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296 Sentences With "futurists"

How to use futurists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "futurists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "futurists". Mastering all the usages of "futurists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Machines are more predictable than people, and in histories written by futurists the machines just keep coming; depicting their march as unstoppable certifies the futurists' predictions.
Futurists must repudiate tradition, obliterate its residue, trample its tracks.
Over the last year or so, other futurists have dissented.
Futurists and engineers are anticipating artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence.
The answer is one that divides futurists, writers, and academics.
The Futurists chewed over the issue at more ruminative length.
And these issues aren't necessarily the responsibility of the futurists.
Why did futurists want to create a totally digital currency?
These are not questions for futurists; these are questions for nowists.
Prampolini hung out with the Futurists, but dodged the political rhetoric.
Some are techno-futurists; others espouse a kind of agrarian nostalgia.
Futurists were optimistic about lawmakers' new interest in the long term.
But she also wanted to tweak the Futurists for excluding women.
But some futurists say they should make an exception for space travel.
Whatever dystopias lie ahead, futurists seem confident we can sort out congestion.
But some futurists can spot opportunities that are out of this world.
Still, if history is any guide, today's futurists have very little credibility.
Moreover, the devices themselves are not the surefire gauges of futurists' dreams.
This is the video-box communicator futurists promised us about 50 years ago.
What's surprising is that he doesn't glorify it the way the Futurists did.
Exhibitionists, artist, and futurists abandoned their privacy, installing live cameras throughout their house.
To many midcentury demographers, futurists, and science fiction writers, it certainly predicted one.
Creative types usually sneer at art by committee; the Neo-Futurists embrace it.
The Futurists and Dadaists were preoccupied with machines, while today's artists focus on computers.
Futurists at A3, Airbus Group's Silicon Valley research outpost, are contemplating a new paradigm.
Can AI outpace the expertise of vaunted futurists like Mary Meeker or Ray Kurzweil?
Transhumanism can be traced back to futurists in the '60s, most notably FM-2030.
I think people who describe themselves as futurists usually don't have a day job.
I am in talks with your futurists, although in poetry, the code I prefer.
Futurists celebrated the beauty of machines, the morals of might, and the syntax of babble.
So 2017 taught a lesson, at last, that scientists and futurists have been screaming about.
These problems would be moot in a technology that's fascinated futurists for decades: brain implants.
Today a new set of futurists is envisioning the next iteration of the floating city.
They have been closer to more accurately predicting the future than all the futurists combined.
Then The Futurists (or New Romantics) happened and I was there with eyeliner and lip-gloss.
Faithful to Mussolini's call for autarky, the Futurists stuck to Italian-made alcohol for nationalist reasons.
Unfortunately, only those who speak the mysterious language of noted futurists will ever know for sure.
It turns out that making truly flexible devices is harder than futurists and movie makers imagined.
"The Singularity" refers to the most likely consequence of the advent of AGI, according to futurists.
"organic" sticker on milk Futurists have long loved algorithms, but in 2017 that hype fell flat.
The futurists Reed chastises for focusing on the world's immediate economic needs are not entirely wrong.
I'm not one of these futurists who sees how self-driving cars is going to work quickly.
Some futurists, like Ray Kurzweil, think that when the singularity hits, it's going to be fucking awesome.
I am finally living the life that futurists promise will bring me the happiness and balance I crave.
Arconic's engineers worked alongside futurists to imagine the technologies that will be most useful several decades from now.
The clement altitude has also garnered the attention futurists, who envision humanity colonizing it with sprawling cloud cities.
But futurists constantly warn that routine tasks will be automated and humans will focus on more creative endeavours.
There may not be thousands of books on Afrofuturism, unlike the Italian Futurists or something, but it's coming.
We've heard plenty from futurists, urbanists, techies, and environmentalists about the promise and perils of self-driving vehicles.
To me and to many other futurists, Hawking was—is—a hero who represents the indomable human spirit.
That, anyway, is both the prediction of tech executives and futurists and the great fear of labor activists.
Last Monday at the Roundhouse in London, they wheeled the prototype out to an audience of eager futurists.
As New York's subway demands repairs, futurists have proposed paving over all that rail instead for underground highways.
Futurists and science fiction writers have long imagined Olympic-like games that emphasize radical technology and cyborg ability.
One solution, per Jake Dunagan of the Institute for the Future, is to get mayors to think like futurists.
With the prospect of such jobs disappearing, many futurists and economists are considering the possibility of a jobless future.
It's a mighty feat, city-building — one that other companies (notably Disney), governments and techno-futurists have tried before.
She is a vice president of the board of the New York Neo-Futurists, a nonprofit alternative theater troupe.
On the other hand, the possibility of AGI is uncertain but some futurists believe its unchecked consequences could be apocalyptic.
For now, though, futurists work largely by hand, blurring lines between fiction and nonfiction, econometrics and ethnography, history and forecasting.
Known today for their fascistic sympathies, the Italian Futurists developed a rowdy theatrical tradition of declamation and noisy musical accompaniment.
In Normal, futurists aren't just detoxing from their jobs—they're recovering from the dystopia of their over-reliance on technology.
But if you ask futurists what the next platform for interaction is, chances are they'll say there's no screen involved.
During our interview, he wore an eyepatch, the same gear he sported during his talk at the Toronto futurists' conference.
The director, Bennett Miller, shows me video clips from interviews he's done with some of the world's most famous futurists.
