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338 Sentences With "electorates"

How to use electorates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "electorates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "electorates". Mastering all the usages of "electorates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Primary electorates and general electorates are just very different animals.
Caucus electorates appear to be fairly young, and primary electorates fairly or even very old.
Presidential-cycle electorates are better for Democrats than midterm electorates are, and the third-party share in 2018 was also at its lowest levels in decades.
These electorates, to put it mildly, will be wildly different.
"They're completely different electorates," Harvard political scientist Theda Skocpol said.
Still, midterm electorates typically lean more Republican than all Americans.
Of course, the two electorates tell entirely different unraveling stories.
Yet among both electorates the deal may struggle to win acceptance.
And electorates can kick out governments when their time is up.
About half the Polish and Hungarian electorates back their illiberal ruling parties.
Democratic incumbents also face more conservative electorates in Missouri, Indiana and Montana.
"The electorates there are definitely more conservative," says Democratic pollster Geoff Garin.
The electorates of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders overlap in four important ways.
Yet electorates are much more demanding because Latin American societies have changed dramatically.
In 1960, 15% of electorates in western Europe were affiliated with a party.
Unlike Iowa and New Hampshire, most Western states feature racially diverse Democratic electorates.
It is often said of politics that electorates get the governments they deserve.
I made the correct call and gained majority support, even in country electorates.
The electorates are very different, as are the underlying dynamics of the races.
Like electorates elsewhere, today's Britons are less deferential and tribal than they once were.
Retaining votes in key electorates in that state will be critical for the government.
" And when economies worldwide stagnate, the result, Summers writes, is that "electorates turn surly.
Thus did Labor lose significantly in outer suburbs, including among several lower-income electorates.
Electorates are growing ever more secular and liberal in their attitude to touchstone ethical issues.
Turnbull's campaign Election outcomes are decided by multiple factors, including those particular to local electorates.
But the fervency of both parties' primary electorates prevented them from acting on this basis.
How do these numbers compare to the composition of past electorates, according to exit polls?
That includes Washington and Idaho — which tend to have liberal Democratic electorates — and North Dakota.
Electorates in presidential elections are a lot more diverse than the ones in midterm elections.
The only people celebrating were Republicans, because smaller electorates tend to be more conservative ones.
Legislative leaders are rarely popular with the wider electorates in the jurisdictions which they serve.
Democratic leaders must be honest with their electorates about a globalized world's rewards and constraints.
Taiwan and South Korea are fierce democracies; Hong Kong and Singapore trust their electorates less.
The electorates in the UK and the United States will emerge bitter, divided and likely thoroughly underwhelmed at what has become of social and political discourse in their countries, while leaders and electorates in emerging and wannabe democracies will be questioning their own judgment.
But each state, with their diverse electorates, have also been competitive over the last two decades.
Social media has polarised electorates; it will be hard to turn the clock back on individualism.
It is clear that antipathy to inheritance taxes is widely shared among politicians and their electorates.
But they also appear to underline that Sanders is stronger among largely white, less diverse electorates.
But there's reason to believe that it works, because even bad legislators pander to their electorates.
Real countries have real politics; they have pride; and their electorates really, really don't like Trump.
They've received criticism at home for driving wedges through their electorates along religious and cultural lines.
You can see the major difference between the caucus and primary electorates in Nebraska and Washington.
Sanders is doing very well with young people and with liberals, but he's not transforming electorates.
The two parties' electorates were drawn from the ideological poles compared with past races in each state.
Warren and Blumenthal mostly don't appear higher on the list due to how liberal their electorates are.
The NcI's strong point is that, unlike the M9453S, its candidates are well-known to their electorates.
But Cyrus isn't interested in Olivia's proposition, even when Olivia tries to scare him with wavering electorates.
But what if electorates vote for politicians who don't care for democracy or don't understand its values?
Evangelicals will form the majority of the Republican electorates in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas.
Presidential elections' electorates are broader than that of the midterms, where smaller but motivated voter groups dominate.
Most of them, after all, represent largely white states or districts that have overwhelmingly white primary electorates.
But while these ideas have a constituency in Western electorates, they have virtually none among Western intellectuals.
The willingness and capacity of electorates to absorb large numbers of newcomers would be on the ballot.
But there is reason to think caucus electorates are fundamentally different from primaries or even typical elections.
"The award of funding reflected the approach documented by the minister's office of focusing on 'marginal' electorates held by the Coalition as well as those electorates held by other parties or independent members that were to be targeted by the Coalition at the 2019 election," the report read.
His globe-trotting, pro-globalisation breeziness clashes with the prevailing mood among electorates in much of the West.
He has demonized, targeted, and brutally cracked down on electorates that are not likely to vote for him.
The next-most-persistent pattern is that electorates vote more when they feel their democracies are working well.
The party's current rules add to the oddity because candidates have to appeal to two very different electorates.
What's more, these two early contests represent some of the highest concentration of white liberals in Democratic electorates.
All in all, it's very different from the electorates Sanders and Clinton have previously faced this election season.
Alabama and Georgia had Democratic electorates comprising 51 percent African-Americans in 2008, according to CNN's election center.
No public polling has shown Ossoff over 50 percent, although special election electorates are notoriously difficult to poll.
These elections, carried out in different years, midst different electorates, and using different electoral systems, are equally valid.
The NPVIC amounts so far to 28500 electorates, although Colorado's approval is now contingent on a 6900 referendum.
Six districts where Trump delivered a strong performance in 2016 feature largely exurban and rural and white electorates.
There's good reason to think that the Democrats will have a better turnout than in recent midterm electorates.
