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36 Sentences With "foraging through"

How to use foraging through in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "foraging through" and check conjugation/comparative form for "foraging through". Mastering all the usages of "foraging through" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I am not looking forward to foraging through dried out cans.
Internet memes by opposition supporters have super-imposed an official picture of Maduro dancing during the show on photos of food lines, jailed activists and people foraging through garbage.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Beck's singular career has seen him utilize all manners and eras of music, blazing a path into the future while simultaneously foraging through the past.
Timothy Egan After foraging through the Dumpster of discarded ideas, the Trump administration has dragged out another fetid reject as part of its campaign to roll back modernity, common sense and the will of the people.
For Mr. Michals, whose roving mind at age 214 still sprints from the philosophical to the paradoxical to the playful, foraging through the museum's vaults was tantamount to an Odyssean journey through some of the finest examples of what civilized man hath wrought.
The whistlers eat spiders, insects and insect larvae, foraging through tree branches as well as on the ground in leaf litter.Hutton.
Little is known about the breeding habits of this species. Birds may feed in family groups or in small mixed-species flocks foraging through the canopy, or they may feed alone or in pairs.
The monitors were known for eating shrews on Guam, but the introduction of the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) led to decreased shrew numbers, prompting the monitors to switch to eating invertebrates and foraging through human garbage.
This species is generally solitary. It feeds in trees and on the ground for insects, foraging through the foliage and probing cattle dung. The diet consists mainly of both hairy and smooth caterpillars, but also includes other insects such as beetles and winged termites. It perches almost vertically.
On seeing movement below, it swoops to the forest floor to pounce, returning with its prey to the branch. The victim may be dismembered, or subdued by bashing it against the branch. Some insects are plucked off foliage, while earthworms are sought by foraging through the leaf litter and probing the leafmould with its beak.
This shrimp feeds using its feather like claspers to filter particles from the water. If food is scarce you may find them foraging through the substrate. Like any other crustacean the bamboo shrimp will molt in order to grow. During this process the shrimp is very vulnerable to predation so ample hiding spaces should be provided e.g.
Populations have been found in many locations across southern Australia including dry, rocky gibber desert, mulga, eucalypt or acacia woodlands Studies have also found many populations in and around human related infrastructure (see below). Babblers spend the majority of their time foraging through leaf litter on the ground, although during nesting periods they retreat to nests inside hollowed logs, grass clumps, fallen branches or shrubs.
Pseudocrenilabrus philander prefers to remain close to the substrate, only rarely moving higher than 1m above the bottom. Most of its food is obtained from foraging through the substrate, though small swimming prey such as zooplankton are taken when the opportunity to do so arises. In shallow water, individuals will rise to the surface to seize stranded terrestrial insects such as ants or termites.
The males also show seasonal, temporal and annual variation in their song use. Rufous-capped warblers primarily feed on insects and spiders, foraging through dense brush and scanning close to the ground for movement. They are not generally known to flycatch from perches. Birds in the southern part of the range are by some authors split out as a separate species, chestnut-capped warbler (Basileuterus delattrii).
Foraging in Manuel Antonio National Park The Central American squirrel monkey is omnivorous. Its diet includes insects and insect larvae (especially grasshoppers and caterpillars), spiders, fruit, leaves, bark, flowers, and nectar. It also eats small vertebrates, including bats, birds, lizards, and tree frogs. It finds its food foraging through the lower and middle levels of the forest, typically between fifteen and thirty feet high.
It lives in groups containing several adult males, several adult females and juveniles. It is omnivorous, with a diet that includes insects and insect larvae (especially grasshoppers and caterpillars), spiders, fruit, leaves, bark, flowers and nectar. It also eats small vertebrates, including bats, birds, lizards and frogs. It finds its food foraging through the lower and middle levels of the forest, typically between fifteen and thirty feet high.
It finds its food foraging through the lower and middle levels of the forest. The grey-crowned Central American squirrel monkey was assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Endangered. This was an improvement from prior assessments, in which the subspecies was assessed as "critically endangered". It is listed as endangered to a small and severely fragmented range amounting to only about , and continuing habitat loss.
