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"Gene" Definitions
  1. a first name for boys, short for Eugene

182 Sentences With "Gene"

How to use Gene in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Gene" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Gene". Mastering all the usages of "Gene" from sentence examples published by news publications.

CRISPR gene drives combine the gene drive idea with the CRISPR gene editing technique.
Gene expression refers to how much mRNA a gene produces.
The FAAH gene, like every gene, comes in a pair.
For example, the C.D.C's test looks at three targets on the N gene, while the tests ordered by the W.H.O. look at bits of the N gene, the RdRP gene and the E gene.
GENE drives are, at heart, a particularly selfish sort of gene.
So you have this gene, you're a carrier of this gene.
We can just change one gene and then the next gene.
Gene editing is a big step up from simple gene therapy.
Gene drives are, at heart, a particularly selfish sort of gene.
It may not be immediately obvious, but the gene in "gene drive" need not be a gene at all – it can be a microbe.
"Gene editing is a little more complex than gene therapy," Rabin added.
Gene testing — as opposed to gene altering — poses new risks, as well.
Instead, the male gene copied the healthy sequence from the female gene.
The FDA said certain gene therapies are A-OKWhile biohackers experiment with DIY gene-editing, progress is being made in getting regulated gene therapies to market.
In B, using a gene drive, nearly all offspring receive the altered gene.
Gene Gene the Dancing Machine's signature music usually sent the already-unhinged Barris into further paroxysms of laughter, even as Gene was pelted by debris from offstage.
One way researchers can tell when a gene is turned on is by looking for signs of gene transcription, which is the first step in gene expression.
Three others had one mutated gene and one normal gene; these siblings had low triglyceride levels, but nowhere near as low as those with no functioning gene.
Our main interest isn't gene expression in death, but gene expression in the living.
Occasionally, a gene will move between species, through a process called horizontal gene transfer.
Dr. Trumble was particularly interested in the ApoE4 gene, often called the Alzheimer's gene.
The Hungry Gene is about the discovery of the OB gene in mice and later in humans, and people who lack that gene are uncontrollably hungry all the time.
What they found was that if one particular yeast gene loses its function, there is another gene in the cell capable of fulfilling the role of the lost gene.
Previous CRISPR tools limit gene-editing to short snippets of DNA within one single gene.
But make no mistake about it, Gene thinks the real winner last night ... was Gene!
Of the three obesity-related genes analysed, one particular gene—the POMC gene—stood out.
Gene tests don't help you that much—only 10 percent of people are gene-positive.
Advances in gene sequencing and gene-editing technologies are making such nightmare scenarios increasingly plausible.
Reporting by Frank Pingue in Toronto and Gene Cherry, editing by Gene Cherry/Greg Stutchbury
Kawauchi possesses a variant of the widely studied ACTN3 gene — the so-called speed gene.
That might allow you to knock out a particular gene in a cell, or introduce a particular gene, or correct a particular mutated gene that you want to work better.
At CRISPRCon, we heard about gene-editing cassava to eliminate cyanide-producing compounds, gene-editing pigs to resist a deadly virus, and gene-editing rice for higher yields (rice CRISPRs!).
Onconetics Pharmaceuticals: Onconetics Pharmaceuticals develops gene therapies that target tumor cells with specific gene expression profiles.
Gene by Gene, similarly makes the case for ownership as a way of protecting genetic privacy.
Also, every cell has every gene, but not every gene gets turned on in every cell.
Imagine you wanted to design a drug or a gene therapy to target such a gene.
Within the liquid is a gene therapy virus that contains a healthy version of the gene.
The diverse gene pool helped them find the IRF4 gene, the annoying culprit behind gray hair.
Each bar was a gene, and the 11th bar was the gene Dr. Smithies had altered.
With gene editing, you're now just making one mutation in one gene in the simplest sense.
Gene therapy and gene editing both depend on a disabled cold virus to deliver the treatment.
It works a little like a as a gene drive for gene drive, a way of overwriting a gene drive and removing it from a wild population if something goes awry.
