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335 Sentences With "generalizations"

How to use generalizations in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "generalizations" and check conjugation/comparative form for "generalizations". Mastering all the usages of "generalizations" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They are only protected against calls for violence and dehumanizing generalizations, but not against calls for exclusion and degrading generalizations that are not dehumanizing.
"We're past the point where we can keep talking in generalizations," Dr. Helmuth said, adding that generalizations have not helped scientists and others determine the risks to particular ecosystems.
Could you tell me about some of those sweeping generalizations?
A university cannot justify its admissions policies with broad generalizations.
"It's hard to make sweeping generalizations here," Santo told me.
And just like many broad generalizations, these don't always fit.
Former generalizations about the cost of production may be obsolete.
That's a lot of generalizations—no one will ever date him?
There are large-scale things that we can make generalizations about.
Between doesn't make any grand, sweeping generalizations about the transgender experience.
No subtext, no shade, no generalizations, just I looked him up.
Generalizations like these, paradoxically, have to be appraised one by one.
It's not deftly pointing out the attitudes that lead to rancid divisions, or exposing the dangers of easy generalizations and swift judgments; instead, the movie just leans into those judgments and generalizations, over and over again.
Gatsby's fortune, business, even his connection with underworld figures, remain vague generalizations.
The subgenres, I decided, were really cultural generalizations I'd seen a lot.
As it turns out, all these generalizations are either misconstrued or misguided.
The contrast goes to show how generalizations can be unfair and unproductive.
She was a restless and driven student disinclined to accepting academic generalizations.
Roundup Certain grown-ups revel in dumb generalizations about young adult literature.
Generalizations snowball and millions of people are made to share one identity.
I could make generalizations, too—for example, that poets are disturbed creatures.
"The way we campaign is in poetry, aspirational generalizations," Mr. Cuomo said.
These moments cut through the otherwise vaporous generalizations B.H.L. is fond of.
I eschew generalizations when it comes to data because data are not monolithic.
The threat of the male in nighttime goes further than just thuggish generalizations.
Above generalizations to the contrary, the album hardly inhabits just one single genre.
A big one is that we're drawing generalizations from some very subjective data.
Another problem with Thomson as a model is his penchant for sweeping generalizations.
Historians find no evidence for such sweeping generalizations, but their views are dismissed.
But that doesn't stop Lowry from making his own less-than-careful generalizations.
The dismissal of big-house Champagnes stems in part from two vast generalizations.
Phil, one quick question for you and obviously, it&aposs hard to make generalizations.
Making generalizations about national character is risky (and these days smacks of political incorrectness).
Yet many of these are vague generalizations that give investors little to work with.
And he spouts twisted gender generalizations, with all the self-righteous surety of childhood.
But something's clearly wrong with the generalizations the algorithms are making about my character.
But, elsewhere, only splitting hairs can justify the generalizations to which she sacrifices possibility.
The terms are generalizations, of course, but the term—here as elsewhere—has stuck.
The tricky reality is that it is tough to make generalizations across the continent.
The Archdiocese of Detroit took issue with Nessel's "broad generalizations" during Thursday's press conference.
They illustrate Vance's habit of pivoting from personal experience into the broadest of generalizations.
Good samples allow for generalizations, but there is always a slight probability of error.
Runaway metaphors rebound off heaped generalizations, and yet an attractive humor is in play.
So if we take these generalizations about coders, what do these characteristics actually translate into?
Turns out, certain generalizations we try not to make about the Zodiac ring pretty true.
Or, they hear about it so often they have been numbed by familiarity and generalizations.
"I think it's not possible to make psychological generalizations for millions of Chinese," Plänkers says.
Jenner slipped into more comfortable generalizations to diffuse the focus from her on The View.
One can argue about whether these "profiling" generalizations are empirically sound, but they are prevalent.
Should we take issue with its generalizations and the sexy posturing of women with rifles?
Social scientists have long made generalizations about the way that women interact with each other.
Though perhaps necessary to describe trends, generalizations can obscure the truth with sweeping, unsubstantiated claims.
These are not just old generalizations about monks; they are outdated by nearly 100 years.
I'm very wary of social scientists making broad generalizations on the basis of limited data.
It's tempting to look at the differences between Ted and Lane and draw generalizations about mitigation.
But it doesn't seem Vergara is doing her culture any favors by making such sweeping generalizations.
All of it involves gross generalizations that don't take into account the perspective of the woman.
His propositions may seem simplistic generalizations, but they are easy to understand and they grab attention.
With near-daily, headline-worthy press briefings, it's easy to succumb to generalizations about Spicer's incompetence.
Aja Romano: Recently, a spate of anti-fandom articles have made broad generalizations about fan culture.
Errors, along with generalizations, blind spots and oversights, that called into question the choice to publish.
Moreover, their likely demographic has been subject to casual generalizations that turn out to be wrong.
But keep in mind that generalizations about a particular breed or species won't always cut it.
But these categories are based on generalizations and mischaracterizations, nurtured by sheltered experiences and biased media.
INGRAHAM: Wait a second, aren&apost we supposed to not make generalizations about one group of people?
John Guandolo has a long, documented history of making disparaging statements and broad generalizations about Muslim Americans.
If not, we risk producing and reproducing stereotypes, generalizations, and inequalities that can be weaponized against us.
Full of empty platitudes and preachy generalizations, it was remarkable primarily for the enormity of Obama's conceit.
It's also dangerous to make sweeping generalizations about the political preferences of more than 1.2 billion Africans.
Lind makes a lot of vague generalizations about the "managerial elite," which he blames for our problems.
