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121 Sentences With "fascistic"

How to use fascistic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fascistic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fascistic". Mastering all the usages of "fascistic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This move would be fascistic if it weren't so farcical.
America has no precedent for how to defuse a fascistic movement.
What was striking was his tone: pessimistic, angry, sneeringly and unsmilingly fascistic.
Today, he liked this tweet by fascistic Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.
It was kind of a mishmash of different sorts of fascistic themes.
Ms Mogherini has been attacked in the press as a "fascistic Sorosoid bimbo".
Surrounded by battered old Stormtroopers, Herzog is looking to reestablish the old fascistic order.
"When those incidents began, I said those are fascistic measures," Mr. Erdogan said Sunday.
They seem blissfully ignorant of the contradiction in using fascistic tactics as anti-fascist protesters.
This list hardly captures all of Trump fascistic musings, but the point is obvious enough.
"It is an economic war totally orchestrated by fascistic factions on the right," Ruiz explained.
Absolutely. Should the Democratic Party be leading the charge of that "resistance" to Trump's fascistic tendencies?
It's a show about systemic, fascistic control, and especially about the control and ownership of women's bodies.
The same people who denounced President Bush's "imperial presidency" cheered at Obama's fascistic power grabs like this.
They enforce a kind of fascistic conformity, like Mao suits but more cheaply made and less chic.
LEVIN: So the Senator from Connecticut, his comments on the Senate floor were spread throughout these fascistic regimes?
Other leaders, like Hungary's Orbán, have fascistic tendencies, but I'm not sure they've totally crossed this line yet.
The rise in Holocaust denial and in fascistic movements across the world make it more relevant than ever.
" The mid-century citizen had been primed to accept magical thinking by systems of fascistic "opaqueness and inscrutability.
"You had real misuses of personal information to achieve totalitarian and fascistic goals [during World War II]," said Wugmeister.
Especially with your new Negro Superman persona, which radically inverts the academic assumption that the Übermensch is necessarily fascistic.
Her concerns about civilization manifest in her critiques of fascistic, racist, misogynistic, and male-dominated Western institutions and ideologies.
"When those incidents began, I said those are fascistic measures," Mr. Erdogan said in a speech on Sunday afternoon.
The very idea of a superhero, someone whose very being is just better than everybody else, carries certain fascistic overtones.
Known today for their fascistic sympathies, the Italian Futurists developed a rowdy theatrical tradition of declamation and noisy musical accompaniment.
Is it in Order's nature to always fall into a fascistic mode, where the obliteration of free will is inevitable?
If, as many claim, Trump is a profound fascistic threat, then extraordinary protest tactics -- even violent tactics -- would be warranted.
But softer and more sophisticated approach—a fascistic one, not a fascist one—can win a mob of angry followers.
In game however, they are presented as fascistic, and willing to execute someone for even thinking ill of the Union.
The Overton Window has shifted, and radical and even fascistic ideas have crept into the mainstream of American and Western discourse.
Today's fascistic leaders aren't as aggressive and bellicose with their geopolitical expansions, because they aren't responding to a single, global grievance.
As today's authoritarians have evolved with the times, they've found ways to incorporate fascistic thinking without discrediting themselves as outright fascists.
Until moderates and leftists can identify these characteristics and talk, clearly, about their costs, fascistic thinking will be hard to challenge.
Sometimes nationalism can be jingoistic — even fascistic — but it can also be a constructive impetus that helps to unify a nation.
Deeply reported and researched, Sakamoto's book provides a fascinating close-up of the travails of wartime life in an increasingly fascistic Japan.
Fascistic rhetoric has been appropriated by the "alt-right," an openly racist movement that helped propel Donald Trump into the White House.
The middle-class cognoscenti is in shock, unable to comprehend that the entire nation actually does not share their near-fascistic Weltanschauung.
Pauline suspects nothing, despite the large tattoo across his shoulder blades, which appears to be a fascistic hybrid of tarantula and bat.
"I certainly did not equate people who voted for Brexit or Trump with a fascistic 'hard right' that must be stopped," he said.
Daenerys was supposed to be the breaker of chains, but her fascistic entrance as the next Westerosi queen suggests she's just another dictator.
Austria needs "a law which prohibits fascistic Islam", Heinz Christian Strache told several thousand supporters at the party's new year meeting in Salzburg.
Also, the idea of deploying thousands of U.S. troops to repel and even fire on the caravan is repellent, fascistic and probably unlawful.
It's all fetishized and fascistic: Oiled leather and polished metal against field-gray coats and gold braid, Galahad and Percival reimagined as Gestapo stormtroopers.
It is a movie about why you might start a rebellion against a fascistic order, rather than simply going along with the status quo.
I was looking for a historical perspective on fascistic movements — how they emerge, why they gain traction, and when they give way to violence.