Fischer, a farmer and Vietnam War veteran, led a center-right conservative party that represented Australia's rural electorates.
Whoever wins early elections, in unrepresentative states with tiny electorates and against different choices, is presumed to be electable.
As beloved celebrities and musicians died prematurely, and electorates the world over made deeply questionable choices, Ronaldo was brilliant.
And these far-right parties are not really looking in the international arena, they're looking at their own electorates.
Both parties will consult their wider electorates during the weekend, with gazebos set up in the main Italian squares.
As two Southern states with diverse Democratic primary electorates, Florida and North Carolina should be right in Clinton's wheelhouse.
All now are rowing back to harsher positions, but the damage with electorates is done, at least for some time.
Australia's Antarctic expeditioners do not elect their own member of parliament, their votes counting towards results in their home electorates.
Electorates far more conservative than Wisconsin's First have already elected Democrats in special elections in Wisconsin and across the country.
And the Democratic electorates in Deep South states, which vote early in the primary process, are dominated by black voters.
Given the number of electorates California has, Harris could send a strong message by performing well in the Golden State.
A nasty brew of opportunistic politicking and sceptical (and often misinformed) electorates is largely to blame for this halting progress.
Watching this scene, Bagehot cannot but ruminate on the much-cited observation that Western electorates are losing faith in globalisation.
And in Indonesia and Bangladesh, traditionally moderate Muslim politicians are adopting harder-line stances to appeal to more conservative electorates.
Just five states on the map have double-digit Latino electorates: Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, New York and New Jersey.
Moreover, the election was decided in the coal-rich electorates of regional Queensland and the resources state of Western Australia.
The white Iowa and New Hampshire electorates play against Biden's strength among ideological moderates and African Americans, some defenders argue.
Finally, in a handful of nations, continuity will trump risky or dangerous change, as electorates prefer the devil they know.
With that, Latin America's second-biggest country will join a clutch of democracies where electorates have rebelled against the established order.
The relative dearth of high-profile world leaders meant corporate chieftains were left to address the concerns raised by unhappy electorates.
Beyond percentages, AP compared special-election raw vote totals to what Republicans and Democrats received from the same electorates in 2016.
They can lose no more than three seats to assure they hold their majority, and Republicans face more diverse statewide electorates.
In North Carolina and Tennessee, for instance, black voters are expected to account for roughly one-third of the primary electorates.
By "the people," Trump and Johnson don't actually mean the people of their respective countries, or even the electorates of them.
Those two states' Democratic electorates have more white, college-educated voters -- one of Biden's poorer-performing demographics -- than many that follow.
One of the most striking elements of the campaign is how alienated the Clinton and Trump electorates are from each other.
And it tends to double down on this approach for politicians, whose job is to maintain personas that please their electorates.
Each of these far-right candidates has acquired an all but messianic following, though each is beginning to worry their nations' electorates.
Resist the demands for more brutal immigration enforcement, and electorates may keep voting for candidates who thrive on blaming foreigners for everything.
"The best chance for Sanders seems to be in places with largely white Democratic electorates," pollster Patrick Murray told the Oklahoman newspaper.
And the next states to vote, Nevada and South Carolina, have Democratic electorates that are less liberal and much less overwhelmingly white.
At the end of the roundtable, Harris talked to a couple of black reporters about their innate advantage in covering diverse electorates.
Biden will likely ignore those calls, forging ahead to the more diverse electorates in Nevada (February 22) and South Carolina (February 29).
The electorates in those states, hunting for the magic and inspiration they saw in Barack Obama, are not sure who's got it.
Some Republican senators, who have longer terms and more mixed electorates than their colleagues in the House, are already demanding he do so.
Faced with more demanding electorates, which want better public services, governments must learn both to spend more efficiently and to change their priorities.
Only half a dozen of the region's presidents, headed by Danilo Medina of the Dominican Republic, get a thumbs-up from their electorates.
For Sanders, the challenge he confronts in South Carolina is expanding his base beyond the white, liberal electorates of Iowa and New Hampshire.
He did not mention any of the Super Tuesday states, including ones with large black electorates like Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas.
I've analyzed voter file data to demonstrate the powerful effect that turnout has on the demographic (and thus partisan) composition of congressional electorates.
Arizona's Martha McSally and Maine's Susan Collins benefit from more conservative electorates than Gardner's but structurally speaking found themselves in the same position.
And Biden leads nationally as well as in the other two early states of Nevada and South Carolina, which have more diverse electorates.
All the candidates will have to prove that they can woo Latino and African American voters after two contests with largely white electorates.
"The best chance for Sanders seems to be in places with largely white Democratic electorates," said Patrick Murray, of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.
Clinton had for months considered Nevada a haven that would provide a welcome shift from the mostly white electorates of New Hampshire and Iowa.
But passing these deals requires political will and convincing some disgruntled electorates, at a time when anti-globalisation rhetoric is thick in the air.
Next month electorates in Colorado, Missouri, Utah and Michigan will all have the opportunity to wrest control of district-drawing away from their representatives.
A related clash will be the desire of a growing proportion of electorates to have a more open society as economies also open up.
For Peck, having a bird's eye view on elections around the world has been fascinating, with the subtle differences between electorates proving most interesting.
"Caucus electorates are the most difficult to model in polling," Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray said in releasing the school's latest poll this week.
But Clinton's numbers should improve when we head into contests with more diverse electorates where she connects very well with African-Americans and Hispanics.
One might further argue that wage inflation will almost certainly increase in the coming years because politicians and electorates demand that this be so.