By the 1990s, Dr. Polis's generalizations had been observed among widely divergent animal groups, not just invertebrates.
In particular, the generalizations ignore the Asian-American subgroups that stand to benefit most from affirmative action.
"Their stories are as different as anyone else's, and I think we make too many generalizations," she said.
Lastly, this development rightfully debunks generalizations about people on the spectrum, like that they're dependent or otherwise incompetent.
C.K. wants to present sex and attraction as things that are too messy for broad rules or generalizations.
Sure, we'll be the first to admit these are generalizations, but they're funny because they're sort of true.
Generalizations about any racial "they" are awkward at best, but okay, accept this as a scout's limited perspective.
Finally, the group examined "the dangers of inflammatory rhetoric, generalizations and expressions of prejudice," all of which Mrs.
An important goal of this unit is to encourage students to back up opinions or generalizations with evidence.
He does point out many exceptions to these generalizations: Some poor and unequal societies experience very little violence.
I should say these are generalizations subject to many variables, including how and where the barrels were made.
A great deal of variation exists among countries' health care systems, making generalizations among them a bit tough.
I'm speaking in broad generalizations, but, you know—wars tend to be created by men and not women.
Not to give a too broad or esoteric answer, but it does have practical repercussions that are good because if you're not making those types of generalizations either way… I don't know, maybe one of the privileges as a person of privilege that we should be sacrificing is making generalizations ever.
In the end, too much marketing "analysis" has led to sweeping generalizations about millennials that only perpetuate a myth.
Incorrect, social media–fanned generalizations about Baraboo and the 63 boys guaranteed that the town's response would be defensive.
Politics in music can lend itself to bland, sweeping generalizations — think the type of songs that become campaign anthems.
Ryan says that is difficult to make generalizations about LGBT parents based on their minority representation in her study.
Memphis Meats' cultured meatball (Image: Memphis Meats)There are a few of generalizations we can probably make about meat.
It's difficult to make generalizations about coverage at Fox and many other outlets, on both the left and right.
"The dinner was just generalizations and platitudes," said Mark Papa, CEO of Centennial Resources Development Inc, who also attended.
It's not settled science, and as a public health professional Talento should know to avoid making such inflammatory generalizations.
He remains reluctant to make sweeping generalizations about an entire generation, but he says the anecdotal evidence is remarkable.
The broad indictment, the unfair generalizations, were caricature and calumny, the product of the fevered imagination of the left.
To make sweeping generalizations about any group is to make the same mistake that racists and anti-Semites make.
During our conversation, one thing they stressed is that everyone reacts to hormones differently—but there are some generalizations.
Mekhennet has another goal in this book, which is to defy generalizations about Muslims, and Muslim women in particular.
If you'd rather make superficial, cheap generalizations about what it isn't instead of celebrating what it is, go ahead.
And they are the reason why I became a writer: to counteract generalizations too often exploited in the media.
And her knee-jerk tendency to categorize and make broad generalizations seems uncannily similar to the environment she's criticizing.
The Japanese chola look is based on stereotypes, generalizations, and a Hollywood caricature of a very real group of people.
Much like Mark Zuckerberg's recent testimonies before Congress and both UK and European parliaments, the video offers only vague generalizations.
Obviously, it's sort of not a good idea to put all these stereotypes or these sort of generalizations on it.
In Dean's works, we shuttle between experiences as personally lived and the sweeping generalizations of the media and historical modernism.
These aren't overstated generalizations that won't prove to be literally true, but claims that are directionally opposed to the truth.
The brief stories of her journey through Russia, from its western border to the southern one, contain almost no generalizations.
But reading Duhigg's book makes one wonder whether there really are any secrets here — any surprising generalizations of broad applicability.
These were not just generalizations, the University had watched them happen and could no longer sweep them under the rug.
There have probably been too many glib generalizations about what Asian music is, and too many attempts to appropriate it.
It offers advice, for example, on how to formulate evaluations using specific evidence, rather than generalizations about an employee's abilities.
"In lots of cases, you'll just get things wrong if you work with simple generalizations about identity groups," he says.
That includes "serious attacks, or even negative generalizations, of people based on their race [and] sexual orientation," she has said.
That incident, plus the reputation of her breed, subject to generalizations about viciousness, also knitted them closer as a couple.
But he avoids the kind of cultural generalizations that Lee Kuan Yew was fond of showering on grateful Western interlocutors.
It's an earnest exchange full of the condescension and generalizations spouted by people who don't recognize their own latent racism.
Then, there's our socialization: Again, #generalizations, but women are typically taught to be nice, while men are taught to be masculine.
Eighty percent of that data comes from boutiques, from their generalizations about consumers that everyone is wearing the wrong bra size.
"Go see this museum," or, "you have to try the food," can be incredibly vague and generalizations of the overall experience.
Rather than making generalizations based on religion, the Trump administration gives specific security rationales for zeroing in on these six countries.
Cowherd's words — repeatedly painting Wall with tired stereotypes and using them to draw vast generalizations about his character — represent much more.
Conclusion I've previously written about the folly of relying on generalizations too much, but there are definitely some discernible patterns here.
Generalizations about this sign may help us start to understand them, but they'll never speak for every single Sag out there.
Across Southeastern Europe, even among hard-to-impress neighboring countries, generalizations about Macedonia — slightly larger than Vermont, population 2.1 million — persist.
I'm reluctant to project generational matters onto individual artists, as such generalizations inevitably won't fit, but Khalid's thematic fixations invite hyperbole.
Her installations and portraits explore what it means to be biracial in America by playing up stereotypes and aspects of generalizations.
