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712 Sentences With "fall in line"

How to use fall in line in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fall in line" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fall in line". Mastering all the usages of "fall in line" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And the Republican congress was happy to fall in line.
Trump loves to encourage large corporations to fall in line.
Essentially, these 16 black women cadets didn't fall in line.
Listen to the full track of "Fall In Line," below.
Yeah, I think cheese plates fall in line with that.
We don't necessarily all fall in line with one another.
When one community goes first, others may fall in line.
But it would fall in line with a recent trend.
They wanted him to fall in line and take orders.
They will be expected to fall in line behind Biden.
Where does Prince Harry fall in line to the throne?
Politics might take a little longer to fall in line.
The New York data fall in line with national trends.
He didn't always fall in line with what was being taught.
He has also ordered the security service to fall in line.
If Trump wins, however, do all these Republicans fall in line?
While most Rs would fall in line, some conservatives would balk.
I would not fall in line, if that's what you're asking.
Because they do seem to fall in line in the end.
Mariah won't be pleased with the headlines, but she'll fall in line.
Ed Rendell said history shows most Sanders supporters will fall in line.
The motel goons weren't going to fall in line for just anyone.
We know you're going to be under pressure to fall in line.
This comes as most major labor unions fall in line behind Clinton.
And then, the rest of it I think will fall in line.
They all seemed to fall in line behind LeBron and Steph Curry.
As a technical matter, the inspector general has to fall in line.
Fall in line with Russia in dealing with the conflict in Syria?
The other characters (especially Papa Deckard) would fall in line behind him.
The next to fall in line are Jason Wahler and his wife, Ashley.
And her fractious party is showing signs that it might fall in line.
But he will fall in line behind them if it comes to war.
The move prompted many tech companies around the world to fall in line.
The new study seems to fall in line with previous research on ondansetron.
Demi Lovato and Christina Aguilera debuted their song "Fall In Line" in 2018
I went for it and then things just started to fall in line.
And increasingly, there is the expectation that other countries will fall in line.
And increasingly, there is the expectation that other countries will fall in line.
But many establishment Republicans have not been willing to fall in line. Sen.
Quote after quote demanded that she fall in line with business as usual.
When they've got their one-two going, you've just got to fall in line.
But this did fall in line with a pattern Cramer detected about the stock.
Nonetheless, the GOP machinery, such as it is, will fall in line behind Trump.
But they fall in line with Michael's plan, and the apocalypse is officially on.
The company forecast annual core profit would fall in line with the market expectations.
Until that changes, Pompey's prosperity will rise and fall in line with defence spending.
But Mitt and his gang should stop with the nonsense and fall in line.
With a little corralling, guests might fall in line (or decide to play elsewhere).
The rest of the Avengers fall in line behind them — well, except the women.
Other endangered Democrats from Trump states are under pressure to also fall in line.
The players fall in line behind Popovich, and then they go out and win.
Welp ... this is one sure fire way to make sure people fall in line.
And Apple cut its prices to fall in line with Chromebooks, around $300 a pop.
It would make sense for Beatrice's tragic death to fall in line with this reveal.
These results fall in line with a recent, more localized poll conducted by Quinnipiac University.
So it's understandable that the video for "Fall In Line" would be equally as intense.
The FTC is also ordered to sue any CRA that fails to fall in line.
Scott Pruitt, the E.P.A. administrator, signaled that he aimed to make California fall in line.
This is the stage of the campaign where partisans are expected to fall in line.
Overall, it appears his views on regulations generally fall in line with the president-elect's.
Democratic stalwarts like Al Gore and John Kerry have urged members to fall in line.
Nevada was a state that was expected to fall in line fairly easily for Clinton.
That said, it is impossible for me to fall in line behind an unrepentant bigot.
The recommendations fall in line with what top Republicans in Congress have indicated they support.
Public debt continues to fall in line with robust nominal growth and lower interest expenditure.
Normally, primary voters fall in line behind a winner in the interest of party unity.
It's another thing to see so many Republican men, United States senators, fall in line.
"Everyone is going to fall in line and do what is necessary," Mr. Waris said.
That we don't have to fall in line because showing up as yourself is enough.
But he warned that going forward Democrats shouldn't fall in line with their commander-in-chief.
"If physicians are too aggressive, families are going to fall in line," he told Reuters Health.
So the classic line is Democrats like to fall in love, Republicans just fall in line.
For me, I tried starting with intellectual arguments hoping that my palate would fall in line.
Inslee heads he Democratic Governors Association (DGA), and his stances fall in line with its platform.
But in the post-Weinstein era, it's no longer clear that Democrats would fall in line.
Durant should have stayed in OKC and demanded that his teammates fall in line behind him.
It is one where he deems what is necessary and the system should fall in line.
This fact happens to fall in line with his previous works, animated sculptures that explore perception.
And as Muslim countries fall in line, the West is under less pressure to take action.
All Trump can do is command his Republican minions in the Senate to fall in line.
The DeVoses have at times targeted Republicans who didn't fall in line with their education agenda.
Because the system of government surveillance is secret, people will expect the worst and fall in line.
"I'm going to fall in line and enthusiastically support whomever emerges as the Democratic nominee," Walk said.
But any follow-up" Fall In Line" was going to have a hard road to hoe anyway.
Unlike a mutual fund, assets under management do not rise and fall in line with customer demand.
That pushed his poll numbers upward, enticing the entire party leadership to fall in line behind him.
" Aguilera later appeared in studio on The Tonight Show and performed her latest single, "Fall in Line.
That doesn't mean that many of the movement's views don't fall in line with the American mainstream.
And on both Mueller and foreign interference, many other Republicans seem relatively content to fall in line.
But Moms Demand Action volunteers and gun violence survivors won't fall in line — we'll hold the line.
"Better Now," Post Malone BEST POP DUO/GROUP PERFORMANCE "Fall in Line," Christina Aguilera featuring Demi Lovato
Moreover, California taxes capital gains as income, so receipts rise and fall in line with the stockmarket.
Establishment Democrats mistreated Sanders, and then expected his supporters to fall in line and vote for Clinton.
And the regulated person may reasonably understand that failure to fall in line will carry severe consequences.
They promote the candidates who fall in line with their social initiatives, while silencing and excluding others.
Indeed, failing to fall in line with the emerging USB-C standard seems like quite an oversight.
State security organs in China pressure family members to ask the overseas individual to fall in line.
It's not me, it's not my tradition and it does not fall in line with family's beliefs.
At some point, those who study climate change argue, policymakers will fall in line with public demands.
Trump told reporters that he expected House Democrats to fall in line in support of his impeachment.
The heightened intensity and frequency of wildfires fall in line with scientists' predictions for a warming world.
Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of the bill's highest-profile opponents, urging him to fall in line.
"Investors are demanding it, they are expecting Hong Kong to fall in line with international norms," he added.
Some argue that other Republicans will face the wrath of Americans if they fall in line with McConnell.
While none of these dates are confirmed, they would fall in line with iPhone launches of years past.
A failure to fall in line on trade reportedly cost Larry Kudlow, an economic pundit, the CEA job.
They guide those wants to fall in line with what's reasonably possible so everyone walks away with something.
If they think the regular order has been shaken up, why do they have to fall in line?
But a lot of establishment Republicans are horrified by Trump's crude populism and refusing to fall in line.
His actions fall in line with repeated promises made by President Donald Trump to favor industry over environment.
They might prefer somebody other than Trump, but if he gets the nomination, they will fall in line.
They were incredulous the speaker would not simply fall in line behind Mr. Trump given the political ramifications.
Yet, they decry anyone who does not fall in line by stating the size of the crowd accurately.
Faculty members had argued that Trump's actions do not fall in line with the university's character or standards.
Second, leaders need to be reassured that it will fall in line with the desires of the electorate.
Maddie Ziegler is not one to fall in line – and she's encouraging others to stand out as well.
Henry Clay of Kentucky, made clear that they expected Tyler to fall in line with the party's agenda.
Perdue closed the op-ed by asking Romney to fall in line with the rest of the party.
But it does fall in line with the general theme that old rules of morality don't always apply.
Germany will now have to fall in line though, said a competition lawyer, who declined to be named.
Twelve other states, including New York, Pennsylvania and Oregon, say they will fall in line with California's rules.
Even quarterly earnings results that fall in line with estimates should reinforce investor confidence in banks' operating performance.
We can fall in love with any candidate, but we must then fall in line with the nominee.
Trump and his surrogates have sounded the clarion call for party unity and to fall in line behind him.
But he said Trump would likely fall in line with the Republican establishment and work with a GOP Congress.
While most Republicans will ultimately fall in line, the hesitance underscores the unusual relationship between Trump and his party.
That could mean aggressive efforts by GOP donors to fund primary challengers against members who won't fall in line.
Instead, it could lead politicians to finally fall in line with most of their constituents' overwhelming support for abortion.
With regards to Russia, he believes that domestic oil companies will fall in line with President Vladimir Putin's wishes.
"Fall in Line" first dropped on Wednesday, weeks after Aguilera confirmed her collaboration with Lovato with Liberation's track listing.
The results fall in line with what researchers suspected, but this is the first time there was quantitative proof.
A Trump nominee would fall in line with the anti-labor agenda, to the ongoing deterioration of public unions.
Kasich supporters have had months to fall in line behind Cruz, who is hundreds of delegates ahead of Kasich.
But apart from his more aggressive stance on deregulation, Mr. Powell's views fall in line with his assumptive predecessor.
The next day, he demanded passage of the U.S.M.C.A. Ms. Pelosi's allies are not inclined to fall in line.
Europe has also demanded that Google adjust some of its business practices to fall in line with European law.
It's a policy that would do all of those things, and also incentivize other countries to fall in line.
If the remaining three justices similarly fall in line, the vote would be 5-4 to curtail such claims.
To his credit Trump has shown that, if anything, he can get his fellow Republicans to fall in line.
Indeed, the socioeconomic disparities indicated in this study seem to fall in line with other patterns of healthcare inequalities.
He won't need to do much catching up if he just wants to fall in line behind Trump, though.
As far as user growth, the figures reported by the company pretty much fall in line with expectations by analysts.
It's really the members in Congress who are saying 'we're not going to fall in line and abandon Donald Trump.
The European governments are not going to just fall in line and say, yes, we&aposre with you on this.
It's a conversation piece and a way of keeping track over which Balkan States have yet to fall in line.
Political parties have only the vaguest of ideologies, and tend to fall in line behind the president of the day.
He's already given rank-and-file lawmakers a taste of what could be coming if they don't fall in line.
And he appears as determined as ever not to fall in line now that he has effectively secured the nomination.
A one percentage point rise in a portfolio's yield typically causes the price to fall in line with its duration.
Will outraged voters fall in line behind a resurgent Democratic Party or fuel the rise of a new major party?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding his members fall in line to pass a coronavirus relief package through Congress.
The comptroller's team talked to more than 85 companies about the idea, and it expects more to fall in line.
But Ryan's statement was a stark reminder that not all Republican leaders are ready to fall in line behind him.
Only the arrogance to assume we are better off if we fall in line and bow down to our betters.
It's a bold — and risky — attempt to make Qatar fall in line after marching to its own beat for decades.
By trying to fall in line with the body-positive movement, I'd only gotten as far as the body-noticing part.
It's called "Fall In Line" and it's like "Beautiful" met "Sorry Not Sorry" and had a twangy, engineered-for-2018 baby.
But Kristol too has recently showed he might still be willing, eventually, to fall in line behind his party's standard-bearer.
"We must fight them," he wrote in the morning, if they don't fall in line ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
Pokémon Go is distracting us from all the real problems, and that's on purpose, and like lemmings we fall in line.
All in all, the new findings seem to fall in line with previous research on gun violence among children in America.
Demi Lovato: "Fall In Line"Backstreet Boys: "Don't Go Breaking My Heart"Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper: "Shallow"Maroon 5 ft.
Oh, also this news that Bannon is organizing primary challengers against GOP incumbents who don't fall in line with Trump. 5.
But, by God, we all better fall in line and vote for Trump because he'll most assuredly save the Supreme Court!
While both Korea and Japan are also large customers of Iranian oil, they will likely fall in line with U.S. demands.
Even a deal among May and her fractious ministers would not necessarily mean the EU would fall in line, he said.
It was a cruel prank Negan pulled on Rick to make sure he would fall in line and listen to him.
Yet many of Mr. Duterte's supporters had been busy justifying Kian's death and then had to scramble to fall in line.
What both Canberra and Washington are wondering is: Will Australia, which counts China as its largest trading partner, fall in line?
The campaign apparently expected the Times and the networks to fall in line and bar others from even expressing a view.