But off-year, under-the-radar races tend to feature older, whiter and more conservative electorates, all indications that should be good for Republicans.
In a post-Quebec world, where allies answer Trump's claims about trade imbalances, disappointment and disillusionment in America is going to reach electorates fast.
Mr. Sanders found a welcome tableau in the largely white and liberal electorates of the Pacific Northwest, where just days after resoundingly beating Mrs.
Regional and local differences abound, and it will be incumbent upon Democrats to recognize the differences in these electorates and tailor their messages accordingly.
Once the race turns to more diverse electorates in South Carolina, Nevada and the Deep South, her supporters say, Clinton will put Sanders away.
Our analysis suggests that there are several other Democrats deeply out of touch with their electorates who could be vulnerable to a primary challenge.
The fact that primaries benefited both Trump, and Mitt Romney four years earlier, is proof that primary electorates don't always act in predictable ways.
I only hope it seems as vital to the electorates of Western nations, who will likely have to lobby lawmakers to preserve these freedoms.
In our quest to quarterback the race, predominantly white electorates bestow "surge" status upon candidates who are out of step with crucial voting blocs.
More recently, electorates in numerous provinces have begun to embrace populist politicians who use the same vitriolic, anti-immigrant scare tactics as President Trump.
Barton, Banks, Parramatta, Reid and Chisholm are all marginal electorates, and each have large ethnic Chinese communities that make up over 16% of their population.
Some of these actors, facing electorates with Trump-hostile populations either this year or eventually, will try to flee the sinking ship to save themselves.
According to the Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index, there are 71 Republican-held districts that have less GOP-leaning electorates than Georgia's 6th District.
This would especially seem to be the case given the economic promises that the leaders of these two countries have made to their respective electorates.
The coal industry is a major part of the West Virginian economy, but also makes up crucial electorates in swing states Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
In the years since, both Democrats and Republicans have missed out on general election slots because their primary electorates were divided among multiple candidates. Rep.
This race gap was not an issue in the first two states — Iowa and New Hampshire — where the electorates are more than 22019 percent white.
There are six states voting on Super Tuesday with electorates that roughly resemble that of South Carolina (Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia).
The Turnbull government would likely lose power if a handful of cosmopolitan electorates in Sydney and Melbourne, where the Chinese-born cluster, swung to Labor.
And while analysts know very little about the nature of caucus electorates, there is reason to think that caucuses attract very different kinds of voters.
The coming weeks promise even more churn and drama, as more diverse electorates cast their votes in states with vastly more delegates on the line.
A plurality of it indeed wanted Trump, but other kinds of Republicans usually outran him, and sometimes by a considerable margin, in their own electorates.
"Electorates normally do not control their political leaders in any way except by refusing to reelect them," he wrote, in "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" (1942).
"We have two 'change' electorates," Neera Tanden, a longtime adviser to Hillary and the president and C.E.O. of the Center for American Progress, told me.
And back in Washington, he's betting that Mitch McConnell and Republicans' fear of their own pro-Trump electorates will keep him safe in the Senate.
However, the more moderate members of the Senate GOP would likely have faced a lot of political pressure from their electorates to at least consider Sandoval.
Four of the electorates had been held by dual citizens belonging to the center-left opposition Labor Party and one was held by an independent legislator.
Trone is running in the Democratic primary for Maryland's 21625th Congressional District, which is among the wealthiest and most politically well-connected electorates in the country.
A conscience vote means politicians can vote with their electorates or their own opinions, rather than following the usual strict adherence to voting with their party.
Some senators spoke of the positive impacts medical marijuana had on people in their electorates, many of whom had to risk jail to obtain cannabis treatment.
The case is good for emphasizing the higher-turnout general election results with incumbents, but it effectively limits the most relevant data to just two electorates.
Burned by the example of military intervention in Iraq, and with their electorates highly distrustful of Trump, governments in continental Europe clearly wish to avoid entanglement.
The Democratic electorates in Virginia and North Carolina, as well as states across the Deep South, are more than a quarter black, according to exit polls.
President Trump's unpopularity is a drag on Republican candidates in many of the most competitive House districts, especially those with more affluent and well-educated electorates.
But Biden, who notched big wins in several southern states with significant black electorates, had 60% of support among black voters in Texas, exit polls found.
For one thing, any bilateral agreement could require the assent of numerous national (and even regional) electorates across Europe — approval that cannot be taken for granted.
After the war, European electorates had grown comfortable choosing alternate governments of the center left and center right during the second half of the 20th century.
Biden's campaign has a significant Latino operation, but it's been overshadowed by Sanders's early success among the relatively small Latino electorates in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Buttigieg has registered single-digit support among black voters in the state in the past, raising concerns about his campaign's viability in states with diverse electorates.
Today the futility of Rieux's efforts may speak to those with a creeping fear that good ideas are no longer considered valuable by angry and iconoclastic electorates.
Unless Sanders is able to win working-class voters beyond the whitest electorates in the country, his revolution may be over almost as soon as it started.
Problems that plague America in regards to registration are overcome by an apolitical body, the Australian Electoral Commission, that administers voter registration and the boundaries of electorates.
Millennials make up a larger share of the Hispanic vote, at 73 percent, than the white (27 percent), black (35 percent) and Asian-American (30 percent) electorates.
Large parts of electorates across the West are fed up with traditional political parties that have in recent years presided over rising inequality and slow economic growth.
She can expect to do similarly well in the several Southern states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia and Tennessee, with similarly diverse electorates, that vote on Super Tuesday.
Clinton could fare better with those more diverse electorates — the Iowa results showcased a Democratic Party with stark demographic fissures along class, race, age and ideological lines.
