often range from 3 to 6 miles and end with a set of traditions involving songs, beer and good cheer.
No one affected by their schemes ever really gets hurt, and the boys always bounce back with relentless good cheer and optimism.
If good cheer had a taste, I imagine it would be a lot like the #5 cocktail at Birch restaurant in Hollywood.
At their head, in place of their president, was Hercules of Stockwell, waving a white flag with much vigor and good cheer.
She admires his steely work ethic and believes, behind his facade of good cheer and mismatched socks, his discipline is nearly fanatical.
The portraits in "Nothing Personal" present a stark yet authentic counterpoint to the American image of eternal youth and anodyne good cheer.
The good cheer that comes from that accomplishment will give you the necessary positive momentum to go after your next-largest debt.
Lil Yachty's raps about positivity and good cheer serve as a fitting bridge between the original song's era and the present day.
She recalled the energetic good cheer of the Movin' On Up crew, understood that she envied them, and gave the organization a call.
Drew and Jonathan recently volunteered their efforts following the devastating flooding in New Orleans, and continue to spread good cheer at the holidays.
There is no strict formula for great holiday music — some is about family bonding and good cheer, and some captures regret and emptiness.
The film doesn't just resemble The Social Network: its cynical humor and perky good cheer are also somewhat familiar from Steven Soderbergh's The Informant!
Not only are early holiday decorators happier (according to one psychologist), this year, they also safeguarded their good cheer against an impending Christmas crisis.
As schoolchildren on bicycles, young parents and elderly rushed in to savour the atmosphere, a sombre mood gave way to something approaching good cheer.
In film after film, good cheer flies right out the window, or in one case, to Paris, leaving one young boy in serious danger.
On Monday, he tweeted: "Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria--most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh."
At the typical corporate holiday affair, co-workers might let their hair down a little, quaff some good cheer, perhaps exchange Secret Santa gifts.
"The movie succeeds because it at once restrains its sticky, gooey good cheer and wildly overdoes it," A. O. Scott wrote in The Times.
Families, friends, lovers, maybe even amicable rivals gather together to offer good cheer to their nearest chain theaters (or, hopefully, their loyal, locally-owned arthouse joints).
However, the good cheer was peppered with elements of fury: Some signs were so vulgar I was concerned for the few children I saw in attendance.
And far, far better and more efficacious in inducing wakefulness and good cheer than ever was gin, pink or otherwise, most especially when taken before breakfast.
So perhaps Atlanta can be forgiven if it is greeting anything about any Super Bowl — especially a Patriots-involved Super Bowl — with only so much good cheer.
"Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria - most of 'em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh," King wrote on his Twitter website last week.
Fully embrace the good cheer of the season — just make sure it's on your to-do list, next to all the other things you want to get done.
Her steely good cheer is good company as she relates taut, action-packed stories about run-ins with Al Capone and Jimmy Durante with a minimum of introspection.
This has been a New York tradition on 295rd Street for families who practice a near-religious devotion to a professional basketball team in need of good cheer.
"The movie succeeds because it at once restrains its sticky, gooey good cheer and wildly overdoes it," the critic A. O. Scott wrote in The New York Times.
While the lead-up to the budget agreement included sometimes tense wrangling between the mayor's office and the Council, Monday's event was jocular and full of good cheer.
I countered that depicting rape is more charged because it actually exists in the world, and for a moment her usual good cheer curdled into Cersei-esque contempt.
It ran until 2009, providing one of the earliest television experiences for millions of toddlers while driving their parents and older siblings crazy with its treacly good cheer.
It discovers a hero in the person of Daniel Dromm, a New York City councilman who tackles the job of representing his neighborhood with shambling, inexhaustible good cheer.
The son of One Direction member Louis Tomlinson and Briana Jungwirth turned a year old on Saturday, and his parents came together to celebrate with good cheer — and cake!
The holiday season is finally here, which means spending quality time with family and friends, spreading good cheer and goodwill, and ... rushing to find the best shopping deals imaginable.
He's filmed in fast forward, or with multiple versions of himself walking one behind the other, as if a single body's not enough to contain his manic good cheer.
But in recent years, the patina of good cheer has masked growing strife and demoralization in some stores on the East Coast, far from the company's base in California.
Mr. Sharon may be as perky as you might imagine the so-called "guru of a cappella" to be, but little can prepare you for his infectious good cheer.
BRUSSELS — André Adam, then Belgium's ambassador to the United Nations, displayed some of what his family called characteristic good cheer at a Belgian festival in New York in 2000.
