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121 Sentences With "engorgement"

How to use engorgement in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "engorgement" and check conjugation/comparative form for "engorgement". Mastering all the usages of "engorgement" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If there's no engorgement, it's difficult to do masturbation or anything.
Some, using vasodilators to open up blood vessels, causing engorgement, may "work" temporarily.
After an effort at engorgement, I mixed everything left together—hot, cold, and in between.
Rather, erections and vaginal engorgement seem to be the result of the state of dreaming itself.
My inner labia begin to feel compressed by their own engorgement, and slippery as lubrication builds between them.
So better blood flow helps with engorgement, sensation and lubrication in women as well as erections in men.
They'll be measurably aroused—there will be engorgement, lubrication—but when the women are asked, 'Are you aroused?' they respond, 'No.
"Prolonged periods of engorgement of erectile tissue [are] going to increase the chance of getting that uncomfortable full feeling," Dr. Castellanos says.
The engorgement caused by sexual stimulation can be replaced by swelling due to constriction or edema, the inability of fluid to leave tissue.
She hopes to end the stigma around breastfeeding by discussing subjects like mastitis and engorgement with her male colleagues, although it sometimes makes them squirm.
"It takes a woman's body at least 20 minutes to become fully aroused, which includes engorgement of erectile tissue in the labia, clitoris, and vaginal canal," Chavez says.
Minkin said that masturbating can also help "release" pelvic engorgement, which, according to Stanford Health, is a painful condition in which the veins in the pelvic area become congested, usually occurring during pregnancy.
When you're a lactating mom, massaging the breast while pumping or nursing can increase output and prevent painful conditions like mastitis (an inflammation of breast tissue) or engorgement (as gross as it sounds).
Some of them actually mimic period symptoms, so it can be tricky, but be on the lookout for mild cramping, spotting or light bleeding, nausea, breast soreness and engorgement, and nipple soreness, he says.
She often had no choice but to use the airplane lavatory, though not nearly as often as she needed to — leading her to suffer frequently from pain, engorgement and the embarrassment of leaking breasts.
"The clitoris has erectile tissue just like the penis, but instead of being out in the open for everyone to see, the clitoral engorgement happens internally and most women aren't aware of the process," Fosnight says.
Anyone who has breastfed will tell you that the learning curve is steep, and things were no different for us — but cracked and blistered nipples, engorgement, and blocked ducts aside, that girl and I were a team.
Maybe. Turns out, people with vaginas also respond to their sleep cycle, and they can have increased clitoral and vaginal engorgement during the REM stage of sleep, says Aleece Fosnight, MSPAS, PA-C, a urology physician assistant and a sexual health counselor.
The presence of apparent engorgement that doesn't compress suggested that the patient may have a condition called lymphedema, an accumulation of fluid rich in white blood cells that is normally collected from the tissues and then drained through the tiny vessels of the lymph system.
Engorgement, on the verge of getting mastitis, finding the confidence to soldier through the pain of extremely painful feedings all while knowing that I'm the ONLY source of food for my son right now, unless I bottle feed him which for me, was not an option.
Despite the choice reading material on offer, 53 percent of volunteers were unable to scare up a serviceable boner and, even those who did may have seen their true maximum engorgement impinged by the sheer volume of tequila and Corona-Light sloshing around their sunburned bodies.
Oddly enough, he may have found it in his lawyers' arguments to the Senate portraying him variously as: the tribune who refused to let the people's champion be driven from office; the defender of the constitutional presidency against a passionate, factious majority in the House; and the restorer of moderation and equilibrium to a political system badly deranged by a half century of partisan excess and bureaucratic engorgement.
No engorgementAdult female - No engorgement Early engorgement Adult female - Early engorgement Moderate engorgement Adult female - Moderate engorgement Full engorgement Adult female - Full engorgement These pictures are not to scale with each other. Because the size of the 'shield' (scutum) does not change as the female tick engorges, you can use it to compare the relative sizes.
The lips may temporarily swell during sexual arousal due to engorgement with blood.
Some studies indicate that cracked nipples are caused by poor latch. Yet other causes could be poor positioning, use of a feeding bottle, breast engorgement, inexperience, semi-protruding nipples, use of breast pumps and light pigmentation of the nipples. Breast engorgement is also a main factor in altering the ability of the infant to latch-on. Engorgement changes the shape and curvature of the nipple region by making the breast inflexible, flat, hard, and swollen.
Breast engorgement is the sense of breast fullness experienced by most women within 36 hours of delivery. Normally, this is a painless sensation of "heaviness". Breastfeeding on demand is the primary way of preventing painful engorgement. When the breast overfills with milk it becomes painful.
Engorgement comes from not getting enough milk from the breast. It happens about 3 to 7 days after delivery and occurs more often in first time mothers. The increased blood supply, the accumulated milk and the swelling all contribute to the painful engorgement. Engorgement may affect the areola, the periphery of the breast or the entire breast, and may interfere with breastfeeding both from the pain and also from the distortion of the normal shape of the areola/nipple.
She can use cold compresses after feeding or expressing, which helps to reduce the oedema. Engorgement occurs less often in baby- friendly hospitals which practise the Ten Steps and which help mothers to start breastfeeding soon after delivery. Regular breastfeeding can and should be continued. The treatment for breast engorgement can be divided into non- medical and medical methods.
A number of other conditions can cause fevers following delivery including: urinary tract infections, breast engorgement, atelectasis and surgical incisions, among others.
Slight thickening of the eyelids and the presence of virus in conjunctival fluid was detectable on day 5. Testicular engorgement was noticed on day 6.
Breast engorgement occurs in the mammary glands due to expansion and pressure exerted by the synthesis and storage of breast milk. It is also a main factor in altering the ability of the infant to latch-on. Engorgement changes the shape and curvature of the nipple region by making the breast inflexible, flat, hard, and swollen. The nipples on an engorged breast are flat or inverted.
Sometimes it may lead to striae on nipples, mainly a preceding symptom of septation mastitis. Engorgement usually happens when the breasts switch from colostrum to mature milk (often referred to as when the milk "comes in"). However, engorgement can also happen later if lactating women miss several nursings and not enough milk is expressed from the breasts. It can be exacerbated by insufficient breastfeeding and/or blocked milk ducts.