Privately, some Republicans believe Paul ultimately will fall in line, since opposing Kavanaugh could wreck the senator's relationship with the president.
But it does fall in line with the timeframe in which Samsung has released its Galaxy S phones in the past.
Yet even months after sanctions were lifted, Iran has refused to fall in line with broader tenets of the international order.
Malinowski said he expects most Democrats in battleground districts will also fall in line, based on his private conversations with them.
In the US, the labels will be designed to aesthetically fall in line with those of other domestic food and beverage packaging.
Still, it makes sense that at least one person doesn't want to fall in line and act according to Rick's careful playbook.
Ryan spokesman said the speaker did not "urge" the party to fall in line behind Trump but stressed the importance of unity.
Spicer's 42 press briefings fall in line with the number of briefings given by former press secretaries in the first 100 days.
There was nothing threatening about Sadek, although with a swift glance he could make one of his migrant customers fall in line.
Getting costs on the A350 to fall in line with targets as volume increases is a "top challenge" for 2017, Wilhelm said.
But top leaders made no decision on Thursday and, for now, are simply encouraging the rank-and-file to fall in line.
Sanders has said in interviews that Clinton shouldn't expect his supporters to automatically fall in line behind her if she's the nominee.
Meanwhile, Hannity has been privately giving campaign advice to Trump and publicly exhorting conservative critics of the nominee to fall in line.
Morin goes a step further by turning down events and opportunities that don't fall in line with her work or family OKRs.
" "We're just supposed to fall in line and go with what the party wants and we went, 'No, no, no, no, no.
Andrew Pollis of Case Western Reserve University School of Law thinks the rest of the firms may fall in line behind Purdue.
What's notable about the announcements is that they fall in line with the antitrust philosophy of Makan Delrahim, the department's antitrust chief.
"Neutrality is not an option," he wrote before declaring that "Judgement Day is coming" to those journalists who don't fall in line.
Baden's statements fall in line with accusations from right-wing groups like QAnon — and promoted by President Donald Trump — that Epstein was killed.
Kim Kardashian's a soldier ... for the nipple revolution, and something tells us she won't have a problem getting people to fall in line.
In June, the "Fall in Line" singer told PEOPLE she was heading back on the road for the first time in a decade.
That explanation would fall in line with Abedin's statement that she had no idea how the emails found their way onto Weiner's laptop.
They also said Trump's threats fall in line with what Iranian leaders since the 242 Islamic Revolution have warned: Americans can't be trusted.
Since getting the nod, Kaine's already had to fall in line with Clinton's current, skeptical position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
The bigger problem is in the Senate, where senators are more independent and less likely to fall in line than in the House.
I'm also really excited to hear what Christina Aguilera and Demi Lovato's song ["Fall in Line"] sounds like because they're such big vocalists.
When the party said, that "Don't ask, don't tell" and the Defense of Marriage Act were political necessities, he didn't fall in line.
It is not his job to fall in line to support a man who still isn't the formal nominee of the Republican Party.
The last time Sanders was beaten, there was an assumption that people were going to fall in line and vote against Donald Trump.
That makes it extraordinarily difficult for the people working on the response to then do anything but fall in line with that view.
Mr. Trump predicted that while Mr. Lamb may act like a centrist, he would fall in line behind liberal party leaders in Washington.
Donna's focus on craftsmanship and responsible sourcing fall in line with our own initiative to offer quality and integrity throughout our jewelry assortment.
Trump also endorsed the legislation on Twitter on Thursday, which was seen as way to pressure the Freedom Caucus to fall in line.
The old adage is that Democratic voters want to fall in love with their candidates, while Republican voters fall in line with theirs.
Republicans have criticized Ossoff for his national security credentials and have framed him as someone who will fall in line with party leadership.
Republicans said they believed Democrats would fall in line when faced with the choice of funding the wall or shutting down the government.
Well, no, but as it turns out, spiders do have some pretty awesome adaptations that fall in line with Spider-Man's iconic spidey sense.
Screenshot: FacebookThat distinction appears to fall in line with the same story that the Red Hen owner Stephanie Wilkinson gave to the Washington Post.
Google reportedly began working on "Dragonfly," a China-focused search engine that would block certain keywords to fall in line with China's censorship rules.
Such a plan would fall in line with the fare-rate system in place for the air-freight industry, which bills based on weight.
But, she said, "once the president stepped forward and supported him, the RNC, you could argue, had no choice" but to fall in line.
We don't need to fall in line or help to unify a party, but we do need to push for positive change and progress.
Military members are trained to act of one accord, and in the strictest sense, these 16 black women cadets didn't exactly fall in line.
Most of these rumors fall in line with other leaks, so they're a bit easier to believe as consensus builds within the rumor cycle.
In the midst of this, elite Republicans have begun to fall in line in support of their party's nominee — but not all of them.
The other moves are logical, and they fall in line with existing Snap strategies, but games is an entirely new category for the company.
Chinese executives did not make firm commitments but said as state oil companies they will fall in line with Beijing's wishes, the person said.
And they say they're prepared to back primary candidates against Democratic House and Senate members who do not fall in line behind single-payer.
And while it's unclear what exactly the administration intends to change on the test, it appears to fall in line with the President's agenda.
This reasoning will certainly fall in line with the drug's intention of being treatment for heart and resulting blood issues—if true, of course.
Filibustering spending bills is one thing; they're "must-pass" legislation, and if Democrats don't fall in line they'd ultimately shut down the federal government.
He quickly becomes a bully, or gets others to do his dirty work, when he's frightened by someone who doesn't simply fall in line.
So when party leaders said, "We are good with a Heritage Foundation, Mitt Romney-backed private insurance health care," Sanders didn't fall in line.
She would not fall in line behind fashionable causes; she deemed free love a "ruse for guys" and performed at Fort Bragg during Vietnam.
The oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens said at the conference that he expected most Republicans to eventually fall in line and back Mr. Trump.
But here at the convention, they are fighting to be heard over their angrier and louder peers, who are unwilling to fall in line.
Goldstein predicted progressive groups will "fall in line" behind Obama, but suggested it will take some effort from the White House to get there.
But there are signs that Mormons — who represent the most reliably Republican religious group in the country — may not fall in line so easily.
While liberals tend to fall in line for reform, and Republicans are more likely to emphasize prison over rehabilitation, the lines are not clean.
Given the child support delinquency and past campaign losses, some national progressive groups have been reluctant to fall in line behind the Iron Stache.
Someone who has actually lived the experiences that most politicians just talk about, someone who won't just fall in line with the Democratic Party.
He is also expected to demand that European leaders fall in line — something that seems even less likely after the political unrest in Iran.
Rick Perry — Trump's pick for energy secretary and de facto nuke chief — is a company man who will fall in line behind the administration.
Their ideas, often based on scant evidence, fall in line with common right-wing tropes about liberal conspiracies, and millions of Americans are listening.
The commitments fall in line with President Trump's campaign promise to invest more in domestic manufacturing jobs and rely less on trade with China.
His comments fall in line with other GOP critics of the move, who have said that Americans deserve the opportunity to view both documents.
Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican who is the Senate's most outspoken Trump backer, said it's time for the party to fall in line behind Trump.
" Aguilera has written multiple survivor anthems of her own, from 2002's "Beautiful" and "Fighter" to her 2018 duet with Demi Lovato "Fall in Line.
" Lovato had exciting news to toast at Nobu: On Friday, Lovato and Christina Aguilera were nominated for a Grammy for their duet "Fall in Line.
Both the nautical and aeronautical connections fall in line with the latest naming convention for Lincoln's SUV lineup, which includes the Navigator and upcoming Aviator.
Now, at long last, PSN will fall in line with virtually every other online service you can think of and let users change their name.
Trump's success during the primary in many of those safe districts represents a source of pressure on Ryan to fall in line behind the nominee.
A spring launch date would fall in line with earlier reports, which said Apple's video streaming service would launch in the first half of 2019.
However, she said, she also hoped the president-elect would fall in line with members of the Republican Party who support bipartisan criminal justice reform.
Bruce's racy act challenged conventional thinking on issues ranging from sex to religion, and cops arrested him repeatedly because he refused to fall in line.
Google has been revamping its look piece by piece to fall in line with the Material Design style guidelines that it introduced two years ago.
Given Apple's shocking lawsuit against Qualcomm, it's clear Apple isn't shy about throwing its weight around to ensure suppliers fall in line with its desires.
To kick things off, the brilliant Snowcone breaks down who we need to know and what specific Kanye tweets fall in line with the theory.
If that happens, many who are now critical of the P.K.K.'s violence and hungry for an alternative will fall in line behind Ocalan's minions.
Paul's statement is the latest evidence that the Republican Party is going to fall in line behind Moore, despite his long record of political extremism.
The Outlook return to Stable if CIBC's current loan growth rates for residential mortgages fall in line with peers while still maintaining solid credit performance.
On Thursday, Sister Helen Prejean, a prominent opponent of capital punishment, called on Ricketts to fall in line with the Pope and cancel planned executions.
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime suggested during the show that it will fall in line with the company's games-first, graphics-second philosophy.
It's quite a raw song emotionally, and therefore I thought the sound of the song should fall in line with the rawness of the lyrics.
Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) The old cliche holds that Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love when it comes to selecting presidential nominees.
As for the coronavirus talk, Dudley doesn't seem to be too concerned -- and says he'll fall in line with whatever King James wants to do.
A trio of Senate Republicans who are not running for re-election have gone rogue and feel no compunction to fall in line behind him.
While most of Europe's energy firms are likely to fall in line with Washington, China has indicated that it will continue to buy Iranian oil.
But, prior to the Reuters article, the Republican source told The Hill that the RNC was likely to fall in line with whatever Trump asks.
It would reinstate nuclear-related economic sanctions that could — if other countries to fall in line — pressure and isolate Tehran, and weaken its regional aggression.
They seek a return to a world where the strong impose their will through military might, corruption or criminality — while weaker neighbors fall in line.
It is this penchant for control, investors and analysts say, that is driving talent away from the technocratic bureaucracy and rewarding officials who fall in line.
Schneider places you behind the driver's seat as a car curves around enormous mountains, and situates his lens to fall in line with a hiker's steps.
This leaves Trump two options if he wants to get something done: Fall in line with the rest of his party, or reach across the aisle.
"This movement that will not fall in line with Hillary Clinton is real," Bruce Carter, founder of Black Men for Bernie, told the crowd to cheers.
By then the country's central bank had also given up trying to defend the rouble, allowing it to fall in line with the price of crude.
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke tried to threaten funding and projects in Murkowski's state of Alaska if she didn't fall in line with the votes.
China has said that it will not allow petrol prices to fall in line with oil below $40 a barrel, which will have the same effect.
But, Tuesday's announcement was still a rare setback for McConnell -- an applauded Senate tactician -- who has pushed his party to fall in line countless times before.
Conversely, if the trigger doesn't work out, it could imperil the votes of deficit hawks in the Senate even as other Republican holdouts fall in line.
Analysts now expect Iran's supplies to fall by between 5.863,000 bpd and 1 million bpd, depending on how many other countries fall in line with Washington.
He is truly an independent thinker who has tapped into the modern sensibilities of millennials who aren't as likely to fall in line with a party.
The Spurs fall in line behind Kawhi Leonard, who if he saw an asteroid heading for Earth would try to box it out (and probably succeed).
Uber, which introduced the all-or-nothing option last fall, has been forced to fall in line in order to keep its app on iPhones everywhere.
Even though they act like rebels, they tend to fall in line with each other in a way that's ... or fall into violent agreement about things.
The outline reported by the Times appears to fall in line with some steps Trump said he could take to help ZTE get back into business.
All of the coordination by the military elite happens before the coup even begins — and then other elites have little choice but to fall in line.
Lawmakers acknowledged that they will face immense pressure to fall in line after the November elections as the parties gear up to elect their next leaders.
Some of them said beforehand that they were attending their first Democratic convention and felt no party loyalty or compulsion to fall in line behind Mrs.
From November, the sanctions will also target Iranian oil exports, and Washington has put pressure on companies and governments around the globe to fall in line.
And although we tell young girls to fall in line, gymnastics taught me that there were always new lessons about what I was capable of achieving.
Who could pass that bar, whether the Senate will fall in line, and what a "tougher direction" might look like in practice remain to be seen.
Analysts now expect Iran's supplies to fall by between 2000,22.85 bpd and 1 million bpd, depending on how many other countries fall in line with Washington.
Republicans of the era seemed to fall in line behind supporting the exceptions, even if they generally fought to keep them out of the Hyde Amendment.