Dr. Leder then turned to the problem of gene structure and worked out the composition of DNA units in the gene for alpha-globin, the first mammalian gene to be sequenced.
He discovered the "timeless gene," which produces proteins necessary to stop the activity of the period gene.
Finally, the companies MyHeritage and Gene by Gene have built databases of around 2 million profiles each.
The gene editing in the experiment was aimed at deleting CCR5, a gene for susceptibility to HIV.
Once the DNA is broken, a new gene, or gene fragment, can be inserted into the gap.
How it works Luxturna works by supplying a third gene -- a normal RPE65 gene -- to retinal cells.
Gene editing relies on a tool called Crispr, which is itself a gene, originally found in bacteria.
Other companies and academics are also looking for gene editing or gene therapy treatments for these diseases.
Gene in Kansas Gene in Kansas: These two were quite obviously at different junctures in their lives.
Gene expression levels are an indication of how much of a particular protein an individual gene is producing.
If there's a bad mutation on a gene, there are presumably three other working versions of the gene.
The trial enrolled more than 500 peple, including patients with a BRCA-gene mutation, a tumor suppressor gene.
Imagine a company that provides gene delivery capability to an entire industry — GaaS: gene-delivery as a service!
It is not so much a gene pool that Dr Hildebrandt is working with as a gene puddle.
Voytas, a pioneer of gene editing in plants, chuckled when I asked him about a gene-edited heirloom.
In a perfect "global" gene drive, 23 percent of offspring have the gene drive carrying the desired trait.
Identifying gene pairings that underlie human disease will require mapping the interactions of some 200 million gene pairs.
Also dead were Gene Watson Gene Watson III, 46, and 45-year-old Antoinette Banks, 45 — Nyla's mother.
The gene therapy virus in turn leaves behind a corrected gene in the DNA of cells they infect.
The researchers are attempting to restore a functional adult hemoglobin gene, not to restart a fetal hemoglobin gene.
When an SNP occurs within a gene, then, in science-speak, that gene has more than one allele, or alternate forms of a gene that exist in the exact same place on a chromosome.
Church likened this to gene vandalism versus gene editing—breaking both strands is more likely to cause these errors.
They found that mutations in an unknown gene disrupted flies' circadian clock and named the gene "period," or per.
"The strongest genetic connection of the psychopathic gene, the 'Warrior gene,' is transmitted from father to son," Kelly explains.
The HER2 gene, between the discovery of the HER2 gene and the FDA approval of Herceptin, 20 years. Right.
After seeing a photo of big Gene and little Gene side-by-side, the similarities were hard to ignore.
And that CRISPR protein may invariably match or closely match with another gene, and consequently change that gene, too.
They cannot carry a large gene, and the gene for factor VIII, needed to treat hemophilia A, is enormous.
It was not harmful; there are two copies of every gene, and the child's other hemoglobin gene was normal.
But lefties had one less copy of the gene than righties, and compensated with a nearly identical gene, Lsdia2.
But the fetal gene is turned off after a baby is born and an adult hemoglobin gene takes over.
There was no family history and he was negative for the BRCA gene, known as the breast cancer gene.
Along with the corrective gene, the IV solution Madeux received contains a gene-editing tool called zinc finger nucleases.
Cells there produce the corrective gene, and the zinc fingers snip the DNA, letting the new gene slip in.
Since patients like Yuna, with one dysfunctional and one functional FOXG1 gene, produce half the necessary FOXG1 protein, Soo-Kyung wonders if gene therapy could restore some protein or boost protein activity in the good gene.
The Sonic hedgehog gene is a key gene that signals limb development, and according to the new study, a trio of mutations that appeared roughly 100 million made the gene much less likely to be expressed.
Dr. Martin sees the WntA gene as a sketching tool that defines the outline of the wing design, and the optix gene studied by Dr. Reed's group as a "paintbrush" gene that fills in the color.
Distinct gene Many Africans have a distinct form of the Duffy Antigen Receptor [DARC] gene compared to other world populations.
Now, the largest organization of scientists who work in gene and cell therapy have come out against DIY gene therapies.
In one case, he injected the gene for green fluorescence, also known as the gene that makes jellyfish light up.