He was one of a handful of futurists to predict that smart glasses or contact lenses would replace our phones.
The futurists can help us navigate the storms ahead, but first, they need to take off the rose-colored binoculars.
If you want the truly universal quantum computers that futurists dream of, you have to be able to entangle the qubits.
Some futurists see a cautionary tale for humanity in the fate of the horse: it was economically indispensable until it wasn't.
The futurists promised us an always-on Internet, but they didn't tell us that so many people would always be onstage.
Sometimes it happens because of bitter in-fighting (see the Surrealists and Futurists), and other times the end comes more naturally.
But he investigated deeply and spent a lot of time talking to futurists to come up with the storyline for "Origin".
Its maverick crew of hackers, anarchists and futurists proved unable, and unwilling, to find a way to join the governing coalition.
It was a different reality from last year's election results for the Pirates, a ragtag group of futurists, anarchists and hackers.
The grand proposals of the '60s futurists also faded away, as the Fordist period of postwar economic growth abruptly about-faced.
All of these innovations will leave us richer, happier and more productive, the futurists tell us, and why not believe them?
The Futurists (both in Italy and Russia) had a tendency to come to blows over differing opinions on art and aesthetics.
Watch as futurists, entrepreneurs, scientists, and everyone in between lay out their visions for tackling the biggest challenges on Earth—and beyond.
He's also a voracious nerd: Lennon reads science journals and pays close attention to the speeches of theoretical physicists, scientists, and futurists.
The rapid advancement of technology is causing people plenty of anxiety — including the scientists, researchers, and futurists, working on the technology itself.
He is a futurist, a modern-day shaman, with an M.B.A. Everybody thinks about the future; futurists do it for a living.
Perhaps this is in the "workforce of the future" session, but there are no technologists or futurists invited (let alone labor reps).
That, in turn, has brought up new concerns that even many futurists didn't see coming -- and the future is just as murky.
TO BE A MACHINEAdventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of DeathBy Mark O'Connell241 pp. Doubleday. $26.95.
He is recognized as one of the leading industry consultants, analysts and futurists covering the field of personal computers and consumer technology.
Gino Severini was distinct among the Italian Futurists for being more interested in the dynamic movement of dancers than new industrial machines.
In the early decades of the 20th century, the Italian Futurists saw their work as a way to reach a mass audience directly.
The Futurists gloried in technological advances such as trains, automobiles, and electric light, as well as the violence of heavy industry and war.
In a similar way to the Russian group of futurists 'Hylaea' issued their statement entitled "A slap in the face of public taste".
Along with a group of science-fiction authors, futurists and computer programmers, Mr Son is an exponent of the idea of the Singularity.
Futurists like Ray Kurzweil think we could see an AI like this within a few decades, while others think it'll never be possible.
Its authors are our most humane, necessary futurists, imagining not just what the future holds but how it might look, feel, even smell.
A final related point is that futurists and alarmists have been warning that robots are coming for or already are taking our jobs.
Related: Original Creators: The Futurists The Vision Behind the Lens: An Exclusive Interview with Cinematographer Ed Lachman Additivism: 3D Printing's Call to Action
But at the time, music was Savinio's chief interest and, not unlike the Italian Futurists, he favored reducing it to raw, physical sound.
As a result, neural nets can do all sorts of things that futurists have long predicted for computers but couldn't execute until recently.
However, it leaves out crucial contributions to 20th-century art, such as the work of Salvador Dalí, the German Expressionists, and Italian Futurists.
Roxy Music's breakout 21979s sound is that of "inspired amateurs" as Phil Manzanera often says, chaotic futurists figuratively and literally winking to rock's history.
That idea was widely embraced by other futurists including Ray Kurzweil, an influential artificial intelligence researcher who thinks the singularity will arrive in 2045.
IN 1912 a group of Russian avant-garde poets, calling themselves futurists, published an almanac entitled "A Slap in the Face of Public Taste".
Futurists believe that computer programs may one day make decisions about everything from who gets insurance coverage, to what punishment fits a capital crime.
Toffler, whose death at age 87 on Monday is now being reported, was one of the most famous futurists of the late 20th century.
Despite what wild-eyed sex futurists might predict, most of us want a partner whose interest is borne out of free will, not programming.
But its compositional vacuum sucks in and magnifies ambient sounds, tying the piece into the tradition of the Italian Futurists and their noise art.
The government no longer had any place for futurists, and every decision about the future was viewed through the unforgiving lens of partisan politics.
Meanwhile, the industry expanded beyond the province of futurists and hardware enthusiasts, and settled into its new role as the scaffolding of everyday life.
If futurists are correct, gas-engine cars piloted by humans will go away, and autonomous vehicles will carry passengers on a revamped road system.
Whatever the Fourth Industrial Revolution is (other futurists are still pitching the necessity of a still nebulous third industrial revolution), it's certainly not real.
Some futurists predict there is a child under the age of 10 today who will be the first to live to 200 years old.
In a region filled with private equity titans, dreamy entrepreneurs and futurists, the N.F.L. has been eager to show off its technological chops this week.
Over the past couple of years, the Los Angeles-based producer and songwriter Dylan Brady has established himself as one of pop's most exciting futurists.
Indeed, an increasing number of futurists, astrobiologists, and SETI experts are starting to think that advanced intelligence eventually transitions into a digital mode of existence.