While she still believes that "females are biologically and physically superior to males," she wrote, she is uncomfortable making essentializing generalizations.
"That's how it is at pretty much every gym," Ngo says, when I bring up my casual observations and sweeping generalizations.
In judging people, for instance, this can mean falling back on generalizations about race, age, country of origin, religion or gender.
This political cartoon In is entirety visually illustrates how demeaning it is to make generalizations towards a certain group of people.
Both women and men can be harmed by these generalizations — and gender nonconforming people experience negative repercussions to a greater degree.
It wasn't funny, it used broad racial generalizations for no ostensible reason, and it never should have made it to air.
After doing this for many points, what generalizations can you make about the websites or apps that are easier to read?
There are some generalizations as well: Women are more likely to be integrators and men are more likely to be drivers.
Now, of course, all social categories of this type are vast generalizations and really just a form of conversational game playing.
But I take the point that I'm generalizing about men and that generalizations are dangerous, especially when it comes to sexuality.
One person I spoke with about driving the go-karts expressed anger about it, saying it only fed those gross generalizations.
"Excluding qualified, fit candidates from service based on sweeping group-based generalizations is irrational," GLAD wrote in a summary of its arguments.
Again, these are broad generalizations, but without getting into a detailed analysis of the settlers, this is a good place to start.
Right now we have more generalizations in certain parts of the world that are not as well studied, like Asia and Africa.
The utility of a neural network (and machine learning, in general) is in its ability to make generalizations from large data sets.
We now have enough data points to make some broad generalizations about what oil companies are doing to cope with $40 oil.
That may be the truest way to represent women onscreen: through individual stories and specific details, rather than through all-encompassing generalizations.
What's most bizarre about efforts to describe young people as a broad collective is that technology has rendered such generalizations mostly unnecessary.
Ms. King might just be the last person to share these Mars-and-Venus generalizations about how women are naturally more romantic.
She sprinkles their conversation with contemptuous generalizations about Zoe's generation, and she blithely makes several remarks that are racially insensitive at best.
The message I left Idaho with, and that fueled the writing of my story, was that sweeping generalizations should always be suspect.
It pains me to see my profession under attack — sometimes literally, but more often through a war of words and over-generalizations.
However, these false generalizations and caricatures have been force-fed to American people — black and white — and to people around the world.
What makes these quasi-satirical generalizations about "white people" different from actual racism is, yes, the underlying power structure in American society.
The HTC 212 is what everyone wants from a smartphone — all generalizations are dangerous, even this one — but for me it lacks excitement.
Here at Refinery29, we don't like to make sweeping generalizations, but we think it's safe to say that everyone loves a great deal.
No one in Baltimore City is waiting for help from a presidential candidate whose platform relies on broad generalizations about their lived experience.
If you're a queer bristling at my generalizations of lesbians, tell me you don't know any gays who look like what I'm describing.
Her baseless, sweeping generalizations are as erroneous as they are offensive, revealing a cavalier willingness to conflate fact with her own ideological opinions.
Some have lauded Lil B for speaking so forcefully, while others bristled at what they perceived to be broad generalizations about white people.
Have ugly generalizations or snap judgments based on ethnic stereotypes perambulated through your mind, even if they didn't fall out of your mouth?
Because without any scientific evidence, the media and police were left to make broad generalizations that resulted in a false sense of security.
The women candidates this cycle also span the Democratic ideological spectrum, so fewer generalizations can be made about their policy positions and strategies.
Young people say they like MbS's business-like approach of announcing systemic plans, rather than speaking in generalizations as many of his predecessors did.
Add to that the $4.8 billion estimated annual cost of treating preventable hypoglycemia, and it is clear that generalizations of this kind are dangerous.
The Dimondale event wasn't the only time he's revealed that he doesn't think past headlines and generalizations about the plight of nonwhite, Christian populations.
For one thing, broad generalizations may simplify reinforce the limitations imposed by the gender binary, and the sex stereotypes which have long upheld it.
After all, making gendered generalizations or attempting to extrapolate one individual's behavior to leaders of that gender as a whole would be a disservice.
Reciprocity laws are generalizations of the 200-year-old quadratic reciprocity law, a cornerstone of number theory and one of Scholze's personal favorite theorems.
If you forego the 360 and solicit feedback in person, make certain you ask for feedback that is specific, avoiding broad questions and generalizations.
Critics had to be careful about turning their position into a platform for polemics, or about dispensing provocative generalizations, as he once gleefully had.
The biggest improvements were in the discussion of a study's limitations, its generalizations, its use of confidence intervals and the tone of the conclusions.
This not only impairs our ability to make generalizations across people with different ancestries, it also overlooks the cultural variation within and among groups.
Is this enough to make Orientalist art worth salvaging, despite the prejudices inherent in the generalizations it perpetuated about the multicultural polities it depicted?
"Beyond what they have copied from our plan, Third Point's presentation is riddled with inaccuracies, half-truths, simple generalizations, and vague recommendations," Campbell said.
This not only impairs our ability to make generalizations across people with different ancestries, it also overlooks the cultural variation within and among groups.
There is no shortage of generalizations about America's younger generations, but one that definitely rings true is their desire to travel, and travel often.
To say, as my gynecologist once did, that lesbian sex poses "little danger," relies on gross generalizations and outdated assumptions –- some more pernicious than others.
Karen Cox: Generalizations cannot define the American South The American South is very often a misunderstood region, especially for those who don't know its history.
As with other menu items, the nutritional contributions of salads are a direct reflection of the ingredients used, so it's difficult to make broad generalizations.
E-cigarettes are "a continually changing and diverse group of products" and are used in a variety of ways, so it's difficult to make generalizations.
