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128 Sentences With "exchanging ideas"

How to use exchanging ideas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "exchanging ideas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "exchanging ideas". Mastering all the usages of "exchanging ideas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

For example, working together and exchanging ideas can foster innovation.
This country was built through diversity, exchanging ideas, exchanging cultures.
We just kept exchanging ideas and it became what you saw.
After a few meetings exchanging ideas, Dirty Hit Records was born.
The two were "practically twins," he said, collaborating on research and exchanging ideas.
But they looked like they were having fun and everyone was exchanging ideas.
Cuban chefs are already seeking out better quality food and exchanging ideas with American peers.
"Email is simply a medium for exchanging ideas, and wherever a medium exists, exploits will soon follow."
It's a wonderful day for spending time with the people you care about and for exchanging ideas.
Brady also said lawmakers were exchanging ideas with Trump over how to handle 401(k) retirement savings plans.
Conferences have long been the gold standard for exchanging ideas and strengthening professional relationships, both in business and academia.
Mr. Lucas replied, and the museum and the artists began exchanging ideas for how the videos could be displayed.
According to the United Nations, a literate community is ideal, capable of effectively exchanging ideas and engaging in meaningful debates.
You can pore over original concept art, storyboards, and advertisements, and read stories about Disney and Capcom exchanging ideas over fax.
Exchanging ideas is a theme this month, especially due to the full moon in Fire sign Sagittarius, which arrives on June 9.
Many of my friends are creative types and makers, so we're always exchanging ideas and getting worked up around the dinner table.
"By 'schmoozing and exchanging ideas' with admissions officers, you are halfway to a successful application to a famous school," said the Chinese-language ad.
Instead, try other tactics like clearly indicating your name on drafts of a document or including a third party when you are exchanging ideas.
"Yesterday, I was breastfeeding Aidan and practicing with [Clinton campaign speechwriter] Megan, and she was giving me feedback and I was exchanging ideas," she said.
The journey is more rewarding when you make it about connection and collaboration, exchanging ideas and bringing them to fruition as part of a team.
That's the creative process, when you're exchanging ideas and everybody is in a place where they're comfortable to put in their ideas and exchange them.
Its activists may preach love for the homeland and its unique character, but in practice they are impeccable internationalists, mixing and exchanging ideas like other millennials.
Some clubs pool member contributions, which can be quite small, and invest by majority vote, while others are discussion groups for exchanging ideas, tips and war stories.
The ambitious young artists, along with the painter Kenneth Noland, who lived in the next town, saw each other almost daily, frequenting each other's studios and exchanging ideas.
Jenkins belonged to a remarkable group of Labour cabinet ministers, many of them from working-class backgrounds, who got to know one another and started exchanging ideas at Oxford University.
But part of the appeal of this new network to the regime is that it knows it can no longer keep all the information out, or its people from exchanging ideas.
This is a key point to remember: Senate "gangs" don't have a great record of success -- but they get people talking and exchanging ideas, something that basically hasn't happened in weeks.
We are co-founders of i4j — Innovation for Jobs, an eclectic community of thought leaders that has been exchanging ideas since 2012 about how innovation can disrupt unemployment and create better jobs.
It's really interesting for me to meet new, fascinating human beings every single day who are exchanging ideas and loving the work that's being done here, because we all feel the necessity to do something.
"This year's Sohn Investment Conference will build upon the legacy of Sohn as a unique platform for exchanging ideas with other leading investors and thinkers," said Graham Duncan, Co-Chair of The Sohn Investment Conference.
As the markets rally off of the ugly end to 2018, some of the most influential names in global business are exchanging ideas and sharing their concerns at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Barely in his twenties, he hung out in Chicago's literary bohemia, drinking and exchanging ideas and manuscripts with Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Sandburg, and many other members of what became known as the Chicago Literary Renaissance.
Last year, in striking down a North Carolina law that banished sex offenders from social media, the Supreme Court said "cyberspace," including social media, was one of "the most important places" for exchanging ideas and opinions.
He and Badu have been exchanging ideas, and a few weeks ago she dropped by Witness's house to add her part to a song that D.R.A.M. had sent her, possibly for release on his upcoming mixtape.
Despite the hyper-partisanship in Congress and statehouses across the United States the fact is we know that we can get more done by exchanging ideas and collaborating with people who have views unlike our own.
The old promise of the internet — niche communities, human connection, people exchanging ideas, maybe even paying each other for the work they'd made — never really lost its appeal, but this year it came back with a miniature vengeance.
At gatherings like 21st Century Cities, local officials are exchanging ideas and learning from each other's experiences to figure out the best way to take on the unique challenges surrounding transportation, housing, business development, access to services, and more.
Everybody knew everybody, drinking and arguing and exchanging ideas in their now anachronistic suits and ties: Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and James Rosenquist, Robert Indiana and Claes Oldenburg and a guy named Tom Wesselmann, the most famous artist that you don't know.
This can only be done if the full complement of care delivery sites—doctors' offices, urgent care clinics, emergency rooms, and hospitals—are at the table partnering with other key stakeholders such as payers and patients exchanging ideas on how to solve acute care challenges.
Just as Carbon Engineering has borrowed ideas from other industries to make direct air capture more efficient, so steelmakers, iron-ore producers, utilities, cement companies and oil multinationals should be exchanging ideas on how best to turn natural gas into hydrogen or capture and store CO2.
They spent the summer painting, exchanging ideas and reading poetry. They were visited regularly by their friend and neighbor Gertrude Stein.
The International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) is a global professional association of Political Consultants. The IAPC was founded 1968 in Paris. It organizes annual conferences and is a platform for exchanging ideas between political consultants. The current Chairman is Ilkka Ahtokivi, Finland.
ABTL's goal is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and information regarding business litigation. From its start in 1973, it has been committed to promoting and enhancing communications between all sides of the business bar and the federal and state benches.