History: Some historians are comparing the atmosphere to that of the 1930s, when fascistic leagues threatened France's democracy and marched on the National Assembly.
Richard Morrison, the chief music critic of The Times of London, used a column to chide "fascistic" activists for hounding oil and gas sponsors.
The far-right's systems of domination and power also form the basis for a so-called "White Sharia" movement employed by fascistic and Nazi groups.
The argument by the Israeli Left (and some in the American Jewish Left) is that democracies have, in the past, become fascistic through democratic means.
They know from their own difficult experience, both past and present, what to expect of fascistic and xenophobic leaders who appeal to the worst impulses.
"We find her in this current season no longer besties with the prez, that's for sure, and determined to fight this fascistic regime," she said.
But they also want to dismantle the entire depraved system that acts in accordance with fascistic ideologies while keeping its bloodied hands under polite, semantic velvet.
Discontent can be balanced through two core methods: the hard, slow work of building public institutions that support the marginalized, or through lies and fascistic oppression.
If someone on the left calls Trump, his administration, or those who would support his administration fascist, it's probably because the administration has displayed fascistic tendencies.
I explore fascistic dietary regimens and admire women who have squatted or implanted their butts into a condition that would give R. Crumb a heart attack.
Detailing these fascistic images at the beginning of NeoRealismo helps contextualize how Italian propaganda formed the basis of the country's neorealism movement in the 21960s and 28s.
I can see why Captain Marvel, a hero I've enjoyed reading, would adopt a borderline fascistic, authoritarian worldview when it comes to the evil she's faced with.
Hillary Clinton, arguably the most qualified candidate in the history of our Republic, lost the Presidency to a fascistic, unhinged narcissist who has never held elected office.
Trump's main problem in governing is not going to be some fascistic ideology; his main problem is going to be his own attention span, ignorance and incompetence.
The software has already been proven to be racially biased, and the last thing an increasingly fascistic law enforcement culture needs are further tools for mass surveillance.
It's a problem compounded by the film's authority figures, whose own commitment to fascistic zealotry is depicted as half-hearted (Rockwell), inanely sinister (Merchant), or entirely nonexistent (Johansson).
But criticism that points out when fascistic and/or racist undertones may be present in a creator's work is useful when it's something that's potentially being consumed by millions.
But some high profile members of Silicon Valley have been rather reluctant to work with the incoming administration, given the nouveau fascistic flavor that Trump seems to give everything.
At the same time, we've seen these huge rallies that Trump conducts, which mirror the theater of fascistic politics, and that is something about which we should be concerned.
Condor also spoke to the transnational nature of right-wing militaries, since Townley took part in several assassinations and usually connected with a different fascistic group in each country.
Still, the currently accepted total for banned subreddits is 18, and in addition to violent or fascistic communities, Reddit appears to have also taken an interest in removing beastiality content.
I suppose you can argue back and forth about whether this government constitutes that, but then we risk missing the opportunity to fight something really pernicious that holds fascistic tendencies.
Hillary Clinton, if she wins, will have to figure out how to lower the temperature that Trump has raised, and how to reintegrate a fascistic mass movement into normal politics.
Trump's speech after the Orlando massacre, his most fascistic to date, proved that he was attempting to capitalize politically off of one of the worst tragedies in recent American history.
Putin's oligarchic Russia, Stephen Shenfield, author of the book Russian Fascism, told me, has meanwhile co-opted fascistic thinking called Eurasianism, a myth of common historical destiny of all Russians.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the Netherlands of "fascistic measures" after the country barred Turkish ministers from rallying the diaspora to vote on a referendum that would increase his powers.
He endorsed Medicare-for-all, called ICE "fascistic" while declining to call for its abolition, and touted the female and minority candidates he had promoted as chair of the Queens Democrats.
If the electors refused to exercise independent judgment to keep a fact-averse political novice with intractable conflicts of interests and fascistic tendencies out of the White House, when would they?
Even when those rallies became eerily fascistic and violent, it was just exciting TV. So CNN really fell into a trap, and they're certainly not alone — everyone was implicated in that.
Judge Dredd Classics: The Dark JudgesWritten and drawn by various people (IDW) Judge Dredd is a fascistic and scary cop in a dystopian future that you wouldn't want to live in.
In just two minutes, we see a Brave New World-type dystopia dominated by self-driving cars, towering fascistic holograms, and a mysterious baddie with some kind of techno-psychic powers.
Instead of addressing working-class grievances, fascistic regimes offer their followers a different form of reward by redrawing the lines of inclusion and exclusion, mass-producing myth and arms in equal measure.
But as those who do hold Trump to the standards of any other person have found out on Twitter and other social media outlets these Trump followers are a nasty fascistic lot.
