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366 Sentences With "French Revolution"

How to use French Revolution in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "French Revolution" and check conjugation/comparative form for "French Revolution". Mastering all the usages of "French Revolution" from sentence examples published by news publications.

During the French Revolution, people were nostalgic for Ancient Rome.
In Western Europe, after the French Revolution, Jews were more assimilated.
The event is widely considered the beginning of the French Revolution.
It was a play about 1789, which is the French Revolution.
Her friendship with Noverre helped his career, until the French Revolution.
The rally, by contrast, felt like something out of the French revolution.
"Versailles has not been standing still since the French Revolution," he said.
To be clear, there is no impending redux of the French Revolution.
The next French revolution now seems unlikely to be a populist uprising.
The nation is also spending itself into French Revolution levels of debt.
It was damaged and neglected in the 1790s, during the French Revolution.
Many of the Trappist abbeys were destroyed during the French Revolution but rebuilt.
This year, the cathedral missed its first Christmas mass since the French revolution.
America's wealthy élites, when discussing class-based rebellion, often invoke the French Revolution.
Consider the French Revolution, before which existed a thousand years of absolute monarchy.
Look, this is -- since the French Revolution, the left has been eating its own.
That is why Jacques-Louis David's activism during the French Revolution inspires passionate discussion.
Unsurprisingly, pastels briefly fell out of favor during the fervor of the French Revolution.
Unfortunately the French revolution—specifically the guillotine—cut short his thinking on the subject.
The characters were aimed at adults, and grew more satirical after the French Revolution.
It happened in socialist, atheist France during the French Revolution in the late 1700s.
It's the title of a book about life at Versailles before the French Revolution.
If by "French Revolution," the sources means going back to running Breitbart, then sure.
How about solving a murder mystery, for instance, to learn about the French Revolution?
I learned everything from nomads and gatherers to the French Revolution and Ming dynasty.
The national French holiday celebrates the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution.
It emerged as a political epithet during the darkest chapters of the French Revolution.
Kirk was intellectually smitten with Burke, especially with his critical assessment of the French Revolution.
French people were celebrating Bastille Day, remembering an important moment in the 1789 French Revolution.
Why it matters Bastille was one of the key events that incited the French Revolution.
Later, women moved to decadent Parisian homes to debate Robespierre as the French Revolution loomed.
Eight years later, the villagers repaid their benefactress by protecting her during the French Revolution.
A. The headlessness in the beginning was sort of a joke about the French Revolution.
But they haven't always: After the French Revolution, Notre-Dame was used as a warehouse.
It was used to justify mass executions during the French Revolution and the Third Reich.
After the French Revolution, many of Gouthière's patrons were executed or went into bankruptcy or exile.
It sometimes breaks down and it did in the French Revolution, when paper money became worthless.
Fast forward to the French Revolution, and for a while, Medusa became a force for change.
Since the great age of ideology initiated by the French Revolution, politics has rarely obeyed borders.
In Europe, struggles around the principles of the French Revolution added an even stronger political dimension.
The French Revolution was led by lawyer and politician Maximilien Robespierre, a mob and a guillotine.
You go back to the French Revolution, and you find pornographic outpourings about the royal family.
Or look at Liberty leading the people the image we all associate with the French Revolution.
This medallion was painted by Anthelme-François Lagrenée in 1789, the year of the French Revolution.
Since the French Revolution, the nation has often been seen as a beacon of democratic ideals.
His dissertation compared the histories of the French Revolution written by Jules Michelet and Thomas Carlyle.
These soaring pillars and buttresses survived the destruction of the French Revolution and Hitler's mad jealousy.
European conservatism developed in opposition to the French revolution; American conservatism idolises the revolutionaries who declared independence.
The Banque de France stands on the grounds formerly occupied by the Bastille, of French Revolution fame.
After the French Revolution, Notre Dame was near destruction until Napoleon Bonaparte stepped in and urged restoration.
In turn, Adams' Federalist allies slammed Jefferson's support of the French Revolution and questioned his religious beliefs.
It added that more than 16,000 people were beheaded between 1793 and 1794, following the French revolution.
The French Revolution invented the modern conception of national citizenship and formalized the ideal of civil equality.
"One lesson of the French Revolution, then, is that rudeness can be extremely politically useful," wrote Frost.
Bastille Day commemorates the storming of a prison in 1789, a key event in the French Revolution.
One is the Princesse de Lamballe in the French Revolution, who was torn apart by a mob.
It came into vogue in 1789 and 1790 as a symbol of liberty during the French Revolution.
Meanwhile, Rob has been listening to Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast, particularly his series on the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, a priest from Brie sought sanctuary at the Normandy manor where Harel worked.
The Cathedral has suffered damage and deterioration over the centuries, especially during the French Revolution in 103.
Adams and Jefferson ran against each other, split on issues like their views of the French Revolution.
That includes the church bells — the largest of which date to 1681 and survived the French Revolution.
Thirty years after the French Revolution, the conservative reaction of the Bourbon Restoration was in full swing.
She was the last queen of France before the French Revolution; she was not France's last queen.
His laughing, lively work outlived his clients, though, many of whom did not survive the French Revolution.
The phrase "enemy of the people" first entered the political lexicon in 1789, with the French Revolution.
After the French Revolution reduced opportunities for imperial subjects in Paris, Salieri returned to Vienna for good.