"I feel privileged. I love filming, solving typical shooting problems, exchanging ideas, directing actors, choosing camera angles. It's very enjoyable to get along with good-humored and intelligent people, and the movies provide that." Preparing the cast during pre-production helped make sure everyone was tuned in to shoot the scenes.
The scope of people recommender systems can be categorized into three: recommending familiar people to connect with, recommending people to follow and recommending strangers. Recommending strangers is seen as valuable as recommending familiar people because of leading to chances such as exchanging ideas, obtaining new opportunities, and increasing one’s reputation.
Education in Hong Kong has often been described as 'spoon fed'. Cram schools in Hong Kong have also become a popular standard in parallel to regular education. Teachers focus on helping students getting high scores in the major exams and heavily rely on textbook knowledge rather than exchanging ideas and essence of the subjects.
Since January 2007 von der Goltz has also been artistic director of the Oslo-based Norwegian Baroque Orchestra. His interests include salt-water swimming and gøbbing (exchanging ideas with members of a think tank). Gottfried von der Goltz's extensive discography and DVD production include recordings as soloist, chamber musician, and conductor, also of larger scenic works, like Rameau's Dardanus.
He became Hitler's mentor, exchanging ideas with him and helping to establish theories and beliefs of the Party. He lent Hitler books to read, gave him a trench coat to wear, and made corrections to Hitler's style of speaking and writing, as well as schooling the provincial Hitler in proper manners. He regarded Hitler as his protégé.
The European Association of Political Consultants (EAPC) is the professional association of Political Consultants in Europe, with members from more than 20 countries. The EAPC was founded 1996 in Vienna. It is a platform for exchanging ideas between political consultants and is committed to supporting the development of democratic structures in Europe. The current president is Igor Mintusov from Russia.
"I'd been singing down there (Greenwich Village), and we'd all been exchanging ideas and stuff. Then one time a producer (Wyld) came up to me and said he was very interested in recording some of my original songs, but he said that I needed a vehicle." Wyld recommended McKay to Mercury Records and convinced the record label to sign him.
The workshops of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) let 130 countries participate in exchanging ideas in the organization for the rural development. Pierre Guerry, consultant of this workshop as marketing expert, proposed an approach of ecotourism to promote the local products and the territorial specificities in the supranational level. Afterward, the approach was suggested to the institutional organizations.
There are a number of large Heathen gatherings in Canada which consist of local, regional and disperse Heathens coming together to share in each other's company for the purposes of meeting new friends, sharing in religious devotion as well as exchanging ideas on how to better improve the many facets of Heathen life on a local, regional or national level.
The College works with three affiliate organizations. The ACP Education Foundation seeks to expand education, research, and growth opportunities in prosthodontics. The American Board of Prosthodontics certifies individuals who have demonstrated special knowledge and skills in prosthodontics. The Prosthodontic Forum represents 19 member organizations, attempting to provide a unified voice and a means of exchanging ideas, incentives and information between prosthodontically oriented organizations.
J. William Lloyd, The Karezza Method or Magnetation: The Art of Connubial Love (1931), p. 5. In 1888, Chavannes published his theories on magnetism in his book, Vital Force and Magnetic Exchange. By the 1890s, Chavannes was exchanging ideas with socialists Lester Frank Ward and Edward Bellamy.Edward Rafferty, Apostle of Human Progress: Lester Frank Ward and American Political Thought (Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group, 2003), p. 190.
Over 100 delegates from 48 nations participated in the Congress which lasted for 6 days and included dozens of workshops, several high-level panel debates as well as alternative approaches to exchanging ideas and learning from each other. In Berlin, the structures of the network were revised. Impressions The third and fourth congresses took place alongside that of Global Greens, in Dakar and Liverpool respectively.
First issued in 31 fortnightly parts published by Amalgamated Press, bound up in three volumes as publication proceeded. First issued in one volume by Cassell in 1931. A pupil at Oundle School, he was in the first class to learn Russian as a modern language in a British school. He accompanied his father to Soviet Russia in 1920, acting as his Russian translator and exchanging ideas with Russian zoology students.
In 1916 Weinrich joined a group of printmakers which had begun using the white-line technique pioneered by Provincetown artist B.J.O. Nordfelt. She and the others in the group, including Blanche Lazzell, Ethel Mars and Edna Boies Hopkins, worked together, exchanging ideas and solving problems. A year later Weinrich showed one of her first white-line prints at an exhibition held by the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia.
During a period when the factory was closed due to a factional battle in the Communist Party of China, he began exchanging ideas with Pan Wuyun and Jin Shengrong, and refined his Old Chinese system to a six-vowel system. Essentially the same system was independently developed by William Baxter (building on a proposal by Nicholas Bodman) and by Sergei Starostin. In 1980, he joined the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Later, her husband began to suffer from depression and eventually they divorced. Dr Scott reportedly went on to commit suicide. In the spring of 1917, Dawson Scott started the To- Morrow Club, a predecessor to the later International PEN Club. The name indicated that aim of the club: to draw the writers of “tomorrow”, the “literary youth” and connect them with the established writers for the purpose of exchanging ideas, advice, and comments.
At the DAP, Hitler met Dietrich Eckart, one of the party's founders and a member of the occult Thule Society. Eckart became Hitler's mentor, exchanging ideas with him and introducing him to a wide range of Munich society. To increase its appeal, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party; NSDAP). Hitler designed the party's banner of a swastika in a white circle on a red background.
The purpose of this fraternity is to promote scholarship of the pre-medical professions in the community. Mu Epsilon Delta shall participate in community related events. By being positive influences upon the university and community Mu Epsilon Delta will be able to provide insight and exposure for its members to doctors. Mu Epsilon Delta should assist pre-medical professional students and promote academic success as well as providing a forum for exchanging ideas and concerns.