Ms. Sinta, wearing a batik shawl and a veil that partly covered her hair, was in typical good cheer, listening intently and finding pauses in conversation to offer counsel.
PARELES A hard smack of good cheer from the Lil Peep archives, which still hold a bounty of collaborations with his good friend, the D.I.Y. sing-rap innovator iLoveMakonnen.
But 2018 seems to have ushered in a darker Christmas spirit, one that evokes visions of dead trees and dragons, where hungry rodents are hell-bent on destroying good cheer.
In more than half-century in the public eye, Betsy Bloomingdale courted photographers, drawing them into her orbit with a come-this-way cocktail of glamour and fizzy good cheer.
"  "I have long relied on Roberta's wise counsel and good cheer, and I am confident that as Ambassador, she will bring her extensive experience and judgement to this critical post.
Prompto -- the waifish weirdo art kid whose selfie-snapping good cheer made him a fan favorite and a cornerstone of the game's UX design -- is even further from that norm.
We should all — even those among us who don't particularly care for Mr. Trump — join them in their good cheer, and continue to repeal Mr. Suleimani's murderous anti-American legacy.
Mr. Biden was steadier in what was his third debate of the primary contest, rattling off statistics and parrying attacks with good cheer, though he still rambled at other moments.
Mr. Biden was steadier in what was his third debate of the primary contest, rattling off statistics and parrying attacks with good cheer, though he still rambled at other moments.
We should all — even those among us who don't particularly care for Mr. Trump — join them in their good cheer, and continue to repeal Mr. Suleimani's murderous anti-American legacy.
For all the good cheer and pine-scented sidewalks, there is something ghostly and wistful about these December days, as we cast our eyes back toward the year that was.
I interviewed him in the years that followed and he has always been generous with his time, of good cheer, and has asked about my family and gave good copy.
McConaughey thanked everyone involved with the project, saying that spreading good cheer is contagious and that he hoped the volunteers' hard work would create more moments to be thankful this season.
Geena Davis stars in this fictionalized retelling of the inaugural season of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, with all the heartbreak and good cheer of a classic sports movie.
She got through the visit, gamely feigning good cheer with the crew, but below deck I was amazed at how fragile, small and wounded she looked — she almost vibrated with worry.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Whether you&aposre about to carve up a turkey or tuck into a plant-based alternative of some kind, I wish you good cheer and season&aposs greetings.
His zeal for problem solving and organization, his indefatigable good cheer in the face of adversity, and his almost maternal pride in the company are sweet, pathetic and comical all at once.
The good cheer did not extend to the pound which was on the skids as the British government sent a letter to Brussels formally starting the country's exit from the European Union.
As we passed each other and nodded goodbye, I pictured the three of us airborne, floating skyward like Mary Poppins — human kites, flying away on the God-sent breeze and good cheer.
Adding to the good cheer was data showing U.S. consumer confidence surged to a near 17-year high in November, while home prices rose sharply in September, which should underpin consumer spending.
Maintaining the high corporate standards of some of America's iconic snack foods in 2019 demands stamina, adrenaline, a commitment to unironically observing National Lemonade Day, high levels of organization and good cheer.
A White House staffer had a plan to bring in hundreds of canaries "to chirp for the inaugural ball guests," who at that point were desperate for any good cheer, Bendat says.
In addition to being a musical prodigy — he's only 23, in case you didn't know — the rapper, née Chancelor Bennett, is a bit of an emotional philanthropist, providing good cheer wherever he goes.
Call them the 12 companies of Christmas: This is a time of good cheer for the handful of names that get more than 30 percent of their annual revenue from the holiday quarter.
As played by Ms. Rupp, best known as the mother on "That '70s Show," Della is no Paula Deen but a bright gumball of good cheer and the most delicious sort of bigot.
He replied — a mere 20 minutes later — in the form he knew best: A nonagenarian, I, A sometime writer of sci-fi, Biomed engineer, Gen'rally of good cheer, With lim'ricks in ready supply.
Despite the dangers, a sense of good cheer prevailed on Wednesday in a west Houston neighborhood that flooded when authorities released water from two nearby reservoirs that were in danger of spilling over.
With patience and good cheer they accept the various matrimonial trappings offered to them by their well-meaning ­insect friends, like a wedding party, a cake and rings — even though they have no fingers.
In the midst of celebrations, good cheer, and that warm charity of spirit only the holidays bring, oft expressed as "peace on earth and goodwill towards all," Georgia and Alabama are instead ritualizing killing.
