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5 Sentences With "gains advantage"

How to use gains advantage in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gains advantage" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gains advantage". Mastering all the usages of "gains advantage" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Instead, the new global order should naturally bolster global growth, as the U.S. gains advantage in leading policy reforms.
However, a successful nature reserve includes the Altai weasel in Kazakhstan. The West Altai State Nature Reserve was created to preserve and protect the ecosystem of the mountains and Altai forests it surrounds. It is the biggest nature reserve in Kazakhstan, and includes about 52 species of mammals, including the Altai weasel and also the food of the weasel, the pika. Although no specific conservation strategy or program is dedicated to the Altai weasel, many other programs include it or it gains advantage.
Dominant females of E. cordata display egg laying and egg replacing behaviors characteristic of brood parasitism. It has been suggested that it would be evolutionarily advantageous for a mother to lay her eggs elsewhere if she had the opportunity to do so. Thus, a mother gains advantage by replacing her daughter's eggs with her own eggs, which diverts her resources from producing grand-offspring to producing more of her own offspring. Finally, a mother may eat her daughter's eggs to gain more nutrients, increasing her own longevity and fecundity.
Domestication has been defined as "a sustained multi- generational, mutualistic relationship in which one organism assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another organism in order to secure a more predictable supply of a resource of interest, and through which the partner organism gains advantage over individuals that remain outside this relationship, thereby benefitting and often increasing the fitness of both the domesticator and the target domesticate." This definition recognizes both the biological and the cultural components of the domestication process and the effects on both humans and the domesticated animals and plants. All past definitions of domestication have included a relationship between humans with plants and animals, but their differences lay in who was considered as the lead partner in the relationship. This new definition recognizes a mutualistic relationship in which both partners gain benefits.
Succulents like this jelly bean plant (Sedum rubrotinctum) need infrequent watering, making them convenient as houseplants. Domestication, from the Latin ', 'belonging to the house', is "a sustained multi-generational, mutualistic relationship in which one organism assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another organism in order to secure a more predictable supply of a resource of interest, and through which the partner organism gains advantage over individuals that remain outside this relationship, thereby benefitting and often increasing the fitness of both the domesticator and the target domesticate." This definition recognizes both the biological and the cultural components of the domestication process and the impacts on both humans and the domesticated animals and plants. All past definitions of domestication have included a relationship between humans with plants and animals, but their differences lay in who was considered as the lead partner in the relationship.

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