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150 Sentences With "floating debris"

How to use floating debris in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "floating debris" and check conjugation/comparative form for "floating debris". Mastering all the usages of "floating debris" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The massive island of floating debris contains about 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic.
Then teenagers rolled up their shorts and prepared to wade home through floating debris.
Shortly before midnight, the boat hit floating debris and both were thrown into the water.
A remarkable image taken a mere 22 seconds after touchdown, with floating debris clearly visible.
The patch, between Hawaii and California, is the biggest concentration of floating debris in the world.
Their belongings are piled high on furniture and countertops as the water rises, filled with floating debris.
This produced a field of floating debris that fell into its collection tube (or so we hope).
Concerns about sewage-polluted water and race-threatening floating debris have obscured the Olympic Regatta's stunning setting.
These days, Momose starts most mornings on the lake, picking up floating debris using long silver tongs.
This is an animation that shows how floating debris from the jet could have drifted to the island of Réunion.
The pool's chemical levels were normal and the water appeared clear and free of floating debris, the June 8 report said.
As if the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio didn't have enough swirling around it, add this: floating debris and polluted water.
Officials have advised residents downwind of the smoke plume to remain inside and not to touch floating debris from the blaze.
As the problem becomes painfully visible in pictures of floating debris and ensnared animals, some companies are recognizing the imperative to act.
Hundreds of species — mostly invertebrates like mussels, sea anemones and crabs — hitched a ride across the Pacific from Asia on floating debris.
More worrying for many competitors, however, is the floating debris which could crash against boats and slow them down in the competition.
The idea is that a snail species — perhaps brought by wayward birds or floating debris — found its way to the Hawaiian island ages ago.
This animation shows where floating debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 could have drifted if experts are correct about where the plane went down.
Efforts are also being made to reduce the plastic, trash, logs and other floating debris that could damage or slow boats, undermining fair competition.
There are rockets that increase the rotational speed of all of the stuff connected to the ship, but that doesn't happen for the floating debris.
But in between those deep dives, they often hang around the surface, making them susceptible to ingesting floating debris that might be mistaken for food.
The 2011 tsunami in Japan unleashed a huge exodus of marine life that hitched a ride on floating debris all the way to North America.
But it sits at the western side of the South Pacific Gyre, a counterclockwise current that collects floating debris from the shore of South America.
Scientists believe monkeys made an even lengthier transoceanic voyage, perhaps 37 million years ago, when they transited from Africa to South America, also probably on floating debris.
There are now 17 barriers in place to stop debris from entering the Guanabara Bay, with boats collecting any floating debris that could enter areas of competition.
Click here to view original GIFAnimation showing how the floating debris from the MH370 aircraft could have spread, from the day of the crash up until May 2016.
Since flight MH20163 lost contact on March 22016, 22016, with 2370 passengers and crew onboard, investigators have found five pieces of floating debris that originated from the missing plane.
Americans left a mess behind in Sarnia, leaving the city's Parks and Recreation staff to clean up floating debris, beer cans, coolers, rafts and even picnic tables, according to the Canadian media.
Young sea turtles are most vulnerable, the study found, because they drift with currents where the floating debris also accumulate, and because they are less choosy than adults about what they will eat.
According to a press release from the brand, there are almost 300,000 tons of floating debris from plastic packaging in the world's oceans, and packaging contributes to 80% of litter collected from beaches during organized cleanups.
The patch is not, as is often believed, a solid island of trash but a gyre, twice the size of Texas, where winds and currents draw diffuse floating debris onto a vast carrousel that never stops.
He'd shiver on that rooftop for what felt like an hour, waiting for a calm-enough window of water to again navigate over floating debris that could support his weight until eventually he reached solid ground once more.
Within 23 seconds, seawater rushing through a gaping hole in the starboard hull was at first waist-deep, then neck-high as sailors pushed aside mattresses, wall lockers and other floating debris to clamber up a ladder to safety.
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Having steered his laser through sofas, big tree branches and other floating debris in Guanabara Bay, Australian sailor and medal hopeful Tom Burton is ready to expect the unexpected when he competes at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics.
The military has deployed hundreds of troops to help the state with rescue victims: Helicopters airlifted stranded families from the rooftops of their homes, and the Navy plucked survivors desperately clutching tires and other floating debris from the fetid waters.
Hundreds of species from the coastal waters of Japan — mostly invertebrates like mussels, sea anemones and crabs — were carried across the Pacific on huge amounts of floating debris generated by the disaster, according to a study published Thursday in Science.
Photo: The Ocean Cleanup"Plastics were by far the most dominant type of marine litter found, representing more than 21980% of the 1,136,145 pieces and 668 kg [1,473 lbs] of floating debris collected by our trawls," write the authors in the new study.
Despite daily picture of dead fish, used condoms, raw sewage and floating debris in the Olympic waters, McCormack said the COC and Canadian athletes would rely on Brazilian water quality data and daily testing by the International Olympic Committee and World Health Organisation.
Microplastics, measuring less than five millimeters in length (about the size of a sesame seed), represented 8 percent of the total mass of the GPGP—but microplastics account for a whopping 94 percent of the estimated 1.8 trillion pieces of floating debris within the patch.
I grew up around the sea in Honolulu and San Diego and have swum and bodysurfed in all sorts of places, but in Rio, I have to admit that the bad news got to me: polluted water in the lagoons and bays; super bacteria and floating debris; municipal cleanup promises unkept.
Cornish writer and beachcomber Tracey Williams has been keeping track of the cartridges on her Lego Lost At Sea Facebook page, which was initially set up to track Lego bricks spilt from a cargo ship but has broadened to cover all kinds of floating debris since, with photos submitted from beach cleaners worldwide.
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - German Olympic sailors, one of whom was infected last year by a flesh-eating bacteria after a test run in Rio de Janeiro's sewage-tainted Guanabara Bay, said this week they are less worried about health risks than racing effectively in shifty winds and wild currents while avoiding floating debris.
Réunion Wing Segment Is Definitely from MH370, Say French Officials French officials have just confirmed that the flaperon that washed up on the Indian Ocean island of …Read more ReadUsing this information, Eric Jansen from the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change and his colleagues backtracked the most probable paths taken by the floating debris to establish its point of origin, thus improving estimates as to where the plane went down in the southern Indian Ocean.
Examples include floating debris, oil spills, surface drifters, and control of unsteady flow separation.