It is envisaged that it would be very convenient for artists as they will then be living at flats nearby. It is within walking distance that they get back to their studios to continue with their work. Moreover, if the entire floor of a particular block is rented to artists, surely artists will have more opportunities for interactions, exchanging ideas about art. This helps to create an artistic atmosphere within the neighbourhood.
In an effort to build an audience, awareness and development of original contents, ACPI organizes its flagship project Animahenasyon with the following additional objectives: to encourage potential animators to explore the opportunities available in the industry; to provide a location for exchanging ideas and possible business opportunities among animators, producers, and supporters of the industry; and to hold forums that will discuss and set the direction for the development of the industry.
Carole Stone, CBE (born 30 May 1942) is a British author and freelance radio and television broadcaster. Stone spent 27 years at the BBC beginning as a newsroom secretary and eventually becoming the producer of Radio 4's flagship discussion programme Any Questions? In 2018, Stone established The Carole Stone Foundation to support her belief that connecting people, exchanging ideas and building friendships around the world is essential to help make a fairer society.
It also includes the right to express oneself in any medium including exchanging ideas and thoughts through Internet platforms or social networks. Freedom means the right to political expression especially when it raises matters of public importance. Most democratic countries advance the installation of the Internet for economic and communication purposes; therefore, political expression is given some protection on the Internet. Some governments actively move to protect citizen's data on the Internet.
He had three daughters, two of whom (Anna and Pietronella) also became painters. They received their first art lessons from him and their uncles. Later he and the decorative artist, , established the "Permanenten Kunstausstellung" (Permanent Art Exhibition) in Stuttgart which provided a way of exchanging ideas and works with painters in Munich. Originally, he painted in a very strict Dutch Romantic style, but later turned more toward a type of atmospheric Impressionism.
She would have used her collection of recipes to maintain her status within the higher levels of society, keeping in contact with family and friends by exchanging ideas about cookery. Fettiplace's husband died in 1615 and it appears she left Appleton Manor, giving advice to her daughter-in-law, Margaret, on how best to run it. After Fettiplace's father died in 1616, he left £500 in his will for her. He was buried in St Kenelm's Church, Sapperton.
Both Lehning and McGee continued their friendship, constantly exchanging ideas. In 1974, Tanya Tucker recorded McGee's "Depend on You" for her Lovin' and Learnin' album. Not long afterwards, McGee signed with Dawnbreaker Music, a family publishing outfit involving brothers Dan and Jim Seals, whose albums as members of England Dan & John Ford Coley and Seals & Crofts, respectively, would bear songs with McGee songwriting credits. McGee's big breakthrough came in 1976 with "I'd Really Love to See You Tonight".
The first edition of Biennale of Architecture in Kraków was organised in 1985 by a group of Polish architects gathered in The Association of Polish Architects ( - SARP) on the initiative of Romuald Loegler. The Biennale grew in importance following the democratic transition in Poland in 1989. In the 1990s Biennale became a unique forum for exchanging ideas and individual experience among the architects from all over the world. In 1994, the Biennale celebrated the astronomer, Copernicus.
Its vision is to become "the premier network exchanging ideas, experience and know-how across the Asia Pacific Region". GDLN Asia Pacific is a separate entity to The World Bank. It has endorsed its own Charter and Business Plan and, in accordance with the Charter, a GDLN Asia Pacific Governing Committee has been appointed. The committee comprises China (2), Australia (1), Thailand (1), The World Bank (1), and finally, a nominee of the Government of Japan (1).
Most of these were already members of the MHA, and the JWHA was founded with the intent to continue the collaboration and warm relations with the MHA. Richard Howard won an MHA award in 1970 and was interested in exchanging ideas between LDS and RLDS scholars. From its beginning the JWHA board of directors included LDS members, and Utah historians were invited to join. The first JWHA meeting was held in September 1973 in Nauvoo, Illinois.
Starting in 1992 and continuing until 2015 (when he handed over to a steering group) Birkhead organised (with Professor Harry Moore) a small (~60) biennial meeting on reproductive biology in the Peak District National Park known as Biology of Spermatozoa (BoS). Delegates are from a diverse range of backgrounds and include clinicians, reproductive physiologists, andrologists, theoreticians and evolutionary biologists. The format and interdisciplinary nature of the meeting was successful in terms of exchanging ideas, techniques and establishing collaborations.
As most of the weekend markets in Hong Kong are promoting unique handicrafts and gadgets such as DIY phone cases, DIY natural soaps and traditional commodities, It encourages the development of local creative industry and cultural preservation when more people appreciate the handmade traditional products. There have been Israeli designers exchanging ideas with the local brands to create jewelries and paper toys in the weekend markets, and this foster cultural exchange between Hong Kong and other countries.
The practice of transnational feminism networks, in which feminists started exchanging ideas and collaborating across nation-state borders, originated from the United Nations conferences in the 1970s. In 1975 the United Nations Decade of Women began with the United Nations declaration of an International Women's Year. This ushered in a decade of conferences that would continue to the present. Important events during this period included conferences in Mexico City (1975), Copenhagen (1980), Nairobi (1985), and Beijing in 1995.
Picture of the Startup Pavilion at the ISTE Conference ISTE is known for hosting a variety of events related to innovation in elementary, secondary, and higher education. The annual conference (called the ISTE Conference & Expo) serves as a forum for exploring and exchanging ideas about education technology with educators from around the world. The event attracts more than 24,000 educators and education leaders. Recent conferences have been held in Philadelphia, PA (2019), Chicago, IL (2018), and San Antonio, TX (2017).
SSSP Annual Meetings provide an excellent opportunity for exploring vast and diverse topics in social problems providing you with a wealth of information as you return to the universities and private sector and continue the mission of creating social justice through your research and activism. Attendees create stronger connections with colleagues while exchanging ideas throughout the conference in formal and informal settings. Each year we welcome attendees from all over the world, including students, professors, activists, and private sector professionals.