But if you can't make it to the happiest place on Earth before January, you at least have the massive amounts of Instagrams and the above video to give you a boost of good cheer.
The original idea for SantaCon started off as a very merry concept: People would dress up and parade through the streets spreading goodwill and good cheer, singing Christmas carols, and giving out gifts to strangers.
For his latest video, YouTube prankster Jack Jones decided to troll fellow travellers on the London Underground — and, despite London's commuters not exactly being famed for their good cheer, most people seem to react fairly well.
James Stavridis, called Trump's comments "destabilizing" and said they created a "deep uncertainty in the hearts of our allies and giving immense good cheer to (Russian President) Vladimir Putin," in an op-ed in Foreign Policy.
A few hours later, in a hotel ballroom, Michael Nabors, 54, and his wife, Ella, 55, were among the black voters soaking up the Democratic good cheer after news agencies called the race for Mr. Jones.
The Handel pieces, radiating good cheer, were smoothed over, lacking in contrast; there was more color and range of mood in the 35-minute Rameau suite Ms. Haïm compiled, but also no sustained flair or danciness.
An amiable doofus, Chester is so caught up in his own irrepressible good cheer that he doesn't notice how bored Roxanne is, and he makes the mistake of hiring the first mysterious hunk who walks in.
His words on the military alliance sounded a bit more optimistic than usual, but it turns out that Trump's good cheer about NATO mainly served to make a self-congratulatory claim of leadership that isn't true.
It was all those things, in part -- the 11 prizes won by "Hamilton," and the ones that went to the competition, were applauded with gusto and good cheer, as were all the nominees in all the categories.
Based on the trailer, the movie — like the similarly named films that came before — tells the story of the Grinch, who absolutely can't stand good cheer and attempts to steal Christmas with the help of his dog Max.
Creepy bassline, clangy distorted drums, angular clatters of guitar noise, and whooshy synth zooms simmer and stomp while Flowers gets increasingly hysterical over a "motherless child," commanding said child to "be of good cheer," making grand untenable promises.
I waffled over including this scene (from "Network") because it's the holidays and we're all supposed to be stuffed with jolly good cheer, but solving 43A made me look it up and watch it, so here you go.
They're beautifully embodied by Gabriel (Mad Men's Jon Hamm) who was barely mentioned in the book, but here serves as Aziraphale's supervisor, filled with good cheer even as he expresses contempt for humans and support for the final war.
But Lord and Miller whisked the film so quickly and joyously from Lego world to Lego world, highlighting creativity, color, and good cheer, that it was impossible to fixate on any one plot point or character portrayal for long.
In "Sennan" his subjects are everyday men and women who, with modesty and good cheer, band together to take a shocking step: a lawsuit against the government, which they claim knowingly allowed them to be exposed to asbestos poisoning.
A breakout hit at Sundance, Sing Street sputtered when it was released in the US this spring—a shame, as it's the kind of good-cheer generator that most of us could have used at one point during the past year.
I tried all the "house favorites" on the menu, tosses of ahi, salmon or tofu with different sauces and toppings, assembled to order with remarkable good cheer; the owners, Drew Crane and Bryan Cowan, have got the aloha spirit part right.
Black Friday is considered the start of the holiday shopping season, but the good cheer that heralds in the holidays can be hard to find amidst all the crowds clamoring for the best deals on everything from bikes to lobster tails.
It's a time of year when people gather with their loved ones, engage in a little good cheer, and grin (or cringe) their way through their favorite songs or movies, even the ones that may not have aged so well.
Images of local leaders and festival attendees with trash bags and rubber gloves, working tirelessly to clean up the banks, inspire donations and good cheer from visitors who may feel especially spiritually cleansed and generous after weeks of yoga and meditation.
Morgan Evans brought his good cheer to "Day Drunk" — a monster No. 1 hit in his native Australia — and Walker Hayes served "90's Country" sunny side up; both songs have a definite summer vibe if they can hang on a little longer.
He's a character performer, which means that he walks around the park dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or Spongebob Squarepants, poses for photos with guests, dances in shows, and tries his best to spread general good cheer across the park.
Despite the fictional Happy's setbacks — like selling a kidney so he could afford a house for a future wife who went off and married someone else — he lives up to his name, pedaling his three-wheeler through life with optimism and good cheer.