"  Speaking about mainstream media sources, he claims "they made his xenophobia and his quite frankly fascistic policies seem a valid other-point-of-view instead of calling it out for what it was.
FOOTBALLERS as soldiers of the nation, violence in the stands that heralded war, outrageous corruption and fans belting out fascistic slogans: Croatian football has been a dramatic affair for the past three decades.
America isn't a fascist country, and I know you stopped short of calling Donald Trump a fascist president, but is it fair to say that the US is facilitating this global fascistic shift?
But once in a while he made a photograph with clear political intent, such as the one of Joe McWilliams, a fascistic 21968 congressional candidate shown looking at, and like, a horse's ass.
It seems like something sprung from Dworkin's cataclysmic imagination, that America's most overtly fascistic president would also be the first, as far as we know, to have appeared in soft-core porn films.
Trump's fascistic tendencies are clear: He's leading a racist mass movement based on palingenetic ultranationalism (in other words, the desire to restore a lost greatness) that is filled with contempt for liberal democratic norms.
As for the pitiless ending, in which Raoul and Valentine die at the Huguenots' side, Kriegenburg directed with restraint, avoiding the temptation to drench the stage with blood and populate it with Fascistic thugs.
Now, we get this: A disgraced newspaper editor who was fired for publishing fake photographs interviewing a fascistic American leader who has called all Mexicans rapists, all Muslims dangerous, and half of the world a shithole.
That said, I would also say all of this is happening under a tyrannical, fascistic leader and in some ways I see a lot of this as a certain kind of getting up to speed on neoliberalism.
People might suffer and struggle under a fascistic regime that gets stronger every time he tweets that Trump makes him feel good, but Kanye West will have figured out a new way to market his next product.
The National Front has come a long way since Le Pen's father, the irascibly fascistic Jean-Marie, somehow reached the second round of France's 2002 presidential contest, and proceeded to lose by 64 points to Jacques Chirac.
SALZBURG (Reuters) - The head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Saturday called for a law banning "fascistic Islam" and Muslim symbols, comparable to an existing law banning Nazi symbols, saying Islam could wipe out European society.
On May 13, President Donald Trump granted the first private audience with a sitting president to Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a fascistic leader who prefers to think of Hungary as the historic kingdom guarding the Christian world.
Seduced because it seemed the law of the land to side with the winners, no matter the circumstances or cost; flummoxed because there appeared something unsustainable, and maybe even slightly fascistic, in this unswerving focus on worldly achievement.
When it comes to soccer, I bemoan the immolation acts of Euroweenies, yet if I inspect my psyche for a reason, I have to admit it comes down to complicated feelings about masculinity and a fascistic fetish for rules.
In fact, he says, the ideal of a "decisive battle" waged by great leaders should be seen as a pernicious myth that takes weaker, fascistic powers into wars against nations they know they cannot defeat in the long run.
I am marching in solidarity with women of color, with LGBTQ friends, with persons with disabilities, with immigrants, with any person who is disenfranchised or is threatened by neo-fascistic policies that may come into play with this new government.
In 2016, he was the figure funneling internal Trump polling to an alleged Russian intelligence agent, and one of the figures liaising with fascistic con-man Roger Stone in coordinating events surrounding Wikileaks' dump of Democratic emails, initially swiped by Moscow.
Its what-if vision of a fascistic universe — ruled by "pure-blooded" wizards who seek to eliminate or enslave all who are not like them — is deeply unnerving, and its storybook imagery clutches the subconscious as the grimmest fairy tales do.
The girls (and a sweet, lone boy, Luke) execute interpretive dances choreographed by their blandly fascistic Dance Teacher Pat, but as the play unfolds, their transforming bodies unlock new forms of self-expression, and the locker room becomes their stage.
His policies have been racist; his contempt for women has been on full display; he has actively tried to take basic healthcare away from millions of people; he has pushed the earth closer to nuclear war; routine proclamations are overtly fascistic in tone.
If we can engage in this global struggle with the same confidence and commitment as the other side engage in their jihads and nationalist hate-mongering and fascistic public gatherings, not with military hardware but with ideas and words, it is not too late.
After some 60 years of essentially fascistic rule—the forced rallying behind a bemedalled patriarch, pomp and parades and propaganda disguising the reality that the people have no voice—it was perhaps not surprising that the backlash, when it came, was inarticulate and lacked direction.
Now, the Locust are back in a mutated form as the Swarm, and Kait, along with many Outsiders, has been forced to join up, fighting as part of a global, arguably fascistic, military in the hopes of saving the human race from the onslaught.
He was the first authentic fascist I ever met, not because of political allegiance — he would have been offended if I had used the term — but because calling for extreme state violence to suppress dissent and maintain the social order can only be called fascistic.
Both Pink Floyd and Radiohead used the fascistic threat of being "against the wall" to vent their internal dilemma of pleasing audiences and "Paranoid Android" piles on the even more meta "Ambition makes you look pretty ugly," turning the band's artistic struggles into Art vs.