Marine Ecol. Prog. Series 24: 289-295. It was hypothesized that by clinging to floating debris, crabs can be transported towards shore due to the oceanographic forces of internal waves, which carry floating debris shoreward regardless of the prevailing currents. Once returning to shore, settlers encounter difficulties concerning their actual settlement and recruitment into the population.
The Farouk eventually sank and, luckily for nonswimmer Lockington, he hung on to floating debris until he was picked up by a motor launch.
The black-footed albatross feeds in pelagic waters, taking the eggs of flying fish, squid and to a lesser extent crustaceans. It will also consume floating debris, including plastics.
Flat needlefish lay eggs, which attach themselves to floating debris by filaments on the surface of each egg.Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen 1966 Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p.
The Mr. Trash Wheel trash interceptor used at the Baltimore Inner Harbor A trash interceptor is a device in a river to collect and remove floating debris – before the debris flows out into a harbor, for instance.
Potomac and Anacostia rivers Techniques for collecting and removing marine (or riverine) debris include the use of debris skimmer boats (pictured). Devices such as these can be used where floating debris presents a danger to navigation. For example, the US Army Corps of Engineers removes 90 tons of "drifting material" from San Francisco Bay every month. The Corps has been doing this work since 1942, when a seaplane carrying Admiral Chester W. Nimitz collided with a piece of floating debris and sank, costing the life of its pilot.
After it had passed, Miller searched for Subtle but could find only floating debris. British records give the date of loss as 30 November. The belief was that Subtle had capsized when she failed to shorten sail in time.
The > inside was in an awful mess, and it was tight and slippery going. I was > constantly pushing away floating debris. When I reached the forward bulkhead > of the engineroom I hit it with my diving hammer. Faint raps were returned.
On 1 June 1902, a platform collapsed in the mine, tipping nine men into 25 feet of water, which had gathered in the sump. Three managed to escape drowning by clinging onto floating debris, but the other six lost their lives.
It is located in the Mozambique Channel, northwest of Madagascar and a similar distance east of the African mainland. The wreckage was spotted off the coast of the town of Mitsamiouli, including a few bodies and large amounts of floating debris in the ocean.
Rafting seahorses: the presence of juvenile Hippocampus patagonicus in floating debris. Journal of Fish Biology83(3): 677-691. This increases the juveniles' dispersal range, but it may also be cause for conservation concern, as rafting juveniles are susceptible to being trapped in seine nets.
Mirrorwing flyingfish spawn year round in the offshore waters where they normally live attaching their eggs to floating debris in masses. Mirrorwing eggs use a series of filaments to achieve this attachment, the arrangement of which can be used to identify them as mirrorwing eggs.
She found none. She was joined by USCGC Yakutat and USCGC Fredrick Lee in recovering floating debris from the site. The Coast Guard ended this effort on 30 July. In April 1948 Evergreen was the first buoy tender assigned to the International Ice Patrol.
Project Kaisei (from 海星, kaisei, "ocean planet" in Japanese) is a scientific and commercial mission to study and clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a large body of floating debris trapped in the Pacific Ocean by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre. Discovered by NOAA, the patch is estimated to contain 20 times the density of floating debris compared to the global average. The project aims to study the extent and nature of the debris with a view to capturing, detoxifying, and recycling the material, and is organised by the Ocean Voyages Institute, a California-based 501c3 non-profit organisation dealing with marine preservation. The project is based in San Francisco and Hong Kong.
A killer whale carcass bearing fatal wounds is found beached. Police Chief Martin Brody believes a shark is responsible. Brody explains his concerns to Mayor Larry Vaughn, who expresses doubts that the town has another shark problem. Brody then finds floating debris from the destroyed speedboat and the boat driver's burnt remains.
Amongst the floating debris were 45 aircraft tyres, a 20 hp electric motor and 120 grapefruits; they were recovered by U-159. Another U-boat, , which had been thwarted in her attempt to get into an attacking position in time, also managed to rescue some aircraft tyres and spare parts for cars.
The vessel set out to rescue stranded sailors from the United States Navy, on April 14, 2013. She was unable to complete the rescue, after her hull was punctured by floating debris. A Coast Guard vessel rescued the wounded USN sailors, while nearby vessels helped the Louis Behrens make its way back to her mooring.
In sewage treatment works, the foul water first is screened to remove floating debris. Then it is sedimented to remove insoluble particles. After this, it is sprayed over a filter bed of clinker. Aerobic microbes soon grow in hollows in the clinker, where they kill harmful anaerobic bacteria in the water and remove much of the offensive organic waste.
The study of diatoms is a branch of phycology. Diatoms are classified as eukaryotes, organisms with a membrane-bound cell nucleus, that separates them from the prokaryotes archaea and bacteria. Diatoms are a type of plankton called phytoplankton, the most common of the plankton types. Diatoms also grow attached to benthic substrates, floating debris, and on macrophytes.
Lower changes of elevation require larger installations or dams, and can be less efficient. Clogging at the turbine intake can be a practical problem. The usual solution is a small pool and waterfall (a penstock) to carry away floating debris. Another solution is to utilize a turbine that resists debris, such as a Gorlov helical turbine or Ossberger turbine.
In a scene of "utter desolation", some individuals in Galveston survived the flooding by holding on to floating debris for days.Ludlum, pp. 145–146 Floodwaters rushed over coastal prairies for up to , drowning livestock. The storm surge deposited ships in fields several miles inland; near Sabine Pass, a three-masted barque came to rest from the coast.
Nearly 24,000 metric tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean each year. Turtles ingest a wide array of this floating debris, including bags, sheets, pellets, balloons and abandoned fishing line. Loggerheads may mistake the floating plastic for jellyfish, a common food item. The ingested plastic causes numerous health concerns, including intestinal blockage, reduced nutrient absorption and malnutrition, suffocation, ulcerations, or starvation.
Juvenile bigeye trevally have been reported in rivers from several locations, and are known to penetrate well into the upper reaches of rivers. As the fish grows, it moves back to deeper waters over reefs. The species has been reported in pelagic open ocean settings, milling around stationary buoys, indicating the species may follow floating debris far out to sea.
As it replaced a high set timber bridge which was demolished during the disastrous floods of 1893, the present bridge is a low level bridge designed for inundation, as it is less likely to be damaged by floating debris during floods. It was opened to traffic on 30 October 1896 and was named in honour of Lord Lamington, Governor of Queensland.
Several persons complained that they could not hold onto the cushions or that the cushions did not keep them afloat. Some clung to pilings under the deck and floating debris. Some passengers also swallowed fuel that was on the water surface. Several complained that waves from boats and downwash from a rescue helicopter hampered staying afloat with their heads out of the water.