Notre Dame did not host Christmas Mass this year for the first time since the French Revolution.
It was nearly destroyed during the French Revolution as angry crowds sacked the building and decapitated statues.
This would seem to be the lesson of the commune movement of the 1960s, or the French Revolution.
Some would point to the French Revolution, just a few decades before, as the impetus for this rapaciousness.
Why did the children of the American revolution achieve what the children of the French revolution could not?
" On page 1 of "The French Revolution in San Domingo," Stoddard wrote, in 1914, "The 'conflict of color' . . .
We are at the stage of the battle between the Girondins and the Jacobins in the French revolution.
The Louvre, once the king's palace in Paris, became a public space only thanks to the French Revolution.
Ms Rosenblatt: Liberalism was born in a crisis that was both economic and political, namely the French Revolution.
France celebrates with fireworks and military parading to mark the opening salvo in 1789 of the French Revolution.
But it's throughout U.S. history and throughout history in general, you could say the French Revolution is populism.
Coffee houses' potential to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information scared leaders long before the French Revolution.
It was painted in 1788, the year before the French Revolution, when Robert was in his mid-50s.
Say's own father had been bankrupted by the collapse of assignats, paper money issued after the French Revolution.
From the French revolution to the Arab Spring, food shortages have routinely caused riots and occasionally sparked revolutions.
The painting, which disappeared during the French Revolution, was recovered in 19223 from the Abbaye de La Trappe.
They were later looted during the French Revolution, but were returned virtually undamaged to the family in 1880.
Neoreactionaries believe that for a long time — maybe since the French Revolution — things have been going to shit.
Does this kind of zealotry help explain things like the French revolution, the rise of Bolshevism and Nazism?
During the French Revolution, France developed a much more aggressive approach to church/state separation than other European countries.
Foucault was a cynical game-player who knew literally nothing about any period or discipline before the French Revolution.
Fun fact: Today is Bastille Day, France's national holiday that celebrates the start of the French Revolution in 1789.
The imbalance is now worse than it was in France before their French Revolution—the middle class is collapsing.
It commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison by angry crowds in 1789, helping kick off the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, forces hostile to the monarchy mistook the statues for kings of France, not Ancient Judea.
But it was Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, Mr. Trump's most visible shutdown adversary, who invoked the French Revolution.
In an inevitable reference to the French Revolution of 1789, local authorities collected "cahiers de doléances," books of grievances.
After the French Revolution, many chefs for well-to-do families lost their jobs and began emulating Boulanger's business.
Others largely stem from social and organizational changes, such as the rise of mass armies following the French Revolution.
Trump's idea was reportedly inspired by France's Bastille Day, when parades celebrate a turning point in the French Revolution.
Macron invited Trump to Bastille Day, which celebrates the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution, last June.
Though having occurred more than two centuries ago, the actions of the French Revolution continues to reverberate throughout time.
One hundred years later, everyone knew to call the storming of the Bastille the start of a French Revolution.
In the years that followed, this event came to be regarded as the true beginning of the French Revolution.
Kant lived under the old regime, though in old age he was enthusiastic, from a distance, about the French Revolution.
It became a popular symbol during the French Revolution and gained its popularity as an anarchist symbol in the 1800s.
They saw how the Enlightenment led to the upheaval of the French revolution and the murderous Terror that consumed it.
His first book, "The French Revolution in San Domingo," came out in 21951, and he dedicated it to his mother.
This store was not in England, but just off Place de la Bastille in Paris, where the French revolution began.
Bastille Day commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, one of the key events of the French Revolution.
"If our data set were a book about the French Revolution, the next word might be 'cake,' " Efros said, chuckling.
Nov. 85033, 1799: France has been in state of bitter turmoil following the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
Construction began on the cathedral in the late 12th century, and the structure was badly damaged during the French Revolution.
They opposed the fractious parliamentary democracy of the time, the liberal values of the French Revolution and ultimately modernity itself.
The castle was badly damaged following the French Revolution of 1789 and many graves were destroyed, including that of Leonardo.
A professor lectures on the French Revolution and Napoleon's co-opting of it, which, he argues, also paradoxically fulfilled it.
While the French Revolution had its fair share of such visions, they reached an apotheosis in 20th-century Marxist politics.
Some historians think the French revolution itself was the indirect consequence of the state in which he left the country's finances.
And even more importantly, Paris had been an epicenter of food—and over-the-top meals—long before the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, it was looted and desecrated, according to The Guardian, before Napoleon began renovations in the mid-1800s.
During the French Revolution, it was looted and desecrated, according to The Guardian, before Napoleon began renovations in the mid-1800s.
The French Revolution, while giving birth to the word "liberalism," also added a new and political meaning to the word "liberal".
That was another huge bonus factor for me — the idea of rewriting some of the history of, like, the French Revolution.
The chateau that stands today was completed around 1770 and survived the French Revolution, during which its owners supported the King.
Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun, a French portraitist working in the decades before and after the French revolution, had the opposite problem.
Not long thereafter, in the context of the French Revolution, the freedman's cap would become the bonnet phrygien or bonnet rouge.
After the French Revolution, Sparta became stigmatized as the favorite city of illiberals, and Athens became the ancient republic par excellence.
The American Revolution and the French Revolution happened around the same time, so they often are mentioned in one political breath.
Less auspiciously, democracy had surged out of control during the French Revolution, when the proud buildings were stripped of their furnishings.