Everybody thought this was when Trump was going to act like a professional and finally fall in line with decades-long conventions of Western security allegiances.
As Europe considers how to respond to President Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, U.S. officials warned that allies should fall in line — or else.
"The Trump people are putting a ton of pressure on everybody to fall in line on this thing," said a Republican source familiar with the conversations.
Once the United States did enter the fray, Wilson, with the aid of the courts, prosecuted opponents of the war who refused to fall in line.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been reluctant to exclude specific providers from the country's 5G networks, and may now fall in line with the United Kingdom.
Democrats have a terrible record of winning the presidency when they define their mission as defeating a hated adversary and expect voters to fall in line.
Sacconaghi&aposs predictions fall in line with recent predictions from analysts at Wedbush Securities and other reports indicating that AirPods are poised to grow in 2020.
He was a little more coy about his meeting Thursday with Bernie Sanders, and whether he can get the Bern to fall in line behind Hillary.
He predicted Republicans would quickly fall in line behind Trump now that he will likely be attacking Hillary Clinton rather than members of their own party.
We don't need a group to tell us how to feel or gaslight us so that we fall in line when there's obvious injustice and blatant hypocrisy.
The findings fall in line with previous data, which have consistently shown that Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Africa experience higher levels of air pollution.
"There are few more holdouts but having Elliott on board paves the remaining holdouts to fall in line," said Sean Newman, a senior portfolio manager at Invesco.
Fall in line, and if one of you so much as dares to beep your horn I'll be introducing you to the full wrath of Her Majesty.
But when it comes to the workplace, Walker says Colin should either fall in line and do what he's asked ... or don't expect anyone to hire you.
However, sterling rose after the decision with the dissenting voice at the central bank failing to fall in line with the rest of the policy making committee.
Yet the message appeared to fall in line with that of Fed Chair Janet Yellen who said on Friday that the case was "strengthening" to raise rates.
Sarah Palin called her bid a "futile effort" at the time, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee urged voters -- and Murkowski -- to fall in line behind Miller.
Ahead of the Vienna meeting, Saudi Arabia has reportedly lobbied hard for other members to fall in line and ramp up crude production — just as America wishes.
Dan Donovan, was one of just a handful of holdouts among Democrats nationwide in supporting the impeachment probe and was under intense pressure to fall in line.
His recent strategy has been tying himself to Trump in a new TV ad as Republicans start to fall in line behind the party's presumptive presidential nominee.
"Cribsheet" hasn't been as controversial as Oster's first book, because her conclusions, for the most part, fall in line with what your pediatrician has been telling you.
As President Donald Trump took office, "it became very profitable to kind of fall in line with an anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, anti-Muslim rhetoric," he said.
First is competition, which determines the approach to progress — one party achieves "the winner takes all," others meekly fall in line for the droppings from the table.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is urging House Democrats to fall in line behind the deal, which includes $28 billion for border fencing — far short of Mr. Trump's demands.
In "Fall In Line," Aguilera and Lovato are stripped from their idyllic green pasture as children, only to be thrown into a prison run by masked, armed guards.
Passing the End Racial Profiling Act as well as bills ending religious litmus testing for visa travel and immigration programs, would fall in line with this as well.
Nevertheless, it's been a year since the film came out, and so far it looks like the rest of the horror genre isn't ready to fall in line.
The Cuban revolution represented a socialism that did not stem from the dour bureaucrats of the Soviet Union (even if Havana did eventually fall in line behind Moscow).
In the past, Apple has frequently had to take steps to fall in line with Chinese authorities, previously removing apps for VPN services and The New York Times.
Outside of the Unknowns, the new Pokémon possibilities fall in line with how Pokémon Go has introduced second generation Pokémon so far, namely, in relation to current Pokémon.
Every country in the world was notified in July they would have 50 days to fall in line with enhanced security measures, and if not, face heightened restrictions.
On Wednesday, the "Fall in Line" singer shared a video of Summer joining her onstage as she sang "Beautiful" at the St. Louis concert of her Liberation Tour.
China's steel output dropped in September from a record high the previous month as mills cut production to fall in line with a government campaign to fight smog.
At that point, she will be the Democratic nominee for speaker, and most Democrats ultimately will fall in line with no other candidate formally chosen by their caucus.
Meanwhile, Trump continued to share the Fox content he found favorable many dozens of times on Twitter, indicating that he'll reward the network personalities who fall in line
China is "trying to get people in Hong Kong to fall in line without appearing as overbearing," said Steve Tsang, director of the London-based SOAS China Institute.
But the parties themselves need to fall in line — to show strength and not just technocratic prowess, to meet emotion with emotion, instead of another 10-point plan.
If you live a small-brained life, something I know little about, your pop cultural and political perspectives tend to fall in line with the majority of society.
Andrew Cuomo, however, framed the move as a form of "extortion" and "punishment for refusing to fall in line" with the administration's immigration agenda in a statement Friday.
Margaret Renkl NASHVILLE — In the world of apostolic betrayals, it's Judas who gets the headlines, but the everyday believer is more apt to fall in line behind Peter.
The two senators now have no obligation to fall in line behind the working group's final product and will almost surely continue to work on their own ideas.
There, he struggled to fall in line with the team after sustaining a frostbite-related foot injury, complaining about NFL helmet regulations, and accruing fines for missing practices.
This would fall in-line with Ohlhausen's view, but the FTC was deadlocked with just two commissioners — handcuffing it to Obama-era policies until more commissioners were appointed.
So if Ryan and McConnell were willing to look beyond partisanship to support Obama's pro-trade agenda, they're not necessarily going to fall in line behind Trump's protectionism.
Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas casino magnate and billionaire Republican donor, has made up his mind: He's supporting Donald Trump, and other Republicans need to fall in line.
The news came shortly after her husband Kushner accepted the job of senior adviser to the president-elect, and is likely an effort to fall in line ethics-wise.
There has long been controversy over whether alcohol manufacturers should have to fall in line with other packaged foods and beverages and start including calorie content and nutrition facts.
The fees, though unexpected, fall in line with casinos' focus on expanding their database of gamblers through reward programs, according to Alex Bumazhny, a gambling analyst with Fitch Ratings.
"I don't think you'll see a radical change in the system, because the national parties would have a hard time getting the states to fall in line," he said.
They just don't think Trump is a true conservative, and that many of his policies that appeal to this group of voters don't fall in line with Republican ideals.
" Fowler won't fall in line, she said through her tape, "with what's coming out: the lying, the sabotage of Sanders campaign, and questions about the integrity of the voting.
Price and release date for both phones are still to be determined, but if they fall in line with the rest of the market, LG could be onto something.
Most of them are liberal, and even though most of my friends will likely vote With Her, they understand how I could never fall in line with either candidate.
Then we see the rest of the Avengers, including Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), and Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) pick their sides and fall in line.
And if the GOP finds itself tempted to fall in line behind Trump after tonight's results roll in, it better get used to being left out in the rain.
The small-business survey audience — which skews conservative — seemed to fall in line with Trump, as immigration was a major news story at the time the survey was conducted.
Of all the cringeworthy insta-narratives framed by horse-race journalists during the presidential campaign, the Bernie-Sanders-needs-to-fall-in-line meme easily takes the top spot.
And those numbers, should they fall in line with those achieved by the Peppa Pig North American tour, her television show, and her global sales, will continue to rise.
Together, they believed, they could get the rest of the community to fall in line in order to smoothly implement a code change on a new version of Bitcoin.
Speaking before the meeting, de Guindos told journalists public debt as a percentage of GDP stabilized last year and should soon begin to fall, in line with official forecasts.
Unlike revenues from taxation, which mostly rise and fall in line with the rate of economic growth, future costs coming from the ageing population are independent of economic factors.
Sanders will now be faced with extreme pressure to fall in line and capitulate to the Democrat Party by pledging his full support to Hillary for party unity sake.
"Once they started to all fall, we were going to fall in line with the rest of our state," said Allyson Perry, president of the Marion County Education Association.
"Now we need the rest of the insurance industry to fall in line and realize that if they don't, they will face legal actions against them," Mr. Schoettes added.
" The ad then shows a montage of cable news hosts including CNN's Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon and correspondent Jim Acosta, before adding: "And their media lapdogs fall in line.
Some of the most conservative and liberal members of Congress have problems with it, too, but they're likely to fall in line because no one wants another government shutdown.
"The committee's findings also fall in line with F.D.A. Director Scott Gottlieb's nicotine strategy, a key element of which involves adult smokers switching to lower risk products," he said.
It's worth noting: the little scraps of story we're able to pick up here fall in line with some of the Destiny sequel rumors that have been floating around.
Not everyone, of course—again, Weber has his backers, and there's always a portion of every fan base that will fall in line with any move the team makes.
Urtasun's comments fall in line with the rest of the self-driving industry, which after much hype and bold promises has tempered expectations and pushed out timelines for deployment.
Democrats were put in a tough spot by his destruction of the TPP and vow to renegotiate NAFTA, moves that fall in line with much of the party's progressive base.
The Utrecht-based Wiwek is a producer's producer: he doesn't fall in line with genre tropes—instead he's made one for himself by blending together a bunch of disparate styles.
It comes into force in May across the European Union, and it's bringing about a sweep of privacy changes among digital services to fall in line with the new rules.
While it's certainly possible that either Cruz or Trump could fall in line under the tutelage of the Republican business establishment, doing so would be a remarkable turnaround for both.
What remains to be decided is whether the Bernie base -- a coalition defined by young, enthusiastic progressives -- will be willing to fall in line behind their party's ultra-establishment nominee.
Directed by Luke Gilford (who previously helmed Christina Aguilera's "Fall In Line"), the colorful video introduces Kesha as a wealthy televangelist with a jealous husband who envies his wife's success.
There are people just starting out at the bottom of the ladder, who have to fall in line, all the way up to the head honchos making the major decisions.
If either Trump or Sanders loses the fight for the nomination, or if both go down to defeat, the question in November will be: Do their supporters fall in line?
Indeed, the conventional line of thinking now appears to be that a member of this "5% Club" is in great shape and that everything else should just fall in line.
Yet given that hefty record it's little wonder you're moved to pen again — imagining that another word blast is all it'll take for the silly politicians to fall in line.
This may become even more complex as we head into the year, as some states have indicated they will counter the administration's policies, while others will likely fall in line.
The International Energy Agency said it was unclear how rapidly global oil supply could fall in line with demand even if Russia and OPEC agreed on a steep enough cut.
Data releases earlier in the day included housing starts, which rose 5.2 percent last month, and Consumer Price Index data, which showed a 0.2 percent fall, in line with expectations.
BMPS announced on Friday that a debt-to-equity conversion had raised over 1bn, said by an investor to fall in line with or just short of the bank's target.
It is easy to look at Republicans like Paul Ryan abandoning their principles and selling their souls to fall in line behind this man and be discouraged, but don't be.
Additionally, the more Trump is involved, the more blame he will take if Republicans suffer sizable losses in these contests, a trend that would fall in line with historic norms.
Despite his conflicting messages on Pakistan, President Trump has pursued a consistent policy of using US foreign assistance dollars to bully countries to fall in line with the United States.
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has called for Britain to fall in line with US regulatory and safety standards post-Brexit in order to boost trade between the two nations.
The tour was also under pressure to fall in line with virtually every other mainstream American sports organization, which had already suspended competition in the cascading fallout of coronavirus concerns.
When everybody is yelling at you to fall in line, like during the years-long scaling debate, the most "bitcoin" thing you can do is tell them to shove it.
But at many times, administration officials have seemed to be under political pressure to minimize the risks of the coronavirus, partly to fall in line with the president's own statements.
All that is to counter the expected assault and pressure from conservatives, who backed the Senate GOP's nearly yearlong blockade of Garland but now expect Democrats to fall in line.
While some of Bennet's policy proposals do fall in line with progressives in his party, his view of Medicare for All -- the sweeping health care plan being pushed by Sen.
Nonetheless, Meyer said she is confident that profits and revenues will fall in line with, or better, Street expectations for the retailers reporting this week, and outlooks should be reiterated.
"One beauty trend we've taken notice of, that doesn't necessarily fall in line with the increasingly popular minimalist beauty look, is the use of metallic and white eyeliner," Brown said.
On top of this, Ailes was known for allegedly pitting female hosts against one another — the implication being that if you won't fall in line, another stiletto-wearing woman would.
Even though some members of Congress initially claimed that the July 25 phone call was "troubling," the Judiciary Committee hearings made clear that, ultimately, the Republicans would fall in line.
"I'm just way away," Bloomberg told the paper, "from where the Republican Party is today," adding that he also doesn't fall in line with all of the Democratic Party's politics.