This is partly due to poor water quality but also due to lack of habitat. The dock wall continues, mostly unbroken, north to Riverdale Park. This is in contrast to the Humber River to the west, which has a natural mouth and is home to about 44 species. Another problem affecting the channel is floating debris that is washed down the Don.
Campbell had been killed instantly.GRO Register of Deaths: MAR 1967 10F 692 ULVERSTON - Donald M. Campbell, aged 45 Mr Whoppit, his teddy bear mascot, was found among the floating debris and his helmet was recovered. Royal Navy divers were able to locate the wreck of K7, but called off the search for Campbell's body after two weeks.Across the Lake, BBC documentary.
Her second success came on 9 July when she torpedoed the 7,176 ton American Liberty ship , loaded with 5,644 tons of ammunition and general cargo. The U-boat dived after firing and did not directly observe the results, but heard underwater explosions. On surfacing they saw no trace of the ship, only floating debris. There were no survivors from the 75 men on board.
Adults have also been sighted around the large oil rig platforms throughout the Gulf of Mexico, where they use the man-made structure like a reef to hunt prey. The larvae and young juveniles of the species live pelagically offshore along the continental shelf and slope, and are also known to congregate around oil platforms, as well as natural floating debris such as sargassum mats.
Leopard served as part of the Devonport Destroyer Instructional Flotilla in 1901, participating in the 1901 British Naval Manoeuvres.Brassey 1902, p. 90. The ship was slightly damaged in a collision with floating debris in January 1902, and was replaced in the Devonport Flotilla in March 1902. She underwent repairs to re-tube her boilers later that year, when she was refitted by Vickers, Sons and Maxim.
Her exposed mid-ships engine compartment had an overhead weather deck/roof added to increase the topside deck area. Anticipating future passenger requirements, her twin paddle wheels were enclosed above the waterline to quiet their loud splashing noise, reducing heavy river mist, while also preventing floating debris from being kicked up into the vessel's mid-hull area. Later, the ship's long name was shortened to North River.
Anesthetized dolphins initially show a tail kick reflex. Though a similar state has been observed with wild sperm whales, it is not known if dolphins in the wild reach this state. The Indus river dolphin has a sleep method that is different from that of other dolphin species. Living in water with strong currents and potentially dangerous floating debris, it must swim continuously to avoid injury.
Afterwards, she picked up a Japanese soldier, clinging to floating debris, survivor of another sinking. Sargo returned to Pearl Harbor on 9 December 1943, credited with two ships for 15,900 tons; postwar, it was 6,400. Sargo’s tenth patrol, 26 January to 12 March 1944, was conducted north of the Palau Islands. Despite ULTRA alerting her, she failed to be in position to intercept Admiral Koga when he appeared.Blair, p.570-1.
Chief Baker Charles Joughin described throwing dozens overboard from the Promenade Deck during the sinking to be used as flotation devices; passing ships in the weeks after the sinking encountered islands of floating debris including deck chairs. About 10 of Titanic's deck chairs are known today, including one in the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia and one in the Museum of the City of New York.
The Oxbow is used today primarily for pleasure boating, and is home to one of the largest marinas on the Connecticut River in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation operates a state boat ramp facility accessible from Route 5 in Easthampton, Massachusetts. Because it is partially separated from the main river body, boats are protected from strong current and floating debris. Other uses include flat water paddling and fishing.
The skimmer allows water to be drawn from the surface of the pond. It collects leaves, pollen, twigs, uneaten food and all other kinds of floating debris. The skimmer usually has a clean out basket that can be quickly emptied on a regular basis to allow the skimmer to run properly. Most floating skimmers will also have a foam that sits underneath the basket to filter out the finer particles.
Despite the heavy rains of 21 May, the city was without a water supply. The river turned brown with sediment from landslides and was full of floating debris, including entire houses. The lack of potable water became a serious problem in one of Chile's rainiest regions. The earthquake did not strike all the territory with the same strength; measured with the Mercalli scale, tectonically depressed areas suffered heavier damage.
He sets the wreck on fire to signal his location to Rae, who is now desperate to find him. Dusk sets in as Rae notices the flames and sets course to the faint fire on the horizon. Without any means to signal his wife, all John can do is wait on a piece of floating debris. After night falls, the pair reunite when Rae arrives and pulls John aboard.
They are generally found close to the coast, while larger fish are more common around deep reefs and offshore islands. Juvenile Yellowtail Kingfish are rarely seen, as they are often found far from land associated with floating debris or weed which provide camouflage. Juveniles are yellow with black bands. This colouration fades as the fish ages and by about 30 cm in length, the fish has assumed its adult colouration.
Mr. Trash Wheel is powered by the current from the river, and backup power is provided by solar panels when the current is sluggish. These power a conveyor belt. Mr. Trash Wheel removes floating debris using rotating forks that dip into and out of the water, and which then place the trash onto a conveyor belt which moves it into a dumpster. The water wheel can be controlled remotely on the Internet.
The most important include the intake where water is diverted from the natural stream, river, or perhaps a waterfall. An intake structure such as a catch box is required to screen out floating debris and fish, using a screen or array of bars to keep out large objects. In temperate climates, this structure must resist ice as well. The intake may have a gate to allow the system to be dewatered for inspection and maintenance.
The bridge is a low level bridge designed for inundation, which was thought to be less likely to be damaged by floating debris during floods. Due to its construction it is often prone to flooding. Most recently during the January 2010 floods the bridge was covered by floodwaters for five days. Since the 1992 floods, when Granville was cut off twice, local residents have been petitioning Council to build a new high level bridge.
Fiona pinnata attacks and preys on barnacles of the genus Lepas: gooseneck barnacle Lepas anatifera, Lepas anserifera, Lepas fascicularis, Lepas hilli, and Lepas testudinata, which grow on floating debris. It can attack other barnacles, but only damaged ones: Pollicipes polymerus and Balanus glandula. It can also eat barnacles on the genus AlepasMcDonald G. R. & Nybakken J. W. (last change: 14 December 2009) "A List of the Worldwide Food Habits of Nudibranchs" . Accessed 20 December 2009.
Australian authorities then began to prepare to respond when the boat would enter their territory, but it capsized before leaving Indonesian waters. About 40 survivors were found clinging to the upturned boat, while others were found on floating debris up to four miles (6 km) from the disaster's location. Survivors and bodies of the deceased were transported to Christmas Island aboard the patrol boat . Rescue efforts were coordinated by Indonesian authorities with assistance from Australia.
