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"filicide" Definitions
  1. the murder of one's own daughter or son
"filicide" Antonyms

51 Sentences With "filicide"

How to use filicide in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "filicide" and check conjugation/comparative form for "filicide". Mastering all the usages of "filicide" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's hard to romanticize and sexualize a woman committing filicide.
His death was both a filicide and a mercy killing.
So the threat of filicide doesn't go away when people get old enough to move out on their own.
"There's been a ton of research on filicide and child maltreatment, but we haven't really gotten any further in understanding it," Shackelford says.
The findings revealed that step-parents tended to commit filicide by beating and bludgeoning, unlike genetic fathers, who were more likely to shoot or asphyxiate their children.
Other reasons Resnick's research has identified for filicide include viewing the child as a hindrance, and accidentally killing him or her due to maltreatment, such as abuse or neglect.
A recent Brown University study calculated an average of about 200 cases of maternal filicide—a mother murdering her own child—in the US, per year from 1976 to 2007.
A Case Western Reserve University analysis found a high prevalence of mental illness among women who were either incarcerated for maternal filicide or hospitalized after being acquitted of the crime due to insanity.
Forensic psychiatrist Phillip J. Resnick, pioneer in the study of filicide research, identified five major reasons: Altruism: The parent kills the child because he or she may perceive it to be in the child's best interest.
The second and third sections of the novel become nothing more than clunky melodrama laced with ever-greater implausibility and snarled in repetitive references to the two classic stories of patricide and filicide until the foreshadowing becomes positively penumbral.
Here, he manages to nail the turn from disbelief to contemplating filicide without making it too overtly goofy, which is imperative, given that Lucas and his mother Samantha (Evangeline Lilly) function more as props for the story than full characters.
Instead of allowing her children to grow up motherless in an unkind world, or face what she views as a fate worse than death, the mother thinks she's acting in their best interest, says Philip Resnick, a leading filicide researcher who co-authored the analysis.
A study in the journal Forensic Science International looked at three decades worth of filicide cases (between 1976 and 2007) and found they occurred about 383 times a year in the US. Almost 72% of those killed by their own parents were 6 years old or younger.
Glen Carruthers, author of "Making sense of spousal revenge filicide," argued that those who engage in spousal revenge killings see their own children as objects.
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent killing their own child. The word filicide is derived from the Latin words filius and filia (son and daughter) and the suffix -cide, meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. The word can refer both to the crime and to the perpetrator of the crime.
A 1999 U.S. Department of Justice study concluded that mothers were responsible for a higher share of children killed during infancy between 1976 and 1997 in the United States, while fathers were more likely to have been responsible for the murders of children aged eight or older. Furthermore, 58-percent of the children who were killed by their mothers (maternal filicide) were female, while 42-percent of the children who were killed by their fathers (paternal filicide) were male. Parents were responsible for 61-percent of child murders under the age of five. Sometimes, there is a combination of murder and suicide in filicide cases.
Sandeela Kanwal was murdered by her father, an act of filicide, in an honor killing in Clayton County, Georgia, in the Atlanta metropolitan area, on July 6, 2008.
The Laius complex revolves around the paternal wish for filicide, particularly for the extinction of the male heir, in an attempt to ensure one will have no successors.
Orestes Pursued by the Furies by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Clytemnestra was murdered by Orestes and the Furies torment him for his crime History records many conflicts between mothers and their children. Some even resulted in murder, such as the conflict between Cleopatra III of Egypt and her son Ptolemy X. In modern cultures, matricide (the killing of one's mother) and filicide (the killing of one's son or daughter) have been studied but remain poorly understood. Psychosis and schizophrenia are common causes of both, and young, indigent mothers with a history of domestic abuse are slightly more likely to commit filicide. Mothers are more likely to commit filicide than fathers when the child is 8 years old or younger.
"Last Statement John David Battaglia #999412 ." Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Retrieved on February 7, 2018. was an American convicted murderer who was executed by the state of Texas for filicide.
On average, according to FBI statistics, 450 children are murdered by their parents each year in the United States.USA Today. Parents who do the unthinkable -- kill their children An in-depth longitudinal study of 297 cases convicted of filicide and 45 of filicide-suicide in the United Kingdom between 1997 and 2006 showed that 37% of the perpetrators had a recorded mental illness at the time. The most common diagnoses were mood disorders and personality disorders rather than psychosis, but the latter accounted for 15% of cases.
Her filicide would go on to become the standard for later writers.Hyginus Fabulae 25; Ovid Met. 7.391ff.; Seneca Medea; Bibliotheca 1.9.28 favors Euripides' version of events, but also records the variant that the Corinthians killed Medea's children in retaliation for her crimes.