Pitxot's association with Salvador Dalí began before his birth, because their families were acquainted. But Dalí became an early supporter of Antonio Pitxot's work, and eventually asked him to co-design the Dalí Theatre and Museum (Teatre-Museu Dalí) in Figueres, Spain. There is also a permanent exhibition of Pitxot's work on one floor of that museum. Pitxot and Dalí were nearly inseparable in the last years of Dalí's life: designing Dalí's museum, teaching art and exchanging ideas about their work.
Avnita Bir is an economist and the Director-Principal of the R. N. Podar School in Mumbai. She has worked in the Indian education system for more than 15 years, and she was a curator for Learn Shift India 2012, a conference held at Delhi, which was aimed at exchanging ideas on transforming Indian education. In the early years of her career, she was appointed to give special lessons in Economics to the children (Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra) of the late Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi.
The Union prepares and executes annual programs, which include banking seminars for banks’ staff. These seminars have become symbolic platforms for exchanging ideas and experiences between Arab banks officials about recent issues that are of extreme importance to the Arab financial business. These seminar programs have helped the Union position itself as a leading platform for coordinating training efforts in the Arab region as a whole, and for serving the interests of Arab training centers and institutes and the interests of the Arab banking sector in general.
The concept for the music video begun when Mars and Phil Tayag of the Jabbawockeez were exchanging ideas, always having consideration for the 1990s song vibe. At one point, Mars asked Tayag, "What if we do In Living Color?". Tayag was found of the idea and they decided to go ahead with it. Afterwards, Mars got the permission and help from Fox Studios and series creator Keenen Ivory Wayans to pay homage to the American sketch comedy television series In Living Color (1990–1994), thanking both of them for it.
He dropped out of High school in standard 8 (10th grade) to work as a full-time artist. Magadlela was relatively self-taught but he spent many hours with fellow artists exchanging ideas and techniques. Magadlela worked closely with artists such as Ezrom Legae, Solly Maphiri, Winston Saoli, Percy Sedumedi, Pietro Cuzzolini and Harold Jeppe who became his mentor, introducing him to art circles in Johannesburg. His most renowned work was entitled “Birth of The Second Creation” a series of drafted, mystical landscapes showing an African man and woman in flowing drapery and overwhelming clouds.
He used the platform as a way to conduct a community scanning forum to collect public opinions and allow bloggers with various areas of expertise to participate in the dialogue. The bloggers were able to address the problems facing Seoul and propose solutions in their areas of expertise, while also exchanging ideas with Mayor Park in an in-depth discussion on the administration of the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Depending on rising of power of AfreecaTV, many Idol Groups participate in AfreecaTV for their fans, for example, Nine Muses.
Logo of the European Congress on Biotechnology 2018 The European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB) is a conference for academic and industrial biotechnologists in Europe, organised by the European Federation of Biotechnology. The first Congress in the series was held in 1978 (Interlaken, Switzerland). As in all of the earlier congresses, the principal aim of the current ECB2018 is bring together the international scientific community and many segments of the biotech industry. The Congress will present the latest developments in front-line research and provide a platform for exchanging ideas in biotechnology and its applications.
Brandon Flowers revealed in May 2015 that he and Dave Keuning were exchanging ideas for the Killers' fifth studio album. The four members reconvened in October 2015, a few months earlier than originally planned. The band began working on the album at their own Battle Born Studios and also rented houses in Joshua Tree National Park and San Diego. They briefly recorded with Ryan Tedder and other producers in Los Angeles before beginning to work with Jacknife Lee, who had been recommended to them by U2 frontman Bono.
It had a bilingual program, where some classes were taught in English, rather than German. In 2008, the school was certified as a "Europaschule" (de) () by the Ministry of Schools of North Rhine-Westphalia. History of the Albert-Einstein-Schule The school held its final day of classes on 14 July, 2010. The "Comenius Project," dedicated to exchanging ideas to solve environmental problems, is a joint project of the former Albert-Einstein-Schule, in cooperation with Wath Comprehensive School in Rotherham, England and Col·legi Pare Manyanet in Barcelona, Spain.
Gastón and Mariano met during a regional experimental video festival in Buenos Aires back in 1993, where Gastón was a member of the jury and Mariano was in competition with his video Un día más en la tierra. They began exchanging ideas after the event and started to work on new projects. They have been creative and business partners since then. In the fields of experimental film and video they have created more than twenty works that have been seen in movie theaters, art-house venues and museums around the world.
The CRC builds on aspects of two earlier programs: Opinion Space and the World Bank's Citizen Report Card. Opinion Space, developed at UC Berkeley between 2009 and 2011, is a social media technology developed to assist communities in exchanging ideas and opinions concerning current issues and policies. From 2010-2014, the US State Department used a version of Opinion Space to solicit suggestions on foreign policy from participants around the world. The CRC augments the Opinion Space platform, and applies its techniques of deliberative polling, collaborative filtering and multidimensional visualization.
The tradition originated when the commandant of RMC, Sir Archibald McDonnell, and the superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur, suggested a game of ice hockey between the two schools in 1921.The 75th Army-RMC Game Set For Saturday Night :: Black Knights and goalie Brad Roberts go for four in a row. Retrieved on October 22, 2011. After two years of exchanging ideas, the first game was played on February 23, 1923, at West Point. The Redmen won that first game 3–0.
He followed this up in 1983 with a subsequent research paper in which he calculated that smokers who die of lung cancer have been exposed to 80-100 rads of radiation. In 1993 he published a paper in which he theorized that ionizing radiation in artesian groundwater was the energy source which fueled the evolution of DNA and the first living cells, after exchanging ideas with the University of Colorado's Nobel prize-winning chemist Tom Cech. At the time of his death, he was working on a book called "Natural Radionuclides and Life".