The town, which was most likely named for floating debris swept ashore by the Guadalupe River, was incorporated in 1912, and by 1914 had a population of 1,250. The growth subsided in 1919, after a hurricane ravaged the area. In 1926, only 321 lived in the town. The population slowly recovered, and had surpassed its original peak in 1990, following a wave of Vietnamese refugees, who emigrated to the city after the Vietnam War.
Only prisoners on rafts or floating debris in the company of German survivors were retrieved. The rescue work was concluded at 18:45. In all only 78 prisoners and 108 Germans survived the sinking. After the incident the crew of Palatia was criticized in German reports for not having conducted the evacuation of the ship in an orderly manner, the sinking thus costing more German lives than might have been the case had the crew acted according to regulations.
A single extreme event can be devastating for species with a restricted range. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo decimated the Puerto Rican parrot population, leaving only three breeding pairs. By contrast, green iguanas have used floating debris to colonise new islands, showing that resilience and adaptability are the key to survival. With climate change scientists predicting more frequent and intense hurricanes in future, the ability of the Caribbean wildlife to survive and recover from them will be severely tested.
Buck advertised for contractors to submit tenders in the Manchester Guardian in April 1843. An advertisement in the Manchester Guardian announced the closure of the old bridge for 26 June 1843. Bowers and Murray of Liverpool were the main contractors, with Sugden and Redfern of Manchester subcontracted for the stonework. A temporary pedestrian footbridge was constructed while the works were underway, although this was destroyed by floating debris when the Irwell flooded in October 1843 (a replacement was built).
Unlike most skimmers—and indeed most dragonflies—the blue corporal typically perches on the ground, though it will sometimes cling vertically to sunlit trees during the late afternoon. Males spend much of their time patrolling the edges of ponds and lakes, resting on banks, low vegetation or floating debris between flights. Unless they are mating or laying eggs, females spend little time near the water. The blue corporal's flight is low and fluttering, occasionally interrupted by hovering.
205 Pennsylvania approach to Washington Crossing Bridge The flood of August 19, 1955, did considerable damage to Washington Crossing Bridge. Floating debris in the form of whole trees, steel barrels and even houses smashed against the bridge, resulting in damage to all six spans. More than half the bridge's bottom chords were bent or twisted beyond repair. These members were replaced with new fabricated steel members and the bridge was reopened to traffic on November 17, 1955.
HSI from G-BOMG. Note the course selector (yellow arrow) is indicating 103°, and the red heading bug is set to 157°. Floating debris was collected in the early morning hours after the accident. Two days after the accident, officials had established a one mile exclusion zone against fishing activities near the accident site, and the AAIB had requested specialized deep water recovery equipment to recover the wreckage and, they hoped, the bodies of the pilot and paramedic.
This species grows in shallow water on many kinds of hard surface including rocks, pilings, docks, breakwaters, seaweed, sea grasses, shellfish, floating debris and the hulls of ships. Other invertebrates and juvenile fish find suitable habitat around the colonies. The zooids feed by extending their lophophores and filter feeding, extracting particles less than in diameter from the water. The sea slug Okenia eolida feeds on fouling bryozoans including C. pallasiana, and has been transported around the world with them.
During the Eocene, rodents began to diversify. Beavers appeared in Eurasia in the late Eocene before spreading to North America in the late Miocene. Late in the Eocene, hystricognaths invaded Africa, most probably having originated in Asia at least 39.5 million years ago. From Africa, fossil evidence shows that some hystricognaths (caviomorphs) colonized South America, which was an isolated continent at the time, evidently making use of ocean currents to cross the Atlantic on floating debris.
On 11 March the battalion reached the Rhine in the vicinity of Sinzig. The companies deployed to protect the famed Remagen Bridge from enemy attack from the water, firing at boats and floating debris suspected of containing demolitions, and boat loads of enemy escaping across the river. Guns were sited to engage enemy targets across the Rhine. Company C was with the 38th Infantry protecting the south flank of the First Army against an enemy thrust at the bridge from the south.
In 1895 the Windsor Colliery Company started to sink two shafts to a depth of around 2018 feet (615 m). The first coal was raised in 1902, The workings were connected underground to the Universal Colliery in Senghenydd for ventilation purposes. On 1 June 1902, a platform collapsed in the mine, tipping nine men into 25 feet (8 m) of water, which had gathered in the sump. Three escaped drowning by clinging onto floating debris, but the other six died.
Baltimore Sun, Larry Perl November 12, 2015. Biohabitats acquired Natural Systems International in 2010, and subsequently expanded its services to include the design of decentralized natural wastewater treatment systems, including Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC, and the Omnilife Stadium in Guadalajara, Mexico. In the 2010s, the company worked with Underwood & Associates to develop Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance. Biohabitats designed a floating wetland for the Waterfront Partnership in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor floating wetlands that was constructed from floating debris found in surrounding urban waterways.
As a line paralleling the New Jersey coastline, the North Jersey Coast Line received exceptionally severe damage from Hurricane Sandy on October 29–30, 2012. Track was washed out in several places from Perth Amboy southward, most notably between South Amboy and Aberdeen-Matawan stations, where the line runs closest to the Atlantic Ocean. The Raritan Bay and Morgan Creek drawbridges were struck by boats, storage containers and other floating debris, knocking the bridges' tracks out of alignment. Trees also fell over parts of the line.
To link The Wicker with Furnival Road, a new steel footbridge was erected on 14 July 2010. The bridge was funded by the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Forward and the European Regional Development Fund as part of a multimillion-pound scheme to regenerate The Wicker and surrounding area. Original plans were for a bridge crossing the river at an angle, but the more direct route was eventually adopted. It is part of some flood defence improvements, and includes a trap for floating debris beneath it.
Findings suggested that the presence of small debris, of a similar size to the existent marine life, could prove an obstacle to cleanup efforts. Larger debris found consisted of mainly plastic bottles, but also included shoe soles, plastic buckets, patio chairs, Styrofoam pieces, old toys and fishing vessel buoys, and a large collection of floating debris entangled in fishing net. Various types of marine life were found on, around and within the larger types of debris. Some of the garbage collected was put on display at the Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito, California.
A tideline refers to where two currents in the ocean converge. Driftwood, floating seaweed, foam, and other floating debris may accumulate, forming sinuous lines called tidelines (although they generally have nothing to do with the tide). There are four mechanisms that can cause tidelines to form: # Where one body of water is sinking beneath or riding over top of the surface layer of another body of water (somewhat similar in mechanics to subduction of the earth plates at continental margins). These types of tidelines are often found where rivers enter the ocean.
