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"gatekeeper" Definitions
  1. a person whose job is to check and control who is allowed to go through a gate
  2. a person, system, etc. that decides whether somebody/something will be allowed, or allowed to reach a particular place or person

750 Sentences With "gatekeeper"

How to use gatekeeper in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gatekeeper" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gatekeeper". Mastering all the usages of "gatekeeper" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"If Gatekeeper is going to be a gatekeeper, it ought to be checking any binaries invoked by the application," he told Motherboard in an email.
"Gatekeeper" - Jessie Reyez The music video for Jessie Reyez's "Gatekeeper," about an aspiring singer being pressured into having sex to advance her carrer by a producer, is based on a true story.
The SROTD is the unofficial gatekeeper of cool on Reddit.
Trump doesn't trust one person as a gatekeeper, per McGahn.
There are problems with the gatekeeper model, to be sure.
You are a gatekeeper, controlling access to the Oval Office.
Ajmal's father is a gatekeeper at a university, for example.
If so, Gatekeeper lets the app run on the machine.
"This is what Gatekeeper was designed to do," Wardle said.
In fact, it is both the gatekeeper and the obstacle.
Left unchecked, there are few limits to this gatekeeper power.
"The middle generation is always the gatekeeper," Dr. Carr explained.
They are The Gatekeeper in a building full of gatekeepers.
"Left unchecked, there are few limits to this gatekeeper power."
Mr. Baker was a gatekeeper of the scene back then.
"It's not my job to be a gatekeeper," he said.
I'm the gatekeeper for this corner of the Food section.
We also decided that there should be no gatekeeper for .
He was, in many ways, the gatekeeper to her future.
But what has been the gatekeeper to having this happen?
Also like all gatekeeper behavior, it wasn't really about whether or not someone passes the test, but rather the gatekeeper feeling like they can control what is true and not true about the subject.
She has become the gatekeeper of his decisions and other relationships.
"We want that gatekeeper to be neutral," Doyle told Next Pittsburgh.
Yeah, I mean, should they have a gatekeeper role at all?
Mr. Wilson, podcasters say, acts as Apple's de facto podcast gatekeeper.
Oil is still, in many respects, the gatekeeper of climate policy.
Apple is the gatekeeper to the apps' millions of target customers.
They are the gatekeeper to high-priced pharmaceuticals in this country.
Bialosky is the editor/gatekeeper of the hallowed Norton poetry list.
Mr. Lee's current gatekeeper is Keya Morgan, who has ousted former staff.
And that meant a gatekeeper—the kind that Kanojia doesn't particularly like.
Which is a shame because of another promising potential intervention: gatekeeper training.
The Windows gatekeeper acquired Swedish developer Mojang in 2014 for $2.5 billion.
A powerful tastemaker and gatekeeper, Sigg is portrayed as a great man.
The mainstream media served as both information gatekeeper and arbiter of fairness.
"We're on the list," I told the gatekeeper in rusty traveler's Spanish.
And since "Tokyo Drift," Morgan has become the gatekeeper of the franchise.
That would be Sheldon Silver, long the state's most effective legislative gatekeeper.
If not, Gatekeeper prevents the user from installing and executing the app.
"Ugliness is a gatekeeper to being worthy of love," one participant says.
"You're the first visitors in the park today," the gatekeeper told us.
"I don't look at a college degree as a gatekeeper," he said.
Google should not operate as a gatekeeper for critical public health information.
There, as at many journals, a paper's first gatekeeper is an editor.
Freshman calculus class has become such an important gatekeeper for college success.
From the beginning, Caxton was ambivalent about his status as a gatekeeper.
On Twitter, she explained that a principal is the fund&aposs gatekeeper.
At least this showed that this gatekeeper stuff actually has bite sometimes.
"Banks have an important gatekeeper function in keeping criminals out," he said.
Congress is not Adam's gatekeeper of choice ... not by a long shot.
"They'll be a gatekeeper to the content their rivals need," Conrath said.
Is there a specific example where the society worked as a gatekeeper?
Groceries could be accessed only through the shop clerk, who was the gatekeeper.
Stephens has always been a gatekeeper, almost the perfect embodiment of the term.
Shortly after, the roles reverse and he becomes the gatekeeper when Lucious arrives.
The drama of being a gatekeeper ignited some long suppressed sense of urgency.
And is that really what we've come to expect from the internet's gatekeeper?
Because here's the thing: the BBWAA is not the gatekeeper to the game.
"I'm not comfortable being a gatekeeper; it's the hardest part of the job."
Finally, Amazon has abused its power as gatekeeper of ideas in our culture.
As a general, he is a rarity as the gatekeeper to the president.
And software developers chafe at Apple's status as a gatekeeper for iPhone apps.
This was a unique location, because I stood next to the old corrugated steel boundary erected under President Clinton's Operation Gatekeeper in 1994, as well as adjacent a house that happened to rely on the Gatekeeper structure for its back wall.
Notably, macOS includes something called "Gatekeeper" that limits what can and can't be downloaded.
The gatekeeper of center-right wisdom can't fathom what is happening to his party.
How not to offend this man, this gatekeeper, who could anoint or destroy me?
You'll also need to appoint someone on your team to serve as your gatekeeper.
It's really ... it's not a gatekeeper world anymore because consumers can make a choice.
Edge providers are all grown up, and gatekeeper power has shifted into their hands.
Instead, Tavares finds himself back fulfilling the gatekeeper role he assumed as a lightweight.
At GLORY 1, Schilt easily handled the one-dimensional gatekeeper, Errol Zimmerman in May.
"The sun went down, its gatekeeper was Mars," alarmed astronomers noted on the tablet.
Even the computer as the gatekeeper scored better on story quality than news editors.
The gatekeeper, on the other, wakes up one day to find himself in limbo.
When the company serves as such a powerful gatekeeper, the degree to which participation
In their years together, she was Whitney's gatekeeper, closest confidante and most loyal protector.
A chief of staff is obviously the gatekeeper, but he is also the fixer.
A publicist is a joyless and disembodied gatekeeper, unfamiliar with you or your publication.
With no widely acknowledged media gatekeeper, politicians have an easier time distorting the truth.
Porter became a key Kelly ally -- a second set of eyes and a gatekeeper.
Imagine what could happen to politics if Sinclair becomes the dominant local news gatekeeper.
Do you think you're redefining what a gatekeeper in the art world could be?
Clinton, who served as her gatekeeper in the Senate and at the State Department.
It is unsurprising for a distinguished professor to engage in this kind of "gatekeeper" behavior.
Like all gatekeeper behavior, it was ostensibly a check on the credibility of the target.
"The Department plays an important gatekeeper role in protecting the False Claims Act," he wrote.
Watch the harrowing "Gatekeeper" video below: Sarah MacDonald is an Assistant Editor at Noisey Canada.
Those gracing the stage include cult names like Coven, Cruella, Glacier, Gatekeeper, Skelator and more.
BOKF, which was also the dissemination agent, failed in its "gatekeeper role," the SEC said.
After all, "likes" helped propel Facebook to its terrifyingly entrenched position as an information gatekeeper.
Nevertheless, Ms. Santo Domingo scoffed at the notion that she is a gatekeeper of fashion.
We characterized Jeremy Stephens as the perfect gatekeeper to the top five of his division.
The Sarco takes away the preliminary stages of euthanasia, with a doctor as a gatekeeper.
Research suggests that gatekeeper training is associated with reductions in youth suicide deaths and attempts.
He was the gatekeeper for conversions nationally and had a monopoly on conversions in Washington.
But along the way, right-wing media became the gatekeeper, and then the power broker.
Twitter, though, provides a gatekeeper-free method for porn stars to extend their brand reach.
He also testified that Mr Trump had made Mr Giuliani a gatekeeper on Ukraine policy.
"Apple is acting as a gatekeeper ... in ways that favor its own interests," Daru alleged.
The committee also sent a letter to Trump's former gatekeeper in Trump Tower, Rhona Graff.
Operation Gatekeeper focused on the border's urban areas, places like El Paso and San Diego.
Menéndez gave the Virgin Mary aquamarine hair in her attempt, and made heaven's gatekeeper crosseyed.
It's especially complicated because each gatekeeper for those services has the same (or similar) concerns.
Matt David is Juul's communications chief, serving as the gatekeeper between Juul and the media.
When the nation's governors meet this weekend in Washington, Scott Pattison will be their gatekeeper.
If Democrats retake the House, Nadler will instantly become the party's gatekeeper on the issue.
It's basically the gatekeeper that is going to allow a program to read and write files.
OTT refers to Over The Top, or content delivered direct via the Internet without a gatekeeper.
With an all-encompassing platform like this, Didi is bidding to be the gatekeeper in control.
Namely: making the mobile web suck a little bit less without resorting to a centralized gatekeeper.
He is the key White House contact and gatekeeper for many journalists, politicians and senior diplomats.
Republican gatekeeper Mitch McConnell will decide if it will ever see the floor of the Senate.
Now the situation is based on Chinese courts and a gatekeeper that's owned by the government.
Left unchecked, the vulnerability could let malware slip past the operating system's Gatekeeper security feature undetected.
The appeal of that is understandable, but I'm not much for the idea of the gatekeeper.
Garden already holding Red Admiral (6), Painted Lady (8), Peacock (5), Comma (2) and a Gatekeeper.
Casting has to start somewhere, and at some point, the gatekeeper has to open the gates.
This gatekeeper status gives PBMs considerable power to snag big discounts and rebates from drug makers.
Choice, for one thing: Customers will be subject to the whims of a lone digital gatekeeper.
Paul Miller-USA TODAY Sports Donald Cerrone has fallen into the role of the welterweight gatekeeper.
The Microsoft-owned studio took over as Halo gatekeeper after series creator Bungie reclaimed its independence.
She told the gatekeeper that she was Leandro's daughter, and he told her to go away.
In 2018 they can't say anything obviously racist or sexist lest they lose their gatekeeper status.
As White House chief of staff, Bannon, 63, will serve as Trump's gatekeeper and agenda-setter.
Share Local Media works as a kind of gatekeeper, able to place like-minded brands together.
Should Fox really be a gatekeeper of what goes up on Reddit and other social media?
In practice, health insurers have taken over as gatekeeper in determining who will get the drug.
Every business trying to reach mass-market consumer demand online knows that Google is the gatekeeper.
DIAMOND: Yes, what he&aposs doing is he is acting like a gatekeeper of the Democratic Party.
For a limited time, the GateKeeper 2.5 Wireless Bluetooth PC Lock is available in the Mashable Shop.
It's different from the legitimate Transmission certificate, but is still signed by Apple and bypasses Gatekeeper protection.
There's a new gatekeeper standing between you and your dream job that you need to please first.
"Unfortunately most macOS malware these days is signed anyway in order to bypass Gatekeeper," Wardle told me.
Donors, policy experts and Republican leaders regularly reach out to him as a gatekeeper to the candidate.
But even if I hadn't done it, music doesn't need to be co-signed by a gatekeeper.
My wife would set the combination and would be the gatekeeper for my new, matte-gray G17.
So there's a question about who gets to be the gatekeeper of declaring what genre you are.
He began shortly before the Clinton administration launched Operation Gatekeeper to dramatically increase enforcement in San Diego.
He also created the job of line manager, a friendly gatekeeper for those in the second line.
Clinton accused Sanders of playing "gatekeeper" on progressivism, arguing that even President Obama wouldn't fit Sanders' definition.
If the gatekeeper insists on knowing, consider playing hardball, because you can always jump back to negotiating later.
In the "old days" of the Internet this Cluetrain-manifesto-waving post gatekeeper attitude served the slacker well.
For many comedians — certainly for people who write about comedy — late night is both gatekeeper and Mount Olympus.
Anybody trying to do any sort of publishing or anything really on the web, Google is the gatekeeper.
This is a man who made his bodyguard the head of Oval Office Operations, a key gatekeeper role.
I wanted to be a gatekeeper to every kind of fun imaginable, like a horny, heartbroken Willy Wonka.
In these ways, the press often acts as a gatekeeper to the floods of information we may consume.
" As a result, she said, "there's often no gatekeeper to prevent illicit money from entering the financial system.
Rather, TikTok is just another gatekeeper to information and community that's governed by unknown rules and unknowable algorithms.
Department officials saw accountability in their crackdown; Ms. Jones saw bias against a gatekeeper for nontraditional college degrees.
A publicist is a joyless and disembodied gatekeeper, unfamiliar with you or your publication but "looping in" others.
The thinking is that Free Basics will allow an American gatekeeper (Facebook) to pick the winners and losers.
I paid the gatekeeper 3,000 Chilean pesos (about $4.50), while Mr. Soto, as a Chilean citizen, paid nothing.
But you won't need to go through an audiologist-gatekeeper, as you do now, to buy hearing aids.
What's more, no banks means the US role of gatekeeper, along with the power of its sanctions, vanishes.
The US, complacent in its old position as gatekeeper of global finance, hasn't yet fully grasped the danger.
So he was the gatekeeper of fame and fortune—or at least, for me, maybe less consumer debt.