This make intuitive sense: The left-to-right political spectrum is a construct born of seating arrangements during the French Revolution.
First it was the abstract ideology of the French Revolution, the idea that society could be reorganized from the top down.
The party at Versailles, principal residence of generations of French kings until the French revolution of 1789, took place on Oct.
The party at Versailles, principal residence of generations of French kings until the French revolution of 1789, took place on Oct.
Bastille Day marks the storming of the Bastille fortress that held political prisoners in 1789, which led to the French Revolution.
Transmogrifying this Hegelian motif, Kojève interpreted the French Revolution as the necessarily violent triumph of the slave class over its masters.
Indeed, Goethe was hostile to both the French Revolution and the German nationalist movement that sprang up in reaction to it.
The vote has been centuries in the making, with scientists describing it as the biggest revolution in measurement since the French Revolution.
What turned things around, and gave Rousseau a lasting reputation as a radical, was the disaster that became of the French Revolution.
He chooses policies from the left and right, seeing the old division – which originated in the French Revolution  – as no longer valid.
If you consult the history books about what sparked the French Revolution, you'll probably read something about poverty, drought, and wealth disparity.
Laïcité is rooted in a memory of the French Revolution, when the Catholic Church acted as an anti-revolutionary, pro-monarchy force.
And I'd rather just hear one guy drone on for seven hours about the French Revolution than actually pick up a book.
The French Revolution, in particular, dispensed with absolutist monarchy in France and plunged all of Europe into a time of political instability.
"He taught Plato, Aristotle, the French Revolution, a little about the American Revolution, the Federalist Papers translated into Chinese," Mr. Ren said.
Her last book, "Birdcage Walk," published by Hutchinson, takes place in another time, around the French Revolution, but in a real place.
In France, the July 14 national holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, as part of the French Revolution.
He betrayed his true sentiments, they claimed, by his ardent support of the French Revolution, which sought to eradicate religion in France.
The historic palace was the official residence of the French monarchy from 1682 until the start of the French Revolution in 1789.
Pete Buttigieg: Who was it who said about the French Revolution that in terms of its impact, it's too soon to say?
But the royal couple was arrested in 1792 when the French Revolution overthrew the monarchy and executed by guillotine the following year.
That moment, Kojève argued, marked the permanent triumph of the principles of the French Revolution over the reactionary forces of European royalty.
Monks at the Norbertine abbey recently delved into a collection of books that was almost destroyed by a fire during the French Revolution.
Becky Sharp is a product of a brief permissive window between the social upheaval of the French Revolution and the looming Victorian era.
Think about that: there are sharks on this planet that have been swimming in the Arctic sea since well before the French Revolution.
The Palace of Versailles was the primary residence of the French monarchy from 1682 until the start of the French Revolution in 1789.
Liberalism was inspired by the three great revolutions of the late 18th century—the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.
Mary Wollstonecraft went to Paris in a spirit of democratic idealism to report on the French revolution, but was traumatised by the Terror.
Notre Dame has been restored before, after vandalism during the French revolution and neglect until the 19th century, when the spire was rebuilt.
Mr Legault claims to be enshrining in law the concept of laïcité, an uncompromising version of secularism with roots in the French revolution.
France considered celebrating the anniversaries of the French Revolution and the Eiffel Tower with a set of satellites called the Ring of Light.
On July 14, 1789, crowds stormed the Bastille prison, where opponents of the monarchy were held, at the start of the French Revolution.
He favored manufacturing, the assumption of state debts, and neutrality or even a pro-British stance in the wars of the French Revolution.
They have recorded, in miniature, the French Revolution, the construction of the railroads, whaling voyages and countless modern fascinations: dogs, cartoons, telephones, martinis.
As born out in the French revolution that would begin two years later, weak central authority opened the door to chaos and terror.
The French Revolution, the English Renaissance, the birth of the Soviet Union and the rise of Japan — each one began with a gem.
The potato would go on to help the French survive widespread scarcity in the years leading up to the French Revolution of 1789.
Clinton of cofounding the Islamic State, he echoes the recklessness with which Hamilton associated Jefferson with the bloody Jacobins of the French Revolution.
So it makes a difference whether you're reacting against the French Revolution, or the emancipation of African slaves, or the women's suffrage movement.
The French Revolution, which sends smoke signals flapping and blowing across the English Channel all the way to Bristol, entrances the radical couple.
"This arc of history started before the French Revolution and now, I think we've finished the journey," said Stephan Schlamminger, a N.I.S.T. physicist.
In the interview, it was plain "Emmanuel Macron" — as in Citizen Macron in the style of the French Revolution — from start to finish.
Before the French Revolution, the country struggled with massive debt from spending on war, colonies, and major projects like the Palace of Versailles.
The French Revolution was driven in part by the revulsion of starving peasants toward the overfed clerics who had taken vows of poverty.
"One forgets 1789 and why their heads were cut off," he added of France's former royalty, toppled and beheaded in the French Revolution.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Marie Antoinette's hair turned white overnight, according to folklore, before she was executed by guillotine in 1793 during the French Revolution.
It's the late 18th century, sometime before the French Revolution, and Marianne (Noémie Merlant), a professional portraitist, has accepted a semi-clandestine commission.
The Bastille prison, which the square is named after, was stormed by rebels in a key moment in the French Revolution of 1789.
The French Revolution was driven in part by the revulsion of starving peasants toward the overfed clerics who had taken vows of poverty.