Because of that core belief about humanity: There are other issues where I fall in line with progressives, such as international diplomacy, foreign aid, gun control, and the death penalty.
Now, the total number is adjusted to fall in line with the new revenue recognition rules but individual orders are listed as before, since Boeing still has binding contracts with buyers.
Beyond McConnell and unified Republican opposition to a single-payer plan, there was the proof on the debate stage that every Democrat wouldn't be likely to fall in line behind it.
Unfortunately, with the pricing expected to fall in line with recent V-series devices (around $800), the V35 may still be a little too pricey for a lot of people's budgets.
But when Negan's lieutenant Simon suggests that if the Hilltop doesn't fall in line the Saviors can simply wipe the community out, Negan slams his trusty bat against a metal table.
While a victory in June could force these two wings to fall in line behind whatever deal May comes to with the Europeans, Tory MPs are notoriously fractious on this issue.
The nickname many conservatives have for Trump supporters is the "Brownshirts" — in reference to the Nazi regime's gangsters who threatened and even killed those who wouldn't fall in line behind Hitler.
To this day, when you are expecting Democrats to fall in line and vote for you, you're nowhere to be found when it comes to supporting our party's nominee for president.
Back home, Putin is used to receiving far more favorable press—and when Russian media doesn't fall in line, he simply shuts them down or finds ways to change the subject.
In 2018, LG has shown that the mobile industry is starting to fall in line with others by reissuing the LG V30 under a new product title of LG V30S ThinQ.
The old saying that "Republicans fall in line, Democrats need to fall in love" with their presidential candidates was never really true, and it seems less so than ever this year.
"It became very profitable to kind of fall in line with some of the anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim rhetoric, and I was affected by that," he said.
Some analysts interpreted the moves as a message to Tencent, which is also a big player in social media, that it was getting too big and needed to fall in line.
Reynolds worried his opponents would hold up New Deal proposals he desperately wanted for his constituents in an election year if he didn't fall in line with the conservative Southern legislators.
Several told POLITICO that they were unnerved by candidate Trump's falsehoods about the economy and the health care law, and they're worried that agencies will feel pressure to fall in line.
Dave ain't opposed to the idea ... but says if Pats management makes it clear they want no part of AB, Portnoy will "fall in line" and swear off the WR too.
Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray suggested the primary may get less crowded if local Republican leaders fall in line behind Van Drew — something that's already beginning with some local GOP chairs.
That infighting has prompted Moore to attack McConnell and establishment Republicans on the stump, warning that he would refuse to fall in line with what he views as the Washington insiders.
Cain, however, appears to have pushed the limits of Republicans' willingness to stand by the president's selections — particularly among those lawmakers who are already less likely to fall in line. Sen.
Hopkins also talks about how complicated these creatures are, which seems to fall in line with how complicated this show, which has been in the works for two years, appears to be.
Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma — a conservative who voted for Ryan last year for speaker— is threatening to pull his support if the Wisconsin Republican won't fall in line behind the GOP nominee.
First, it's pretty clear that the 5G E indicator is now in AT&T's spec book: if you want to be sold in AT&T stores, you need to fall in line.
Photo: Harry Todd/Fox Photos/Getty Images22014: A firm in Reading, England, is the first to fall in line with the British government's plans for food storage by producing an emergency bread.
Will traditional parties of the right — Republicans in the US, Christian Democrats and conservatives in Europe — push back against populism's radical tendencies, or will they fall in line like their interwar counterparts?
The survey reveals that Republican voters are starting to fall in line with Mr. Trump now that he is their presumptive nominee — and that they expect party officials to do the same.
But while the event would be a departure from past March confabs which are usually held in the Bay Area, it would fall in line with recent initiatives at the tech giant.
In an interview with "Fox & Friends," Corey Lewandowski responded to Bannon's prediction in the Washington Post that Republican leaders in Congress wouldn't fall in line to pass the rest of Trump's agenda.
The operatives tasked with leading the campaign believe that the issue will also highlight how GOP leaders have dispensed with long-held Republican views on trade to fall in line with Trump.
But Prime Minister Johnson recently signaled that he will ban large gatherings this week, meaning the UK's response will likely fall in line with those of its neighbors in the coming days.
These measures are medically recommended and fall in line with WHO recommendations limiting workplace risk and, upon a possible outbreak of coronavirus in particular communities, avoiding public transport and crowded places ( here ).
It is more than happy to take European Union economic support, but worries that Poland's share could dwindle if the member nations use the budget to pressure Poland to fall in line.
He is also the only Senate Republican who is seen as a possible vote to convict the president, an added distinction since Mr. Trump got every House Republican to fall in line.
What is it about the circumstances of our politics now — the pressures that both parties put on their members to fall in line — that meant Mr. Romney would be the only one?
And she didn't shy away from directly addressing the schism in the party — celebrating Clinton's gritted-teeth decision to fall in line behind her husband, even as many of her supporters rebelled.
But when Kavanaugh's turn came up, Graham unleashed a prolonged attack on the committee's Democrats and even, at one point, seemed to warn Republicans to fall in line and back the nominee.
The meetings fall in line with Pruitt's regulatory reform approach to the agency, where he's strived to make major cutbacks to environmental protections in the name of cost saving and economic support.
So think of that when you hear politicians or pundits talk shop: They know a lot about politics, but they're bending what they know to fall in line with their political goals.
If it were actually composed by FCC staff, it would fall in line with the emerging cottage industry in federal employees letting loose their thoughts about the administration, few of which are positive.
These moves would have a knock-on effect in emerging markets; their currencies fall as the dollar rises, while their bond yields rise (and prices fall) in line with the Treasury-bond market.
The general election — which has seen most Republicans fall in line behind Trump, as you'd expect — has quelled that downturn, but Fox's ratings are still, on average, lower than its ratings in 2012.
Rosengren, who stressed the Fed was not about to raise rates "too rapidly," appeared to fall in line with Fed Chair Janet Yellen's message last month that the case was "strengthening" to tighten.
Intriguingly, the results from the new study did fall in line with a finding from Hudgins' study: ER doctors had prescribed opioids to nearly 60 percent of their young patients with dental complaints.
Shortly after January oral arguments in the case, Colorado officials proposed a bill in the state legislature to fall in line with other states and make it easier to recoup conviction-related penalties.
Efficient, high-powered offense is the game's most sought-after and marketable currency, and players who don't fall in line tend to stumble down depth charts or fall out of the league entirely.
He may think it's uncouth to blow up one's enemies in a house of worship, but when push comes to shove he'll fall in line with whoever promises to fight the foreign hordes.
Trump may just be showing dominance in these early calls—a real estate developer trait if there ever was one—so these foreign leaders know to fall in line when the time comes.
Demi just got a Grammy nomination for her song with Christina Aguilera, "Fall in Line" -- and, by all accounts, she's healthy and continuing to recover from her nearly fatal overdose over the summer.
A wide range of Republican lawmakers reacted with alarm Wednesday, saying that they hope Moore will fall in line with the rest of his conference if he wins the special election in December.
A number of Trump's clemencies fall in line with a recent trend of granting pardons to political allies, as well as people who have been championed by conservative media, prominent Republicans, or celebrities.
As she prepares to give her nomination acceptance speech on Thursday night, the left wing of the party still remains divided, while many Republicans appear ready to fall in line behind Mr. Trump.
Goldmoney provides financial products that are fully-backed by reserved gold and so fall in line with guidance issued in November by the Bahrain-based Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions.
Voter opinions seem to fall in line with how the states generally tend to lean politically: Tennessee and Texas are both traditionally red, Arizona is a bit more purple, and New Jersey blue.
In the early 2000s, Lesin was known as a particularly aggressive spokesman for Putin and was reportedly nicknamed the "Bulldozer" because of his ability to get Russian media outlets to fall in line.
In an interview that aired Wenesday, Gallego said that while some Republicans have publicly stated their opposition to the controversial policy, he expects most GOP lawmakers to fall in line with the president.
That does not mean that every military contract with Amazon, Microsoft, or Google should be rubber-stamped, or that tech engineers should blindly fall in line, salute the flag, and not voice concerns.
Regulators say they should be exempt because they cannot be expected to change their own data privacy laws to fall in line with the EU, which would be a breach of their sovereignty.
Bolton had Kelly's back, speaking up later Thursday to defend his former colleague, whom he called "an honorable man," against Trump's attacks while urging Republicans not to fall in line with Trump's broadsides.
Women and men, they say, internalize patriarchy without realizing it, pushing aside their best judgment and sacrificing their needs in order to fall in line with how they think they're supposed to behave.
While GOP heavyweights who aren't in office or running for reelection can pretty much do as they please, the pressure to fall in line with party decisions reduces the options of other members.
"This movement that will not fall in line with Hillary Clinton is real," Bruce Carter, founder of Black Men for Bernie, declared to cheers from audience members, some of whom waved signs saying #NeverHillary.
Aguilera unveiled the powerful clip for her latest single "Fall In Line" Wednesday afternoon, immersing fans in a stylized world where masked, masculine figures hold her and Lovato, her partner on the duet, captive.
They tend to try to do what they said they would do, if only to signal to their allies how to fall in line, and to ensure their voters know which side they're on.
The combination of Aguilera and Lovato is not one that I knew I needed, but now that the two are crushing new single "Fall In Line" so hard, I'm ready for an entire album.
The "Fall in Line" singer, 37, shared a sultry photo of herself in a bathtub filled with bubbles while she covered her breasts and leaned her head back with a smile on her face.
The segue from the heaviness of "Fall In Line," her excellent duet with Demi Lovato, into "Right Moves" is tough, leaving the latter, a jaunty, summery track with island music roots feeling extra frivolous.
PEOPLE confirmed exclusively that Demi Lovato will perform with her idol Christina Aguilera to debut the TV premiere of their duet "Fall in Line" which is a single off of Aguilera's upcoming album Liberation.
Trump has convinced the vast majority of Republican voters to fall in line behind him, and thus behind a political persona and policy agenda that are orthogonal to the party establishment's conception of itself.
The influential U.S. bank said it expects crude to trade between $20 and $40 a barrel until the second half of this year, low enough to force production to fall in line with demand.
The verdict was a shock to some who assumed the judge's decision would fall in line with Massachusetts law, which does not have a specific statute for assisted suicide as it pertains to manslaughter.
Furthermore, the United States from November will target Iran's oil exports with sanctions, and Washington is putting pressure on governments and companies around the world to fall in line and cut purchases from Tehran.
Obama's budget would also scrap a cap on Medicaid funds that currently applies to territories, and would gradually increase Federal Medicaid matching funds until they fall in line with levels enjoyed by U.S. states.
"The Donald Trump mentality, which is the alt-right, this vicious, angry, make-them-pay, fall-in-line-or-you'll-pay-for-it, that mentality is not going away," Beck said at the time.
But yet, there they are, every day on radio and TV. The celebrity Republicans, like the raccoons in Rawls's novel, their grip on the Supreme Court argument unflinching, telling us to fall in line.
And that's why, even though an October Fox News poll indicated that 51 percent of voters favor both impeachment and removal for Mr. Trump, we shouldn't expect Republicans in Congress to fall in line.
In a tense situation like the Mueller investigation, it's likely the firm's representation of the company and foreign state fall in line with past clients, so as not to pose ethical or business conflicts.
The elders in the political class believe that this is all a game and that these voters have no choice and no role to play except to ratify their decisions and fall in line.
Robotic Mars missions like InSight and Mars 2020 fall in line with NASA's "Journey to Mars", the agency's initiative to develop the capabilities and knowledge required to ultimately send humans to the red planet.
The proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act fall in line with this anti-science sentiment: They drastically reduce the role scientists will have in identifying endangered and threatened species in the first place.
Related: Polygamist Mormon Sect Accused of Using Local Police to Bully Non-Members Hamilton said the group may survive, but it would have to change its ways to fall in line with the law.
A victory for Biden would decrease the pressure on progressives to fall in line, and could provide Ocasio Cortez with the wiggle room needed for a potential presidential run on her own one day.
Still, the 63-to-37 vote was a signal of the exasperation of some Senate Republicans over being repeatedly made to fall in line behind Mr. Trump's disregard for elemental American values and traditions.
Target said it now expects fourth-quarter same-store sales to fall in line with the 1.4% growth it experienced during November and December, compared with a prior outlook of 3% to 4% growth.
Overhauling the nation's tax code comes with a lot of winners and losers, and as Obamacare repeal already showed, Republicans can't just expect their members to fall in line on a major agenda item.
Dole says GOPers should fall in line behind Trump The dynamic isn't much better on the Democratic side, where Bernie Sanders is mathematically blocked from clinching the nomination but won't go down without a fight.
