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176 Sentences With "equivalences"

How to use equivalences in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "equivalences" and check conjugation/comparative form for "equivalences". Mastering all the usages of "equivalences" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Ultimately, you will build an infinite tower of equivalences between equivalences.
In the last decades of the 20th century, many mathematicians worked on a theory of "infinity categories"—something that would keep track of the infinite tower of equivalences between equivalences.
You need to think about equivalences between all those paths, too.
His argument rests on multiple false equivalences between the right and left.
These five string theories connect to each other through "dualities," or mathematical equivalences.
I don't think We Happy Few is actively trying to draw these equivalences.
Bloomberg is using false equivalences — or "whataboutism," a Kremlin specialty — to justify Russian aggression.
Before anyone cared about metrics, news was a fair, impartial recitation of fact delivered without false equivalences.
Comparing games to films, television, books, or any other form inevitably leads to all kinds of false equivalences.
As such he's hesitant to indict one side without trying to indict the other, making for some tortured equivalences.
Now, let's not make false equivalences: Democrats are definitely willing to do more than Republicans are to reduce gun deaths.
It is their apparent rejection of anything complicated; their lazy belief that history is a zero sum game with easy equivalences.
It is their apparent rejection of anything complicated; their lazy belief that history is a zero-sum game with easy equivalences.
The novel is a constantly evolving technology, always finding ways to convey more reality, to articulate more truths, to identify new equivalences.
And in the process, it ends up creating some ill-advised equivalences between the plight of the androids and real-world tragedies.
I was thinking about the structural equivalences between a tissue box and a book: both consisted of slips of white paper in a cardboard case.
And how will that sort of be either rebalanced or kept as is, what will be the equivalences granted, what will stay in London, what will eventually go?
The authors, to their great credit, reject any false equivalences and place the deterioration of our political system exactly where it belongs, in the "radicalization" of the Republican Party.
The U.S. officials who administer the system that Putin sees as such an existential danger to his own reject his rhetoric as "whataboutism," a strategy of false moral equivalences.
Translated to English, Equivalenze, equates to "equivalences," a commentary perhaps on the cooperative reality of Penone's shifting artworks, one part man-made and one part a product of the Earth.
By demonstrating these equivalences, White Tears proves cultural appropriation is no more a passing fad than racism or exploitation, and that all three are inescapable facts of contemporary and historical America.
Business of Fashion published a piece entitled "Why Fashion Needs Cultural Appropriation" by Osman Ahmed that argues one of the most irresponsible equivalences I have ever had the displeasure of consuming.
During the testing, the psychologists found unusual equivalences—one being that going with only six hours of sleep for two weeks was no better than going for two days with zero sleep.
He omitted his comment on the day of the protests blaming perpetrators on "many sides" and the equivalences that he again drew a week ago at Trump Tower between white supremacists and protestors.
The Man in the High Castle complicates things even further by drawing equivalences between its alternate-reality despots and real Kennedy-era America, which Tagomi finds in the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Trump's is a gospel of negation: At best, it is to live in the complicity of false equivalences, to shroud one's scope in unsafe fabrications like "alt-left," and to willfully color malice as virtue.
False equivalences between these fours works in Art and China after 1989 and Dana Schutz's "Open Casket" (2016) or Sam Durant's "Scaffold" (2012) demonstrate art criticism's focus on freedom of speech that feigns color blindness.
Indeed, I am not speaking to the experience of American Indians nor am I trying to draw analogies or equivalences between the experiences of American Indians and those who were subject to French colonial rule.
In a news environment that's saturated with fleeting outrages, false equivalences, and fluctuating poll numbers, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that Republicans aren't just ratifying a new set of policy ideas and crudities.
Murphy suggested that Trump's hints at lifting sanctions against Russia and his efforts to create "moral equivalences" between Kremlin-sanctioned political assassinations and U.S. military activities indicate a suspicious relationship between Trump and the Russian president.
Not a day passes, it seems, without a prominent Twitter user complaining that the Times is biased against the left, too friendly to Trump and his supporters, or engaging in false equivalences between Democrats and Republicans.
What the exhibition lacks in coherence, it makes up for in breadth, but its scope and nonlinear chronology might lead some viewers to draw equivalences between governments and cultures without attending to the works' contexts and nuances.
CS: There are big cultural, economic, and political differences between all three countries on our tour, and we don't want to draw false equivalences to the US. But we do think each place could yield insights for us back home.
Even if you set aside the fact that some of these situations make no sense (if so many androids are caregivers, why wouldn't they be allowed to ride with their owners on public transportation?) these 1:1 equivalences are uncomfortable and lazy.
It does not help that people who live like the Richardsons do tend, even in life, to rely on patently unsound reasoning and false equivalences in order to justify their own superiority, making fictional WASPs harder to write without descending into outright satire.
"Rounds one and two by Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff are as rigged as a carnival ring toss," Kennedy said on NBC's "Meet the Press" in an appearance in which he again appeared to draw equivalences between Russian and Ukrainian election meddling.
Ideas of Pythagoras or Kepler here created all-encompassing artistic equivalences which were meant to organize contemporary forms of coexistence as well as important artistic and scientific work, and which were also supposed to give rise to the society of the future.
Critics have continually slammed Trump for his tendency to draw moral equivalences between parties that they believe should be regarded differently, including the parallels he has drawn between Charlottesville neo-Nazis and counterprotesters, Democrats and MS-13, and Russia and the U.S. View the discussion thread.
During that time, the subject of the German civilian victims of World War II and the millions of internal refugees created by flight and expulsion was monopolized by the right-wing fringe of West German politics, stoking dreams of reclaimed territories and propping up false equivalences with the immense suffering wrought on others by Hitler's war.
They are full of false equivalences, as in the case of Lil B being banned because, as one Facebook spokesperson told Motherboard, if you flipped his comment around to say black people are violent that would be hateful: "If you just took a step back and replaced it with anything else, those are the type of things that our hate speech policies are intended to capture and they apply equally to all races," the spokesperson said.
For the category of topological spaces, another such structure is given by Hurewicz fibrations and standard cofibrations, and the weak equivalences are the (strong) homotopy equivalences.
Morita model structure on the category of small dg categories is Bousfield localization of the standard model structure (the one for which the weak equivalences are the quasi-equivalences).
Equivalences to Becoming a Lawyer in Quebec . Barreau du Quebec. Accessed February 18, 2009.
A consistent choice of canonical equivalences is an inevitable component of equivalent definitions of mathematical structures.
Generally speaking, paradoxical decompositions arise when the group used for equivalences in the definition of equidecomposability is not amenable.
Two follow-up works appeared the next year in CRYPTO 2008, giving definitional equivalences and constructions without random oracles.
Definition 2.1. of . Given any category C and a model category M, under certain extra hypothesis the category of functors Fun (C, M) (also called C-diagrams in M) is also a model category. In fact, there are always two candidates for distinct model structures: in one, the so-called projective model structure, fibrations and weak equivalences are those maps of functors which are fibrations and weak equivalences when evaluated at each object of C. Dually, the injective model structure is similar with cofibrations and weak equivalences instead.
The functions of type :A \to B together with a proof that they are equivalences are denoted by :A \simeq B.
The stable homotopy category is the homotopy category (in the sense of model categories) of spectra, endowed with the stable model structure. The stable model structure is obtained as a left Bousfield localization of the level (or projective) model structure on spectra, whose weak equivalences (fibrations) are those maps which are weak equivalences (fibrations, respectively) in all levels.
In logic, many common logical equivalences exist and are often listed as laws or properties. The following tables illustrate some of these.
Let us note that instead of translation (that has a rather broad meaning), some authors prefer equivalence between words, with different notions like dynamic and formal equivalences.
Much of mathematics is grounded in the study of equivalences, and order relations. Lattice theory captures the mathematical structure of order relations. Even though equivalence relations are as ubiquitous in mathematics as order relations, the algebraic structure of equivalences is not as well known as that of orders. The former structure draws primarily on group theory and, to a lesser extent, on the theory of lattices, categories, and groupoids.
Her 2009 Berwick award was joint with her future City colleague Joseph Chuang, for the research reported in their paper "Symmetric Groups, Wreath Products, Morita Equivalences and Broué's Abelian Defect Conjecture".
Galois actions on the group schemes transfer through the equivalences of categories, and the associated deformation theory of Galois representations was used in Andrew Wiles's work on the Shimura–Taniyama conjecture.
