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2 Sentences With "disenabled"

How to use disenabled in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "disenabled" and check conjugation/comparative form for "disenabled". Mastering all the usages of "disenabled" from sentence examples published by news publications.

There was also massive depredation of public patrimony, as the action disenabled several of the College's laboratories and administrative sectors. Around 600 students were gathered to protest against the government's arbitrary and oppressive actions (ex.: the shutdown of DCE and UNE, the increase in meal prices) and to vindicate the release of Law student Rodrigo Lima, arrested for 35 days in the "Batalhão de Guardas do Exército" (Army Squad Battalion).
He married his niece and childhood friend, who had almost his age, Maria Eufrásia. The marriage took place on February 19th, 1839, at Our Lady of Glory Church (Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória) in Rio de Janeiro. After the Battle of Riachuelo, the number of arrived disenabled combatants at the capital was taking alarming proportions, thus arising the need to create an asylum, where they could be well treated. It was his wife, Viscountess of Tamandaré (Jovita Alves Feitosa) who, in spite of the situation perched by the country, took the initiative to organize auctions, as well as commerce auctions and many other social actions which helped her in this patriotic end.

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