SU was co-founded in 2008 by futurists Ray Kurzweil and Peter H. Diamandis as a non-profit before becoming a benefit corporation in 2012.
" The Futurists were in some respects simply nasty, and it is difficult to see how Rosefeldt sees their texts as part of his "clarion call.
"Futurists used to think everyone would have their own plane," said Erick Guerra, a professor of city and regional planning at the University of Pennsylvania.
All the same, an array of scientists and futurists are convinced that the advent of devices with superhuman intelligence looms in the not-distant future.
When the Abasi Rosborough label first hit the New York menswear scene back in 2013, it seemed like it was run by fashion's ultimate futurists.
In the report, six academics and futurists from the UK predicted coming technological changes including drone-style flying taxis, undersea highways, and luxury space hotels.
In real life, pioneers of human-android romance now have a name, "digisexuals," which some academics and futurists have suggested constitutes an emergent sexual identity.
Transportation futurists partly anticipate this question (if not all the ripple effects their innovations will bring): "We're not selling transportation," the company Hyperloop One says.
Scientists and futurists have pointed to that cold focus as a major reason artificial intelligence may someday take over large numbers of white-collar jobs.
Presented by the Neo-Futurists and the Ruffians at the Neo-Futurarium, in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood, this year's six-performance run begins on Wednesday, Dec.
As scientists and futurists ponder food's future, some have suggested that perhaps creepy-crawlies will play a role as an important source of protein for humans.
What seldom emerges in conversations with techno-futurists is the realization that there is already enough material abundance on Earth to keep everyone alive and happy.
The Futurists' condemnation of history-fetishizing museums is compelling, but they also presented a violent vision of progress that various fascist movements have read with approval.
But part of what differentiates tech is the industry's self-regard, as a realm of visionary futurists and tireless innovators who are making the world better.
Noted futurists like Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan got a lot of things right when they predicted things like genetic splicing, transatlantic communications, the Internet.
And more often than not, futurists depict a dystopian outcome – a world where we are at best subservient to machines and at worst exterminated by them.
Until recently, most popular speculation on what the future would be like had been provided by white writers and futurists, like Isaac Asimov and Gene Roddenberry.
Over the course of about two dozen interviews, I found a mix of curious and skeptical developers, obviously true believers, hedging corporate futurists, and cold hard opportunists.
Lacking any machine to help them — even the equivalent of a quadrant or a slide rule — futurists to a large degree rely on intuition and common sense.
Flying cars, that perennial dream for futurists that always seem to be at least five years away, may be a little closer to reality than we realize.
Some futurists, including Daniel Susskind of the University of Oxford, suggest that artificial intelligence may eventually displace highly trained professionals, just as earlier innovations squeezed out others.
Some futurists believe humans will eventually become all ones and zeroes, a result of a total merger with machines and the microprocessor, before this century is out.
Jupiter is often referred to as a "failed star," leading some futurists to wonder if our descendants might set it ablaze in a process called planetary stellification.
Futurists like Daniel Jeffries envision currencies with built-in features to incentivize different behaviors — like saving versus spending — and universal basic income tokens, to decentralize financial inclusion.
But the AI isn't as unique as it thinks it is, since a mysterious group called the Sino-Futurists may have already beaten it to the punch.
Futurists like Alex Steffen suggest a carbon bubble could pop even before demand peaks, if suppliers rush to sell fuels that could be kept in the ground.
For the past few years, he and a team of engineers, designers, educators, and futurists have worked thanklessly to port nature directly into our digital devices. Why?
Somebody really needs to ask Elon Musk, and the other notable futurists of the world, what ever happened to the idea of a meal-in-a-pill.
Additionally, guests can attend breakfast briefings, evening cocktail soirees or "dare to know dinners" where futurists arrange panels and discussions on topics ranging from feminism to cryptocurrency.
Gerontologists, crynocists, singularitarians, biohackers, roboticists, geneticists, futurists, and anti-aging activists—all considered part of the transhumanist platform—are standing up and demanding humans conquer biological death.
Kelly and other futurists believe that marketers might pay consumers directly to watch an ad or read an email, rather than working through advertisers or their agents.
Don't two forward-thinking alien-obsessed futurists like Grimes and Elon Musk deserve to give their baby a more unique and special name, like William or Amelia?
It's one hell of a metaphor in a time where futurists are considering a world where daily needs are met by computers that track and analyze us.
This vision of the future, where the vehicle can handle every task in all possible conditions, is the one that is most appealing to futurists and tech evangelists.
The Good Place has avoided singularity, but it's touched on ethical dilemmas futurists are contemplating now, like: Can you murder a robot and can they marry a human?
"This is similar to how the Italian Futurists threw dinner parties!" he says excitedly, pointing to the foil, which is now covered with brightly coloured treats and sauce.
This has not stopped a surge in Silicon Valley interest from tech industry futurists who are interested in accelerating the advancement of these types of far-off ideas.
Moderat, the collaborative project between the slick German futurists in Modeselektor and Apparat, have shared a video for "Reminder," the slinking single from their forthcoming full-length III.
As he places the quest for immortality under the microscope, he follows the individuals—tech visionaries, billionaires, and futurists—who are trying to eradicate, or dramatically postpone, death.
In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, as the American government began to spend huge sums in the Cold War, futurists became the high priests of the coming age.