There are two reported extensions of the concept of dynamic topological conjugacy: # Analogous systems defined as isomorphic dynamical systems # Adjoint dynamical systems defined via adjoint functors and natural equivalences in categorical dynamics.
208 n. 2. The different versions of superstring theory were unified, as long hoped, by new equivalences. These are known as S-duality, T-duality, U-duality, mirror symmetry, and conifold transitions.
This product of moduli is the largest of any of the n choose possible products, therefore any subset of equivalences can be any integer modulo its product, and no information from is leaked.
A diagram of string theory dualities. Yellow arrows indicate S-duality. Blue arrows indicate T-duality. These dualities may be combined to obtain equivalences of any of the five theories with M-theory.
Foreign applicants may be admitted only by obtaining an undergraduate degree from a Quebec law school or by approval of the Bar of Quebec's Equivalences Committee, which may impose applicant-specific conditions for admission.
A rigorous construction of localization of categories, avoiding these set-theoretic issues, was one of the initial reasons for the development of the theory of model categories: a model category M is a category in which there are three classes of maps; one of these classes is the class of weak equivalences. The homotopy category Ho(M) is then the localization with respect to the weak equivalences. The axioms of a model category ensure that this localization can be defined without set-theoretical difficulties.
He was also able to use these definitions of equivalences and contractibility to start developing significant amounts of "synthetic homotopy theory" in the proof assistant Coq; this formed the basis of the library later called "Foundations" and eventually "UniMath".GitHub repository, Univalent Mathematics Unification of the various threads began in February 2010 with an informal meeting at Carnegie Mellon University, where Voevodsky presented his model in Kan complexes and his Coq code to a group including Awodey, Warren, Lumsdaine, and Robert Harper, Dan Licata, Michael Shulman, and others. This meeting produced the outlines of a proof (by Warren, Lumsdaine, Licata, and Shulman) that every homotopy equivalence is an equivalence (in Voevodsky's good coherent sense), based on the idea from category theory of improving equivalences to adjoint equivalences. Soon afterwards, Voevodsky proved that the univalence axiom implies function extensionality.
The category of topological spaces, Top, admits a standard model category structure with the usual (Serre) fibrations and with weak equivalences as weak homotopy equivalences. The cofibrations are not the usual notion found here, but rather the narrower class of maps that have the left lifting property with respect to the acyclic Serre fibrations. Equivalently, they are the retracts of the relative cell complexes, as explained for example in Hovey's Model Categories. This structure is not unique; in general there can be many model category structures on a given category.
The third fact above required the development of new techniques in motivic homotopy theory. The goal was to prove that a functor, which was not assumed to commute with limits or colimits, preserved weak equivalences between objects of a certain form. One of the main difficulties there was that the standard approach to the study of weak equivalences is based on Bousfield–Quillen factorization systems and model category structures, and these were inadequate. Other methods had to be developed, and this work was completed by Voevodsky only in 2008.
He also proved, using an idea of A. K. Bousfield, that this universal fibration was univalent: the associated fibration of pairwise homotopy equivalences between the fibers is equivalent to the paths-space fibration of the base. To formulate univalence as an axiom Voevodsky found a way to define "equivalences" syntactically that had the important property that the type representing the statement "f is an equivalence" was (under the assumption of function extensionality) (-1)-truncated (i.e. contractible if inhabited). This enabled him to give a syntactic statement of univalence, generalizing Hofmann and Streicher's "universe extensionality" to higher dimensions.
In generalizing the h-cobordism theorem, which is a statement about simply connected manifolds, to non-simply connected manifolds, one must distinguish simple homotopy equivalences and non-simple homotopy equivalences. While an h-cobordism W between simply-connected closed connected manifolds M and N of dimension n > 4 is isomorphic to a cylinder (the corresponding homotopy equivalence can be taken to be a diffeomorphism, PL-isomorphism, or homeomorphism, respectively), the s-cobordism theorem states that if the manifolds are not simply-connected, an h-cobordism is a cylinder if and only if the Whitehead torsion of the inclusion M \hookrightarrow W vanishes.
Language schools and certificate bodies evaluate their own equivalences against the framework. Differences of estimation have been found to exist, for example, with the same level on the PTE A, TOEFL, and IELTS, and is a cause of debate between test producers.
In comparison, the fission nuclear bombs dropped by the Enola Gay on Hiroshima (Little Boy, a "gun-type" nuclear bomb) and on Nagasaki by Bockscar (Fat Man, an "implosion-type" nuclear bomb) had blast yield equivalences of 16 and 21 kilotons respectively.
In the study of permutation patterns, a combinatorial class of permutation classes, enumerated by permutation length, is called a Wilf class. The study of enumerations of specific permutation classes has turned up unexpected equivalences in counting sequences of seemingly unrelated permutation classes.
See Publications. Regarding the reformulation phase, a strict distinction was made, in former translation studies, between literal and free translation, or literality and recreation. ITT based research, however, showed that translation is always a combination of word correspondences and sense equivalences. Initially, SeleskovitchSeleskovitch, D., 1975.
Assuming enharmonicity, many accidentals will create equivalences between pitches that are written differently. For instance, raising the note B to B is equal to the note C. Assuming all such equivalences, the complete chromatic scale adds five additional pitch classes to the original seven lettered notes for a total of 12 (the 13th note completing the octave), each separated by a half-step. Notes that belong to the diatonic scale relevant in the context are sometimes called diatonic notes; notes that do not meet that criterion are then sometimes called chromatic notes. Another style of notation, rarely used in English, uses the suffix "is" to indicate a sharp and "es" (only "s" after A and E) for a flat, e.g.
The school is property of the Parque de España Complex Foundation since May 25, 1993. There are basic and advanced courses, with a triple orientation (Humanities, Science-Technology and Business). Students of the school gain the appropriate subject equivalences in the Spanish educational system.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science - International Cooperation - School Network - Partnership Schools.
Sinhala transliteration (Sinhala: රෝම අකුරින් ලිවීම rōma akurin livīma, literally "Roman letter writing") can be done in analogy to Devanāgarī transliteration. Layman's transliterations in Sri Lanka normally follow neither of these. Vowels are transliterated according to English spelling equivalences, which can yield a variety of spellings for a number of phonemes. for instance can be , , , , etc.
These rules also establishes corresponding equivalences between the term, written 2 + 2 \equiv 4. The term 2 + 1 reduces to 3. Since 3 cannot be reduced further, it is called a normal form. Various systems of typed lambda calculus including the simply typed lambda calculus, Jean-Yves Girard's System F, and Thierry Coquand's calculus of constructions are strongly normalizing.
The poem spans nature and culture with a series of equivalences: meadow, pasture, field folded, words within words, hall, hill, etc. Another series of connections: light, shadow, forms, architecture, I, First Beloved; this leads into a series of female titles: First Beloved, Lady, and Queen Under The Hill. All of these series constitute journeys to and from the oft-permitted meadow.
He received his B.A. in 1968 and Ph.D. in 1969, both from Rice University. His Ph.D. thesis, entitled Stable tangential homotopy equivalences, was written under the supervision of Morton L. Curtis. He was an instructor at Princeton University from 1969 to 1972, and an assistant professor at MIT from 1972 to 1974. He has been on the faculty at Columbia University since 1974.
Behavior analysis remains one of the most active research areas in all of psychology, developmental disability, mental health and other studies of human behavior. Current research in behavior analysis focuses on expanding the tradition by looking at setting events, behavioral activation, the Matching law, relational frame theory, stimulus equivalences and covert conditioning as exemplified in Skinner's model of rule-governed behavior Verbal Behavior.
Karnaugh map of the disjunctive normal form ∨ ∨ ∨ Karnaugh map of the disjunctive normal form ∨ ∨ ∨ . Despite the different grouping, the same fields contain a "1" as in the previous map. Converting a formula to DNF involves using logical equivalences, such as double negation elimination, De Morgan's laws, and the distributive law. All logical formulas can be converted into an equivalent disjunctive normal form.
Having established these equivalences, take another radius OR from the origin to a point on the circle such that the same angle is formed with the negative arm of the -axis. Now consider a point and line segments . The result is a right triangle with . It can hence be seen that, because , is at in the same way that P is at .
Then F and G can be restricted to D1 and C1 and yield inverse equivalences of these subcategories. In a sense, then, adjoints are "generalized" inverses. Note however that a right inverse of F (i.e. a functor G such that FG is naturally isomorphic to 1D) need not be a right (or left) adjoint of F. Adjoints generalize two-sided inverses.