With Teodorico Quirós, the architect and landscape painter, he began to paint with greater dedication. In 1954 he returned to England to continue his studies. There he found the answer to his artistic concerns in abstract expressionism, a moment in which artists channeled their feelings into works emphasizing plastic elements such as color, line, texture, and space, but not objective reality. He also formed, with other students in his university, the group New Vision (Nueva Visión) with the intention of painting, exchanging ideas, critiquing each other, and presenting their work in different locations.
Palmolive's passionate drumming was key to the overall brashness of the group's performances. The group's audacity - on-stage and in the street - invited violence by men offended by their refusal of traditionally feminine attitudes and attire. The Slits’ raucous on-stage behaviour belied the democratic way they wrote their songs. Members would bring lyrics, then create the music collaboratively, exchanging ideas, and devising arrangements together. Palmolive wrote the lyrics to several of the Slits’ initial songs, including Number One Enemy, Shoplifting, New Town, FM, and Adventures Close to Home.
This proposal was simply disregarded by government. With the liberalization made possible by the Revolution of 1905, Stroescu began participating in conspiratorial meetings of the Romanian elite in Kishinev, exchanging ideas with Halippa, Nicolae Alexandri, Ion Inculeț, Nicolae Bivol, Alexis Nour, Ion Pelivan, and Paul Gore, where they first discussed the prospect of Romania and Bessarabia uniting.Constantin & Negrei (2009), pp. 82–83, 85 As Pelivan notes, he and Emanuil Gavriliță tried to persuade Stroescu to finance a magazine for the Romanian-speaking populace, but the landowner "seemed rather skeptical".
The Advertising Club of New York, also known as The Ad Club and originally called the Sphinx Club, focuses efforts on advertising industry self- regulation, professional training and good fellowship. The Advertising Club of New York is the only organization to bring the industry together across all disciplines – marketing, media and agencies – in the name of exchanging ideas and best practices for business and thought leadership. Offering the community access to conversations and key influencers, inspiration and recognition for creativity, the best training for professional development and a movement for diversity.
The word AfroSpear came from black blogger discussions regarding a name for a group of Black bloggers who did not want to limit their engagement to the continent of the United States, but also wanted to connect with bloggers from throughout the African Diaspora. Seeing the need to water of the AfroSpear seed, and take it to the next level, a smaller ad hoc black blogger group moved forward and began planning beyond the creation of a name and concepts into a baseline model of the AfroSpear. It developed into an idea to create a diasporic-wide think tank type blog with six bloggers: three women and three men. The vision was that it would focus on discussing issues, exchanging ideas and creating strategies, with the objective of developing concrete and viable solutions to tackle the concerns relating to those of African descent worldwide. The 6 who initially started the AfroSpear blog had developed a relationship by exchanging ideas and having discussions and respectful debates on each other’s blogs. They didn’t always agree, but what they had in common was their love for their community and a commitment to the progress of those of African descent, both near and far.
"Past Thurgood Marshall Fellows" In 2009, he became a tenured associate professor of English at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In 2013, Bradley founded the Laboratory for Race & Popular Culture (RAP Lab), “an interdisciplinary space for developing and exchanging ideas at the intersection of race and popular culture.” Among its initiatives is Hip Hop in the Classroom, which uses rap music to help middle school and high school teachers increase their students’ interest in the language arts. Anas, Brittany. “CU-Boulder prof teaches the poetry of hip-hop to Denver teens”, "The Daily Camera", December 24, 2012.
SWO works with diverse community services programs including Women's Wisdom, Women in Action educational conference series, Prison Project, Literacy Program, and more. It provides classes and a meditation series for Sufi women. SWO also introduces Sufi women's accomplishments in art, literature, poetry, teachings, and practices in publications distributed internationally and through the SWO Quarterly Newsletter, Lecture Series Luncheon Programs, and annual Sufism Symposium meeting. SWO established an electronic mail news group and web site to facilitate sharing among Sufi women and created a forum for exchanging ideas, traditions and teachings among Sufi women from different orders and cultures.
Lascăr Vorel (August 19, 1879 – February 8, 1918) was a Romanian Post- Impressionist painter whose style was linked to Expressionism. He was the scion of a pharmacist clan in Piatra Neamț, but abandoned the family trade to take up drawing, and became a student at Munich's Academy of Fine Arts. Praised as an intellectual as well as a painter, he moved away from Art Nouveau, studying Cubism and Expressionism, and exchanging ideas with a young Marcel Duchamp. Vorel also worked as a cartoonist for Der Komet magazine, befriending Albert Bloch, Hanns Bolz and Erich Mühsam, and frequenting Café Stefanie.
Paphnutia the Virgin (fl. 300 C.E.) was an Egyptian alchemist living around the time of 300 C.E. who was referred to in the letters between the alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis and his sister Theosebeia (also assumed to be an alchemist). Within these letters Zosimos criticizes Theosebeia for talking and exchanging ideas with Paphnutia, considering her someone that was uneducated and who incorrectly practiced alchemy. Little else is known about this ancient alchemist, other than it is thought that Paphnutia could have been connected to a competing school of alchemy than Zosimos, or that she could also have been a priestess.
During this period George Nelson spent a great deal of time interviewing and exchanging ideas with the other founders of the modernist architecture movement of the 1940s, including Eliot Noyes, Charles Eames, and Walter B. Ford, all of whom he would later collaborate with. By 1940, Nelson had become known for several innovative concepts. In his post-war book Tomorrow's House, co-authored with Henry Wright, he introduced the concept of the "family room", and the "storage wall". The storage wall was essentially the idea of recessed, built-in bookcases or shelving occupying space previously lost between walls.