Futurism's reputation for hucksterism became self-fulfilling as people who called themselves futurists made and sold predictions about products, and went on the conference circuit to push them.
There's something intriguing, almost sublime, about the Futurists' worship of fleetness and progress, but it was clearly a set of thoughts that could only exist in a vacuum.
They appear to be more open to teaming with a revived Social Democrat Party and, potentially, the Pirate Party — a nerdy group of futurists, hackers, anarchists and poets.
That is the term that futurists use to describe a potentially cataclysmic point at which machine intelligence catches up to human intelligence, and likely blows right past it.
It's a lyrical stylization that comes down somewhere between the speed-besotted art of the Futurists, who had published their manifesto seven years earlier, and Art Deco advertising design.
Here's what's particularly disturbing about techno-futurists right now: Software is so widely distributed, so persistent and attainable, that any fantastical idea is just leading to more everyday destruction.
"While other hotels boast about being a fashion hotel or the grand hotel, we want to be the smart hotel," said Chris Sanderson, who runs the team of futurists.
To create it, Steven Spielberg and the film's production designer, Alex McDowell, gathered a handful of futurists and asked them to look at the world circa 2000 and extrapolate.
The technologies driving artificial intelligence are expanding exponentially, leading many technology experts and futurists to predict machines will soon be doing many of the jobs that humans do today.
While the Futurists used their cookbook to try to understand food as part of a growing technocracy, Mr. Casalegno uses tools of the technocracy to try to understand food.
But the Futurists excelled them by breaking motion into its constituent elements, like physicists splitting atoms, and copying the way cinema reflected movement in split-second sequences of successive frames.
Over time, the Mag would so capture people's imaginations that an intense campaign resulted in online petitions, with futurists, fanboys, and sneakerheads pleading with Nike to create a retail version.
As neat and sci-fi as those concepts appear, they are far more outlandish and irrelevant to the conversation Musk, Johnson, and other futurists are actually participating in right now.
Two of his aphorisms—that "the future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed" and "the street finds its own use for things"—have become received wisdom for futurists.
Longevity Dividend While many futurists extol radical life extension on humanitarian grounds, few consider the astounding fiscal benefits that are to be had through the advent of anti-aging biotechnologies.
Manifesto is a unique art instillation turned feature where Blanchett plays 13 different archetypical characters reading manifestos written by myriad artists involved in specific movements—including Futurists, Dadaists, and Suprematists.
SAN FRANCISCO — The futurists of Silicon Valley may not have seen this one coming: The first commercial delivery made by a self-driving truck was 2,000 cases of Budweiser beer.
Perhaps more than any single song or video or other-worldy incarnation, one of music's most uncompromising futurists has left us with the gift of seizing the future for ourselves.
Blooming from grainy noise, the record finds its rhythms in the gutters that run along the roadsides of techno fetishists and dancefloor futurists, glimmering in this beautiful and heavy way.
Perspective: In a new series, "Op-Eds From the Future," science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists imagine what we might be reading in 10, 303 or even 100 years.
The compilation, Star Wars Headspace, is set to feature the best sort of futurists who you'd expect to be involved in a project themed around a galaxy far, far away.
As a sort of stress reliever, for this week's Giz Asks, we asked futurists, anthropologists, science fiction authors and others: When will the powers that be finally rip the bandaid off?
Alumni of Singularity University receive "enhanced" clearance, which provides access to private lunches and sessions where the most elite futurists gather to discuss questions related to the future of human civilization.
This concept isn't exactly new: futurists have long proposed that humanity will need to use biology, nanotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science to make us more equipped for life in space.
In fact, just the other week you said that it's the "greatest risk we face as a civilization," an idea that has been echoed by high-profile futurists around the world.
On the other hand, some pessimistic futurists fear that the Great Filter looms ahead of us, an event that will likely come in the form of a self-inflicted existential catastrophe.
Futurists have suggested that one day, self-driving cars might augment or even replace public transport, but for the town elders of Beverly Hills, this future is nearer than you'd think.
This opportunity for empathy — to experience life from another person's perspective, to face their challenges — has long been the ambition of video game futurists, and in some capacity, Mafia III succeeds.
In his weekly column, technology columnist Farhad Manjoo dissects the state of play for futurists, people who help us peer beyond the present and analyze the technological change coming at us.
Many technologists and futurists are concerned about how artificial intelligence and automation will affect capitalism, according to a survey of more than 1,400 experts released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center.
Futurists like Martin Ford, author of Rise of the Robots, argue that the technology in development today is fundamentally different from everything that came before and will be substantially more disruptive.
Koosha's show was the fourth flagship performance to debut on TheWaveVR platform, but perhaps the first that fulfills the promise that virtual reality holds for the futurists who believe in it.
These same futurists say professionals, especially young ones who will be more affected by these changes, can stay on top of workforce changes and earn good money by learning certain skills.
Where some futurists might see the potential for immortality or richly augmented brains, "Black Mirror" sees the opportunity for people to commit their usual cruelty and selfishness, creatively and in perpetuity.
It is crude, relentless and combative — less "a slap in the face of public taste," as the Russian Futurists would say, than everything but the kitchen sink hurled at viewers' heads.
Even though it's not a super new concept, I think this idea of Afro-Futurism is pretty exciting, although I guess we all felt we were Afro-Futurists at the time.
Analysts, futurists, and academics vary in their assessment of just how many jobs (and perhaps more importantly which jobs) are at risk, but they generally all agree: things are going to change.