A monad is a certain type of endofunctor. For example, if F and G are a pair of adjoint functors, with F left adjoint to G, then the composition G \circ F is a monad. If F and G are inverse functors, the corresponding monad is the identity functor. In general, adjunctions are not equivalences--they relate categories of different natures.
Based on the judgements and equivalences type inference rules can be used to describe how a type system assigns a type to a syntactic constructions (terms), much like in natural deduction. To be meaningful, conversion and type rules are usually closely related as in e.g. by a subject reduction property, which might establish a part of the soundness of a type system.
A one US gallon gas can purchased near the US-Canada border. It shows equivalences in imperial gallons and litres. During the 1970s, the metric system and SI units were introduced in Canada to replace the imperial system. Within the government, efforts to implement the metric system were extensive; almost any agency, institution, or function provided by the government uses SI units exclusively.
In the special case where X is a projective variety, holomorphic line bundles are in bijection with linear equivalences class of divisors, and given a divisor D on X with associated line bundle O(D), the class c1(O(D)) is Poincaré dual to the homology class given by D. Thus, this establishes the usual formulation of the Hodge conjecture for divisors in projective varieties.
He was a consultant for the Association of African Universities at ECOWAS, UNESCO- BREDA, Dakar on various areas, some of which include; higher education manpower requirements and training, academic standards, and equivalences of certificates and courses. He was once president of the International Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) and also an honorary treasurer for the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH - UNESCO).
In addition to the De Morgan dualities described above, some important equivalences in linear logic include: ; Distributivity : A\otimes(B\oplus C)\equiv(A\otimes B)\oplus(A\otimes C) ; Exponential isomorphism : \,!(A \& B)\equiv \,!A \otimes \,!B (Here A\equiv B\quad=\quad(A\multimap B)\&(B\multimap A).) Assume that ⅋ is any of the binary operators times, plus, with or par (but not linear implication).
He held positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania before moving to Haverford. Greene has written highly cited research papers on Sperner families,. . Young tableaux,. . . and combinatorial equivalences between hyperplane arrangements, zonotopes, and graph orientations.. With Daniel Kleitman, he has also written a highly cited survey paper on combinatorial proof techniques.. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
Two path- connected topological spaces are sometimes said to be commensurable if they have homeomorphic finite-sheeted covering spaces. Depending on the type of space under consideration, one might want to use homotopy equivalences or diffeomorphisms instead of homeomorphisms in the definition. If two spaces are commensurable, then their fundamental groups are commensurable. Example: any two closed surfaces of genus at least 2 are commensurable with each other.
If the curve is contained in an affine space or a projective space, one can take a projection for such a birational equivalence. These birational equivalences reduce most of the study of algebraic curves to the study of algebraic plane curves. However, some properties are not kept under birational equivalence and must be studied on non-plane curves. This is, in particular, the case for the degree and smoothness.
From the point of view of category theory, the classification of manifolds is one piece of understanding the category: it's classifying the objects. The other question is classifying maps of manifolds up to various equivalences, and there are many results and open questions in this area. For maps, the appropriate notion of "low dimension" is for some purposes "self maps of low-dimensional manifolds", and for other purposes "low codimension".
In computer science, the process calculi (or process algebras) are a diverse family of related approaches for formally modelling concurrent systems. Process calculi provide a tool for the high-level description of interactions, communications, and synchronizations between a collection of independent agents or processes. They also provide algebraic laws that allow process descriptions to be manipulated and analyzed, and permit formal reasoning about equivalences between processes (e.g., using bisimulation).
See under Publications. noted the existence in interpretation (later also demonstrated for written translation) of two translating strategies: a translation by carefully controlled correspondences of a few linguistic elements between one language and the other, but also the creation in context of equivalences between segments of speeches or texts. No fully literal translation of a text will ever be possible, be it only due to the dissimilarity of languages. Nevertheless, correspondences are often necessary and the fact that correspondences and equivalences coexist in all translation products, whatever the type of discourse may be regarded as one of the universal laws of translational behavior. Taking into account the ‘underdeterminacy of language’Quine, W., Word and Object, MIT Press, 1960, Searle, J., Expression and Meaning – Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts, Cambridge University Press, 1979, Atlas, D. Logic, Meaning and Conversation – Semantical Underdeterminacy, Implicature and their Interface, Oxford University Press, 2005. ITT refers to the ‘synecdochic nature’ of language and discourse (a part for a whole).
A basic question is the following: if two closed manifolds are homotopy equivalent, are they homeomorphic? This is not true in general: there are homotopy equivalent lens spaces which are not homeomorphic. Nevertheless, there are classes of manifolds for which homotopy equivalences between them can be homotoped to homeomorphisms. For instance, the Mostow rigidity theorem states that a homotopy equivalence between closed hyperbolic manifolds is homotopic to an isometry—in particular, to a homeomorphism.
The College of Engineers and the Nurses are most in demand, accounting for more than 40% of the total number of applications received. Of the applications received in 2011-2012, almost 95% were accepted in full or partially. This means that only 5% of the files were refused, which corresponds to the reality of the last 5 years. The overall picture of the recognition of equivalences in the Quebec system is positive.
The category of small dg- categories can be endowed with a model category structure such that weak equivalences are those functors that induce an equivalence of derived categories. Given a dg-category C over some ring R, there is a notion of smoothness and properness of C that reduces to the usual notions of smooth and proper morphisms in case C is the category of quasi-coherent sheaves on some scheme X over R.
A triangle ABC with sides a \le b < c, semiperimeter s, area T, altitude h opposite the longest side, circumradius R, inradius r, exradii ra, rb, rc (tangent to a, b, c respectively), and medians ma, mb, mc is a right triangle if and only if any one of the statements in the following six categories is true. All of them are of course also properties of a right triangle, since characterizations are equivalences.
In mathematics, a Waldhausen category is a category C equipped with some additional data, which makes it possible to construct the K-theory spectrum of C using a so-called S-construction. It's named after Friedhelm Waldhausen, who introduced this notion (under the term category with cofibrations and weak equivalences) to extend the methods of algebraic K-theory to categories not necessarily of algebraic origin, for example the category of topological spaces.
The school multiplies also the equivalences: French Railways and Bank of France in 1937, Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (DESC) in 1967 and in 1970 ESSEC diploma allows to compete for ENA and CAPET. Between 1945 and 1950, ESSEC innovates little and draws its academic credibility from the law, which meets the expectations of bourgeois families: 64% of students study law at the university in parallel with ESSEC in 1964. The Teaching methods are very academic and go through lectures.
The localization of a topological space produces another topological space whose homology is a localization of the homology of the original space. A much more general concept from homotopical algebra, including as special cases both the localization of spaces and of categories, is the Bousfield localization of a model category. Bousfield localization forces certain maps to become weak equivalences, which is in general weaker than forcing them to become isomorphisms.Philip S. Hirschhorn: Model Categories and Their Localizations, 2003, .
If two rings are Morita equivalent, there is an induced equivalence of the respective categories of projective modules since the Morita equivalences will preserve exact sequences (and hence projective modules). Since the algebraic K-theory of a ring is defined (in Quillen's approach) in terms of the homotopy groups of (roughly) the classifying space of the nerve of the (small) category of finitely generated projective modules over the ring, Morita equivalent rings must have isomorphic K-groups.
Charlemagne - The Middle Ages on Charlemagne's general principle of 12 denarii worth one sol and of twenty sols worth one pound is kept with many variants according to the alloy used and the dual metal gold:silver sometimes used for some issues. In fact, only members of the money changers corporation could find their way among the equivalences and the many currencies used in Europe at each period, and therefore were unavoidable for many commercial operations.
The goal of rational homotopy theory is to understand this category. That is, if one declares all rational homotopy equivalences to be isomorphisms, how much information is left? One basic result is that the rational homotopy category is equivalent to a full subcategory of the homotopy category of topological spaces, the subcategory of rational spaces. By definition, a rational space is a simply connected CW complex all of whose homotopy groups are vector spaces over the rational numbers.
Differential topology is the field dealing with differentiable functions on differentiable manifolds. It is closely related to differential geometry and together they make up the geometric theory of differentiable manifolds. More specifically, differential topology considers the properties and structures that require only a smooth structure on a manifold to be defined. Smooth manifolds are "softer" than manifolds with extra geometric structures, which can act as obstructions to certain types of equivalences and deformations that exist in differential topology.
