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6 Sentences With "establish conclusively"

How to use establish conclusively in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "establish conclusively" and check conjugation/comparative form for "establish conclusively". Mastering all the usages of "establish conclusively" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He predicted an upcoming report from the Justice Department's inspector general would establish conclusively that Comey acted improperly while in office.
There is no evidence to establish, conclusively, that Croatia could not knock Spain out in the quarterfinals, or that Uruguay and Portugal should be afraid of running into France or Argentina at the same stage.
There is no DNA that can establish conclusively what was in a defendant's mind at the time the conduct took place, so professions of innocence based on a lack of intent can never be proved — or disproved.
Apollodoros mainly focuses on attacking Neaera and her daughter Phano, possibly because he cannot produce good evidence for his allegations. He spends most of the speech going over Neaera's life as a hetaera, from her purchase by Nikarete to her going to live with Stephanos, and the failure of Phano's two marriages. He demonstrates that Neaera was not an Athenian citizen, though he "failed to establish conclusively" that Neaera was married to Stephanos, or that she passed her children off as Athenian citizens. The style of the speech differs noticeably from that of authentically Demosthenic orations.
Even worse, he made little attempt to hide this; as in the crisis of 1640 to 1642, foreign ambassadors were told any concessions were temporary, and Charles expected to regain them by force if needed. No sooner had Parliament adjourned than Charles once again resumed his previous policies, imposing unauthorised taxes, then imprisoning those who resisted using the non-jury Star Chamber. When Parliament and the normal courts quoted the Petition in support of objections to the tax, and the detention of Selden and Sir John Eliot, Charles responded it was not a legal document. Although confirmed as a legal statute in 1641 by the Long Parliament, debate over who was right continues; however, "it seems impossible to establish conclusively which interpretation (is) correct".
Perhaps the most important piece of evidence in the debate between the proponents and opponents of mayoral control is whether mayoral control has measurable impacts on student achievement. After collecting and analyzing the research on school board effectiveness produced over the past twenty-five years, scholar Deborah Land concluded that there is "not yet convincing evidence that appointment of school board members produces…greater academic achievement." Similarly, while unwilling to dismiss the connection between strong mayoral involvement and student achievement outright, researchers at the Institute on Education Law and Policy at Rutgers University— Newark "were unable to establish conclusively that the change in governance had any causal relationship to improved performance, or that, using nationally normed test data, our [mayoral controlled] cities had greater improvements than anywhere else".Moscovitch, Ruth et al.

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