It's a central question at speculative panels for futurists — but a proposal approved by the European Parliament's Legal Affairs committee today will actually bring the debate to legislative bodies, according to CNN.
The robots might pinch our jobs, but when they do, futurists want to let us know that there could be a whole host of positions still left for Homo sapiens to fill.
Futurists may have promised us flying cars, but what we're going to get instead are driverless ones, and Schwartz's is the first comprehensive analysis of what that will mean on the ground.
Long the prediction of futurists and philosophers, the lived reality of technology replacing human work has been a constant feature since the cotton gin, the assembly line and, more recently, the computer.
I've read a lot of writing by futurists who say that the next step of evolution may be self-guided, that by enhancing ourselves with machines, we may make ourselves another species, effectively.
In a recent survey of futurists and technologists, the Pew Research Institute found that about half foresee a future in which jobs continue to disappear at a faster rate than they are created.
While economists and futurists are rightly concerned about the possibility of mass unemployment precipitated by automation technology, right now the U.S. economy is experiencing one of the tightest labor markets in a generation.
Case in point: the audience polling service Slido, which is used to crowdsource questions for panelists, is being used to ask futurists whether they think humans will one day swim as fast as sharks.
It was then posed again, perhaps even by the same person, in a different panel discussion with Ray Kurzweil, one of the best known futurists and author of the book The Singularity is Near.
Clients might pose a product or a problem, but Tellart brings in teams of outside consultants, from architects to futurists and sci-fi novelists, for world-building and selecting a relevant situation to simulate.
There is a growing fear, among some futurists and other Silicon Valley elite, that humans will develop a crippling dependence on machines and software that continue to rapidly accelerate beyond our capabilities and understanding.
Image: Eliezer Yudkowsky/MIRIReality: Sure, scifi has been used by authors and futurists to make fantastic predictions over the years, but the event horizon posed by ASI is a horse of a different color.
Of course, some prominent futurists like Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis are predicting a word of nanobots and nanotechnology in 20 years or less, which could physically change the structure of our material existence.
From a brief history of the internet's beginnings in the 1960s, to stories of abusive cyberbehavior, to interviews with roboticists, astronomists and spaceflight futurists, the film muses where this new age might be headed.
Self-driving cars may have once sounded like a futurists' pipe dream, but a growing number of automakers and tech giants have helped make widespread autonomous driving seem inevitable within the next few years.
Across town, Bottega Gatti is run by the Servadei family, who created ceramic works for the Italian Futurists in the late 1920s and still work with artists such as Luigi Ontani and Mimmo Paladino.
Lots of smart technologists and futurists are convinced that we are on the cusp of a world in which artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies will make a large portion of today's jobs obsolete.
In the standard account of this conflict, degrowthers are pitted against leftists and environmentalists of a modernizing bent—a broad spectrum encompassing pro-growth Green New Dealers, automation-loving "luxury communists," and techno-futurists.
Government agencies from countries around the world, as well as billionaires and futurists, say that travel to Mars is an insurance policy, that they're working on a "planet B," but I don't buy that.
Instead of trying to express motion in the painting, like the Futurists, in the series of works at the Zabludowicz Collection, I intended for the viewer to move through the space of the paintings.
After all, the escalator was invented in the late 19th century, at a time when futurists believe that moving platforms would one day carry pedestrians around entire cities without any effort on the human's part.
One guy at one company says the words, "car" and "flying" in a different order and investors, commentators and futurists engage in a collective girl-crush frenzy not seen since Justin Bieber's last selfie spree.
But there is much further to go, and the current state of existing roads, bridges, railways, and other infrastructure in the US has lagged far behind the technology that futurists envision will power modern cities.
The concept of Hyperloop was dreamed up by futurists over 100 years ago, but thanks to Musk's creativity and Pishevar's execution, the idea has gone from a quasi-sci-fi imagining to a near-reality.
We are still far from the on-demand cybernetic implants or body parts envisioned by futurists, but a number of companies are developing exoskeletons to augment strength and allow an individual to safely move heavy objects.
The annual conference, which gathers elite technologists, thought leaders, scientists, economists, futurists, visionaries, activists, physicists, poets, enthusiasts, academics, entertainers and billionaires has a binary reputation: For anyone who hasn't been, it's an object of easy mockery.
The bottom line: Scientists have yet to create an artificial intelligence system to help with such forecasting, leaving today's futurists leaning on time-honored traditional methods — deeply studying history for clues of what may come next.
"The Futurists wanted to shake up everything, so they went in the direction of crazy," says Yuri Gelmini, master bartender of Surfer's Den in Milan and one of the key practitioners of the current cocktail movement.
The angry, explosive style of the Futurists came just in time for World War I. Adopting their visual vocabulary, Hablik created "Destruction," a glorification of war that features a dramatic conflagration of colorful boxes and cylinders.
Andrew Yang then touted his signature proposal of "a freedom dividend of $1,000 a month" as his "vision in response to the fourth industrial revolution" which is what futurists term the allegedly widespread trend of automation.
As a panel of technologists and futurists predicted in a recent campaign, no one will own a car in 25 years and the road system will all be part of an autonomous and controlled traffic system.
"The most interesting times were when artists from different disciplines came together and thought through different ideas," she says, referring to the Russian Constructivists, the Dadaists, Futurists, Bauhaus and the New York "happenings" of the 1960s.