The logical query plan can be optimized, which strongly depends on the streaming model. The basic concepts for optimizing continuous queries are equal to those from database systems. If there are relational data streams and the logical query plan is based on relational operators from the Relational algebra, a query optimizer can use the algebraic equivalences to optimize the plan. These may be, for example, to push selection operators down to the sources, because they are not so computationally intensive like join operators.
It offers programmes such as a BBA in Global Management, Master of Science (MS and MSc), EMBA,"Unique selling point: ESC Lille" by the Times Online doctoral equivalences and executive education programs in France, Brazil, China, and the US."Skema Business School se présente au public" by (in French) SKEMA Business School is recently rated by the Financial Times and The Economist as one of the top business schools in continental Europe and one of the leading business schools worldwide.
In mathematics, particularly in homotopy theory, a model category is a category with distinguished classes of morphisms ('arrows') called 'weak equivalences', 'fibrations' and 'cofibrations'. These abstract from a conventional homotopy category of topological spaces or of chain complexes (derived category theory), via the acyclic model theorem. The concept was introduced by . In recent decades, the language of model categories has been used in some parts of algebraic K-theory and algebraic geometry, where homotopy-theoretic approaches led to deep results.
Area: Theory and Methods Best Paper Award: Martin Emms and Hector-Hugo Franco-Penya. "ON ORDER EQUIVALENCES BETWEEN DISTANCE AND SIMILARITY MEASURES ON SEQUENCES AND TREES" Best Student Paper: Anna C. Carli, Mario A. T. Figueiredo, Manuele Bicego and Vittorio Murino. "GENERATIVE EMBEDDINGS BASED ON RICIAN MIXTURES" Area: Applications Best Paper Award: Laura Antanas, Martijn van Otterlo, José Oramas, Tinne Tuytelaars and Luc De Raedt. "A RELATIONAL DISTANCE-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR HIERARCHICAL IMAGE UNDERSTANDING" Best Student Paper: Laura Brandolini and Marco Piastra.
In other words, increasing the exponent up to will give ever larger kernels, but further increasing the exponent beyond will just give the same kernel. If the field is not algebraically closed, then the minimal and characteristic polynomials need not factor according to their roots (in ) alone, in other words they may have irreducible polynomial factors of degree greater than . For irreducible polynomials one has similar equivalences: # divides , # divides , # the kernel of has dimension at least . # the kernel of has dimension at least .
Many of these Floer homologies have not been completely and rigorously constructed, and many conjectural equivalences have not been proved. Technical difficulties come up in the analysis involved, especially in constructing compactified moduli spaces of pseudoholomorphic curves. Hofer, in collaboration with Kris Wysocki and Eduard Zehnder, has developed new analytic foundations via their theory of polyfolds and a "general Fredholm theory". While the polyfold project is not yet fully completed, in some important cases transversality was shown using simpler methods.
The total ringer load on a subscriber line is the sum of the ringer equivalences of all devices (phone, fax, a separate answerphone, etc.) connected to the line. This represents the overall loading effect of the subscriber equipment on the central office ringing current source. Subscriber telephone lines are usually limited to support a ringer equivalence of 5, per the federal specifications. If the total allowable ringer load is exceeded, the phone circuit may fail to ring or otherwise malfunction.
Relatively simple to implement and understand, the two-pass algorithm, (also known as the Hoshen–Kopelman algorithm) iterates through 2-dimensional binary data. The algorithm makes two passes over the image. The first pass to assign temporary labels and record equivalences and the second pass to replace each temporary label by the smallest label of its equivalence class. The input data can be modified in situ (which carries the risk of data corruption), or labeling information can be maintained in an additional data structure.
In both cases the third class of morphisms is given by a lifting condition (see below). In some cases, when the category C is a Reedy category, there is a third model structure lying in between the projective and injective. The process of forcing certain maps to become weak equivalences in a new model category structure on the same underlying category is known as Bousfield localization. For example, the category of simplicial sheaves can be obtained as a Bousfield localization of the model category of simplicial presheaves.
A markland or merkland () is an old Scottish unit of land measurement. There was some local variation in the equivalences, for example, in some places eight ouncelands were equal to one markland, but in others, such as Islay, a markland was twelve ouncelands. The markland derived its name from the old coin, the Merk Scots (cognate with German mark and various other European coinages, see Mark (money)), which was the annual rent paid on it. It was based on this, rather than its actual area.
A continuous map f\colon X \to Y of simply connected topological spaces is called a rational homotopy equivalence if it induces an isomorphism on homotopy groups tensored with the rational numbers \Q. Equivalently: f is a rational homotopy equivalence if and only if it induces an isomorphism on singular homology groups with rational coefficients.Félix, Halperin & Thomas (2001), Theorem 8.6. The rational homotopy category (of simply connected spaces) is defined to be the localization of the category of simply connected spaces with respect to rational homotopy equivalences.
Without the ability to add scholarships, Georgetown's program fell on hard times in the 2000s. Georgetown had by far the lowest football budget in the Patriot League, at less than half that of the program with the second lowest budget. Georgetown also had the lowest number of Patriot League FSEs (funded scholarship equivalences) which measures the financial aid given out to its Varsity football players. During its first decade in the Patriot League, the team was unable to have a single winning season, and the 2009 campaign yielded no wins.
The Danelaw was an important factor in the establishment of a civilian peace in the neighbouring Anglo-Saxon and Viking communities. It established, for example, equivalences in areas of legal contentiousness, such as the amount of reparation that should be payable in wergild. Many of the legalistic concepts were compatible; for example, the Viking wapentake, the standard for land division in the Danelaw, was effectively interchangeable with the hundred. The use of the execution site and cemetery at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire suggests a continuity of judicial practice.
Dieudonné theory exists in a somewhat more general setting than finite flat groups over a field. Oda's 1967 thesis gave a connection between Dieudonné modules and the first de Rham cohomology of abelian varieties, and at about the same time, Grothendieck suggested that there should be a crystalline version of the theory that could be used to analyze p-divisible groups. Galois actions on the group schemes transfer through the equivalences of categories, and the associated deformation theory of Galois representations was used in Wiles's work on the Shimura–Taniyama conjecture.
NetWare eDirectory CWorthy Management Tool eDirectory uses dynamic rights inheritance, which allows both global and specific access controls. Access rights to objects in the tree are determined at the time of the request and are determined by the rights assigned to the objects by virtue of their location in the tree, any security equivalences, and individual assignments. The software supports partitioning at any point in the tree, as well as replication of any partition to any number of servers. Replication between servers occurs periodically using deltas of the objects.
Henson's academic work is in the area of formal methods to aid software engineering. His early work was in programming language semantics, especially using algebraic approaches for structuring compiler and interpreter generation from semantic descriptions. He moved on to work in functional languages, focusing on program verification and transformation, pioneering an approach to program transformation, adapted from work in semantic equivalences, using higher-order generalisations and relational constraints. Since the late 1990s, he has undertaken research into the design and use of logic in specification and program development.
Neoloteca is an on-line dictionary of all neologisms that are created in Catalan and is approved by the Supervisory Council of TERMCAT in cooperation with the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. The aim of Neoloteca is to specify and define new terms in Catalan and to give their equivalences in other languages. The terms can relate to any area of human society and endeavor including science, art and culture, technology, business and commerce, sport, etc. The terms proposed are regarded as the correct forms for use in all areas of public administration in Catalonia.
In algebra, the S-construction is a construction in algebraic K-theory that produces a model that can be used to define higher K-groups. It is due to Friedhelm Waldhausen and concerns a category with cofibrations and weak equivalences; such a category is called a Waldhausen category and generalizes Quillen's exact category. A cofibration can be thought of as analogous to a monomorphism, and a category with cofibrations is one in which, roughly speaking, monomorphisms are stable under pushouts. According to Waldhausen, the "S" was chosen to stand for Graeme B. Segal.
In the 1960s, a typical use of triangulated categories was to extend properties of sheaves on a space X to complexes of sheaves, viewed as objects of the derived category of sheaves on X. More recently, triangulated categories have become objects of interest in their own right. Many equivalences between triangulated categories of different origins have been proved or conjectured. For example, the homological mirror symmetry conjecture predicts that the derived category of a Calabi–Yau manifold is equivalent to the Fukaya category of its "mirror" symplectic manifold.