We must begin by convening sessions with the real experts: Democrats who run – and win – in competitive electorates that turned away from the rest of the ticket.
Parties running for office will also have to contend with about 35 percent of strongly Europhobic French voters (a combination of extreme right and extreme left electorates).
"With an electorate that is not as persuadable as past electorates, things that may seem like game changers at the time may not actually be," Kondik said.
It would be a mistake to think that the electorates of 1992 and 2008 changed their minds on policy grounds over the course of a few months.
Other leaders, who see Mr. Sanders's and Ms. Warren's electorates as more distinct, say both candidates will be in contention through the Super Tuesday contests in March.
Election experts will be watching how union members vote in Nevada closely as they look to see how other heavily unionized electorates will swing in later states.
Billionaire Clive Palmer poured tens of millions of dollars into a largely anti-Labor advertisement drive, snatching a small but significant cohort of first preferences in most electorates.
It is, however, consistent with more recent cycles, in which the party has waited for signals from the Iowa and New Hampshire electorates before deciding on a champion.
It is new thinking about how to make overmighty central banks more accountable to electorates, while at the same time shielding them from day-to-day political pressure.
The Political Machine has a friendly, responsive user interface, and players' actions—delivering speeches, deploying advertisements, and building regional campaign headquarters—have a direct effect on states' electorates.
And a number of Senate Republicans in swing states could be in a difficult spot to unify behind Trump given the more moderate leanings of their respective electorates.
Colorado or New Mexico would be two options to replace Nevada on the calendar, given their diverse electorates and history of voting Republican and Democratic in statewide elections.
A Newspoll published by SBS News earlier this month showed One Nation at 16 percent primary support in Queensland, likely stealing some voters from the LNP's traditional electorates.
He traveled to Alabama and Pennsylvania in an attempt to lift his party's candidates in special congressional elections only to see conservative-leaning electorates reject his preferred candidates.
The campaign's focus on Iowa and New Hampshire, whose electorates are predominantly white, also meant that the campaign was not as robust in states with more diverse populations.
The governing party "failed to convince the liberal, metropolitan electorates that Law and Justice is a more moderate party," said Rafal Chwedoruk, a political scientist from Warsaw University.
In 1943, in a book celebrating the centenary of the magazine, its editor at the time acknowledged that larger electorates saw "inequality and insecurity" as a serious problem.
But the candidates will arrive in those later states with their positions very much stamped by the reactions of the preponderantly white electorates in the first two contests.
History has taught us that when governments get too far ahead of their electorates – or too far behind – they must course correct quickly, or pay a steep price.
Third, while electorates in Europe have been withdrawing their support from traditional center-left and center-right parties, liberal, green and other parties offer decidedly anti-populist policies.
Third, while electorates in Europe have been withdrawing their support from traditional center-left and center-right parties, liberal, green and other parties offer decidedly anti-populist policies.
It was also important for Sanders to win in a primary — not a caucus — because he was developing a reputation for appealing only to narrower, more enthusiastic electorates.
Because the trust fund for Medicare runs dry only in 2028, and the Social Security fund only in 2034, this issue will only really grab politicians—and electorates—later.
Over the past 63 years or so, Britain's population has drifted from north to south and from cities to suburbs, swelling the size of some electorates and shrinking others.
ET Republican delegates at stake: 38 Democratic delegates at stake: 77 plus 16 superdelegates What to watch for the Republicans: Northern states tend to feature more liberal Republican electorates.
Britain's vote may not just impair trade relations but also signal a new mood among western electorates, one more hostile to free trade and impatient with the status quo.
This creates uncertainty not only in terms of the election cycle, but also as a result of TTIP's unpopularity among the electorates in the some of the negotiating countries.
The extent of advanced voting elsewhere makes it harder to imagine a big Biden upset, but Maine, with one of the oldest Democratic electorates in the country, could surprise.
He lost decisively elsewhere, and the Mid-Atlantic states have the voter combination that has been brutal to him this year — substantial black electorates and oodles of suburban liberals.
And in fairness, it is hard to know with certainty either way, given the lack of authoritative public data on the composition of caucus electorates in Iowa or elsewhere.
The Democratic electorates in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada each ranked climate change ahead of income inequality and foreign policy as their second-most-important issue, after health care.
The Sanders campaign is looking in particular to the delegate-rich states of California and Texas, whose diverse Democratic electorates include a high percentage of voters from immigrant backgrounds.
The next two nominating states have diverse electorates and could provide a different verdict from Iowa and New Hampshire where whites account for more than 90% of the population.
Perhaps, but that does not mean that European governments or their electorates are necessarily willing to sustain even the current level of integration, let alone a deeper monetary union.
It's unlikely that either Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau or Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto will offer much quarter since their own electorates will also expect better terms from NAFTA.
Yet because the trust fund for Medicare runs dry only in 2028, and the Social Security fund only in 2034, this issue will only really grab politicians—and electorates—later.
If problems go unaddressed and mainstream parties can't convince electorates that they, rather than populists, have the best responses to them, then the appeal and radicalism of populism will grow.
On the security front, however, as elections loom in the US and carry on worldwide, you can expect resentment to intensify over state-funded efforts to covertly manipulate foreign electorates.
This vacillation discredits governments — and the French are hardly alone in this — in the eyes of their electorates and seems to make a mockery of rhetorical commitments to quash terrorism.
Political scientists say the higher turnout among primary electorates is a sign that voters across the spectrum are more excited to take part in the midterms than in previous years.