In Britain, the potential for existential risks is being studied by philosophers, scientists, and futurists at Oxford's Future of Humanity Institute, and at the University of Cambridge's newly minted Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.
In pockets of the real world, bioethicists, philosophers, futurists, and transhumanists are contemplating in a serious manner what it might mean for animals to make gains in intelligence, whether through deliberate human intervention or by accident.
Kaprow (1927-2006) coined the term "Happening," but he didn't invent the genre of performance art, which can be traced back to the antics of the Dadaist and Futurists at the beginning of the 20th century.
With this product I'm excited about the possibility that a lot of people who might buy it are people who haven't been thinking about mesh, people who have immediate needs versus people who are just futurists.
Since Isaac Asimov first laid out the three laws of robotics in 1942, human safety has been the No. 1 concern of the inventors, innovators and futurists who have pondered our place in the age of robots.
State of the Art More than 40 years ago, Alvin Toffler, a writer who had fashioned himself into one of the first futurists, warned that the accelerating pace of technological change would soon make us all sick.
He adds that virtual reality is a medium he expects futurist artists to embrace—and in striving to understand where their world is heading, today's futurists share elements of the original art movement of the same name.
More than anything else, what emerged from conversations with economists, labor experts, sociologists and futurists is that a society without unions would look a lot like the increasingly gilded-age reality we live in now—just worse.
Some futurists worry about robots taking over; Ledgard is more concerned that artificial intelligence is being crafted in the image of the modern corporate élite, obsessed with the generation of capital and uninterested in the natural world.
"Futurists and technology experts say robots and artificial intelligence of various sorts will become an accepted part of daily life by the year 2020 and will almost completely take over physical work," Elon University noted in 2006.
If auto futurists are right that we're headed toward a world in which people no longer own cars and instead hire self-driving, electric vehicles through ride-hailing apps, fleet operators likely will charge up the vehicles.
Balla (1871-1958) was one of the original shapers of Italian Futurism, and the Futurists, as a group, were a problem, with their triumphalist talk about nationalist muscle, and the beauty of war, and the sexiness of machines.
You Might Never Upload Your Brain Into a ComputerMany futurists predict that one day we&aposll upload our minds into computers, where we&aposll…Read more ReadMind uploading will likely require destructive atomic-scale scanning of the brain.
One of the ways to deal with the relentless rise of automation and machine learning, advocated by prominent futurists including billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, is a concept known as universal basic income — a guaranteed paycheck from the government.
But as the technology becomes cheaper, more user-friendly, and socially acceptable, it's poised to become (literal) stiff competition for the adult movie industry and the people who work in it, according to futurists, innovators, and porn executives.
For example, the typographical dismembering brought into fashion by the Futurists' Parole in Libertà is evident in Léger's poster "L'Inhumaine" (1924), which he made for the avant-garde film of the same name by cinema theorist Michel L'Herbier.
Personal flying machines have been the dream of futurists for decades, and just because billion-dollar companies like Airbus and Uber are suddenly invested in this vision doesn't mean we'll start seeing VTOL buzzing passed our windows anytime soon.
She offered insights into how trends work and evolve, and the ethics of the trend business: Where do futurists look to find out what's next, and how do those people and places inform the future they're ushering into being?
Editors' note: This is part of a series, "Op-Eds From the Future," in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.
Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 29764, 97643 or even 29764 years from now.
Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 10, 50 or even 200 years from now.
We had been informed we could interrupt the striptease at any time, and indeed the show — like the Neo-Futurists' best-known work, "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind" — mixes scripted material with improvisation and audience participation.
" Schafer is a co-author of The Future of Policing and a member of Police Futurists International, a group describing itself as law enforcement and allied professionals focused on "improving criminal and social justice" through "long-range planning and forecasting.
Many futurists reckon that as machines replace people, governments will need to find ways to redistribute income from the machines (and the people who own them) to displaced workers, to ensure that the benefits of automation-driven growth are shared widely.
And just how fast the industry is moving, and to what end, is typically measured not just by actual product advancements and research milestones, but also by the prognostications and voiced concerns of AI leaders, futurists, academics, economists, and policymakers.
Futurists aren't entirely sure how mind uploading will happen, but a critical step will be to make sure the important parts of a brain are copied, particularly those tied to a person's sense of identity (namely the parahippocampus and retrosplenial cortex).
She particularly liked the idea of the "global brain," a neuroscience-inspired idea by futurists that an intelligent network could facilitate information storage and transfer — driving communication between people in real time, the way that neurons that fire together wire together.
Over three days, futurists, architects and activists urged the mayors to think about the things that the superstar cities long ago began to figure out, like how to deal with the challenges brought on by innovation over the next decade.
One of those crews of jazz-futurists is Dos Santos, a quintet who's spent the last five years exploring the connections between the history of genres like cumbia and salsa, jazz's hinterlands, and the complicated legacy of American popular music.
We may not soon see that 3D-printer-in-every-garage vision, but sooner than you think, the door you open to your new home could be spat out from a cartridge nozzle run by futurists with an eye to engineering.
But that hasn't stopped a number of futurists from fearing, fantasizing about, and generally assuming the inevitability of a future where human lovers are abandoned in favor of mechanical replacements—even if that future is highly unlikely to ever actually unfold.