It is observed that foraging takes place during a specific range of temperature, from 19.5 °C to 32 °C. Temperature also regulates foraging through flight, wasps cannot fly until a distinct thoracic temperature is reached. This can be done through environmental factors or from workers flexing flight muscles to increase thoracic temperature. Humidity and light intensity have mixed results of impacts on foraging but seem to correlate with temperature.
These pheasants usually form groups of up to 10 individuals. They feed on the ground, foraging through the plant debris and grasses near woodland edges and among the rhododendron and juniper scrub. In areas where they are hunted, they may be elusive, retreating into the undergrowth or flying off downhill when scared, but where unmolested, can be quite bold. The birds are believed to be monogamous, with breeding taking place between May and July.
Both Mandrillus species are frugivores, consuming both plants and insects with a preference for fruits and nuts. Mandrillus species spend a large amount of their time foraging through the forest in search of food. In a study conducted in Cameroon, approxiomately 84% of the faecal matter of mandrills consisted of fruit. Similarly, a study done on drills in southwest Cameroon showed that the mean weight of fruit and seed in faecal matter was equal to or greater than 80%.
An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra and attracting the attention of all the admiring chicks, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots a cat, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary hits him in the left eye turning it violet).
On November 14, 1995, Emily, a three-year- old heifer weighing , escaped from a slaughterhouse, A. Arena & Sons Inc, in Hopkinton by jumping a gate, minutes before she would have been killed. In record amounts of snow, Emily was spotted foraging through backyards for food. It was said that local townspeople helped the cow evade capture for 40 days. Oftentimes, she was seen running with a herd of deer, which report made headlines in local newspapers.
This squirrel most often moves about alone or in pairs, or occasionally in groups of three. They are quite vocal, one of the calls being a characteristic warbling alarm call. Because they spend most of their time foraging through dense undergrowth, vines and creepers, they can often be identified by the sounds they make rather than visually. They feed mostly on fruits and seeds, but also consume small quantities of green leafy material, arthropods, such as ants, termites and caterpillars, and fungi.
Pennsylvania Line Mutiny Despite many requests and pleas to the Second Continental Congress, the soldiers wintering in Jockey Hollow had not been paid for most of the year and over a thousand soldiers had deserted. The issues came to a head in late December, when a group of Pennsylvania soldiers organized a mutiny. They planned to march to Philadelphia to demand their pay directly from Congress. The mutineers spent several days foraging through the countryside and stealing any horses and food they found.
The diet consists of a variety of both benthic and planktonic invertebrates, anything from snails to crustaceans to insects, often found by foraging through areas of vegetation flooded by high tides. This species and the Baja California killifish F. lima are the only members of Fundulus on the west coast of the continent, and are distinct from the rest of the genus, which is limited to the east coast. It has been suggested that they may form a separate genus.
Smith, B. & Smith, M. (2019) Ellura Sanctuary - Birds. Accessed 4 June Easily disturbed from external activity, the chestnut quail-thrush is difficult to follow and has a practiced skill in hiding in undergrowth and scrub when threatened. The Cinclosoma castanotum is an omnivore species that feeds on a combination of ground-laden insects and seeds. They are often observed foraging through clumps of spinifex chasing insects such as grasshoppers, beetles and caterpillars, both native and exotic seed, as well as the fruit of various native plants.
The marbled wood quail is an elusive bird, moving about in the undergrowth and seldom seen, but its distinctive calls can often be heard, particularly at dawn and dusk. It sometimes emerges into the open but stays close to fallen trees or scrub to facilitate an easy retreat. On disturbance, it tends to move away quietly on foot, but will burst into flight if necessary. It usually occurs in small groups that move in single file, foraging through the leaf litter for invertebrates and fallen fruits.
The great shortwing is a shy and secretive bird which lurks in dense foliage, tangled thickets, vines, deep gullies and streamside vegetation. It can sometimes be heard singing in the early morning from dense cover, often with two birds singing in duet. The song is a high-pitched, wavering series of whistles that increase in pitch and volume, the phrase being repeated, over and over again, for up to a minute. The bird feeds on the ground, foraging through the leaf litter, mosses and lichens, presumably feeding on insects, grubs and other small invertebrates.