While "the bible" is a helpful guide, it's updated every two weeks in vague generalizations to cover the wide gamut of content posted on Facebook.
Some critics were quick to point to the fact that these comments were broad, and arguably racist, generalizations about a group of heavily Latino immigrants.
Obama is concerned about the broad, lazy, and often negative generalizations that people who don't have many personal relationships with black people might fall back on.
As a young woman, I'm tired of turning on the television or opening my computer and reading headlines about Trump's horrible comments and generalizations of women.
Extensive data on charter performance drawn from rigorous studies — across multiple cities and states, over time — allow us to safely make some generalizations about charter schools.
In other words, we can't really make any generalizations that companies are invariably not buying back their stock, even during the period around their earnings report.
The judge in the case decided the statements made by Cosby and his team were opinions and generalizations about all the accusers ... and therefore, not defamatory.
The women candidates this cycle also span the Democratic ideological spectrum, so there are fewer generalizations that can be made about their policy positions and strategies.
Hulbert does the good work, throughout, of resisting morals or too neat generalizations; one suspects that the alliterative "Lessons" in her subtitle was a publisher's creation.
"I noticed that you made a lot of generalizations about the majority of white people being privileged," one person told Crucet, according to The George-Anne.
It criticizes the easy generalizations, ahistoricity, and even tribalism of a liberal audience (the critiques of Obama and of Clinton, in particular, don't hold anything back).
"There are many assumptions and generalizations that could change the outcome of the analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively," said Payo, who wasn't involved in the study.
Sweeping generalizations are the politician's bailiwick and, in the world of culture, it might be best to reject these across-the-board announcements out of hand.
You have to sit by while old people (over 40s) loudly unwrap their Werther's Originals and make sweeping generalizations about your avocado obsession and your participation trophies.
The basis of the petition's argument lies in false data and unsupportable generalizations that equate the legal hunting of certain giraffe species and populations with illegal poaching.
"There's no good reason for reproductive health to become one more domain in which women are infantilized by sweeping generalizations about their decision-making abilities," she says.
Their generalizations are not persuasive, and Schumer and Pelosi have little or no credibility with the voters who need to be convinced of the border wall's futility.
Instead, generations are talked about like astrological signs now—arbitrary labels that, once applied, are meant to sum a person up by way of making sweeping generalizations.
We've all heard the generalizations of the unruly woman who wants the "perfect, natural" birth and puts her baby's life in jeopardy by refusing a doctor's advice.
Part of Mekhennet's decision to begin the book with her childhood and her family is to slay these generalizations about Muslims that often surface in Western discourse.
Given the nature and size of the sample, our survey is not representative and does not warrant firm generalizations about young people's engagement with Islamic State videos.
So we must listen with particular concern to the protests of those for whom inaccurate portrayals represent not just distasteful generalizations but economic and even mortal danger.
"I noticed that you made a lot of generalizations about the majority of white people being privileged," one student said to the author, according to the paper.
If we want to be very, very sort of broad about it, those generalizations, they tend to be ... People who like pornography is people who adopt technology, right?
Trying to draw too many generalizations then, is unhelpful, but it is true that we've only just begun to consider the full, global impacts of an automated workforce.
In the case of Muslim religious claims heard at the court, sweeping generalizations and unreasonable fears have often taken the place of rigorous legal reasoning and sound evidence.
Ratification will not eliminate the differences between the sexes, but it will ensure that government actions are based on compelling reasons instead of sweeping generalizations about the sexes.
But: The obvious fear is that insurers will use this information to jack up people's rates if they seem high-risk — even based on generalizations about tangential data.
"I noticed that you made a lot of generalizations about the majority of white people being privileged," the student asked, according to the school newspaper, The George-Anne.
For four years I covered India, a country that relishes minor scandals and is alert, after 190 years of colonial rule, to vapid generalizations made by foreign correspondents.
The witches' brew of interesting ideas, exaggerated claims and unsatisfying generalizations that make up this volume both reflects and reveals some of the conundrums of our wired age.
We believe this individualized approach assists in truly understanding the potential impact of culture in sports and life, in general without judgments, generalizations, or quick to understand statements.
Each one takes place in a particular area with particular candidates, they're usually low-turnout contests, and it's a mistake to draw broad generalizations from any particular one.
While women tend to be more comfortable with their feelings, men are still uncomfortable with elevated levels of emotion, says Popcorn, admitting that these gender-based observations are generalizations.
Due to geographical generalizations, MISBHV is often grouped together with the Russian Rubchinskiy and Georgian Demna Gvasalia, with writers and buyers often assuming a similar aesthetic from the brands.
There are two major styles of nostalgia advertising — the kind that draws on personal, lived experience, and the kind that draws on abstract yearning for generalizations of the past.
Luckily, you can express some affection and social commentary on Tuesday when your planetary ruler Venus meets philosophical Jupiter—just avoid getting yourself worked up by making broad generalizations.
Yet Friedersdorf, who's one of the more responsible and careful writers on the campus outrage beat, proceeded to conclude his article with sweeping generalizations about What It All Means.
They're asking human "annotators" to answer questions about each comment related to five sub-attributes of "unhealthy content": hostile or insulting (trolls), dismissive, condescending or patronizing, sarcastic, and unfair generalizations.
You can measure the temperature that an insect gets heat stroke for a whole bunch of species, and then make broad generalizations about how they might be impacted by warming.
However, the Cambodian Rice Federation said on Thursday the safeguard measure did not relate to any unfair behavior and was based on broad generalizations and the flawed use of data.