For example, there's a notorious gene, the p53 gene, that has mutated in around 40 percent of cancers, said Gronostajski.
And in December, it approved the first treatment to directly target mutations in one specific gene—a true gene therapy.
She only needed one particular location within the gene tested, so it was less expensive than sequencing the entire gene.
His Albuquerque air freshener suggests that if he is looking for Jimmy/Gene, he'd like Jimmy/Gene to know it.
Currently the gene therapy — which uses a virus to deliver a new gene to cells — can only be used once.
Imagine a biological engineer trying to increase the expression of a gene that maintains normal gene function in blood cells.
Gene therapy came upon the scene, this time to fix a specific gene defect in the retina of the eye.
FRONT PAGE An article last Thursday about a gene-altering leukemia treatment referred incorrectly to the availability of gene therapy.
Like other gene therapies, the idea is to deliver a working piece of DNA into cells to correct a disease-causing gene, but Luxturna is the first such therapy to directly target mutations in one specific gene.
More importantly, even if we were to discover a gene that plays a causal role, the reality is that two people could carry the same gene, but that gene could express itself in different ways in each person.
Harris and her team became interested in studying a particular gene within melanocytes, called the melanogenesis associated transcription factor (MITF) gene.
The therapy uses a virus to provide a normal copy of the SMN1 gene to babies born with a defective gene.
The expression of a gene associated with schizophrenia was found to involve another gene (POU3F2) that's been linked to bipolar disorder.
The deadly diagnosis is due to an inherited gene mutation, although it can be caused by a random gene mutation, too.
Gene drives are stretches of DNA that change those odds to favour one parent's version of a gene over the other's.
The therapy uses a virus to provide a normal copy of the SMN260 gene to babies born with a defective gene.
Scientists believe it could be a result of the MC1R gene causing the human temperature-detecting gene to become over-activated.
Gene drives occur naturally in nature, but a human-engineered gene drive was only first demonstrated in fruit flies in 2015.
He and Gene Gene the Dancing Machine (who died 2 years ago) are somewhere doing their thing again ... we hope. #RIP
"Tell us the gene you want modified and we will give you the modified gene with the full analysis," Dabrowski said.
The mice that were genetically engineered to express the gene learned the pathway of mazes faster than mice without the gene.
Scientists call this swapping "horizontal gene transfer," to distinguish it from the "vertical gene transfer" that occurs between parents and offspring.
And while this slow change does happen, gene-swapping via horizontal gene transfer happens much faster, driving major changes relatively quickly.
Next-generation gene sequencing is especially relevant for cancer genomics, the study of gene defects that turn healthy, normal cells cancerous.
The Saalmans also considered a gene-therapy trial, in which scientists were attempting to insert a new gene that makes dystrophin.
As for those lesser-known genes, 218 of the mutations were in the CHEK2 gene, one was in the BRIP1 gene, and one was in the NBN gene, according to the study, published Thursday in the journal JAMA Oncology.
The Berkeley researchers aimed to knock out the mutant SOD1 gene in mice with ALS using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9.
Once a lncRNA gene is identified in one species, it can be hard to find versions of that gene in related species.
Methyl groups are especially important in regulating gene activity because when they are added to the DNA, they turn off the gene.
In tests targeting the PCSK9 gene, the system proved highly effective, eliminating the gene in more than 80 percent of liver cells.
This cat has white spots on the chest … the white spotting gene, the piebald gene, is probably affecting the two eyes differently.
Famed WWE interviewer Gene Okerlund — known by many by his nickname, "Mean Gene," has died, the WWE announced in an online statement.
And with gene editing, there's also the unlikely possibility of altering the wrong gene or cutting out more than necessary, Little added.
"If you know the gene and the function of the gene, then you know which biological mechanism is defective," Meyre told CNN.
For example, early humans may have expressed a gene associated with language ability more than Neanderthals even though both had the gene.
One study participant, carrying a hypertrophic cardiomyopathic-related variant in the gene called MYL3, also had several family members carrying the gene.
GENE DAVIS: HOT BEAT Gene Davis's striped canvases appeared in the 2124s, brightly colored and rectangular, vacillating between minimalism and Pop Art.
