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19 Sentences With "gestates"

How to use gestates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gestates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gestates". Mastering all the usages of "gestates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She gestates her young internally, one at a time, and gives birth to them live.
And while it's not totally self-sufficient, with a little help, it gestates and gives birth to something new, something sufficiently real.
Some of these same processes are used in freezing eggs or in surrogate motherhood, where a woman gestates a fetus to which she may or may not be genetically related.
JON CARAMANICA "Third of May/Ōdaigahara," the radiant new song from Fleet Foxes, soothes, and then roars, and then caresses, and then pounds, and then gestates quietly, a digestive tract in repose after a rich meal.
Once infected with the gestational form of the black oil virus, a human host gestates the immature alien form after 96 hours, or sooner if the surrounding temperature is raised significantly, killing the host in the process.
Known predators include owls and big-eared woolly bats. The bats breed throughout the year, and have a gestation period of between four and four-and-a-half months. Mothers typically give birth to a single young at a time, which gestates in the left horn of their bicornuate uterus.
Its major function is to accept a fertilized ovum which becomes implanted into the endometrium, and derives nourishment from blood vessels which develop exclusively for this purpose. The fertilized ovum becomes an embryo, develops into a fetus and gestates until childbirth. If the egg does not embed in the wall of the uterus, a female begins menstruation.
Males, but not females, will attempt to initiate extra-pair mating if an opportunity arises. Females are sexually mature at six months and males at 12 months. The female gestates for 169 to 174 days and bears a single offspring. This happens up to twice a year (at the start and finish of the rainy season).
Breast feeding - cat Countries by crude birth rate (CBR) in 2014. Birth rates are lowest in Western countries. Map of countries by fertility rate (2020), according to the Population Reference Bureau Biological motherhood for humans, as in other mammals, occurs when a pregnant female gestates a fertilized ovum (the "egg"). A female can become pregnant through sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate.
The pale-white Neomorph is featured in Alien: Covenant. It was created through exposure to spores found growing on the Engineer homeworld. The embryonic Neomorph then gestates inside the host until it bursts out of its host's back, throat, or possibly other areas, using mostly its head, which is sharp and pointed, similar to the Deacon. Like the Xenomorph, the Neomorph has a tail which is strong enough to tear off a human jaw.
After a brief introduction to the poem and story by the singers in poetic form, the poem proper begins. Canto I. – Birth of Väinämöinen Ilmatar, the daughter of the air, descends to the sea and is fertilised; she becomes the Water-mother. She gestates for centuries to no avail and laments her lot. Time passes, and Sotka, a goldeneye floats over the water seeking a place to rest and make her nest.
He orders Bronschweig to administer a vaccine to it, but to burn the body if it fails. Later, the alien organism unexpectedly gestates and kills Bronschweig. Mulder and Scully travel to the crime scene in Texas, where they find the site has been hastily turned into a new playground and encounter the boys whose friend fell into the hole. Following their direction, the pair follow some white gasoline tankers to a large cornfield surrounding two glowing domes.
In Washington, D.C., Mulder appears before an FBI panel regarding his experiences in Antarctica, but is later denied reassignment to the X-Files division: Mulder and Scully have been replaced by Spender and Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers). After a scientist working for the Syndicate accidentally comes into contact with the black oil and gestates an alien, Mulder and Scully attempt to track the creature down in Phoenix, Arizona before the Syndicate can capture it.Meisler, pp. 11–18 Skinner is mysteriously poisoned by a nanorobot infection.
The reproductive function of the uterus is to accept a fertilized ovum which passes through the utero-tubal junction from the fallopian tube. The fertilized ovum divides to become a blastocyst, which implants into the endometrium, and derives nourishment from blood vessels which develop exclusively for this purpose. The fertilized ovum becomes an embryo, attaches to a wall of the uterus, creates a placenta, and develops into a fetus (gestates) until childbirth. Due to anatomical barriers such as the pelvis, the uterus is pushed partially into the abdomen due to its expansion during pregnancy.
In Phoenix, Arizona, a scientist working for Roush Technologies is exposed to the black oil alien-virus and an alien gestates and bursts from his body the next morning. A few hours after his death, a co-worker who arrives at his house is attacked and killed by the newborn alien. In Washington, D.C., Agent Fox Mulder appears before an FBI panel regarding his experiences in Antarctica. Meanwhile, The Smoking Man (William B. Davis) reports to the Syndicate on the alien in Phoenix, confident that he'll be able to kill it.
For many decades, stem cells have played an important role in medical research, beginning in 1868 when Ernst Haeckel first used the phrase to describe the fertilized egg which eventually gestates into an organism. The term was later used in 1886 by William Sedgwick to describe the parts of a plant that grow and regenerate. Further work by Alexander Maximow and Leroy Stevens introduced the concept that stem cells are pluripotent. This significant discovery led to the first human bone marrow transplant by E. Donnal Thomas in 1956, which although successful in saving lives, has generated much controversy since.
Aya finds Eve in another part of the museum, where the orange mass has surrounded her, forming an impermeable shield to protect her while the Ultimate Being gestates within her. After several failed attempts to attack Eve, the military asks Aya to attack her from a chopper, as she is the only one who can get close without combusting. The plan works, but Aya has to personally finish the fight on a now-wrecked Statue of Liberty, where Eve finally succumbs to necrosis due to her unstable cells. As Aya rests on a naval vessel, the Ultimate Being is born and attacks the surrounding ships.
When an unknown cosmic cataclysm gradually begins killing off all of the other life in his universe, Galan and other survivors leave Taa on a spacecraft and are engulfed in the Big Crunch. Galan, however, does not die: after bonding with the Sentience of the Universe, he changes and gestates for billions of years in an egg made of the debris of his ship that the current universe formed after the Big Bang. He emerges as Galactus, and though a Watcher observed Galactus's birth and recognizes his destructive nature, the Watcher chooses not to kill Galactus.Super-Villain Classics: Galactus the Origin #1 (May 1983).
In "The Time of Angels", a Weeping Angel trapped in the vault of the starship Byzantium took advantage of a video screen which was playing footage of it elsewhere in the vessel: the creature escaped by overriding the screen controls and nearby electronic equipment, took over the screen, and passed through it to physically manifest in another location. Weeping Angels can also imprint a mental image of themselves into a person's mind by looking straight into their eyes: the image then gestates and takes over the person's body to manifest as a new Weeping Angel. Amy Pond was infected in such a manner where an involuntary verbal count-down indicated her remaining open-eyed moments as a human. She was able to suspend the Weeping Angel's gestation (but not eliminate it) by closing her eyes, refusing to let it breach the "filter" of her optic nerve.

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