One alternative proposal is the theory of derivators proposed in Pursuing stacks by Grothendieck in the 80spg 191, and later developed in the 90s in his manuscript on the topic. Essentially, these are a system of homotopy categories given by the diagram categories I \to M for a category with a class of weak equivalences (M, W). These categories are then related by the morphisms of diagrams I \to J. This formalism has the advantage of being able to recover the homotopy limits and colimits, which replaces the cone construction.
The digon is an important construct in the topological theory of networks such as graphs and polyhedral surfaces. Topological equivalences may be established using a process of reduction to a minimal set of polygons, without affecting the global topological characteristics such as the Euler value. The digon represents a stage in the simplification where it can be simply removed and substituted by a line segment, without affecting the overall characteristics. The cyclic groups may be obtained as rotation symmetries of polygons: the rotational symmetries of the digon provide the group C2.
The dual graph of this embedding has four vertices forming a complete graph with doubled edges. In the torus embedding of this dual graph, the six edges incident to each vertex, in cyclic order around that vertex, cycle twice through the three other vertices. In contrast to the situation in the plane, this embedding of the cube and its dual is not unique; the cube graph has several other torus embeddings, with different duals. Many of the equivalences between primal and dual graph properties of planar graphs fail to generalize to nonplanar duals, or require additional care in their generalization.
From that time onwards, we saw each other often and became > friends. [...] > > One day he asked me to do his portrait. I agreed with joy, all the more so > because his head and his whole personality [personne] seemed to me to be > perfect models for emphasising the plastic elements I was trying to develop. > His face with clearly demarcated surfaces that made up a passionate > interplay of facets, his hair in dark masses projecting lightly in waves > over his temples, his solidly constructed body - straightaway suggested to > me equivalences, echoes [rappels], interpenetrations, rhythmic > correspondences with the surrounding elements, fields, trees, houses.
Depending on the degree and study plan, some Spanish universities require a small thesis or research project to be submitted in the last year before the student can finally claim his or her degree. The Spanish government issued a royal decree in 2014 establishing the official equivalences between the Spanish pre-Bologna titles and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels. This royal decree also describes the procedure for applying for a personal certificate stating the equivalence of a given pre-Bologna title to the new Bologna levels. Most Licenciaturas (if not all) have been placed in level 7 (Master) of the EQF.
Since the homotopy category of CW-complexes is equivalent to the localization of the category of all topological spaces at the weak homotopy equivalences, the theorem can equivalently be stated for functors on a category defined in this way. However, the theorem is false without the restriction to connected pointed spaces, and an analogous statement for unpointed spaces is also false. A similar statement does, however, hold for spectra instead of CW complexes. Brown also proved a general categorical version of the representability theorem, which includes both the version for pointed connected CW complexes and the version for spectra.
In category theory, an abstract branch of mathematics, an equivalence of categories is a relation between two categories that establishes that these categories are "essentially the same". There are numerous examples of categorical equivalences from many areas of mathematics. Establishing an equivalence involves demonstrating strong similarities between the mathematical structures concerned. In some cases, these structures may appear to be unrelated at a superficial or intuitive level, making the notion fairly powerful: it creates the opportunity to "translate" theorems between different kinds of mathematical structures, knowing that the essential meaning of those theorems is preserved under the translation.
Differential topology considers the properties and structures that require only a smooth structure on a manifold to be defined. Smooth manifolds are 'softer' than manifolds with extra geometric structures, which can act as obstructions to certain types of equivalences and deformations that exist in differential topology. For instance, volume and Riemannian curvature are invariants that can distinguish different geometric structures on the same smooth manifold--that is, one can smoothly "flatten out" certain manifolds, but it might require distorting the space and affecting the curvature or volume. On the other hand, smooth manifolds are more rigid than the topological manifolds.
In 1986, when reporting on the Chernobyl disaster, Serge Schmemann of The New York Times reported that Journalist Luke Harding described Russian whataboutism as "practically a national ideology". Journalist Julia Ioffe wrote that "Anyone who has ever studied the Soviet Union" was aware of the technique, citing the Soviet rejoinder to criticism, And you are lynching Negroes, as a "classic" example of the tactic. Writing for Bloomberg News, Leonid Bershidsky called whataboutism a "Russian tradition", while The New Yorker described the technique as "a strategy of false moral equivalences". Ioffe called whataboutism a "sacred Russian tactic", and compared it to accusing the pot of calling the kettle black.
The third chapter brings in more modern concepts of algebraic geometry including the degree and genus of an algebraic curve, and rational mappings and birational equivalences between curves. Chapters four and five concern conic sections, and the theorem that when a conic has at least one rational point it has infinitely many. Chapter six covers the use of secant lines to generate infinitely many points on a cubic plane curve, considered in modern mathematics as an example of the group law of elliptic curves. Chapter seven concerns Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares, and the possibility that Diophantus may have known of some form of this theorem.
The strong form of the Banach–Tarski paradox is false in dimensions one and two, but Banach and Tarski showed that an analogous statement remains true if countably many subsets are allowed. The difference between dimensions 1 and 2 on the one hand, and 3 and higher on the other hand, is due to the richer structure of the group of Euclidean motions in 3 dimensions. For the group is solvable, but for it contains a free group with two generators. John von Neumann studied the properties of the group of equivalences that make a paradoxical decomposition possible, and introduced the notion of amenable groups.
Traditionally, the preposition de has been used in the latter situation, but this is highly ambiguous: forpeladon de hundo could mean the dog was driven away (accusative case), something was driven away by the dog, or something was driven away from the dog. An accusative preposition na has been proposed and is widely recognized. However, the existing indefinite preposition je might be used just as well: forpeladon na hundo, je hundo. Conditional participles -unt-, -ut- have been created by analogy with the past, present, and future participles -int-, -it-; -ant-, -at-; -ont-, -ot-, by extending vowel equivalences of the verb tenses -is, -as, -os to the conditional mood -us.
The EU considers that it is alone allowed to establish its equivalence decisions (that the regulatory and supervisory environment of the prospective partner to be in line with its own) in its own interest, and may withdraw them at any time without notice. The UK expects to maintain access to European financial services clients, avoiding future equivalence withdrawal decisions by the mean of appropriate consultation and structured processes. In June 2020, Michel Barnier said that the EU "will only grant equivalences in those areas where it is clearly in the interest of the EU: of our financial stability, our investors and our consumers," describing as unacceptable many the UK's proposals.
The analysis proved that public policy in relation to hydrogen fuel cells has been misled by false equivalences to very large, very old or very high powered gasoline vehicles that do not accurately reflect the choices of emissions reduction technologies readily available amongst lower cost and pre-existing new vehicles choices available to consumers, and also to the taxpayer that funded superfluous hydrogen Infrastructure on a premise that on scientific grounds is factually false. Instead the marketing and consequently public policy claims for hydrogen can be proven by the official US DOE figures to be highly misleading.Cox, Julian. "Time To Come Clean About Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles", CleanTechnica.
At Cornell, she studied under E. B. Titchener, his first and only major graduate student at that time. Her major was psychology. As a graduate student, she conducted an experimental study of the methods of equivalences in tactual perception, as was suggested by Titchener. After two semesters of experimental study, she subsequently earned her Master's degree in absentia from Vassar College in the late spring of 1893 for that work. During her work on the method of equivalents, Washburn had simultaneously developed the topic for her master’s thesis, which was done on the influence of visual imagery on judgments of tactual distance and direction.
In this portrait, Gleizes was interested in 'equivalences, echoes, interpenetrations [emboîtements], rhythmic correspondences with the surrounding elements—terrain, trees, houses'. He was delighted to paint a portrait of Nayral because his face corresponded well to the solid, faceted, architectural qualities he had sought. In a departure from the static nature of single-point perspective, in his Nayral portrait, as in Le Chemin, Paysage à Meudon (1911), Gleizes simplifies, interpenetrates volumes, fuses the landscape with the model, to form a homogeneous picture. While volumes point is different directions and the subject is seen from several different angles ('multiple perspective') the observer still sees the entire surface of the canvas, preserving unity.
The new polygons have the same area as the old polygon, but the two transformed sets cannot have the same measure as before (since they contain only part of the B points), and therefore there is no measure that "works". The class of groups isolated by von Neumann in the course of study of Banach–Tarski phenomenon turned out to be very important for many areas of mathematics: these are amenable groups, or groups with an invariant mean, and include all finite and all solvable groups. Generally speaking, paradoxical decompositions arise when the group used for equivalences in the definition of equidecomposability is not amenable.