Whether they studied the French Revolution, the Röttgen Pietà or "Grapes of Wrath," our winners made thoughtful parallels to the news of today.
Though having occurred more than two centuries ago, the French Revolution is important for its emergence of civil rights, democratic ideals, and liberties.
Much of its exterior sculpture was destroyed during the French Revolution, while almost all of its bells were melted down to make cannons.
As Encyclopedia Britannica outlines, Pitt's tenure was marked by all sorts of global upheaval, including the French Revolution and various wars with Napoleon Bonaparte.
He scorned the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a manifesto for the French revolution, as a charter for private property and bourgeois individualism.
Outside in the street, a pile of tangled metal and rubble was stacked up on the road like a barricade from the French Revolution.
Their talk about having money versus having wealth and holding off the oncoming hoards of peasants is a real throwback to the French Revolution.
His Recollections, unlike Rousseau's Confessions, are not especially personal and are confined to a limited period in his life: the French Revolution of 1848.
On a continent thrown into tumult by the French Revolution and the expansionist ambitions of Napoleon Bonaparte, the term "liberalism" first appeared around 1812.
This is one of the fundamental scandals of our era, a massive crime that cries out for some kind of French Revolution-style response.
Rare enough as a sympathetic depiction of a European of color from before the French Revolution, the portrait has something more: nobility of spirit.
The holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille, a prison used to hold political prisoners, by the anti-government forces during the French Revolution.
Born soon after the French Revolution, Tocqueville was haunted by the question of why Britain, with its mighty aristocracy, was spared such an upheaval.
Trump last week accepted Macron's invitation to visit France for the nation's holiday, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution.
A century before Herzl, in 1789, the French Revolution and the Declaration of the Rights of Man had seemed to signal a new era.
It was made for an official of Louis XIII and kept in the king's cabinet of arms — and probably looted during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, many organs in the country were vandalized by revolutionaries who took the pipes and melted them down to make bullets.
It was one of the biggest events in the French Revolution, and its anniversary in 2019 was an excuse to show off a goofy hoverboard.
During the French revolution, Madame Tussaud would rifle through corpses so that she could make wax masks of dead citizens and use them as propaganda.
The Mona Lisa, his most renowned work, has hung at the Louvre since the French Revolution and is viewed by around 30,000 visitors every day.
Burke scorned both the Levellers and the French Revolution, mostly for the same reason: They wanted to overthrow an order that he wanted to preserve.
The Wrightsmans were known to hold the finest private collection in the United States of French decorative arts from before the French revolution in 1789.
It was said after the French Revolution that the left and right didn't just dream of defeating each other… They dreamed of annihilating each other.
Before the French Revolution and the invention of the metric system, the systems of weights and measures the world over were a chaotic, unruly mess.
The onset of the French Revolution stunted the salon's influence in France, but the salon itself survived to become a symbol of 215th-century modernity.
"Marie Antoinette was a queen we know very little about," said Antoine de Baecque, a historian of the French Revolution and curator of the show.
Created for the bicentennial of the French Revolution, the work celebrated the Haitian who led a slave revolt in Haiti in the late 18th century.
On the boat going over, she met Charles LeGuin, a historian with an attractive Georgia accent who was writing his thesis on the French Revolution.
HOME OF FRENCH KINGS The party at Versailles, principal residence of generations of French kings until the French revolution of 1789, took place on Oct.
During the French Revolution, the fasces was adopted in order to validate the use of violence in the overthrow of an unjust French absolutist monarchy.
"A Tale of Two Cities", Charles Dickens's 19th-century novel, charted the fates of the rich and poor in London and Paris before the French Revolution.
Only 17 years after the publication of the last volume in 1772, the French revolution began, leading to perhaps the most secular state in human history.
He wrote classic studies of two engines of the emerging liberal order: "Democracy in America" (1835-40) and "The Old Regime and the French Revolution" (1856).
For one thing, unless you're concerned about a new version of the French Revolution, that top one-tenth of 1 percent doesn't have to fear persecution.
The book shows this one spot during the Crusades, the Black Death, the French Revolution, the German occupation, and finally the Charlie Hebdo demonstrations in 2015.
Back before the French Revolution, conservatives used to defend inequity on the grounds of tradition, religion, or stability; kings and the nobility ruled by divine right.
Immediate reforms are necessary to prevent a fiscal fiasco that will mirror the European Union crisis a decade ago or the forerunning of the French Revolution.
From the mid-16th Century onward, England, our common law forbearers, barred entry to the French, then to Catholics, then to proponents of the French Revolution.
One of the main causes of the French Revolution was that rich nobles got out of paying taxes while the lower classes paid the largest share.
The mantra brought into play by the French Revolution — "War to the palace, peace to the cottage" — is alive and well today in the Democratic Party.
In the 1780s, Robert chronicled the breakdown of aristocratic society in images of the destruction of royalist monuments, and he was imprisoned during the French Revolution.
Mr. Helleu at Chanel put it in motion after admiring Mr. Goude's staging of a lavish procession through Paris for the bicentenary of the French Revolution.
With the new definition , the General Conference on Weights an Measures completes the original dream of the metric system, which was embraced amid the French Revolution.
" He revealed one: Ms. Mattila will sing Madame de Croissy, the prioress of an order of nuns during the French Revolution, in Poulenc's "Dialogues des Carmélites.