Some (my guess: most) will fall in line behind Trump, if for no other reason than to oppose Hillary Clinton, who may be the only figure more hated and demonized on the right than Obama.
Payne's research, which didn't look at the presidency, also found that members of both parties are far more likely to fall in line with the platforms now than they were in the mid-20th century.
Still, the brief and observed social media blackout has become a shining example of the silencing tactics the Trump administration may use against any an all members of the government who don't fall in line.
"To anyone who's ever felt silenced and repressed, the truth seekers and bold thinkers… may you liberate your voice and break the mold, never back down, and never fall in line," Aguilera wrote on Twitter.
Delrahim, whose family emigrated from Iran when he was young, cemented his loyalty to Trump last summer when he wrote a piece in the New York Post urging Republicans to fall in line behind Trump.
Google has banned categories of ads in the past — it doesn't allow advertisements for illegal drugs, guns, tobacco, and other products that don't fall in line with the family friendly image Google tries to project.
Republicans have responded by criticizing Ossoff's national security credentials and framing him as someone who will fall in line with Democratic leadership in Washington, D.C. Trump earlier Monday weighed in on the high-profile race.
It doesn't look like Donald Trump is going to change his act anytime soon, as if it's some kind of a surprise to anyone except a few GOP leaders still hoping he'll fall in line.
As the audience streams out, I hear a 20-something woman say, "But in the book, Rachel went to the hospital," and I promptly fall in line behind her and her two equally chatty girlfriends.
Nevins himself cast doubt on the Russians' role in the hacks, but told the Journal that he did not care either way, because his interests appeared to fall in line with those of the hackers.
Mr. Brown, who said that over the years he gave a significant amount of money to the church, formally resigned from it, and he remains bitter about pressure from church leaders to fall in line.
On immigration, however, Romney is to the right of Flake—and even claims to be to the right of Trump on the issue, saying he will likely fall in line behind Trump's militaristic immigration policy.
While some actors may fall in line with a formal negotiated agreement, many powerful actors will defect from it, maintaining sovereignty and immunity within their own fiefdoms through a combination of economic incentives and violence.
The #NeverTrump faction of the GOP now has to decide what to do about it: Set aside their distaste for Trump and fall in line, or begin the arduous process of taking their party back.
That amount is growing as a share of the economy because productivity growth is slowing, and because birthrates continue to fall (in line with a long-term trend), but mostly because Americans are living longer.
These measures are medically recommended and fall in line with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations limiting workplace risk, and, upon a possible outbreak of coronavirus in particular communities, avoiding public transport and crowded places ( here ).
Christie said there was no reason that he and other candidates in the establishment lane need to fall in line behind one candidate in what is called the establishment lane — Rubio or former Florida Gov.
"It's starting to become a situation where if somebody does it, the others have to fall in line, especially in the same industry," said Yuki Higashi, Japan Head of Talent Management, Diversity & Inclusion at Nomura.
Republican activists chose party unity over "never Trump" resistance Saturday, with party leaders in one state after another pressuring their members to fall in line behind the presumptive nominee — and even punishing those who refused.
Dershowitz's comments fall in line with those of Jay Goldberg, another former lawyer to Trump, who told The Wall Street Journal this week that he advised Trump not to trust Cohen to fully protect him.
Gleisi Hoffman, currently the president of the party, had resisted putting Haddad at the top of the ticket until Lula told her to fall in line, according to party members familiar with the internal debate.
But with both Durbin and Schumer coming out and making such strong statement immediately, there's likely to be pressure for Democrats to fall in line — and there's plenty of residual anger over the Garland debacle.
Robert's Rules — still in use in volunteer firehouses, City Councils, school boards and elsewhere — win strong partisans for the way participants fall in line, don't filibuster and work single-mindedly and democratically toward a common goal.
"Demographic groups don't fall in line because of a VP selection, and neither do states," says Kyle Kopko, a political scientist at Elizabethtown College, who conducted the research with University of Dayton political scientist Chris Devine.
"Ultimately the timeline for Papua will be dictated by Exxon's patient and disciplined centralised decision making process, and all other parties will just need to fall in line with that," said Credit Suisse analyst Saul Kavonic.
That's totally something I have to remind myself because I'm very much a planner; I like everything to be organized and to fall in line with my expectations, but that doesn't allow much room for spontaneity.
"Patel and his team must recognize the period of an invisible RBI board is over," one of the New Delhi-based sources said, noting that the RBI will sooner or later have to fall in line.
The 37-year-old vocal powerhouse, who released her new duet "Fall in Line" with Demi Lovato on Tuesday, elaborated on her less-than-happy time on The Voice in a new interview with W Magazine.
The International Energy Agency, the energy watchdog of the West, said it was unclear how rapidly global oil supply could fall in line with demand even if Russia and OPEC agreed on a steep enough cut.
My hope is the Democrats will be more selective in their demands for information about potential wrongdoing — and that they will fall in line with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's quest to keep talk of impeachment at bay.
Hugin, employing his vast wealth to blanket airwaves with television ads, has cast himself as an independent voice who may not fall in line with Republican leaders on issues such as health care, immigration and abortion.
But if Iran was responsible for the attack it would fall in line with a cycle of events in recent months as Tehran seeks relief from crippling US sanctions under the Trump administration's "maximum pressure" campaign.
We got the legendary dog whisperer leaving Madeo Restaurant in L.A. ... and he thinks it's time for Donald to fall in line with past presidents and welcome a dog to his family and the White House.
His comments fall in line with critics of the NFL Draft -- where players are essentially powerless when it comes to where they play and who they play for ... regardless of which situation is best for them.
Instead, it would give USPS the ability to charge all costs and fees to foreign postal services, international shippers, or final the recipients in the U.S., which would fall in line with our nation's industry standards.
It has also shown us that Republicans really do follow their leader — validating the comment that the MSNBC host Chris Matthews has been known to make that Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line.
At least 205 House Democrats are now on board with an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, and that number's sure to grow throughout the day Wednesday, as more members fall in line behind party leadership.
Using Article V, the states would have the opportunity to convene and propose amendments that fall in line with the resolution scope, such as a balanced budget, term limits on the federal judiciary and Supreme court.
Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters, deserves credit for offering membership to women in 2012, however belatedly, and, in doing so, daring the rest of the heel diggers to fall in line behind it.
It was also when Democrats who backed impeachment made a conscious choice: they weren't going to simply fall in line with their party leaders and were going to continue organizing colleagues to join the impeachment cause.
Lovato's enjoyment was also on display in videos taken during the concert, which showed the star dancing with her friends and singing along to some of Aguilera's most iconic songs — including their 2018 collaboration "Fall In Line."
The reality TV star turned activist running for president of Russia, Ksenia Sobchak, has stirred up a lot of controversy for refusing to fall in line behind a planned liberal boycott of the country's election in March.
"Demographic groups don't fall in line because of a VP selection, and neither do states," says Kyle Kopko, a political scientist at Elizabethtown College, who conducted the research with Mount Vernon Nazarene University political scientist Chris Devine.
Salesforce's diversity numbers fall in line with the average Silicon Valley tech company, with a workforce that is 70 percent male, 67 percent white, 4 percent hispanic and 2 percent black, according to Salesforce's August 2015 report.
The International Energy Agency said global oil supply could fall in line with demand more quickly if OPEC and Russia agree to a steep enough cut in production, but it is unclear how rapidly this might happen.
But if a country like the US isn't willing to overhaul its practices and take a leadership role on antibiotics and livestock, the prospect of getting the worst offenders to fall in line is a non-starter.
Rubio's better-than-expected third-place finish, it seemed, would catapult him to second in New Hampshire, knock his establishment-friendly rivals out of the race, and spur Republican elites and mainstream voters to fall in line.
If forced to vote, however, the GOP will likely fall in line behind Trump (who has veto power) and Pai, and the resolution will likely bring back painful memories of a similar vote from this past spring.
"On the Democratic side, she talked about how we want to fall in love with the candidate and Republicans will fall in line," said Cristóbal Alex, president of the Latino Victory Project, a group backed by Mrs.
Anytime you have vets still playing the way they're playing and they're not looking forward to the summer, everyone else has to fall in line, and it sets the tone for the rest of our young guys.
Perhaps more significantly, Republican leaders seemed taken by surprise by this opposition, as if they had expected traditional allies to fall in line, regardless of the details, simply because of their ideological consensus in favor of tax cuts.
Photo: SpaceXDuring the March 30 webcast of a Falcon 9 launch, video of the ascent was abruptly cut off at the nine minute mark, with SpaceX officials saying it did so to fall in line with government restrictions.
At a Television Critics Association event, NBC Universal introduced viewership figures last Wednesday provided by an outside firm that suggested several of Netflix's shows fall in line with broadcast and cable shows, implying that traditional television remains vibrant.
Alaska's (and Hyde's) dismissal after failing to fall in line is part of a deepening rift in the movement between those who crave legitimacy and those who more greatly value their ability to defame Jews on the internet.
But if Trump becomes president, Republicans in Congress will feel a substantial obligation to fall in line with their party leader's platform, and we have already seen how effective Trump is at bullying otherwise principled politicians into submission.
Local officials may fall in line with national policy more readily than in the past, but an excess of zeal could be more damaging than a shortage, says Yanmei Xie, an analyst with Gavekal Dragonomics, a research firm.
Then earlier this month, PEOPLE confirmed exclusively that Demi Lovato will perform with her idol Christina Aguilera to debut the TV premiere of their duet "Fall in Line" which is a single off of Aguilera's upcoming album Liberation.
Some of Goldwater's rivals kept a distance, notably Nelson Rockefeller who was roundly booed during the 1964 convention not just for his reluctance to fall in line, but for his criticism of groups like the John Birch Society.
Federal securities laws require all offers and sales of securities to fall in line with conventional offering rules, such as registering as an IPO, or qualifying for an exemption from registration under the private placement or crowdfunding rules.
On Friday the diva picked up two nominations for somewhat surprising categories: best pop duo/group performance for "Fall in Line" (her duet with Demi Lovato), and also best rap/sung performance for "Like I Do" featuring GoldLink.
If you've ever seen a celebrity walking down the red carpet with nothing but an itty bitty 2 inch x 4 inch clutch and wondered, "Huh, do they have an assistant to hold their phone," fall in line.
Lady Gaga as an artist is naturally opposed to Trumpism, just as "pop culture people," who tend to rely on on freedom of expression, art, and differing viewpoints, cannot structurally fall in line with our new grotesque regime.
Here's more from Schad: These allegations fall in line with the limited information we know from the Pepper report, namely that Baylor actively engaged in covering up domestic and sexual assaults to protect athletes, and football players specifically.
This obscure agency, which is buried inside the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reviews regulations from federal agencies and has the power to reject rules that do not fall in line with the president's goals.
But while they're not inclined to fall in line behind a candidate that represents the political establishment that disappointed them, many are equally wary of falling in love with another candidate who promises to transform the political order.
Even when you home in on only two psychological characteristics, people don't fall in line on a continuum from, say, extreme systemizer or "things-oriented" — supposedly the "male" pole — to extreme empathizer or "people-oriented"— the "female" pole.
Trump's numbers in a potential matchup with Winfrey, who launched Oprahmentum with a stirring speech at Sunday night's Golden Globes, fall in line with his mostly dire approval ratings, which, according to Gallup, was at 21% last week.
The GOP also said their findings largely fall in line with the intelligence community's assessment that Moscow sought to sow discord in U.S. affairs, though they rejected the conclusion that the Kremlin sought to help the Trump campaign.
And if anti-Trump protesters are paid tools, Republicans are freed of the responsibility to critique the president and can more easily fall in line behind him without addressing the very shortcomings that many Americans are protesting against.
The Times noted on Sunday that some Republicans may be tempted to fall in line with the party if the president fired the special counsel under the premise that they can carry out the GOP agenda moving forward.
Global oil supply could fall in line with demand more quickly if OPEC and Russia agree to a steep enough cut in production, but it is unclear how rapidly this might happen, the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday.
The message is crystal clear: black political activists like Sharpton want to be wooed and are willing to talk with anybody -- including Bernie Sanders or Mike Bloomberg -- rather than fall in line behind the Democratic establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton.
Even before the vote, anger was mounting at the anti-Pelosi faction, something bound to intensify after Wednesday if the rebels don't fall in line once Pelosi is formally nominated as her party's choice to be speaker next Congress.
The BOE's decision to rate hikes Thursday sees the central bank fall in line with the U.S. Federal Reserve and to some extent the European Central Bank (ECB), which are either raising rates or beginning to scale back stimulus.