The Freedom Party was gifted the foreign, interior and defense departments, and Mr. Strache — who denigrated Islam as "fascistic" and as a young man had been arrested at a torch-lit neo-Nazi procession in Germany — took control of the office of vice chancellor.
The Yellow Vest movement, set off by a fuel tax increase, has spawned a rare climate of anti-establishment hatred in France, with some historians comparing it to the atmosphere of the 1930s, when fascistic leagues threatened France's democracy and marched on the National Assembly.
The song's message is pretty simple, but its politics are well thought-out, advocating for racial unity at a time when the candidate representing one-half of the American political spectrum is a fascistic blowhard just a hair shy of openly endorsing a doctrine of white supremacy.
It is essential, however, to make sure that the good kind of seriousness — steady, good-hearted, good-willed — does not slide back into moral smugness or certainty, and that the fascistic thinking and dogmatism against which we retaliated with irony does not become our own signature.
The primary cinematic influence on almost all of the comic-book movies of the past couple years has been Triumph of the Will—an epic, dark, fascistic vision of the future that I enjoy watching as a kind of spectacle, but did not seem right for this movie.
The duo enlisted Uri Minkoff to create nine dark, uniform-like suits "in a fun, fetishistic way, but also a fascistic way," Kelly says, evoking Johnson's turn to the extreme right — including time spent in Germany during the Third Reich, a detail often glossed over in his popular lore.
The book's political doublespeak has become a foundational reference for angry liberal moms writing anti-Trump Facebook screeds, and that whole "technology as a means for fascistic control" was pretty prescient back at a time when computers were building-sized and televisions worked thanks to magical glowing tubes.
His fascistic vow to investigate and jail Clinton upon election; his throwing of his running mate Mike Pence under the runaway Trump Train; his inability to directly answer any of the moderators' questions -- none of these could've given comfort to members of his party that a Trump win would be anything but Pyrrhic.
And yet with a brand-new executive branch already flexing its fascistic muscles and with a noted weed-hater in new attorney general Jeff Sessions, whether marijuana is finally treated as the substance it actually is instead of what liquor-industry-backed old people imagine it to be remains an open question.
Not only do these characters inhabit a fascistic society, consumed by its mission of deep-space colonization and granting great privileges to its warrior-class, clad in Gestapo-type officer uniforms; now they are also seen to applaud the distress of a captured enemy that, however inhuman-looking, possesses cognizance and empathy.
The companies that usually enable the neo-Nazi propaganda website to stay online have faced a public outcry over their continued enablement of fascistic speech in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white supremacist rally that the website helped to organize resulted in the death of anti-fascist demonstrator Heather Heyer.
I also wanted to ask your opinion on broader film culture; in an interview with the Guardian after directing Green Hornet, you called fan culture "fascistic," and I was wondering if you had any further thoughts on that given the way the culture has progressed, with fandom seeming to have more influence on the creative process.
In terms of a push back on Trump, I remember when George W. Bush got elected and it wasn't until the 9/11 stuff happened and then the Patriot Act came and the war in Iraq, but it took a while for social movements to move away from what was, at the time, the globalization movement and then readjust towards the fascistic policies of the Bush administration.
And to have the Democrats basically saying get rid of ICE or they are fascistic or whatever rather than proposing concrete solutions like build the wall, secure the borders, and have a pathway to citizenship for the Dreamers, that&aposs logical and rational and what swing voters want, not just this rhetoric and this extreme behavior that Democrats appear in some way to be encouraging, Laura.
It is almost certain, though, that this particular coded language was written into his prepared text by one of three fascistic advisers: Stephen Miller, a one-time fellow traveler of Richard Spencer, who coined the term "alt-right"; Sebastian Gorka, the bellowing ogre who was affiliated with the Nazi-aligned Hungarian nationalist order of Vitézi Rend; or Steve Bannon, the anti-modernist Breitbart impresario who idolizes Nazi propagandists.
Of the first of these, it is hard to escape the suspicion that most of the Washington establishment of both parties would be eminently consolable if Robert Mueller and his Clinton-packed team of legal helpers were able to terrorize someone into rolling over in the fascistic manner of the American plea-bargain system, with immunity against charges of perjury, and denounced Trump or someone close to him, unleashing a psychotic frenzy in the media and Congress.
Along the way, they encounter numerous other rabbit warrens, which may or may not represent various responses to fascism during World War II. (I come down on the side of "may not," but hey, symbolism is fun.) The rabbits, led by ordinary bun Hazel and his psychic brother Fiver, build a new society atop Watership Down, then raid an ultra-fascistic warren led by General Woundwort in order to help some of the female rabbits who live there escape and join them for breeding purposes.

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