"Are women born with a special gene for telling the truth, and men born with a special gene for lying?" he asked.
Researchers have recorded as many as 300 mutations in this gene, and they are the most common single-gene cause of obesity.
After researchers snipped the harmful mutation from the male gene, it copied the healthy sequence from that spot on the female gene.
The advent of CRISPR , a gene-editing tool, has given researchers confidence that we're on the verge of the gene-therapy era.
And it can muddy the distinctions between various technologies, as Crispr, gene editing, gene therapy, and genetic engineering all get thrown around.
People with a gene, APOE, that's associated with Alzheimer's disease, were twice as likely to develop dementia as individuals without this gene.
But that meant also that their gene pool was not integrating with the gene pools of the rest of Europe, so if there is a 'telepathic gene,' if anybody could have preserved it, it would have definitely been the Irish.
In the lab, scientists tweak a specific gene to, say, make stoats only produce male offspring, and then they engineer a gene drive to force that gene to be passed along to all the offspring, usurping nature's 50-50 inheritance mix.
"By ensuring that the gene is almost always inherited, the gene drive can spread the altered gene through a population over many generations, even if the associated trait reduces the reproductive fitness of each organism," write the authors in Science.
Take gene therapy: once we learn how to deliver a gene to a specific cell in a given disease, it is significantly more likely we will be able to deliver a different gene to a different cell for another disease.
If a person with one copy of a cystic fibrosis gene, for example, has children with a partner who also has one copy of the mutated gene, each child has one chance in four of inheriting a mutated gene fromeach parent.
Using the gene-editing technique Crispr/Cas9, Kamoun's group snipped out a piece of a gene called Mildew Resistant Locus O, or Mlo.
Gene L. Coon was telling the kind of stories that Gene Roddenberry wanted to see, but he was telling them with more heart.
"We simply do not yet know enough about the gene," said Lovell-Badge, a professor and gene expert at Britain's Francis Crick Institute.
She set about introducing, at random, various mutations into the gene that encodes subtilisin, to produce thousands of different versions of that gene.
AS FAR AS experts are concerned, the technology of gene editing is nowhere near ready to be used to create gene-edited babies.
Surprisingly, the male gene copied the healthy sequence from the female gene; it didn't use a synthetic repair template injected by the scientists.
All of this brings us to the subsequent ethical debate, which centers on the potential threat of gene editing, specifically gene-edited humans.
A defined, predetermined genetic change could thus be written into a genome: The mutant BRCA-23 gene can be reverted to normal gene.
Most human diseases are not influenced or controlled by single gene variants, and yet some gene variants are strongly linked to the disease.
As a physician by trade, I think that every American has a "service gene" and the Commission's job is to activate that gene.
In the sedentary mice, these molecules swarmed so densely over the gene that they blocked signals that tell the gene to turn on.
Last month, a separate team of researchers described how gene editing corrected a gene mutation linked to inherited heart conditions in human embryos.
The POMC gene is also present in humans, and while cases are very rare, there are obese people with a similar gene deficiency.
The program allowed you to type in the name of a gene; it then ranked the diseases most closely associated with that gene.
In humans, Galatzer-Levy discovered that there were different versions of the FKBP5 gene—the gene that helps form memories around traumatic events.
Khorana went on to develop a way to make a synthetic gene and then place the lab-made gene in a living bacterium.
The gene is involved in regulating how the connections between brain cells work, which makes sense for a gene involved in social behavior.
The GAN gene transfer in that experiment, first tested in mice, attached a corrected version of the damaged gene to a harmless virus.
To resurrect the mammoth gene, the researchers grew cells in a lab and tested whether the smell gene functions normally in those cells.
Later in life, she became an advocate for BRCA gene testing, which identifies a gene mutation that makes people predisposed to breast cancer.
In our study, we first used the gene-editing technique CRISPR to edit the mouse skin stem cells and incorporate the hBChE gene.
The precision of gene editing is supposed to minimize the potential for unexpected results: You put the gene exactly where you want it.