Dave Morin, a venture capitalist and early Facebook employee, will lead a program on depression and tech; a former Google ethicist, Tristan Harris, led a weekend on internet addiction; and tech futurists will host a conference on virtual reality and spirituality.
Since its beginnings in 2004, North Carolina's Moogfest has set itself from other electronic music festivals by not only offering an impeccably-curated lineup of artists, but keynote speeches and workshops featuring academics, futurists, political organizers, tech leaders, and more.
Over afternoon tea or at happy hour, the team of futurists — dressed in white lab coats that read "Future Laboratory" — sit down with guests and answer any questions guests might have about the future of everything from cocktails to cities.
Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read five, 10, 50 or even 200 years from now.
Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read five, 22000, 23.1 or even 0003 years from now.
Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read two, 10, 50 or even 200 years from now.
Take New Order, the English futurists who, after exploring the mega-clubs of early-nineteen-eighties New York, released "Blue Monday" and the seminal album "Power, Corruption & Lies," noodling with new kick-drum cadences and dollops of jostling Italo synthesizer.
Techno-futurists might argue that haptic technologies will eventually solve the touch issue, making it possible for someone to feel even subtle contact from a dancer, perhaps in real time, through a VR or AR rig and a body suit.
Dave Morin, a venture capitalist and early Facebook employee, will lead a program on depression and tech; a former Google ethicist, Tristan Harris, led a weekend on internet addiction; and tech futurists will host a conference on virtual reality and spirituality.
It's tempting to imagine David Stern listening to Ultramagnetic's spare, strange 1988 album Critical Beatdown and deciding that these weirdo Bronx rap futurists were just the ones to spit some bars about Terry Cummings and Lenny Wilkens and, uh, trainer Ray Melchiorre.
For the latest installment of Giz Asks, we asked evolutionary biologists, academics, and futurists if it is at all possible that people with superhuman abilities are living amongst us, or one day will, and which of these abilities are the most scientifically plausible.
It's a significant moment for Uber and for the future of transportation, if you believe the futurists and Silicon Valley types who predict that driverless cars, especially those that can be hailed using your phone, will fundamentally change the way we get around.
Editors' note: This is the second installment in a new series, "Op-Eds From the Future," in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.
I have for a long time loved the Italian Futurists, particularly Balla, who made several paintings that looked liked swirling squalls of hurly-burly, and this constant activity certainly feels like a foundational feature of modern life, evocative of the way we live now.
It's a pathetic form of consolation, but one that might induce people to seek more exposure to the artists of Il Novecento, Valori Plastici and the second generation of Futurists, all of which remain largely underrepresented in art historical curricula compared to, say, their German contemporaries.
Beyond these well-known (and well-funded) examples, there is a large and rapidly growing pool of identity and interest networks on mobile for small-business owners, the self-employed, foreign-language teachers, craft hairdressers, futurists, couples navigating infertility, documentary filmmakers and tens of thousands more.
In 2013, Dan Hurlin, a performance artist and puppet artist, was working at the American Academy in Rome when he stumbled on evidence that during the First World War Fortunato Depero (1892-1960), one of the Italian Futurists, had written four puppet plays that were never produced.
I was flipping through them, and they were making these outlandish promises like: In the year 1999, humans will be living to be 200, and there's going to be a 20-hour work week because of robots and all this shit... Futurists have been promising this stuff for years.
If you've ever seen an episode of Star Trek in which a member of the crew uses a replicator to churn out a steaming hot cup of Earl Grey tea, then you've basically seen a molecular assembler, which some futurists refer to as fabricators, or fabs for short.
As the dev team works on that project, Pallotta — a frequent onscreen presence, as interviewer and the intended final interviewee — fills the time by talking to other programmers, roboticists, and futurists about their AI projects or research, trying to build a sense of the state of AI art.
Artificial intelligence, social media, self-driving cars, genetic modification you can perform in a garage — even the most optimistic futurists may acknowledge that some technologies are heading toward a tipping point, in which it becomes difficult to predict how they'll be used or what unintended consequences may occur.
The speaker roster was stuffed with world-class biologists, Silicon Valley futurists, artists who use their platform for activism, athletes who use their platform for activism, authors, professors, entrepreneurs, and just generally the kind of people who want to see us all get to that Star Trek future.
No longer a parochial pastime, futurists believe American gridiron will be a global game with franchises from London to Beijing, concussions, like paper money, will have disappeared and fans will swarm stadium concession stands at halftime for a puff on legalized marijuana or to sip on $100 beers.
Created by Connor Sampson, who directed with Greg Taubman, this latest offering from the New York Neo-Futurists is based on the results of an online survey asking people to rank what they like best at the theater, and to write in what they'd most want to see.
Mr. Brooks is the author of "World War Z." Editors' note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 5, 10, 50 or even 20193 years from now.
Infarm, who describe themselves as a team of "plant scientists, robotics specialists, industrial designers, IT wizards, architects, futurists, and chefs [...] all sharing a passion to help shaping the future of cities," is headed by CEO Erez Galonska, who got the idea for his business after a particularly fruitful YouTube tutorial search.
Similarly, in "Going Nowehere" (2003), which reminds even more than "Re-union" of the Italian futurists, diagonal compositions surge forward, sending the shoes and clothes hangers up and out of the work, sailing on the parcels of fabric caught in a wind I cannot feel, but nevertheless see the evidence of.