It's a road trip to cities of the Mediterranean with Maraveyas exchanging ideas and sounds with local musicians as well as jamming with them. Just to mention a few of them, Vinicio Capossela, Ludovico Einaudi, Riccardo Tesi, Orchestra Di Piazza Vittorio, RadioDervish, Mariza, Teresa Salgueiro, Cristina Branco, Deolinda, Cristina Hoyos, Amparo Sanchez, Macaco, Massilia Sound System, Psarantonis, Mercan Dede, Baba Zula, Yasmin Levy and other. In March 2012, Maraveyas introduced his very first novel "Lola" which was released by Metaichmio editions as a part of a CD with the same title. The story is about a young musician named Lola and her boyfriend Markos.
The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, (AERE), was founded in 1979 in the United States as a means of exchanging ideas, stimulating research, and promoting graduate training in environmental and natural resource economics. The majority of its members are affiliated with universities, government agencies, non-profit research organizations, and consulting firms. Many of AERE's members hold graduate degrees in economics, agricultural economics, or related fields, but there are numerous student members as well, and the organization also serves many non-specialist members with environmental policy interests. The United States is the country with the largest single share of AERE members, but the organization welcomes members from all countries.
In Buenos Aires, three young men influenced by the advent of post-punk in Britain started exchanging ideas, and decided to form a band with the name Soda Stereo. In 1980 friends who were enthralled by the wave of US and UK punk formed the band Los Violadores. Miguel Abuelo, a founding figure of Argentine rock in the 1960s, would return after a decade in Europe and form Los Abuelos de la Nada, which happened to feature a young man by the name of Andres Calamaro. Someone named Miguel Mateos, after talking to Freddie Mercury, won the opportunity to open for Queen in Buenos Aires with his new band ZAS.
The fact that Joshua Tree is in the High Desert above Palm Springs with many 100 degree plus days in the summer gave numerous opportunities for tuning, sharing and exchanging ideas. The artist's stated intention: 'The Public Piano Project creates momentary beauty thoughts and ideas that resonate out across fields, parking lots and sidewalks. It invites others to play along and gives way to song and laughter, accidental bonding and new friends; even possibly an ephemeral center of insight and change'. On 21 December 2012 Piano Bob launched his fourth phase of the Public Piano Project with the Prepared and Unprepared dueling pianos for peace at the Joshua Tree Hospice.
Adrian Utley then met Barrow while they were recording Coach House Studios, heard their first recorded track "It Could Be Sweet", and started exchanging ideas on music. Barrow taught Utley sampling while Utley introduced to the band unusual sounds such as cimbaloms and theremins which led to an "amalgamation of ideas". According to Barrow, "It was like a light-bulb coming on" when Utley joined them, and realised they could make their own samples not found in other records, and created one of the most distinctive sounds of the decade. The production of the album uses a number of hip-hop techniques, such as sampling, scratching, and loop-making.
As a platform for reporting, sharing, as well as exchanging ideas, IJITM encourages novel research findings, industry best practices, and reports on recent trends. In particular, the journal focuses on managerial issues and challenges (and ways to address them) motivated through the increasing pace of technological advancement globally. This international and interdisciplinary research dimension is emphasized in order to promote greater exchange between researchers of different disciplines as well as cultural and national backgrounds. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal encompasses all facets of the process of technological innovation from idea generation, conceptualization of new products and processes, R&D; activities, and commercial application.
His first series was "The Wires", inspired by aerial electric wires. Fascinated by some polished aluminium surfaces found in a factory in which he was working: after further polishing and abrasion, he created his landmark "Superfici a testura vibratile" (vibrating texture surfaces), winning international acclaim. In 1961 he was invited to the Zagreb exhibition "Nove Tendencije", together with other artists working along similar lines and exploring the opportunities of a dynamic art which interacts with the viewer. He started exchanging ideas with artists like Julio Le Parc, François Morellet and Enrico Castellani, actively participating in the activities of the so- called G.R.A.V. (Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuelle) in Paris.
Smith and Bell met and began exchanging ideas while rock climbing in Eldorado Canyon, Colorado when Bell told Smith about an idea he had to combine a computer game with biofeedback in order to help people. They proceeded with this entertainment- based model intended to benefit people by providing both preventive and integrative care. Other experts who assisted in the development of Journey to Wild Divine’s products include Jean Houston, a pioneer researcher in human development and extending human capacities, and Nawang Khechog, a former Buddhist monk, who’s studied with the Dalai Lama and is one of Tibet’s foremost world music composers and musicians. Ocean Summer was one of the composers.
In October 2011, the "Castle of Chaos" was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. In July 2013, the "Castle of Chaos", currently also known as the "Keyhole House", was included on the city of Albany Historic Interior Home Tour. The newly restored home, which is owned by Jacho and Emma Eaton, maintains photos, clippings and other memorabilia from Jerry Andrus's life and career. "Jerry Andrus managed to live right under our noses while having museum exhibitions in other parts of the world and exchanging ideas with scholars, children and magicians alike, without anyone knowing — even suspecting — who he really was," she [Emma Eaton] said.
The Peace and Diversity Party has been campaigning against land confiscations in Myanmar for years; in 2012 the party's support for farmer strikes received national attention. The Zaykabar Company in particular has provoked the ire of the Peace and Diversity Party, as the company is known for illegally confiscating farmland in order to turn them into industrial zones. The Peace and Diversity Party is opposed to the Ministry of Defence's ownership of farmland that is left unused by the military. The party has actively participated in exchanging ideas and opinions about establishing a federal army and federal union, and called for political dialogue to be held in Thailand back in 2013.
The discussion, lasting two days, took place in an atmosphere of exchanging ideas and stating positions regarding the status of the area's economy. After a few weeks, Brazil invited Argentina to a similar meeting, in Itaipava, also in a private residence. This signaled acceptance of the Argentine initiative and the formation of an agreement, with the objective of promoting the economic development of both countries and integrating them into the world. Out of this meeting came the Argentina-Brazil Integration and Economics Cooperation Program or PICE (Portuguese: Programa de Integração e Cooperação Econômica Argentina-Brasil, Spanish: Programa de Integración y Cooperación Económica Argentina-Brasil).