But liberals need to stop trying to play gatekeeper, to banish ideas like intersectionality to the illiberal wilds.
They can be scholars: someone who knows the canon backward and forward seems a sound gatekeeper for esteem.
I'm also a consumer, I am a shopkeeper, I'm a gatekeeper of my family," she tells "Freakonomics Radio.
This growing database of malice ultimately brought Cloudflare to its central, if largely invisible, position as an internet gatekeeper.
"I thought it meant I'd gotten past a gatekeeper of some kind and was in the running," he said.
Should they refuse to take online assessments or to upload video faux interviews or engage the next faceless gatekeeper?
Ownership of this historical work inherently puts Dean in the coveted position of gatekeeper of the African-American experience.
The loss of momentum has led to Arlovski reassuming his role as a gatekeeper of the UFC heavyweight landscape.
After Fenty Beauty triggered a seismic shift in the beauty industry, Aina stepped up to serve as its gatekeeper.
A company with such power and influence cannot simply be allowed to play the biased gatekeeper of political discourse.
The idea that Ciara is the gatekeeper of her son and husband's gender and sexual identity is absolutely absurd.
So Facebook, born of the open Internet that knocked down the traditional barriers to information, becomes a gatekeeper itself.
As the director of Oval Office operations, a position she's held since February, Westerhout is the Oval Office gatekeeper.
Sessions recused himself from overseeing the Russia probe, a move that made Rosenstein the gatekeeper of the federal investigation.
Quest gatekeeper Lord Saladin is over-earnest, humorless, and stiffed with lines that even hermit-living superhumans wouldn't say.
That could be an important factor in redressing the excessive risk-aversion of many of our "gatekeeper" regulatory agencies.
IT has always seen its role as hardware and software gatekeeper, keeping the enterprise safe from external security threats.
"I'm not so sure if your Facebook or if your Twitter is actually a gatekeeper of information," she added.
Previously, the physician was the gatekeeper to not only the drug, but also even knowledge that the drug existed.
The gatekeeper, a peasant who spoke mainly dialect, told her that the house was closed and the family abroad.
She served as Mr. Hybels's gatekeeper, fielding calls from pastors across the country eager to tap him for advice.
Graff has worked for Trump for decades and is often considered Trump's gatekeeper, according to The New York Times.
Americans believe that insurance provides access to care, when in fact it is the gatekeeper that often denies care.
One of those pros should be your gatekeeper for all requests for money, whether from family, friends or others.
The king is considered to be Buddhism's ultimate patron and the gatekeeper of the Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order.
If you had an idea you wanted to pitch, there was no middle man, no cultural or institutional gatekeeper.
I think that there's something about that gatekeeper in the media world that gives you a lot of credibility.
But the Android gatekeeper maintains that its speedy disclosure of the exploit was done in the name of user security.
We dismantle the paradigm of security as the gatekeeper — a warden that needs to verify anything that comes or goes.
FOR MORE than 30 years as editor-in-chief of Vogue, Anna Wintour has been the gatekeeper of high style.
As Wednesday's earnings report showed, the company is already the gatekeeper to the internet for more than 100 million people.
"We shouldn't become the gatekeeper of truth on candidate ads," Harbath and Nell McCarthy, Facebook's director of policy management, wrote.
He'll be Trump's intelligence gatekeeper at the White House, the filter on the secrets the president receives from the CIA.
And since Valve lets players assign value in a reseller market, the Steam gatekeeper is in the clear as well.
What they're saying: "The doctor is the gatekeeper of the patient's health," said John Taenzler, an independent cannabis market researcher.
West Wing staff anticipate John Kelly will act as more of a gatekeeper, as a traditional Chief of Staff would.
It's also the gatekeeper of emoji and has cultivated an appropriately open process through which people can propose new emoji.
Secondly, Facebook is doing a very good job of becoming the gatekeeper for the internet in parts of the world.
Sources say he at times sees himself as less a gatekeeper to a donor and more as a donor himself.
Certainly, the entire interconnection regime was predicated on the fears of anti-competitive peering and gatekeeper status concocted by Netflix.
" What's new: "As Trump's Gatekeeper, Fixer Made Millions," per N.Y. Times: "Most of the arrangements remained a secret until Tuesday.
Patrick Wardle, a security researcher who works for the security firm Synack, has been poking holes in Gatekeeper for months.
Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensic expert and iOS researcher, said that Wardle's research is "solid" and that Apple should improve Gatekeeper.
You only need to watch Jessie Reyez's recent Gatekeeper short film or music video for one version of that testimony.
Mr. Thomas is the gatekeeper who people like Professor Wilmerding complain had made it difficult to speak to Mr. Indiana.
To the Editor: Who appointed the Federalist Society as gatekeeper to lifetime appointments to the courts of the United States?
As the software gatekeeper for the company, your G Suite administrator can still see the contents of your office calendar.
I often sense that my African-American patients and their families see me more as a gatekeeper than a caregiver.
An elderly gatekeeper begged her not to go on, but Ms. Jiang said she wanted to see what would happen.
For 68 years, 365 days a year, Ms. Richards has been the gatekeeper of an industry built on easing elopement.
She almost gave up, but decided to try one more gatekeeper, and acted as stressed out as she possibly could.
One of those pros should be your gatekeeper for all future requests for money, whether from family, friends or others.
Regeni's family has closed ranks, appointing a pugnacious lawyer as its gatekeeper, and begun their own investigation into his murder.
Spotify complained to European regulators in March that Apple was abusing its role as the gatekeeper of the App Store.
Because of their gatekeeper role, railroads had power to discriminate, both among users and in favor of their own wares.
"Apple is acting as a gatekeeper to applications and technologies in a way that favors its own interests," Daru said.
Another question might be: Why would a fashion brand suddenly want to become a gatekeeper of self-invented creative communities?
The feature, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, would make Google the gatekeeper determining what ads reach consumer eyeballs.
But in commercial country, terrestrial radio is the gatekeeper and major labels are virtually the only route to regular airplay.
There's no gatekeeper, no one who decides what's true and what's not, no one who gives context and decides what's newsworthy.
Now, Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg Politics reports she has become a gatekeeper, helping decide who gets considered for major administration posts.
Sylvia Wade, Elise's daughter and a former gatekeeper at the temple, argued that the prosecutors only focused on the sex acts.
Their bill also adds a sort of gatekeeper for individuals seeking to file suit against a company under their proposed legislation.
Which is to say, it's courting lawmakers and regulators in a bid to remain the world's most powerful gatekeeper of information.
Shared interests and Israel's perceived role as a gatekeeper to improved ties with the United States help explain shifting Arab attitudes.
Since gaining its independence at the end of the Cold War, Ukraine has been Russia's gatekeeper to the European gas market.
And according to Chris Harrison, host, contestant liaison, and Cupid's arrow gatekeeper, Luyendyk, Jr. has some very tough choices to make.
That music video's concept comes from a fuller length short film also called Gatekeeper, which was written in part by Reyez.
A gatekeeper, as he calls himself, as he yells at her in a car after she denies him what he wants.
Apprehensions then plunged after Operation Gatekeeper increased fencing along the border and added more technology such as ground sensors and cameras.
So spreading its bets and offering more than just Uber as a transport option gives Google a stronger position as gatekeeper.
Acting as a gatekeeper proved controversial for Facebook; many of its Indian partners initially claimed the service violated net neutrality principles.
The optometry industry has long used its unique gatekeeper power to limit patients' ability to buy lenses outside of its cartel.
Mozilla said it was concerned that DarkMatter could use its status as an internet security gatekeeper to launch covert hacking efforts.
When the historian of queer experience attempts to document a queer past, there is often a gatekeeper, representing a straight present.
The skill to go from conception to delivery has removed the visual designer as the gatekeeper and owner of the process.
Corker, meanwhile, is the gatekeeper for the many assistant secretaries of State and ambassadors awaiting confirmation or yet-to-be nominated.
Netflix presents itself as a filmmaker-friendly disrupter of a gatekeeper studio system, but it's an extremely powerful entertainment company itself.
He will be the primary gatekeeper for Mr. Trump and the person most responsible for steering the president's agenda through Congress.
However, before that spoonful of blanquette de veau gets anywhere near Gordon's gob, a very critical gatekeeper must be appeased: me.
The connection with this gatekeeper (more than with a son-in-law, for unexplained reasons) can cement or thwart grandparental closeness.
A gatekeeper for recruited athletes applying to the University of Southern California was once known as a stickler for the rules.
After all, the last thing a $128+-billion-a-year company wants to be is the gatekeeper that no one trusts.
Free speech advocates say the Democrats' calls for Silicon Valley to play political gatekeeper risk trampling on constitutionally protected political discourse.
"She acts as a kind of gatekeeper, often controlling who sees him, and what information gets to him," the ambassador said.
You need to curate the information that will appeal to a human reader but also get past a digital gatekeeper, Augustine says.
Bannon served as their unofficial gatekeeper, and the Mercer family personally pushed Trump this weekend to install him in his high command.
After years of being a gatekeeper for the PC market, Steam overcorrected and became a platform with no quality control at all.
Another feature from June is 'gatekeeper', letting users quickly unsubscribe, approve or block new companies or people that are sending them emails.
All in all, the basic approach is to restore a gatekeeper, at least for a video so horrific as to merit gatekeeping.
Kelly will have to be a true gatekeeper, controlling both the flow into the Oval Office and out of the White House.
In addition, The Garrett Lee Smith program uses a "gatekeeper" approach, where adults who interact with tweens and teens help identify concerns.
The New York Times is reporting another story of Kelly getting into a near brawl while serving as gatekeeper for President Trump.
"By removing FDA oversight, you are counting on physicians and manufacturers to serve as the gatekeeper and protector of patients," he said.
To be the curator, the gatekeeper, the executor of his estate is a huge challenge, and it never ceases to amaze me.
In "The Moaning Bench," a boxer must fight the devil's gatekeeper for his soul, like a fiddle player at the Georgia crossroads.
M.B.S. immediately acquired important portfolios as minister of defense and became the gatekeeper for the king as head of the royal court.
Third, the system operates under a gatekeeper system, in which primary care providers refer to hospital-based secondary and tertiary care providers.
The scruffy, bohemian ambience and Mr. Friedman's talent as a host and gatekeeper have made it a place where celebrities feel comfortable.
Complying with a new law, the largest online porn company has set itself up to be the youth gatekeeper of British smut.
Chao's husband, McConnell, will be the gatekeeper to whether, when and how any infrastructure bill is taken up on the Senate floor.
For decades, the FCC has taken action to ensure that gatekeeper power held by telecommunications networks cannot distort competition in adjacent markets.
But sometimes this was perceived by visiting journalists as me acting as a gatekeeper, and I can understand their frustration with that.
JESSIE REYEZ "Gatekeeper" (FMLY) Raw catharsis for anyone who's ever dealt with a Harvey Weinstein, a Charlie Rose, a Louis C.K. 23.
"A number including Pennsylvania and Delaware, and Texas, have gatekeeper boards that put limits on what the governor can do," Love explains.
There's no real gatekeeper for Amazon's marketplace, it's up to happy customers to shine a light on the good deals and quality products.
In a surprise twist, at least one U.S. carrier is balking at this decision, flexing its muscle as the gatekeeper of its network.
The 40-year-old apartment gatekeeper has written an open letter to Kim, trying to assuage her doubts that he's simply a victim.
The new one is a collaboration between Halo series gatekeeper 343 Industries and RTS vet — architect of the Total War series — Creative Assembly.
Competitors complain the proposed deal would recreate a dominant player in serving apartment buildings, where one gatekeeper typically controls access to multiple households.
Facebook has become a powerful media gatekeeper, and allegations that it is somehow suppressing conservative voices is basically catnip for conservative media. 10.
Sanders has set himself up to be the gatekeeper on who is the progressive...I'm a progressive that likes to get things done.
The media had become Hillary Clinton's running mate, another establishment gatekeeper who held a lion's share of the blame for ruining the country.
She said in a slightly patronisingly way that she understood Mr Sanders wants to distinguish himself as the "self-declared gatekeeper of progressivism".
Any chief who doesn't have the power to be gatekeeper of the Oval will be destined to fail as Priebus has to date.
And then there is Mr Trump, whose Twitter following of over 11m makes him a gatekeeper of a sort in his own right.
The accreditation industry is ill-equipped to act as the gatekeeper for the types of post-secondary institutions we ought to be empowering.
Britain's overseas territories argue against public registries, partly on privacy grounds but also because they consider their "gatekeeper" model to be more robust.
It's not just the company's data collection prowess that is receiving scrutiny: Google is also the primary gatekeeper to information and innovation online.
As a result patients begin to see their PCP as a gatekeeper rather than a quarterback and view the specialist as the expert.
Gatekeeper now checks all apps for known security issues, while new data protections require all apps to get permission before accessing user documents.
To the public, it insisted that it is not an editor or a gatekeeper but merely an open platform, neutrally reflecting the world.
For members of that next wave — Taylor Swift, Drake, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus — MTV is not a gatekeeper; it's a playground.
Weinstein later promised her an "ensemble role" in a movie and repeatedly told her he was the gatekeeper to her career, it says.