By simply not stimulating the breasts after birth, after a few days the production of milk will decease. If breastfeeding has already been established, the production of milk typically takes longer to decrease and may take several weeks. Women may experience pain and discomfort from engorgement. This discomfort is may be relieved by hand-expressing milk or the use of a pump to reduce engorgement and prevent mastitis.
Vascular congestion is the engorgement of an entity, such as the blood vessels of the erectile tissues, with blood. It is known to occur with deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
A carotid-cavernous fistula results from an abnormal communication between the arterial and venous systems within the cavernous sinus in the skull. It is a type of arteriovenous fistula. As arterial blood under high pressure enters the cavernous sinus, the normal venous return to the cavernous sinus is impeded and this causes engorgement of the draining veins, manifesting most dramatically as a sudden engorgement and redness of the eye of the same side.
The labia minora return to their original color within 2 minutes, and engorgement dissipates in about 5 to 10 minutes. The labia majora return to their pre-arousal state in approximately 1 hour.
Lighter cases of puerperal mastitis are often called breast engorgement. In this Wikipedia article, "mastitis" is used in the original sense of the definition as inflammation of the breast with additional qualifiers where appropriate.
When engorged the breasts may swell, throb, and cause mild to extreme pain. Engorgement may lead to mastitis (inflammation of the breast) and untreated engorgement puts pressure on the milk ducts, often causing a plugged duct. The woman will often feel a lump in one part of the breast, and the skin in that area may be red and/or warm. If it continues unchecked, the plugged duct can become a breast infection, at which point she may have a fever or flu-like symptoms.
The majority of the discharge pools in the deepest portion of the vagina (the posterior fornix) and exits the body over the course of a day with the force of gravity. A typical reproductive-age woman produces 1.5 grams (half to one teaspoon) of vaginal discharge every day. During sexual arousal and sexual intercourse, the amount of fluid in the vagina increases due to engorgement of blood vessels surrounding the vagina. This engorgement of blood vessels increases the volume of transudate from the vaginal walls.
Since septic pelvic thrombophlebitis is a diagnosis of exclusion, other causes of postpartum fever must be considered, such as infection of cesarean section wounds, episiotomy or laceration sites as well as endometritis, endomyometritis, mastitis, and physiologic breast engorgement.
Estrogens can be used to suppress and cease lactation and breast engorgement in postpartum women who do not wish to breastfeed. They do this by directly decreasing the sensitivity of the alveoli of the mammary glands to the lactogenic hormone prolactin.
Cabbage leaves are a common recommendation to reduce discomfort from engorgement. However, a Cochrane review of three studies on this subject concluded that there was no statistically significant evidence that interventions were associated with a more rapid resolution of symptoms; in these studies women tended to have improvements in pain and other symptoms over time whether or not they received active treatment. According to the Cochrane review other interventions such as hot/cold packs, Gua-Sha (scraping therapy), acupuncture, and proteolytic enzymes may be promising for the treatment of breast engorgement, but there is insufficient evidence to justify widespread implementation.
An unfed female is typically 2.0–2.6 mm long and 1.5–1.8 mm wide, and grows to 9.8 mm long and 8.2 mm wide with engorgement. Distinguishing a specimen from other members of the genus Haemaphysalis requires microscopic examination of minor physical characteristics.
In medicine, Goodell sign is an indication of pregnancy. It is a significant softening of the vaginal portion of the cervix from increased vascularization. This vascularization is a result of hypertrophy and engorgement of the vessels below the growing uterus. This sign occurs at approximately four weeks' gestation.
There appears to be a connection between pulmonary edema and increased pulmonary blood flow and pressure which results in capillary engorgement. This may occur during higher intensity exercise while immersed or submersed. Facial immersion at the time of initiating breath-hold is a necessary factor for maximising the mammalian diving reflex in humans.
Sinus hyperplasia is the preferential stimulation of the histiocytic (tissues macrophage) compartment. Histological features include distention or engorgement of both subscapular and inatraparenchymal sinuses by benign histiocytes which may be hemophagocytic. Sinus hyperplasia may be associated with non-hematolymphoid malignancy. Other features include presence of white spaces and lymphocytes (large cells) within sinuses.
Some predisposing factors are known but their predictive value is minimal. It appears that proper breastfeeding technique, frequent breastfeeding and avoidance of stress are the most important factors that can be influenced. Light cases of mastitis are often called breast engorgement; the distinction is overlapping and possibly arbitrary or subject to regional variations.
The type specimens, all females, were collected during overcast and showery conditions in a forest of hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamil) planted in carrol (Backhousia myrtifolia) scrub and in close proximity to a fresh water creek fringed by rainforest. They showed no sign of engorgement with blood but whether they attempted to bite is not known.
In three large clinical trials involving a total of 3,330 women using the Ortho Evra / Evra patch for up to one year, 12% of users discontinued the patch because of adverse events. The most frequent adverse events leading to patch discontinuation were: nausea and/or vomiting (2.4%), application site reaction (1.9%), breast discomfort, engorgement or pain (1.9%), headache (1.1%), and emotional lability (1.0%). The most frequent adverse events reported while using the Ortho Evra / Evra patch were: breast discomfort, engorgement or pain (22%), headache (21%), application site reaction (17%), nausea (17%), upper respiratory tract infection (10%), menstrual cramps (10%), and abdominal pain (9%). Breakthrough bleeding and/or spotting while using the Ortho Evra / Evra patch was reported by: 18% in cycle 1, 12% in cycle 3, 8% in cycle 6 and cycle 13.
Clitoral photoplethysmography uses light to measure clitoral blood volume (CBV). A clitoral photoplethysmograph is a small clear acrylic device that contains a light source, and a light detector. The light source illuminates the capillary bed of the clitoral tissue and the blood circulating within it. As clitoral engorgement increases, more light is reflected into the photosensitive cell of the device.