Since h = 5 is odd, a number of the known families have a representative here, but due to the small size of the plane there are some spurious equivalences, in fact, each of the Glynn type hyperovals is projectively equivalent to a translation hyperoval, and the Payne hyperoval is projectively equivalent to the Subiaco hyperoval (this does not occur in larger planes). Specifically, there are three classes of (monomial type) hyperovals, the hyperconics (f(t) = t2), proper translation hyperovals (f(t) = t4) and the Segre hyperovals (f(t) = t6).In smaller order planes these hyperovals are not distinct from hyperconics. The proof of their existence given in utilizes linearized polynomials.
As stated above, a first-order interpretation is usually required to specify a nonempty set as the domain of discourse. The reason for this requirement is to guarantee that equivalences such as ::(\phi \lor \exists x \psi) \leftrightarrow \exists x (\phi \lor \psi), where x is not a free variable of φ, are logically valid. This equivalence holds in every interpretation with a nonempty domain, but does not always hold when empty domains are permitted. For example, the equivalence :[\forall y (y = y) \lor \exists x ( x = x)] \equiv \exists x [ \forall y ( y = y) \lor x = x] fails in any structure with an empty domain.
In the (usual) setting of operads with an action of the symmetric group on topological spaces, an operad A is said to be an A∞-operad if all of its spaces A(n) are Σn-equivariantly homotopy equivalent to the discrete spaces Σn (the symmetric group) with its multiplication action (where n ∈ N). In the setting of non-Σ operads (also termed nonsymmetric operads, operads without permutation), an operad A is A∞if all of its spaces A(n) are contractible. In other categories than topological spaces, the notions of homotopy and contractibility have to be replaced by suitable analogs, such as homology equivalences in the category of chain complexes.
Color images are often built of several stacked color channels, each of them representing value levels of the given channel. For example, RGB images are composed of three independent channels for red, green and blue primary color components; CMYK images have four channels for cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink plates, etc. Here is an example of color channel splitting of a full RGB color image. The column at left shows the isolated color channels in natural colors, while at right there are their grayscale equivalences: Composition of RGB from 3 Grayscale images The reverse is also possible: to build a full color image from their separate grayscale channels.
The banana equivalent dose is an informal measurement, so any equivalences are necessarily approximate, but it has been found useful by some as a way to inform the public about relative radiation risks. Approximate doses of radiation in sieverts, ranging from trivial to lethal. The BED is the third from the top in the blue section (from Randall Munroe) The radiation exposure from consuming a banana is approximately 1% of the average daily exposure to radiation, which is 100 banana equivalent doses (BED). The maximum permitted radiation leakage for a nuclear power plant is equivalent to 2,500 BED (250 μSv) per year, while a chest CT scan delivers 70,000 BED (7 mSv).
Given to Andronicus the sailor 70 artabae, and to Anoup and John, lawyers (?) and contractors of the racecourse, as payment for the 11th indiction, 60 artabae of wheat, remainder artabae, 1 choenix of wheat. This, at 1 solidus less 4 carats on the private standard for every 10 artabae, is equivalent to solidi less 193 carats on the private standard, that is, less carats or solidi on the public standard, making pure solidi on the public standard, which are equivalent to solidi on the Alexandrian standard. According to Grenfell and Hunt, the ratios between the solidi of the three standards (private, public, and Alexandrian) are roughly 161:145:146. The equivalences listed here match these ratios.
The homotopy category of a model category C is the localization of C with respect to the class of weak equivalences. This definition of homotopy category does not depend on the choice of fibrations and cofibrations. However, the classes of fibrations and cofibrations are useful in describing the homotopy category in a different way and in particular avoiding set-theoretic issues arising in general localizations of categories. More precisely, the "fundamental theorem of model categories" states that the homotopy category of C is equivalent to the category whose objects are the objects of C which are both fibrant and cofibrant, and whose morphisms are left homotopy classes of maps (equivalently, right homotopy classes of maps) as defined above.
In mathematical logic, a formula is in negation normal form if the negation operator (\lnot, ) is only applied to variables and the only other allowed Boolean operators are conjunction (\land, ) and disjunction (\lor, ). Negation normal form is not a canonical form: for example, a \land (b\lor \lnot c) and (a \land b) \lor (a \land \lnot c) are equivalent, and are both in negation normal form. In classical logic and many modal logics, every formula can be brought into this form by replacing implications and equivalences by their definitions, using De Morgan's laws to push negation inwards, and eliminating double negations. This process can be represented using the following rewrite rules (Handbook of Automated Reasoning 1, p.
Ponge's works often describe mundane objects – for example "The Pebble" or "The Oyster" – extensively, but in such a way that his works are categorized as prose poetry. Robert W. Greene, a literary critic, noted about the intentions of his works, "He seeks a balance of equivalences, an equation between the order of things and the order of words".Greene. Ponge was also influenced by the ideas of his time. He has his own ideas about the absurd, influenced by Albert Camus in a number of ways. Ponge himself wrote in the Tome Premier that he believed in the unreliability of language and criticized Camus’ views of the search for a single principle as opposed to a number of principles.
By drawing attention at a high theoretical level to equivalences and differences between market and non-market decision- making, management and service provision, Williamson was influential in the 1980s and 1990s debates on the boundaries between the public and private sectors. His focus on the costs of transactions led Williamson to distinguish between repeated case-by-case bargaining on the one hand and relationship- specific contracts on the other. For example, the repeated purchasing of coal from a spot market to meet the daily or weekly needs of an electric utility would represent case-by-case bargaining. But over time, the utility is likely to form ongoing relationships with a specific supplier, and the economics of the relationship-specific dealings will be importantly different, he argued.
An extended set of equivalences is also explored in homotopy type theory, which became a very active area of research around 2013 and still is. Here, type theory is extended by the univalence axiom ("equivalence is equivalent to equality") which permits homotopy type theory to be used as a foundation for all of mathematics (including set theory and classical logic, providing new ways to discuss the axiom of choice and many other things). That is, the Curry–Howard correspondence that proofs are elements of inhabited types is generalized to the notion homotopic equivalence of proofs (as paths in space, the identity type or equality type of type theory being interpreted as a path).Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics.
By the Baroque era (1600 to 1750), the tonal harmonic framework was fully formed, and the various musical functions of the semitone were rigorously understood. Later in this period the adoption of well temperaments for instrumental tuning and the more frequent use of enharmonic equivalences increased the ease with which a semitone could be applied. Its function remained similar through the Classical period, and though it was used more frequently as the language of tonality became more chromatic in the Romantic period, the musical function of the semitone did not change. In the 20th century, however, composers such as Arnold Schoenberg, Béla Bartók, and Igor Stravinsky sought alternatives or extensions of tonal harmony, and found other uses for the semitone.
Logical or Boolean expressions involving conjunctions (AND operations), disjunctions (OR operations), exclusive disjunctions, equivalences, conditionals, etc. arise in the analysis of fault trees and event trees common in risk assessments. If the probabilities of events are characterized by intervals, as suggested by Boole and Keynes among others, these binary operations are straightforward to evaluate. For example, if the probability of an event A is in the interval P(A) = a = [0.2, 0.25], and the probability of the event B is in P(B) = b = [0.1, 0.3], then the probability of the conjunction is surely in the interval : P(A & B) = a × b :::: = [0.2, 0.25] × [0.1, 0.3] :::: = [0.2 × 0.1, 0.25 × 0.3] :::: = [0.02, 0.075] so long as A and B can be assumed to be independent events.
In homological algebra in mathematics, the homotopy category K(A) of chain complexes in an additive category A is a framework for working with chain homotopies and homotopy equivalences. It lies intermediate between the category of chain complexes Kom(A) of A and the derived category D(A) of A when A is abelian; unlike the former it is a triangulated category, and unlike the latter its formation does not require that A is abelian. Philosophically, while D(A) makes isomorphisms of any maps of complexes that are quasi- isomorphisms in Kom(A), K(A) does so only for those that are quasi- isomorphisms for a "good reason", namely actually having an inverse up to homotopy equivalence. Thus, K(A) is more understandable than D(A).