On top of this, as I explained in September, Facebook must not overstep its role of a news aggregator to become a gatekeeper.
After his appointment to run the Cyberspace Administration of China in 2014, Mr. Lu became an outspoken and intimidating gatekeeper of China's internet.
The difference in New York is that one organization, Decolonize This Place, has become the clearinghouse and gatekeeper for most of these videos.
Kim Jong Un's 'gatekeeper' Like most members of the Kim clan, little is definitively known about Kim Yo Jong beyond her official rank.
At this point, I could ditch my house key altogether, opting to let Siri play the role of gatekeeper to my humble abode.
Kim is now among her brother's top 20 officials and is seen as something of a gatekeeper to the leader, the analysts said.
" She adds that you should "Find someone trustworthy and capable on your team to act as a gatekeeper once you go on leave.
The White House chief of staff serves as a gatekeeper and agenda-setter for the president, but Trump's statement mentioned Bannon's job first.
Mr. Ruby is quick to point out that there has been the occasional gatekeeper who scoffs at his entanglements between art and fashion.
This is called gatekeeper training, and there's some data it's associated with a reduction in suicide deaths in the short term, at least.
And his Oval Office gatekeeper is a bullet-headed former New York City cop best known for smacking a protester on the head.
Pulling the plug on the accreditor was a clear signal from the Obama administration that accreditors should play their gatekeeper role more forcefully.
It's a clear sign that the traditional gatekeeper role center-left economists have played on issues like this is being eroded, and quickly.
To the organization's surprise, the Afghan Ministry of Education — which acts as a gatekeeper for public school instruction — immediately saw benefits to the program.
On the face of it, that might make sense: Mr Mueller is now the gatekeeper to much of the information gathered by the FBI.
As with the other players of his caliber, Armada is the main gatekeeper, but any of his matches against good players should be interesting.
This latest news illustrates the important role that technology companies play as the gatekeeper of information in cases of national security and legal proceedings.
All that means Facebook is a new kind of media gatekeeper: one that decides what shows up on the screen of your mobile phone.
"Too often we see that the bank sector insufficiently acts as a gatekeeper," the DNB said in a letter to the Dutch Finance minister.
In New York, in the early 1970s, she became a concierge, writer and all-around gatekeeper of the alternative newspaper The East Village Other.
"Millions of people living in this country look to Julian as the gatekeeper of American dream," said Javier Palomarez, the group's president and CEO.
If that was the intention, I don't see why Cohen chose some provincial gallerist who peddles landscapes rather than a serious art-world gatekeeper.
Moving forward, it should take steps toward replacing the current system of accreditation, which operates as a gatekeeper for access to federal student aid.
Border Patrol operations, such as Hold the Line in El Paso and Gatekeeper in southern California, drive undocumented migrants into dangerous and hostile terrain.
The gatekeeper role the news media used to play has been rightly criticized for stanching those views that fell outside its decidedly mainstream perspective.
In fact, Wardle is still finding ways to bypass Gatekeeper, even after Apple issued patches for two of the vulnerabilities he found last year.
The gatekeeper-free environment of YouTube allowed SBTV a space where artists could create and collaborate on their own terms, separate from mainstream media.
Some would take offense to that term, but it is a proud tradition within combat sports and Cerrone is the best kind of gatekeeper.
Louis C.K. is not just a comedian and director but also a gatekeeper and tastemaker, whose reach has stretched far beyond his idiosyncratic projects.
This is the guy who is the gatekeeper to quality independent film, and he's the most horrific person I've ever witnessed in my life!
Steve Ricchetti, one of Biden's longtime advisors, has been acting as a gatekeeper for some who want to meet with the former vice president.
He is disturbed that the Choice Act would keep ratings agencies entrenched and the S.E.C. as a gatekeeper that inhibits competition in the arena.
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote reports to Franklin D. Roosevelt from around the country and their daughter Anna Roosevelt was a gatekeeper in his later days.
And Trump's billionaire pal Tom Barrack didn't sign up for political service, nor did the President's ultra-loyal gatekeeper of many years Rhona Graff.
She's been a gatekeeper for Trump during the campaign and since his election and is seen as a part of the president's inner circle.
"She was basically the gatekeeper," said a former U.S.C. coach who requested anonymity because he was concerned that being identified could hurt his career.
" AND NOW, A WORD FROM CHARLES… "Kelly's job is to be the gatekeeper, the doorkeeper, or in the case of this White House, the bouncer.
France, in reality, has found itself to be a country of transit rather than a destination, and as such a reluctant gatekeeper for the British.
Although Scaramucci had previously reported directly to the president, Kelly reportedly made clear this morning that he was now the gatekeeper to the Oval Office.
But the idea of MindGeek, specifically, positioning itself as a gatekeeper between porn fans and porn producers has some members of the industry feeling nervous.
If you want to make headway in the CRM or analytics space, you need a solid marketing automation system — the ultimate gatekeeper of the funnel.
" BuzzFeed, he says, sees itself "not as a gatekeeper, but as a kind of a guide through that crazy, in some ways very polluted, mess.
Have a frank discussion with your primary doctor who is your gatekeeper and can help sort out the medications you are on from different specialists.
Plans emerged in late February to build 17 hotel rooms above The Gatekeeper—Cardiff's prime Wetherspoons and the focal point of many a Womanby sesh.
" Arriving at his destination, he is confronted by a gatekeeper who refuses the man's request, telling him, "It is possible, but not at the moment.
For practical reasons, though, many users do override Gatekeeper and install unsigned applications because there are many legitimate and useful apps that are not signed.
So while we seem to be distraught over Facebook's stealing our browser information, I think we need to be more concerned about Facebook's playing gatekeeper.
For years Gertler acted as a gatekeeper to Congo's mineral riches and is alleged to have paid millions of dollars in bribes to Congolese officials.
She criticized the decision to exclude her, saying on CNN the Framers of the Constitution did not make Vogue magazine the "gatekeeper" for the race.
"Antitrust is a more content-neutral way of addressing issues like the gatekeeper role that large platforms play," he added in a follow-up email.
The FAA has set itself up as gatekeeper to the market, controlling the pace and direction of innovation and picking the players allowed to compete.
"They'll be a gatekeeper to the content their rivals need," Conrath said, referring to Time Warner assets like HBO and live news and sports programming.
By checking a file's code signature, Gatekeeper can warn you if a program is malware or if someone has tampered with an otherwise benign installer.
Its Black Sea fleet, stationed in Crimea, could in case of conflict be denied passage through the Bosporus, whose gatekeeper, Turkey, is a NATO member.
"The truth is giving ISPs the ability to play gatekeeper only benefits the ISPs and their shareholders and it significantly hurts innovators and consumers," Rep.
With his return to lightweight, Pettis' career has gone full circle and is looking to revive his aspirations against tough, perennial gatekeeper Miller on Saturday.
"This isn't a park for everybody," the gatekeeper said, adding that many visitors have a particular interest in volcanic geology or the fauna of Patagonia.
But Freddie Mac assigned gatekeeper status to Equifax, essentially allowing it to bar an array of competing firms from providing credit information during the process.
But the real gatekeeper for Indian writers is the festival's other co-director, Namita Gokhale, the writer and publisher, and she is not easily moved.
As Mr. Valentine held an umbrella and covered the stage with forceful leaps, he seemed to embody Papa Legba, the gatekeeper to the spirit world.
The four-star Marine general quickly established a new way of doing business in the West Wing, positioning himself as the chief gatekeeper to Trump.
While at a preliminary stage, the discussions highlight Tencent's role as gatekeeper to China's growing but tightly controlled music market and its interest in global expansion.
It's just a rerun of the same Hollywood complaint that applies to anything that connects to the Internet, because they wish to preserve their gatekeeper control.
And given Navarro's past behavior, there's good reason to think he could use his power as a gatekeeper to shut out anyone who disagrees with him.
"I think you need some kind of physical barrier — it's been shown throughout our history and since we started Operation Gatekeeper that barriers work," he said.
But if part of the job is to be the gatekeeper among all the competing institutional interests around the president, then Bolton is a terrible choice.
The internet is an astoundingly great tool for distributing content, but it does that by copying content and often stripping out the need for gatekeeper middlemen.
But largely those gatekeeper positions are still white men, and you're asking them to connect to and support stories that they may not naturally connect to.
As one of its first 100 employees, Krane spent a decade as a top company PR rep, acting as interpreter and gatekeeper for the peculiar founders.
So Bran gets to be the gatekeeper of power and the sole interpreter of knowledge for his culture, without having his authority over that story questioned.
" Some other gatekeeper might come along and say, "Well, you just had to be there for Arpanet or [insert whatever period comes just before your own].
These documents would have little to do with Kavanaugh's judicial views because he served as gatekeeper, rather than author of the documents he gave President Bush.
Although Scaramucci, 53, had previously reported directly to the president, Kelly reportedly made clear this morning that he was now the gatekeeper to the Oval Office.
Update: Wikipedia Doesn't Realize it's the Developing World's Internet Gatekeeper In 2014, Wikimedia partnered with Angolan telecom provider Unitel to offer Wikipedia Zero to its customers.
" Clinton shot back in her session following Sanders, quipping that she was "amused" that the Vermont senator appears to consider himself the "gatekeeper on who's progressive.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the rest attained their paradoxical gatekeeper status by positioning themselves as neutral platforms that unlocked the Internet's democratic potential by empowering users.
The KeRanger application itself was signed with a valid Mac app development certificate, which is how it was able to skirt around Apple's Gatekeeper protection mechanism.
If he accepts Mr. Trump's offer, as expected, he will be a critical gatekeeper for a president with little experience in military or foreign policy issues.
He did not want to talk about the name change, and neither did the nervous French gatekeeper at the estate, before she shooed away unwelcome visitors.
Now she finds herself positioned to play the role of gatekeeper when Ratcliffe comes before the Senate Intelligence Committee, where Republicans hold a one-seat margin.
Throughout the campaign, Michael G. Flynn served as a gatekeeper for his father, and he now appears to have a job with the Trump transition team.
Then he died delivering milk in a bedroom community in Queens because a sleepy gatekeeper at the Baisley Boulevard crossing failed to put down the gates.
Chris Christie Mr. Kushner, the president's son-in-law and palace gatekeeper, has shown a capacity to hobble his rivals, but few have been finished off.
Unfortunately for content creators and consumers, the set-top box ensures that cable providers remain a gatekeeper between consumers and this amazing wealth of new content.
Elizabeth Warren, have also strongly criticized Facebook's approach — one the company has defended by arguing that it should not be a gatekeeper for political speech online.
"Facebook is now the world's largest distributor of news and yet it has refused to be the gatekeeper," she told me in a recent onstage interview.
"We fear the p-value is used as a gatekeeper for determining what's publishable research," said Ron Wasserstein, the executive director of the American Statistical Association.
Rather than using a content manager as a single gatekeeper, we have moved toward individualized data stores, which let us load cached data as quickly as possible.
If an app was developed by an unknown developer — one with no Developer ID — Gatekeeper can keep your Mac safe by blocking the app from being installed.
I used to work for another network, I was here covering option gatekeeper which was the Clinton-era double fencing that was actually really -- it really worked.
Jay Z is the gatekeeper and through his lyrics, passion, love, and leadership we can rise above every disaster in our lives and find our true calling.
"As much as the ancillary madness that surrounds the events is insane, we are a straightforward film screening series with affordable ticket prices," comments the Society's gatekeeper.
The company is a gatekeeper that not only makes it easy for app developers to insert tracker code, but also develops its own trackers and cloud infrastructure.
Danylyuk is rumored to be in line to become either foreign minister or the head of the presidential administration, which would give him a powerful gatekeeper role.
Over the weekend he solidified his role as gatekeeper of all that is beery and wonderfully bro by linking up with WWE legend The Undertaker on stage.
But in particular, data from the Garrett Lee Smith grants find that counties that employed gatekeeper training saw a one-year reduction in suicide deaths and attempts.
New York City has been its own gatekeeper in marshaling federal, state and city financing to decide which affordable housing projects are built or preserved, and where.
To replace your phone number, Messenger launched Message Requests, a gatekeeper that allows anyone to message anyone but that filters pings from strangers into a holding pen.
CASIS, selected by NASA in 2011 to manage the use of the ISS, acts as a gatekeeper and helps determine which experiments are allowed on the station.
Schiller, for example, holds the title of director of Oval Office operations -- a gatekeeper role that, in past administrations, has rarely extended past the Oval Office itself.
The password manager lives in your browser and acts as a digital gatekeeper, filling in your login info when you need to get on a certain site.
Gatekeeper-backed lobbyists are always looking to roll back balanced copyright provisions like fair use and safe harbors, which big and small platforms rely on to operate.
In pursuit of this aim, the Democrat Party uses the NAACP as a gatekeeper in keeping black kids shackled to failing K-12 public schools in ghettos.
In essence, Wardle realized that Gatekeeper only checks the initial app that gets executed, but not all the code inside the app that might get executed later.
They also cited concerns that Silicon Valley was not playing a strong enough gatekeeper role when it came to curtailing hate speech, violent extremism and fake news.