Carrère, who is nothing if not exquisitely polite and who tries at every turn to express himself with precision and care and frankness and good cheer, did his best to be a good host, offering tea, offering himself as much as he could.
His many years of dedication to the Bureau and (Justice Department), his level-headed judgment and earnest professionalism, and his steady good cheer have been an asset to us all and have contributed greatly to the safety and security of our nation.
At once instantly recognizable and wholly unrecognizable — black woollen beany hat pulled well down over his eyes, Balenciaga T-shirt, and billowy white trousers overprinted with flittery butterfly motifs — he's in great good cheer, smiling and exchanging quips with his gangly-legged, long-haired mate.
Much as with What We Do In The Shadows, Waititi's humor here is all about perverse good cheer in the face of self-created crisis, impotence in the face of disaster, and straight-faced laugh-out-loud surprise humor that frequently comes from unexpected places.
Ms. Harper, a woman of good cheer and dedication, became a favorite of the tempestuous conductor George Solti, who brought her to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for several major performances during the late-1960s and 1970s, including Haydn's "The Creation" and Mahler's "Resurrection" symphony.
In 2016, he led the star-crossed Cubs to their first World Series championship in 3003 years, making himself an instant Chicago civic icon and adding luster to his baseball legend by winning with the savvy of years, unorthodox strategies and unflagging good cheer.
But despite its good cheer, it still emphasizes what is not possible: It says that Trump is about to take a sledgehammer to the nation's finest institutions and principles and that the only thing most citizens can do is shout "no" as loudly as possible.
Mad Mary expands on that sense of connection near the end when she name checks the neighborhood of the Kiln itself and speaks of "kissing the Kilburn air" — a lovely sentiment that spreads good cheer, even if the play itself lacks the breath of life.
When it comes to colleagues, do be of good cheer and feel free to share holiday plans, but try to set deadlines for yourself so that you know how long you can make lunch stories last, and when you have to get back to the grind. 2.
Since breaking out in 2005 with the Saturday Night Live short "Lazy Sunday," the Lonely Island have radiated a lot of geeky good cheer while seeming hip about it, making the inherent dorkiness of their white-dudes-doing-black-music shtick not just funny but resiliently fresh.
The Haggler Being a largehearted fellow with a deep and abiding faith in humanity, the Haggler likes to take the days between Christmas and New Year's Day and look back at the warmth and good cheer he encountered in this column over the past 12 months.
Then make them, and rate them, and if you've discovered some cool little trick to make them better or differently, leave a note on them so that all of us in our growing world of the Cooking-committed can benefit from your smarts and good cheer.
Jarrod's death last August at age 221 unleashed a global outpouring of emotion and support from people whose lives he touched or who were touched by the story of a seemingly regular bloke who had absorbed life's — and golf's — bad breaks with grit and good cheer.
Perhaps W.J. Blythe — who watched his father die screaming and his mother lose the family home — so feared death and destitution that he became a man of relentless good cheer, with a ferocious appetite for life-affirming things, sometimes at the expense of good sense and good judgment.
On a freezing January day in New York City, he was exuding energy and good cheer as he worked with five American Ballet Theater dancers on his new "AfteRite," a version of "The Rite of Spring," which is to have its premiere at Ballet Theater's gala on Monday at the Metropolitan Opera House.
Here is Dick Van Dyke singing to Janet Leigh about not being so grouchy: In addition to the black square smile and the song, Mr. Eaton-Salners has cleverly run BREAK INTO A SMILE right through the smile itself, and by the end of all this, you should definitely be FULL OF GOOD CHEER (54A).
I'll spare you (and him) the jokey part and all the flourish, and say only how transcendent it was, as a super-religious, super-isolated kid, to find my universe represented on the page, to see my questions and concerns wrestled with bravely and honestly and with their weightiness leavened, again and again, by good cheer.
Opposite this, the Morellet has teased up a few neon plumes into a tower of blue light, which here expresses a spiritual yearning to contrast with the earthy triple X. It is true that the material speaks to both the body and the soul; neon is a crowd pleaser and this show has something of the good cheer of the Blackpool seafront about it.
"After witnessing the treatment that my friend Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsDOJ should take action against China's Twitter propaganda Lewandowski says he's 'happy' to testify before House panel The Hill's Morning Report — Trump and the new Israel-'squad' controversy MORE, a decent and honorable man who bears only good will and good cheer to everyone he meets, had to endure at the hands of a partisan opposition that will say anything and do anything to advance their political interests, I am unwilling to subject myself, my family, and my friends to such a process," he said.

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