The categories of S-modules, symmetric and orthogonal spectra and their categories of (commutative) monoids admit comparisons via Quillen equivalences due to work of several mathematicians (including Schwede). In spite of this the model category of S-modules and the model category of symmetric spectra have quite different behaviour: in S-modules every object is fibrant (which is not true in symmetric spectra), while in symmetric spectra the sphere spectrum is cofibrant (which is not true in S-modules). By a theorem of Lewis, it is not possible to construct one category of spectra, which has all desired properties. A comparison of the infinity category approach to spectra with the more classical model category approach of symmetric spectra can be found in Lurie's Higher Algebra
Associativity is a property of some logical connectives of truth-functional propositional logic. The following logical equivalences demonstrate that associativity is a property of particular connectives. The following are truth-functional tautologies. Associativity of disjunction: :((P \lor Q) \lor R) \leftrightarrow (P \lor (Q \lor R)) :(P \lor (Q \lor R)) \leftrightarrow ((P \lor Q) \lor R) Associativity of conjunction: :((P \land Q) \land R) \leftrightarrow (P \land (Q \land R)) :(P \land (Q \land R)) \leftrightarrow ((P \land Q) \land R) Associativity of equivalence: :((P \leftrightarrow Q) \leftrightarrow R) \leftrightarrow (P \leftrightarrow (Q \leftrightarrow R)) :(P \leftrightarrow (Q \leftrightarrow R)) \leftrightarrow ((P \leftrightarrow Q) \leftrightarrow R) Joint denial is an example of a truth functional connective that is not associative.
Z of the fundamental group of the punctured disk. The theory of Grothendieck, published in SGA1, shows how to reconstruct the category of G-sets from a fibre functor Φ, which in the geometric setting takes the fibre of a covering above a fixed base point (as a set). In fact there is an isomorphism proved of the type :G ≅ Aut(Φ), the latter being the group of automorphisms (self-natural equivalences) of Φ. An abstract classification of categories with a functor to the category of sets is given, by means of which one can recognise categories of G-sets for G profinite. To see how this applies to the case of fields, one has to study the tensor product of fields.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) issues a letter on the new rank equivalences between the Armed Forces Headquarter Civil Service and officers of the Indian Armed forces. The letter in its last para notes that it has the approval of Mohan Parrikar, the (Defence Minister). The memo titled Equivalence between Armed forces Officers and officers of AFHQ Civil Service addressed to three services is signed by V Anandarajan(Indian Revenue Service1988), Joint Secretary and Chief administrative Officer (CAO), an office under the G.Mohan Kumar, IAS, Defence Secretary. In the letter AFHQCS officers with 9 years of services, called joint directors, are shown equal to full colonels and their equivalents in Air Force (Group Captain) and Navy (Captain), all selection grade senior ranks with 16–20 years service.
Chen's method was to equate two fanqie initials (or finals) whenever one was used in the fanqie spelling of the pronunciation of the other, and to follow chains of such equivalences to identify groups of spellers for each initial or final. For example, the pronunciation of the character was given using the fanqie spelling , the pronunciation of was given as , and the pronunciation of was given as , from which we can conclude that the words , and all had the same initial sound. The Qieyun classified homonyms under 193 rhyme classes, each of which is placed within one of the four tones. A single rhyme class may contain multiple finals, generally differing only in the medial (especially when it is /w/) or in so-called chongniu doublets.
Define tariffs and customs general regulation, safeguards, and equivalences of nomenclatures for several goods. Chile eliminate tariffs immediately on pork and pork products, beef offal, durum wheat, barley, barley malt, sorghum, soybeans and soybean meal, pasta, breakfast cereals, cereal preparations, and sunflower seeds. Access for beef on both sides will be liberalized over 4 years, beginning with a 1,000-metric-ton quota, a 10-percent annual growth factor, and a linear phase-out of the out-of-quota tariff rate. Access for poultry on both sides will be completely liberalized over 10 years Chile’s duty on many dairy products, including skim milk powder, whey, and cheeses, will be eliminated in 4 years; duties on other dairy products will be eliminated in 8 years.
On the other hand, in the Banach–Tarski paradox, the number of pieces is finite and the allowed equivalences are Euclidean congruences, which preserve the volumes. Yet, somehow, they end up doubling the volume of the ball! While this is certainly surprising, some of the pieces used in the paradoxical decomposition are non-measurable sets, so the notion of volume (more precisely, Lebesgue measure) is not defined for them, and the partitioning cannot be accomplished in a practical way. In fact, the Banach–Tarski paradox demonstrates that it is impossible to find a finitely- additive measure (or a Banach measure) defined on all subsets of an Euclidean space of three (and greater) dimensions that is invariant with respect to Euclidean motions and takes the value one on a unit cube.
The minimum information produced from a successful structural alignment is a set of residues that are considered equivalent between the structures. This set of equivalences is then typically used to superpose the three-dimensional coordinates for each input structure. (Note that one input element may be fixed as a reference and therefore its superposed coordinates do not change.) The fitted structures can be used to calculate mutual RMSD values, as well as other more sophisticated measures of structural similarity such as the global distance test (GDT, the metric used in CASP). The structural alignment also implies a corresponding one-dimensional sequence alignment from which a sequence identity, or the percentage of residues that are identical between the input structures, can be calculated as a measure of how closely the two sequences are related.
The two-and-a-half-minute song's lyrics satirize men who are anxious because of the Me Too movement, pointing out all of the things that women are told not to do in order to avoid being sexually assaulted. In the refrain, Lab exposes what she sees as false equivalences between male violence against women and supposed male victimization by sexual assault allegations: "But it sure is a scary time for boys!" Lab does not mention Trump or Kavanaugh in the video, but references the 35-year interval between Ford's and Ramirez's alleged assault and their accusations ("I can't speak out against my rapist after 35 years"). Lab momentarily pauses near the end of the song, realizing "it's not such scary time for boys / they've always had the upper hand, they've always had a choice".
Baker's 2009 Wellcome Trust Diary Drawing exhibition about her experience of mental illness and recovery launched her onto a worldwide platform of mental health and arts campaigners, connecting her with a growing network of organisations and practitioners. Since then, she has aimed to use her position to help promote and foster opportunities for diverse marginalised artists. Her work focuses on undervalued and stigmatised aspects of everyday life and human behaviour, expressly undertaking to foreground the lives of women in the mainstream and bring status to so-called ‘humble’ daily activity. Baker's work explores feminist themes, framing the women's movement and marking its changes of agenda, moving from early work in food sculpture to later performances and installations which map the equivalences and commonalities between composing art and composing a life.
The algebraic topology of the Lie groups is also largely carried by a maximal compact subgroup K. To be precise, a connected Lie group is a topological product (though not a group theoretic product) of a maximal compact K and a Euclidean space – G = K × Rd – thus in particular K is a deformation retract of G, and is homotopy equivalent, and thus they have the same homotopy groups. Indeed, the inclusion K \hookrightarrow G and the deformation retraction G \twoheadrightarrow K are homotopy equivalences. For the general linear group, this decomposition is the QR decomposition, and the deformation retraction is the Gram-Schmidt process. For a general semisimple Lie group, the decomposition is the Iwasawa decomposition of G as G = KAN in which K occurs in a product with a contractible subgroup AN.
The fact that traditional western music maps unambiguously onto this scale (unless it presupposes 12-EDO enharmonic equivalences) makes it easier to perform such music in this tuning than in many other tunings. 19 EDO is the tuning of the syntonic temperament in which the tempered perfect fifth is equal to 694.737 cents, as shown in Figure 1 (look for the label "19 TET"). On an isomorphic keyboard, the fingering of music composed in 19 EDO is precisely the same as it is in any other syntonic tuning (such as 12 EDO), so long as the notes are “spelled properly” — that is, with no assumption that the sharp below matches the flat immediately above it (enharmonicity). Joseph Yasser's 19 equal temperament keyboard layout The comparison between a standard 12 tone classical guitar and a 19 tone guitar design.
A thorough exploration of other systems is not warranted here, but care must be taken not to assume too much in the equivalences of qualifications that play different roles, in different systems, in the context of different traditions. As the incidence of a 9 or 10 in havo examinations is considerably lower than that of the top marks in the American or British grading system, it would be a mistake to equate a 10 to an A, a 9 to a B, and so forth. If the 8, 9 and 10 are taken together, as in the list shown above, they represent the top S to 15% of examination results. If, in a grading system based on letters, the A represents the top 10% or thereabouts, grade A may be regarded as equivalent to grades 8 and above.