But thanks to the fluidity of the streaming ecosystem, the internet moves faster than any gatekeeper, and both XXXTentacion and 6ix9ine (formerly Tekashi69) have found success rapidly.
Sarah Walker, a lobbyist for criminal justice groups in Minnesota, worked closely with State Representative Tony Cornish, the gatekeeper in the House for policy about her issues.
It's changing the role of IT from a gatekeeper to more of a coach, if you like, in terms of how to buy software, which is changing.
And early on Mr. Bannon benefited from that structure, sitting at the top, free to slip unvetted materials to the president without a gatekeeper to get past.
"I suddenly had a gatekeeper willing to take a creative risk — 90 sets, 180 puppets," Ms. Stanford said of the series, which arrived on Netflix in August.
That's all because the organization that is the gatekeeper of emojis (yes, it's a thing ---anybody can propose an emoji) released its 117 new additions for 2020.
The question of why Comey should have so ostentatiously played the role of arbitrary gatekeeper of state secrets is perhaps not as mysterious as it first appears.
Having a gatekeeper to screen all requests and fend off outstretched palms can ease any pressure or guilt that could lead you to making foolish financial decisions.
Stephen Joyce, a grandson and last surviving direct descendant of James Joyce and the formidably rigid gatekeeper of that Irish author's coveted literary estate, died on Jan.
Mr. Simmons, a powerful gatekeeper in the entertainment and media worlds, damaged careers and self-confidence with his pattern of sexual assault and harassment, the women say.
She concluded that no matter how many hits she had, "I could not have success in this industry unless I slept with somebody — a gatekeeper," she said.
I learned this, ironically, from the matriarch of the Gatekeeper home, who stood with her grandchildren and peered over at the shiny new Secure Fence Act construction.
The difference is that the rogue HandBrake installer was not digitally signed, meaning that users would have had to override Gatekeeper manually in order to install it.
Platforms are a way for companies to create marketplaces that allow both sides of the transaction to flourish—while the firm, as gatekeeper, enjoys a tidy revenue stream.
The problem is that the FCC now becomes the gatekeeper for all things related to satellites, extending to many checkboxes that have nothing to do with radio frequencies.
As producer for SNL, Shookus leads the charge in booking musical talent — according to Billboard, the variety show is the "gatekeeper" of music influence on late night television.
While news organizations seem to play a gatekeeper role in deciding who can participate, we have at least one instance of a party organization expressly defending democratic norms.
Now the Gatekeeper of Gozer is a muse once again: scientists from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto have named their newest species of dinosaur after her.
Abedin is also at the center of many of the email exchanges that have been published by WikiLeaks, which underscores her role as the top gatekeeper for Clinton.
If you want to be a gatekeeper who pushes people out of an experience you enjoy, then you are actively attempting to destroy the thing you care about.
A university investigation found that he sexually harassed a female reporter, essentially using his power as a gatekeeper of information about the team to pressure her for sex.
Recently, singer Jessie Reyez released a harrowing video for her song "Gatekeeper"—a track that directly confronts sexism and misogyny in the music industry—from her EP Kiddo.
In the new book "Sticky Fingers," biographer Joe Hagan chronicles how Wenner created Rolling Stone magazine and became the gatekeeper of rock music — and eventually, all pop culture.
This is not to suggest he should be relegated to gatekeeper status, but merely that he be given a comparatively soft comeback with which to regain his composure.
On both Amazon and Etsy, I've set up Gatekeeper, which makes you wait a few seconds to visit the site and asks for double confirmation before you proceed.
The Germans are more dependent now on Greece to act as Europe's gatekeeper than they were during last year's crisis over a possible "Grexit" from the euro zone.
"FINRA member firms must live up to their responsibility as a gatekeeper protecting investors from bad actors," said Susan Schroeder, executive vice president of the agency's enforcement division.
And in setting up its own marketplace, Adblock Plus continues to position itself as a gatekeeper charging a toll to get through a gate of its own making.
Indian activists and local businesses strongly opposed Facebook acting as the "gatekeeper" of the Internet, said Rebecca MacKinnon, director of the Ranking Digital Rights project at New America.
Beacham White's appointment to that position — which serves as gatekeeper for some of the most sensitive documents — is controversial because she formerly worked for Pruitt's political action committee.
When I got near the gatekeeper, she fixed her gaze on my abnormally red face and the shards of skin scattered like salt on my arms and legs.
Now she plays confidante and sometime gatekeeper to the presumptive Republican nominee for president and, improbably, serves as Mr. Trump's sole liaison to the teeming national press corps.
The European Union-Turkey summit meeting on March 17-18 is aimed at concluding a deal with Turkey that will, in effect, make that country the union's gatekeeper.
As it is designed now, Gatekeeper checks apps downloaded from the internet to see if they are digitally signed by either Apple or a developer recognized by Apple.
The Neapolitan has a solid record of 18-4, but he has been used as somewhat of a gatekeeper to help boost another fighter's record following a loss.
The situation highlights the messy gatekeeper role that Apple plays, with its App Store acting as the main way people can download apps, along with Google's Play store.
Netflix's doc about a Texas cheerleading program lacks professional shots of THE big competition, and that's the studio's own damn fault ... so says the gatekeeper to the event.
While they may long for the days of regular White House briefings, they know that a more seasoned communications gatekeeper would never have stumbled as Mr. Mulvaney has.
Ms. Hupp served as a gatekeeper for Mr. Pruitt with companies and organizations interested in getting on his calendar or inviting him to an event, the emails indicate.
And that's because of AI. The smartphone is rapidly transforming from a portable computer to an all-purpose gatekeeper to unlocking the true potential of all our technology.
Prosecutors said ING had failed at its gatekeeper duties, by sometimes not identifying the ultimate beneficial owners of accounts and not noticing unusual transactions that ran through them.
The ease with which a racist, misogynist, serial con man had slipped past every gatekeeper in American life suggested something deeply sick at the core of our society.
National Review is the great intellectual gatekeeper of the American right, a journal of opinion that has long served as the arbiter of what counts as respectable conservative thought.
More importantly, Facebook has become the self-appointed gatekeeper for what is acceptable content to show the public, which is an incredibly important and powerful position to be in.
There's a thin difference between saving an industry from itself and becoming an unstoppable gatekeeper for what kind of ads are acceptable and how they're allowed to be served.
Trump's push to have Giuliani as gatekeeper is more direct than what was previously disclosed by one of the meeting's participants in his statement to the House last week.
Add into that how the online, newer media has taken about the gatekeeper privileges of the traditional media, and I think that adds to the pace of the change.
The company also takes its role as a gatekeeper seriously, he says, only bringing in investors whose values it judges to be aligned with the schools it works with.
Each judge will be the gatekeeper to decide whether a case should move forward—meaning asylum seekers will be even more subject to the individual stance of their judge.
The history between Christie, Trump's earliest big-name endorser, and Kushner, who has fast become the most powerful gatekeeper to the president-elect, dates back more than a decade.
That party serves as a gatekeeper to the system; people who want to run for office must swear allegiance to the party platform and a set of partisan principles.
Moscow wants access to natural resources but also the ability to serve as a geopolitical gatekeeper along a Shia corridor from Iran to Lebanon, since this boosts its standing.
And it paved the way for App Store-like approaches, where a gatekeeper plays goalie between you and your digital device, keeping out the extra crap you don't need.
It is meant to show the power of the brain, which is the gatekeeper to your interactions with the world — taking in information and determining how to interpret it.
He will receive a boost this weekend with the expected endorsement of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York congresswoman who has emerged as an impassioned gatekeeper of the left.
Strange as it is, a website that evaluates films via cartoon tomatoes might be the closest thing our fractured, post-gatekeeper culture has to an arbiter of good taste.
TMZ Sports has learned ... Bron is the proud new owner of a "Lion Gatekeeper" pendant ... complete with 130 grams of 14k gold, encrusted with 35 carats of VS1 diamonds.
Either way, having a gatekeeper to screen all requests and fend off outstretched palms can ease any pressure or guilt that could lead you to making foolish financial decisions.
Frank Pellegrino Sr., a sometime actor and the unflappable gatekeeper of Rao's, his family's clannish, celebrity-studded and prohibitively exclusive restaurant in East Harlem, died on Tuesday in Manhattan.
Cambridge Associates is an outside investment adviser to wealthy families and foundations, serving as a powerful gatekeeper of sorts between Silicon Valley and the richest people in the world.
"This will open the door to him being the gatekeeper of Balanchine all over the world," said Mr. Mack, whose wife, Carol D. Mack, now serves on the board.
There are 29 businesses listed in Mueller's indictment — 17 of which are registered in the U.S. Finally, you need someone to construct the deal, some sort of financial gatekeeper.
In his bestselling 2014 memoir, "Do No Harm", Henry Marsh, a neurosurgeon, gave an elegant account of his role as a gatekeeper of this night-side, an "underworld of suffering".
The chief of staff is considered the highest ranking White House employee, and serves as gatekeeper between the Oval Office and the sprawling bureaucracy of the federal government's top management.
Major League Baseball has inked a new multi-year deal with Sportsradar to make the firm its exclusive gatekeeper for betting data across the globe, starting with the 2019 season.
Instead of being fed to up and comers, fights like the one against Siver—a gatekeeper with a fun, side-kick-happy, telegenic style—are what Parillo has in mind.
Instead of a rumored feud that can only be confirmed by a gatekeeper like Andy Cohen, we'll troll a celeb ourselves in order to provoke a direct confrontation or denial.
In a free market, your success is based on the value of your product and service, not your ability to pay a gatekeeper fee just to access customers and suppliers.
Silicon Valley venture capital gatekeeper Marc Andreessen is also bullish on the currency, saying that he believes it will one day be seen in the same way as the internet.
Studies published in the journal Science in 2002 pinpointed a chemical that seems to act as a gatekeeper for neurons involved in smell, opening and closing their electric signal channels.
"Weinstein was a gatekeeper who could give actresses a career that would sustain their lives and the livelihood of their families," writer and actress Brit Marling wrote at the Atlantic.
I suppose maybe the best way to say this is that within the territory of Twitter, I am the gatekeeper of this meme, this particular way of using this content.
In THE GATEKEEPER (Morrow, $26.99), the shellshocked veteran of World War I is investigating a murder in Wolfpit, a village that once served as a holding pen for trapped wolves.
The critical position of chief of staff — the gatekeeper for the president inside the West Wing — is expected to come down to a choice between Mr. Bannon and Mr. Priebus.
Separately, last month PAN shared the excellent Deceptionista by Gatekeeper-member Aaron David Ross, which featured a software-based component also engineered by van den Dorpel, which you can revisit here.
Now, that same accrediting council is asking to be reinstated by the Trump administration as a federal gatekeeper for hundreds of degree-granting programs and billions of dollars in federal funds.
One critical difference in many of the newer H.M.O.s is the lack of a gatekeeper, the primary care doctor who traditionally had to approve all referrals to specialists and for tests.
The company uses its position as a gatekeeper to make sure that apps don't alter the experience of using its devices, maintaining consistency in a way that'll be clear to users.
There's actually some good nationwide data on gatekeeper training, thanks to a piece of federal legislation called the Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Grant Program.
The executive branch is the gatekeeper for much of the information presented to legislators, and Republicans have largely refused to question the talking points spoon-fed to them by the administration.
Engineers often employ adversarial relationships between machines to improve outcomes — think using generative adversarial networks to generate training data by having a machine generate data looking to fool another "gatekeeper" machine.
In his last fight, Hendricks shambled onto the scale, missed the middleweight limit despite having 15 more pounds leeway to play with, and was head-kicked by eternal gatekeeper Tim Boetsch.
New York-based producer ADR, who also works as one half of the duo Gatekeeper, has shared a collage-based new video for "Every Node," off his recently released LP Throat.
The Rules Committee, which is the gatekeeper for all legislation heading to the House floor, had not yet set the parameters of the debate, including any amendments that would be allowed.
Hillary Clinton fiercely defended her record as a progressive at Thursday night's Democratic presidential debate, accusing competitor Bernie Sanders of seeking to be the "gatekeeper" of what constitutes being a liberal.
BEIJING — The outspoken gatekeeper of China's internet, who led a global push for the country's growing state surveillance and online censorship, is relinquishing his post, state news media reported on Wednesday.
As staff secretary, Kavanaugh was a powerful gatekeeper, often "in the room" for the most senior level meetings and providing direction for President Bush's words and actions, including final speech deliberations.
Some White House allies said they see Trump's more frequent solicitation of advice outside the West Wing as a sign that Kelly's status as a gatekeeper for the President has diminished.
So far, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has played the part of a well-paid gatekeeper, but he made it clear he will not tolerate any criticism, let alone a European intervention.
I'm not comfortable trusting the truth to one gatekeeper that has a mission and a fiduciary duty to increase advertising revenue, especially when revenue is tied more to engagement than information.
The chief of staff is the president's gatekeeper; his role is to push away the distractions and minutia to allow the president to focus clearly on the task at hand. Gen.