If the thought of another term or two in the political wilderness was enough to convince PUMAs to fall in line for Obama, the thought of a Trump presidency will bring most hardened Sanders voters back home to Clinton.
The member of Congress thought it looked dicey, but that Republicans would ultimately fall in line because they've made this campaign promise for so many years now: I don't know whether we're going to get to 50 or not.
China has also pressured global companies to fall in line with its "One China" policy -- in 2018, US airlines like Delta, American Airlines, and United gave in to China's demands in how they refer to Taiwan on their websites.
After referring to Democrats in general, the narrator adds, "And their media lap dogs fall in line," as clips are shown of the CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo and the network's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta.
Senator Orrin G. Hatch, the Republican finance committee chairman, is a critical voice on tax issues in Congress and support from him could make the difference in whether members of Congress fall in line and support the president's proposal.
The company has already had to alter its slick packaging to fall in line with California's updated edibles regulations—for example, replacing "margarita" with "stone daisy"—but the Canadian version will likely have to be stripped of its most interesting elements.
A former airline pilot and Reddit user by the name of BoilerUp218 recently laid out all the reasons passengers are asked to switch their phones to airplane mode upon takeoff, and his explanation has finally convinced me to fall in line.
The episode speaks to an atmosphere at Facebook in which employees feel pressure to place the company above all else in their lives, fall in line with their manager's orders and force cordiality with their colleagues so they can advance.
As such, the rumored specs for one of the Ice phones fall in line with that goal: a screen between 5.2 and 5.5 inches, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of storage, a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor, and a Snapdragon 435 processor.
Her views on women's equality fall in line with the Russian mainstream — highlighting what are seen as the good differences between men and women, the righteousness of traditional gender roles, and the hysteria of the feminist movement in the West.
All but the most fanatical Brexiteers would fall in line if they thought that failing to do so might hand Britain over to a man who has spent his life protesting against "Western imperialism" and campaigning for more trade-union power.
What Apple plans to do with Platoon is unclear, but it does fall in line with the company's trend to improve efforts in providing useful tools not only for indie and smaller musicians, but for listeners who interested in discovery.
The diplomat said Macron wanted to reassure the leaders he meets that the future of their countries would remain at the heart of the European project if they fall in line with the broad reform agenda led by Paris and Berlin.
Though he's parried his Bachelorette fame into a rock star-style health and fitness career — he tells me he will coach over 1,000 people at a fitness event this summer — Kraus doesn't fall in line with the traditional Bachelor alum.
Since then, there's been speculation about whether Mattis would actually follow the order, then a mischaracterized report that he had frozen it, and then a declaration by the guy himself that he was going to fall in line after all.
Rosengren did not mention whether he expects a rate hike before year end, yet the message appeared to fall in line with that of Fed Chair Janet Yellen who said last month that the case was "strengthening" to raise rates.
Over the long term, it's clear that the two indicators tend to fall in line, but over the short term, it's hard to look at the ADP National Employment Report figure and know exactly what's coming in the official report.
In the aftermath of the votes to impose further sanctions on Russia, some in Europe expressed concern that rather than forcing the Kremlin to fall in line, sanctions could create further tensions across the continent and especially in Eastern Europe.
Since Mr Xi gave the term his public blessing, officials have been scrambling to fall in line with supply-side doctrine, designing policies that seem to fit it or, just as energetically, working to squeeze existing ones into its rubric.
It's unclear if Morrison can provide that boost, though Brown added that the prime minister will at least have a less restive party to lead, as right-wing media and harder-line conservatives will likely fall in line for now.
Another well-placed GOP aide said conservatives in the conference are particularly discontented with the NRCC's spending strategy, with many feeling like the House GOP's campaign arm opted to prioritize those who fall in line with leadership over viable wins.
SINGAPORE/LONDON (Reuters) - African crude oil sales into China, the world's biggest importer, have stalled as buyers wait for spot sale offers from top supplier Angola to fall in line with slumping benchmark prices, refining and trading sources said on Monday.
Like, if Maggie were to murder the right people (both the long-haired and the pee-pants Savior) in a very wrong way in front of all of their buddies, I'm pretty sure the rest of them would fall in line.
Say what you will about how principled the decisions made by Flake and Corker were but the simple reality is that the likeliest scenario is that both men are replaced by Republicans far more willing to fall in line with Trump.
As President Trump pressed her and her fellow Senate Republicans last week to fall in line behind a repeal of the Affordable Care Act in the interest of party loyalty and protecting the Republican brand, she felt compelled to speak up.
A judge in San Francisco on Tuesday temporarily blocked President Trump's efforts to starve localities of federal funds when they limit their cooperation with immigration enforcement, a stinging rejection of his threats to make so-called sanctuary cities fall in line.
The politicians who pushed for Ms. Rousseff's impeachment appear to have wrongly assumed that the powerful prosecutor's office and judiciary would fall in line, and that a Temer government would be able to shut down or limit the corruption investigation.
Frank shoots plenty of people in the head, but he spends just as much time smoothing over little beefs, parsing the hidden meanings of a mobster confiding that he's "a little concerned" about another mobster's failure to fall in line.
Lawmakers munched on Chick-fil-A takeout as Mr. Mulvaney delivered the president's ultimatum on the health measure: Fall in line behind it or accept that former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act would be the law of the land.
There used to be this view that Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line; that the Republican Party is hierarchical, that they nominate the next person in line, whereas with Democrats, you never know what's going to happen.
Moon's emphasis on both dialogue and military capabilities appears to fall in line with the United States' so-called maximum pressure campaign, in which Washington ramps up sanctions and pressure on North Korea while leaving the door open for negotiation.
As House Republican leaders claim they're getting ever closer to acquiring the votes they need to pass the American Health Care Act, pressure is mounting on a number of still-reluctant, vulnerable GOP members of Congress to fall in line.
As much frustration as I have with the current structures in place, the entire book's point was that if everybody gives a shit — if we kind of step up and say "This is not acceptable" — then they're going to have fall in line.
But while the department store had a strong Black Friday and Cyber Monday, CEO Jeff Gennette said sales weakened in mid-December and didn't fall in line with the company's estimates until the week of Christmas, according to a statement released Thursday morning.
While the comments could have caused friction with Pakistan, they -- and the quotes the Pakistanis attribute to Trump -- fall in line with the President-elect's campaign pledge to employ the relationship-building skills he used in his business career in the diplomatic sphere.
By 13, the group says, nearly all operating cargo ships must generate zero emissions in order to fall in line with the Paris agreement goal of keeping global warming to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial levels.
Suicide rates rising for young people The latest findings also fall in line with a separate study, published in the medical journal JAMA on Tuesday, that found a significant increase in suicide rates among 13- to 24-year-olds between 2000 and 2017.
By vocalist Ari Katz's own admission, the things they had to do to make it—playing bigger venues, drawing bigger crowds, touring to please audiences, selling T-shirts—didn't fall in line with their reasons for getting into music in the first place.
After all there will be equally strong political pressure for Republicans to fall in line behind their candidate, with the potential for a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress being much more frightening to them than a maverick from within their own party.
Were Sanders to seize the nomination, the passionless pragmatics in the Clinton camp would fall in line behind his enthusiastic supporters—much as they have throughout the Obama presidency, and much as the pragmatic Republican voters have fallen in line behind Trump.
But it sounds like this new memoir will fall in line with his more recent literary output like Crippled America and Time to Get Tough—namely, book-length airings of Trump's numerous grievances, bestowed with titles that should be Steven Seagal movies.
In both cases, they also exploited the untimely deaths of white women anti-racists to incite fear and pressure others to fall in line with their narrow vision for white womanhood by spreading nefarious lies, slut-shaming, victim-blaming, and threatening their families.
The Republican Party as a whole has overwhelmingly backed its nominee, in large part because it has no choice: Voters have flocked to Trump, and party stalwarts, even those with misgivings like Speaker Paul Ryan, have been forced to fall in line.
While many of the party's standard-bearers won't be in attendance, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus will take to the stage in the hopes of convincing delegates and Republicans across the country to fall in line, no matter their view on Trump.
The more drawn out and partisan the process of replacing Comey becomes, the clearer it will be that Trump is setting out to corrupt the FBI, and that the new director will be expected to fall in line where Comey did not.
The 71-year-old man who enthusiastically called a fellow candidate a crude expletive during a campaign rally, and bragged about the size of his penis during a televised debate, was supposed to fall in line when he ascended to the presidency.
It is also a warning that officials should fall in line, though some privately fear he has amassed too much control and has eroded traditions of collective leadership, built up to prevent a return to the arbitrary abuses of Mao's final decades.
Clinton allies hope that her lead will grow as Sanders supporters begin to fall in line, but that's no guarantee considering the tough rhetoric from the candidate and his voters, as well as continued clashes and accusations lobbed by the two sides.
The rage is coming from elsewhere, from the conservative elite, who feel betrayed by a base that used to fall in line behind whomever the party chose for them at election time, but now is rising up in childish or addled rebellion.
At times, Mr. Priebus, whose first name rhymes with "pints," struggled to defend Mr. Trump's antics, but he showed his loyalty by supplementing the campaign's resources and by urging Republicans to fall in line behind the candidate in spite of their reservations.
At the moment, her campaign seems to be hedging on the hope: that frustrated Bernie voters will not simply stay home in November, or fall in line behind Clinton, but continue their dogged fight for "the revolution," with Stein as its natural heir.
To help cover the higher costs of fuel, the tax would pay the average American family around $2,000 a year in dividend and slap a "border adjustment" on the cost of imported fossil fuel to urge other nations to fall in line.
Mr. Lewandowski was even blunter, recalling a Las Vegas dinner he attended in 2017 with Mr. Heller, in which he bluntly told the senator that if he did not fall in line with Mr. Trump, the president's allies would aggressively target him.
But Mr. McManus often "refused to fall in line" with the Democratic establishment over particular candidates and other issues and it finally sought revenge in this primary, said Ms. Spillane, who accused Democratic leaders of redrawing district lines to weaken the McManus club.
And as he presses a hard-line immigration agenda, he has dispatched additional federal prosecutors to border districts to prosecute immigration cases and has ordered cities and states to fall in line with federal immigration authorities or else face cuts in federal funding.
Jacinta Carroll, director of national security policy at the Australian National University, defended the budget's foreign policy priorities, noting that they fall in line with the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper, and include a greater focus on Australia's closest neighbors in the Pacific.
And even if — on some level — Comey identifies as a "Republican" (he had been registered in the party for some portion of his life), studies in psychology suggest having a strong personal identity can help buffet the tendency to fall in line.
Still, the White House assuaged some other skeptics of the funding deal, namely Sean Hannity on Fox and the radio host Rush Limbaugh, both of whom in effect announced the president's decision in advance and encouraged their followers to fall in line.
The moment our perceived reality doesn't fall in line with the version of reality they present to viewers (see: the Kardashian robbery story last year), there's an immediate surge of interest and a chance to confirm your personal theories about the Kardashians.
According to a rep from HerpAlert -- an online diagnosis and treatment website for the STD -- there's been a spike in folks looking to get treated for herpes this weekend ... which just so happens to fall in line with the 90th annual Academy Awards.
There's one obvious catch -- she'd have to work for Donald Trump, a man she rightly stiffed-arm throughout the Republican primary and did not openly support or endorse during the general election, despite high-level pressure to fall in line with other Republican leaders.
A source close to the White House reiterated the same point, adding that the losses in the House fall in line with the average number of seats lost by a president's party in the midterms, making the outcome not entirely a response to Trump.
Offered exclusively online at White House Black Market, customers can expect to find a range that includes velvet jackets, sequined tops, embellished denim, and party dresses in sizes 16W to 24W; the pieces fall in line with WHBM's usual pricing, selling from $42 to $220.
This Tuesday night, as the lights go out on this campaign, one of two things will likely happen: Trump will win and Republicans will eventually fall in line, or Trump will lose and life will go on, but we will all move in different directions.
The International Energy Agency, the energy watchdog of the West, said it was unclear how rapidly global oil supply could fall in line with demand even if the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and major producer Russia agreed on a steep output cut.
" And she's convinced that one of his first steps toward achieving it will be to gut to free press: "Many journalists," she predicts, "may soon face a dilemma long familiar to those of us who have worked under autocracies: fall in line or forfeit access.
Though some of the techno greats have preached the idea of taking the power back (not to mention a whole legacy of punk music that suggests, er, extreme reactions to demagoguery), Duncanson can only express sentiments that fall in line with his work to date.
Now, there's certainly a chance that Dar's comments to Keane are the only play he's making — to make the bombing seem like more than it is (or maybe he genuinely thinks it's more than it is) in order to get Keane to fall in line.