"  MC Ren claps back at Gene Simmons  MC Ren responded to Gene Simmons' comments that he's "looking forward to the death of rap" in the best way when he said, "I want to say to Mr. Gene Simmons: Hip-hop is here forever.
Framed from the start as a book about the struggle to create a book, "Dragon Hoops" animates the inner conflict between Gene Yang, computer science teacher; Gene Yang, family man (his wife and four children appear throughout); and Gene Luen Yang, graphic novelist.
Framed from the start as a book about the struggle to create a book, "Dragon Hoops" animates the inner conflict between Gene Yang, computer science teacher; Gene Yang, family man (his wife and four children appear throughout); and Gene Luen Yang, graphic novelist.
If the Food and Drug Administration approves a gene-altering leukemia treatment, it will be the first gene therapy approved in the U.S., but not the first anywhere; other forms of gene therapy have already been approved and marketed in Europe and China.
"A gene drive is when a gene can spread through a population even though it doesn't help organisms to survive and reproduce," Esvelt said.
Matthew Taliaferro, who studies gene expression and gene editing at MIT, thinks the paper will get more scientists thinking about those kinds of questions.
He works on a technology called a gene drive—where a detrimental gene is driven through a wild population—to curb disease-carrying mosquitoes.
"The science of gene editing, including gene drive technology, has been advancing at a rapid pace in the laboratory," DAPRA told Gizmodo via email.
Mutations which stop the gene drive from targeting it are also likely to stop the gene working properly—it is unusually sensitive to change.
Instead of scientists patching a gene here and a gene there, they would use chemicals to manufacture all the DNA contained in human chromosomes.
This single-letter mutation makes it a promising candidate for cutting edge technologies, like the gene-editing technique CRISPR-Cas9, and other gene therapies.
The fear of gene editing — and the concerns around what people could do through gene editing — isn't based on any kind of rational fact.
The fear of gene editing — and the concerns around what people could do through gene editing — isn't based on any kind of rational fact.
"We're taking that same platform...and instead of sticking a gene for West Nile in there, we're sticking a gene for Zika," he said.
By identifying the gene, scientists were able to find the protein the gene encoded: an enzyme that basically causes a reaction that forms bone.
Since the gene with the instructions is put into the DNA of the chickens, any baby chicken they make will also carry this gene.
Cutting and correcting gene mutations The study used 75 human zygotes in which the father carried a mutation on the MYBPC3 gene, Belmonte said.
Gene LeBellGranted, Judo Gene is now 83, which makes this match even more of a hypothetical than any of the other matches listed here.
The team used a gene-editing technique known as CRISPR-Cas9 to switch off a particular gene involved in embryo development, known as OCT4.
Gene GreenRaymond (Gene) Eugene GreenTexas New Members 2019 Two Democrats become first Texas Latinas to serve in Congress Latina Leaders to Watch 85033 MORE.
But they do know that their technique was very precise, disrupting 20 mutant copies of the gene for every healthy copy of the gene.
FFI is caused by a single, dominant gene mutation, meaning the Webbs and Vallabh had a 50-50 chance of inheriting the gene themselves.
The FKBP5 gene determines whether this process is completed—cortisol binding in the brain functions differently if there is a variance in that gene.
Strangely, though, the growth-halting effects of blocking a late-stage gene disappear if an early-stage gene is blocked at the same time.
The technique involves equipping mosquitoes with a gene drive, a genetic mechanism that forces a gene of choice into all of an organism's offspring.
Dr. Amaral and his colleagues found that if a gene creates a secreted protein, that gene is much more likely to be well studied.
Although everyone has two copies of each gene (one from each parent), researchers pointed out that He only edited one copy of the gene.
Mice that lacked the C4 gene underpruned the synapses in parts of their brain, which suggested a direct connection between the gene and pruning.
A gene drive is very powerful: Instead of leaving inheritance up to chance, a gene drive system ensures that particular DNA is passed along.
If people other than Gene Simmons were to flash the devil horns, his intrepid sales force might get confused about whether they should start going door to door selling all of Gene Simmons's stuff, which would NOT be fair to Gene Simmons at all.

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