This makes it harder for the baby to latch on properly for feeding. Latching may occur over only part of the areola. This can irritate the nipple more, and may lead to ineffective drainage of breast milk and more pain. Engorgement may begin as a result of several factors such as nipple pain, improper feeding technique, infrequent feeding or infant- mother separation.
To prevent or treat engorgement, remove the milk from the breast, by breastfeeding, expressing or pumping. Gentle massage can help start the milk flow and so reduce the pressure. The reduced pressure softens the areola, perhaps even allowing the infant to feed. Warm water or warm compresses and expressing some milk before feeding can also help make breastfeeding more effective.
59 percent of patients with relapsing polychondritis have either episcleritis or scleritis. Rarely, episcleritis may be caused by scleritis. Very rarely, episcleritis is associated with infections, including Lyme disease, tuberculosis, syphilis, and herpes zoster. The redness in the eye associated with episcleritis is due to engorgement of the large episcleral blood vessels, which run in a radial direction from the limbus.
In the clinical period, there are two stages. In the first stage, clinical signs of venous obstruction due to the right ventricular stenosis become apparent while pulmonary blood flow continues normally. In the second stage, symptoms of poor circulation become apparent such as systemic venous engorgement. It is at this point where the patient appears to be in heart failure.
Tumescence is the quality or state of being tumescent or swollen. Tumescence usually refers to the normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues, marking sexual excitation, and possible readiness for sexual activity. The tumescent sexual organ in men is the penis and in women is the clitoris and other parts of the genitalia like the vestibular bulbs.
The vaginal lining has no glands, and therefore the vagina must rely on other methods of lubrication. Plasma from vaginal walls due to vascular engorgement is considered to be the chief lubrication source, and the Bartholin's glands, located slightly below and to the left and right of the introitus (vaginal opening), also secrete mucus to augment vaginal-wall secretions. Near ovulation, cervical mucus provides additional lubrication.
If you live in a tick-prone area, and your pets are allowed outdoors, it is suggested that you physically check your pets daily for ticks. Unfortunately they are often not discovered until the tick is large enough to be felt. By this time the tick has subjected the animal to a large amount of toxins. One adult female can kill four susceptible rats during engorgement.
The restriction of blood flow can also be used in specialized tissues to cause engorgement, resulting in an erection of that tissue; examples are the erectile tissue in the penis and clitoris. Another example of a hydraulic function is the jumping spider, in which blood forced into the legs under pressure causes them to straighten for a powerful jump, without the need for bulky muscular legs.
There is disagreement over whether MRI should be the diagnostic tool of choice. Magnetic resonance imaging is less effective than CT at directly imaging sites of CSF leak. MRI studies may show pachymeningeal enhancement (when the dura mater looks thick and inflamed), sagging of the brain, pituitary enlargement, subdural hygromas, engorgement of cerebral venous sinuses, and other abnormalities. For 20% of patients, MRIs present as completely normal.
Larvae of trombiculids cause severe pruritus to their hosts after they detach. The larva secretes a proteinaceous feeding tube, the stylostome, into the host's skin. This remains after the larva has completed engorgement on blood and induces an intense localized inflammation. Eutrombicula alfreddugesi and E. splendens are common in the Americas where they infest the skin of the face, muzzle, legs, and belly of cattle and horses.
The beginnings of sexual arousal in a woman's body is usually marked by vaginal lubrication (wetness; though this can occur without arousal due to infection or cervical mucus production around ovulation), swelling and engorgement of the external genitals, and internal lengthening and enlargement of the vagina. There have been studies to find the degree of correlation between these physiological responses and the woman's subjective sensation of being sexually aroused: the findings usually are that in some cases there is a high correlation, while in others, it is surprisingly low. Further stimulation can lead to further vaginal wetness and further engorgement and swelling of the clitoris and the labia, along with increased redness or darkening of the skin in these areas as blood flow increases. Further changes to the internal organs also occur including to the internal shape of the vagina and to the position of the uterus within the pelvis.
During copulation it becomes erect due to engorgement with blood or lymph, though in many animals it also contains a stiff or even bony support structure. When not in use, its soft penile tissue is usually flaccid, and depending on the species, may be retracted into the body. The anatomy of the penis varies widely according to species. However, the penis evolved only once in the evolutionary history of amniotes.
Lucretius, De rerum natura, 4.1030–57Brown, pp. 62–63. Sense perception, specifically the sight of a beautiful body, provokes the movement of semen into the genitals and toward the object of desire. The engorgement of the genitals creates an urge to ejaculate, coupled with the anticipation of pleasure. The body's response to physical attractiveness is automatic, and neither the character of the person desired nor one's own choice is a factor.
The following images all depict the adult female of Ixodes holocyclus. Colour and markings change markedly as engorgement progresses. It is the third tick, the moderately engorged adult female (width, at level of the spiracles, more than 4 mm) which is most commonly removed from dogs with tick venomning. If the fully engorged tick were found on a dog it suggests that the dog has a degree of immunity.
An ultrasound image of puerperal mastitis Puerperal mastitis is the inflammation of the breast in connection with pregnancy, breastfeeding or weaning. Since one of the most prominent symptoms is tension and engorgement of the breast, it is thought to be caused by blocked milk ducts or milk excess. It is relatively common; estimates range depending on methodology between 5–33%. However, only about 0.4–0.5% of breastfeeding mothers develop an abscess.
In lizards and snakes, males possess paired hemipenes, each of which is usually grooved to allow sperm transport and spiny or rough at the tip to allow firm attachment to the female. To become erect, a hemipenis is evaginated (turned inside out) through muscle action and engorgement with blood. Only one is inserted into the female's cloaca at a time. In reptiles, the phallus has an open sulcus instead of a closed urethral tube.
The application of heat to treat certain conditions, including possible tumors, has a long history. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used heat to treat breast masses; this is still a recommended self-care treatment for breast engorgement. Medical practitioners in ancient India used regional and whole-body hyperthermia as treatments. During the 19th century, tumor shrinkage after a high fever due to infection had been reported in a small number of cases.