General Flynn maintains that he was fired for insisting that Al Qaeda and other militant Islamists were regrouping in the Middle East and for refusing to fall in line with an administration that wanted to bask in the glow of having killed Osama bin Laden.
Government whips have privately warned Tory MPs to fall in line on the bill or risk Jeremy Corbyn becoming PM. The threat of a cabinet reshuffle is also being held over the heads of ministers, who have been blamed for briefing against the prime minister.
"Even as Donald Trump makes these really offensive, really bombastic, really divisive comments, you have senators who are inclined to fall in line and say, 'We'll support the nominee, we'll support the nominee,'" said Lauren Passalacqua, press secretary for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
His "personal life" (which apparently didn't include his son) was off limits and since I was no longer his "personal life" it was time for me to shut up, fall in line and stop bothering him with the nuisances or demands of raising a child.
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's central province of Hunan from April 1 will no longer set prices for natural gas used by vehicles, state-run Hunan Daily said, the latest region to fall in line with years-long Beijing-led reforms and start liberalizing its gas market.
The relationship between the TV host and the president is particularly notable because of Dobbs's nationalistic views and hardline stances on immigration — meaning as long as he's whispering in Trump's ear, or weighing in on policy, it's likely Trump's positions will similarly fall in line.
In the run-up to the WeWork acquisition, however, Meetup became unfocused, spending energy on revising its supportive culture and getting rid of employees who didn't fall in line with a newly redesigned set of values, according to multiple former employees and internal documents obtained by Gizmodo.
The monetary authority added that it would continue to intervene in the secondary market for central bank debt notes, known as Lebacs, and said it would keep policy tight until inflation expectations fall in line with its target for 17 percent annual inflation by December 2019.
But Perry's mindset also seems to fall in line with the messages she sent during her four-day Witness live-stream event where she opened up about her emotional struggles, why she became a feminist, recognizing her sexual power, and her past experiences with cultural appropriation.
The findings fall in line with previous research that has linked a happy social life with better brain healthThe recent findings build on past research that have found super-agers — people who live into their 100s, free of neurodegenerative disease — tend to be social and positive.
The New Orleans Pelicans also fall in line, but lack enough salary in expiring contracts to execute a deal; a three-team transaction is always possible but incredibly difficult to pull off assuming the Lakers and Mystery Team X both want draft picks in the deal.
Here's the list, in full: As you can see, there's a whole lot of stuff in there that has nothing to do with terrorism — and everything to do with stomping out Qatar's regional aspirations and forcing it to fall in line with Saudi Arabia's preferred policies.
Remarkably, an internal document obtained by Motherboard appears to indicate that in spite of the company's own lobbying rhetoric, Apple may already be able to offer the diagnostic software, training, and parts that would basically fall in line with what right-to-repair legislation might mandate.
It will occasionally feint toward doing so, by having Dany, say, emerge from a full-scale inferno unburned and unharmed (which would get me to fall in line with just about anyone), or by having Jon show off his supposed military prowess and/or stupid courage.
With the rollout date imminent, it remains to be seen whether Twitter is preparing a dramatic change in the way it polices users on the site or if the new approach will simply fall in line with its time-honored, laissez-faire approach of inaction and confusion.
Here's the list, in full: As you can see, there's a whole lot of stuff in there that has nothing to do with terrorism — and has everything to do with stomping out Qatar's regional aspirations and forcing it to fall in line with Saudi Arabia's preferred policies.
Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzTrump moves forward with F-16 sale to Taiwan opposed by China The Hill's Campaign Report: Battle for Senate begins to take shape O'Rourke says he will not 'in any scenario' run for Senate MORE) rather than fall in line behind Trump.
When the coach, whose honorable nature Mr. Fernandez makes nicely transparent, insists that it's his moral obligation to report the incident to the sport's authorities, Peter only doubles down on his suasion, implying he will move Ray to another club if the coach doesn't fall in line.
When it comes to the danger of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, there is no sign Iran or any of the other major powers in the existing and so far successful pact will simply fall in line with Mr. Trump's notional new plan.
WASHINGTON — President Trump issued an ultimatum on Thursday to recalcitrant Republicans to fall in line behind a broad health insurance overhaul or see their opportunity to repeal the Affordable Care Act vanish, demanding a Friday vote on a bill that appeared to lack a majority to pass.
The "Fall In Line" video lands three days after Aguilera and Lovato performed the song live for the first time at Sunday's Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, where the crowd leapt to its feet for a rousing standing ovation — including a particularly glowing reaction from Tyra Banks.
Yet the study findings appear to fall in line with separate research -- including one study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2016, that linked increased light exposure at night with a 10% increase in body mass index over a 10-year period in older adults.
Bill O'Reilly and other conservative talk show hosts will now swear up and down that Trump is no bigot and excuse and explain away all the awful that he's said and done, while other Republicans who fall in line will pretend they've never heard Trump say anything untoward.
The rumors fall in line a report from KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from last week, which claims that the next iPhone will feature a new front-facing camera with an IR module to sense the 3D space in front of it for augmented reality use cases.
While in the past, a candidate could safely ignore the complaints of the losing candidate's supporters, much as Barack Obama did when Clinton's supporters were upset in 2008, there seems to be a large group of Sanders' supporters who may not fall in line behind the party's candidate.
Here's the average amount American parents have saved up at various stages: These savings fall in line with Fidelity's $234,22016 rule, which instructs parents to multiply their child's age by $2,000 in order to stay on track to cover half the average cost of a four-year, public university.
For a man whose career is apparently built on wit and insight, it seemed to escape his notice that he, an older guy who rebelled as a kid, was joking that he's now unhappy that the behavior of young people didn't fall in line with his expectations or desires.
The Commission said in the latter, published on its website, that planned Italian government spending was too high, that the structural deficit, which excludes one offs and business cycle effects would rise instead of falling, and that Italian public debt would not fall in line with EU rules.
In some ways, reactions to the Access Hollywood tape, which caught him bragging about his ability to grab women "by the pussy," set the stage for everything that followed — it seems that no matter what he says or does, Republican leaders will complain briefly, then fall in line.
These statements are illustrative of an unspoken deal a number of Republican senators have made with Trump: They might disagree with much of his bombastic behavior and policy, but as long as he keeps offering up judicial nominees who continue to advance their agenda, they'll fall in line.
LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson, resisting mounting pressure to fall in line with the radical responses of other European countries to try to curb the coronavirus, stuck to a notably restrained set of measures on Thursday, even as the Trump administration exempted Britain from a trans-Atlantic travel ban.
He said the House could vote to lower spending levels and scrap last year's agreement with the White House; decide to stick by last year's spending caps, which would fall in line with the sequester cuts; or agree to a slightly higher budget number that would increase defense spending.
Grimes The 48-minute short film released with Janelle Monáe's Dirty Computer album was set in a dystopian world where people who look different or don't fall in line are deemed "dirty," and the video for "PYNK" serves as a flashback for before the bad guys took over.
Here's a summary of some of the fallout from the ban so far: For some non-US companies, the decision to fall in line with the US ban on Huawei reflects the highly-connected nature of the global tech industry, where multinational corporations may have staff or interests in several countries.
The Commission said in a letter to Economy Minister Giovanni Tria, published on its website, that planned government spending was too high, the structural deficit - excluding one-offs and business cycle effects - would rise instead of fall, and that Italian public debt would not fall in line with EU rules.
If the billionaire New York businessman captures his party's nomination — which seemed increasingly possible after a decisive victory in Nevada on Tuesday night — he will become the titular head of the Republican Party, and lawmakers like Mr. Ryan will be expected to fall in line for the balance of the campaign.
This intraparty division, compounded by the animosity of the emergent populist wings toward their respective establishments, threatens to undermine the underlying premise of the presidential nomination process: that internal factions compete in caucuses and primaries until a winner emerges, at which time losers lick their wounds and fall in line.
Sroka's ouster was announced by Poland's culture minister, Piotr Gliński, and testified to the increasingly dire state of censorship in Poland, where the ruling Law and Justice (Pis) party has taken measures to sack many of the directors of leading cultural institutions who do not fall in line with government policy.
She will perform another cut from LP May 20 at the 003 Billboard Music Awards with fellow singer Demi Lovato, as the pair is set to take the stage to belt their duet "Fall In Line" — widely expected to be released as a single from Liberation in the weeks ahead.
"The publicity of us—the rabbinical leadership and lay leadership—telling people that you have to, by Jewish law you have to vaccinate—That is going to have the effect on those last few holdouts to basically fall in line," United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg head David Niederman told Politico.
This way, the many senators who express reservations about the contents of the bill—particularly in the way it handles the phasing out of Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the opioid crisis, and funding for Planned Parenthood—can demand revisions, declare victory when those revisions are made, and then fall in line.
The study appears to fall in line with previous research exploring the role barbershops could have in preventing death and disease in the black community, said Dr. Joseph Ravenell, an internist at NYU Langone Health and associate professor of Population Health and Medicine at NYU School of Medicine in New York.
While Blumenthal's sales pitch for U.S.-manufactured Blackhawks might fall in line with the "America First" message President Trump conveyed in his inaugural address, plans to transition the AAF from one of its most relied upon aircraft – the Mi-2628 – amid Afghanistan's heaviest fighting in years, is a grave mistake.
Trump's call to get tougher on terrorism fall in line with the same rhetoric he used during the campaign trail, where he called the Geneva Convention -- a 1949 agreement that dictates international rules on torture and humanitarian treatment of prisoners -- a problem that the United States had to move past.
After all, if Trump is going to pull off an upset, he needs skeptics to fall in line now; likewise, if Trump-skeptics are privately terrified of what a Trump presidency might portend, they are being extremely reckless by allowing him to narrow the gap with Clinton without saying a word.
"America's consolidated corporate media monopolies have launched an all-out assault on democracy by trying to stamp out the expression of any ideas that don't fall in line with liberal-determined political correctness," he wrote in September, saying that the addition of CNN to AT&T would crowd out conservative viewpoints.
There weren't any teams staying in locker rooms, or anything particularly outlandish, but the San Francisco 49ers had nearly half the team kneeling and various players around the league knelt or raised fists proving that President Trump's repeated attempts to get everyone to fall in line have not succeeded thus far.
With support for the bill still uncertain, Mulvaney told GOP lawmakers Thursday that President Donald Trump would demand a Friday vote on the bill and said if House Republicans will not fall in line, the president is prepared to leave Obamacare in place and move on to other legislative priorities.
People who have mortgages with Bank of America and Chase and may feel they are in the clear because of a lack of conflicting tax forms, even if their local taxing authority has not been precise on whether prepayments fall in line with the guidance that the I.R.S. issued this week.
The pics give us a sneak peek at what could be the final design of the upcoming iPhone 25.8 — the molds fall in line with what we're expecting from Apple in its next line of phones, and appear to be identical to other recently leaked images of a dummy version of the phone.
However, industrial demand for silver should help to drive structural support over the mid-term, according to the Citi analysts "We expect price drivers to become increasingly industrialized, compensating for tempering investment demand that is due to fall in line with gold weakness in the latter half of the year," the bank said.
His surrogates and media acolytes were pushing the narrative that it was time to coalesce behind Trump -- to "fall in line," despite the fact we are still months from the convention, several key states have not voted and Trump has yet to win the majority of delegates to clinch the GOP nomination.
EA didn't reveal many details about Battlefield V's battle royale mode but it will ostensibly fall in line with the popular model set forth by PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite: Battle Royale in which a whole bunch of players enter a map and fight until there's only one player or squad left standing.
And he just kept insisting that once he won the White House, everyone — the Republican Party establishment that's tried to defeat him, Congress — will fall in line, because he's such a unifying figure: I've had many occasions like this, where people have hated me more than any human being they've ever met.
He has a chance here to work with Democrats to deliver results and do real good by solving all the problems created by the shutdown while at the same time demonstrating that the Republican Party is more than a collection of mostly white men who fall in line with Trump's every whim.
The move would help pressure local politicians to fall in line with President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE's plan to increase offshore leasing.
If the simple black and white drawing is any indication, Wu fans will be happy to know that the Jason Wu x ELOQUII collection looks like it will fall in line with the designer's affinity for classic and ultra-feminine silhouettes, an often overlooked category in the body-con dominated plus-size realm.
People who have mortgages with Bank of America, Chase and Quicken Loans may feel they are in the clear because of a lack of conflicting tax forms, even if their local taxing authority has not been precise on whether prepayments fall in line with the guidance that the I.R.S. issued this week.