The work, "Liberté," centers on a group of French nobles seeking to spread the ideals of "libertinage" at the Prussian court shortly before the French Revolution.
So Burke, for example, is warning well before the French Revolution turned violent that what these people are after is a total overhaul of power relations.
The home secretary, Lord Sidmouth (a marvelously vulpine Karl Johnson), worries that the forces unleashed by the French Revolution will survive the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte.
When she was 2000, her life came to a violent end at the guillotine, a year after the Bourbon monarchy was overthrown by the French Revolution.
So, as with most major grievances of the French people, going back to the French Revolution, it's "to the barricades," or at least into the streets.
Tanks rolled down the Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe framed behind them, memorializing the storming of the Bastille that helped set off the French Revolution.
How ironic it is that the further we progress in time past the French Revolution of the 1790s, the more we resemble the blood-drunk mob.
When the focus is on whittling hard-fought human and worker rights — a concept whose roots reach back to the French Revolution — tensions can boil over.
It viewed humanism, the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution all as historical disasters that took man further away from a transcendental perennial truth.
Yet, during the French Revolution, the two men, who both died in 1778, were disinterred from country graves and lodged opposite each other in the Panthéon.
Maybe not dangerous in that it will provoke a French Revolution, but in terms of fomenting the contempt and polarization that are making peace and progress impossible.
Democracy before the French Revolution was generally held to be a fool's paradise—or (even worse, in the eyes of the rich) a tyranny of the poor.
Developers for the video game Assassin's Creed also produced immaculate renderings of the cathedral for their Paris entry, subtitled Unity, which was set during the French Revolution.
Ross has a net worth of an estimated $700 million,  Antoinette made the infamous remark during the French Revolution in response to learning that people were starving.
But the French Revolution was very keen on private property—they had no particular desire for collectivizing everything, as it was very much a middle-class phenomenon.
When asked for his assessment of the French Revolution of 1789, Chinese Premier Chou En-lai famously replied that it was too early to draw definitive conclusions.
Alexis de Tocque­ville blamed the French Revolution in part on the literal physical distance between an aristocracy pulled into Versailles and the rural France they left behind.
Similarly, "Marie Antoinette" shows as little interest in the social forces that ignited the French Revolution as it does in the hygienic practices of the royal court.
It was ransacked by rioting Protestant Huguenots in the 16th century, pillaged during the French Revolution of the 1790s and left in a state of semi-neglect.
Nicolas Baverez, a lawyer and commentator, compares France's mood to that of 1930, when fascism was on the rise, or even 1789, the eve of the French revolution.
Just look at some of their headlines: Even the magazine's name is an intentional provocation, invoking Robespierre, Marat, and the most universally condemned stage of the French Revolution.
As a collection of arguments it began, in the nicely turned phrase of Roger Scruton, a British conservative writer, "as a hesitation within liberalism" over the French Revolution.
The arrival of the French Revolution accelerated this process, as many silver objects at the time were melted and converted into coins for use at the royal mint.
In fact, Marie Antoinette suffered so many accusations that Stanford University's French Revolution Digital Archive has a whole section devoted to attacks and libels on her private life.
The event is widely considered the beginning of the French Revolution, so the French carry out an annual military parade that features marching troops and high-tech weaponry.
Some media outlets drew comparisons between Linton and Marie Antoinette, the 18th century Queen of France who allegedly mocked the poor and was decapitated during the French Revolution.
That last book explored women's rights during the French Revolution, centering on the early French feminist Olympe de Gouges, who was guillotined in 1793 for challenging male authority.
The more than four-hour-long play, written and directed by Joël Pommerat, is an exploration of the early years of the French Revolution dating back to 1788.
Some years earlier, during the French Revolution, it had been rededicated to the cult of Reason and the goddess of Liberty displaced the Virgin Mary on its altars.
He felt more sympathetic to the American version of liberty than the one that came out of the French Revolution, which he thought was too radical and violent.
The Monroes lived in France during the height of the French Revolution, and Elizabeth is credited with saving the Marquis de Lafayette's wife from execution at the guillotine.
And, on this day that same year, France executed a Tunisian man convicted of murder, Hamida Djandoubi, using an antiquated tool popularized during the French Revolution — the guillotine.
Figures harden as the French Revolution approaches, and the century ends with an erasure of froufrou and a praise of moral virtues drawn from Greek and Roman examples.
The legacies of the French Revolution, of World War II, of Indochina and the Algerian conflict still run deep, and age-old conflicts are seared in local memory.
"Bread is part of our heritage," said Mr. Rigo, evoking the popular demand for bread that prompted the infamous phrase "Let them eat cake" during the French Revolution.
Players take control of a character during a historical period such as the French Revolution or London during the Industrial Revolution then murder their way through its famous figures.
Yeah. JG: I'm reminded of that — wasn't it Zhou Enlai who was asked about the French Revolution, what does he think of it and it's too early to tell?
He believed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a human rights document drafted during the 18-century French Revolution, and was vocal about adhering to its principles.
This concept, laïcité, which in the French constitution formally declares France as a secular republic, was developed during the French Revolution to weaken the Catholic Church's influence on government.
One needs only to examine the differences in catalogues preceding and immediately after the French Revolution to intuit that the traces of political turmoil were present in its pages.
Jean-Jacques Lequeu, more than two centuries ago, also saw his career upended by political shifts and economic crises: in his case, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.