He pointed to Senator Sherrod Brown's success in Ohio in appealing to both electorates in his 2018 re-election in a state that otherwise voted for Republicans in statewide campaigns.
That could spell trouble for Democrats representing largely conservative electorates and states where surveys show that, unlike in much of the country, the president is viewed more favorably than unfavorably.
Typically, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia — all states which have similarly diverse electorates — vote the same way for the Democratic nominee, a trend that's now in Biden's favor.
Instead, as the primary shifted to Nevada from the racially homogeneous electorates of Iowa and New Hampshire, it was Mr. Sanders who grew more formidable, while other candidates have struggled.
Studies of previous presidential elections reveal that electorates almost exclusively have voted on ethno-linguistic lines, thereby worsening ethnic divides, which in turn worsen inter-ethnic relations in the country.
Various people reported struggling to make the complex strategic calculus that runoff systems force electorates to make: Should you vote your heart, for the candidate with whom you most agree?
Yet all of the others are either still concerned about facing Republican electorates, or, in a handful of cases, said to be skeptical of Trump because of their reelection concerns.
The state leaders in Victoria and New South Wales aren't being up front with their electorates, pretending as they are that banning onshore natural gas projects won't have an economic impact.
But few elected officials — and even fewer Republicans, for whom empowering urban electorates would seem a death knell — are on board, and critics say a surge in popularity makes change unlikely.
The campaign argues that Biden, who has enjoyed outsize support from black voters and strong backing from Latinos, was disadvantaged by the majority white electorates in the first two early states.
The campaign argues that Biden, who has enjoyed outsized support from black voters and strong backing from Latinos, was disadvantaged by the majority white electorates in the first two early states.
Unlike the political hobbyists burning up the internet with hot takes, they have a hard-won and deeply pragmatic understanding of the regional electorates around them, in all their messy contradictions.
Several independent candidates are running in key electorates — including the former head of a clean energy corporation who is campaigning for the seat won last time by Josh Frydenberg, the treasurer.
FiveThirtyEight analyst Nate Silver, looking at Tuesday's results, considers 2202 GOP-held seats to have more favorable electorates for Democrats than Georgia's 2628th District — meaning the House could be in play.
It's a clash between an unstoppable force (the political climate tends to always rule) and an immovable object (the electorates in the key Senate battlegrounds are naturally inclined to support Republicans).
And we see it in the pervasive fears of government leaders throughout Europe, who worried well before the American election that Russian propaganda and other internet tactics might sway their electorates.
The new map drawn by the state Supreme Court would mean more historically Democratic electorates in three seats in the suburbs of Philadelphia, including one region largely represented by Republican Rep.
Several public-opinion polls in recent years have found that this difference is reflected in the party's electorates, which have increasingly come to view the political process in starkly different ways.
In particular, seven Southern states — all with heavily black electorates — are set to vote on March 1, a chance for Clinton to pull decisively ahead of Sanders in the delegate count.
It's worth noting that you are a farmer and Vietnam War veteran and gun owner who led the Nationals, a center-right conservative party that represents Australia's rural, gun-owning electorates.
Still, the growing pressure from angry electorates across Europe may force them to rapidly address the issues that drove more than 2000 million Britons to vote to leave: sovereignty, borders and migrants.
Latinos will make a difference in Florida and Nevada, but both states' white electorates are conservative enough to make those states close, and Arizona and Texas are not turning blue just yet.
The electorates of all three appeared to be punishing incumbent governors from Peña Nieto's party for the deep drug war violence they have suffered in recent years, as well as rampant corruption.
Responsible leaders of the Union's less powerful member states must constantly remind their electorates that the major fiscal decisions are made elsewhere; their hands are tied, there is little they can do.
Clinton polls well ahead of Sanders in both South Carolina and Nevada, the two early voting states with more diverse electorates than in Iowa and New Hampshire, where Sanders is performing well.
Biden advisers argue that's because of more diverse electorates in those states: About 21 percent of Nevada's caucusgoers are expected to be nonwhite, as are two-thirds of South Carolina's primary voters.
That's not good enough for a candidate who hasn't demonstrated much appeal among non-white voters, with the primary/caucus process shifting to much more diverse electorates in Nevada and South Carolina.
A big South Carolina win, Biden's campaign hopes, would provide a springboard into the run of states with influential black electorates, starting with Super Tuesday three days after the Palmetto State's Feb.
However, Sanders's ability to win support from African Americans and Hispanics voters put a dent in the former vice president's claim that he's the top choice in states that have diverse electorates.
The 2016 primaries in both parties continue to be driven by populist revolts in both parties, and the currents within those electorates have pushed non-traditional candidates to the verge of victory.
Washington (CNN)The Labour Party's wipeout in Britain's election spelled out an undeniable warning to Democrats over the potential dangers of tracking too far to the left of more moderate national electorates.
The entrance-exit polls found much lower turnout among young Hispanic voters in 2008, so there is not much reason to assume that caucus electorates are especially likely to draw young Hispanic voters.
The contract will have an impact on thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in South Australia, where retaining votes in key electorates will be critical for the government's chances of re-election.
Civil rights activists warned that the measures could disenfranchise up to 300,000 voters ahead of the primary, many of them students, the elderly, low-income voters, and minorities — all typically Democratically-leaning electorates.
Brexiteers take their own political sensitivities exceedingly seriously, but fail to remember that America and other EU nations are democracies, too, with governments that have to answer to their own angry, populist electorates.
Democratic politics, long criticised for clustering round the center, with little difference between left and right, now has what the critics craved: a fight for principles, strategies and the allegiance of the electorates.