So much so, that the initial conversation for this column involved a lot of beating around the bush, platitudes, and generalizations about the way each participant relates to money personally.
To train a deep-learning system, you throw out the rules and instead feed examples, which lets it build its own rules and necessary generalizations and, maybe more importantly, associations.
One thing I started noticing was the use of omniscient narrators — voices of people who never appear onscreen but make grand, sweeping generalizations with an authoritative voice, like this one.
This absence and distortion affects and reflects how history is remembered in fiction and off screen, helping to form sweeping and often inaccurate generalizations of what the "past" looked like.
Moderators are now allowed to delete deadnaming, misgendering, and negative generalizations—but also terms such as "cis" and "TERF," on the basis that they may be an "affront" to feminists.
But those who seek genuine illumination about the characteristic insights and follies of the New Left will need to look elsewhere — for an intellectual guide whose generalizations are less narrowly ideological.
Disclaimer: It can be easy to make sweeping generalizations from year-in-review roundups, and it's important to remember that they are neither scientific nor necessarily representative of the whole population.
Such comparisons can be a little fraught — the potential for Orientalism and sweeping generalizations looms large — but Qian avoid these traps by carefully selecting examples that are both illuminating and touching.
In a 1996 precedent-setting decision, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg delivered the majority rule stating that "overbroad generalizations about the different talents, capacities, or preferences of males and females" are unacceptable.
"What we accomplished flying the P51 was an important step in bringing about a change in the bias and generalizations that had been part of military policy," George Hardy, 90, says.
The problem here is that the actual job of being president (understanding complex policy trade-offs) is very different from the public role of playing president (reveling in broad, inspirational generalizations).
However, much of the rhetoric surrounding "porn for women" emerges from misguided assumptions and broad generalizations about the kind of porn women enjoy, and the kind of women who enjoy porn.
Ties A new diagnosis of a rare disorder identifies my daughter as a kind of person whose definition barely exists, and yet I can already see the generalizations hovering around her.
Ruby is one of a brand-new kind of person whose definition barely exists, and yet I can already see the generalizations — less nuanced, poorer, overlooking a lot — hovering around her.
Outsiders may refer to Sydney with generalizations about juice cleanses, açai bowls and botox, but Los Angeles is proof that those skewed perceptions can be thwarted by an engaged dining public.
Instead of making needlessly broad generalizations about those who might (or might not) become undeployable, it holds all military members to a single standard, addressing undeployability if and when it comes.
Because it can be used to prop up any kind of harmful stereotype about groups such genders, ethnicities, religious and political communities without having to engage the objections to unfair generalizations.
Stereotypes are almost always the conclusions of lazy science—they're just empirical generalizations that are stripped of their variances and encoded as fact into the collective consciousness of a general population.
"Permission Streak" almost embodies Art in the Age of the Internet as a whole, by being so visually overwhelming that by the end it pushes viewers to scarily make generalizations in haste.
If you walked into a room of 100 50-year-olds from around the world and were asked what those people all had in common, you'd look for the super broad generalizations.
They argue that Omar was attempting to point out the financial clout of the pro-Israel lobby — the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC — and not to make generalizations about Jews.
" Although Johnson - who is backing a vote to leave the U - explained that "others" has made generalizations about the U.S. president, one political pundit in the U.K. accused him of "grotesque innuendo.
In many instances, these women butted up against negative assumptions about their ethnicity that locked them out of certain assignments; were subjected to sweeping generalizations; and were passed over for white colleagues.
Such skills include building greater confidence in one's abilities, confronting one's fears, relaxing the body and mind, and learning how to identify and reconsider distorted thoughts like over-generalizations and inaccurate assumptions.
Every time politicians and commentators suggest that Muslims are not welcome in America and make grotesque generalizations about Islam and Muslims, the ISIS narrative is reinforced and more potential radicals are created.
In ways that the legal scholar Frederick Schauer has explored at length, a good many laws, rules and protocols proceed from generalizations, and all can be faulted for being underinclusive and overinclusive.
"We need to be cautious about broad-brush generalizations," Alexander McCormick, an Indiana University professor who is the director of the National Survey of Student Engagement, said to me in an email.
Our critic Michiko Kakutani called it "an ambitious but highly discursive novel that eventually builds to a moving conclusion," even if it gets bogged down in generalizations about the plight of India.
So much of the evening had been built on generalizations about progress and acknowledgments of breakthroughs, and it really was exciting to see Jordan Peele win, and to see Greta Gerwig get nominated.
"I don't want to make generalizations based on gender, but I feel the responsibility falls on me [to make my costar comfortable], and I've been in that situation a couple times," Pratt said.
In a conference call Thursday with the nation's governors, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney laid out the administration's priorities in broad generalizations before apologizing and leaving for his next appointment.
One can argue that the United States has no place in that fight, but making sweeping generalizations about Muslims as Bacevich does limits our understanding of the forces at work in the region.
Generalizations of a conservative, Catholic, Atlantic outpost, are not without merit, when considering the country's reluctance to provide the type of reproductive health care that many other nations don't even bother debating anymore.
And now, after all these years, what, if anything, does Mr. Klontz think psychologically separates the super rich from everyone else — understanding, of course, that generalizations by nature don't give a full picture.
It tackles the challenges of globalization with much more depth and nuance than most reporting on the topic, precisely because it steps back and watches a story unfold over time, resisting easy generalizations.
It's tiring having to constantly remind others that women in tech, in the workplace, in society have been personally battling diminutive language, generalizations, and workplace behavior on a day-to-day basis for ages.