He married Elisabeth Anne Antill (1871–1927), a sister of Brigadier General John M. Antill, on 19 August 1891. They had a son, Frederic Macquarie Antill Lassetter (1892–1940). Both Elisabeth and Frederic were first class passengers on the final voyage of the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania when the ship was sunk by a German submarine off the Southern coast of Ireland in May 1915. Together mother and son jumped about 90 feet from the listing boat deck into the ocean, held on to floating debris for several hours and were ultimately rescued.
Five of the six fireplaces retained sufficient structural integrity to keep the walls of the building from falling away while under water. On the back, west wing of Beauvoir, behind a front-yard tree, the green storm shutters survived the floating debris that battered the entrance. The shutters protected the glass panes despite the 24-foot (8-m) storm surge that submerged the area. Whole sections of the Beauvoir home have remained intact to preserve many of the original construction details and windows (as seen in the photograph excerpts, at right).
The Susquehanna Boom full of logs, 1898 A boom is "a barrier composed of a chain of floating logs enclosing other free-floating logs, typically used to catch floating debris or to obstruct passage". The Susquehanna Boom extended seven miles (11 km) upstream from Duboistown to the village of Linden in Woodward Township where it was interrupted to create a channel across the river for the passage of a ferry. It was extended further westward towards Jersey Shore. This extension was not always used, depending on the supply and demand for lumber.
Coastline in Wollongong area. Port Kembla harbour to extreme right, Corrimal beach in centre, Bulli at left Once the Bombo had disappeared beneath the waves, those crew able to escape the sinking vessel initially clung together to floating debris while being pounded in the dark by the atrocious conditions. Present were Captain Bell, Chief Officer Stringer and crewmen Fitzsimmons, Barhen, Cunningham, Norris, Stevenson, Lucy, Nagle and Thomsen. Four crew remained unaccounted for and are believed to have gone down with the vessel, being crewmen Carroll, Belvoir, Riddell and Lightburn.
Once the passengers were safely on shore, the galleon "Angel Gabriel", moored in Pemaquid Bay, was completely destroyed when the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635 rushed up the coast from Naragansett, Rhode Island, leaving the ship as just a mass of floating debris after it was hit with the strongest winds ever recorded. The Canton Historical Society in Canton, Massachusetts believes that a wholecloth quilt in their collection may be the oldest wholecloth quilt made in America. The wool wholecloth quilt was made in 1786 by Martha Crafts Howard. The Buckingham Quilt surfaced in 2014.
Three members of the group received the second highest award for heroism awarded by the United States military. After a later review, one of these awards was upgraded to the nation's highest award, the Medal of Honor.Marion, p. 24. Tilford, pp. 88-89 During June 1951, Lt John J. Najarian landed his SA-16 amphibian in the Taedong River, which was not only shallow, but filled with floating debris, while low-hanging high-tension power lines ran over the river, to rescue a Mustang pilot, who had bailed out of his plane at twilight.
In 1906, a portion of the bridge was destroyed by floating debris, and subsequent inspection revealed that the support pilings were rotted through. The township approved a bond issue, and later that year hired the Joliet Bridge and Iron Company to construct a new bridge. The bridge was completed later that year, and served as the only access to Bridgeport from the south until 1958, when a new bridge was constructed to the south. The bridge was abandoned by Saginaw County in 1969 and reverted to Bridgeport Township.
Some of the top slabs have been washed away in extreme flood conditions and they have now all been numbered to facilitate replacement. The Exmoor National Park web site says “The stones forming the spans weigh between one and two tons each and have on occasions been washed up to downstream. A distinctive feature of Tarr Steps is the slabs that are raked against the ends of each pier to break the force of the river and divert floating debris. Despite this, much of the damage has been due to debris such as branches floating down with the flood and battering the bridge.
Finn and Jake free him in the episode "Escape from the Citadel", although Martin shows more interest in escaping than reconnecting with his son. He eventually manages to escape the prison dimension by hitching a ride on a piece of floating debris; Finn's attempt to follow his father results in Finn's arm being severed. Martin ended up briefly in Ooo in "The Visitor" after a malfunctioning space-ship he acquired was redirected to Earth by Grob Gob Glob Grod's sacrifice. Martin takes advantage of both Finn and a friendly civilization to leave the planet in the spaceship's escape pod.
Mahi-mahi are highly sought for sport fishing and commercial purposes. Sport fishermen seek them due to their beauty, size, food quality, and healthy population. Mahi-mahi can be found in the Caribbean Sea, on the west coast of North and South America, the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic coast of Florida and West Africa, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, South China Sea and Southeast Asia, Hawaii, Tahiti, and many other places worldwide. Fishing charters most often look for floating debris and frigatebirds near the edge of the reef in about of water.
On the morning of 7 July 2008, Simshar departed the coast of Marsaxlokk on a fishing trip, expected to return on 11 July. The boat was carrying five people - its owner, Simon Bugeja, his father Karmenu Bugeja, his 11-year-old son Theo Bugeja, a Maltese man named Noel Carabott, and a Somali man named Abdulrahman Abdala Gedi. It is believed that a blast took place on board the vessel on 11 July, destroying the boat. The five people on board survived the blast and survived for several days adrift a makeshift raft made of floating debris from the blast.
Retrieved on 10 June 2008. Of the 130 passengers and crew on board, there were several women returning home and some Balinese being deported from the Dutch East Indies to the Cape of Good Hope, due to bad conduct.Ammerlaan, Tom (2004). Early Dutch emigrants to Australia: Chapter 8. Retrieved on 10 June 2008. Only the Mercurius reached the Cape of Good Hope. The Captain of Mercurius reported that Concordia and Zuiderburg had last been sighted together in open seas to the south of Sunda Strait on 5 February 1708, in bad weather. On 22 February, the crew of Mercurius found floating debris.
At 12:30 PM there was an explosion, caused by one of the rockets detonating, which engulfed the port side of the ship in flames which began to spread throughout the vessel. The sailors on board YF-415 quickly abandoned ship and clung to floating debris. A total of fourteen men, one of whom later died of his injuries, were rescued by the patrol yacht USS Zircon, with sixteen being lost with YF-415. The investigation of the incident called for improved safety protocols, including having similar missions conducted by a towed barge and making life preservers more readily accessible.