Dr. Phillip Resnick published research on filicide in 1969 and stated that there were five main motives for filicide, including "altruistic," "fatal maltreatment," "unwanted child," and "spousal revenge." "Altruistic" killings occur because the parent believes that the world is too cruel for the child, or because the child is enduring suffering (whether this is actually occurring or not). In fatal maltreatment killings, the goal is not always to kill the child, but death may occur anyway, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy is in that category. Spousal revenge killings are killings of children done to indirectly harm a domestic partner; they do not frequently occur.
Arnaldo Rascovsky (1 January 1907 – 1 May 1995) was an Argentine pediatrician and psychoanalyst. He graduated from University of Buenos Aires. Rascovsky was instrumental in establishing Buenos Aires as an important center for psychoanalysis in Latin America and made significant contribution to the analysis of filicide.
Postpartum psychosis, especially when there is a marked component of depression, has a small risk of filicide. In acute manic or cycloid cases, this risk is about 1% name="Cambridge 2017, p240-6." . Most of these incidents have occurred before the mother came under treatment, and some have been accidental.
The chorus is left contemplating the will of Zeus in Medea's actions: This deliberate murder of her children by Medea appears to be Euripides' invention, although some scholars believe Neophron created this alternate tradition.See McDermott 1985, 10-15. Her filicide would go on to become the standard for later writers.Hyginus Fabulae 25; Ovid Met. 7.391ff.
Despite several warnings from his father Hiranyakashipu, Prahlāda continued to worship Vishnu instead. His father then decided to commit filicide and poison Prahlāda, but he survived. He then trampled the boy with elephants, but the boy still lived. Then he put Prahlāda in a room with venomous snakes, and they made a bed for him with their bodies.
Tolkien suggested that Hildeburh's son was raised by Hnæf, and was being brought back to Finn at his coming of age; even that Hildeburh's son was one of the party besieged with Hnæf inside the great hall. Such a theory would add an extra layer of complexity, of a feeling of possible responsibility for filicide, to the already complicated psychological motivations of Finn.
The musicians in the ensemble include Sonia Slany on violin, Jocelyn Pook and Jules Singleton on viola, and Sian Bell on cello. The song derives elements from blues and electronica, the latter due to notable use of a synthesized organ. The song's lyrics tell the story of a woman committing filicide. The woman drowns her daughter "down by the water" and "won't see her again".
To Jordan, the killing was "altruistic filicide"; a mercy killing. Mirra, who was diagnosed with autism, was not able to speak. Jordan indicated that Mirra, through FC, had told her "I need a lot of drugs to die peacefully" and "I wish you do it soon." Although Jordan and Mirra communicated by typing together on a Blackberry, no witnesses ever observed Mirra type by himself.
Olive Violet Ruby Duck (also known as Olive Moores; 27 March 1912 - 19 May 1925) was a 13-year-old Australian girl who was murdered on 19 May 1925 by her father, Oliver Johnson Duck in a case of paternal filicide.(21 May 1925) A Grim Tragedy, The Morning Bulletin. Retrieved 9 August 2019.(9 July 1925) Father murders daughter - imprisonment for life, The Argus. Retrieved 9 August 2019.
Claudia Mijangos Azrac (born 26 May 1956, in Mazatlan, Sinaloa) is a Mexican murder ex-convict who was condemned in 1990 for filicide. Mijangos stabbed her three children to death declaring she was obliged by a diabolical entity that possessed her. She was diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy. Therefore, she was only condemned to 30 years in prison, the minimum sentence for such a crime in Mexico.
Noor Faleh Almaleki (; 18 February 1989 - 2 November 2009) was an Iraqi American who died as a result of a collision from an automobile, inflicted as part of an honor killing perpetrated by her father, in Peoria, Arizona (Phoenix metropolitan area), an act of filicide. Amnesty International USA stated that the murder was in headlines across the United States "because it happened in Arizona" instead of a faraway foreign country.
An early reference to filicide (the killing of a child by a parent) is in Greek mythology. In his play Medea, Euripides portrayed Medea as having killed her two sons after Jason abandoned her for the daughter of the King of CorinthHamilton, E.: Mythology. New York, Mentor Book, 1942 giving us what has been termed the Medea Complex.Wittels, F.: Psychoanalysis and literature, in Lorand, S. (ed): Psychoanalysis Today, Albanay, N.Y., Boyd Printing Co., 1944.
Riley Ann Sawyers (March 11, 2005 – July 24, 2007) was a two-year-old American girl who was beaten to death by her mother and stepfather in a filicide. Her body was later found in Galveston Bay, Texas. Police were unable to immediately identify the remains due to decomposition, and began a nationwide effort to learn the child's name. Riley Ann’s identity was confirmed when her paternal grandmother, Sheryl Sawyers, notified police after seeing a composite sketch.