The former vice president is still widely considered a frontrunner in the field, topping many national surveys and polling strongly in states like South Carolina and several Super Tuesday states with more diverse electorates.
Biden's campaign recently tried to reassure top donors that the candidate was still in a position to win in Nevada and South Carolina, states with significantly more diverse electorates than Iowa and New Hampshire.
The Economist: You've written that power is now more accessible to each of us, but around the world, populists seem to be winning elections by appealing to a perceived lack of agency among electorates.
MSNBC's analysts say that of the other Super Tuesday states, Virginia and Tennessee had Democratic African-American electorates of around 30 percent in 2008, and Texas and Arkansas were close to 20 percent black.
The lawmakers viewed as crucial to the next government — five independents, including Mr. Katter, and one from the Greens — have not met to discuss forming a voting bloc, and they are from diverse electorates.
But the British vote and the sparks it has ignited among other European electorates are now exerting intense pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and others who favor cautious and collaborative institutional reforms.
European PMs and presidents all have their own Boris Johnsons and their own challenges, with their own cranky electorates pointing very different guns to their heads, the likes of which we don't even understand.
Even if you flipped the order of early states so that more racially diverse electorates voted first, the biggest winners would probably be the old-white-guy front-runners, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.
While both Iowa and New Hampshire are majority white (92 and 94 percent, respectively), the next two primary states, Nevada and South Carolina, have much more diverse electorates, which could turn the tide for Clinton.
Lamb said she intended to recontest her seat and Labor MPs Josh Wilson and Justine Keay, who also resigned on Wednesday, and independent member Rebekha Sharkie, said they would do likewise in their separate electorates.
For both of them, Nevada represents the first test of their abilities to build support from racial minorities, something they did not have to do in the first two states, which have heavily white electorates.
It is clear that there is a hunger on the part of electorates, if not the Davos set within countries, for approaches to policy that privilege local interests and local people over more cosmopolitan concerns.
Though Sanders fared well in Iowa and is nicely positioned in New Hampshire, his hurdle is proving that he can appeal to more ethnically diverse electorates in later contests in places such as South Carolina.
Wins there would show she can expand the map, shutting Sanders out of states with whiter electorates and caucuses, rather than primaries -- events that tend to favor well-organized activists further to the party's left.
"We are asking if this ... leadership of the European Commission, which only a few months ago called on politicians to ... stop listening to their electorates, has ... a right to continue functioning, fixing Europe," Waszczykowski said.
Her defeat raised questions about the breadth of her appeal outside heavily black electorates in the South (she trounced Mr Sanders in Mississippi and Louisiana), but she remains on course to take the party's nomination.
And while many states' primary electorates have a conservative base large enough to support both Cruz and Trump, polls suggest that there's room for only one moderate on the podium, which will likely be Kasich.
It's interesting that the first debate was in Florida, home to one of the most diverse electorates in the country and a state that has voted for the winning candidate every presidential election since 1996.
They acknowledge that Sanders is running strong in Iowa and New Hampshire – the first two states to vote, but say that is largely because the predominantly white progressive electorates are tailor-made for his candidacy.
Former officials and other experts agree with Mr. Wray's assessment that Russian intelligence has also contributed to sowing chaos in political systems, undermining faith in democratic voting systems and potentially further polarizing already divided electorates.
A strong victory will allow him to justify staying in through Super Tuesday, but a loss to Sanders in four states in a row with markedly different electorates would all-but-obliterate his electability case.
While he has emerged as a front-runner in early primary and caucus states with primarily white electorates such as Iowa and New Hampshire, he has struggled in states where minority voters hold more sway.
The national standings may not reflect the feelings of voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina, and there are also significant demographic and ideological differences in the electorates of each of those states.
This deal was designed to look tough in order to be palatable to electorates in the north of Europe, who hate the idea of bailing out southerners, but experts agree that it is wildly unrealistic.
While the Midwest mayor has drawn more support in states like Iowa and New Hampshire, he has struggled to gain the same level of momentum in bigger states with more-diverse electorates, like South Carolina.
In particular, he has taken aim at the role Iowa and New Hampshire — two states where the electorates are overwhelmingly white, even in Democratic primaries — play in winnowing the field and ultimately determining the nominee.
Although both India and Pakistan say they want to resolve the current crisis diplomatically, the two governments may be beholden to their electorates, amid calls for firm military responses from both sides of the border.
The Rust Belt is gradually moving rightward, but Sun Belt states feature increasingly diverse, Democratic electorates, providing a path for the party's eventual presidential nominee that allows for some losses in the Great Lakes region.
Even if Sanders decided to forgo establishment support, he would still face a national electorate that is much more concerned with foreign policy and terrorism than are the electorates he faced in the Democratic primary.
Typically, polls are post-stratified to the voting-eligible population, but we can extend this method by post-stratifying to a population that reflects the electorate in a given year, or even to hypothetical electorates.
Once you have economic growth, electorates want to become a lot less Grinch-y and less likely to feel that redistribution to the poor is coming out of its hide, making them positively worse-off.
Why it matters: The measures will make elections more accessible and competitive, and they have the potential to shift the states' electorates, which will greatly impact the outcome of local and federal elections — including the presidency.
Weaponizing fear, outrage, and most of all division, they are likely betting crisis or confrontation will win them the support of narrow but powerful factions and electorates, either handing them new power or entrenching their authority.
A few states use only a vote-by-mail system, and several others make it so easy to vote absentee by mail that much of their electorates chose to do so rather than voting in person.
But while Russia (and America) have used such tactics to promote their own interests abroad, more countries are employing people to shape the opinions of their electorates and crack down on internal dissent, the report found.