At 11:35, air traffic controllers cleared Flight 608 to descend to 2500 feet but received no response. After an extensive search, floating debris from the aircraft was found at 16:10 off the Dutch coast near Bergen. Witnesses on the ground noticed that the aircraft was behaving strangely: some reported hearing the aircraft pass overhead near Egmond where the "Green 2" airway crossed the coast and others reported seeing the aircraft at 12:01 passing overhead at low altitude heading back towards the sea. Yet others reported hearing a loud bang over the water, possibly from an explosion.
The rig Standby Vessel, Putford Achilles, which was about from the location immediately launched its two fast rescue craft, which recovered four bodies and some floating debris. The search was continued, resulting in the recovery of another body. Great Yarmouth Coastguard launched rescue helicopters and other vessels arrived on the scene that night, but no survivors or further bodies were recovered from the surface of the sea. An underwater search for the six missing bodies began on 17 July, the debris field was located in of water by a remotely operated vehicle from the vessel Kommandor Subsea on 19 July.
The waterlevel at this location can become higher, but in order to prevent flooding of the Europoort-area the gates were designed to allow the water to overtop the gates in extreme situations. The amount of water would be too small to cause any problems in the protected area but it does limit the surgelevel in the unprotected areas. In the raised position the bottom of the gates is at above NAP, slightly higher than the bridge next to the barrier. The barrier is equipped with a construction to fend off floating debris, which could damage the gates.
The Susquehanna Boom was a system of cribs in the West Branch Susquehanna River designed to hold timber in the river until it could be processed at one of the nearly 60 sawmills along the West Branch Susquehanna River between Lycoming and Loyalsock Creeks in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania in the United States. The boom was constructed in 1846 under the supervision of James H. Perkins. A boom is "a barrier composed of a chain of floating logs enclosing other free- floating logs, typically used to catch floating debris or to obstruct passage". The Susquehanna Boom extended seven miles (11 km) upstream from Duboistown to the village of Linden in Woodward Township.
A fishing vessel passing by rescued a man in his forties from mainland China; 25 minutes later, he was taken to Ruttonjee Hospital, Wan Chai, where he was treated for minor scratches. A rescue attempt spanning naval and aerial searching was launched, co-ordinated by the Guangdong Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre. A fixed-wing aeroplane; seven Hong Kong Marine Police vessels; three fireboats; two diving vessels; and a helicopter belonging to the Government Flying Service of Hong Kong; more than ten Chinese vessels; and three Chinese helicopters; were sent in search of the missing vessel. The crew of a helicopter observed an oil slick and floating debris, but no survivors.
Fry are usually found in waters that exceed 84 °F (29 °C), greater than 3.3‰ salinity, and more than 230 feet (70 m) deep. Tripletails are well known for their unusual behavior of floating just beneath the surface with one side exposed, mimicking a leaf or floating debris. This is thought to be a feeding strategy because of the locality of their prey items and the floating structures associated with this behavior. The behavior has resulted in a rapidly increasing incidence of recreational fishermen sight-fishing for the floating tripletails, resulting in severe bag and length restrictions in Florida and Georgia to ensure future populations.
Metal gratings are sturdier and can have narrower strakes, and angling the trash rack properly can allow some self-cleaning from the action of the water. Modern trash racks as used by hydroelectric plants can incorporate such advanced features as wedge-wire screens, the Coanda effect, and cleaning robots. In waterways with large amounts of floating debris, various permanently installed "trash rakes" may be required to reduce the labor required for regular cleaning. rotating rake cylinders Trash racks are designed for water velocity of around 2 feet/second (0.6 metres/second) to prevent excessive energy loss due to the head loss across the trash rack.
Evidence pointing to the existence of a garbage patch in the South Pacific gyre was made in early 2011 and its existence was confirmed in mid-2017. The discovery was made after a research voyage made by the 5 Gyres Institute. The voyage ran from March to April 2011, following a route based on a model of ocean currents developed by Nikolia Maximenko of the University of Hawaii, which predicts floating debris accumulation zones. The expedition started taking samples off the coast of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile, and began working its way west, collecting new samples every 50 nautical miles, reaching the waters off Easter Island, and eventually Pitcairn Island.
Flight 293 was chartered by the Military Air Transport Service of the United States Air Force to carry 95 servicemen and their families from McChord Air Force Base in Washington state to Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska. The DC-7 departed McChord at 07:52 Pacific Standard Time. The last radio contact with the plane was at 10:06, when the crew requested a change of flight level. When nothing more had been heard for more than an hour, a search for the aircraft was begun at 11:16. It was not until 19:22 that floating debris was seen 182.5 miles (293.7 km) WSW of Annette Island, Alaska.
Solid waste is also harmful to wildlife, particularly birds, fish and turtles that feed at the surface of the water and mistake floating debris for food. For example, plastic can be caught around birds and turtles necks making it difficult to eat and breath as they begin to grow causing the plastic to get tighter around their necks. Pieces of plastic, metal, and glass can be mistaken for the food fish eat. Each Jamaican generates 1 kg (2 lbs) of waste per day; only 70% of this is collected by National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) — the remaining 30% is either burnt or disposed of in gullies/waterways.
This would have initiated a westerly movement of any floating debris in these areas. This helped address one of the key questions raised by the analysts - why was no debris being found along the nearby west coast of Australia? This absence, along with the satellite data, strengthened the case for the impact position being further located north than previously calculated, with a latitude around being the most likely according to the data. High-resolution satellite images from a number of sources (Pleiades, NOAA SST) indicated a number of possibly man-made floating objects which, when analysed in conjunction with the revised drift analysis, could potentially have all originated in close proximity within the 7th BTO arc.
They collaborate with local, national, and international stakeholders and members of the general public to promote general waste literacy and optimal waste reduction strategies. They are currently involved in projects which aim to divert the flow of microfibers into the Great Lakes, reduce plastic pellet emissions into Mimico Creek, and in collaboration with Ports Toronto, explore the utility and efficiency of Seabins (floating trash bins which collect floating debris and microplastics) in the Toronto harbour. One of their most recent public outreach initiatives is the “Urban Litter Challenge”. The U of T Trash Team, in concert with members of the general public, document and collect all trash found within multiple regions of the Greater Toronto Area.
Of the many bridges he designed, Lamington Bridge is his most technically innovative work. In discussing his very early choice of concrete for the Lamington Bridge, Brady explained that "the Author was induced to recommend a concrete bridge, as it ensures a structure of very great strength, almost everlasting in character, and the annual expenditure in maintenance is consequently reduced to a minimum". The bridge was designed as a low level bridge, which was thought to be much safer during floods where floating debris causes much damage to high set bridges. Brady wrote a detailed account of the design and construction of Lamington Bridge in a paper he presented to the Institute of Engineers in 1900.