I, for one, still dream of flourishing in the future through advances in science and technology, but hopefully one that addresses societal inequities, retains the richness and diversity of our natural systems and indigenous cultures, rather than the somewhat simple and sterile futures depicted by many science fiction writers and futurists.
Through interviews with 72 trend forecasters — or futurists, as they've more recently taken to calling themselves — Powers shows the ways trend professionals "read" culture by talking to thought leaders and listening to social media and in turn shape it, and how they bring the culture of the fringes into the mainstream.
In terms of formulating a creative epistemology, Schöffer's interactive-oriented formalist output can be considered in terms of a combination of the vibrant dynamics found in Yves Klein's fête of the virtual void and the mechanical dynamism originally initiated by the Cubo-Futurists' idea of automation and robotics, ala Fernand Léger.
At that point, he had no misgivings about asking Ms. Benjamin on a date of sorts — to join him on a 10-hour trip to Burning Man, an annual weeklong festival in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, where they would hang out with Future Camp, a group of futurists and transhumanists.
"Contrary to the futurists claiming that radical life extension or immortality is at hand—a claim that has been made for most of the last two thousand years from alchemists to modern day anti-aging charlatans—it's not likely we're going to live much longer than the longest lived among us," he said.
Tech moguls like Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk and futurists like Stephen Hawking warn against nightmarish scenarios that vary from the destruction of the human race to the more likely threat that our lives will be subject to the whims of advanced algorithms that we've been happily feeding with our increasingly personal data.
Narrated by actor Joel McHale, the award-winning film features compelling human stories, captivating visuals and in-depth interviews with dozens of pioneering scientists, entrepreneurs, futurists and experts to illustrate powerful new data-driven tools, which have the potential to address some of humanity's biggest challenges, including health, hunger, pollution, security and disaster response.
All this is to say that while there may indeed come a time in which the realization of a food pill lines up with the values of society, leading to its creation and widespread adoption, the meal-hating futurists of today will have to suffice with Soylent and those cockroach protein blocks from Snowpiercer.
He considers, among other historical curiosities, the neon compulsions of the Italian Futurists; the Soviet program of "neonization"; the Nazi's deployment of neon for propaganda purposes; Baudelaire's "halo" and Benjamin's "aura"; neon as a gas and crystallized chaos; neon and power; neon and capitalism—all of this backlit by an original reading of Sartre's Being and Nothingness.
However, this emerging field — that interprets the DNA record of trillions of bacteria that live in our body and regulate our immune system — has captured the imagination of the world's leading futurists, including Google's engineering director Ray Kurzweil and chief science officer of the SENS Research Foundation Dr. Aubrey de Grey, who both sit on the private company's advisory board.
While public art and architecture assumed a reactionary classicist aesthetic, other visual arts — painting, sculpture, even performance — were animated by different currents, including the second generation of Futurists; the Valori Plastici movement and its return to order; and the exponents of Il Novecento, which was heralded by Mussolini's mistress Margherita Sarfatti and, while similar to Valori Plastici, displayed more of a nationalistic bent.
A breed of futurists who believe in enhancing or transcending the human condition using tech, they envision a world in which humans pop pills to eliminate refractory time between orgasms, link their brains to new and ineffable external robotic pleasure organs, or send out digital copies of their brains to have virtual sex before downloading those experiences into their bodies for a flood of perfect pleasure concentrate.
In the early 90s, when the internet was still in its infancy and PornHub wasn't even in a glint in a smut-crazed developer's eye, a team of San Francisco-based writers, pornographers, and sex futurists came together to create a publication that was one part Wired, one part Hustler, and crammed to the gills with ads for phone sex hotlines and CD-ROM porn (which apparently was actually a thing).
Throughout the film, Blanchett exclusively delivers a series of monologues composed of mixed and matched lines taken from, "declarations penned by the futurists, dadaists, and situationists, to the musings of individual artists, architects, dancers, and filmmakers such as Sol LeWitt, Yvonne Rainer, and Jim Jarmusch," all as a means of "ultimately questioning the role of the artist in society today," according to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, who partially commissioned the piece.
I like to talk to futurists, and they were like, at some point —and I think it's actually being created — say there was a nuclear spill, a chemical spill, or something like that, that they would have sensors that were small as like grains of sand and they'd throw them on, like from far away, they'd spray them onto something, and these sensors would pull in the information about what spilled and what to do about it.
As it faces a new era, NATO even has a team looking at cyberwarfare and next month plans to make cyber an official operational domain of warfare, along with air, sea, land and space, CNN got an exclusive peek recently into the work of NATO's futurists in interviews with top officials and a tour of the NATO Allied Command Transformation, or ACT, headquarters, where dozens of varied uniforms were on display as officers from all of NATO's 28 member countries toiled on ways to enhance its military capabilities.
Adopting the tonal quality of billboards and shop ads (Nougé was intensely wary of the commercialization of literature), Transfigured Publicity pushes the Futurists parole in libertà and French calligrammes to new conceptual plateaus:   BEWARE THE SILENCE IS READILY REFRESHED WITH BOILED WORDS Describing the original performance of these poems, Marcel Mariën writes, "the texts were for the most part brought together into a sound montage designed by André Souris for four speakers and nine percussion instruments (played by a single drummer) (…) the speakers being Camille Goemans, Paul Hooreman, Nougé, and Souris," … leaving you endlessly dreaming about how the typography may have been performed as a score; would an oversized and bold SILENCE be mouthed?

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