Nasal mucosa has a rich blood supply and has venous sinusoids or "lakes" surrounded by smooth muscle fibers. These smooth muscle fibers act as sphincters and control the filling and emptying of sinusoids. Sympathetic stimulation causes vasoconstriction and shrinkage of mucosa, which leads to decongestion of the nose. Parasympathetic stimulation causes not only excessive secretion from the nasal gland but also vasodilatation and engorgement, which lead to rhinorrhoea and congestion of the nose.
Sri Lankan mothers generally feel that it is natural to experience ill health after childbirth. About 90% of women who deliver vaginally and 75% women who deliver by C-section report illness in the puerperium period. Examples of these illnesses include excessive bleeding, fever, constipation, breast engorgement, painful urination, backache and abdominal pain. Buddhist mothers have the highest incidence of illness while Muslim mothers had the fewest poor health outcomes after birth.
Pumping small amounts to relieve discomfort helps to gradually train the breasts to produce less milk. There is presently no safe medication to prevent engorgement, but cold compresses and ibuprofen may help to relieve pain and swelling. Pain should go away in one to five days. If symptoms continue and comfort measures are not helpful a woman should consider the possibility that a blocked milk duct or infection may be present and seek medical intervention.
The non-medical methods include hot/cold packs, Gua-Sha (scraping therapy), acupuncture and drinking specialized herbal teas whereas medical methods are proteolytic enzymes such as serrapeptase, protease, and subcutaneous oxytocin. Cabbage leaves are often cited as a possible treatment but studies have found they provide “no overall benefit” on breast engorgement. Evidence from published clinical trials on the effectiveness of treatment options is of weak quality and is not strong enough to justify a clinical recommendation.
After birth, some women may desire to stop the production of breast milk, for example when the mother decides to bottle feed from birth, or in the case when the infant dies or is surrendered at birth. Additionally, women who are breastfeeding may need to stop breastfeeding abruptly, for instance if she is taking medication contraindicated for breastfeeding or undergoes surgery. The abrupt weaning process may lead to severe engorgement, extremely painful breasts, and possibly mastitis.
There may be a difference in women's ability to perceive internal versus external genital engorgement subjectively, as measured by vaginal photoplethysmography (VPG) and thermography respectively. Chivers and colleagues found that men's and women's concordance was more similar when thermography was used as a measure of genital sexual arousal than when VPG was used. However, few studies using thermography have been conducted and further research is required to determine whether the gender difference in concordance is a measurement artifact or a true phenomenon.
The greatest non-lethal health risk is damage to the pudendal nerves that greatly reduces the chances and intensity of orgasms when severed. Most trans women's bodies readily accept the relocation of glans penile tissue in the area of a woman's clitoris. Dr Suporn Watanyusakul uses a modified technique that preserves some erectile tissue to simulate clitoral engorgement and a small amount of foreskin to act as a clitoral hood. An alternative technique involved the use of urethral spongiform as a clitoral mound.
Hyperaemia (also hyperemia) is the increase of blood flow to different tissues in the body. It can have medical implications but is also a regulatory response, allowing change in blood supply to different tissues through vasodilation. Clinically, hyperaemia in tissues manifest as erythema (redness of the skin) because of the engorgement of vessels with oxygenated blood. Hyperaemia can also occur due to a fall in atmospheric pressure outside the body. The term is from Greek ὑπέρ (hupér, "over") + αἷμα (haîma, “blood”).
Women who experience multiple pregnancies repeatedly stretch the skin envelope during engorgement while lactating. In addition, after the birth of each child, the voluminous milk glands diminish in size, contributing further to sagging. As a woman's breasts grow in size during repeated pregnancies, the Cooper's ligaments that maintain the position of the mammary glands against the chest, are stretched and gradually lose strength. Breast tissue and suspensory ligaments may also be stretched if the woman is overweight or loses and gains weight.
Other causes of fever following delivery include breast engorgement, urinary tract infections, infections of an abdominal incision or an episiotomy, and atelectasis. Due to the risks following Caesarean section, it is recommended that all women receive a preventive dose of antibiotics such as ampicillin around the time of surgery. Treatment of established infections is with antibiotics, with most people improving in two to three days. In those with mild disease, oral antibiotics may be used; otherwise intravenous antibiotics are recommended.
Vascularity in an adult forearm. Vascularity, in bodybuilding, is the condition of having many highly-visible, prominent, and often extensively- ramified superficial veins. The skin appears "thin" — sometimes virtually transparent — due to an extreme reduction of subcutaneous fat, allowing for maximum muscle definition. Vascularity is enhanced by extremely low body fat (usually below 10%) and low retained water, as well as the muscle engorgement ("pump") and venous distension accentuated by the vigorous flexing and potentially hazardous Valsalva effect which characterize competitive posing.
Signs and symptoms for Bernheim Syndrome are ill-defined and typically follow those of heart failure. Bernheim distinguished Bernheim Syndrome from the typical heart failure presentation via the engorgement of veins due to congestion without evidence of pulmonary congestion. This is evidence of venous blockage without going into pulmonary circulation and is therefore isolated to the right side of the heart. Case presentations of Bernheim Syndrome include symptoms of hypertension, ronchi in the lungs, edema, vein distention, and signs of poor perfusion.
Clitoral photoplethysmography functions in a similar way to VPG, but measures changes in clitoral blood volume, rather than vaginal vasocongestion. Thermography provides a direct measure of genital sexual arousal by measuring changes in temperature associated with increased blood flow to the external genital tissues. Similarly, labial thermistor clips measure changes in temperature associated with genital engorgement; this method directly measures changes in temperature of the labia. More recently, laser doppler imaging (LDI) has been used as a direct measure of genital sexual arousal in women.
Physical arousal caused by PGAD can be very intense and persist for extended periods, days or weeks at a time. Symptoms include pressure, pain, irritation, clitoral tingling, throbbing, vaginal congestion, vaginal contractions, and sometimes spontaneous orgasms. Pressure, discomfort, pounding, pulsating, throbbing or engorgement may include the clitoris, labia, vagina, perineum, or the anus. The symptoms may result from sexual activity or from no identified stimulus, and are not relieved by orgasm except for cases where multiple orgasms over hours or days allow for relief.