If the river abruptly arrived at a sharp bend, the boats would follow Descartes third law of motion and hit the shore of the river since the flow of the particles in the river would not have enough force to change the direction of the boat. However, the much lighter floating debris would follow the river since the particles in the river would have sufficient force to change the direction of the debris. In the heavens, it’s the circular flow of celestial particles, or aether, that causes the motion of the planets to be circular. As to the reason why heavy objects on Earth fall, Descartes explained this through the agitation of the particles in the atmosphere.
Unnamed Pan Am officials speculated at the time that the dump valves, located underneath the wing, may have vented vaporized fuel near the engines' exhaust ports, resulting in an explosion and loss of the flying boat. Once the aircraft had missed its planned return time, a search was launched for the aircraft; floating debris surrounded by an oil slick was found approximately 12 hours later, approximately northwest of Pago Pago by the U.S. naval seaplane tender . Debris was limited to charred pieces of the aircraft and its equipment; a Pan American Airways officer's jacket, later identified as belonging to the radio officer, was also recovered. However, the bodies of the seven crewmen, Capt.
In the context of lesions of the mucous membrane lining of the bladder, leukoplakia is a historic term for a visualized white patch which histologically represents keratinization in an area of squamous metaplasia. The symptoms may include frequency, suprapubic pain (pain felt above the pubis), hematuria (blood in the urine), dysuria (difficult urination or pain during urination), urgency, and urge incontinence. The white lesion may be seen during cystoscopy, where it appears as a whitish-gray or yellow lesion, on a background of inflamed urothelium and there may be floating debris in the bladder. Leukoplakia of the bladder may undergo cancerous changes, so biopsy and long term follow up are usually indicated.
On 14 November 1943, the unit sailed from North Africa and landed at Naples on 17 November. The 92nd Engineers deployed to Italy earning four campaign streamers during World War II: :♦ Naples–Foggia – For reconditioning the port as well as repairing and maintaining bridges. On one occasion, the night of 12 Feb 1944, the river rose to flood height and the rising water and floating debris seriously endangered the bridge at Capua. During the night, while the fate of the bridge hung in the balance, the aggressive action of members of Company B, under 1st Lieutenant Lester M. Kostenski, cleared wreckage from the understructure, enabling the bridge to be saved and kept the Army’s main supply line intact.
The crossings were hampered by the high level of the rivers, flooding of foreshores, strong currents and floating debris, as well as a shortage of boats and other means of river crossing. The equipment provided by the 33rd Engineer Battalion, including two tugboats and an amphibious vehicle, was late in arriving and did not reach the combat zone until noon on 18 September. All along the course of the Una and Sava rivers where the offensive was to take place, the HV began artillery bombardment at noon, and crossings followed after 15:00 hours. The 125th Home Guard Regiment battlegroup attempted a crossing near the village of Košutarica, but failed after encountering strong small arms and mortar fire.
In a low-head dam, the 'hole' has a very wide, uniform structure with no escape point, and the sides of the hydraulic (ends of the dam) are often blocked by a man-made wall, making paddling around, or slipping off, the side of the hydraulic, where the bypass water flow would become normal (laminar), difficult. By (upside-down) analogy, this would be much like a surfer slipping out the end of the pipeline, where the wave no longer breaks. Low-head dams are insidiously dangerous because their danger cannot be easily recognized by people who have not studied swift water. (Even 'experts' have died in them.) Floating debris (trees, kayaks, etc.) is often trapped in these retroflow 'grinders' for weeks at a time.
Colonies of Zoobotryon verticillatum are found in shallow water in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea and many other parts of the world. It is tolerant of a range of water conditions but grows best at salinities of at least 30ppt and water temperatures over . It is a common species in the Indian River Lagoon where it grows vigorously from April to September but dies back during winter. Zoobotryon verticillatum is a fouling organism and its typical habitat is growing on the blades of seagrasses, the thallus of large seaweeds, the roots of mangroves, rocky reefs, the shells of bivalve molluscs, piers, breakwaters and other man-made structures, the hulls of boats, floating masses of seaweed and other floating debris.
The waste was removed at a point that bypassed the system that kept track of the amount of dumped waste, causing a misrepresentation of waste that was actually being dumped by the treatment plant. The waste that bypassed a part of the system was not being calculated in the total amount of waste being dumped, and was not reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the United States Department of Health. Also, the treatment plant repeatedly denied the floating debris in the nearby ocean came from them as more and more surfers complained. The two managers admitted to ordering the dumping of the waste, but claimed they thought they had a permit allowing them to dump waste into the ocean.
The advantage of deploying SMPDs into flowing water like streams or rivers is that these systems will increase the volume of water sampled. Areas of extremely high flow should be avoided however, as they present a danger to the integrity of the SPMD by way of floating debris (rocks, sediment or wood) and can move the device downstream. If the stream or river has suspended solids flowing through at regular intervals it may be advantageous for the device to be deployed with most of the openings facing away from the direction of flow. Placing the SPMD canister behind an obstacle in flowing water may also reduce the amount of suspended solids that interact with the device in these types of systems.
The hurricane had abated somewhat, but the sea was still heavy, which made the rowers' work very difficult in shallower water where the tugs could no longer assist them. The Formby lifeboat and its crew circa 1880 When the Liverpool lifeboat came alongside the wreck, some of those aboard were able to jump directly into the lifeboat, but others had to be roped in. The steward, who was the last person on the doomed ship, decided to go back to recover his bag; minutes passed while the people in the lifeboat waited anxiously until he eventually re- appeared and joined them. Finally, the lifeboat was able to get clear of the wreck and navigate its way through the floating debris to start its return journey to the dock.
Those who reached attics, roofs, or managed to stay afloat on pieces of floating debris, waited hours for help to arrive. A contemporary rendition of the Johnstown Flood scene at the Stone Bridge by Kurz and Allison (1890) 1889 view of debris field; the Stone Bridge is at left center 1889 view of Johnstown, taken several months after the Great Flood At Johnstown, the Stone Bridge, which was a substantial arched structure, carried the Pennsylvania Railroad across the Conemaugh River. The debris carried by the flood formed a temporary dam at the bridge, resulting in the flood surge rolling upstream along the Stoney Creek River. Eventually, gravity caused the surge to return to the dam, causing a second wave to hit the city, but from a different direction.
