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101 Sentences With "feel excited"

How to use feel excited in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "feel excited" and check conjugation/comparative form for "feel excited". Mastering all the usages of "feel excited" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Did seeing the data make you feel excited and empowered?
People don't feel excited about things they used to love.
There are a lot of reasons to feel excited about this.
Instead of feeling sedated, they feel excited, paranoid, and yes, even aggressive.
What is it about GDC that makes me feel excited about games?
Hanging pictures or redecorating can make you feel excited about what's ahead.
It made me feel excited about recording because the response was overwhelming.
I couldn't help but feel excited as I walked up to the restaurant.
Do you feel excited about being in a fair that's celebrating black creators?
After getting to know many of the women, I too feel excited for them.
Regardless, I feel excited that there are finally roles for me and my community.
The good Jesuit may feel excited or depressed, but—remember—he never shows it.
I think we chose the name because it makes you feel excited and passionate.
They feel excited about the mall becoming a place where they can hang out.
I feel excited about what is ahead of us in these last four events.
Only 25% of Clinton supporters say they would feel excited if she were to win.
It's impossible not to feel excited about the future when you hear Marsai Martin's story.
You're mingling with and meeting new, weird people that you understand and feel excited about.
It could make you want to dance, feel excited or simply just feel connected with everybody.
I feel excited now because the running and filmmaking are what my potato self is becoming.
Dear Secretary Clinton: I want to feel excited about supporting you in your bid for president.
I feel excited and I feel proud and I hope there are so many more soon.
Sammi thought it over—she couldn't help but feel excited by the thought of inhaling some Puri.
But rather than feel excited, many football fans are sad, because 20 of 33 teams are eliminated.
Women who are positively engaged with their data see their data and feel excited by their results.
Catch up with the people who make you feel excited about life after you spend time together.
The following morning I feel excited, like a child, as I check to see if he's responded.
Do I wake up in the morning and feel excited — even for the challenges that come with this?
It's hard to feel excited for this couple when Arie's own actions cast a cloud over their love.
All well and good, yet many donors also want to feel excited about where their money is going.
"I feel excited to compete again," Mein said on the media day as reported by the Edmonton Sun.
It's been three months since my last treatment, and I've even started to feel excited about my future.
The Future: Marsai Martin It's impossible not to feel excited about the future when you hear Marsai Martin's story.
No millennial wants to join Olam because they feel excited about the prospect of selling more cocoa or coffee.
We want DJs to come and feel excited and feel they're at home — that they're part of something totally different.
They put in so much work and play for each other that I can't help but feel excited for them.
"I [then] let the project rest for some time, and if I still feel excited about it, I move forward".
"We feel excited about the change to Starbucks' loyalty program," he said in an interview during a trip to Frankfurt.
But, also, we should feel excited for humanity's potential to fill it in, one tiny frustrating bit at a time.
So finding a gown that would make her feel excited to step out in front of cameras was a task.
" Continued the 32-year-old, "We went back last night, still held hands, took more pics, AND we still feel excited.
You got a little bump of me, I made you feel excited, but I was out of your system too quick.
"I feel excited and lucky to be working on this project for Netflix," Letterman said in regard to the show announcement.
As I left with my haul of goodies, I couldn't help but feel excited to plan my next trip to Lawson.
There are a lot of really smart people asking tough questions, and I feel excited to see what the outcome will be.
I was devastated last week but have now come to terms with her leaving and I'm able to feel excited for her.
Once I knew I didn't have to do that, I realized that there may be a future I could feel excited for.
With more parties and candidates running, there'd be more likelihood that voters would feel excited about at least one of the candidates.
"I feel excited and lucky to be working on this project for Netflix," the 70-year-old Letterman said in a release.
Since I don't outline, I tend to just go wherever my imagination leads me and where I feel excited to write about.
I think it really made me realize how few opportunities we give women to feel excited and inspired by the female characters.
It's hard not to feel excited about the bargains to be had on Amazon Prime Day and pretty much any day on Amazon.
Worst of all was that I couldn't feel excited on almost any level — I'd sit through TV shows and movies like a stone.
But I think what I feel excited about with AI is that AI is to understand people, the inside of the human beings.
It's defined an era for me as a human being, but as an actor I feel excited and I feel hopeful, you know?
If you can find an environment where you can be yourself and you can be authentic and feel excited, your career will fly.
Startups generally feel excited about gaining expertise from such a successful firm, but some may rue the day they accepted funding, because of conflicts.
I've been meaning to get to it for years, so it made me feel excited and added a sense of purpose to my days.
Suddenly I, too, feel excited to spend the evening screaming a bunch of pop punk and grunge tracks with someone I've known for five minutes.
If it makes you feel excited and it's good then it's house, if it's boring and doesn't make you wanna dance then it's not house.
Yes, people care about price and speed, but we also want someone to feel excited and inspired to pick from one of our hundred-plus fabrics.
"Celebratory days like the Fourth of July make us feel excited and in good spirits which puts us in the right mood for sex," she said.
This means some Clinton supporters, because they got the sense that she won and feel excited, might be overrepresented in polls of the next few days.
It's refreshing to see a woman afraid to embrace motherhood, because not all women feel excited about being mothers right off the bat, or ever at all.
The same CNN exit poll found that almost all of Trump's supporters—90 percent, if you're counting—feel "excited" about the idea of their candidate as president.
If you've dealt successfully with stress in the past or you feel a sense of mastery over it, you may feel excited or invigorated by [new stress].