The feeding process of Ixodid ticks has first a slow phase for several days followed by a fast phase in the last 12–24 hours before detachment. There may be a tenfold increase in fed: unfed weights by the end of the slow phase, but there is an additional tenfold increase by the end of the final fast phase. Leaving the full engorgement as late as possible reduces the chances of detection and removal by the host. The process of feeding is called engorging.
The medical uses of estradiol benzoate are the same as those of estradiol and other estrogens. Estradiol benzoate is used in hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal atrophy and in the treatment of hypoestrogenism and delayed puberty due to hypogonadism or other causes in women. It is also used in hormone therapy for transgender women. Aside from hormone therapy, estradiol benzoate is used in the treatment of gynecological disorders such as menstrual disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and breast engorgement.
The small negative pressure differential inside the air passages induces blood engorgement of the distensible lung blood vessels, reducing the compliance of the lung tissue and making the lung stiffer than normal, therefore requiring more muscular effort to move a given volume of gas through the airways. This effect can occur in an upright open-circuit diver, where the chest is deeper than the regulator, and in a rebreather diver if the chest is deeper than the counterlung and will increase the work of breathing.
The medical uses of estradiol dipropionate are the same as those of estradiol and other estrogens. Estradiol dipropionate is used in hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal atrophy and in the treatment of hypoestrogenism and delayed puberty due to hypogonadism or other causes in women. It is also used in feminizing hormone therapy for transgender women. Aside from hormone therapy, estradiol dipropionate is used in the treatment of gynecological disorders such as menstrual disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and breast engorgement.
This potential danger of using cryoprecipitated plasma was demonstrated experimentally by Filo who perfused dog kidneys for 24 hours with specifically sensitised cryoprecipitated dog plasma and found that he could induce glomerular and vascular lesions with capillary engorgement, endothelial swelling, infiltration by polymorphonuclear leucocytes and arterial thrombosis. Immunofluorescent microscopy demonstrated specific binding of IgG along endothelial surfaces, in glomeruli, and also in vessels. After reimplantation, complement fixation and tissue damage occurred in a similar pattern. There was some correlation between the severity of the histological damage and subsequent function of the kidneys.
Increased mucus production in the upper respiratory tract is a symptom of many common ailments, such as the common cold, and influenza. Nasal mucus may be removed by blowing the nose or by using nasal irrigation. Excess nasal mucus, as with a cold or allergies, due to vascular engorgement associated with vasodilation and increased capillary permeability caused by histamines, may be treated cautiously with decongestant medications. Thickening of mucus as a "rebound" effect following overuse of decongestants may produce nasal or sinus drainage problems and circumstances that promote infection.
A study examined the life cycle of the tick in colonies of king penguin and macaroni penguin. It was found that on the king penguin, the cycle took three years and the period for engorgement was limited to 3.5–4.5 months each year even though penguins occupied the site throughout the year. The ticks nearly all overwintered in the unengorged state. In contrast, the cycle took two years in the macaroni penguin in consequence of the rather different timetable of occupation of the colony for breeding and moulting in this species.
In the case of right ovarian vein syndrome, the vein often ends in the renal vein. This is thought to contribute to venous engorgement, in analogy to what is seen in varicoceles, which arise more commonly on the left side. The straight angle between the ovarian vein (or testicular vein in males in the case of varicocoele) and the renal vein has been proposed as a cause of decreased blood return. A related diagnosis is "Nutcraker Syndrome" where the left renal vein is described as being compressed between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery.
Pubertal effects begin to occur when androgen has been higher than normal adult female levels for months or years. In males, these are usual late pubertal effects, and occur in women after prolonged periods of heightened levels of free testosterone in the blood. The effects include: Growth of spermatogenic tissue in testicles, male fertility, penis or clitoris enlargement, increased libido and frequency of erection or clitoral engorgement occurs. Growth of jaw, brow, chin, and nose and remodeling of facial bone contours, in conjunction with human growth hormone occurs.
Queckenstedt's maneuver is a clinical test, formerly used for diagnosing spinal stenosis. The test is performed by placing the patient in the lateral decubitus position, thereafter the clinician performs a lumbar puncture. The opening pressure is measured. Then, the clinician's assistant compresses both jugular veins (if increased intracranial pressure is not suspected then one may exert pressure on both external jugular veins but usually pressure is first exerted on the abdomen, this pressure causes an engorgement of spinal veins and in turn rapidly increases cerebrospinal fluid pressure), which leads to a rise in the intracranial pressure.
Stroke volume is not greatly affected by immersion or variation in ambient pressure, but slowed heartbeat reduces the overall cardiac output, particularly because of the diving reflex in breath-hold diving. Lung volume decreases in the upright position, owing to cranial displacement of the abdomen from hydrostatic pressure, and resistance to air flow in the airways increases because of the decrease in lung volume. There appears to be a connection between pulmonary edema and increased pulmonary blood flow and pressure, which results in capillary engorgement. This may occur during higher intensity exercise while immersed or submerged.
Host muscle contractions just prior to emergence stimulate mite larvae to move towards the ecydisal opening and attach to the host along intersegmental sutures on their thorax and abdomen. Differences in preferred attachment site between mite species appear to be related to differences in host emergence behavior. Full larval engorgement takes approximately three days, during which they have the potential to significantly impact the health of their host. In laboratory settings, the survival of Anopheles crucians mosquitoes parasitized by Arrenurus (Meg.) pseudotenuicollis was found to decrease from 23.32 to 6.25 days between those harboring the least and greatest numbers of attached mites respectively.
Nerves involved in arousal comprise two major pathways: inhibitory input from the psychogenic pathway is sympathetic, and stimulation by the reflexogenic is parasympathetic. The body's physical arousal response (vaginal lubrication and engorgement of the clitoris in women and erection in men) occurs due to two separate pathways which normally work together: psychogenic and reflex. Arousal due to fantasies, visual input, or other mental stimulation is a psychogenic sexual experience, and arousal resulting from physical contact to the genital area is reflexogenic. In psychogenic arousal, messages travel from the brain via the spinal cord to the nerves in the genital area.