We are still really in the infancy of AI in terms of algorithms and techniques, methods of making generalizations, methods of providing explanations, we're still waving our hands about a lot of these things.
To be sure, the script, by Mr. Cohen and Steven Leckart, uses broad generalizations to explain events, and is exceedingly sympathetic to the company (the film is based on a book by Mr. Canion).
This week he landed himself in the national spotlight after leaving a profane and threatening voice mail for a Democratic lawmaker and by committing to sweeping generalizations about race and the state's heroin crisis.
Nevertheless, the conditions of this uplift are murky, and at times depend on generalizations — like "mules of the world" and "Black Girl Magic" — that have eerie historical parallels and leave little room for growth.
" Michiko Kakutani of The New York Times wrote that "this embarrassing volume is an out-and-out partisan screed made up of illogical arguments, distorted and cherry-picked information, ridiculous generalizations and nutty asides.
Complexity, ambiguity and paradox may be sweet nectar for historians, but not necessarily for a broad public that tends to prefer grand generalizations, sound bites and contemporary categories into which to shoehorn historical figures.
I'm using this to refer to a silent majority that isn't a majority and is not particularly silent: whites, generally older, generally less educated, although of course with exemptions for all of those generalizations.
Remember to use "I" statements ("When you do X, I feel Y"), rather than making generalizations or accusing your partner of harboring certain feelings ("You always do this" or "You did this to hurt me").
In the course of the nearly eight-minute track, the band effectively distills this all in a way that puts the emphasis on the humanity of people who are often talked about in sweeping generalizations.
The explanation for this egregious failing is more about the pernicious elite media worldview that leads the paper's deputy Washington editor to parrot racist generalizations because he believes them to be widely accepted common sense.
Letter To the Editor: As "The Myth of Cold and Colds Is as Resilient as a Rhinovirus," by Aaron E. Carroll (The Upshot, July 19), points out, broad generalizations often lead to trouble in science.
American Factory tackles the challenges of globalization with much more depth and nuance than most reporting on the topic, precisely because it steps back and watches a story unfold over time and resists easy generalizations.
American Factory tackles the challenges of globalization with much more depth and nuance than most reporting on the topic, precisely because it steps back to watch a story unfold over time and resists easy generalizations.
LEN NETHERSOLECORTLANDT MANOR, N.Y. To the Editor: As enlightened intelligent readers of The New York Times we know better than to make sweeping generalizations, equating Islam with terrorism, for example, to justify a Muslim ban.
Any justification for excluding one sex or the other "must not rely on overbroad generalizations about the different talents, capacities or preferences of males and females," Justice Ginsburg wrote in one passage Judge Miller cited.
This theory relies on generalizations, of course, and leaves out people who don't identify as a man or a woman as well as men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to women.
It is our duty as Americans to speak out against the dangerous generalizations made about immigrants and refugees, the destruction of families and entire communities, and mass deportations ordered by President Trump and executed by ICE.
At multiple points in the conversation, he made it a point to say he doesn't speak or engage with a lot of his peers, so these are essentially sweeping generalizations based on his perception of them.
The simulations also relied on broad generalizations about how physical activity affects body weight and health, with the presumption being that more movement leads to less weight, which might not be true for all young people.
But stereotypes — no matter what they're about — have the ability to hurt and cause anxiety for the individuals you're making generalizations about, whether what you're saying is something traditionally considered offensive or a seemingly benign platitude.
Hitti, Jang, and fellow researcher Carolyne Pelletier are now deep in the data-mining phase of their current project on gender generalizations, but they're also looking ahead to new ways to build justice into the pipeline.
Taken from the title of indie band Modest Mouse's second album, it alludes to a relationship between the individual and the group, between experiences as personally lived and the sweeping generalizations of the media or historical modernism.
"She came to our school and, the audience was predominantly white, and she came in and was attacking white people for an hour, putting all these stereotypes and generalizations on us," said one 18-year-old attendee.
American Factory tackles the challenges of globalization with much more depth and nuance than most other reporting on the topic, precisely because it steps back to watch a story unfold over time and also resists easy generalizations.
Intellectuals, by contrast, aim to be "specialists in generalizations," as another New York intellectual (the sociologist Daniel Bell) once put it, pronouncing on the world from out of their individual experiences, habits of reading and capacity for judgment.
There's also the problem of making generalizations about e-cigs: There are hundreds of devices on the market, and each one delivers different levels of nicotine (or no nicotine at all) and a slightly different combination of chemicals.
Trump's belittling of a Gold Star mother, Ghazala Khan, mocking the physical disability of a reporter, vulgarities toward women and negative generalizations about immigrants, all point to an alarming lack of a sense of justice, if not humanity.
Many tweets called Schulman out on the inappropriate post — especially given he shared it using the Black Girls Rock hashtag on a night intended to celebrate young Black women — not make insulting generalizations about them like it's NBD.
They offer generalizations — in the case of the Lancet study, that alcohol consumption is probably riskier and less potentially beneficial than we thought — that may eventually influence policies, like higher taxes on alcohol or warning labels on bottles.
This movie is worth a metric ton of punditical generalizations about those topics — not to mention the endlessly mulled-over state of the American heartland — partly because it prefers real-life detail to sweeping statements or overheated arguments.
But they reflected a more disturbing flaw, too: an inability to imagine that individual black voters could have lives and political concerns related to anything other than overblown generalizations about the worst things plaguing African Americans as a whole.
The actors in Recitatif, like editors and many readers, want to identify characters by race—a crucial ingredient of American identity, but one defined by generalizations rooted in the history of slavery and too facilely evoked through recognizable stereotypes.