Later Jacques-Louis David commemorated the passions of the French revolution in his "Oath of the Tennis Court" (before selling his republican soul by glorifying the coronation of Napoleon).
Bergé oversaw the project to build a brand new opera house at the Place de la Bastille in Paris, in honour of the 20093th anniversary of the French revolution.
In the years before the French Revolution, for example, the adherents of the ancien régime did not understand how radically the old aristocratic order was about to be challenged.
The Notre-Dame Cathedral was featured as a fully explorable building in the 2014 Ubisoft video game Assassin's Creed Unity, which is set in Paris during the French Revolution.
He accepted an invitation from the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, to be on hand for Bastille Day, the national holiday that commemorates the start of the French Revolution.
On the French Revolution, a global event one might have thought was notably influenced by the American Revolution, "To Begin the World Over Again" has surprisingly little to say.
It is, for example, startling to see evidence that France on the eve of World War I was, if anything, more unequal than it was before the French Revolution.
There was famine in France, which led to social and political upheaval; it is likely that the eruption in Iceland was at least partly responsible for the French Revolution.
"Dickens may have been writing about the years leading up to the French revolution, but he might as well have been writing about this moment in America," Clinton said.
There was a fantastic burst of freedom and satire after the French Revolution, of England finding ways of not having a revolution, but still changing the way society worked.
The portrait of Pareja is rare enough as a sympathetic depiction of a European of color from before the French Revolution, but it has something more: nobility of spirit.
The location made sense for the opening date, meant to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the start of the French Revolution, when the prison was stormed by insurgents.
There will be liberté, égalité, and lots and lots of fraternité at this freewheeling festival in honor of Bastille Day, the holiday commemorating the start of the French Revolution.
That's the great-great-great-great grandfather of Louis XVI, France's last king before the fall of the monarchy and the one who was guillotined during the French Revolution.
Paris' famed Notre Dame will not hold Christmas Mass for the first time since the French Revolution — over two centuries — following a devastating fire in April, the AP reports.
The building, which stands on a small island in the Seine River, was a constant amid the upheaval of the French Revolution and the terrors of the Nazi occupation.
In the French Revolution, Louis XVI was heading for the border—he and Marie Antoinette were in a coach headed toward the border, and they got lost in the woods.
The cold war and its proxy struggles were ending, while the bicentenary of the French revolution provided a context of equality and fraternity—and of a world turned upside down.
During the French Revolution, when French secularists destroyed many iconic Catholic pieces of history and art, it was saved and given to the archbishop of Paris, according to the cathedral.
Le Grand K was created (along with the rest of the metric system) during the French Revolution when scientists and revolutionaries were united in their desire to remake the world.
Perry's initial character bears similarities to Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France who reportedly lived a life of decadence before the French Revolution resulted in her beheading in 1793.
And in France you have that, of course, partly with the French Revolution itself versus the British Revolution; when you're cutting off heads, that's a vivid image for this spectrum.
If you look up the French Revolution for example, it gives you a list of links to key events, people, and topics—handy resources any time-crunched student would appreciate.
The French Revolution, he claimed, was nothing more than a misguided effort to force this austere ancient form of communal liberty on a modern people too accustomed to nice things.
The most lethal attack occurred in Nice, France, on July 14, 2016, when a terrorist rammed his truck into crowds celebrating the anniversary of the French Revolution, killing 84 people.
Aristocrats were guillotined during the French Revolution, and new taxes were based on how wealthy people appeared — measured in part by the number of doors and windows in their homes.
Which, in this case, had to do with a reminder of a time that was "all about revolution," said Mr. Joffe: the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution.
Applause roared as the curtain fell on the last, emotional duet - sung by a real-life couple - followed by the bloody conclusion to the opera, set during the French Revolution.
Miller shows how, in the absence of moderating institutions and constraints, the radical promise of democracy can slip into despotism, as it did in the wake of the French Revolution.
That hyper-regulation of much of French life, including labor, was formed in the early 19th century as part of the country's escape from the chaos of the French Revolution.
It reminds people of some of the most violent and bloody periods in French history, including that of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, who were beheaded during the French Revolution.
One can easily imagine the artist himself in that seat, hunched over his creative work as he served time during the French Revolution due to his links to the monarchy.
" His longstanding advocacy for pre-emptive wars is reminiscent of Talleyrand's quip when the Bourbons were restored to power after the French Revolution, "They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.
The European Parliament plans to place one of its British flags in the House of European History, a nearby museum of the continent's history since the French Revolution of 1789.
Although there are practical reasons (and historical reasons related to the French Revolution) why those in the middle are defined in terms of the purists, is there a theoretical reason?
A prodigy and portraitist to Marie Antoinette and her court, Vigée Le Brun orchestrated an equally successful career among the royals of Italy, Prussia and especially Russia after the French Revolution.
According to Cuisine à la Française, the 100 restaurants that existed under the French Revolution grew to 600 in the early 19th century and to 3,000 in the mid-19th century.
It was the site of a Huguenot riot in the 1500s and was damaged in the French Revolution in 1793, when statues mistakenly believed to be of French kings were beheaded.
Trump is in Paris to join French President Emmanuel Macron for Bastille Day, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a turning point in the French Revolution.
The last resident of Versailles, King Louis XVI, was executed by guillotine in central Paris in 1793 during the French Revolution and his wife Marie Antoinette was guillotined later that year.