In the conflict that ensued, Irene was victorious and Constantine was blinded and imprisoned, to die soon afterward. The revulsion generated by this incident of filicide cum regicide was compounded by the traditional (and especially Frankish) aversion to the idea of a female sovereign. Consequently, to the Franks, the imperial throne was vacant and free for Charlemagne to claim. Although it is often claimed that, as monarch, Irene called herself in the male form basileus, in fact she normally used the title basilissa.
In addition to this heightened risk to a mother with stepchildren, the genetically unrelated stepfather also poses a risk to the child; research has shown that children are at much greater risk of violence and filicide (murder of a child) from stepfathers compared to a genetic father. This may be because investment from a stepfather reduces reproductive benefits. Research has found that the presence of stepchildren can significantly increase the risk of uxoricide for women. A large number of filicides are accompanied by uxoricide and suicide.
Two centuries ago, cruelty to children, perpetrated by employers and teachers, was widespread, and corporal punishment customary in many countries. But, in the first half of the 19th century, pathologists studying filicide (the parental killing of children) reported cases of death from paternal rage,Editorial (1848) Triple infanticide – suicide du meurtrier. Annales Médico-psycholiques 11: 108 only. recurrent physical maltreatment,Leuret (1837) Suspicion de folie chez une femme reconnue coupable d'avoir, pendant sa grossesse fait des blessures mortelles a deux de ses enfans: affaire R. Annales d'Hygiène Publique et de Médecine Légale 17: 374-400.
The Substantial Spirit of an ancient queen with a history of filicide, Etheldredda wreaks havoc on the Castle when her spirit is accidentally released by Silas in Physik. Etheldredda, being an ancient queen is described having the typical dressing sense and looks of a somewhat Renessaince period. Etheldredda was a tyrannical ruler during her rule. Having already murdered her two unnamed twin daughters, she was on the verge of killing her daughter Esmeralda, who was the successor to the throne, when she was thwarted by Septimus and the others back in time in Physik.
Under the Roman Law, patria potestas, the right of a father to kill his own children was protected.Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition: St. Paul, Minnesota, West Publishing Company142 N.Y.S.2d 163 It was not until the 4th century that the Roman state, influenced by Christianity, began to regard filicide as a crime. Still, mothers who killed their infants or newborns received lesser sentences under both the laws of the church and the state. The church consistently dealt more leniently with those mothers whose children died by overlaying, an accidental death by smothering when a sleeping parent rolled over on the infant.
The Labourers of Herakles is a 1995 play created by English poet and playwright Tony Harrison. It is partially based on remaining fragments of tragedies by ancient Greek dramatist Phrynichos, one of the earliest tragedians. Harrison's play deals with genocide and ethnic cleansing and uses Heracles filicide as a metaphor for the unspeakable horrors of war and man's inhumanity to man. Immediately after the 23 August performance of his play at Delphi Harrison left for a frontline assignment to witness the Bosnian War and write poems for the atrocities in an assignment commissioned by The Guardian.
The poem's description of gold as a "discord-metal of men" () does however align with the Icelandic Rune Poem's opening line, "wealth is kinsmen's discord" (). Guðrún is relentless in her need to avenge her brothers. Although the poem expresses horror when it portrays the consequences of her actions—filicide, unsuspecting cannibalism and the deaths of kings—there is no direct condemnation of her behaviour. Unlike in Guðrúnarhvöt, where Guðrún is angry at the Norns for making her kill her sons, Atlakviða only suggests sorrow once, in strophe 37, before strophe 38 says that she "never wept".
Citizen Autistic is a 2013 documentary film directed by William Davenport exploring the advocacy work of autism rights activists. Citizen Autistic features interviews with autistic activists including Ari Ne'eman, co-founder and former president of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, and Zoe Gross, creator of the Disability Day of Mourning annual vigils held in honor of filicide victims with disabilities. The documentary covers topics important to neurodiversity such as the debate over whether researchers should seek a cure for autism and controversies surrounding the nonprofit organization Autism Speaks and the Judge Rotenberg Center, a residential institution known for using electric skin shock aversive treatment as a form of behavioral modification.
"Delta Dawn" and "Baby Jane" are the names given to an unidentified child murder victim whose body was found in Moss Point, Mississippi in December 1982. In a suspected filicide, the child — aged approximately 18 months — was partially smothered before she was thrown alive from the eastbound Interstate 10 bridge into the Escatawpa River, where she ultimately drowned. Her body was recovered between 36 and 48 hours after her death. This unidentified decedent became known as both "Delta Dawn" and "Baby Jane" due to her sex, her age, and the fact her body was discovered at daybreak close to a delta of the Escatawpa River.