Wardle also released a complementary tool for Gatekeeper on Friday, a free tool called Ostiarius that will scan not just the initial binary, but all the processes that an app invokes.
The Electoral College was to be a gatekeeper that would prevent the election of a president, to paraphrase Federalist No. 1, who commenced as a demagogue and ended as a tyrant.
More than 100 middle and high schools in central and southeastern Ohio, for example, introduced a gatekeeper program called SOS Signs of Suicide in partnership with Nationwide Children's Hospital, in Columbus.
Even after she had begun serving as an Oval Office gatekeeper, she maintained a low public profile, which fueled the fascination — and sometimes disdain — of those who watch national politics closely.
That technology has made it clear that the idea of "voice search" is a big one, and Amazon is currently set up to be a key gatekeeper to that new world.
Former Representative Artur Davis of Alabama, who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010 as a Democrat, said Mr. Jones established himself as a political gatekeeper in Birmingham after leaving appointed office.
Officials in Brussels yesterday unveiled proposals to gain "technological sovereignty," as policymakers in Europe fear that their economies are becoming overly reliant on "gatekeeper" tech companies based elsewhere (mainly the U.S.).
"Europe has for too long been a bank-based system, and banks have been holding on to that position and haven't really been a gatekeeper to create capital markets," Weber said.
As of the MacOS Sierra update from 2017, Apple's Gatekeeper software no longer offers a toggle option to download apps over the internet—which Apple claims prevents users from installing malware.
But an important part of the parenting job description -- and one that may be hidden in a cloud of unconscious thought at times -- is being the gatekeeper of your child's diet.
Evans's renderings of the human face would become increasingly sophisticated and her familiarity with nature would expand, especially after 227, when she became an admissions gatekeeper at Airlie Gardens in Wilmington.
The gatekeeper to the lawyer for the most powerful man in the world is a 20-year-old conservative activist with a thin resume, an inflated biography and an impossible job.
Instead, it claimed internet service providers possess market power based on a flimsy "gatekeeper" theory premised only on the asserted difficulty subscribers confront in switching from one service provider to another.
So while most of us would rather not have a social media gatekeeper snooping in on our private conversations, there's a case to be made that it does serve a purpose.
We had to recruit girls, and the only places you could really do that, outside of the one big gatekeeper talent agency, were the swinger's magazines like Oddity and Continental Contacts.
"The Republicans metaphorically stoned Anita Hill, while the Democrats, Biden being the gatekeeper, let it happen," Angela Wright Shannon, an EEOC employee who also raised allegations against Thomas, told Roll Call.
While the chief executive has to sign off on any extradition, court hearings and appeals must first be exhausted and the government has insisted judges will play a key "gatekeeper" role.
Another name for the Pai Plan might be "Just Trust Us." Hardly a comforting thought in a market where ISPs face little competition and serve as the sole gatekeeper to the internet.
Others include GateKeeper, which makes you wait a few seconds before loading a page you've been trying to give up, and the devilish 1Minute Assassin, which kills a tab after 60 seconds.
But the foundation misses the very important point that Wikipedia and Facebook have now become the internet for many Angolans and that it is now a gatekeeper for how they access it.
In other words, not only was the malware attached to a file served from an official project website, it was code-signed by Apple so it could bypass OS X's Gatekeeper protection.
The more that citizens rely on social media to document offenses like police brutality, or the silencing of peaceful protesters, it's necessary that Facebook loosen its role as gatekeeper of the internet.
A company founded by two friends who bonded over a love of hacking the long-distance phone network has become a major economic gatekeeper engaged in historic policy fights with the government.
The short song (the original version is under two minutes) has created an overdue conversation about who has the right to be a gatekeeper, and who is allowed to appropriate which sounds.
After he suffered a car accident and a stroke around the time he took office, she became his gatekeeper, controlling his diary and itinerary and sacking aides who got in her way.
Even assuming it once made sense for the FCC to impose broadcast ownership restrictions, it is improper in the digital age for the commission to maintain its role as "media ownership" gatekeeper.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the gatekeeper to the periodic table, announced on Wednesday the proposed names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson.
In essence, the FDA, which should be the gatekeeper of safe and effective products that enter the medical armamentarium, has put itself in the position of judging which drugs are most beneficial.
"Weinstein was a gatekeeper who could give actresses a career that would sustain their lives and the livelihood of their families," actress Britt Marling wrote in a personal essay for The Atlantic.
Article III of the Constitution established the lifetime appointment of Supreme Court justices, but Article II granted a gatekeeper role for the political branch through the "advice and consent" of the Senate.
Mozilla said it made the decision because cybersecurity firm DarkMatter would have administered the gatekeeper role and it had been linked by Reuters and other reports to a state-run hacking program.
Though gatekeeper training isn't yet widespread, King says there are communities that have received funding to implement it, or where "champions" of the approach brought training to schools and other relevant settings.
Mr. Trump's reliance on outside advisers, she said, also signals an "emasculation" of the chief of staff in the White House, who is meant to serve as the president's confidant and gatekeeper.
CNN, citing unnamed sources, reported that Susan Pompeo helped manage her husband's calendar, leading to worries that she was acting as an informal gatekeeper for one of the nation's top intelligence officials.
" Leah Pisar, an expert in Franco-American relations who worked in the Clinton White House, said Ms. Macron served as his gatekeeper: "You want to get to him, you go through her.
The controversial conservative site is in the process of applying for congressional press credentials through the Standing Committee of Correspondents, the group that acts as a gatekeeper for the Capitol Hill press.
"Operating in America, you needed to get a gatekeeper to approve your access to the networks," said Josh Reich, who sold his banking start-up, Simple, to the Spanish banking giant BBVA.
That Kelly, for so long sold as the conscience of the White House and esteemed gatekeeper to Trump, might be at risk of losing his job underlines the breadth of the mess.
The CIA argued that Pompeo's role in her husband's schedule was limited to coordinating personal and family matters, but her presence, one source described as like a "gatekeeper," has made others uncomfortable.
This will increase your chances of getting past the digital gatekeeper and in front of an actual human, where your sparkling personality and extensive experience are sure to land you the gig.
In speaking about their state's role as a gatekeeper for presidential candidates, many Iowans cite above all an obligation to offer the rest of the country someone who can defeat Mr. Trump.
Moreover, dependence on Turkey as Europe's gatekeeper is increasingly uncomfortable as President Tayyip Erdogan cracks down hard on opponents, the media, judiciary and civil society after a failed July 15 military coup.
He served as a gatekeeper for Ali at times, fielding requests for his services, most notably when Olympics officials wanted him to light the caldron at the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta.
He won Mao over by talking forcefully and simply, and was soon appointed as one of his personal secretaries — making him a powerful gatekeeper to a leader who ruled like an emperor.
She advises designating a trustworthy colleague to act as a gatekeeper who can filter through any requests and determine what's important enough to bother you with while on leave and what's not.
"Comcast's actions could result in fewer online video choices for viewers nationwide, while increasing its dominance as a video gatekeeper," John Bergmayer, senior staff attorney at Public Knowledge, said in a statement.
The first is perhaps the most common: Most classic movie fans are introduced to these films by some sort of gatekeeper (a family member, usually), and then further their education on their own.
That is where Facebook starts to get into trouble, as it is effectively playing gatekeeper to the internet by picking and choosing what services are made available and what ones cannot be accessed.
To make that even clearer: Yes, we really are abdicating all responsibility for the content that appears on our platform, even though, as the owner of Steam, we are technically that platform's gatekeeper.
The liaison office is home to Omarosa Manigault, the Apprentice contestant turned Trump confidant who serves as a gatekeeper between the administration and black conservatives and has been the focus of some scorn.
Jeffrey C. Stewart's 2018 biography "The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke" brought renewed attention to the other most significant gatekeeper of the Renaissance, looking specifically at the influence of his queerness.
And that certainly upset a number of industries with entire business models based around playing the role of the gatekeeper, and extracting massive sums of money while they determine who was allowed through.
Russia's status as the current gatekeeper of the International Space Station could threaten our capability to explore and learn, stunting our capacity to reach new heights and share innovations with free people everywhere.
As a gatekeeper of what our culture views as "normal," Hollywood has the power to breed life-changing empathy toward LGBTQ+ folks in those who struggle to see outside their own heterosexual lives.
Facebook's plan to offer free access to a limited subset of websites was blocked by India's telecoms regulator, which argued that it was "risky" to allow one company to act as a gatekeeper.
However, in terms of security, not only are humans an obvious weak point, acting as the gatekeeper to the network and the data that resides on it, email by design is inherently open.
The documentary series shows how he used his position as an industry superstar and gatekeeper, as well as the girls' aspirations, to bring them under his control for his sexual and psychological gratification.
Despite it being a balmy 85 degrees Fahrenheit at night, the gatekeeper at Roulotte Kim had no qualms about selling me a proper steak frites for 1300 French Polynesian francs—less than $13.
"The Gatekeeper" is one of several books on the Roosevelt era being published this fall in a presidential election year when the New Deal agenda and a famous first lady have particular resonance.
They argued that telecom companies should not be able to split sites into fast lanes and slow lanes, because that would allow them to become a sort of gatekeeper for information and entertainment.
Mr. Arnault, 71, has long been a cultural gatekeeper in Sweden and beyond — a French photographer who ran Forum, a prominent cultural center in Stockholm that received financial support from the Swedish Academy.
In 2018, Andreas Mundt, the president of Germany&aposs antitrust regulatory office, said Amazon&aposs size and dominance over the e-commerce market gave it the role of a "gatekeeper" to the market.
That has democratized information, giving rise to new political and social movements as well as to a phalanx of innovative media ventures that have diminished the traditional gatekeeper role of the mainstream media.
The staff decided on a temporary workaround: They set all the surviving servers that powered some basic services, such as Wi-Fi and the internet-linked TVs, to bypass the dead gatekeeper machines.
You also want to make sure you describe your qualifications in terms that will not only resonate with your employer, but with the "electronic gatekeeper" — the applicant tracking system or "ATS" — as well.
On a Wednesday in January, that group included Adam Ottavino, the facility's gatekeeper, host and a major league reliever for the past seven seasons; four minor league pitchers; and one Baruch College catcher.
"A number including Pennsylvania and Delaware, and Texas, have gatekeeper boards that put limits on what the governor can do," Margaret Love, who served as US pardon attorney from 1990 to 1997, explains.
Moreover, INCOMPAS has argued that content providers (also known as "edge providers") would be unfairly disadvantaged in the event that AT&T, Verizon, and other major telecoms are granted gatekeeper status over the internet.
Now, in the wake of #MeToo, the stories paint an eerily familiar picture: A powerful man takes advantage of his gatekeeper status to prey on vulnerable young women who were committed to their craft.
Hicks also served as a gatekeeper, picking the most administration-friendly reporters to join Trump in the Oval Office for mingling and calling reporters in an attempt to shape stories in favor of Trump.
A former executive of Trillian, Bianca Goodson, has alleged that Trillian acted as a gatekeeper, using Mr Essa's connections to land contracts and then passing the work over to "internationally recognised companies" including McKinsey.
Singapore has for decades been a premier refinery hub and gatekeeper between Asia and the Middle East, but its position is increasingly threatened as more Gulf nations expand their processing capacity and petrochemical production.
It's the gatekeeper effectively creating a system that impacts the little guy by interfering with their ability to do business on the web – a web we increasingly access through native apps, not a browser.
Though the private sector has flourished over the past couple of decades, the state still looms large, controlling financial flows and acting as gatekeeper for virtually all important decisions, from land deals to mergers.
Walt Disney Studios, the gatekeeper of mainstream animated films, has almost exclusively received "failing" ratings on GLAAD's Studio Responsibility Index for the past several years for failing to include LGBTQ characters in their films.
But I'm beginning to think there is a fate even worse than that of the lowly gatekeeper: that of the formerly invincible and godlike champion cast down into the realm of the painfully mortal.
Billboard, the record industry's official gatekeeper, notes that the best way to gauge the impact of the Grammy bump is to compare sales generated in both the week of show and the week following.
Firstly, when Kathleen confesses she is sad about her failing business, he sends her a ponderous message berating her for not having seen The Godfather, like the self-appointed pop culture gatekeeper he is.
And is this, once again, Lindelof's return to the well of Lost's daddy issues, where a father's apparent holy role is more as gatekeeper to his son's destiny than a champion for his own?
They argue that the "gatekeeper" system they have developed over more than a decade, under intense international pressure—in which regulated corporate service providers are expected to collect and verify information—works reasonably well.
Clinton's chief defender, enforcer, and gatekeeper during most of her years in the Senate and as secretary of state, is a deft practitioner of the combative, no-holds-barred politics that Mr. Trump favors.
Furthermore, as long as the TSA remains the gatekeeper of entry into its own industry, privatization will never reach its full potential, as no organization can be expected to usher in its own demise.
The FDA is a gatekeeper to our health, whether as patients with unmet medical needs or as consumers and medical providers seeking the information they need to make appropriate, mindful decisions about their health.
Because it restricts their ability to reshape the internet into something resembling cable TV, a gatekeeper model in which broadband companies decide what websites and online services consumers can access—and at what price.