NEHA began in 1961 as an outgrowth of the Church Historical Society to answer the needs of diocesan officials and others who felt attention should be given to nurturing congregational, diocesan, and institutional historians as well as archivists and registrars. Since its first meeting at the University of the South August 18–19, 1961, NEHA has provided a forum for exchanging ideas and giving mutual support. Under the leadership of Dr. Arthur Ben Chitty, the association launched a newsletter that later became The Historiographer. Through this communication tool, NEHA has come to define its role as an archival and historical professional society for those who participate in preserving and exploring the historical dimensions of the Episcopal Church.
As a PhD student at the Institute of Health Promotion Research, an Interdisciplinary Program at the University of British Columbia, she was eager to engage a wider audience of professionals and practitioners in exchanging ideas and strategies to address the problems of this population of seniors. Early on, she arranged a successful exhibition of artwork that had been produced by the seniors with dementia she worked with; it took place at the Ferry Building Gallery in West Vancouver, BC, in 2003. More than 4,000 people visited the gallery over three weeks. The exhibition included seminars and workshops free of charge and was attended by healthcare providers, caregivers, seniors with dementia and the community at large.
The slogan "Pepsi, drive and energy" ran regularly in newspapers that just a few years earlier made no mention of Western products. Coca-Cola was not produced domestically, but could be found in bars and "Comturist shops", stores with a restricted clientele where Western goods could be purchased in hard currency. In 1968, the first student bar/club opened in Bucharest; a writer for Viața Studențească described "low tables, discreet light... chewing gum and cigarettes, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, mechanical games, billiards... plus a few hours of interesting discussions. Here is why the club bar appears as an answer to a natural need for communication, for exchanging ideas and clashing opinions... in a relaxed atmosphere".
The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) is an international, autonomous, independent, apolitical and permanent organization. Its origins can be traced back to the First Congress of Latin American Supreme Audit Institutions - CLADEFS - held in 1963 in Caracas, Venezuela, in response to the need for a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences relating to government control, and for promoting cooperation and development between supreme audit institutions. At the Congress it was recommended that a Latin American Institute of Fiscal Control be created to carry out specialized research and serve as a center for information, education, coordination and mutual assistance between audit institutions. Currently OLACEFS is one of INTOSAI’s seven regional working groups.
Edward S. Harkness, benefactor On April 9, 1930, philanthropist and oil magnate Edward Harkness wrote to Exeter Principal Lewis Perry regarding how a substantial donation that Harkness would make to the academy might be used to fund a new way of teaching and learning: The result was "Harkness teaching", in which a teacher and a group of students work together, exchanging ideas and information, similar to the Socratic method. Today at Phillips Exeter Academy, all classes are taught using this method, with no more than 12 or 13. In November 1930, Harkness gave Exeter $5.8 million to support this initiative. Since then, the academy's principal mode of instruction has been by discussion, "seminar style," around an oval table known as the Harkness table.
Brought before Sinan, Mathurin reveals to him some of the details of his past that Mahmoud had kept secret and broaches the subject of alchemy, hoping to be kept around a little longer. Promising to see him later, Sinan sends him back to his quarters and also sends a copy of a book he had requested of Ma'sud Kahn in Tabriz. Mathurin does get to see Sinan for most of a day, performing alchemy experiments and exchanging ideas. Afterward, Mahmoud comes for him with armed guards and escorts him (along with his bags, which contains his surgery equipment) to a surgical room, telling him that he has been brought to Alamut on an errand of mercy to save a slave's life, by making him a eunuch.
The birth of Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications was a direct response to the 1968 banning from Jamaica of historian and scholar Walter Rodney, who was then teaching at the University of the West Indies in Mona and outside the lecture halls had been sharing his knowledge and exchanging ideas with the island's working people, prompting the government's censure. Thousands of Jamaicans took to the streets protesting the ban and in London a group of concerned West Indians – the Huntleys, Richard Small, Ewart Thomas, Andrew Salkey and othersAndrews (2014), pp. 115–121. – decided to challenge it by publishing and distributing Rodney's speeches and lectures. These were published in 1969 as BLP's first title, The Groundings with My Brothers, financed by friends and community funding, and much reprinted.
The Listening is an American rock band originally from Washington and currently based out of Franklin, Tennessee. Touring extensively through North America and Europe from 2004–2006, the group largely disappeared over the following years until it resurfaced midway through 2008, announcing the release of a new EP before the end of the year; Gabriel Wilson is now a worship leader and an integral part of the music program at Bethel Church in Redding, CA while Josiah and Nolan remain in Tennessee. Jason now lives in Folsom, CA. The Listening still collaborates with each other by exchanging ideas and instrument tracks through the web. A new LP entitled "LMNOP" is being worked on with no clear due date in mind.
Being already present in Singapore for soon 200 years, Swiss companies intensified their activities and strengthened their presence in Singapore soon after it became a sovereign nation in 1965 and Switzerland decided to establish diplomatic relationships with the city- state in 1967. Swiss investments have been among the top five foreign direct investments (FDI) ever since, demonstrated by already more than 100 Swiss companies having had a presence in Singapore by the end of the 1980s. The need for an official forum to help these companies exchanging ideas and accessing information became increasingly important. In 1988, with the help of the Swiss Ambassador Kurt O. Wyss, the SBA was founded by a group of visionary Swiss- Singaporean businessmen and entrepreneurs.
Glazova Lissitzky, of Lithuanian Jewish оrigin, began his career illustrating Yiddish children's books in an effort to promote Jewish culture in Russia. When only 15 he started teaching, a duty he would maintain for most of his life. Over the years, he taught in a variety of positions, schools, and artistic media, spreading and exchanging ideas. He took this ethic with him when he worked with Malevich in heading the suprematist art group UNOVIS, when he developed a variant suprematist series of his own, Proun, and further still in 1921, when he took up a job as the Russian cultural ambassador to Weimar Germany, working with and influencing important figures of the Bauhaus and De Stijl movements during his stay.