For two years, historians, economists and others have pondered whether western leaders, facing a growing populist challenge, must prepare for an even greater temblor resembling the French Revolution or 2260s fascism.
Besançon's formal watchmaking role began shortly after the French Revolution, when the government decided to create a production center so the country could stop relying on imports from England and Switzerland.
The French idea of forcibly breaking up estates originated after the French Revolution, among reformers who wanted to weaken the aristocracy and make sure that no single heir became too rich.
There hasn't been such a compelling sartorial symbol of revolt since the Sans-culottes seized on their trousers as the point of visual difference with the aristocracy during the French Revolution.
"He was kind of like the Scarlet Pimpernel," Mr. Darnton said, referring to the secret life of the protagonist in the novel of the same name, set during the French Revolution.
And in the Anglo-French wars that followed, France generally got the worst of it, while sliding ever deeper into fiscal crisis — a crisis that eventually helped precipitate the French Revolution.
Thomas Jefferson visited Bordeaux in 1787, and was a great admirer of Lafite, but that did not save Lafite's owner, Nicolas Pierre de Pichard, from the guillotine during the French Revolution.
And, on this day that same year, France used a tool popularized during the French Revolution — the guillotine — to execute a Tunisian man, Hamida Djandoubi, who had been convicted of murder.
It will be the first time since the French Revolution in 1803 that the 850-year-old cathedral has not held Christmas mass services, spokesman Andre Finot told CNN on Sunday.
Its starting year was 1789, when a mob stormed the Bastille in a defining moment of the French Revolution; he named months after historical titans like Gutenberg, Charlemagne, Shakespeare and Dante.
Versailles was a focal point of the French revolution and the October 1789 march on the palace by the Parisian mob led to overthrown and subsequent execution of King Louis XVI.
I think about the Industrial Revolution, and the French Revolution circa 1800, when you see this large-scale shift in Europe when you have people living in extended family units, farming together.
Historians have argued that "the French Revolution turbocharged...French nationalism by infusing it with a messianic ideological impulse," driving it to export its revolution in order to overthrow the European monarchic order.
This early act of the French Revolution is just one of the intriguing historic moments in An Anthology of Decorated Papers by P. J. M. Marks, out this month from Thames & Hudson.
Bastille Day marks a key moment in the French Revolution, when high taxes and a summer of famine in 1789 led French citizens to storm the Bastille, a military fortress and prison.
Nations marching side-by-side On Friday, Trump will be the guest of honor at a military parade marking Bastille Day, the national holiday that commemorates the start of the French Revolution.
You might have heard that the French Revolution was planned in coffee houses, where members of the so-called "intelligentsia," the class of political thinkers and polemics, gathered to plot their rebellions.
The bridge was built during the French Revolution using stones of the demolished Bastille, "so that the people could forever trample on the old fortress," according to Rodolphe Perronet, the bridge's engineer.
ALAN WOLK Millburn, N.J. To the Editor: "A little envy can be good for the bottom line," according to your article — a sentiment worthy of Marie Antoinette, just before the French Revolution.
To those who sought a guarded optimism, facts served as "signs" of this future, Kant concluded, and he cited the French Revolution as the most startling herald of universal freedom and equality.
From the critics of the French Revolution, to today's public speeches against radical Islamism, the question of evil and the power it unleashes is nearly always subsumed under the sign of nihilism.
In late November, a pearl and diamond pendant that belonged to Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France before the French Revolution, fetched more than $36 million at auction in Geneva, Switzerland.
A political transition: Born nine years after the start of the French Revolution, he lived to see the 1851 coup in which Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon, was crowned as emperor.
In their minds, the emancipation of Jews went hand in hand with all the flaws of the new "liberal" world order that the Enlightenment — and, after it, the French Revolution — had wrought.
Each city hall in France, all 35,000-plus including the one in Souillac, now contains a dog-eared "Grievance Book" modeled on those that helped kick off the French Revolution in 1789.
In October 1793, amid the fervor of the French Revolution, antiroyalists forced their way into the cathedral's Royal Gallery, and used ropes to pull down statues of what they thought were kings.
Part of what fascinated Mr. Kratzer about "Fidelio" was how Beethoven, writing in the aftermath of the French Revolution, used opera as a medium capable of delivering a political and personal message.
He was by French President Emmanuel Macron's side last summer in Paris to celebrate Bastille Day -- the annual celebration commemorating the storming of the Bastille, a seminal moment in the French Revolution.
Dating back almost to the French Revolution, it became popular during World War I, when its producers gave free Camembert to soldiers and adorned its iconic round, wooden boxes with patriotic messages.
"We put the cameras down in these groups, and what you see, the images of hatred on these people's faces, is really if you were in the first days of the French revolution."
His Facebook account, featuring a guillotine, symbol of the French Revolution and the device for death penalty until 2000, was briefly suspended before being reinstated after he put up a more acceptable image.
The lawsuit said that unlike other Belgian beers such as Chimay, Leffe has not been brewed at an abbey since the Abbaye de Leffe was destroyed in the French Revolution in around 1794.
Dolphin pedestal shoes aside, the collection featured pastel shades and a distinct pre-French revolution era vibe with pannier skirts, peplum jackets, corsets, taffeta bloomers, and towering beehive up-dos decorated with bows.
With the interactive French Revolution: A Murder Mystery Tour from the tour company Paris Muse, visitors take a trip to 285th-century Paris and crack the case of a real-life political assassination.