A woman's breasts grow during pregnancy, usually 1 to 2 cup sizes, and potentially several cup sizes. A woman who wore a C-cup bra prior to her pregnancy may need to buy a larger bra while nursing. Once the baby is born and about 50 to 73 hours after birth, the mother will experience her breasts filling with milk (sometimes referred to as “milk coming in”) and at that point changes in the breast happen very quickly. Once lactation begins, the woman's breasts swell significantly and can feel achy, lumpy and heavy (which is referred to as engorgement).
Dopamine agonists are currently the preferred medication for suppressing lactation, which work by suppressing prolactin production. Cabergoline (Dostinex™) is currently most effective option currently available, as it is available as a single dose (as opposed to bromocriptine which must be taken twice daily for 2 weeks.) It may be prescribed in the case of breast abscess. Although the preferred method of treatment for breast abscess and mastitis is actually to continue breastfeeding, if the decision is made to stop breastfeeding, then chemical lactation suppression is indicated, particularly for severe cases. Carbergoline is not indicated for treatment of discomfort caused by engorgement.
In the dog the ileal orifice is located at the level of the first or second lumbar vertebra, in the ox in the level of the fourth lumbar vertebrae, in the sheep and goat at the level of the caudal point of the costal arch.Nickel, R., Shummer, A., Seiferle, E. (1979) The viscera of the domestic mammals, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. By active muscular contraction of the ileum, and closure of the ileal opening as a result of engorgement, the ileum prevents the backflow of ingesta and the equalization of pressure between jejunum and the base of the cecum.
Stroke volume is not greatly affected by immersion or variation in ambient pressure but slowed heartbeat reduces the overall cardiac output, particularly due to the diving reflex in breath-hold diving. Lung volume decreases in the upright position due to cranial displacement of the abdomen due to hydrostatic pressure, and resistance to air flow in the airways increases significantly because of the decrease in lung volume. There appears to be a connection between pulmonary edema and increased pulmonary blood flow and pressure which results in capillary engorgement. This may occur during higher intensity exercise while immersed or submersed.
The vestibular bulbs are more closely related to the clitoris than the vestibule because of the similarity of the trabecular and erectile tissue within the clitoris and bulbs, and the absence of trabecular tissue in other genital organs, with the erectile tissue's trabecular nature allowing engorgement and expansion during sexual arousal. The vestibular bulbs are typically described as lying close to the crura on either side of the vaginal opening; internally, they are beneath the labia majora. When engorged with blood, they cuff the vaginal opening and cause the vulva to expand outward. Although a number of texts state that they surround the vaginal opening, Ginger et al.
Volvulus of the large colon usually occurs where the mesentery attaches to the body wall, but may also occur at the diaphragmatic or sternal flexures, with rotations up to 720 degrees reported. It is most commonly seen in postpartum mares, usually presents with severe signs of colic that are refractory to analgesic administration, and horses often lie in dorsal recumbency. Abdominal distention is common due to strangulation and rapid engorgement of the intestine with gas, which then can lead to dyspnea as the growing bowel pushes against the diaphragm and prevents normal ventilation. Additionally, compression can place pressure on the caudal vena cava, leading to pooling of blood and hypovolemia.
As the short gastric veins of the fundus of the stomach drain into the splenic vein, thrombosis of the splenic vein will result in increased pressure and engorgement of the short veins, leading to varices in the fundus of the stomach. Laboratory testing usually shows low red blood cell count and often a low platelet count. If cirrhosis is present, there may be coagulopathy manifested by a prolonged INR; both of these may worsen the bleeding from gastric varices. In very rare cases, gastric varices are caused by splenic vein occlusion as a result of the mass effect of slow-growing pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
The human penis differs from those of most other mammals, as it has no baculum (or erectile bone) and instead relies entirely on engorgement with blood to reach its erect state. A distal ligament buttresses the glans penis and plays an integral role to the penile fibroskeleton, and the structure is called "os analog," a term coined by Geng Long Hsu in the Encyclopedia of Reproduction. It is a remnant of baculum evolved likely due to change in mating practice. The human penis cannot be withdrawn into the groin, and it is larger than average in the animal kingdom in proportion to body mass.
Book 3 of the Canon of Medicine also lists several manifestations of stroke: asphyxia, hemiplegia, "headache with jugular vein engorgement, dizziness, vertigo, darkened vision, tremor, anxiety, weakness, grinding teeth during sleep, and dark urine with particles", and it distinguishes between the different causes and types of stroke: cold stroke, coma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and trauma. Finally, Book 3 discusses several treatments for stroke including the use of herbal medicines and "non-pharmacological interventions such as venesection and dry or wet cupping on the lower neck and upper back". While the accounts of the causes and treatments of stroke are based upon theories of humoral medicine, these descriptions are still similar to the modern understanding of strokes.
When pulmonic stenosis (PS) is present, resistance to blood flow causes right ventricular hypertrophy. If right ventricular failure develops, right atrial pressure will increase, and this may result in a persistent opening of the foramen ovale, shunting of unoxygenated blood from the right atrium into the left atrium, and systemic cyanosis. If pulmonary stenosis is severe, congestive heart failure occurs, and systemic venous engorgement will be noted. An associated defect such as a patent ductus arteriosus partially compensates for the obstruction by shunting blood from the left ventricle to the aorta then back to the pulmonary artery (as a result of the higher pressure in the left ventricle) and back into the lungs.
The details of the results vary between species and depend on the length of the dive and the diving capacity of the animals. There are large vena cava and hepatic sinuses in which blood can be temporarily stored during a dive, controlled by a sphincter of striated muscle anterior to the diaphragm, which is controlled by a branch of the phrenic nerve. This sphincter prevents engorgement of the heart by constriction of the arteries through which the blood is shifted to the central veins, creating an oxygen- rich reserve of blood in the vena cava, which is released into the circulation in proportion to cardiac output. Towards the end of a dive this reserve of venous blood may have a higher oxygen content than the arterial blood.
