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12 Sentences With "equalitarianism"

How to use equalitarianism in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "equalitarianism" and check conjugation/comparative form for "equalitarianism". Mastering all the usages of "equalitarianism" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Feminists around the world praised him a lot due to this line. Heroines under Mao’s communist theatre challenged the traditional stereotyped women. Theses female characters fought for women’s liberation and gender equalitarianism.
Michael Shermer, Is Social Science Politically Biased?, Scientific American, 01.03.16 Other researchers also argue that political bias manifests in scientific research, influencing how ideological groups are described, what measurements are used, the interpretation of results and which results are published.Jussim, N.H.L., Equalitarianism as a Primary Source of Scientific Bias.
Attitudes of equalitarianism were more widely accepted and women were viewed as "coworkers, not subordinates." Women not only held leadership positions, but also attended various societies and conventions. In contrast, women's participation in the American Anti-slavery Society became a quite contentious issue in the eastern United States. Women who were publicly passionate about abolition were seen as fanatics.
They lived in isolated villages where the miners comprised the great majority of workers. There was a high degree of equality in life style; combined with an evangelical religious style based on Methodism this led to an ideology of equalitarianism. They forged a "community of solidarity" - under the leadership of the Miners Federation. The union supported first the Liberal Party, then after 1918 Labour, with some Communist Party activism at the fringes.
Garrett wrote a 1961 article in the journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine entitled "The Equalitarian Dogma" in which he argued that cumulative evidence supported the view that there was a biologically innate intellectual inferiority of Blacks to Whites. A critique of the article was concerned that the article, and its appearance in the journal, would be a political weapon in the hands of white supremacists.John Lear. (1961). A psychologist attacks equalitarianism.
Brent, "Electronic communication and sociology: Looking backward, thinking ahead, careening toward the next millennium," American Sociologist 1996, 27#1 pp. 4–10 Of special concern is the question whether the electronic frontier will replicate the stages of development of the American land frontier. Wikipedia is a major presence on the electronic frontier, and the Wikipedia editors have been explicitly compared to the pioneers of Turner's American frontier in terms of their youth, aggressiveness, boldness, equalitarianism and rejection of limitations.
Socialism 3.0 refers to the third era of socialism in China which is distinguished from Mao Zedong's equalitarianism era and Deng Xiaoping's Reform and Opening-up era. It is also referred to as the post-reform era. This concept was first proposed by Professor Wang Shaoguang from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in a non-published speech. It was later referred by Peter Martin and David Cohen in their article Socialism 3.0 in China, which mainly focused on Bo Xilai's Chongqing Model.
The occupants of the public housing were usually the employees of the enterprises and their family, who were subject to pay rent at a very low price. The size and the type of room the households received were dependent on their job title or administrative level. The central government found it difficult to upkeep the public housing due to the low rent it received; the distribution policy that was intended to be "equalitarianism" was actually corrupt. The Chinese government commercialized the housing market after the economic reform started in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping.
Flanagan emphasizes that Riel exemplified the tradition of religious mystics involved in politics, especially those with a sense that the world was about to be totally transformed by their religious vision. In his case it meant his delivering the Métis from colonial domination. More broadly, Flanagan argues that Riel was devoutly religious and rejected equalitarianism (which he equated with secularism), concluding he was "a millenarian theocrat, sympathetic to the 'ancien régime' and opposed to the French Revolution, democracy, individualism, and secular society."Thomas Flanagan, "Louis Riel: Icon of the Left," Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (1986), Vol 1, pp. 219–228.
The collapse of the old political system led to the realignment of voters and parties in the formation of the Third Party System, which formed in the mid-1850s and lasted until the mid-1890s. Michigan was dominated for 80 years by the new Republican Party, later nicknamed the GOP. First established in Jackson and other cities in 1854, it gathered together anti-slavery elements from the Whig, Know-Nothing and Democratic parties, and was a majority in Michigan by the end of the decade. The Democrats had always used equalitarianism as a way to attack the rich elitist Whigs.
Egalitarianism (), or equalitarianism, is a school of thought within political philosophy that builds from the concept of social equality, prioritizing it for all people. Egalitarian doctrines are generally characterized by the idea that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or moral status. Egalitarianism is the doctrine that all citizens of a state should be accorded exactly equal rights. The term egalitarianism has two distinct definitions in modern English, either as a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social and civil rights, or as a social philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people, economic egalitarianism, or the decentralization of power.
In comparison to BioShocks questions of free will and humans' destiny, BioShock 2s director Jordan Thomas said that the player character is "almost the ultimate individual" whom Lamb goads to fulfill her goals. BioShock 2 also deals with cult of personalities, Marxism, abandonment, technocracy, moral absolutism, altruism, fatherhood, class war, equalitarianism, capitalism, utopianism, being, childhood, socialism, selfishness, adolescence, poverty, liberalism, moral relativism, rationalism, empiricism, Christianity, Social Darwinism, subversion of being, transformation, genetic determinism, and the benefits of family and religion. Professor Ryan Lizardi draws parallels between BioShock 2s themes of community versus the individual and the issues of McCarthyism and the hippie movement that occurred around the time period of the game's setting. "As this sequel is an extension of the first game's storylines and characters, there are direct contrasts between the extreme politics of Andrew Ryan's objectivism and the extreme religion/politics of Lamb's collectivism", he writes.

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