The largest of its bells, which dates to 1681, managed to survive the French Revolution and has been rung at some of the most important events in French history, including both World Wars.
During the French Revolution, hundreds of prisoners, including the "widow Capet" (from the name of the medieval dynasty that ruled France) as the captive Marie Antoinette was known, transited through its holding cells.
That included portraying him as a 21st-century equivalent of Marie Antoinette, the out-of-touch last queen of France before the French Revolution, while other memes made allegations of an extramarital affair.
Riccardo Chailly will conduct the Teatro alla Scala Chorus and Orchestra, while Yusif Eyvazov will perform as Chénier — roughly based on the story of the executed French Revolution poet of the same name.
As a piece of historical writing, "Young Radicals" bears roughly the same relation to "The French Revolution" as a pleasing sketch by a fledgling artist bears to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
" Employing an evocative, sinister phrase dating to the French Revolution and embraced by Lenin and his Soviet successors, he has declared that great portions of the press are the "enemy of the people.
At that rate, the tiny band of marauders can wipe out a colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours, a glut of beheadings that makes the French Revolution look like Dance Dance Revolution.
Her wit and his fame—as the author of "The French Revolution" (1837) and "On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History" (1841), among other books—had shot them into the literary firmament.
In the 18th century, the French Revolution was hardly kind to a magnificent reminder of the glory of the French kings, and more than 28 statues in Notre Dame were beheaded by the mobs.
Bane's siege quickly follows the French Revolution path, from storming the Bastille and freeing prisoners to a reign of terror in which vengeance is meted out disguised as justice in newly formed kangaroo courts.
Berman was too loose with the term modernism, Anderson argued; not just any development between the French Revolution and the urban renewal of the 1960s could represent what was actually a distinct historical moment.
His admirers compare him to Vasil Levski, the country's 19th-century national-liberation hero who fought for the ideals of the French Revolution and dreamed of a pluralistic, ethnically heterogeneous, and religiously tolerant Bulgaria.
Later in April, the theater will stage Umberto Giordano's French Revolution-themed operatic epic "Andrea Chénier," and in May, the theater will revive its recent production of Wagner's "Lohengrin," directed by Matthias von Stegmann.
The "clear link" between climate change and social instability should also alarm nations worldwide, added Guterres, who recalled historical instances of extreme weather preceding upheavals such as the French Revolution and the Arab Spring.
After Mr. Mitterrand named him president of the Paris Opera, it opened a futuristic venue at the Place de la Bastille in time to celebrate the 22015th anniversary of the French Revolution, in 1989.
When he tries to describe the events that would erase America's wealth gap, that would see the end of white supremacy, his thoughts flicker to the French Revolution, to the executions and the terror.
It was his book "The Conservative Mind" (224) that first used the word "conservative" to classify various currents of antiprogressive dissidence that ran from the French Revolution to the 20th-century heyday of social democracy.
Dig into the many prophecies Nostradamus made during the height of his making-things-up phase, and it's right there, clear as day: Nostradamus didn't divine the French Revolution or rise of Nazism in Germany.
When news of the French Revolution reached the colony, Toussaint's comrade in arms Georges Biassou declared himself Viceroy in the name of the Bourbons and promoted Toussaint to general of the royal army-in-exile.
Not derived from a dictionary or thesaurus, his use of language comes from his deep reading in divergent subjects, from the French Revolution to classical literature, and a punster's sensitivity to homophones and other links.
The primordial example are the many covertly published books of eighteenth century France that included pornographic accounts of the private lives of the royal family, calumny that helped pave the way for the French Revolution.
Since construction of the Notre Dame Cathedral first began in the 21840th century, the cathedral has suffered repeated devastation and trauma — most notably during the French Revolution — and in response, undergone extensive restoration and repair.
And there were various people who said we should not restore those, we should keep them the way they are because they're physical evidence of a part of our history that's important, the French Revolution.
The word "liberalism" was coined in the wake of the French Revolution, as late as the 28500s and for most of the 6900th century, liberalism was seen as a French, not an Anglo-American doctrine.
After the French Revolution and Napoleon's conquests brought legal emancipation to Jews in much of Western Europe, for instance, many Jews began to think of their Jewishness as a private matter, an individual religious choice.
It also explains the Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, Chinese Communism, the civil-rights movement, the women's movement, multiculturalism, and the thought of Luther, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, Freud, and Simone de Beauvoir.
Its roots go back to efforts in the Napoleonic era to restore order after the French Revolution, and at its heart is the notion of the worker in permanent need of protection against rapacious capitalists.
The killing of the czar and his family in that cellar in Yekaterinburg was an earth-shattering event, a replay of the French Revolution, but for Lenin it must also have been a personal matter.
Not derived from a dictionary or thesaurus, Finlay's use of language comes from his deep reading in divergent subjects, from the French Revolution to classical literature, and a punster's sensitivity to homophones and other links.
"To me, the opera is primarily a love story, but it is also about the French Revolution, the nature of revolution in general, the nature of love, and the nature of time," Mr. Hoffman said.
Reading Dicken's "A Tale of Two Cities," for example, I learned the personal side of the class struggles of both the aristocracy and the masses in a way that personalized the French Revolution for me.
From the leaders of the French Revolution, to Sicilian peasants challenging landowners in the 203th century, to architects of United States monuments, the symbol has often been used to represent power within a revolutionary movement.

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