The Asura King Hiranyakashipu, having been granted the boon of immortality by Brahma, projects himself as Supreme Being, even beyond Vishnu, whom he wants to avenge for killing his brother Hirnayaksha. After years of penance Brahma grants Hiranyakashipu his boon where he asks not to be killed by man or animal, on earth or space, inside the house or outside, and neither at dawn or at night. In his arrogance he aims for filicide when his son Prahlada rejects him as the supreme power, worshipping only Vishnu as the true God. He makes several attempts at killing Prahlad, one of them by burning him on the pyre.
In this expedition he was successful; he defeated Demetrius and drove him out of his father's provinces.Plutarch, "Demetrius", 46 Agathocles was originally intended to be the successor of Lysimachus, and was popular among his subjects; however, in 284 he was executed for treason. Conflicting sources point to his stepmother, Arsinoe II, as the main accuser in an attempt to position her own son, Ptolemy, as Lysimachus' successor, while other sources indicate that Lysimachus was independently acting on a belief that his son was conspiring against him. Agathocles' widow, Lysandra, fled with their children and Agathocles' paternal half-brother, Alexander, to Seleucus I Nicator in Syria, who subsequently declared war upon Lysimachus as consequence for his act of filicide.
The Greeks of classical times claimed to be horrified by Tantalus's doings; cannibalism and filicide were atrocities and taboo. Tantalus's punishment for his act, now a proverbial term for temptation without satisfaction (the source of the English word tantalise), was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any. Over his head towers a threatening stone (mentioned in Pindar's 8th Isthmian ode, lines 10–12.) like the one that Sisyphus is punished to roll up a hill.
Vishnu's half-man half-lion avatar, Narasimha Prahlāda was born to Kayadu and Hiranyakashipu, an evil daitya king who had been granted a boon that he could not be killed of anything born from a living womb, neither be killed by a man nor an animal, neither during the day nor at night, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither on land, nor in the air nor in water and of no man made weapon. However, after repeated attempts of filicide by Hiranyakashipu unto Prahlāda, Prahlāda was finally saved by Lord Narasimha, a prominent avatar of God Vishnu who descended to demonstrate the quality of Divine rage and redemption by killing the demon king. The word "Narsimha" is derived from the Sanskrit word" nara" meaning Man and "siṃha" meaning lion.Thus, the Lord took the form of a part man, part lion to kill the Asura.
Pamuk's tenth novel, The Red-Haired Woman (2016) is the story of a well-digger and his apprentice looking for water on barren land. It is also a novel of ideas in the tradition of the French conte philosophique. In mid-1980s Istanbul, Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig new wells; this is the tale of their back-breaking struggle, but it is also an exploration—through stories and images—of ideas about fathers and sons, authoritarianism and individuality, state and freedom, reading and seeing. This short, compelling novel is at once a realist text investigating a murder which took place thirty years ago near Istanbul, and a fictional inquiry into the literary foundations of civilizations, comparing two fundamental myths of the West and the East respectively: Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (a story of patricide) and Ferdowsi's tale of Rostam and Sohrab (a story of filicide).
A limited edition of the book has been purchased by the Province of Rome under the Presidency of Nicola Zingaretti, and it was distributed as a reference reading for high school students as part of a project intended to promote a culture of lawfulness and to combat youth crime. Within this framework, Arrighi met about two hundred students, sitting for Q&A; sessions about crimes and criminality. Arrighi released his first crime novel, Vincolo di sangue in 2012.. Based on a filicide case committed by Rosalia Quartararo in Summer 1993, the book featured in the Ibs list of best-selling books for six months, ranking sixth. In the same year, Italy’s top commercial broadcaster Mediaset has interviewed Gianluca Arrighi as one of the eight best Italian crime writers. With L’inganno della memoria, published in March 2014, Arrighi brought to life the fictional character Elia Preziosi, a Rome-based enigmatic and aloof public prosecutor.
The remarked decreasing homicide rate in modern Japan could be caused mainly by the warless period of Japan without conscription for more than 60 years (Kageyama J, 2000). 2\. Crime of “Self-Affirmation (Self-Validation)” Type (qualitative changes) Taking into account the various trends and characteristics of recent crimes, the author has come up with his own naming for a model fitting the patterns, namely the “self-affirmation” or “self-validation” model. What the author means by this term is that by committing such actions, the individuals try to affirm or reaffirm their own existence to society or validate their own power. The author believes that such crimes are rooted in these motives whose underlying psychological background is “Egopathy (pathology of the self)” or the “Empty Self”. These kinds of crimes occur in “postindustrial society, or the age of what Toffler refers to as the “third wave”. Or we might also call it the “information society” or “cyber society”. Kageyama has published many papers and books on criminal psychopathology; political assassination (“Assassinology”), mass murder, alcohol crime, harassment, filicide,mentally disordered offenders etc. As a psychiatric expert, he has conducted more than 900 forensic examinations.

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