Donald Trump rages at Mexicans, Muslims, women, black people, protesters, journalists, anyone who doesn't fall in line; in turn a chunk of his supporters go on the offensive and channel their newly-awakened rage into violence; anti-fascists, liberals, and those with a shred of fucking empathy then rage against the intimidation.
"Here we have a president who made a political decision and is about to browbeat industry to fall in line," said David Friedman, the acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration under President Barack Obama who is now director of cars and product policy at the Consumers Union, an advocacy group.
The Democratic Party of Georgia blasted Kemp's decision to pick Loeffler on Wednesday, with its chairwoman, Nikema Williams, saying in a statement that Loeffler "has already made it clear that she will not be an independent voice for our state, and instead will fall in line with Donald Trump" and other Republicans.
A spokesperson for Facebook told Gizmodo that the company continues to be a strong supporter of net neutrality and believes its services fall in line with the bright-line rules that define the principle: no paid prioritization that provides internet fast lanes for services that pay, no blocking content, and no throttling or slowing connections.
But when June meets a couple of Econopeople this week, we see that in the show's Gilead, the Econowives are just Wives, but poorer: They live in shabby, cramped apartments, under surveillance, and if they are fertile, Gilead threatens them with the specter of the Handmaid's robes if they fail to fall in line.
The new Forever 21 Plus collection doesn't just represent its latest drop of merchandise — rather, it's a full-on rebrand, which includes more pieces of ready-to-wear, lingerie, and swim in larger sizes, as well as a commitment to fashion-forward offerings that fall in line with the rest of the retailer's offerings.
Additionally, the Monmouth poll's margin of error is over 2202 points and, even though the findings fall in line with a recent Economist/YouGov poll that put Biden at 2628 percent, Sanders at 28500 and Warren at 6900, it is out of step with the others — which the Monmouth poll's director acknowledged in a statement.
One might assume that turning away from this life to become one of the world's most successful music moguls would fall in line with the right's pulling-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps American dream narrative, but that only seems to apply to suburban men who open small businesses that sell novelty decals for pickup trucks.
The energy on the left — tired of Washington's slow, incremental change — is pushing progressive lawmakers to make a choice: Will they be a thorn in the side of their own leadership after Democrats have finally clawed their way back to power, or fall in line, in the interest of Democrats' united fight against Trump?
"I think when you speak to people about cocaine, they'll often say [sex] is way better," says Mulhall, which would appear to fall in line with a 2002 study that found 40 to 50 percent of respondents experienced an increase in sex drive, fantasies, pleasure, performance, obsession, and unusual or risky sexual behaviors while using coke.
While most of the acts who play live at Robot Hearts' events fall in line with the trippy, minimal sound people associate with playa tech, their widespread popularity has even led them to booking mainstream acts like Major Lazer and Above and Beyond, who played an ambient set paired with live yoga at Burning Man last year.
Aguilera had a lot to celebrate at her party this year: She was nominated for two Grammys earlier in December (best pop duo/group performance for "Fall in Line" featuring Demi Lovato and best rap/sung performance for "Like I Do" featuring Goldlink), and she is gearing up to headline Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve in Times Square.
They need to check off the boxes for being thoughtful and heartfelt; they have to fall in line with whatever obscure relationship stage you and your significant other fall under; and most of all, they need to have that special personal touch that reminds them just why you love them (and just why they love you too).
Specs for the S2850+ as reported by 21mobiles generally fall in line with what has been rumored before, with the phone featuring 2000GB of RAM, 29GB of storage, two 20-MP and one 03-MP sensors in back, a 20,255 mAh battery, and either a Qualcomm 220 or Samsung Exynos 9820 chip depending on the region.
Thus far he has rebuffed any suggestion to call it quits and fall in line behind Hillary Clinton, but on Wednesday Sanders did take a step towards winding down his massive campaign apparatus, telling the Times that his campaign is laying off "hundreds" of staff members and making a last stand in California on June 7.
According to Soare, the beginning of your brows should line up with the center of your nostril, your arch should fall in line with the tip of you nose and the iris of your eye, and the tail of your brows should line up with the outer corner of your nose and the outer corner of your eye.
The legislation is backed by the White House, Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE (R-Wis.) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and the Obama administration is putting heavy pressure on Democrats to fall in line.
MPs prepare to debate Britain's exit from the EU. LONDON — Theresa May has been told to stop her "bullish, macho" and "silly" threats to Tory MPs to fall in line over Brexit, as MPs prepare to debate Britain's exit from the EU. Parliament is set to begin its examination of the so-called Great Repeal Bill later this week.
That's not to say we don't exist in this industry, but our voices are amplified only when we're espousing opinions that fall in line with what others are already collectively saying in the op-ed pages and on social media: when right and wrong is clearcut enough for the editors of these publications to feel comfortable printing our words.
Republicans argue that Democrats need to fall in line behind this nomination because Judge Gorsuch is qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice, and because President TrumpDonald John TrumpO'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms Objections to Trump's new immigration rule wildly exaggerated MORE deserves to have his nominees confirmed.
But the kind of bias and resistance to change implied by the memo seem to fall in line with the endless accounts of harassment and a deeply embedded "bro culture" that've been well-documented by women across the tech industry, and indicate that Google might need to take a much stronger stand in order to make a real difference.
These excuses tend to fall in line with this sentiment from Bari Weiss at the New York Times: Are conservatives that void of intellect and moral fortitude that they couldn't find a way to fend off unfair charges of racism—which I spent years defending the GOP against—while retaining the ability to resist someone as obviously bigoted as Trump?
Attempts to block health providers who provide safe and legal abortion from providing other health care services and information in their communities — even when the issue at hand has nothing to do with abortion — fall in line with an extreme conservative agenda to dismantle women's reproductive rights and destroy the public health safety nets on which so many Americans rely.
"There's nothing the president could have done to make [conservative] Freedom Caucus members think this was good legislation their voters could support, nor could he have gotten moderates onboard with a bill that took health insurance away," explained Hudak, who blamed Speaker of the House Paul Ryan rather than Trump for failing to get House Republicans to fall in line.
The American right, like the housing market and the banks and the hedge funds and the health insurers and providers, simply could not be induced to check its basest instincts in the face of an opponent that staked its entire political credibility on the promise that it could make Republicans fall in line with realigned incentives or One Weird Trick.
Having seen all the X-Men films, I went into this with a perception of what I thought it was going to be — that we were going to have to fall in line with the aesthetics of these other films — but Jim [Logan director James Mangold] made it very clear right off the bat that this was not one of those films, this was its own entity.
You see, when members of Congress condemn a tweet and then fall in line with the President's awkward leadership of domestic and foreign policy — such as when they race to be his guest at a South Lawn ceremony celebrating passage of a flawed health care bill that even the President himself now disowns -- all their condemnation, and congressional resolve itself, is exposed as meritless.
Election analyst Henry Olsen predicted Friday that the Democratic Party's progressive wing ultimately will fall in line with any Democratic presidential nominee voters elect because of their disdain for President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE.
Of course that's probably the point of these nine songs, but it puts Stapleton in the position of being a voice of reason in the genre, unwittingly pitting him against the very songwriters he's helped make successful as well as dignifying him as a type of country music deity, which very much does not fall in line with how Stapleton wants to be considered within the industry.
But once they return on Tuesday to a crush of reporters and consult one another for the first time after a long stretch at home, we should get a better sense of whether a real number of them are ready to show some spine — or whether most will just fall in line once they can get on the same page in meetings next week.
It seems clear that now that the Night King is gone, Daenerys will expect everybody to fall in line behind her, but both Tyrion and Jaime are going to have some sort of feelings about turning the fight toward their sister; Sansa doesn't trust Dany at all; and Jon has recently learned he also has a valid claim to the Iron Throne, perhaps an even more valid one than Dany has.
So now the question going forward is whether or not Trump is going to fall in line with Republican orthodoxy and push the Republican platform and become a party leader, or whether he is going to continue to push back against this one-party myopia that prevails after these kind of wave elections, and whether he decides to continue to focus on what he said he wanted to do.
Johnson, a Texas Democrat, wrote in her letter that the committee was probing Ross' "alleged threat to fire NOAA political officials if they did not fall in line with the White House's misleading statements," the statement from the agency disavowing the NWS tweet "that attempted to set the record straight" on Dorian's path, and a "directive issued to NOAA staff forbidding them from speaking out in contradiction of" Trump's false tweet.
A Georgia lawmaker fended off a crowd of protesters at a town hall Tuesday, trying to assure a rowdy audience that he doesn't fall in line with President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE on every issue.
The budget plan, which is set to be publicly unveiled Tuesday, does not contain cuts to Medicare and Social Security, but its large cuts to Medicaid fall in line with House Republicans' desire to curtail the expansion of the program under former President Barack ObamaBarack Hussein ObamaDick Cheney to attend fundraiser supporting Trump reelection: report Forget conventional wisdom — Bernie Sanders is electable 2020 Democrats fight to claim Obama's mantle on health care MORE.
So the Icelandic right has, in its decades of near-unrivaled power over the country, found that it's in their best interest to fall in line with the image most of the world has of Iceland: a happy little Scandinavian country full of forward-thinking artists and warm, level-headed businessmen and politicians who care about their populace, a place where a journalist would never even insinuate that a politician has done anything untoward.
A top Republican fundraiser says he believes the majority of the party's donor class will ultimately "fall in line" behind Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE as the party's presidential nominee despite last-ditch attempts by some wealthy conservatives to derail the billionaire front-runner.
" If this is America, where the Great Leader threatens allies who do not fall in line, retweets the anti-Muslim racism of British fascists, insults the Muslim mayor of London, dreams up a terror attack in Sweden, invents a call from the Mexican president, claims the Russia story is a "total fabrication," then you will have to "bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
The latest model, which will be known as the Leaf e+ outside the U.S. and Canada, will now fall in line with a surge of long-range competitors, such as the Tesla Model S, Chevrolet Bolt EV and Hyundai Kona EV. "This deserves to be called a big bang," Denis LeVot, the CEO of Nissan North America, said during a conversation with CNBC following the debut of the 21 Leaf Plus at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Tuesday night.
However, for 22019 it seems the iPhone SE will get a name change to the iPhone XE, which would fall in line with the rest of Apple's existing iPhone lineup such as iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR.Alongside a new name, the iPhone XE will also reportedly be getting a 22019-inch edge-to-edge AMOLED display similar to what you find on current iPhones, with a smallish notch up top for Apple's FaceID sensors and a selfie cam or two.
Rep. Ryan CostelloRyan Anthony CostellloHead of Pennsylvania GOP resigns over alleged explicit texts Lobbying world Overnight Energy: Park Service closing Joshua Tree after shutdown damage | Dems deliver trash from parks to White House | Dems offer bills to block offshore drilling | Oil lobby worries about Trump trade fight MORE (R-Pa.) said that he is "not afraid of Steve Bannon," despite the former White House strategist's stated goal to back the campaigns of challengers to establishment Republicans who don't fall in line with President Trump's agenda.
House Republicans will begin unveiling a formal policy platform this week after Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE (R-Wis.) became the last GOP leader to fall in line behind Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE.
THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS -- WHAT'S ON THE 'GENDA: Via The Hill's Cristina Marcos and Jordain Carney, House Republicans will begin unveiling a formal policy platform this week after Speaker Paul RyanPaul Davis RyanEmbattled Juul seeks allies in Washington Ex-Parkland students criticize Kellyanne Conway Latina leaders: 'It's a women's world more than anything' MORE (R-Wis.) became the last GOP leader to fall in line behind Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE.
Winner: "This Is America" — Donald Glover & Ludwig Göransson "All the Stars" — Kendrick Duckworth, Mark Spears, Al Shuckburgh, Anthony Tiffith & Solána Rowe "Boo'd Up" — Larrance Dopson, Joelle James, Ella Mai & Dijon McFarlane "God's Plan" — Aubrey Graham, Daveon Jackson, Brock Korsan, Ron LaTour, Matthew Samuels & Noah Shebib "In My Blood" — Teddy Geiger, Scott Harris, Shawn Mendes & Geoffrey Warburton "The Joke" — Brandi Carlile, Dave Cobb, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth "The Middle" — Sarah Aarons, Jordan K. Johnson, Stefan Johnson, Marcus Lomax, Kyle Trewartha, Michael Trewartha & Anton Zaslavski "Shallow" — Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando & Andrew Wyatt Winner: Golden Hour — Kacey Musgraves Unapologetically — Kelsea Ballerini Port Saint Joe — Brothers Osborne Girl Going Nowhere — Ashley McBryde From a Room: Volume 2 — Chris Stapleton Winner: "Shallow" — Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper "Fall in Line" — Christina Aguilera feat.

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