In the rest of the epilogue, he seemed to imply that he wasn't a gatekeeper after all—that, although he was clearly a publisher, his printing press should be treated more like a platform.
In that era, before computer technology had seeped into the public consciousness and the internet and social media had transformed the media landscape, the traditional press was the gatekeeper to getting Microsoft's story out.
Many Republicans, in contrast, believe social media companies perform too much of a gatekeeper role: Fake news proliferates while tech companies demonetize, demote or deactivate controversial-yet-sincere conservative personalities like Diamond and Silk.
Loyola initially defended setting up its public-relations office as a mandatory gatekeeper between journalists and university employees, saying it would facilitate putting reporters in touch with the proper sources, before quickly revising the policy.
Yet Twitter, for one, actively degrades these efforts by playing pick and choose from its gatekeeper position — rubbishing any studies with results it doesn't like by claiming the picture is flawed because it's incomplete. Why?
That's according to an analysis published today in Science Advances, examining how ten POPs found in both tuna and human bodily fluids interact with a gatekeeper protein that shuttles unwanted toxins out of our cells.
Apple has proposed a number of emojis to the Unicode Consortium, the emoji gatekeeper of sorts, to better represent people with disabilities and depict accessibility-related tools like hearing aids, guide dogs and prosthetic limbs.
While at a preliminary stage, the discussions highlight Tencent's role as gatekeeper to China and the desire of Universal, whose revenues are surging as a result of online streaming, to expand beyond its traditional markets.
President Trump has a penchant for ganging up on the "mainstream media," but lately his attacks have spread to ganging up on any information gatekeeper — from Big Tech platforms to newscasters on his favorite network.
Michael Flynn told the transition team back in January that he was under FBI investigation for undisclosed lobbying for Turkey — and he still got hired to be the gatekeeper for the Trumpland's national security decisions!
Directed by Swedish filmmaker Sara Jordenö (who also wrote KIKI alongside ballroom gatekeeper and activist Twiggy Pucci Garçon), the movie premiered last year at Sundance and will officially open in U.S. theaters starting February 24.
By serving as the gatekeeper to the president and manager of issues and ideas that make it to the president's desk, Priebus will be able to exert significant influence over the White House's policy agenda.
At once gatekeeper in the south, and host to squatter camps for those its neighbour has shut out in the north, France is well placed to understand the dynamics and anguish of Europe's refugee crisis.
Corkin built much of her subsequent career on the back of her privileged access to Henry and became both his gatekeeper — fielding requests from other scientists who wished to meet him — and his chief inquisitor.
And the very first man to visit him is the hall's administrator, that snooty gatekeeper to the elite, armed with a story about how the real St. Nicholas kept his generosity on the down-low.
There is plenty of time to learn and grow and continue to improve, and the Raptors can go right back to asserting themselves as the gatekeeper between the Cavaliers and the rest of the East.
Each would bring a radically different approach to a job often called the second-most powerful in Washington — gatekeeper to the president and often the first and last person he sees in the Oval Office.
Al Shabaab has also carried out attacks in neighboring countries contributing to the African Union gatekeeper force inside Somalia, including one on a hotel and office complex in Kenya in January that killed 21 people.
He left that post in June 2017 after months of criticism from the president's allies who said he was a weak chief of staff who was never able to become a gatekeeper for the president.
On the right, concerns have long existed that big tech is both the gatekeeper to the internet, which has become the modern public forum, and that the companies lean too far to the political left.
He was also viewed by lower-level employees and program hosts as an influential figure in the newsroom; he was the gatekeeper to time on his show, and his support could be crucial to advancement.
Heinel, the athletic department administrator who functioned as a gatekeeper over whether recruited athletes could find a spot at the increasingly competitive private university, had found a problem with the track athlete Allice was pushing.
Facebook has again overstepped its role of news aggregator to gatekeeper, and has simply proved that its ongoing role as one of the world's largest news disseminators must be regarded with suspicion, if not cynicism.
Apple revoked the misused Clifton Grimm certificate after being alerted by ESET and Eltima, but users who downloaded and executed the rogue Elmedia Player and Folx installers before this happened didn't get a Gatekeeper warning.
Defense counsel is essentially the gatekeeper of the program, so if a BCS provider thinks someone is eligible, they have to speak with the defense counsel and get permission before they interview that individual defendant.
Preserving the web, or more specifically the open principles behind it, means protecting one of the few paths for innovation left in the modern tech world that doesn't have a giant company acting as a gatekeeper.
Nixon was also never briefed by the CIA directly, instead the National Security Council briefed the CIA-produced documents to the President, with then-National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger acting as "Nixon's gatekeeper," according to Mansfield.
Through TV Channels, Apple aims to bring an App Store-like gatekeeper approach to controlling streaming content on iOS devices, and will reportedly take a 30 percent cut on every streaming app subscription through its service.
"It used to be simple, Fox News was the gatekeeper ... but now there are so many potential bad actors," Angelo Carusone, who was made president of Media Matters at the time of the announcement, told Politico.
She works and works to free her son (who she thinks is still incarcerated), but whenever she believes she's got enough coins to buy his release, the female gatekeeper at the town treasury raises the price.
Given this role as a gatekeeper to savings, removing a key incentive for owners, which is their ability to deduct their own savings from current year taxes, would reduce savings for both current and future employees.
When you launch an app installer in macOS, a program called Gatekeeper checks to see whether the app originated from the Mac App Store, or is cryptographically signed by a developer who has registered with Apple.
The 1970s and '80s were an especially fertile and defining period for standup, and Shore was a key gatekeeper, showcasing performers like Letterman, Jay Leno, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, Richard Pryor, Garry Shandling, and Roseanne Barr.
Seated at the front desk, she was part gatekeeper, part concierge and part social director, responsible for entertaining rock stars passing by from the Fillmore East, which was downstairs, and an honor roll of political luminaries.
In a theater industry reliant on the M.F.A. pipeline to replenish its talent supply, Mr. Eagan is the rare gatekeeper who actively seeks out extraordinary artists on the fringes who need someone to help them through.
Gatekeeper, Apple's first line of defense against malware, allows signed binaries to execute without warning by default, Patrick Wardle, director of research at Synack and a macOS security expert, told me in a Twitter direct message.
During her years at the Meadows, the circle of friends allowed to visit her shrank, a point of contention among some who felt that Ms. Carter, her lawyer, was being too strict a gatekeeper and isolating her.
The combination of Flynn as information gatekeeper and advisor to the President, Pompeo as principle originator of intelligence, and Trump as disinterested intelligence consumer, is a guarantee of major intelligence and policy failure in a Trump Administration.
"However, it is the preservation of these legal protections for net neutrality that prevent a few powerful companies from using their gatekeeper status to privately regulate the internet in discriminatory ways for their parochial benefit," Black said.
Cramming child Bruce in there feels a lot like the way he was crammed into the TV show Gotham and became this weird little gatekeeper prince figure in the first season, bestowing his blessing on Jim Gordon.
Right there, they're getting enormous gatekeeper power to select what information is presented, and history has shown that if you consolidate the control of information very highly in a single entity's hands, that's rarely good for democracy.
Why it matters: Prince, the son of a journalist and an avid defender of free speech, took heat from some for acting as an internet gatekeeper and was praised by others for taking down neo-Nazi content.
Only 32-years-old, Lauzon fight for the 40th time in his professional MMA career on Saturday—you would be forgiven for thinking his role as a middling gatekeeper might see his all-action fighting eventually wane.
But Judge William Walls, the self-described "gatekeeper" of evidence at trial, has already shielded the jury from certain testimony, a number of documents, parts of a CNN interview and a section of the senator's own website.
Indeed, Mr. Percoco was often at Mr. Cuomo's side as Mario Cuomo was dying at the end of 2014, according to the governor's schedule, later helping to arrange funeral services and acting as the guest-list gatekeeper.
The resulting four-track Tan EP came out this past Friday, along with the new single "Town Crier," which was co-produced by Nick Weiss of Teengirl Fantasy, ADR of Gatekeeper, and Night Slugs's L-Vis 1990.
"Consumers have little choice in their [internet service provider], and service providers should not be allowed to use this gatekeeper position at the point of connection to discriminate against websites and apps," Beckerman said in a statement.
Like many other fighters who find themselves in similar positions as a divisional gatekeeper as Miller, he has long been considered in the mix for title contention but would often come unstuck against fighters at contendership level.
McMaster illustrates how the gatekeeper, GEN Maxwell Taylor, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, deliberately misled the president about the views of the service Chiefs and in turn misled the Chiefs about the president's intentions.
LONDON — Apple's powerful role as gatekeeper of the App Store has long frustrated the makers of apps who must abide by its rules or risk losing access to hundreds of millions of customers who own Apple devices.
"They both involve an allegation that a digital gatekeeper, with insufficient internal controls, drove for dominance by harming the ecosystem in which it operates," said Mr. Rubin, who was an assistant United States attorney before joining Microsoft.
One of the biggest under-the-hood security upgrades in macOS Catalina is to the Gatekeeper component of the operating system—basically the part of macOS that's in charge of keeping viruses and malware off your system.
The Global Gatekeeper award, due to be given to Narendra Modi later this month, celebrates the country's Clean India program -- which has seen millions of toilets built as part of a drive to raise awareness of hygiene.
When trusted by a president, the national security adviser holds an immensely powerful job, as gatekeeper, referee, enforcer and co-ordinator whenever questions of defence, foreign policy and national security reach the White House for a presidential decision.
Such instances supply LaVar an opportunity to broaden the context through which he and his family are understood: The show's vision of him is a stark contrast to the maniacal gatekeeper he's been portrayed as time and again.
Both Drs Sánchez-Bayo and Wyckhuys and the UKBMS found that generalist pollinators (such as Brown Argus and Gatekeeper butterflies) are doing less badly than specialists, such as the White Admirals, which are now extinct in some regions.
Google's critics, like Vestager, Yelp and others, have complained that the company is using its position as a gatekeeper to much of the internet by prioritizing its own content and information in prime spots in its search results.
Nevertheless as a gatekeeper of sorts, especially in light of the nearly non-existent infrastructure for Toronto music, it's important that OVO gives the talent in the city their fair due whether that's through proper credit or payment.
In a commencement speech at the University of Nebraska this month, Mr. Williams noted that Silicon Valley has a tendency to see itself as a Prometheus, stealing fire from selfish gatekeeper gods and bestowing it on mere mortals.
No longer responsible for Mr. Trump's physical safety, he is now a combination gatekeeper, valet and security blanket — a familiar face for a president who detests solitude and whose wife and youngest son have remained at Trump Tower.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb - the gatekeeper to the world's biggest pharmaceutical market - believes more widespread use of real-world evidence (RWE) could cut drug development costs and help doctors make better medical choices.
By leveraging their gatekeeper role, carriers could force businesses, advocacy organizations, first responders, doctors, and any others to pay for more expensive short code system or enterprise text messaging to reach their audience, rather than by traditional text messages.
In CoSport, Rose had encountered an entrenched Olympics gatekeeper, a firm with exclusive rights from the U.S. Olympic Committee to distribute tickets for eight straight summer or winter Games, including Rio de Janeiro this month and Tokyo in 27.
Another record-setter at Cedar Point is the GateKeeper, a "Wing Coaster" (a coaster where you sit on the side of the track, with nothing above or below you) with the highest inversion in the world, at 170 feet.
Grassley, who has come under scrutiny in his role as a gatekeeper for Obama's nominee, responded that the debate over the Supreme Court was important -- but said the Senate retained a prerogative to forgo hearings for a president's selection.
The deal's principles are sound (and have, indeed, been advocated by this newspaper): it would control chaotic mass-migration while preserving a generous European asylum system, and enlist Turkey as a gatekeeper by binding it more closely to Europe.
Although Paul Manafort has cemented his role as the campaign's primary strategist, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner maintains an ad hoc portfolio — de facto adviser, speechwriter and gatekeeper — that is as broad as his political experience is limited.
However egalitarian the festival believes itself to be, every person has their own definition of qualities like thoughtfulness or creativity, and anyone in a gatekeeper role like those sorting through applications inevitably brings their own values to their judgements.
Unlike Mr. Carter, a co-founder of the satirical Spy magazine who went on to become an establishment fixture and gatekeeper, Ms. Jones is hardly the gallivanting celebrity editor many media observers assumed would end up as his successor.
Instead, Ms. Kuryk soon found herself back at Condé Nast, no longer looking for a job but serving as Vogue's director of communications, and the media gatekeeper to Ms. Wintour (who doubles as the artistic director of Condé Nast).
By voice vote on Wednesday, the Rules Committee, the gatekeeper for bills moving through the House, sent the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) to the full House for debate and a likely vote on Thursday.
The money announced Monday will come on top of $300 million that Facebook, one of the world's largest tech platforms and a critical digital news gatekeeper, pledged last year to invest in local news by the end of 2021.
Democrats have repeatedly questioned whether the Senate trial will be fair, painting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as the gatekeeper who will deny Americans what they want if he doesn't allow the House to introduce documents or call witnesses.