In the famous case of potential plagiarism where Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and others accused Mikhail Sholokhov of not being the rightful author of And Quiet Flows the Don, Hjort's analysis gives full support to Sholokhov. Hjort's other interests include Disney comics (where he has given public lectures and written scholarly articles for various publishers), chamber music and choir singing (taking part in more than ten CD recordings with Grex Vocalis), gøbbing (exchanging ideas with members of a think tank) and cross-country skiing. He has edited two books with the works of notable Disney comics artist Don Rosa. Nils Lid Hjort is one of five sons of Supreme Court lawyer Johan Hjort and Helga Lid, and his grandfathers were Supreme Court lawyer Johan Bernhard Hjort and ethnologist Nils Lid.
Communication studies or communication sciences is an academic discipline that deals with processes of human communication and behavior, patterns of communication in interpersonal relationships, social interactions and communication in different cultures. Communication is commonly defined as giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek information, to give information or to express emotions effectively. Communication studies is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge that encompasses a range of topics, from face-to-face conversation at a level of individual agency and interaction to social and cultural communication systems at a macro level. Scholarly communication theorists focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of communication, examining statistics in order to help substantiate claims.
She remained in pre-trial police detention for the next four months, seriously fearful that once she faced a court she would be convicted and executed. Because of her known leadership role among Sankt Pölten socialists she was at times placed in solitary confinement. However, the cells at the court complex were overflowing in the aftermath of the February events, and there were also times during her pretrial detention when, at night, detainees were forced to sleep two to a bed. She obtained and no doubt contributed great strength through the camaraderie manifested by exchanging ideas with others incarcerated, using communication methods that included shouting through walls, knocking on the pipes in the cells, or simply singing songs together that echoed between the cells as the guards took their evening meal break together in another part of the complex.
After a short time of playing together and exchanging ideas, Mark introduced Timothy to Joel Coan, saying, "He is one of the most talented musicians in this hemisphere." twostepsback played together for just under two years. Timothy was asked to leave the band due to irreconcilable differences. Through a series of line-up changes (including the mutual departure of second vocalist Jacob Clark and bassist Justin Uppenkamp), Mark and Joel eventually added Tristan Hammond as their bassist and backing vocalist in late 2003/early 2004; Tristan had, by this time, formed a friendship with both Mark and Joel due to their bands playing shows together. The name "The Felix Culpa" loosely translates to "the fortunate fault", "the blessed fault", "the fortunate fall", or "the happy mistake", and it refers to Adam and Eve's fall through original sin; it was taken from John Milton's Paradise Lost.
The process of writing and recording for The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch was different than it had been for their previous album The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution. Previously, Kitcher and guitarist Eddie Pickard had communicated with Watson exclusively via the internet, utilizing the typical internet band practice of individual members being separated by distance when recording and exchanging ideas and files via the internet. For the previous album, the instrumentals were written and recorded by Kitcher and Pickard in England and the lyrics and vocals were written and recorded by Watson in the US, with the two of them never meeting Watson. In contrast, for the recording of The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch, Kitcher and Pickard travelled to Kirkbride Recordings in Florida and stayed there for a month to record Allen's vocals, happy to be able to give direct input and ideas while recording (which they were unable to do with the previous album due to only communicating and exchanging files with Watson online).
La Mandrágora (Spanish for The Mandrake) was a Chilean Surrealist group founded on 12 July 1938 by Braulio Arenas (1913–1988), Teófilo Cid, Enrique Gómez Correa and Jorge Cáceres (who was still a teenager at the time).La Mandrágora article The group met in Talca and by 1932, Braulio Arenas was exchanging ideas with Teófilo Cid and Enrique Gómez.Interview of Braulio Arenas by Ștefan Baciu (Entrevista a Braulio Arenas: "La Mandrágora opera con la virtud de una leyenda", por Stefan Baciu) By 1935, these ideas had become more developed, and in 1938, they held a kind of initiation ceremony reading surrealist poems and texts at the University of Chile. They went on to publish a magazine called, like the group, "La Mandrágora" (seven issues were produced on a small scale, from December 1938 to October 1943), as well as anthology of poetry, El AGC de la Mandrágora, (The AGC of the Mandrake) which included works by all founders except Teófilo Cid.
Blocking: Because only one participant may give an idea at any one time, other participants might forget the idea they were going to contribute or not share it because they see it as no longer important or relevant. Further, if we view brainstorming as a cognitive process in which "a participant generates ideas (generation process) and stores them in short-term memory (memorization process) and then eventually extracts some of them from its short-term memory to express them (output process)", then blocking is an even more critical challenge because it may also inhibit a person's train of thought in generating their own ideas and remembering them. Collaborative fixation: Exchanging ideas in a group may reduce the number of domains that a group explores for additional ideas. Members may also conform their ideas to those of other members, decreasing the novelty or variety of ideas, even though the overall number of ideas might not decrease.
The society was founded in 1976 with the aim of helping to advance the field of neurochemistry for the public benefit, in particular to facilitate exchange of ideas and interests amongst its members. In the years before the establishment of the ESN, many European neurochemists were centrally involved in the development of the subject, for example in the discussions which led to the establishment of the Journal of Neurochemistry in 1956 and especially in the formation of the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) in 1967. In the same year as the foundation of ISN (1967), the Neurochemical Group of the British Biochemical Society was established, many of its meetings with an international and particularly European flavour. During the years 1974 to 1975, in particular at a meeting of clinical neurochemists organised by Armand Lowenthal in Brussels in 1974, many participants expressed the need for a Society of Neurochemistry in Europe, which would not only provide a forum for exchanging ideas and new developments in the subject, but also provide a vehicle for strong contact between clinically oriented and basic neurochemists.

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