Trump could also struggle in Florida and North Carolina, where Clinton's campaign hopes increasingly diverse electorates -- including high turnout among Latinos in Florida and African-Americans in North Carolina -- will tilt those states in her direction.
Analysts predict Farage's Brexit Party will draw some voters away from Johnson's Conservatives in the December election, potentially costing the Tories vital seats unless they can reach a deal with Farage not to contest marginal electorates.
Mr Sanders vowed to fight on until the Democratic convention even though his four victories are not nearly enough to make up for the huge defeats he suffered in Southern states with preponderantly African-American electorates.
The son of a bricklayer, Dutton grew up in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, the state capital of Queensland, a politically important region full of tightly-contested electorates that often determine the outcome of federal elections.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's conservative government used a A$100 million ($69 million) sport development fund to target votes in marginal electorates ahead of an election last year, the country's independent auditor of public spending has concluded.
The young represented a large share of the caucus electorates in the 2004, 2008 and 2016 entrance polls — the only publicly available data on the composition of the caucus electorate, even if it's of uncertain quality.
Until this moment he seemed just the sort of forward-looking ruler friends like Trump, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel could do business with, albeit against a background drumbeat of criticism from their electorates.
His support from non-white voters is his campaign's most important asset, and one aides have said for months could allow Biden to weather losses in one or two early-voting states with overwhelmingly white electorates.
The state is a crucial test for his campaign, which is seeking to prove that he can attract support from African American voters after strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, which have largely white electorates.
And the other thing is beyond the economics and they have to be carefully analyzed what is the political mood and why are governments doing what they are doing, in order to sort of move electorates.
Even as Brussels scrambled to stave off negative financial consequences, ministers from fiscally hawkish countries like Germany and the Netherlands will not want to be seen by their own electorates as being overly permissive toward Italy.
The comments are another indication that, though Biden for months has led national polls, the early-voting states -- particularly Iowa and New Hampshire, where the electorates are whiter and organizing is key -- present a unique challenge.
We spoke with host Trevor Noah about how The Daily Show will cover the conventions and election in 2016, and whether the show has any chance of bringing one of the most polarized electorates in history together.
The Southern state conventions refused freedmen the franchise, and the all-white legislatures, which their all-white electorates then put into place, generally rejected the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments abolishing slavery and establishing equality under the law.
Beyond public opinion data, Republican primaries since 2016 have generally been won by pro-Trump Republicans while Republicans in Congress often have had to cater to their pro-Trump Republican electorates in order to stay in office.
As a result, say Nate Silver and Nathaniel Rakich of FiveThirtyEight, a statistical website, the two states have among the least "elastic" electorates in the country: their voters are among the least likely to change their minds.
Because in this era of ongoing exponential leaps and growths in data collection, which is also an era of revolutionary, transformative AI advancement, it's probably only a matter of time before electorates can be subtly manipulated wholesale.
The challenge, he said, was to avoid undoing decades of progress as international lenders start calling in loan repayments, piling the pressure on nations, such as indebted Zambia, and populist governments make sweeping promises to their electorates.
Biden demonstrated a base of support in the south, where African-American voters make up large shares of each state's Democratic electorates, with wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Oklahoma, as well as heavily contested North Carolina.
The candidates with the greatest number of supporters also happened to be the ones with some of the lowest national poll numbers, offering some indication of the difference between the Republican electorates in New Hampshire and Iowa.
For a candidate once considered toast, Biden defied expectations, beat better-funded rivals and made a statement win Tuesday that's expected to slingshot him into the next round of states with electorates that match Biden's voter profile.
These countries are allies in all but name, they are all strategically located, and they would bring considerable military capability to NATO's ranks; they should be welcomed into the alliance if and when their electorates so choose.
Biden has often touted his strong support among African American lawmakers and voters during his campaign, hoping support among the crucial voting bloc could serve as a firewall in several Southern states with heavily black primary electorates.
Russia understands that any discussion of chemical weapons and classified evidence is likely to remind Western leaders – and electorates – of the incorrect intelligence on weapons of mass destruction that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq.
But Mahathir Mohamad, who was sworn in as prime minister of Malaysia on Thursday, was not swept to power by the kind of nationalist demagoguery that has captivated electorates in places like Hungary, India and the Philippines.
Now, the right recipes not to appeal to populist instincts in the electorates and say you know we're going to give you money for free we are going to raise trade barriers because we know from history.
Quentin James, a Democratic strategist who heads the Collective PAC, a group that backs African-American candidates, said Democrats' best chance to take the Senate was by activating the increasingly diverse electorates in Republican-dominated Southern states.
That could create tension for candidates who simultaneously may be courting more moderate electorates in places like New Hampshire and South Carolina or force them to limit their appeal to one faction of the Democratic Party over another.
But like so many other mostly liberal electorates, the changes in its politics have been supercharged since President Donald Trump's election -- as Democratic voters become more willing to consider new faces with leftist policy ideas and unconventional backgrounds.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull looked almost certain to retain power after a bruising national election as key independent lawmakers pledged support and marathon vote counting in close-run electorates leaned in his favor on Friday.
The outcome in a state that has historically swung between the two major parties and is home to some marginal electorates that Morrison's party must win to secure re-election will be a pointer to the May result.
In addition to highlighting freedom of expression and media freedom, the EIU pointed to a widening gap between political elites and electorates; declining popular participation in elections and politics; declining trust in institutions; and erosion of civil liberties.