Much has been written about the potential of AI to replace human jobs in the future, but the use of services like HireVue highlights a different concern: that AI can act as a gatekeeper for the jobs of today.
Over 50 years as the gatekeeper of conservative ideas, he denounced the inverted Marxism of Ayn Rand, the conspiracy theories of Robert Welch (founder of the John Birch Society) and the white populism of George Wallace and Pat Buchanan.
If you do have revenue, the first thing you have to show a VC associate, the gatekeeper of the firm, is how your existing revenue is going to grow 10x to 100x over the next three to five years.
And as the administrator's gatekeeper and one of the agency's chief liaisons to the White House and Congress, he is likely to play a central role in slashing the agency's 15,000-person staff and more than $8 billion budget.
One is that many news organizations already got burned hard by Facebook, which has a powerful gatekeeper role in directing audiences to content, dominates online advertising alongside Google, and has launched several failed partnerships (such as Instant Articles) with them.
Facebook is a powerful media gatekeeper because of the artificial scarcity of the News Feed — unlike, Twitter, which blasts users with a firehose of content, Facebook's News Feed algorithm controls what you see from all the people and organizations you follow.
Priebus sits in the futile position, though, of seeking to arbitrate the White House's internal conflicts without the commensurate authority to do so — nobody can serve as an effective chief of staff for a president that doesn't want a gatekeeper.
Ticketmaster is the gatekeeper for almost every major sporting event in the U.S., and through the new deal will be the exclusive ticket provider for Fanatics — giving shoppers the ability to buy tickets through embedded links on sites like Fanatics .
This is a worthy topic for discussion, since Leo is in fact drawing up the shortlist for Supreme Court nominations and has been a key player in The Federalist Society, an organization which is the gatekeeper for Republican court nominations.
Karen's husband, Frank, with whom she had raised three children in town, was president of the Little League and coach of the freshman high school baseball team, which made him the gatekeeper to a prized spot on the varsity squad.
A few feet away, Mary Pat Bonner, a gatekeeper to many prominent liberal donors, chatted with her most important client, David Brock, the founder of a cluster of outside groups that has raised millions of dollars to help elect Mrs. Clinton.
In September, Wardle showed how it was possible to piggyback on a legitimate app signed by Apple to trick a Mac to run another malicious application or binary—with no valid signature—wrapped inside the legitimate one, effectively bypassing Gatekeeper.
Madeleine Westerhout, an Oval Office gatekeeper since Donald took office in 2017, was reportedly forced out of her job last Thursday after she had spoken indelicately about the Trump family at an off-the-record dinner with the press last month.
While the European Union's interest was in Amazon's collection of sales data, Germany is more interested in the way it functions as a "gatekeeper," doubling as both the largest retailer and the largest marketplace for other retailers in the online space.
For the last decade, for example, Mr. Trump's most trusted aide was his longtime security chief, Keith Schiller, a bald, brawny former New York police officer who played an ambiguous role as protector, gatekeeper and younger brother to the president.
If successful, they would extend what many in the industry believe is Amazon's lead over Apple and Google in the race to become the gatekeeper to the next phase of the Internet, where people increasingly navigate the Web through voice commands.
The fight looks like it's been designed to help ease Bermudez back into winning ways, but Kawajiri is more than capable of causing the upset and emerge as a top 10 featherweight from the gatekeeper position he presently finds himself occupying.
"The British Museum is facilitating the whitewashing of BP's actions in Iraq by allowing the company to sponsor of an exhibition that presents it as a benevolent guardian and gatekeeper of Iraqi heritage," the group said in a press release.
We take a different approach in part because when the company was founded the goal was to essentially eliminate the gatekeepers so rather than, our idea was why should the VCs be the only people to determine what products get funded and what products don't, and it's our feeling that if we evaluated each product for whether it was acceptable or not to our platform we would just be inserting ourselves as the gatekeeper, and with Kickstarter doing that, in our mind they're inserting themselves as the gatekeeper rather than letting the public essentially decide what products get funded.
Jackson fills a similarly multifaceted role today — gatekeeper, encourager, cool-but-kind appraiser of talent — and might be the first 21st-century example of a 20th-century type: the black editor as not only acquirer, tweaker and disseminator but also as movement-shaper.
Past presidential primaries included candidates who once had their own shows or contributor contracts with the network — and the late former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes acted as a political gatekeeper until he was ousted from the network in the summer of 2016.
"Tightening the loose ends" by cutting some nucleotides out of the part of the genome that acts as a gatekeeper leaves it less likely to swap genes with other gut viruses, said Dr. Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay, a polio program officer at the foundation.
"It's the practitioner that's making the decision to adopt, and then ultimately is the one that controls the purchasing decisions, as opposed to selling to a central IT gatekeeper," said Kurzweil, whose firm owned about 12 percent of PagerDuty prior to the offering.
In their darker moments, though, some grandees on Capitol Hill wonder if what ails this presidency goes beyond unwise tweeting or the lack of a gatekeeper who can shield Mr Trump from what one Republican describes as "people filling his head with stupid".
In June, the WHO's office in Yemen requested 3.4 million doses of cholera vaccine from the Geneva-based International Coordinating Group (IGC) on Vaccine Provision - the gatekeeper of the vaccine stockpile system designed to deliver vaccines to countries hit by disease epidemics.
Gronk was standing at the VIP section of SI Swimsuit model's roped-off area at WALL, acting as a gatekeeper to make sure all those who tried to gain entry belonged with his new cover girl's crew, a fellow partygoer tells PEOPLE.
Jenkins, former chairman for the Middle East of the BarCap business, was the "gatekeeper for Qatar", Brown said, adding that when the Gulf state said it might invest at least 1 billion pounds in May 2008, there was initial delight at Barclays.
A woman whom Reyez doesn't know well in the film sits in the front seat of the car all while this Gatekeeper man yells at Reyez, calling her a fucking bitch for not having sex with him, and this woman is silent.
Beyond technical outages, there's also the concern that a platform could use its insights to copy its clients, or block them if they compete with the gatekeeper too vigorously as Facebook has done to chat and social media apps in the past.
"There is a built-in conflict of interest when the gatekeeper and the financier are the same entity," Barmak Nassirian, director of federal relations and policy analysis at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, said of the Department of Education.
In the "60 Minutes" report, well-known Google critics — including antitrust lawyer Gary Reback and Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman — make the case that Google is a monopoly gatekeeper that uses its power over search to promote its own businesses and smother competitors.
Since 2012, Apple has tried to protect users with Gatekeeper, a feature designed to block common threats such as fake antivirus products, infected torrent files, and fake Flash installers—all malicious software that Mac users might download while regularly browsing the internet.
Selena Deckelmann, Mozilla's senior director of engineering, said the reports from Reuters, as well as the New York Times and the Intercept, had made the browser company fear that DarkMatter would use the role of internet security gatekeeper to launch surveillance efforts.
"The open internet has made it possible for us to rely on a free market where each of us has the chance to bring our best business ideas to the world without interference or seeking permission from any gatekeeper first," the groups wrote.
Nicole Rudick took over as acting editor of the Paris Review after the resignation of editor Lorin Stein, who has been accused of inappropriate touching as well as misuse of his position as a literary gatekeeper, according to the New York Times.
The 28-year-old, an Oval Office gatekeeper since Trump took office in 2017, was reportedly forced out of her job on Thursday after she had spoken indelicately about the Trump family at an off-the-record dinner with the press last month.
In late 2014, Joseph Percoco, a well-known and feared fixture in Albany and one of the governor's closest confidantes, was alternately a kingmaker and a roadblock, a gatekeeper for those entering state employment and a barricade against those seeking to leave it.
I think that this is the essential question about who gets to be a gatekeeper, and the institutions like Billboard might seem uneasy by the fact that there are other folks deciding whether or not something is or is not a certain genre.
In filings before Spotify's listing on the New York Stock Exchange in April, the company also hinted that it was interested in working directly with recording artists, in a challenge to what it presented as the outmoded "gatekeeper" model of traditional record labels.
This is why the billionaire donor George Soros has been supporting progressives in local prosecutor elections, and why the civil rights activist Shaun King, calling D.A.s "the gatekeeper of America's justice system," recently helped found a political action committee to do the same.
Op-Ed Contributor If there was any doubt, the uproar this week over BuzzFeed's publication of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald J. Trump made clear that the gatekeeper role once played by major news media organizations has vanished in the digital age.
It begins: If there was any doubt, the uproar this week over BuzzFeed's publication of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald J. Trump made clear that the gatekeeper role once played by major news media organizations has vanished in the digital age.
"Kelly used to be more clearly the gatekeeper than he is now from a Hill standpoint," that source added, noting members would typically call Kelly's office if they wanted to set up a talk with Trump rather than dial the President directly.
While it is well-known for its critical role in disrupting illegal drug trafficking, it may come as a surprise to many that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also plays an important gatekeeper role when it comes to the production of opioids.
Mr. Flynn, who is seen as particularly close to Mr. Trump and will serve as a crucial gatekeeper to the president, has said that building ties with Moscow is a strategic necessity to win what he considers a "world war" against Islamist militants.
It's an interconnected world out there, and while it might be more convenient if one company acted as the gatekeeper for the array of services you subscribe to, overall it would probably mean that the technology of the future would be boring and homogenized.
While Facebook didn't create ethnic tensions in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, or elsewhere, it's becoming clear that the company's role as a gatekeeper for millions of internet users is also coming with responsibilities it is either ill-equipped to handle or simply wants to brush off.
Speaking at a conference hosted by the Open Markets Institute on Tuesday ahead of the ruling, he said the government's lawsuit was "potentially historic" in its effort to keep a combined AT&T-Time Warner from becoming a "gatekeeper to competition" in cable television.
Scaramucci ran a hedge fund the same way a Fidelity mutual fund manager runs Facebook The way this worked, as Jessica Pressler explained in an excellent 2012 profile of Scaramucci and SkyBridge, is that Mooch sold himself as essentially the gatekeeper to an exclusive club.
Brennan split fully with the current owner of 8chan last year, but even in this new phase of his life—wife and dogs and all—his role as the gatekeeper of one of the internet's most controversial sites remains etched on the public record.
First introduced in 2012, Gatekeeper lets Mac users specify whether they allow their computer to download only applications from the App Store, or from the App Store as well as applications signed by certified Apple developers, or from anywhere at all consequences be damned.
These two new blood additions are fitting, given that Pagan Altar influenced an emerging generation of underground doom musicians with their return to the genre, most notably Magic Circle, The Wizar'd, Tarot, Hour of 13, Funeral Circle, Gatekeeper, Lamp of Thoth, and Briton Rites.
Britain's reluctance to accept more migrants has emerged as a theme in France's coming presidential election, with several candidates saying that an earlier treaty making France the principal migrant gatekeeper for Britain should be revisited in light of Britons' vote to leave the European Union.
Last week, a former member of the organization's governance committee — the group that effectively acts as its gatekeeper to prevent unscrupulous individuals from gaining powerful roles — filed an ethics complaint against Infantino and other senior officials, accusing them of attempting to block the committee's work.
By the time it reached Neptune — the gatekeeper of our planetary realm, now that Pluto doesn't count — the engineers at J.P.L. had enlisted antennas around the Earth to listen in unison, catching the trickle of data bits flowing from almost three billion miles away.
This concern is enhanced by the bloc's tense relationship with Turkey (a country that, in many cases, acts as a gatekeeper preventing migrants from places like Syria making it to Europe) and the prolonged instability in Libya (a significant point of departure for irregular migrants).
The clumsy, ill-conceived rollout of "American Dirt" illustrates how broken the system is, how myopic it is to hype one book at the expense of others and how unethical it is to allow a gatekeeper like Oprah's Book Club to wield such power.
While some of the women said they regarded Mr. Stein as a harmless, if aggressive, flirt, others said he made unwelcome advances and that they felt he took advantage of his role as a gatekeeper to one of the world's most important literary outlets.
From his breakthrough role in America as drug kingpin Russell "Stringer" Bell on HBO's hit series The Wire to his commanding portrayal of Norse God and Asgardian gatekeeper Heimdall in Marvel's Thor franchise, the British heartthrob, 46, has become one of Hollywood's biggest — and sexiest — stars.
The American Conservative Union, formed in 1964 as a gatekeeper and bulwark against extremist groups like the John Birch Society, has struggled at times to define its relationship with the unsavory elements of Trump's support, like members of the white nationalist and anti-Semitic alt-right.
Kalia Abiade, who as director of programs is a key gatekeeper at Pillars, said the selection of grantees isn't just about finding unique, well-run nonprofits, but gauging how the organizations fit together as a whole, a showcase of the most groundbreaking Muslim initiatives in the nation.
Even before Jacoby posted his defense on the journal's website, pressure had been mounting on the Midwest Political Science Association to remove him from the journal's editorship, given that his role as a gatekeeper over what research gets published gave him continued power over researchers' careers.
As the agency responsible for permitting interstate natural gas pipelines and electric transmission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the gatekeeper of America's transition to a carbon-free future — a future desperately needed, given the dire warnings the global scientific community has issued concerning climate change.
