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19 Sentences With "glomming onto"

How to use glomming onto in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "glomming onto" and check conjugation/comparative form for "glomming onto". Mastering all the usages of "glomming onto" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In effect, I'm glomming onto anything that fucks with my neurotransmitters.
Meanwhile, cryptojacking struck once more, this time glomming onto Tesla's public cloud to mine cryptocurrency.
I'm trying to think of another word so I won't be glomming onto that right now.
"Livestream is a new technology that everybody is glomming onto—Facebook more than anyone else," says Rosenblum.
Amazon certainly isn't reinventing the wheel with Music Unlimited—it's actually just glomming onto an already crowded market.
Some biotech insiders and former employees have criticized Verily for glomming onto too many far-fetched health care projects without focus.
To get rid of this swirling dirt patina glomming onto my skin, I've learned to take joy in washing my face.
If it felt forced when older rappers tried glomming onto the sensationalized repulsiveness of Odd Future's music, that's probably because they were missing the point.
We mourn the death of the single player experience while, as a games culture, we're glomming onto every Destiny-like that appears on our radar.
Like other nerve agents, they work by glomming onto an enzyme that's key for healthy signaling between nerves and muscles — leading to drooling, seizures, and paralysis.
Mortality hacking is, shall we say, unusual, although it is one topic where Thiel has been a pioneer that others are now glomming onto of late.
While the first dot-com bubble burst around the new millennium, investment still hung around, eventually glomming onto the social networks and so-called disruption that was happening here.
Springfield is elastic and can contain many different genres and weird jokes, but the Simpson family's personalities are relatively consistent, and the city itself is always glomming onto the next wild craze.
Right-wing extremism is glomming onto the Trump administration and gaining momentum, and anti-fascist frontline fighters do not appear to be slowing down as their ranks are bolstered by anti-Trump sentiment.
As Snopes pointed out in its assessment of the Brooklyn Paper article, it's difficult to know whether doggie antivaxxers are all that common in the first place, but there definitely seems to be some diehard activists and cranks in the anti-vax movement glomming onto the idea.
It turns out host Joe Scarborough has been highly critical of the Florida senator, most recently glomming onto the line that Rubio is "too robotic, too prepackaged, and too young" to be president, a criticism that has gained traction following Rubio's circuits going haywire during the last debate.
Many institutions including the National Academy of Sciences are starting to take slow but laudale steps toward ousting sexual offenders from within science — but it remains paramount for those in a position of power inside the community to stop offenders from glomming onto science from the outside too.
A bilingual banger buoyed by Bad Bunny and J Balvin features, her track's welcome arrival in the upper reaches of the all-genre singles charts has everything to do with the nature of digital consumption, the momentous result of pop, rap, and Latin music listenerships glomming onto one another to form a sort of boogie-down rat king.
When I was attacked by name searching Lady Gaga fans for tweeting that she was a phony or hack or whatever it is I call artists like her when my dander is up, I didn't apologize to them because I was convinced (if anything, my distaste for Gaga-ian empty gestures towards meaning—be it her glomming onto whatever cause du jour, political-as-of-November-2016 "punks," or any generic neo-indie goths using death and darkness as a prop—has only grown over the years) but because I loved that they loved her, and what was my contempt serving at that moment?

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