Neither does his dismissal of Clinton's wins in the Deep South, where largely black Democratic electorates picked her over him, or his comment that Clinton was "unqualified" to be president, a statement he later kinda-sorta retreated from.
In each of the battleground states, their samples project electorates even whiter than the states had in 2012 (as shown in exit polls taken at the time), even though these states have seen significant increases in minority numbers.
And whichever moderate candidates do well in Colorado and North Carolina, with their diverse electorates and purple-ish politics, they can use that to make the case they are best positioned to be the main challenger to Sanders.
Mark John, European Economics Editor LONDON (Reuters) - Prodded by worries about the worst global economic outlook in a decade and electorates still smarting from years of austerity, euro zone governments are starting to loosen their budgetary purse strings.
Losing New Hampshire by a substantial margin after just barely winning Iowa could create doubt among voters in the upcoming contests in Nevada and South Carolina, states with more racially diverse electorates where Clinton now has substantial leads.
This newsletter broke down the Democratic electorates of Iowa and New Hampshire by looking at key counties, but that's not necessarily a helpful way of viewing Nevada, where most of the vote will come from two urban centers.
One reason Trump is ahead in the polls is that he's simply better at this than his opponents are — he talks directly to the electorates' id, while his establishment-lane challengers keep trying to win over Washington's superego.
But rather than the elite of Davos sneering at his populism and hoping it will be business as usual, surely this time around the root causes of the status quo being rejected by angry electorates need to be addressed?
They have an ideological makeup similar to a typical backbench House Republican, and they do well in the kinds of places from which the bulk of backbench House Republicans come — deeply red states with very conservative GOP primary electorates.
Her continued defense of her decision to admit more than a million migrants to Germany last year has left her increasingly isolated from other leaders coping with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiment in their electorates, especially after terrorist attacks.
The problem they will face is this: Trump and Trumpism is clearly a problem with general electorates but the President remains an extremely popular figure within the most conservative elements of the GOP, who tend to decide primary nominations.
Tensions between the two governing parties — with vastly disparate electorates and political programs — have ebbed and flowed in the past year, though both leaders have reassured voters that the government contract that bound them was stronger than their differences.
Ocasio-Cortez pointed to Sanders's strength with young people and Latinos over Biden, arguing that the party should take into account why those electorates preferred the Vermont senator when it works to unify after a nominee is ultimately chosen.
Biden's campaign announced on Wednesday that it was making a six-figure broadcast and digital ad buy in Super Tuesday states including Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina, where the Democratic electorates also have a high percentage of black voters.
When discussing racial diversity and primary electorates, we've talked a bit about how well (or not) Democratic presidential candidates Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonLewandowski on potential NH Senate run: If I run, 'I'm going to win' Fighter pilot vs.
While polls have shown Buttigieg gaining strength in Iowa and New Hampshire, the primary calendar then flips to nominating contests in states with more diverse electorates such as Nevada and South Carolina where Buttigieg has not been polling well.
Those hopes have dimmed in the wake of Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation; the bitter battle over his Supreme Court nomination awoke sleepy Republican electorates across the country and tightened races Democrats had viewed as winnable contests just last month.
Moreover, it could be the case that Cardin and Feinstein, while being the more conservative of their states' two Democratic senators, aren't out of step with their states' electorates—perhaps Van Hollen and Harris are more liberal than their constituencies.
"We would expect that bad weather is a bigger deterrent to voting in presidential elections than in midterm elections; midterm electorates simply are composed of a larger percentage of core voters who are determined to vote rain or shine," Gomez said.
That would send her off to looming contests in South Carolina and Nevada with a spring in her step to court more diverse electorates where African American and Hispanic votes are key and where Sanders is at a disadvantage. 4.
The only way to take back the House is taking back red-leaning districts in the exurbs of New York, suburbs of Philadelphia and Denver, in sprawling Orange County, California, and in Republican bell-weather electorates in Michigan, Ohio and Florida.
Plans to score big with the heavy African-American vote in South Carolina — or to roll up a bunch of delegates in the huge and diverse California primary — requires first doing well with the predominately white Iowa and New Hampshire electorates.
It's hard to predict the moods of future electorates, but I think there's a good chance that 2020 finds a lot of voters exhausted the Trump show and looking for Washington outsiders who can turn the political temperature down a bit.
As for the Democratic contest, Bernie Sanders continued his pattern of winning in states with very white Democratic electorates (he won Kansas and Nebraska), while losing badly in states with many nonwhite voters (he lost Louisiana to Clinton in a landslide).
It was a reminder of how active Russians and others continue to be in spreading divisive content online to inflame and stoke electorates all over the world, a strategy that the Kremlin had pioneered in the 2016 American presidential election.
The DCCC, House Democrats' campaign arm, is working to increase its outreach to AAPI voters in 250 — and it's doing so, in part, by offering guidance to campaigns across the country as they try to connect with more diverse electorates.
"The Latino electorate's vote preference in Iowa is likely to influence the outcome of the 2020 Democratic primary in other states that have sizable Latino electorates, namely Nevada, California, Texas and elsewhere in the Southwest and Northeast," the survey's authors wrote.
As long as he maintains a clear majority of support from those voters, he should also be able to rack up delegates on Super Tuesday in other Southern states with largely black primary electorates: Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee.
But the dynamic in those races, where many of the growing number of at-risk GOP members are facing electorates not dominated by Trump supporters, but instead by suburban enclaves and women voters who have turned sharply against the President.
Adani's Carmichael coal mine was approved by the state government after it played a part in the surprise federal election victory for the Liberal-National coalition in May, which benefited from a swing in nearby regional electorates with high unemployment.

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