Several of the women – all of whom are actresses of color – also alleged that the manager, who is white, presented himself as an "important gatekeeper" for aspiring actresses of color in Hollywood, and "took advantage of that dynamic to prey upon young women," reported the Post.
Several of the women — all of whom are actresses of color — also allege that the manager, who is white, presented himself as an "important gatekeeper" for aspiring actresses of color in Hollywood, and "took advantage of that dynamic to prey upon young women," reported the Post.
Photo: APFacebook tests of a major change to the way its News Feed works in at least six countries have once again raised fears the social media giant—a powerful gatekeeper between publishers and audiences—could be preparing to doom parts of the media, the Guardian reported.
When the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals convenes oral arguments on the Clean Power Plan (CPP) this week, the court will act as the gatekeeper to what could be a powerful, wealth-creating transformation of the American economy away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy.
Reince Priebus, chief of staff July 28 Priebus's firing was rumored for months as he presided over a notoriously leaky White House and was criticized by Trump allies and outsiders as a weak chief of staff who was unable to act as a gatekeeper for the president.
"Consumers have little choice in their [internet service provider], and service providers should not be allowed to use this gatekeeper position at the point of connection to discriminate against websites and apps," said Michael Beckerman, president and CEO of the Internet Association, in a statement on Tuesday.
But a new book, Kathryn Smith's "The Gatekeeper: Missy LeHand, FDR, and the Untold Story of the Partnership That Defined a Presidency," and the private letters and other documents on which it is in part based, reveal that LeHand's unceremonious title masked the outsize role she played.
Like the movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and the Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly — who were both forced from powerful perches this year by harassment scandals — Mr. Halperin was a gatekeeper in his industry, whose favor could mint careers and bring credibility to politicians, both current and aspiring.
Pompeo's gatekeeper role While she has a secret level clearance, which does not afford her access to most sensitive information, sources familiar argued that she keeps a closer eye on her husband's highly sensitive calendar than previous spouses -- modulating the flow of guests in and out.
Scavino is viewed by colleagues with a mix of reverence, for his uncanny ability to mimic the President's moods and whims, and puzzlement, for his unlikely rise from Trump's golf caddy to his club manager to gatekeeper of the most powerful Twitter account in the world.
Barr also knows that he, by the special counsel statute, is the gatekeeper of all the information gathered by Mueller over the 22-month investigation and, as such, is going to be heavily scrutinized for what he authorizes to be release and, more importantly, what he doesn't.
We didn't have much hope for the show sweeping the Emmys' comedy categories or anything, but there were so many great performances to choose from between Bell, William Jackson Harper's neurotic Chidi, D'Arcy Carden's personification of a help desk, and the incomparable Ted Danson as the gatekeeper in charge.
This would be subject to further amendments, but as Wallner points out, that process is often highly moderated and maintains McConnell's position as the "gatekeeper," not to mention that enforcing a 60-vote threshold will make it difficult for most amendments to become part of the final proposal.
" Trump's money man called to testify in Cohen case -  WSJ : " Allen Weisselberg , a longtime financial gatekeeper for President Donald Trump, has been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in the criminal probe of Mr. Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, according to people familiar with the investigation.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the worst position to hold in a fighting organization is that of the gatekeeper: the perpetual number two who failed in his attempt or attempts at winning the title but who remains the clear best among all the others within their division.
This combination seems like a serial predator's PR dream, providing Cosby with a never-ending supply of young women who hoped he might help them in a variety of careers, while virtually guaranteeing that they felt safe to be alone with him as a potential gatekeeper or mentor.
"Although the court has the utmost respect for the ability of jurors to comprehend complicated scientific principles, they would not have the luxury of many days of rumination, as this gatekeeper has needed, to untie this Gordian knot," she wrote in a decision handed down in April 2017.
In a joint letter to the federal judiciary's Committee on Rules and Practice and Procedure, the GCs said that confusion over the Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 702 has prevented judges from fulfilling their role as a gatekeeper against expert witnesses whose testimonies are unreliable and misleading to juries.
Roger Jenkins, the "gatekeeper" of Barclays' Qatari relationship who was recommended a 25 million pound bonus for his work on both deals, Tom Kalaris, who ran the wealth arm and Richard Boath, a former corporate finance head and technical advisor on the June deal, all deny fraud charges.
From the fractal crystalline surface of "Untitled (Gold Reja)" (2016), to the geometric purple dichoric glass of "Gatekeeper Ponce Reja III" (2016), to the chaotic whirl of hand-cut silver mirror fragments in "Irma" (2018), one cannot look to these mirrors for an accurate vision of oneself and one's surroundings.
While he may have been applying his critique to the traditional guardians of mobility, the elite Ivy League schools he attended — his train of thought applies as much to the new gatekeeper of wealth mobility, the startups and investment firms that dot the world with exclusive cocktail parties and private pitches.
"What we are seeing demonstrates that the DMV cannot be the gatekeeper to our democracy," said Sean Young of the ACLU who is asking the court in Wisconsin to allow voters who have a difficult time getting the necessary documents to be able to sign an affidavit as to their identity.
"Too often we see that the bank sector insufficiently acts as a gatekeeper," the DNB said in a letter to the Dutch Finance minister, responding to the 775 million euro ($913 million) fine given to Dutch bank ING earlier this month for failing to notice dubious transactions by its clients.
It was Garçon, a self-described gatekeeper of the kiki ballroom scene who works at the LGBTQ youth homelessness organization True Colors Fund, and Chi Chi Mizrahi, a beloved ballroom community member, who first approached her about collaborating on a project centered on these politically active and artistically ambitious teenagers.
A big reason Uber is building Uber Cash is because once it can control the flow of the money itself, it doesn't have to pay transaction costs on those purchases, and along with another product it introduced in 2017, the Uber Visa Card, it becomes a gatekeeper of its customers' spending.
"Our recent experience in rolling out DNS over HTTPs (DoH)—an important privacy and security protection for consumers—has raised questions about how ISPs collect and use sensitive user data in their gatekeeper role over internet usage," the letter, signed by Marshall Erwin, senior director of trust and security and Mozilla, reads.
"If you ever try to do something in a science lab that's not science, people look at you in a really funny way," said Mr. Coelho, who initially had to schmooze the gatekeeper to the multimillion-dollar microscope, which was designed to repair microchips (the pair settled for access in the wee hours).
The bookends of Oprah's public advocacy for works like The Color Purple and American Dirt represent a shift in her role in the exchange of commerce, from ardent fan to gatekeeper and mogul, but also the ongoing debate about who gets to write what, a conversation that's also evolved since the 1980s.
Another summit in Brussels this week is due to conclude the Faustian bargain, granting Turkey 6 billion euros ($6.7 billion)in aid to keep refugees on its soil, an accelerated path to visa-free travel for Turks and faster EU membership talks in return for its agreement to act as Europe's gatekeeper.
Not only did college radio bolster groups such as R.E.M., The Replacements, and Uncle Tupelo, the unique influence afforded to college radio DJs—who in a sense served the same cultural gatekeeper role that music bloggers fill today—meant that the DJs themselves could use their time slots to become stars and shift the culture.
When another computer in the company's network tries to access a database's records—whether it's an innocent query from an employee's PC, or a hacked web server hijacked by intruders to suck out a cache of secrets en masse—that HSM acts as a strict gatekeeper, decrypting each of those records one by one.
And I was somewhat amused today that Senator Sanders has set himself up as the gatekeeper of who gets to be a progressive... Under the definitions flying around on Twitter, President Obama would not be a progressive, Vice President Joe Biden would not be a progressive... I'm not going to let that bother me.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads It's so refreshing to visit an art fair dominated by women artists, all the more so when it's the Art Dealers Association of America's Art Show, which serves some kind of gatekeeper function as a fair particularly concerned with defining and promoting the canon of modern and contemporary art.
Like the Phantom of the Opera, he seemed destined to lurk in the bowels of the Capitol forever— relishing his roles as Obama's chief obstructionist and gatekeeper (at one point sitting on more than 350 House-passed bills) and willing attack dog against anyone who would deign to challenge him or any other Democrat.
To which Ben Domenech, author of the popular conservative newsletter The Transom, retorted that Facebook is obviously not just an open platform, that its curation of the news automatically makes it an important gatekeeper as well, and that it's therefore "an act of foolishness or cowardice" to fail to hold displays of bias to account.
In 2007, the Wall Street Journal published a very somber feature titled "Music's New Gatekeeper," which began: Every day, the roughly one million people who visit the iTunes Store homepage are presented with several dozen albums, TV shows and movie downloads to consider buying — out of the four million such goods the Apple site offers.
And the dollar is more than just a sovereign currency: 20043 percent of all foreign exchange reserves held in nations' central banks worldwide are in dollars, and it is used in 90 percent of all foreign exchange transactions, according to the finance website the Balance, making the US the gatekeeper to the global banking system.
Op-Ed Contributor Since BuzzFeed News published a 35-page dossier of unverified allegations about ties between President Donald J. Trump and Russia, I've heard a chorus of criticism from journalists who say we abdicated our role as gatekeeper, and a chorus of thanks from readers who want to be trusted to judge dubious documents.
Additionally, Microsoft recently added an option in the Windows 10 Creators Update to optionally block installing applications that aren't from the Windows Store, similar to Apple's Gatekeeper feature on OS X. In a world where the Windows Store is robust enough to offer all the programs you need, Windows then becomes significantly more secure for end users.
"The biggest thing that's happened to music in the last 10 years was the democratization of music technology which means that you don't need to go through a gatekeeper anymore," she says when I ask her about the new wave of young creatives in movies and music, ushering in a new era of softer, kinder art.
"He's been the point of continuity and the gatekeeper in the administration that they've relied on most to temper the instincts of Trump, which are much more, I think, isolationist and clearly highly skeptical ... about alliance commitments," said foreign policy and security analyst Euan Graham, executive director of La Trobe Asia at Australia's La Trobe University.
I don't disagree and, in fact, he quoted a blog post I'd written about how there is real risk in anyone who is in the position of gatekeeper at them exercising some editorial control over what content should or should not be accessible online, or the rate at which it is accessible or how it is prioritized or preferred.
It would be a retail model, but it'd be a strictly regulated one with a trained medical professional as the gatekeeper, who'd have to abide by a set of rules in terms of age controls, not selling to people who are intoxicated, and selling in rationed quantities so you couldn't just buy a kilo of cocaine.
But, at least ostensibly, it will also fall to Ms. Grisham to carry out long-term planning — not to mention juggle responsibilities with the East Wing — while serving as the gatekeeper for a president who enjoys a steady diet of near-daily interactions with the news media, and is perturbed when the end result is not flattering coverage.
Rosenstein serves as the gatekeeper to special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerTrump calls for probe of Obama book deal Democrats express private disappointment with Mueller testimony Kellyanne Conway: 'I'd like to know' if Mueller read his own report MORE, who was appointed — as a result of Comey's firing — to carry out the federal investigation into Russian interference.
It appeared that "transnational actors," as legal scholars call smugglers, had somehow jumped the Gatekeeper wall with welding equipment, crossed a hundred yards in the open, passed over the sealed, all-weather Border Patrol road, evaded detection by camera towers, and cut holes in a fence that cost upwards of $4 million per mile to build.
He is the deity for hunters, drivers, and blacksmiths, and while he is not quite a gatekeeper, nor a figure who stands at the crossroads between the human and spirit realms, Ogun is said to be the first orisha to come to earth, searching for a space for humans to inhabit, using a metal instrument to clear the path for other orishas.
"I was somewhat amused today that Senator Sanders has set himself up to be the gatekeeper on who is a progressive, because under the definition that was flying around on Twitter and statements from his campaign, Barack Obama would not be a progressive, Joe Biden would not be a progressive ... so I'm not going to let that bother me," she said.
Dolores is on a warped version of the traditional hero's journey, right down to the maze; she receives the call to action (an external one from the trauma of the park, and an internal one placed in her by Ford's former partner Arnold), a struggle against the supernatural Gatekeeper (the Man in Black, seemingly unkillable), and even a true love: William.
But more importantly, the use of benign words like "ideas" and "policy" and "wonk" mask the fact that Ryan is the party's ideological gatekeeper, and that his position is under direct threat from a candidate who has shown that significant portions of the Republican Party do not want to roll back the welfare state, cut taxes for the wealthy, and facilitate mass immigration.
In narrowing them down from among the best dozen or so that we received, Mr. Johnson said he put himself back in the mind-set of the gatekeeper role he once held at Brown, when there were so many essays to read that he felt guilty being in a house of worship without a pile of paper in front of him.
Erdogan, who is essentially using his geographical position as gatekeeper to Europe to demand billions of dollars to stem the flow of refugees into the continent, managed to move beyond his estrangement with Putin over the Turks' downing of a Russian fighter jet in November 2015, part of the Kremlin's push to keep in power Syria's Assad, a man Erdogan wanted gone.
A 244-page internal document, written by career staff and delivered to the secretary in early March but made public late Friday, found that the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, or Acics, had failed to meet 57 of 93 federal quality and management compliance standards as it vied to continue operating as a gatekeeper for billions in federal financial aid dollars.

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