This is particularly fantastic for your love life, and you'll feel excited about having fun with the people you care about, despite Saturn and Neptune's confusing vibes.
"These developments leave us exceptionally well positioned for 2017 and beyond, so we feel excited about what the future holds for Notion," he adds in a statement.
Fifty-three percent of voters surveyed for the USA Today/Suffolk University poll said they feel excited about Biden running, while 2628 percent said he shouldn't run.
Getting a new planner can make 2020 feel like an actual clean slate, and writing down big events for the coming year will help you feel excited
I just think that there hasn't quite been the combination of a really fun experience, where people feel excited to share what they're really digging on, that's also listenable.
Also in the survey, 55% of the Nevada residents surveyed said that the 2016 election makes them feel "alarmed," while 24% feel "excited" and 11% said they felt bored.
"E stands for energizing or those tasks I feel excited/invigorated by completing, and N mean[s] neutral, and D is for the tasks I find draining," Dill explained.
But at the end of the day, to turn out voters you need to make them feel excited about the idea of being part of something larger and interesting.
Reality Check: Donald Trump and the Central Park 5 And 63% of people surveyed said they feel "alarmed" about the presidential race, while 21% feel excited and 9% feel bored.
I couldn't help but feel excited as I stepped off the train and saw a sky the color of lavender as the sun began to sink into the Thames River. 
"Focus on something that worries or bothers you about your upcoming week and also on something you are eager to do, something that makes you feel excited and happy," McKee writes.
Both of you made music in other projects before Minimal Violence—what do you feel excited about in the music you make together that you haven't been able to capture elsewhere?
"I work to present what I know in a way that connects with people on an emotional level, to help people feel excited, hopeful, motivated, and positive about their nutrition," she said.
This changed when I decided to jack in the idea of a career in graphic design and pursue something that actually made me feel excited in the pit of my belly—cooking.
I like to consider myself a proponent of new technology, and feel excited about a future (or present?) in which everyone can experience the farthest reaches of what the world has to offer.
"For myself I feel excited about the opportunities I have, but I am concerned that there's not more female directors," Portman tells PEOPLE, speaking in support of her new film Knight of Cups.
"There's been some really awesome moments because of this, but it's hard to feel excited or happy about them because you realize what happened and why we're getting all these opportunities," she said.
"I was nervous, for sure, because it's nerve-racking to take something totally personal and put it in front of the world, but I feel excited," she said while attending CinemaCon in Las Vegas.
The idea was creating a restaurant that ... or a place to eat that made you feel excited to eat it, good while you're eating it, good right after, and good many years after. Mm-hmm.
That's why a growing number of designers, from DIY home crafters to artists to ambitious entrepreneurs, are creating fashions designed to help LGBTQ people feel excited about their appearance in ways they never thought possible.
According to Pew, a mere 11% of voters overall say they would feel excited if Trump were to win, virtually the same number (12%) who would be excited if the former secretary of state is victorious.
Since the Kardashians have perfected this genius strategy over the last 12 years, it was impossible not to feel excited about season 16, which was bound to cover the Jordyn Woods-Tristan Thompson alleged cheating scandal.
Whether you believe he should be jumping the queue in the most talent rich division in MMA or not, it is hard not to feel excited for McGregor's shot at the lightweight title at UFC 205.
"When our house lights fade out for showtime, we want people to feel excited for what they're about to see, not exhausted by the theatergoing experience," said the theater's creative manager and associate film programmer, Kris King.
You might feel proud or you might feel scared; you might feel excited or you might feel sad; whatever you're feeling, let it flow onto the paper so you're in a place to share, think, and move forward.
Trump really does need to try to reduce basic doubts about his fundamental fitness for office, and Clinton really does need to do more to be someone whom people who don't like Trump can feel excited and positive about.
After the Supreme Court's June 2015 decision in favor of marriage equality, Dunham said she felt a lot of pressure to "just go for it that day," but the two wanted to "wait for a moment where we feel excited about" getting married.
And so for us, I think it's also very much fun to be excited, and feel excited when you're at these events because why try to feel something else when you're flying all the way across the country to go to an event?
It's for this reason that speaking to her—two emos on a gravestone; crisp, brown leaves rustling under our feet—and watching her silence a gobby, half-cut east London crowd with one strum of her guitar strings makes me feel excited.
Enas Suliman, a 26-year-old teacher who has been marching in the protests since December, told BuzzFeed News via WhatsApp from Khartoum that it was difficult to feel excited about al-Bashir's arrest when it appeared he would simply be replaced by another military leader.
The exit polls also showed that even in the midst of a heated primary, about 2 out of 3 Democrats will be excited or optimistic if Hillary Clinton is their nominee -- and almost the same exact percentage will feel excited or optimistic if Bernie Sanders it their nominee.
No matter what occasion, backdrop, or time of year, Solange Knowles always makes us feel excited about fashion — whether she's showing up in a metallic, olive-hued Gucci gown to the Grammys or sharing a laid-back #OOTD featuring an off-the-shoulder CF. Goldman blouse styled with Reeboks.
"On the one hand, you feel excited, because you don&apost often find artifacts in their original context," said study co-author Robin Dennell, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, referring to the fact that the artifacts had stayed put in the original layer of sediment.
"There's pressure and advice and comments on an outfit that I wear or the way I wear my hair, so having a wedding and making those big decisions and having it look a certain way for Instagram, yeah, there's definitely pressure to pull something off that will make people feel excited," Amanda says.

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