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4 Sentences With "go into solution"

How to use go into solution in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "go into solution" and check conjugation/comparative form for "go into solution". Mastering all the usages of "go into solution" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Both calcium and magnesium go into solution when dolomite rock is dissolved. The speleothem precipitation sequence is: calcite, Mg-calcite, aragonite, huntite and hydromagnesite. Hence, the most common speleothem (secondary deposit) in caves within dolomite rock karst, is calcium carbonate in the most stable polymorph form of calcite. Speleothem types known to have a dolomite constituent include: coatings, crusts, moonmilk, flowstone, coralloids, powder, spar and rafts.
Reactive magnesia is also variously known as caustic calcined magnesia, caustic magnesia or CCM. The temperature of firing has a greater influence on reactivity than grind size as excess energy goes into lattice energy. Crystalline magnesium oxide, or periclase, has a calculated lattice energy of 3795 kJ mol-1 which must be overcome for it to go into solution or for reaction to occur. Reactive magnesia is essentially amorphous magnesia with low lattice energy and is made at low temperatures and finely ground.
Uranyl formate (UO2(CHO2)2·H2O) is a fine yellow free-flowing powder occasionally used in transmission electron microscopy. It is occasionally used as a 0.5% or 1% aqueous negative stain in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) because it shows a finer grain structure than uranyl acetate. However, uranyl formate does not easily go into solution, and once dissolved, has a rather limited lifetime as a stain. It is quite sensitive to light, especially ultraviolet light, and will precipitate if exposed.
As chemistry developed into a science it became clear that metals formed the large majority of the periodic table of the elements and great progress was made in the description of the salts that can be formed in reactions with acids. With the advent of electrochemistry, it became clear that metals generally go into solution as positively charged ions and the oxidation reactions of the metals became well understood in the electrochemical series. A picture emerged of metals as positive ions held together by an ocean of negative electrons. With the advent of quantum mechanics, this picture was given more formal interpretation in the form of the free electron model and its further extension, the nearly free electron model.

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