If the composition fg of two morphisms is an epimorphism, then f must be an epimorphism. As some of the above examples show, the property of being an epimorphism is not determined by the morphism alone, but also by the category of context. If D is a subcategory of C, then every morphism in D that is an epimorphism when considered as a morphism in C is also an epimorphism in D. However the converse need not hold; the smaller category can (and often will) have more epimorphisms. As for most concepts in category theory, epimorphisms are preserved under equivalences of categories: given an equivalence F : C → D, a morphism f is an epimorphism in the category C if and only if F(f) is an epimorphism in D. A duality between two categories turns epimorphisms into monomorphisms, and vice versa.
Also, for a non-singular M-matrix, the diagonal elements of A must be positive. Here we will further characterize only the class of non-singular M-matrices. Many statements that are equivalent to this definition of non-singular M-matrices are known, and any one of these statements can serve as a starting definition of a non-singular M-matrix.. For example, Plemmons lists 40 such equivalences.. These characterizations has been categorized by Plemmons in terms of their relations to the properties of: (1) positivity of principal minors, (2) inverse-positivity and splittings, (3) stability, and (4) semipositivity and diagonal dominance. It makes sense to categorize the properties in this way because the statements within a particular group are related to each other even when matrix is an arbitrary matrix, and not necessarily a Z-matrix.
The new rank equivalences in 16 October memo was cause of much disappointment and resentment in the Armed forces which found voice through the media, and veteran groups. Parrikar responding to outrage assured the armed forces that he would told reporter on the _sidelines of a naval commanders' conference that "Military officers will be on same platform as their civilian counterparts" Any discrepancy in the ranks would be corrected in a week, ”_ adding that government has assured the _military that any disparity in rank structure of its officers with those in civil administration will be removed "._ and that he "will scrutinise the orders to detect anomalies that threaten to widen the civil-military divide “. Despite his assurances to the armed forces there was no follow up, and issue remained unresolved till he was replaced by Nirmala Sitharaman as the defense Minister.
The NAD+-reducing hydrogenase (soluble hydrogenase, SH) creates a NADH-reducing equivalence by oxidizing hydrogen gas. The SH is a heterohexameric protein with two subunits making up the large and small subunits of the [Ni-Fe] hydrogenase and the other two subunits comprising a reductase module similar to the one of Complex I. The [Ni-Fe] active site oxidized hydrogen gas which transfers electrons to a FMN-a cofactor, then to a [Fe-S] cluster relay of the small hydrogenase subunit and the reductase module, then to another FMN-b cofactor and finally to NAD+. The reducing equivalences are then used for fixing carbon dioxide when C. necator is growing autotrophically. The active site of the SH of C. necator H16 has been extensively studied because C. necator H16 can be produced in large amounts, can be genetically manipulated, and can be analyzed with spectrographic techniques.
In the sense that Warhammer 40,000 races parallel the earlier (and still extant) Warhammer Fantasy Battle game, the Eldar race mirrors the Elven people. The Eldar in general consist of five distinct sides: the Craftworld Eldar (often simply called Eldar), who are similar to the High Elves; the Drukhari, who are similar to the Dark Elves; the Exodites, who are similar to the Wood Elves; the Harlequins, servants of Cegorach, the Laughing God; and the Ynnari, a new faction of the Eldar that worship the god Ynnead. These equivalences are only in very general thematic terms, however, as the major details of the races' backgrounds differ greatly from their Warhammer Fantasy counterparts. For instance while the Dark Elves have long existed as the main antagonist to the High Elves in Warhammer Fantasy, Games Workshop originally incorporated both High and Dark Elves' elements into the Craftworld Eldar for the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
In the Euclidean plane, two figures that are equidecomposable with respect to the group of Euclidean motions are necessarily of the same area, and therefore, a paradoxical decomposition of a square or disk of Banach–Tarski type that uses only Euclidean congruences is impossible. A conceptual explanation of the distinction between the planar and higher-dimensional cases was given by John von Neumann: unlike the group SO(3) of rotations in three dimensions, the group E(2) of Euclidean motions of the plane is solvable, which implies the existence of a finitely-additive measure on E(2) and R2 which is invariant under translations and rotations, and rules out paradoxical decompositions of non-negligible sets. Von Neumann then posed the following question: can such a paradoxical decomposition be constructed if one allows a larger group of equivalences? It is clear that if one permits similarities, any two squares in the plane become equivalent even without further subdivision.
A cellular automaton consists of an array of cells, each one of which has a finite number of possible states, together with a rule for updating all cells simultaneously based only on the states of neighboring cells. A configuration of a cellular automaton is an assignment of a state to every cell of the automaton; the update rule of a cellular automaton forms a function from configurations to configurations, with the requirement that the updated value of any cell depends only on some finite neighborhood of the cell, and that the function is invariant under translations of the input array. With these definitions, a cellular automaton is reversible when it satisfies any one of the following conditions, all of which are mathematically equivalent to each other:In the one-dimensional case, several of these equivalences were already presented, in the language of dynamical systems rather than cellular automata, by , Theorem 4.1. For higher dimensions, see and .
Every propositional formula can be converted into an equivalent formula that is in CNF. This transformation is based on rules about logical equivalences: double negation elimination, De Morgan's laws, and the distributive law. Since all propositional formulas can be converted into an equivalent formula in conjunctive normal form, proofs are often based on the assumption that all formulae are CNF. However, in some cases this conversion to CNF can lead to an exponential explosion of the formula. For example, translating the following non-CNF formula into CNF produces a formula with 2^n clauses: :(X_1 \wedge Y_1) \vee (X_2 \wedge Y_2) \vee \dots \vee (X_n \wedge Y_n). In particular, the generated formula is: :(X_1 \vee X_2 \vee \cdots \vee X_n) \wedge (Y_1 \vee X_2 \vee \cdots \vee X_n) \wedge (X_1 \vee Y_2 \vee \cdots \vee X_n) \wedge (Y_1 \vee Y_2 \vee \cdots \vee X_n) \wedge \cdots \wedge (Y_1 \vee Y_2 \vee \cdots \vee Y_n).
A 7-limit linear temperament tempers out both of these intervals; the resulting Bohlen–Pierce temperament no longer has anything to do with tritave equivalences or non-octave scales, beyond the fact that it is well adapted to using them. A tuning of 41 equal steps to the octave ( = 29.27 cents per step) would be quite logical for this temperament. In such a tuning, a tempered perfect twelfth (1902.4 cents, about a half cent larger than a just twelfth) is divided into 65 equal steps, resulting in a seeming paradox: Taking every fifth degree of this octave-based scale yields an excellent approximation to the non-octave-based equally tempered BP scale. Furthermore, an interval of five such steps generates (octave-based) MOSes with 8, 9, or 17 notes, and the 8-note scale (comprising degrees 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 of the 41-equal scale) could be considered the octave- equivalent version of the Bohlen–Pierce scale.
It is a consequence of the axioms that a left (right) Quillen functor preserves weak equivalences between cofibrant (fibrant) objects. The total derived functor theorem of Quillen says that the total left derived functor :LF: Ho(C) -> Ho(D) is a left adjoint to the total right derived functor :RG: Ho(D) -> Ho(C). This adjunction (LF, RG) is called the derived adjunction. If (F, G) is a Quillen adjunction as above such that :F(c) -> d with c cofibrant and d fibrant is a weak equivalence in D if and only if :c -> G(d) is a weak equivalence in C then it is called a Quillen equivalence of the closed model categories C and D. In this case the derived adjunction is an adjoint equivalence of categories so that :LF(c) -> d is an isomorphism in Ho(D) if and only if :c -> RG(d) is an isomorphism in Ho(C).
" When the Molière Award was awarded to Pascale de Boysson a few months after her death, it was Laurent Terzieff who thanked the profession and paid tribute to the one who was his partner and companion: > "It is on the job, and often in a hurry, that, as part of her actress > activities within our company, Pascale de Boysson has been brought to > translate the texts of Schisgal, Saunders, Friel and others... She did so > with both great humility and great ease, not looking for resemblance at all > costs through agreed equivalences, but on the contrary imposing a > difference, sometimes dissonances, by digging a groove in our language, > enriching it with a new sound, the tone of the song of an author from > elsewhere. It's still difficult for me to talk about Pascale. I feel the > clumsiness of the burglar who would be forced to force his own safe, as it > says somewhere in a novel by Faulkner. I will only say that I consider this > prize as a last tribute of the profession to Pascale de Boysson, to that > independent, generous and gratuitous life she had given herself.

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