But get to the second verse, and the song takes a surprising turn -- when a young man in dreadlocks gets his chance to respond, to rebut the generalizations, to recount being stopped by the police and rebuffed for jobs.
Jenée Desmond-Harris: Throughout his presidency, Obama has faced frequent criticism for shaming or condescending to black audiences — qualifying statements about structural injustice with generalizations about individual failings — in a way that he doesn't when speaking to nonblack groups.
Perhaps it's this fatigue with unfair generalizations that elevated Silicon Valley's latest gender war to new heights following publication of an internal memo from a Google engineer asserting that women are ill-suited for technical jobs for biological reasons.
They criticized him for "demonizing" people with mental illness, and said that Morton's sweeping generalizations of people with antisocial personality disorder were unfair, since not everyone who has it is as inherently evil as she depicts them to be.
Cambodia has filed a challenge with the European Court of Justice against the duties, saying the so-called "safeguard" measure did not relate to any unfair behavior and was based on broad generalizations and a flawed use of data.
Dr. N.G. Berrill, the executive director of the New York Center for Neuropsychology & Forensic Behavioral Science, says that while there are common threads that could provoke someone to murder their family, there aren't really generalizations that could provide a definitive type.
While it's hard to make generalizations about why this is the case, a 2012 study suggests that high standards of beauty, public body exposure, and repeated exposure to mirrors might contribute to the prevalence of eating disorders in professional ballet dancers.
And the fact that those generalizations, in which all African-Americans inhabit a hell of violence and dysfunction, came as part of an outreach effort on Mr. Trump's part elicited from Mr. Williams an incredulous and slightly bitter cascade of chuckles.
And between Dylan and Toni Morrison in 1993 not a single American won, an observation that prompted accusations of anti-Americanism and a set of generalizations about American literature in 2008 from then-permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Horace Engdahl.
First as an advocate and later as a justice, she made it her goal to dismantle the structures that embody "overbroad generalizations about the way men and women are," as she put it in a majority opinion just last year.
It is through this approach that American Factory tackles the challenges of globalization with much more depth and nuance than most reporting on the topic, precisely because it steps back to watch a story unfold over time and resists easy generalizations.
Of course, there are Southeast Asian Americans who are achieving social mobility, but this youth worker is making an important point about how generalizations regarding Asian-American success make it difficult to recognize the vast disparities within the Asian-American population.
It doesn't always work; the strain of having to parse and find neat solutions for complex topics shows more often than not, and Zoey's vague characterization does her no favors when she's imparting sweeping generalizations about how her generation thinks.
According to faculty notes on the meetings, gay students spoke of harassment by classmates, black students told of being steered away from disciplines and degrees that were perceived as white-only, and Asian students talked about "unhealthy generalizations," in particular about Muslims.
" BRF added that it is "expressing its support to the inspection of the sector and to the society's right to information based on the facts, without generalizations that may harm the reputation of reputable companies and generate unnecessary alarm to the population.
We thought it would be interesting to ask different VICE offices around the world to make their own versions of the project and see if we can make any sweeping generalizations about different countries based on the contents of their women's handbags.
As the owner of a collection of shoes that is large enough to be known to cause visitors to exclaim "Imelda Marcos!" and pass out, I am the last person to make generalizations about what people feel it's worth spending their money on.
Of course, these ideas might be gleaned from broad generalizations — Japan's attitude toward beauty, like everything else, continues to evolve as they redefine old rituals or adopt new trends — but I believe all of them are noteworthy, and in some cases, even empowering.
"There are two generalizations we can make: Third party candidates usually don't do very well, and the other thing is that their support tends to fade as the campaign goes along at the end," says Jonathan Ladd, a Georgetown University political science professor.
One is always wary of making generalizations, but when an artist is surrounded by this much money and success, becoming an anointed member of the jet-set, global mega-wealthy, it can be hard to make work that is about anything but lifestyle and success.
This label-creep phenomenon opens us up to the antithesis of the progressive views and values that has made us proud to be Democrats — specifically, tolerance for political expression and opinions that are different from our own and most importantly, avoiding generalizations and stereotyping.
I can predict all this because I work in the news media, and one of the primary functions of the media these days is to traffic in gleefully broad generalizations and criticisms of millennials, the more than 75 million Americans born about 1980 to 2000.
Voters attracted by the force of the Trump personality should pause and take note of the precise qualities he exudes as an audaciously different politician: bluster, savage mockery of those who challenge him, degrading comments about women, mendacity, crude generalizations about nations and religions.
And for those of you who are wondering how I know this, I have been doing this for a long time, and I feel that this qualifies me to make large, sweeping generalizations about people's personalities based on how they fill their crossword puzzles.
It's the same impulse that can have you recognize the outsize attention Trump is paying to Omar and Tlaib, while still maintaining concern over their own generalizations about Jews and use of anti-Semitic tropes like dual loyalty and flippant phrases about the influence of Jewish money.
Wiseman has cataloged some of the most fascinating and important institutions of our civilization, using his films to make stealth political arguments that circumvent the easy generalizations and partisan catfights that often erase citizens from the very systems that are meant to serve the public good.
Combining homosexuality and Christianity might be the most natural thing in the world for Buttigieg and millions of gay Americans, but it is an iconoclastic development in American politics, where generalizations about religious freedom have in recent years been used specifically to fight advances in LGBTQ rights.
Because I also have a little bugbear about ... I do not mean to make broad generalizations about what people read and everyone's backgrounds, but the lack of diversity across the board in tech, and every year it's just become this annual parade of dismal figures, right?