When she still did not report several days later, however, the fear that she had been lost began to grow. On November 25 the steamer John D. Rockefeller passed through a field of floating debris near Stannard Rock Light which might have been that of the Bannockburn, though at this time the Bannockburn had not yet been reported lost and the crew of the Rockefeller did not know what might have caused the debris field. By November 30, the ship and crew were officially given up as "lost". By November 26, under pressure from the increasingly distressed families of the crew, a Mr. L.L. Henderson, a manager of the Montreal Transportation Company, claimed he had received a wire from the Chicago office of the underwriter's association which was providing insurance coverage for the ship.
Descartes elaborates on how the universe could have started from utter chaos and with these basic laws could have had its particles arranged so as to resemble the universe we observe today. Once the particles in the chaotic universe began to move, the overall motion would have been circular because there is no void in nature, so whenever a single particle moves, another particle must also move to occupy the space where the previous particle once was. This type of circular motion, or vortex, would have created what Descartes observed to be the orbits of the planets about the sun with the heavier objects spinning out towards the outside of the vortex and the lighter objects remaining closer to the center. To explain this, Descartes used the analogy of a river that carried both floating debris (leaves, feathers, etc.) and heavy boats.
The initial arrival of the copper skink (and indeed any other skink species) to New Zealand is somewhat uncertain, and is a topic of considerable debate. The level of genetic diversity between the copper skink and other indigenous species suggests strongly that they and their ancestors have been a part of New Zealand's fauna for millions of years, allowing time for many early species to diverge and become distinct from each other. One 2009 study by Chapple, Ritchie and Daugherty, investigating “the origin and diversification” of New Zealand's skinks, produced a molecular phylogeny by analysing genetic sequences of all but one living species. It suggested that all indigenous New Zealand skinks form a monophyletic group with a single ancestor, and that they initially arrived during the early Miocene era, by clinging to floating debris from New Caledonia.
At the beginning of Alabamas raiding ventures, the newly commissioned cruiser may have been forced, out of necessity, to fly the only battle ensign available to Captain Semmes: an early 1861, 7-star First National Flag, possibly the same battle ensign flown aboard his previous command, the smaller commerce raider CSS Sumter. Between 21 May and 28 November 1861, six more Southern states seceded and joined the Confederacy. Well before Alabama was launched as Enrica at Birkenhead, Merseyside in North West England, six more white, 5-pointed stars had been added to the "Stars and Bars" far away across the Atlantic on the Confederate mainland.First National Flag "Stars and Bars" 7-star battle ensign, 4 May 1861 – 21 May 1861, 1:2 aspect ratio One such early "Stars and Bars" battle ensign was salvaged from Alabamas floating debris, following her sinking by Kearsarge.
December 29, 1974. Airplane Tu-16, commander kn A. Korepanov, class 1. During the flight Ostrov - Severomorsk-3 the plane collided with a hill at a distance of 18 km from the airfield, due to the incorrect barometric pressure of the landing airfield at altimeter and VD-20. The crew of 7 people died. 07.13.1988. Departure by a pair of Tu-16s in the Barents Sea, in the afternoon. Complicated weather conditions: cirrus cloudy 5 points, visibility 2–4 km. At an altitude of 9900 meters, the leading aircraft, with the smoke of the right engine, with the left bank and an energetic decline, went out of sight of the slave. A rescue plane at the crash site found two oil stains in the sea, floating debris, a LAS-5M-3 boat and personal belongings of crew members of the aft cockpit.
Storis and Raritan were ordered to investigate and rescue survivors while the rest of the convoy began zigzagging and steering evasive courses to avoid enemy submarines. Although Storis and Raritan were able to arrive on the scene within ten minutes, only two survivors and one body could be found. At 0715 the two vessels returned to the main body of the convoy, having rescued Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class Melvin A. Baldwin and Seaman 1st Class Raymond F. O'Malley Jr., and having found the body of LT Prause. The entire crew of 13 officers and 92 men was lost to the explosion or to rapid hypothermia in the water with the exception of Baldwin and O'Malley, whose survival was attributed to their soaked clothing having frozen their unconscious bodies to floating debris, which prevented them from following their shipmates to the bottom.
Water is typically drawn from the pool via a rectangular aperture in the wall, connected through to a device fitted into one (or more) wall/s of the pool. The internals of the skimmer are accessed from the pool deck through a circular or rectangle lid, about one foot in diameter. If the pool's water pump is operational water is drawn from the pool over a floating hinged weir (operating from a vertical position to 90 degrees angle away from the pool, in order to stop leaves and debris being back-flooded into the pool by wave action), and down into a removable "skimmer basket", the purpose of which is to entrap leaves, dead insects and other larger floating debris. The aperture visible from the pool side is typically 1' 0" (300 mm) wide by 6" (150 mm) high, which intersects the water midway though the center of the aperture.
Some creatures float among the waves on the surface of the water, or raft on floating debris, others swim at a range of depths, including organisms in the demersal zone close to the seabed, and myriads of organisms drift with the currents and form the plankton. Desert scene in Egypt A desert is not the kind of habitat that favours the presence of amphibians, with their requirement for water to keep their skins moist and for the development of their young. Nevertheless, some frogs live in deserts, creating moist habitats underground and hibernating while conditions are adverse. Couch's spadefoot toad (Scaphiopus couchii) emerges from its burrow when a downpour occurs and lays its eggs in the transient pools that form; the tadpoles develop with great rapidity, sometimes in as little as nine days, undergo metamorphosis, and feed voraciously before digging a burrow of their own.
Under the Lend-Lease Act, Chelan was transferred to the Royal Navy on 2 May 1941, and the British commissioned her into naval service the same day. Rated as a sloop-of-war, she served in the Royal Navy with the name HMS Lulworth (Y60). On 27 August 1941, Lulworth rescued 27 survivors of the Norwegian motor cargo ship Segundo, which the German submarine had torpedoed and sunk in the North Atlantic west of Ireland at in an attack on Convoy OS-4, picking up two of them from life rafts about 30 minutes after Segundo sank, then 23 more from lifeboats, and finally two more clinging to floating debris after about two hours. On 23 September 1941, she picked up 37 survivors of the British steam cargo ship Niceto de Larrinaga, which the German submarine U-103 had torpedoed and sunk on 22 September 1941 in the North Atlantic southwest of the Canary Islands at in an attack on Convoy SL 87. On 24 September 1941 she rescued five survivors of the British steam cargo ship St. Clair II, also from Convoy SL-87, which the German submarine had torpedoed and sunk in the North Atlantic that day west-northwest of the Canary Islands at .

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