Feeding is both on the ground and in trees taking a very wide range of items. Fruit seems to be very important making up a large percentage of the intake though small animals such as frogs and aquatic insect larvae are taken from shallow water on sand or shingle beds in rivers. When foraging through the trees the birds keep loose, noisy contact with each other and usually number between 4–8 individuals. The voice is described as a weak sounding 'ka' or a whining 'caw' with other hoarse sounding notes added when excited.
A species of Bettongia that existed in the middle Miocene, inhabiting the rainforest that once dominated the Riversleigh area. The holotype is a largely complete skull and lower jaw discovered at the Two Trees site at Rivesleigh, with another jaw obtained at the nearby Henk's Hollow site being also referred to this species. The diet was omnivorous and like the modern bettongs it consumed truffle-like fungi, although other foods included plant roots and invertebrates discovered while foraging through the forest floor. The estimate of this species' weight is around five kilograms.
The Chute – Narrated by Nicksy. Renton and Sick Boy are doing junk, while Nicksy is tidying up, trying to forget Marsha. He sees some kids put a puppy down the rubbish chute, then goes to rescue it and foraging through the rubbish finds more than he expected, namely Marsha's aborted foetus, which he wraps up and will bury at sea on the boat on Monday. 40\. Waters of Leith – Third person narrative of the fledgling romance of Tommy and Lizzie, who are shocked to find Begbie call on them, trying to entice Tommy into a day of violence at the Hibs-Aberdeen game.
This bird is often seen in small groups or mixed flocks, foraging through the foliage for insects and fruit, and probing into flowers with its beak. The flowers of the small tree Axinaea sclerophylla are pollinated by birds, the pollen being liberated in a puff when the stamens are manipulated. During a research study, the only bird seen visiting the flowers was the masked flowerpiercer, which proceeded to pull off and consume the stamens, one at a time. Breeding takes place between June and September in Colombia, but in other parts of the range, juveniles have been seen at various times of year.
Phaenostictus mcleannani, an obligate army ant-following antbird There are twenty-one species of antbirds that participate in "bivouac checking", which is a specialized behavior allowing for the antbirds to assess the Eciton burchellii colony's foraging activity and current location. This allows the antbirds to reduce the time spent tracking a colony that is not foraging. Through bivouac checking, the antbirds might be remembering the correct location of colonies and returning to them at the appropriate time in the colony's foraging cycle. The antbirds have a parasitic relationship with Eciton burchellii which inflicts a cost that is proportional to the number of birds in the flock.
Notoryctidae is a family of mammals, allying several extant and fossil species of Australia. The group appear to have diverged from other marsupials at an early stage and are highly specialised to foraging through loose sand, the unusual features have seen the unique family placed in the taxonomic order Notoryctemorphia Aplin & Archer, 1987. The eyes and external ears are absent in the modern species, the nose is shielded and mouth reduced in size, and they use pairs of well developed claws to move beneath the sand. The Australian animals resemble a species known as moles, a burrow building mammal found in other continents, and were collectively referred to as 'marsupial moles'.
Many crustacean and mollusc species rely on mangroves as a source of food whether by providing foraging through leaf litter, mud or direct predation of the mangrove trees and seeds. Soldier crabs (Mictyris longicarpus), semaphore crab (Heloecius cordiformis), blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) and hermit crabs (Pagurus sinuatus) also call the mangroves home. A more casual visitor to the mangroves at high tide is the eastern sea garfish (Hyporhamphus australis) which scoots around just an inch from the surface and is virtually invisible unless viewed through a snorkel. Dozens of different bird species may be seen foraging in the rich mudflats in and around mangrove flats many of these birds being threatened with extinction and protected by international agreements.
Chicken tractors allow free ranging along with shelter, allowing chickens fresh forage such as grass, weeds and bugs (although these will quickly be stripped away if the tractor remains in the same place for too long), which widens their diet and lowers their feed needs. Unlike fixed coops, chicken tractors do not have floors so there is no need to clean them out. They echo a natural, symbiotic cycle of foraging through which the birds eat down vegetation, deposit fertilizing manure, then go on to a new area. The term chicken tractor comes from the chickens performing many functions normally performed using a modern farm tractor: functions like digging and weeding the soil in preparation for planting trees or crops or fertilizing and weeding to enhance the growth of crops and trees already planted.

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