"It's tempting to make generalizations about European politics and talk about the rise of the populists and the eurosceptics and how voters use the European elections to punish their governments," said Aleksandra Sojka, a Polish fellow in political sociology at the Carlos III University in Madrid.
"I think one of the real problems in this whole debate is that people are looking for generalizations about trophy hunting, and there just are none," said Rosie Cooney, chair of the sustainable use and livelihoods specialist group at the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
While there can be warning signs for divorce in particular relationships, it's difficult to make sweeping generalizations based on five states in the U.S. Not to mention, this research doesn't suggest that the holidays cause divorce; it just shows a correlation between divorce and the post-holiday seasons.
AUGUSTA, Me. — Paul R. LePage, the embattled Republican governor of Maine, declared on Wednesday that he would not step down despite widespread criticism over a profane threat and generalizations about drugs and race that had prompted him to hint on Tuesday that he might abort his second term.
While cautioning that the study involved too few cases to make generalizations, Dr. van der Linden said that it appeared that most of these babies had good eye contact because the damage was less severe in brain areas involving vision than it was in areas involving motor skills.
I applaud the president for laying out the case against North Korea in such a high profile venue, including valid generalizations and specific anecdotes that testify to the horrors of the Kim regime, as well as calling on the nations of the world not to turn a blind eye.
Scientists and taxpayers have invested so much thought, emotion and money in following up the generalizations that Watson thinks put the sciences on the course of convergence that even if our mountain of Science should be no more than a hillock, we might not be able to turn back.
We're the inheritors of not just philosophical generalizations but of a very specific historical struggle — the legacy that Crispus Attucks, Nathan Hale and Sullivan Ballou left by dying for the creed; the legacy that Eugene Sledge, Frances Perkins, Bayard Rustin and a million immigrant ancestors left by suffering for it.
Her detectives are always bluff, no-nonsense types who solve the case through highly unscientific generalizations about appearances (people with slate-blue eyes are always oversexed, according to one of them), and who always make sure to pause for a proper English tea no matter how pressing a case might be.
It's hard to talk in generalities across the vast group that is Asian Americans, but if there are any justified generalizations, this one is at the top: Asians in the US are expected by ourselves and others to fit a certain template: go to good schools, work hard, keep our heads down.
It's problematic, of course, to make sweeping generalizations about policing based on one incident, but this one feels like a representation of much that needs rethinking in law enforcement: it involved over-criminalizing a petty infraction; failed deescalation; ultimately no charges for anyone; and nominal changes to training procedures and policing policies.
Blakeney has also written about the generalizations made when boho-chic products are categorized as "ethnic" or "tribal": What the word has come to mean in the design world (or at least on Pinterest) seems to be any room, outfit, or adornment that looks like it does not have Western-European origins.
I think it is one that is incredible complex, and I think one thing that we've talked about on this podcast before is: How we can do justice to the nuances and the particularities of all of the different allegations and instances and stories that have come forward and not make sweeping generalizations?
Mascagni agrees that online reviewers are most protected when they stick to their "honest opinion" and stay away from "broad generalizations," he tells CNBC Make It. And if you do level an accusation in your online review — such as claiming you were overcharged by a business — make sure you can support your claims with documentation, like a receipt.
Maya Charlton: "Listening to The (Not So) Modern Lovers Forty Years Later" I'm not sure when exactly, but at some point — and, of course, I'm making overdramatic generalizations here — alternative rock music turned into bearded white guys singing in falsettos about the true meaning of life or love or whatever over wishy-washy Charlie Brown-style drumming.
"You're making these broad sweeping generalizations about ethnicity in huge populations as opposed to finer ones, and even then, if the best you can do is plus or minus three or four years, then that should bring some great concern to anybody using this technique for the purposes of developing an accurate, specific age of a person," he said.
As President Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE has made sweeping generalizations about violence in Chicago, he has overlooked key issues within the city.
"With many of us being Millennials ourselves, we understand the seemingly endless struggles and silly generalizations that young Millennials can face (and we can't even!), so we created the game to provide fans with a lighthearted experience that allows Millennials to take a break from real life and laugh at the relatable experiences and labels that can sometimes be placed on them," it said.
In the 1960s, a bucktoothed Mickey Rooney offensively played the role of Japanese caricature I.Y. Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany's, to cite just one example, and by the 1970s, postcolonial and literary theorist Edward Said began discussing cultural imperialism, connecting it to the way the mainstream media, popular culture, and Hollywood collude to construct and manipulate the image of nonwhites, particularly Arabs, often relying exclusively on negative stereotypes and generalizations.
In an email to CNN, Hasbro explained they intend the game in a spirit of millennial solidarity: With many of us being Millennials ourselves, we understand the seemingly endless struggles and silly generalizations that young Millennials can face (and we can't even!), so we created the game to provide fans with a lighthearted experience that allows Millennials to take a break from real life and laugh at the relatable experiences and labels that can sometimes be placed on them.
He lays down the foundation for "Try Common Sense" with ex cathedra generalizations ("pretty much everything run by Washington is broken"; "bureaucracy is evil") and then adds a brick-by-brick account of alleged regulatory idiocies: He decries how airport screenings pull people aside "if, say, we left a nickel in our pocket" and highlights the case of an angry public employee who supposedly sued his dry cleaner for $54 million for losing a pair of pants.
Trump could brag about forcing a sitting Supreme Court justice to apologize, duck questions about conservative philosophy, lie about the reality of abortion, return to the racist generalizations about Mexican immigrants that were the basis of his campaign, use a schoolyard "I know you are, but what am I" taunt, show his ignorance on basic foreign policy questions, flip-flop on key policy issues, and threaten the underpinnings of post–World War II peace in Europe.

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