Arginase II is coexpressed with nitric oxide (NO) synthase in smooth muscle tissue, such as the muscle in the genitals of both men and women. The contraction and relaxation of these muscles has been attributed to NO synthase, which causes rapid relaxation of smooth muscle tissue and facilitates engorgement of tissue necessary for normal sexual response. However, since NO synthase and arginase compete for the same substrate (L-arginine), over-expressed arginase can affect NO synthase activity and NO-dependent smooth muscle relaxation by depleting the substrate pool of L-arginine that would otherwise be available to NO synthase. In contrast, inhibiting arginase with ABH or other boronic acid inhibitors will maintain normal cellular levels of arginine, thus allowing for normal muscle relaxation and sexual response.
He has performed studies on a broad range of different alternate airways.Rabitsch W, Köstler WJ, Burgmann H, Krafft P, Frass M. Recommendation of the minimal volume technique to avoid tongue engorgement with prolonged use of the esophageal-tracheal combitube. Ann Emerg Med 2005;45:565-6Schaumann N, Lorenz V, Schellongowski P, Staudinger T, Locker GJ, Burgmann H, Pikula B, Hofbauer R, Schuster E, Frass M. Evaluation of Seldinger Technique Emergency Cricothyroidotomy versus Standard Surgical Cricothyroidotomy in 200 Cadavers. Anesthesiology 2005;102:7-11 IF 4,055 Top AnesthesiologyRabitsch W, Kostler WJ, Fiebiger W, Dielacher C, Losert H, Sherif C, Staudinger T, Seper E, Koller W, Daxböck F, Schuster E, Knöbl P, Burgmann H, Frass M. Closed suctioning system reduces cross- contamination between bronchial system and gastric juices.
Research indicates that the vestibular bulbs are more closely related to the clitoris than to the vestibule because of the similarity of the trabecular and erectile tissue within the clitoris and bulbs, and the absence of trabecular tissue in other genital organs, with the erectile tissue's trabecular nature allowing engorgement and expansion during sexual arousal. Ginger et al. state that although a number of texts report that they surround the vaginal opening, this does not appear to be the case and tunica albuginea does not envelop the erectile tissue of the bulb. The vestibular bulbs are homologous to the bulb of penis and the adjoining part of the corpus spongiosum of the male and consist of two elongated masses of erectile tissue.
As Abercrombie had done before him, Kellie went on to test his theories with a series of animal experiments where he studied the cerebral circulation of sheep and of dogs immediately after exsanguination or death induced by cyanide. He found that in many instances while the tissues outwith the cranium were drained of blood, the brain was not affected in this way, retaining blood volume. He concluded that where the circulating blood volume was depleted, the volume circulating within the cranium remained constant, with the increase in arterial tone and consequent reduction in arterial blood volume being compensated by venous engorgement thus keeping the total blood volume constant. The English physician Dr (later Sir) George Burrows (1801–1887) later tested the hypothesis with CSF included in the equation.
There is also a superficial venous system by which excess heat can be dissipated to the surroundings. The ascending aorta of pinnipeds is dilated to form an elastic aortic bulb which can hold the stroke volume of the heart and is thought to function as a hydraulic accumulator, to maintain blood pressure and flow during the long diastole of bradycardia, which is critical to the perfusion of the brain and heart, and compensates for the high resistance of the circulatory system due to vasoconstriction. Retia mirabilia are networks of anastomosing arteries and veins and are found in cetaceans and sirenians. Their function is not altogether clear, and may involve windkessel functions, intrathoracic vascular engorgement to prevent lung squeeze, thermoregulation, and the trapping of gas bubbles in the blood.
Mammoplasia may be due to breast engorgement, which is temporary enlargement of the breasts caused by the production and storage of breast milk in association with lactation and/or galactorrhea (excessive or inappropriate production of milk). Mastodynia (breast tenderness/pain) frequently co-occurs with mammoplasia. During the luteal phase (latter half) of the menstrual cycle, due to increased mammary blood flow and/or premenstrual fluid retention caused by high circulating concentrations of estrogen and/or progesterone, the breasts temporarily increase in size, and this is experienced by women as fullness, heaviness, swollenness, and a tingling sensation. Mammoplasia can be an effect or side effect of various drugs, including estrogens, antiandrogens such as spironolactone, cyproterone acetate, bicalutamide, and finasteride, growth hormone, and drugs that elevate prolactin levels such as D2 receptor antagonists like antipsychotics (e.g.
The body of the penis extends from the root to the ends of the corpora cavernosa penis, and in it these corpora cavernosa are intimately bound to one another with a dorsally fenestrated septum which becomes a complete one before penile crura. It is surrounded by a bi-layered model of tunica albuginea in which a distal ligament buttresses the glans penis and plays an integral role to the penile fibroskeleton, and the structure is called "os analog," a term coined by Geng Long Hsu in the Encyclopedia of Reproduction. This indispensable structure is a continuation of the body of human penis, differing from other mammalian penis, in that it has no baculum (or erectile bone) and instead relies exclusively on engorgement with blood to reach its erect state. It is a remnant of baculum evolved likely due to change in mating practice.
The drug trazodone is known to cause male priapism as a side effect, but there is only one documented report that it may have caused clitoral priapism, in which case discontinuing the medication may be a remedy. Additionally, nefazodone is documented to have caused clitoral engorgement, as distinct from clitoral priapism, in one case, and clitoral priapism can sometimes start as a result of, or only after, the discontinuation of antipsychotics or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Because PGAD is relatively rare and, as its own concept apart from clitoral priapism, has only been researched since 2001, there is little research into what may cure or remedy the disorder. In some recorded cases, PGAD was caused by, or caused, a pelvic arterial-venous malformation with arterial branches to the clitoris; surgical treatment was effective in these cases.
In scientific literature, the female–female behavior of bonobos pressing genitals together is often referred to as genito-genital (GG) rubbing, which is the non-human analogue of tribadism, engaged in by some human females. This sexual activity happens within the immediate female bonobo community and sometimes outside of it. Ethologist Jonathan Balcombe stated that female bonobos rub their clitorises together rapidly for ten to twenty seconds, and this behavior, "which may be repeated in rapid succession, is usually accompanied by grinding, shrieking, and clitoral engorgement"; he added that it is estimated that they engage in this practice "about once every two hours" on average. As bonobos occasionally copulate face-to-face, "evolutionary biologist Marlene Zuk has suggested that the position of the clitoris in bonobos and some other primates has evolved to maximize stimulation during sexual intercourse".
Eye provides another possible window into the pressure changes in the intracranial compartment thanks to the fact that the space between the optic nerve and its sheath is a continuation of the subarachnoid space, and is consequently filled with cerebrospinal fluid whose pressure is equal to intracranial pressure. Intracranial hypertension will thus manifest in an increased diameter of the optic nerve sheath and will impede the blood flow through the central retinal vein that courses within the sheath, along and in part inside of the optical nerve. The impediment of venous return causes visible changes in the eye fundus (venous engorgement, and papilledema, i.e. swelling and elevation of the optic nerve disc) that can be observed with an ophthalmoscope and have therefore been used by clinicians for more than a century as signs of increased ICP.
American historian Jill Lepore argues that the need for so-called "lactation rooms" and breast pumps is driven by the corporate desire for parents to return to work immediately rather than mothers' wishes or babies' needs. A breast pump may also be used to stimulate lactation for women with a low milk supply or those who have not just given birth. A breast pump may be also used to address a range of challenges parents may encounter breast feeding, including difficulties latching, separation from an infant in intensive care, to feed an infant who cannot extract sufficient milk itself from the breast, to avoid passing medication through breast milk to the baby, or to relieve engorgement, a painful condition whereby the breasts are overfull. Pumping may also be desirable to continue lactation and its associated hormones to aid in recovery from pregnancy even if the pumped milk is not used.
After insemination by a male tick, or sometimes before, a female feeds on blood in order to gain the nutrients for the egg mass to mature. Adult females engorge for a period of 6–30 days, the time again being temperature dependent. (The 30-day engorgement time is derived from laboratory culture colonies.) Under natural conditions, the time taken for an adult female to engorge while on the host varies from 6 to 21 days, the period being longest in cool weather. When fully engorged (replete), the adult female drops off the host to the ground. After 11–20 days the gravid female starts to lay a batch of 2000 to 6000 eggs (20-200 eggs per day over 16–34 days) into moist vegetation such as leaf and branch litter, under the bark of trees and shrubs, or in foliage near the tips of branches.
Its inner end is abrupt, and at the left of the middle line is the opening of the oesophagus, very much smaller than the pharynx in diameter. The proboscis proper is very short (in spirits), only about one-sixth as long as the pharynx, and therefore, unless capable of great extension in the living state, probably can not be extruded from the oral opening. The pharynx of the specimen examined was partly filled with a dark-greenish matter, apparently of a mucous character, which showed no traces of organization, leading to the supposition that the pharynx was adapted to the engorgement of large masses of protoplasmic matter rather than the pursuit of living animals of a higher order, as in most Toxoglossa. The modification is analogous to that by which Turcicula, a derivative from a phytophagous stock, has become adapted to gorging itself witb large quantities of foraminifera, algae being absent from its habitat.
The clitoris of bonobos is larger and more externalized than in most mammals; Natalie Angier said that a young adolescent "female bonobo is maybe half the weight of a human teenager, but her clitoris is three times bigger than the human equivalent, and visible enough to waggle unmistakably as she walks". Female bonobos often engage in the practice of genital-genital (GG) rubbing, which is the non-human form of tribadism that human females engage in. Ethologist Jonathan Balcombe stated that female bonobos rub their clitorises together rapidly for ten to twenty seconds, and this behavior, "which may be repeated in rapid succession, is usually accompanied by grinding, shrieking, and clitoral engorgement"; he added that, on average, they engage in this practice "about once every two hours", and as bonobos sometimes mate face-to-face, "evolutionary biologist Marlene Zuk has suggested that the position of the clitoris in bonobos and some other primates has evolved to maximize stimulation during sexual intercourse". Many strepsirrhine species exhibit elongated clitorises that are either fully or partially tunneled by the urethra, including mouse lemurs, dwarf lemurs, all Eulemur species, lorises and galagos.
The labial thermistor clip is a device used measure the skin temperature of the labia minora and is associated blood engorgement. This device consists of a thermistor affixed to a small metal clip that can be attached to the labia minora. The labial thermistor clip is the second most commonly used physiological measure of female genital response, next to the vaginal photoplethysmograph (VPG). Chivers, M. L., Seto, M. C., Lalumière, M. L., Laan, E., & Grimbos, T. [“Agreement of self-reported and genital measures of sexual arousal in men and women: A meta-analysis”], “Archives of Sexual Behavior, 6, 1678-1687”, 2010 Both devices can be used simultaneously.Prause, N. & Heiman, J. R. [“Assessing female sexual arousal with the labial thermistor: Response specificity and construct validity”], “International Journal of Psychophysiology,72, 115 – 122”, 2009 The labial thermistor clip has some advantages over VPG, including better test-retest reliability, greater correlation between genital and self-reported sexual arousal, and an absolute unit of change (temperature). Payne, K. & Binik, Y. M. [“Reviving the labial thermistor clip”], “Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, 111-113”, 2006 Like VPG, the labial thermistor clip has discriminant validity; that is, it detects differences between sexual and nonsexual stimuli.
The loose story concerns a group of artificial intelligences near the end of time named a 'Limitless Living Informational Intelligence' (represented in the MYRIAD logo as nine squares) which attempt to replicate the imperfect cultures and behaviors of the previously-existent human species. It does this by determining an "average" of human experiences through the species' "recorded output", and does so through heuristic techniques. The show is consequently divided into four sections, each representing an epoch of the cycle concept loosely inspired by the Strauss–Howe generational theory: the Age of Ecco, the Age of Harvest, the Age of Excess, and the Age of Bondage. Ecco is "a phase of pre-evolutionary ignorance", Harvest is "living in agrarian harmony with the world", Excess is "the age of unchecked industrial ambition", and Bondage is "an era of engorgement, wherein “we keep making more and more shit until there’s no space left.”" MYRIAD was, in itself, a theatrical companion to Age Of. It featured "three-hundred pound sculptures that hang from the ceiling like kebabs that secrete ooze," and a full ensemble that toured to perform songs from Age Of, including Eli Keszler, Kelly Moran and Aaron David Ross.

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